
Canadian Master Payroll Guide, 5th Edition

Canadian Master Payroll Guide, 5th Edition is an essential resource for day-to-day payroll functions.  This guide puts all the critical information you need to solve day-to-day payroll issues at your fingertips. This essential resource is the only guide on the market to include convenient charts and formulas. Plus, its comprehensive information is packaged in a portable format that’s up-to-date and easy to understand. 

The Canadian Master Payroll Guide also includes background and commentaries that provide helpful guidance on how to apply the information in each section. The Guide is organized in an intuitive way that mirrors the payroll workflow and covers standard payroll situations. 

View the Table of Contents.

This book helps you ensure that:

  • Payroll transactions are accurately reported and recorded
  • Your organization meets all governing legislation and regulations
  • Monies withheld from employees’ pay are held in trust and remitted on the appropriate due dates
  • Your organization is protected against payroll-related fraud
  • Your organization maintains the confidentiality of the information flowing through the payroll department
Big changes for the 2014 Edition:
  • No More SIN Cards: What’s the Impact? 
  • EI premium freeze for the next 3 years. What’s coming next?
  • New leaves of absence in six Canadian jurisdictions and several minimum wage changes - are you impacted? 
  • Reduction in frequency of CRA remittances, what are the specifics? 
  • Significant 2014 budgetary changes in Ontario, BC, and Quebec. How do these affect you?  
These 2014 figures were added throughout: 
  • Provincial tax rates; 
  • CPP/QPP annual maximums and contribution rates; 
  • EI premiums and premium reduction; 
  • Workers’ compensation maximum insurance earnings; 
  • Employer taxes and levies and; 
  • Employer pension plan contribution limits

    If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


    Canadian Master Labour Guide, 29th Edition

    Readers of the Canadian Master Labour Guide know that finding a trustworthy information source is vital and they have been placing their trust in our guide for over 28 years. 

    This best-seller can help you stay on top of changes to employment and labour law.
    With complete coverage of federal and provincial labour and employment laws, the Canadian Master Labour Guide gives you the essential information every employer needs to know in one portable and trustworthy source.

    WHY Choose Canadian Master Labour Guide?

    Employers and advisers turn to Canadian Master Labour Guide as the definitive source for employment and labour law, including information on:

    • Key changes in statutory requirements
    • Critical court rulings
    • New government policies

    Key topics include:

    • Labour Jurisdictions
    • Labour Standards
    • Fair Employment Practices: Human Rights, Equal Pay/Pay Equity, and Employment Equity
    • Special Issues: Occupational Health and Safety and Employment Insurance
    • Organized Labour
    • Collective Bargaining

    WHAT’S NEW in the 29th Edition?

    • Family Day holiday introduced in British Columbia.
    • Leaves of absence:
      • Reservist leave added for Nunavut.
      • Leave for death or disappearance of a child added for the federal jurisdiction and Manitoba.
      • Leave for a critically ill child introduced for the federal jurisdiction and Manitoba.
    • Maximum hours of operation on Sundays and certain holidays expanded for retail businesses in Manitoba.
    • Minimum wage increases in Alberta, BC, Manitoba, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and Yukon.
    • New definitions of “suitable employment” and “reasonable job search” for Employment Insurance claimants.
    • Expanded commentary on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.
    • Repeal of the exception which permitted mandatory retirement in the Canadian Human Rights Act.
    • New prohibited grounds of discrimination:
      • Gender identity in Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and On

        If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


    Canadian Employment Benefits and Pension Guide

    This publication is designed to save you time when you need information. It's the first publication in Canada to give you a searchable database on both benefits and pensions in a CD-ROM or Internet format. With this Guide, you'll have the most comprehensive library available for employment benefits and pensions in Canada. Just look over the topics covered below and you'll see that this unique publication includes all the information you need in one convenient-to-access source.

    Includes monthly newsletter, Canadian Employment Benefits and Pensions Guide Newsletter.

    With the launch of the new Internet platform, the updates to your research library are delivered immediately from the editors' desktop to you. The CD and looseleaf subscriptions are updated monthly.

    Topics Covered

    • Government Sponsored Pension Plans
    • Employer Plans – Standards Legislation
    • Tax Issues – Employer Sponsored Plans
    • Registered Retirement Savings Plans
    • How to Set Up a Plan
    • Plan Administration
    • Social Security Agreements
    • Employee Benefits
    • Executive and Incentive Compensation
    • Flex Benefits and Work Practices
    • Pre-Retirement Counseling
    • Legislation
    • Releases, Bulletins, Policies
    • Full text of Laws & Regulations for federal and provincial Pension Legislation
    • Pension Appeals Board cases and recent case digests (CCH is the only publisher that carries PAB cases! Pension Appeal Board sends only to us to publish – cases go back as far as 1960's in the electronic format)


    • This product's information, analysis and current news will help you develop and administer benefit and pension plans.
    • It will keep you up-to-date on information pertaining to benefits and pension contributions.
    • The immediate retrieval (in the electronic version) of information, instant links from section to section and program to program, and the extensive information and research resources of CCH, make it an indispensable addition to your HR library.
    • This guide describes thoroughly the types of plans available and includes a design criteria and registration information you can use to implement in your organization.
    • Conveniently organized commentary and charts help you with the plan's day-today administration.
    • For your convenience, relevant tax issues are easily referenced and explanatory commentary is consolidated alongside Revenue Canada Information Bulletins and Circulars, and Guides.
    • Enjoy access to information on a full range of employee benefits, including group insurance plans, bonuses, workers' compensation and employment insurance.
    • If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


    Annotated Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Act, 14th Edition, 2015

    Whether you have to handle a CPP or OAS claim, calculate and remit withholdings on employee compensation, or ascertain the employment status of a contractor, Annotated Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Act, 14th Edition, 2015 is for you. This handy work is the only portable, one-stop resource in this area for professionals on the go.

    The section-by-section annotations and exhaustive cross sections throughout give you expert commentary and explanations of the legislative provisions, the regulations, and court and tribunal decisions regarding CPP and OAS issues. The book also offers up-to-date coverage of pending legislation and new cases, as well as key decisions of the Pension Appeals Board.

    Highlights of new information in the 14th Edition include:

    • Amendments implemented by the Jobs, Growth and Long-Term Prosperity Act (Bill C-38), including a summary of the new appeal regime and annotations to the provisions creating the Social Security Tribunal
    • All significant Federal Court of Appeal decisions on vital issues such as whether a per diem compensation rate is ‘‘fixed and ascertainable’’ (MNR (Canada) v. Ontario); right to appeal on CPP matters from the Tax Court of Canada (Davitt); online accessibility for claimants (Jodhan); interest award where erroneous information given by the Minister (Bartlett); approach of tribunal where claimant doesn’t appear (Evans); need to refer to every piece of evidence (Simpson and Brennan); motions in the Federal Court of Appeal (McMeekin); evidence on judicial review (McLaughlin); and extension of time (Daoud).
    • Important Federal Court decisions, including new authority on when written reasons for granting leave to appeal to the PAB are mandatory
    • Updated dollar amounts for YBE (for general and disability claims), YMPE and other statistics throughout;
    • New types of disability claims.

    The Honourable Gordon Killeen, Q.C., is an active member of the Pension Appeal Board and retired justice of the Ontario Superior Court. His conference lectures in recent years have been influential in the evolution of CPP disability law.

    Andrew James
    is a legal writer. He is the co-author of Ontario Superior Court Practice (with Mr. Justice Todd Archibald, The Honourable Gordon Killeen, Q.C. and James Morton), and Ontario Family Law Practice (with Justice David Steinberg, Justice Craig Perkins and Esther Lenkinski).

    If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


    Morneau Shepell Summary of Pension Legislation in Canada

    The Morneau Shepell Summary of Pension Legislation in Canada summarizes, with reference to the relevant sections of the appropriate Act and regulations, the essential provisions of pension standards legislation from all the provinces, as well as the federal PBSA. The Summary is a unique reference tool and an excellent starting point for any research, particularly for multi-jurisdictional plans, highlighting differences in pension standards legislation in force throughout Canada. Included in the materials are over 125 charts, covering various topics, such as:

    • Eligibility and vesting
    • Contributions and funding
    • Accrual during leaves and notice period
    • Locking-in and portability
    • Death benefits and spousal rights
    • Member statements and disclosure
    • Governance, investments, and regulatory filings
    • Plan changes and wind-ups
    • New plan designs…and more

    Updated quarterly, this publication also includes summaries of major discussion papers on pension related topics and changes in Canadian pension standards legislation.

    If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


    Canadian Master Payroll Guide, 2nd Edition

    An essential resource for day-to-day payroll functions.

    Canadian Master Payroll Guide, 2nd Edition puts all of the critical information you need for day-to-day payroll issues at your fingertips. This essential resource is the only guide on the market to include convenient charts and formulas. Plus, its comprehensive information is packaged in a portable format that’s up-to-date and easy to understand.

    The Canadian Master Payroll Guide covers all standard payroll situations, and includes background and commentaries that provide helpful guidance on how to apply the information in each section. The Guide is organized in an intuitive way that mirrors the payroll workflow, and it also includes easy-to-understand interpretations and charts of national and provincial legislative requirements.

    The 2nd Edition of the Guide includes key updates that all payroll professionals need to know for 2011.  Here is a sample of what’s new:

    2011 Rates and Figures:s

    • Provincial Tax Rates
    • CPP/QPP Annual Maximums and Contribution Rates
    • EI Premiums and Premium Reduction
    • Workers’ Compensation Maximum Insurance Earnings
    • Employer Taxes and Levies
    • Employer Pension Plans Contribution Limits

    Taxable Benefits
    Changes have been made to the treatment of:

    • Gifts and Awards
    • Wage Loss Replacement Plans
    • Employee Stock Options

    Employment Standards

    • New and revised Prince Edward Island Employment Standards Legislation
    • New Organ Donor Leave for Manitoba and Quebec
    • New Citizenship Ceremony Leave for Manitoba
    • Minimum Wage rate changes for all provinces as appropriate 
    • Record of Employment (ROE)
    • The Employer Guide to completing the Record of Employment has been revised and expanded.

    Year-End Reporting
    The new CRA and Revenu Québec electronic filing requirements have been incorporated.

    Reporting of Retiring Allowances
    Changes in the reporting of eligible and non-eligible retiring allowances amounts, including those amounts paid to Status Indians, have been incorporated.

    T4A Redesign
    Recent changes to the T4A slip have been identified and explained.

    The Canadian Master Payroll Guide, 2nd Edition simplifies payroll to ensure that:

    • Payroll transactions are accurately reported and recorded
    • Your organization meets all governing legislation and regulations
    • Monies withheld from employees’ pays are held in trust and rem

      If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


    Canadian Master Payroll Guide

    An essential resource for day-to-day payroll functions.

    The new Canadian Master Payroll Guide puts all of the critical information you need for day-to-day payroll issues at your fingertips. This essential resource is the only Guide on the market to include convenient charts and formulas. Plus, its comprehensive information is packaged in a portable format that's up-to-date and easy to understand!

    The Canadian Master Payroll Guide features current and accurate information in the following categories:

    • Payroll Overview d
    • Employment Standards
    • Earnings, Allowances & Expense Reimbursement
    • Employee Benefits
    • Statutory Deductions: Employer Remittances
    • Statutory Deductions: Tax
    • Statutory Deductions: Employment Insurance
    • Record of Employment
    • Employer Taxes and Levies
    • Employer Pension Plans
    • Year-End Reporting
    • Workers' Compensation (Rates Charts)

    The Canadian Master Payroll Guide also includes background and commentaries that provide helpful guidance on how to apply the information in each section. The Guide is organized in an intuitive way that mirrors the payroll workflow and covers standard payroll situations.

    It also includes an easy-to-understand interpretation of legislative requirements nationally as well as across the provinces. Here are just a few of the handy charts that are included:

    • yearly payroll rates
    • statutory deductions
    • federal income tax
    • CPP
    • QPP
    • EI


    The Canadian Master Payroll Guide simplifies payroll to help you ensure that:

    • payroll transactions are accurately reported and recorded
    • your organization meets all governing legislation and regulations
    • monies withheld from employees' pays are held in trust and remitted on the appropriate due dates
    • your organization is protected against payroll-related fraud
    • your organization maintains the confidentiality of the information flowing through the payroll department

    If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


    Canadian Master Labour Guide, 26th Edition

    Make sure you are up-to-date on recent changes to employment and labour law with this best seller.

    The Canadian Master Labour Guide has made it easier for our customers to stay on top of changes in federal and provincial employment and labour law.

    And -- we provide key commentaries to help ysou quickly understand what the changes mean so you can respond appropriately.

    Here is a sample of some recent changes to employment and labour law included in this new edition:

    • Major overhaul of employment standards in Prince Edward Island
    • Addition of several new leaves of absence, including organ donor leave in Manitoba and Quebec, and citizenship ceremony leave in Manitoba
    • Significant changes to human rights in Newfoundland and Labrador from new Human Rights Act
    • New protections for foreign live-in caregivers in Ontario
    • New workplace violence and harassment requirements in Ontario (Bill 168)
    • Changes to construction industry labour relations in Saskatchewan
    • Minimum wage increases in Manitoba, PEI, Quebec, and Nunavut
    • Employment Insurance Regulations modified to include new plan for the self-employed, now in effect
    • Changes to special Employment Insurance benefits relating to training and pilot projects

    Employers and advisors trust the Canadian Master Labour Guide to be their definitive source for employment and labour law, including information on:

    • Key changes in statutory requirements
    • Critical court rulings
    • New government policies
    • Labour Jurisdictions
    • Labour Standards
    • Fair Employment Practices: Human Rights, Equal Pay/Pay Equity, and Employment Equity
    • Special Issues: Occupational Health and Safety and Employment Insurance
    • Organized Labour
    • Collective Bargaining



    If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


    Annotated Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Act, 9th Edition, 2010

    The essential publication for anyone dealing with CPP or OAS issues.

    Dealing with CPP or OAS questions and concerns can be difficult because of the procedural, evidentiary and substantive issues that inevitably arise. But, when you have your copy of the Annotated Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Act, 10th Edition, 2011 handy, dealing with these issues becomes much faster and easier.

    The section-by-section annotations provide you with expert commentary, opinions and explanations of the legislative provisions, regulations and court decisions concerning CPP and OAS issues. It also covers pending legislation and new scases, plus the decisions of the Pension Appeals Board and the Review Tribunal.

    The Honourable Gordon Killeen, Q.C., of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, is an active member of the Pension Appeal Board. His conference lectures in recent years have been influential in the evolution of CPP disability law.

    Andrew James is a legal writer. He is the co-author of Ontario Superior Court Practice (with Mr. Justice Todd Archibald, The Honorable Gordon Killeen, Q.C. and James Morton), and Ontario Family Law Practice (with Justice Craig Perkins and Esther Lenkinski).

    If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


    Annotated Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Act, 8th Edition, 2009

    The essential publication for anyone dealing with CPP or OAS issues.

    The Annotated Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Act is the first in-depth treatment of these two important statutes, as they have been interpreted by the case law. The authors review the legislation, regulations and decisions of the courts, the Pension Appeals Board and the Review Tribunal, providing exclusive insights into the law and the different ways in which it can be applied. The 2009 edition updates the legislation and digests of decisions issued by the Supreme Court of Canada, Federal Court, Pension Appeals Board and the Review Tribunal over the last year. All pending legislation will be incorporated into the Acts.
    Highlights of new information in the 8th Edition:
    • Coming into force of amendments reducing the contributory requirements for disability benefits for contributors with at least 25 years of contributions
    • Streamlining of standard of review rules by Supreme Court of Canada

    • Ground-breaking new Federal Court of Appeal decisions on issues such as:
      - capacity to apply for benefits
      - right of Government to be heard on a motion to rescind a final and binding decision
      - admissibility of new medical evidence
    • The latest Pension Appeal Board decisions on CPP claims and Review Tribunal decisions on OAS claims, as selected by the experts

    If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


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