
Tax Legislation 2012: American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012: Law, Explanation and Analysis

Provides tax professionals with a single integrated reference source covering all aspects of this important legislation. Along with the impacted Internal Revenue Code provisions, CCH editors, together with leading tax practitioners and commentators, have created a complete practical analysis.

The law is arranged in Code section sequence. CCH also provides several special tables and lists to facilitate quick and thorough understanding of the law and how it would affect taxpayers. Features include an effective dates table organized by Code section, a listing by Code section of the Act sections affecting it, and a listing by Act section of the Code sections affected.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 35th Edition, 2014-2015

Robert E. Beam, FCA,
Stanley Laiken, PhD,
James J. Barnett, FCA

This authoritative textbook and Study Guide are tailored to provide your students with the advanced skills they’ll need to maximize their education investment.

Organized sequentially, based on the structure of the Income Tax Act, the text and Study Guide are packed with example problems and exercises with solutions that demonstrate the various methods of approaching real-life problems in taxation.

The basic concepts and principles underlying the rules of the legislation are emphasized in each chapter, with explanatory and interpretive notes often expanding a topic beyond the confines of the particular facts under discussion.

The 2014-2015 edition has been completely redesigned to help educators quickly identify the particular areas suitable to their students’ level of study.


  • Advanced content is identified in introductory charts and with icons throughout the text, enabling instructors and students to easily distinguish areas of study relevant to the knowledge level.
  • Updated content in a contemporary, student-friendly format.
  • Learning Charts section identifies which problems refer to which topics, helping the instructor to quickly locate the most relevant problems for assignment.
  • Learning Goals section features a convenient to-do list format that enables students to check off concepts as they work through each category.
  • Reading the Income Tax Act section presented in plain language to help students understand and navigate the ITA.
  • Identifying Tax-Related Issues section provides tips and advice to help students identify tax issues in day-to-day situations, challenging them to understand, analyze and prioritize to reach solutions.
  • Updated content in a contemporary, student-friendly format.
  • Learning Charts section identifies which problems refer to which topics, helping the instructor to quickly locate the most relevant problems for assignment.
  • Learning Goals section features a convenient to-do list format that enables students to check off concepts as they work through each category.
  • Review questions, multiple choice questions, exercises and assignment problems are grouped together in the Study Guides for more efficient study.
  • Assignment problems are classified into three categories that enable students to work at their knowledge level:

      If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 34th Edition

Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 34th Edition gives you a smart learning advantage – here’s how:

  • Each chapter includes examples, problems, multiple choice questions, and exercises designed to reinforce the material and text comprehension – with solutions provided for the student
  • Review questions throughout the textbook include discussion notes at the end of the book
  • Assignment problems and advisory cases have solutions provided in the Instructor’s Solutions Manual
  • Student DVD includes extra problems and solutions for self-study
  • CCH research software and CANTAX software also included on DVD

Student Study Guide: This guide contains the solutions to the Review Question, Multiple Choice Questions, and Exercises, as well as additional study material and a handy glossary.

Power Point slides: Updated, customizable, and designed to assist instructors with program delivery.

Income Tax Act compliant

Students dedicated to taxation and students interested in developing a solid general understanding of federal tax law will benefit from this resource. The contents are arranged in a sequence that follows the organization of the Income Tax Act for easy cross-referencing.

Reality checked

We know accuracy is critical and we pride ourselves on providing the most accurate and current content.

  •  Updated annually to reflect Budget and other legislative changes to income tax provisions
  •   All assignment materials have been carefully prepared and tested

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Intellectual Property Law in Canada

Published: January 2013

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Intellectual Property Law in Canada provides a survey and analysis of the rules concerning intellectual property rights in Canada. It covers every type of intellectual property right in depth – copyright and neighbouring rights, patents, utility models, trademarks, trade names, industrial designs, plant variety protection, chip protection, trade secrets, and confidential information. Particular attention is paid throughout to recent developments and trends.

The analysis approaches each right in terms of its sources in law and in legislation, and proceeds to such legal issues as subject matter of protection, conditions of protection, ownership, transfer of rights, licences, scope of exclusive rights, limitations, exemptions, duration of protection, infringement, available remedies, and overlapping with other intellectual property rights.

This book also provides a clear overview of intellectual property legislation and policy, and at the same time offers practical guidance on which sound preliminary decisions may be based. Lawyers representing parties with interests in Canada will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative intellectual property law.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


GST/HST and Real Property in Canada, 3rd Edition

Written by one of Canada's most respected practitioners in the area of commodity taxation, this new edition has been highly anticipated. First published in 2001, then in 2004, and most recently in 2008, this edition has been extensively revised andupdated.

GST/HST and Real Property in Canada is an excellent quick reference book that outlines how the rules of GST/HST treat real property transactions in Canada. This book is an essential resource for practitioners involved in real estate transactions or commodity taxation.

Topics covered:

  • Taxable supplies of real property
  • Exempt supplies of real property
  • GST/HST rules depending on how the ownership of property is held
  • Special Situations such as repossessions and seizures, elections
  • GST/HST rate changes

Table of Contents (subject to change)
Chapter 1: Definitions

  • 1.1 – Builder
  • 1.2 – Business
  • 1.3 – Capital Property
  • 1.4 – Commercial Activity
  • 1.5 – Fair Market Value
  • 1.6 – Person
  • 1.7 – Personal Property
  • 1.8 – Property
  • 1.9 – Real Property
  • 1.10 – Recipient
  • 1.11 – Residential Complex
  • 1.12 – Residential Unit
  • 1.13 – Sale
  • 1.14 – Supply

Chapter 2: Taxable Supplies of Real Property

  • 2.1 – General Principle
    2.1.1 – Timing of Payment of Tax
    2.1.2 – Collection and Remittance of Tax
    2.1.3 – Place of Supply
    2.1.4 – Service in Respect of Supplies of Real Property
    2.1.5 – Deposits
  • 2.2 – Sales of New Residential Housing
    2.2.1 – Adjustments to Purchase on Closing
  • 2.3 – New Housing Rebates
    2.3.1 – Rebate for New Housing
    2.3.2 – Rebate for Cooperative Housing
    2.3.3 – Rebate for Owner-Built Homes
    2.3.4 – Rebate to Owner or Lessee of Land Leased for Residential Purposes
  • 2.4 – New Residential Rental Property Rebate
    2.4.1 – Rebate for New Residential Properties
    2.4.2 – Temporary Rentals before Sale
    2.4.3 – Land Leased for Residential Purpose
    2.4.4 – Administration of the Rebate
  • 2.5 – PST Transitional New Housing Rebate
  • 2.6 – Development of Residential Real Property
    2.6.1 – Renovations and Self-Supplies
    2.6.2 – Substantial Renovation
    2.6.3 – Non-Substantial Renovation
    2.6.4 – Planning Point
    2.6.5 – Substantial Completion
    2.6.6 – Self-Supply of Single Unit Residential Complex or Residential Condominium Unit
    2.6.7 – Self-Supply of Residential Condominium Unit
    2.6.8 – Self-Supply of Multiple Unit R

    If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Environmental Law in Canada

Published: November 2011

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Environmental Law in Canada provides ready access to legislation and practice concerning the environment in Canada. A general introduction covers geographic considerations, political, social and cultural aspects of environmental study, the sources and principles of environmental law, environmental legislation, and the role of public authorities.

The main body of the book deals first with laws aimed directly at protecting the environment from pollution in specific areas such as air, water, waste, soil, noise, and radiation. Then, a section on nature and conservation management covers protection of natural and cultural resources such as monuments, landscapes, parks and reserves, wildlife, agriculture, forests, fish, subsoil, and minerals. Further treatment includes the application of zoning and land-use planning, rules on liability, and administrative and judicial remedies to environmental issues. There is also an analysis of the impact of international and regional legislation and treaties on environmental regulation.

Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable resource for environmental lawyers handling cases affecting Canada. Academics and researchers, as well as business investors and the various international organizations in the field, will welcome this very useful guide, and will appreciate its value in the study of comparative environmental law and policy.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Discovery: Principles and Practice in Canadian Common Law, 2nd Edition

Published: February 2009

Wouldn't it be great to have a how-to guide in your pocket when navigating the complex discovery process?

Discovery: Principles and Practice in Canadian Common Law, 2nd Edition is the practical manual and legal text in one that describes the current state of the law, guides you through each stage of the process and covers the skills required to execute an effective and smooth discovery.

Topics covered:

  • Privilege
  • Examination practice tips
  • Written interrogatories
  • Preparing a witness
  • Use of discovery at trial
  • Email documentary production case law
  • Privilege issues arising from email production cases
  • The use of e-discovery

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Defending Class Actions in Canada, 3rd Edition

Published: December 2011

Defending Class Actions in Canada, 3rd Edition is Canada’s top resource for enterprises exposed in any way to potential or actual class actions and for the lawyers who represent them.

Any company doing business in Canada will encounter growing enthusiasm for class actions among plaintiffs’ lawyers and the courts. This book outlines the procedural machinery of Canadian class actions and the law that governs them, provides strategic analysis on managing the risks they entail, and explains the most important recent developments and trends on a national and international scale.

The greatest strength of the book derives from its authorship by seasoned class action defence lawyers at McCarthy Tétrault, who practise as members of a national class actions defence practice group, often engaged together and with counsel in the United States and abroad in the defence of parallel actions involving similar allegations brought against the same entity in multiple separate jurisdictions.

Topics covered:

  • Increased Accessibility of Class Proceedings
  • Current Trends in Certification Standards
  • The Evolution of Pre-Certification Defence Strategies
  • State of Play for Multi-Jurisdictional Cases and the National Class
  • What's New in Securities, Competition, and Product Liability Class Actions

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Criminal Law in Canada

Published: April 2012

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Criminal Law in Canada provides a practical analysis of criminal law in Canada. An introduction presents the necessary background information about the framework and sources of the criminal justice system, and then proceeds to a detailed examination of the grounds for criminal liability, the justification of criminal offences, the defences that diminish or excuse criminal liability, the classification of criminal offences, and the sanctions system.

Coverage of criminal procedure focuses on the organization of investigations, pre-trial proceedings, trial stage, and legal remedies. A final part describes the execution of sentences and orders, the prison system, and the extinction of custodial sanctions or sentences.

Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable resource for criminal lawyers, prosecutors, law enforcement officers, and criminal court judges handling cases connected with Canada. Academics and researchers, as well as the various international organizations in the field, will welcome this very useful guide, and will appreciate its value in the study of comparative criminal law.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Competition Law in Canada

Published: August 2013

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Competition Law in Canada covers every aspect of the subject – the various forms of restrictive agreements and abuse of dominance prohibited by law and the rules on merger control; tests of illegality; filing obligations; administrative investigation and enforcement procedures; civil remedies and criminal penalties; and raising challenges to administrative decisions.

Throughout the book, the treatment emphasizes enforcement, with relevant cases analysed where appropriate. An informative introductory chapter provides detailed information on the economic, legal, and historical background, including national and international sources, scope of application, an overview of substantive provisions and main notions, and a comprehensive description of the enforcement system including private enforcement.

The book proceeds to a detailed analysis of substantive prohibitions, including:

  • Cartels and other horizontal agreements
  • Vertical restraints
  • The various types of abusive conduct by the dominant firms and the appraisal of concentrations
  • Administrative enforcement of competition law, with a focus on the antitrust authorities’ powers of investigation and the right of defence of suspected companies
  • Voluntary merger notifications and clearance decisions
  • Description of the judicial review of administrative decisions

Lawyers who handle transnational commercial transactions will appreciate the explanation of fundamental differences in procedure from one legal system to another, as well as the international aspects of competition law.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


CCH Scan

About CCH Scan

CCH Scan is a part of CCH Accountants' Suite. CCH Scan is a paperless software solution that effortlessly and electronically takes the proverbial shoebox of unsorted client information, determines what each item is, and outputs the organized documents to a single, organized, and bookmarked PDF file.

Document preparation and scanning has never been this quick and easy. Your administrative staff can transfer the T1 source documents immediately into the return for the preparer. Your firm can become more productive, and see its revenue rise, with CCH Scan.

Imagine how much time, effort, and money would be lost if your firm’s and clients’ source documents were destroyed.

Have you considered how much revenue your firm is losing due to:
Wasted time spent on sorting and organizing client information?
If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Cantax Productivity Seminar Guidebook

This guide is designed as a discussion of specific features in Cantax and was used during the Fall 2014 Cantax Productivity seminars. 

We are offering this comprehensive 340 page Seminar Guide to all Cantax customers until December 31, 2014. Quantities are limited so order today!

More specifically this guide covers:

  • Cantax T1
    • Interview/Billing
    • Client Invoice
    • Options Preference Settings
    • T183 – What’s New
    • New! - Cantax Connect
    • Preparing Coupled Returns
    • Dependants and Family Returns
    • Reviewing the Return
    • Quick Entry Forms
    • Tax Summaries
    • Cantax T1 Forms, CRA Schedules and Features for 2014
    • Spotlight on - T2125
    • T1135
    • Provincial Form Changes
  • 2014 Federal Tax Changes
    • Spotlight on – Claiming Auto Expenses, T2200
    • Provincial Tax Changes
    • Spotlight on – Non Refundable Credits in Various Scenarios
    • Reports
    • Attaching Schedules
    • Columnar Worksheets
    • Breakdown Feature
    • Local and Global Annotations
    • Printing and Printing Defaults
    • Options Form Selection
    • Printing a Return
    • EFILE
  • Cantax T2 & T2 Plus
    • T2 Program New and Revised Forms
    • T2 Tax and Form Changes Federal 2014
    • T2 Provincial Tax and Form Changes 2014
    • T2 Print Settings
    • Corporate Internet Filing
    • Alberta Netfile
    • Payment methods
  • FormMaster
    • 2014 Tax and Form Changes
    • Preparing Returns
    • Form Manager
    • Print Formats
    • Electronic Filing or Information Returns
    • FormMaster Features
    • Spotlight on – Amending T Slips
    • Cantax T1 Hotkeys Combinations
    • Cantax T2 Hotkeys Combinations

This guidebook is available for purchase until December 31, 2014 and quantities are limited so order today! 

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Cantax Archive

Do you ever have to file returns from previous tax years?

Did your client just ask you to complete their T1 from 2004? Or do you maybe need to compare this year's T2 to the tax year ending June 30, 2004?

Don't waste time looking for older Cantax versions. Cantax Archive 2014 includes up to 10 years of Cantax T1, T2 and FormMaster software.

  • T1 returns for 2004 to 2013
  • T2 returns with taxation years beginning in 2002 and ending on or before October 31, 2013
  • T3 returns (included in FormMaster) for 2004 to December 31, 2013

In addition to the complete online help file included with each version, information is also provided about the late filing requirements for prior year returns.

All archived Cantax programs are the originals, guaranteeing the authenticity of the tax calculations as well as full compliance with the relevant government filing requirements of the day.


Canadian Securities Regulatory Requirements Applicable to Non-Resident Broker-Dealers, Advisers and Investment Fund Managers

Published: November 2012

Canadian Securities Regulatory Requirements Applicable to Non-Resident Broker-Dealers, Advisers and Investment Fund Managers provides foreign securities and investment firms with essential information they need about Canadian securities regulatory licensing requirements.

Written with Canada’s top securities law experts at McCarthy Tétrault LLP, this resource serves as a comprehensive guide to foreign securities and investment firms seeking Canadian clients. In short, anyone who has clients conducting securities business in Canada will require this resource. Foreign investment managers will also require this information to act as an investment fund manager in Canada.

The book covers topics that should be addressed by non-residents before trading securities or providing investment advice to any person or company within Canada.

What's included:

  • Dealer registration
  • Adviser registration
  • Investment fund manager registration
  • Prospectus requirements

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Income Tax Act with Regulations, Annotated - Academic 98th Edition

When it comes to staying on top of the latest tax laws, Canadian Income Tax Act with Regulations, Annotated is the defi nitive guide on the Income Tax Act in Canada. Containing the full text of the Act, with comprehensive notes, annotations, references and commentary, it’s the resource of choice for more than 10,000 tax professionals across the country. No other single reference offers the same degree of authoritative analysis and editorial excellence on the Income Tax Act.

Provide your students with valuable insight and analysis from our 23-member editorial board, which includes some of the most distinguished tax experts in Canada.

This guide is also available in eBook format featuring the same familiar look and feel of the print edition, with robust search functionality and the convenience and portability of the iPad.

Also, available as a special bundle with

Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 35th Edition, 2014-2015

Federal Income Taxation: Fundamentals, 7th Edition, 2014-2015

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Commercial Law Guide

The Canadian Commercial Law Guide provides you with in-depth and up-to-date expert commentary and coverage of a wide variety of business and commercial law areas across Canada.

Your subscription includes:

  • a monthly newsletter, the Commercial Times, that explains changes to relevant law, summarizes recent cases, and provides in-depth articles that examine current topics of interest to commercial lawyers
  • the News Tracker, which lets you know the status of legislative changes (available only to online subscribers)
  • tables of concordance comparing significant pieces of legislation across the country
  • in-depth commentary on the following key commercial topics:
    • sales contracts
    • debt collection
    • consumer protection
    • negotiable instruments
    • intellectual property
    • personal property security
    • other forms of security
    • bankruptcy and insolvency
    • product liability
    • competition law

Areas covered include franchising, consumer disclosures, trade secrets, class actions, secured transactions, and much, much more!

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canada Corporations Law Reporter

The Canada Corporations Law Reporter covers all aspects of law and practice surrounding the life-cycle and events of a federally incorporated company. All corporate compliance and practice issues are addressed in our comprehensive expert commentary. The Reporter also contains recent case law, relevant statutes and regulations, plus forms, precedents, government policies, and other information to keep the corporation in conformance to laws and using best practices.

To further assist you in your research, it includes Tables of Concordance cited to the subsection level between all provincial and federal corporations acts as well as several useful corporate governance reference charts.

Key topics include:

  • Incorporation
  • Corporate Finance
  • Directors and Officers
  • Corporate Governance
  • Shareholders
  • Financial Disclosure
  • Competition Law
  • Investigation and Remedies
  • Fundamental Changes
  • Bankruptcy and Insolvency
  • Liquidation and Dissolution
  • Licensing and Registration
  • Not-for-profit Corporations
  • Foreign Investment

Your subscription includes Corporate Brief, a monthly newsletter featuring articles, recent cases and updates to relevant legislation.

Subscribe to the online version and access Corporate Law News Tracker. With the News Tracker, you get notices of all updates via e-mail. Your updates give you instant access to changes in corporate law that originate from a variety of primary and secondary sources such as press releases, legislation, and cases.


If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


A Practical Guide to eDiscovery in Canada

Bonus Feature
Your purchase includes a FREE eBook!

What's an eBook?
An eBook is a digital version of a conventional printed book. Portable and perfect for your office or home, the eBook is easy to access from wherever your business may take you. Adobe Digital Editions is a highly recommended free download eBook program designed to view and keep your eBooks organized and centralized.

Published: November 2014

A Practical Guide to eDiscovery in Canada is your one-stop resource for successful and efficient production of electronically stored information.

An essential tool for the digital age litigant, this comprehensive guide offers an understanding of key terms and processes, from initial planning and preparation through to the data gathering, production, and post-collection stages. With contributions by industry experts, it gives insider insight and practical tips on adoption of strategies, effective communication and collaboration, legislative requirements, and engagement of third-party experts to ensure efficiency, best practices, and successful risk-management.

What's included:

  • A FREE eBook
  • Convenient tables listing factors and tips for consideration at various stages of the eDiscovery process
  • A comprehensive check-list for your eDiscovery plan, start to finish
  • Appendices containing ready-to-use templates and sample documents, including an Information Technology Questionnaire, Custodian Interview Questionnaire, Litigation Hold Notice, Chain of Custody Log, Litigation Hold Notice Reminder, and Litigation Hold Release Notice
  • Summaries of important case law and its practical implications for the eDiscovery process

About the Authors
Shelby Austin, LL.B, is a Partner with Deloitte Forensic and had published and presented extensively on the topic of eDiscovery and legal outsourcing. Formerly the Founder of ATD Legal Services PC, which managed large documentary discovery and due diligence projects, and a Partner at a leading Bay Street law firm. She is the recipient of the Risings Stars (Lexpert Magazine) and Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100 awards and a Member of the Sedona Canada Working Group, the E-Discovery Implementation Committee, and the Ontari

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Housing shaped by labour: the architecture of scarcity in informal settlements / Ana Rosa Chagas Cavalcanti

Rotch Library - NA7555.B6 C38 2018


Angelo Candalepas: Australian islamic mission / authors, Angelo Candalepas; Adrian Curtin ; Maryam Gusheh ; Brett Boardman..

Rotch Library - NA1600 C36 2018


Pecan America: exploring a cultural icon / John Gifford

Dewey Library - SB401.P4 G54 2019


Canadian modern architecture: 1967 to present / Elsa Lam and Graham Livesey, editors

Rotch Library - NA745.C27 2019


Living on campus: an architectural history of the American dormitory / Carla Yanni

Rotch Library - NA6602.D6 Y36 2019


The Iranian expanse: transforming royal identity through architecture, landscape, and the built environment, 550 BCE-642 CE / Matthew P. Canepa

Rotch Library - NA225.C36 2018


One-pot hydrodeoxygenation of biomass furan derivatives into decane under mild conditions over Pd/C combined with phosphotungstic acid

Green Chem., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0GC00428F, Paper
Song Li, Long Yan, Qiying Liu, Jianguo Liu, Qiyu Liu, Wei Fan, Xuelai Zhao, Xinghua Zhang, Chenguang Wang, Longlong Ma, Qi Zhang
One-pot hydrodeoxygenation of δ-furfurylidenelevulinic acid over Pd/C combined with phosphotungstic acid through successive hydrogenolysis and HDO of furans and lactones.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Solvent-free ageing reactions of rare earth element oxides: From geomimetic synthesis of new metal-organic materials towards a simple, environmentally friendly separation of scandium

Green Chem., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0GC00454E, Paper
Igor Huskic, Mihails Arhangelskis, Tomislav Friščić
The development of cleaner methodologies for the separation and processing of rare earth elements, including scandium and yttrium, is of high importance to materials science and industry. Here, we explore...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


This Pandemic Hits Americans Where We’re Spiritually Weak

Our cultural values are making us sad: money, mortality, and fear of missing out.

In a video chat last night, a friend admitted, “I’ve been crying a lot, and I’m not sure why.” COVID-19 has given us many reasons to weep. We’re out of our routines, the stock market has plunged, and we imagine millions dying. This virus and economic crisis punch us squarely where our spiritual armor is weakest: mortality, money, and our fear of missing out.

In 2 Corinthians 7, Paul distinguishes between two kinds of sorrow—a sorrow that “leads to death,” and a “godly sorrow.” The latter “brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret” (v. 10). Godly sorrow, he writes, produces “earnestness,” eagerness to repent, and a “longing” and “readiness to see justice done” (v. 11). The question the church faces now is which kind of sorrow COVID-19 will bring.

We are in the midst of the most widespread societal upheaval that many people alive today have ever experienced. Already our institutions, habits, relationships, and culture are shifting before our eyes. Frank M. Snowden, author of Epidemics and Society, shared with the New Yorker, “Epidemics are a category of disease that seem to hold up the mirror to human beings as to who we really are.” The question we are facing is not whether we will experience sorrow and change; the question is how. As biblical prophets walked with people through catastrophes, their advice was never to just endure until it ends. Instead they focused on proactively changing relationships with each other and with God.

As a cultural anthropologist who grew up in a middle-class white United States home and then lived for much of my adult life in Nicaragua, China, and South Africa, ...

Continue reading...


Penfacts - A Guide to Pensions in Canada - 2013 Edition

Make your job easier, stay informed and increase efficiency!

Penfacts is a one-stop guide to pensions in Canada. It provides information on pension plans that is of significant benefit to plan sponsors, administrators, students, and other pension stakeholders. Penfacts also provides easy to understand information about pension plan investing as well as brief and easy to read details about the role of actuaries in the field of pensions.

Includes focus on:

• Pension Plans
• Legislation
• Investment Management
• Other Retirement Programs
• Pension Administration
• Interpreting an Actuarial Report

Penfacts is written in conjunction with the Association of Canadian Pension Management (ACPM), and edited by Neil Cohen, B.Sc., B.A., LL.B., a research lawyer who concentrates his work in the area of pensions and benefits. A graduate of the University of Western Ontario’s Law School and a member of the Bar of the Law Society of Upper Canada, Neil is a member of various pensions and benefits organizations.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Morneau Shepell Summary of Pension Legislation in Canada, 7th Edition

The Morneau Shepell Summary of Pension Legislation in Canada, 7th Edition summarizes, with reference to the relevant sections of the appropriate Act and regulations, the essential provisions of pension standards legislation from all the provinces, as well as the federal PBSA. The Summary is a unique reference tool and an excellent starting point for any research, particularly for multi-jurisdictional plans, highlighting differences in pension standards legislation in force throughout Canada.

The Morneau Shepell Summary of Pension Legislation in Canada, includes over 125 multi-jurisdictional charts and over 75 pages of legislative history on pension legislation and regulation in Canada. It not only complements the Morneau Shepell Handbook, but is referenced throughout the handbook, making this an additional useful resource for readers.

Topics include: 

• Eligibility and vesting
• Contributions and funding
• Accrual during leaves and notice period
• Locking-in and portability
• Death benefits and spousal rights
• Member statements and disclosure
• Governance, investments, and regulatory filings
• Plan changes and wind-ups
• New plan designs…and more

This publication also includes over 75 pages summarizing major discussion papers on pension related topics and changes in Canadian pension standards legislation from January 1, 2000, until July 1, 2012.



Also available to complement the Morneau Shepell Summary of Pension Legislation in Canada, is our bestseller and new edition of the Morneau Shepell Handbook of Canadian Pension and Benefit Plans, 15th Edition.

Ranked #5 on The Globe and Mail bestseller business book list! 

Item #: 4B55
List Price: $149.00
Combo Price: $199.00 (for both books). Promo code: 4B55COMB

This is an indispensable tool for understanding the essential elements of Canadian public and private pension and benefit plans, their legal and regulatory framework, and their administrative requirements. Updated and developed by Morneau Shepell professionals, this insightful book takes you through comprehensive coverage as well as detailed explanations of retirement savings and deferred compensation arrangements; employee pensions and benefits; post-retirement options; and emerging issues.

Order both books and save $50. Use p

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Morneau Shepell Handbook of Canadian Pension and Benefit Plans, 15th Edition

The Morneau Shepell Handbook of Canadian Pension and Benefit Plans, 15th Edition is an indispensable tool for understanding the essential elements of Canadian public and private pension and benefit plans, their legal and regulatory framework and their administrative requirements. Updated and developed by Morneau Shepell professionals, this insightful book takes you through comprehensive coverage as well as detailed explanations of retirement savings and deferred compensation arrangements; employee pensions and benefits; post-retirement options; and emerging issues.

This publication is intended for plan sponsors, administrators, consultants, human resources practitioners and others interested in the field of Canadian pensions and benefits.  All the topics you want and all the information you need.

Chapters include information on:

• Employer Pension Plans
• Government Pension Programs, including Workers’ Compensation and Employment Insurance
• Financial Management of Pension Plans
• Pension Fund Investment Management
• Pension Standards Legislation and Case Law
• Taxation of Retirement Savings
• Multi-Employer Pension Plans
• Winding Up a Pension Plan
• Governance of Retirement, Savings and Other Benefit Plans
• Communicating Benefits and Retirement Savings Plans
• Extended Health and Dental Care Plans
• Group Life and Accident Insurance
• Employee Assistance Plans
• Workplace Health Management
• Post-Retirement and Post-Employment Benefits
• Retirement Planning
• Emerging Trends
. . . and much more.

The new edition of the Morneau Shepell Handbook of Canadian Pension and Benefit Plans is even better than its predecessors, with many chapters updated and expanded. 

About Morneau Shepell: A leading human resource consulting firm for more than 40 years, Morneau Shepell provides integrated human resource solutions for all types of pension, group benefits, and compensation plans.



Also available to complement the Morneau Shepell Handbook of Canadian Pension and Benefit Plans, is our new edition of the Morneau Shepell Summary of Pension Legislation in Canada, 7th Edition.

Item #: 7B04
List Price: 119.00
combo Price: $199.00 (for booth books). Promo code: 4B55COMB

The Morneau Shepell Summary

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Focus on Canadian Employment And Equality Rights

Staying up-to-date on the most recent cases, laws, and other current issues in the areas of employment, equality, and human rights is essential to keep you or your company from becoming entangled in costly employment-related disputes. Focus on Canadian Employment and Equality Rights newsletter helps employers and HR practitioners stay compliant and avoid such conflicts. It provides reviews and analysis from various experts on the most topical issues in the areas of employment, equality, and human rights. Practical features such as case notes, legislative updates, Question and Answer, and Did You Know? offer valuable insights on a wide range of topics, such as workplace diversity and accommodation, employment agreements, absenteeism, sexual harassment, termination, constructive dismissal, drug and alcohol testing, privacy rights, and pay equity, to name a few.

Features include:

  • Lead Article – Expert analysis and valuable commentary on topical issues 
  • Question & Answer – Relevant compliance facts that employers need to know 
  • Case Notes – Expert summary and analysis of actual workplace situations from recent court, board, and tribunal decisions, with insightful practical application information
  • Quotable – A thought-provoking excerpt from a case featured in the issue
  • Legislative Alert – Comprehensive updates on recent changes to relevant laws
  • Initiatives & Events– Significant government initiatives, upcoming seminars and conferences on employment and human rights issues, and helpful government publications
  • Did You Know? – Useful tips, information, and pointers to online tools available to help employers

Benefits include: 

  • Encourages you, the employer, to be proactive rather than reactive in the workplace and helps to keep you out of potentially costly litigation. For example, you're provided with professional practical information from employment experts to help avoid and prevent discrimination in the workplace, inadequate accommodation, wrongful dismissal, and other employment-related problems.

Updated monthly.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Pensions and Retirement Income Planning, 5th Edition

Canadian Pensions and Retirement Income Planning covers all types of retirement income plans including defined benefit, defined contribution, RRSPs, and deferred profit sharing plans. It is ideal for pension plan sponsors, administrators, accountants, tax advisers, human resource professionals, actuaries, and pension consultants, as well as students and others interested in better understanding Canada’s tax rules for retirement income programs.

What's new in this edition?

This edition provides a comprehensive look at Canada’s tax rules for retirement income programs including:

• detailed analysis of all registration rules for registered pension plans and deferred profit sharing plans
• the rules for determining the calculation of pension adjustments, past service pension adjustments, and pension adjustment reversals
• new and updated numerical examples for PAs, PSPAs, and PAR calculations
• expanded and updated information on Registered Plan Directorate policies based on the most recent interpretation and changes
• tax rules around phased retirement programs
• updated information on defined contribution programs, rules and employer strategies
• updated background material on minimum pension standards, actuarial valuations, and accounting standards to provide context to the tax rules
• glossary of updated forms and filing requirements
• charts of relevant and commonly used reference data including CPP/QPP/YMPE, average wage, CPI, interest rates and relevant Income Tax Act (Canada) limits
• cross-referencing of tax rules to relevant sections of Income Tax Act (Canada)


Towers Watson, a leading global professional services company that helps organizations improve performance through effective people, risk, and financial management. With 14,000 associates around the world, Towers Watson offers solutions in the areas of employee benefits, talent management, rewards, and risk and capital management.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Master Labour Guide, 25th Edition, 2010

See below for recent changes to employment and labour law.

For 25 years now, the Canadian Master Labour Guide has made it easier for our customers to stay on top of changes in federal and provincial employment and labour law.

Employers and advisors trust the Canadian Master Labour Guide to be their definitive source for employment and labour law, including information on

  • Key changes in statutory requirements
  • Critical court rulings
  • Employment Standards
  • Human Rights, Equal Pay/Pay Equity, and Employment Equity
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Employment Insurance
  • Oganized Labour
  • Collective Bargaining

Here is a sample of some recent changes to employment and labour law included in this new edition:

  • Major changes in Employment Insurance, including:
    • additional benefit weeks for all claimants;
    • further additional benefits for long-tenured workers;
    • EI benefit scheme for the self-employed;
    • freezing of premium rates for 2010;
    • changes to premium reduction plan reapplication;
    • Reservist leave added in Alberta and the Yukon.
  • Overhaul of employment standards in Prince Edward Island.
  • Protection for foreign caregivers in Ontario.
  • New "public emergency" leave and new mediation procedures in Nova Scotia.
  • New minimum wage increases in New Brunswick.
  • Supreme Court of Canada decisions on dismissals in the midst of business closings.

In addition, the following changes, highlighted in the 24th edition as upcoming, will be incorporated into the 25th edition:

  • New protections in Ontario for employees from temporary work agencies.
  • Human rights changes in Alberta regarding sexual orientation and the complaint process.
  • New Pay Equity Act in New Brunswick.
  • Notable changes to the Yukon human rights complaint process.

And remember, we don't just provide information – we provide key commentaries to help you quickly understand what the changes mean so you can respond appropriately.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Labour Relations and Employment Topics And Canadian Labour Relations - COMBO

This is the first of several combos we've created for HR professionals. By combining Canadian Labour Relations and Employment Topics and HR Assist – Labour Relations, you get all the resources you need plus you get great value. With these two tools at your fingertips, you'll have both a comprehensive source of legal information and a powerful strategic resource to help you deal more effectively in a unionized environment.

Topics covered:

  • Unfair labour practices
  • Certification
  • Decertification
  • Collective bargaining
  • Collective agreements
  • Strikes and lockouts
  • Successor Rights
  • Arbitration
  • Labour Relations Boards
  • Collective Bargaining Calendar
  • Productivity indexes
  • Consumer Price Indexes
  • Wage and salary rates
  • Weekend and shift premiums
  • Fringe benefits
  • Insurance and benefit plans
  • Sick leave
  • Paid holidays and vacations
  • Unemployment and earnings rates
  • And more

Includes bi-weekly newsletters, Labour Notes and Canadian Labour Relations and Employment Topics.

DVD updated monthly.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Labour Relations and Employment Topics - Newsletter

The content of Canadian Labour Relations and Employment Topics newsletter ranges from topical, emerging issues to labour relations data. It gives you the information you need for strategic and effective HR management, in both union and non-union environments.

Contributors include senior human resources practitioners, mediators/arbitrators, consultants, academics, and employment and labour lawyers. You'll benefit from the trend-spotting articles covering all the fields of the HR function.

One monthly feature includes articles from U.S. experts providing an American perspective to the labour/HR scene. Practice tips, wage/benefits administration data, collective agreement summaries, quarterly wage settlement data, and following the progress of important labour legislation will help busy practitioners remain informed and current.

Included free with the purchase of Canadian Labour Relations and Employment Topics.

Updated monthly. Available to be e-mailed in PDF format only.

Related Products


Canadian Labour Relations and Employment Topics

Whether you're unionized or not, Canadian Labour Relations and Employment Topics is an excellent tool for increasing your knowledge of labour relations planning and practice in activities like contract negotiations, handling grievances, and dealing with other daily workplace problems and issues. Each month, you'll receive topical, practical information on developments in labour relations and human resources management. Includes graphs and tables of key economic and labour statistics, including consumer price index figures for Canada, regional cities, and the provinces, as well as monthly unemployment rates and weekly earnings figures.

Employers and unions can plan for negotiations or policy changes with Canadian Labour Relations and Employment Topics in-depth feature articles, regular newsletter columns, including one or more collective agreement summaries with each report, overviews of trends in benefits, bargaining and the economy, statistical data on major collective agreement provisions, and collective bargaining calendar. Arbitration abstracts provide summaries of recent significant arbitral decisions from across the country.

With the launch of the Internet platform, the updates to your research library are delivered immediately from the editor's desktop to you.

Topics covered:

  • Arbitration
  • Negotiations
  • Collective agreement provisions
  • Paid holidays and vacations
  • Collective bargaining calendar
  • Sick leave
  • Consumer price indexes
  • Unemployment and earnings rates
  • Feature article
  • Wage settlements
  • Fringe benefits
  • Weekend and shift premiums
  • Insurance and benefit plans

Includes monthly newsletter, Canadian Labour Relations and Employment Topics.

Loose leaf and DVD updated monthly.

Related Products

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Labour Law Reporter - (Employment Standards, Labour Relations And Labour Law Cases)

One Stop Shopping for Employment and Labour Law Information

Canadian Labour Law Reporter provides coverage of federal, provincial, and territorial laws on employment standards, human rights, pay and employment equity, employment insurance, and collective bargaining. This comprehensive research tool gives you all the relevant labour legislation across Canada.

In addition to commentary on key employment cases and practice tips, the Canadian Labour Law Reporter also has case annotations at the end of each commentary section so you have more case law summary information at your fingertips.

Case Law
The Canadian Labour Law Reporter has full-text court case law and decisions from boards, tribunals, commissions, etc. all across Canada, going back to the 1940's. Our cases follow the same, clear style and are always easy to follow. All cases in the employment and labour areas are analysed by our experts and the most significant are published.

Labour Notes Newsletter
If it's important for you to be aware of current events and issues in Canadian employment and labour law, you'll rely on this newsletter. Published bi-weekly, it will keep you abreast of legislative developments in employment, human rights, labour, pay equity and employment insurance law across Canada. It provides you with digests of ground-breaking cases that affect how you deal with employees, and includes vital economic statistics, and more. Feature articles give you practical insights into trends and emerging issues in these dynamic fields to help you keep yourself current and protect your company's interests and its employees.

News Trackers
There are TWO NewsTrackers with this product, Employment Standards (includes employment standards, employment insurance, and human rights and equity news) and Canadian Labour Law Cases. New bills, cases, and related press releases are posted overnight and our searchable database is updated daily. Upon your request, the NewsTracker feature will notify you by email of breaking news stories as they happen throughout the day. NewsTracker provides a 10-day summary and a 60-day archive of past news items.

What's New
Each section includes a "What's New" feature. It is updated whenever anything is added by one of our experts to our commentary, legislation, or cases, or when a new issue of the news

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Labour Law Cases

HR Assist – Labour Law Cases is an all-electronic service giving you the key decisions of labour relations boards, human rights tribunals and courts from across Canada from 1944 to the present, including full text, headnotes, and digests.

Topics covered:

  • Employment standards
  • Labour relations
  • Employment insurance
  • Human rights
  • Pay equity

Features include:

  • Canadian Labour Law Cases (Archival 1944 to current year) – All cases reported in previous years, organized by year and topic
  • Canadian Labour Law Cases (Current year) – All cases reported for the current year organized by topic

Includes bi-weekly newsletter, Labour Notes.

Related Products

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Government Programs and Services Guide - Newsletter

An authoritative source for federal government organizations, Crown corporations, and industrial assistance programs, Canadian Government Programs and Services newsletter contains information from various government departments, including a key media contact and phone numbers.

Included free with the purchase of Canadian Government Programs and Services.

Updated bi-monthly. Available to be e-mailed in PDF format only.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Government Programs and Services

Do you need information on the federal government? Chances are you'll find everything you need in this authoritative guide to federal government organizations, Crown corporations, and industrial assistance programs. It provides key information on all government departments: organization structure, chief officers and phone numbers, jurisdictions, responsibilities, budgets, and much more, all organized in a topical index.

Features include:

  • Organization of the federal government programs and services
  • Crown corporations
  • Commissions, boards, and councils
  • Government relations
  • Members of the Senate
  • Members of the House of Commons
  • Parliamentary and Senate Committees
  • Standing, Special, and Joint Committees
  • Head and regional offices
  • Government assistance programs
  • Lists of chief administrative officers (office held, name, telephone number)
  • Departmental Organization charts
  • Lists of Acts administered by the department agencies (Crown corporation, boards, etc.), reporting to Parliament through the department

Includes bi-monthly newsletter, Canadian Government Programs and Services.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Employment Safety and Health Guide - Newsletter

Canadian Employment Safety and Health Guide newsletter covers health, safety, and related legal issues affecting all workplaces in Canada, including offices, offsite locations, and mobile workstations. It monitors recent trends and discoveries in the health field and explains their legal implications from both an employer's and employee's perspective. It includes articles and discussions on emerging health and safety developments and summaries of recent court judgements.

Canadian Employment Safety and Health Guide newsletter also includes information on legislative changes throughout Canada. It informs readers of new case law and reminds of them impending compliance deadlines, new penalties, and fines for contravening the law.

Included free with the purchase of Canadian Employment Safety & Health Guide.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Employment Safety And Health Guide

If you work in the employment and safety area, this should be the only reference resource you'll need. It covers federal, provincial, and territorial laws and regulations and gives you analysis of a broad range of topics (see below). You'll also have commentary on new developments and emerging trends in every Canadian jurisdiction plus summaries of decisions from the courts, Workers' Compensation Tribunals and Labour Relations Boards. In addition, it monitors trends in occupational health and looks at their legal implications.

Includes monthly newsletter, Canadian Employment Safety and Health Guide.

With the launch of the new Internet platform, the updates to your research library are delivered immediately from the editors' desktop to you. The CD and looseleaf subscriptions are updated monthly.

Topics covered:

  • Employers' duties and rights
  • Workers' duties and rights
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Workers' compensation
  • Toxic substances/physical agents
  • Administration/inspection/enforcement
  • Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
  • Health and Safety Committees


  • Helps you to comply with the law and assists you in developing plans and strategies for a healthier and safer workplace
  • Covers all aspects of occupational health, safety, wellness, and related legal issues affecting all workplaces
  • Indispensable resource helps you to avoid expensive fines
  • Monitors recent trends and discoveries in the occupational health and safety field and reveals their legal implications and how they affect your business
  • Explains your duties and responsibilities under federal and provincial legislation
  • Includes extensive commentary on every Canadian jurisdiction
  • Provides you with examples of new or potential health and safety hazards
  • Covers your employees' rights to refuse unsafe work
  • Cites relevant case law
  • Reminds you of impending compliance deadlines, as well as new penalties and fines for contravening the law

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Employment Law Guide - Newsletter

Canadian Employment Law Guide newsletter is the fastest and easiest way to stay up-to-date on the ever-changing legislation covering employment standards and the human rights legal landscape in Canada. Expert commentary will also grant you valuable insight on the latest developments and issues in employment law.

Included free with the purchase of Canadian Employment Law Guide.

Updated bi-monthly. Available to be e-mailed in PDF format only.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Employment Law Guide

Employment standards are constantly changing and it's vital that you keep up. Canadian Employment Law Guide is the ideal way to stay up-to-date. It will keep you informed of significant changes occurring in all the key areas of employment law. It also includes Q&A sections covering some of the most common employment standards issues, such as maternity and parental leave, vacations with pay, harassment in the workplace, and terminations. Although there is no legislation included in the product, you'll find expert commentary and many useful and relevant case summaries throughout.

Topics covered:

  • Employment Insurance
  • Minimum wage/overtime
  • Equal pay/employment equity
  • Payment of wages
  • Hours of work
  • Personnel records
  • Human rights
  • Privacy in the workplace
  • Labour jurisdictions
  • Statutory holidays
  • Leaves of absence
  • Termination
  • Minimum age
  • Vacations

Features include:

  • Case Table
  • Newsletter
  • Cumulative Index
  • Topical Index
Includes bi-monthly newsletter, Canadian Employment Law Guide.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Employment Benefits and Pension Guide - Newsletter

The complex field of benefits and pensions becomes a lot clearer with the help of Canadian Employment Benefits and Pension Guide newsletter. It will make it easy to stay on top of legislative developments and policy initiatives across Canada. You'll stay abreast of legislation, tax issues, news from the U.S., and vital statistics such as CIA minimum transfer value rates. And each issue has feature articles providing insight and advice on major issues and emerging trends.

Included free with the purchase of Canadian Employment Benefits and Pension Guide.

Updated monthly. Available in PDF format.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Business Management Manual and Government Assistance Manual - COMBO

In response to many requests from subscribers, we have created this value-packed combo. Both are widely regarded as essential publications for all organizations. Canadian Business Management Manual provides practical guidance and information for business managers covering a wide range of key topics. Government Assistance Manual offers comprehensive guidance to hundreds of federal and provincial government assistance programs for Canadian business.

Includes monthly newsletter, Management Matters.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Canadian Business Management Manual

Just about every area that can affect a business is covered in this practical information source. Designed for business managers, Canadian Business Management Manual will be helpful to anyone who is responsible for managing a large or small organization or a particular area of a business. It gives you easy-to-read information on a wide range of business and human resources issues, along with examples, checklists, and procedures.

Topics covered:

  • Facts and figures (CPI and Lending Rates)
  • Start-ups
  • Planning
  • Financing and Finance
  • Insurance
  • Marketing
  • Intellectual Property
  • E-Commerce
  • Commercial Law
  • Director and Officer Liability/Corporate Governance
  • Franchising
  • Environmental Management
  • Business Failure – Written by Frank Bennett
  • Human Resource Quick Facts
  • Statutory Deductions and Remittances
  • Labour Standards
  • Human Rights
  • Privacy
  • Workplace Health & Safety
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Taxation Quick Facts
  • Income Tax
  • Sales Tax
  • Capital Taxes
  • New Developments

Includes monthly newsletter, Management Matters.

Related Products

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Your Canada Pension Plan 2011

Fast Answers to Your CPP and QPP Questions

Once again, we bring you a new 2011 edition of the popular Your Canada Pension Plan. This well-planned booklet reflects all amendments to date on the Canada Pension Plan. Written in plain language by pension experts, topics covered in this pocket-sized guide include:

  • Pensions and Work After 65
  • Retirement and Disability Pensions
  • Old Age Security Pension
  • Taxation of CPP/OAS Benefits
  • And much more...

Designed to save you time and to ensure your employees are informed, features include a detailed Table of Contents and a comprehensive Index, providing you and your employees with easy access to answers to commonly asked questions.

Publication date: February, 2011

The reasonable price and important information provided in this booklet make it a time-saving, quick reference tool to distribute to employees throughout your company. For orders of 100 booklets or more, we can print customized covers that include your company logo at no extra cost. For pricing on custom covers and/or quantity orders, please contact your Account Manager at 1-866-850-7467.

Looking for information about the Quebec Pension Plan? Click here for more info.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Your Canada Pension Plan 2014

The 2014 edition of Your Canada Pension Plan is here!

This wildly popular booklet brings the Canada Pension Plan to your fingertips in a well-planned, pocket-sized guide.

Your Canada Pension Plan 2014 is spiral-bound, making it EVEN EASIER to reference the Canada Pension Plan.

This must-have, quick-reference guide has been a popular and reliable tool in the industry for almost 20 years. Written in plain language by pension experts, this guide covers:

  • Pensions and Work After 65
  • Retirement and Disability Pensions
  • Old Age Security Pension
  • Taxation of CPP/OAS Benefits
  • And much more...

Designed to save you time and to ensure you and your employees stay informed, this booklet also features a detailed Table of Contents and a comprehensive Index.

Wolters Kluwer CCH also offers Your Québec Pension Plan 2014 - our guide to Québec-specific pension questions.


The reasonable price and important information provided in this booklet make it a time-saving, quick reference tool to distribute to employees throughout your company. For orders of 100 booklets or more, we can print customized covers that include your company logo at no extra cost. For pricing on custom covers and/or quantity orders, please contact your Account Manager at 1-866-850-7467.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Your Canada Pension Plan 2012 and Your Quebec Pension Plan 2012

Fast Answers to Your CPP and QPP Questions

Once again, we bring you a new edition of Your Canada Pension Plan 2012 and Your Quebec Pension Plan 2012. These popular, well-planned booklets reflect all amendments to date on the Canada Pension Plan and Quebec Pension Plan.
Written in plain language by pension experts, topics covered in each pocket-sized guide include:

  • Pensions and Work After 65
  • Retirement and Disability Pensions
  • Old Age Security Pension
  • Taxation of CPP/OAS Benefits
  • And much more...

Designed to save you time and to ensure your employees are informed, features include a detailed Table of Contents and a comprehensive Index, providing you and your employees with easy access to answers to commonly asked questions.

Publication date: February, 2012


The reasonable price and important information provided in this booklet make it a time-saving, quick reference tool to distribute to employees throughout your company. For orders of 100 booklets or more, we can print customized covers that include your company logo at no extra cost. For pricing on custom covers and/or quantity orders, please contact your Account Manager at 1-866-850-7467.


If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.