can Canadian Insurance Law Reporter (current) + Ontario Accident Benefit Case Summaries By Published On :: Provides full text decisions from provincial and federal courts on insurance contracts, including life, health, accident, fire, casualty and automobile. Includes archival cases from 1937 and the following: Insurance Cases (full text) Torts, General (digests) Torts, Motor Vehicles (digests) Quantum of Damages Table Code Citators Case Table Topical Index Your subscription also includes the monthly newsletter, Canadian Insurance Law Reporter. The most current source of Ontario accident benefit cases, this service summarizes every relevant decision from the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, private arbitration, and the courts. Extensive finding lists help you locate information quickly. The service is divided under the following headings: Expanded Topical Index and Case Tables Appeal Summaries 2001 and 2002 Case Summaries Legislation Includes a bi-monthly newsletter, Ontario Accident Benefit Case Summaries, summarizing Ontario accident benefit cases from the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, private arbitration, and the courts. Archived case summaries from 1995-2000 are also available. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Insurance Law Reporter (current cases) By Published On :: If you work in the area of insurance law, the Canadian Insurance Law Reporter is the one service you must have. It provides you with full-text decisions from provincial and federal courts on key insurance contracts, including life, health, accident, fire, casualty, and automobile. Its comprehensive coverage includes: Quantum of Damages Table Insurance Cases (full text) Torts, Motor Vehicles (digests)* Torts, General (digests)* Code Citators Case Table Topical Index Also provided with your subscription is the monthly newsletter Canadian Insurance Law Reports, that includes provincial and federal court decisions related to this area of the law. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Insurance Law Reporter (current and archival) + Ontario Accident Benefit Case Summaries By Published On :: This subscription contains two beneficial resources. The Canadian Insurance Law Reporter (current and archival) provides full text decisions from provincial and federal courts on insurance contracts, including life, health, accident, fire, casualty and automobile. It includes archival cases from 1937 and the following: Insurance Cases (full text) Torts, General (digests) Torts, Motor Vehicles (digests) Quantum of Damages Table Code Citators Case Table Topical Index Your subscription also includes the monthly newsletter, Canadian Insurance Law Reports. The most current source of Ontario accident benefit cases, Ontario Accident Benefit Case Summaries provides every relevant decision from the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, private arbitration, and the courts. Extensive finding lists help you locate information quickly. The service is divided under the following headings: Expanded Topical Index and Case Tables Appeal Summaries 2001 and 2002 Case Summaries Legislation It also includes a bi-monthly newsletter, Ontario Accident Benefit Case Summaries, that summarizes accident benefit cases from the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, private arbitration, and the courts. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Insurance Law Reporter (current and archival) By Published On :: The Canadian Insurance Law Reporter (current and archival) is the ultimate information resource for those who practice insurance law. This product combines two services to serve you better. You receive the full-text decisions from provincial and federal courts on insurance contracts, including life, health, accident, fire, casualty, and automobile, plus you gain access to an archive of insurance cases dating back to 1937. What's New: Ongoing monthly updates to the Quantum of Damages and Code Citator tables Ongoing addition of leading insurance cases and tort (motor vehicle and general) digests, including: Progressive Home Ltd. v. Lombard General Insurance Co. of Canada, [2010] I.L.R. I-5051-The Supreme Court of Canada clarified that a commercial general liability policy must provide coverge for claims against a general contractor arising from construction defects. Grant v. Torstar Corp., [2010] I.L.R. G-2321-The Supreme Court of Canada confirmed the new defence of "responsible communication on matters of public interest" to defamation lawsuits. Miazga v. Kvello Estate, [2010] I/LR/ G-2298-The Supreme Court of Canada departed from the law on the tort of malicious prosecution that it laid down 20 years ago in Nelles v. Ontario, [1989] 2 S.C.R. 170, and created a new special test for suing Crown prosecutors for malicious prosecution. Also with your subscription is the monthly newsletter Canadian Insurance Law Reports that includes provincial and federal court decisions related to this area of the law. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Insurance Law Reporter (archival cases) By Published On :: Research into old cases is a common necessity for the insurance law practitioner. The Canadian Insurance Law Reporter (archival cases) streamlines your research by providing you with an archive of insurance cases dating back to 1937. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Institutional Investment Rules By Published On :: Looking for the most current legislation for institutional investing? We've got it! An up-to-date compilation of the relevant federal and provincial statutes required by institutional investors. Your one-stop source that also includes the pertinent regulations, rules, guidelines and policies. Edited by senior corporate and securities lawyer Barbara J. Hendrickson, who currently practises in the Toronto office of the international law firm of Baker & McKenzie. Publication Year: 2004 If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Income Tax Research Index By Published On :: A comprehensive listing of all the tax research resources you’ll ever need The Canadian Income Tax Research Index is an indispensable tax research tool. It gives you a comprehensive index – both topical and sectional – of analytical articles and other resources relating to federal income tax. Included is a list of recent and upcoming tax conferences, with a summary of papers delivered and information on how to obtain them, plus a comprehensive listing of books published on the subject of federal tax. In short, it’s the ideal research aid because it saves you time and ensures your research is complete. The Internet version is updated quarterly. Bonus features: Free training and technical support Wolters Kluwer CCH research subscriptions deliver the most timely, relevant and reliable tax information and commentary to Canada's tax professionals, significantly reducing research time. Professionals who subscribe to the Canada Income Tax Research Index also find these publications instrumental to their practice: Window on Canadian Tax Canadian Tax Reporter Tax Topics If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Health Facilities Law Guide By Published On :: Many of the laws and regulations governing health care facilities (hospitals, nursing homes, etc.) have been subject to extensive change in recent years. This Canadian Health Facilities Law Guide will keep you up-to-date by giving you the full text of statutes as well as selected regulations that relate to these facilities. To make it easy for you to use, a Topical Index, a Case Table, and Finding Lists are included. It also provides case digests with each release. A variety of commentary topics are also covered, such as: Patients' rights Mental health Consent and negligence Specialty care units Health information Long-term care Canada's health care system Included with your subscription is Health Law Matters, a bi-monthly newsletter that highlights legislative changes and other recent provincial and federal developments. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Family Law Matters By Published On :: For anyone who practices family law in Canada, this newsletter is an effective way to stay current. Canadian Family Law Matters gives you an overview of the latest developments in family law in Canada, informing you of changes to relevant legislation and providing digests of important cases from federal and provincial courts. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Family Law Guide By Published On :: The definitive work on family law in Canada, the Canadian Family Law Guide reproduces the full text of legislation, and provides you with digests of relevant recent cases. What's New: New "How To Use This Concordance" page for all tables of concordance New Table of Concordance for "Child Protection" Updated Marriage and Cohabitation commentary Revised Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines with annotations New Table of Concordance for "Pension Division" New section with tab on Enforcement of Support in Ontario to Support New section with tab on Unjust Enrichment and Constructive Trust to Property with annotations Revised British Columbia commentary on Support Extensive commentary is provided on issues relating to: Marriage and Divorce Spousal and Child Support Children Custody and Access; Status of Children; Guardianship; Adoption; Children in Need of Protection Family Mediation and Collaborative Practice Property Domestic Contracts Pensions Taxation Included with your subscription is Canadian Family Law Matters, a bi-monthly newsletter that summarizes recent developments in Canadian family law from across the country. Included with your Online subscription is the Family Law News Tracker. With the News Tracker you get notices of updates via e-mail. Your updates give you instant access to changes in the law that originate from a variety of primary and secondary sources such as press releases and cases. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Estate Planning Guide By Published On :: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:45:05 GMT The latest information on all aspects of estate planning and related issues in Canada To deliver the most effective tax and estate planning solutions you need the most authoritative source for information and advice, authored by leading experts in the industry. Comprehensive and easy to use, the Canadian Estate Planning Guide is a must-have tool when you need to find the right answers fast. This guide is the first choice of estate planning professionals because it offers: Comprehensive and reliable coverage from a single source, covering both tax and non-tax issues related to estate planning Practical strategies and tactics to help you maximize wealth and minimize tax exposure for clients A format that is simple and easy to use, even for the tax practitioner who only occasionally works with estates In-depth information, analysis and detailed technical discussions for the practitioner specializing in tax planning for estates, or wills and estate planning The speed and convenience of getting all your estate planning information online Updates on an “as the news happens” basis This guide’s extensive coverage includes topics such as: Estate plans Gifts and loans Estate freezes Post-mortem planning Emigration to the U.S. Asset protection Powers of attorney and health care directives Will planning Trusts Taxation of trusts Beneficiaries Avoiding probate fees Creditor proofing Charitable donations U.S. estate and gift tax Bonus features: The Estate Planner monthly newsletter keeps you up-to-date on the latest developments affecting estate planning in Canada and includes case summaries, legislative updates, and feature articles written by experts News Tracker brings you up-to-the-minute information on the latest tax developments. You choose the topic and how frequently you want to be updated. Activity logs help you keep track of time spent on research Access to an archive of in-depth articles on a wide variety of topics All relevant CRA Interpretation Bulletins, Advance Tax Rulings and Information Circulars, reference tables and documents Forms used by the CRA Forms for trusts and powers of attorney for all provinces Free training and technical support If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Estate Planning and Administration Guide By Published On :: This service combines the benefits of the Canadian Estate Administration Guide and the Canadian Estate Planning Guide, making it the ultimate resource for estate planning and administration professionals. Estate planning is a key growth area for tax and legal professionals. Are you taking full advantage of the opportunity? This is an invaluable resource for anyone who works in estate planning. The reason is simple. It will save you hours of research time and effort you can use to serve your clients better and grow your practice. Authored by leading experts in the industry, current and comprehensive, you won't find a more authoritative source for information and advice on tax and estate planning. Coverage includes: Estate Freezes Protection from Creditors The Pros & Cons of Alter Ego and Joint Partner Trusts Spousal Trusts Tax-Planning the Will Life Insurance and Registered Plan Designations Post-Mortem Tax Planning Strategies for Holding Real Property in the United States Included with your subscription is Estate Planner, a monthly newsletter containing ongoing judicial and legislative developments affecting estate planning in Canada. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Estate Administration Guide By Published On :: The Canadian Estate Administration Guide is the only estate administration resource available in Canada with multi-jurisdictional coverage. It supports your practice with relevant and indexed commentary, legislation, key forms, and precedents covers a wide range of topics, from wills to funeral arrangements, to the final passing of accounts. It includes recent cases, tax case digests, relevant statutes from each jurisdiction, forms, precedents, checklists, and letters. Topics covered: Initial Matters Claims Against the Estate Probate Practice Passing of Accounts Assets and Liabilities Intestate Estates Taxation Forms and Precedents Substitute Decisions Information Estate Litigation Estate Conveyancing Included with your subscription is Will Power, a monthly newsletter summarizing recent developments in this area. Included with your Online subscription is the Estate Administration News Tracker. With News Tracker, you get notices of all updates via e-mail. Your updates give you instant access to changes in the law that originate from a variety of primary and secondary sources such as press releases and cases. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canada-U.S. Employment Transfers: A Guide to Personal Tax Planning, 6th Edition By Published On :: Individuals moving between Canada and the United States face a daunting array of Canadian and U.S. tax issues, particularly when the move is due to an employment-related transfer. This book provides an overview of key taxation principles related to employment both in Canada and in the United States, and highlights the interaction between the tax laws of these two countries. For employers, this book offers practical guidance on tax issues for the purpose of managing expatriate costs, designing an effective cross-border employee relocation program and retaining key employees. Key Topics include: Overview of the Canadian and U.S. personal tax systems Tax reimbursement programs, including sample tax equalization calculations Foreign tax credits and tax relief available under the Canada-U.S. tax treaty The implications of changes under the fifth protocol to the Canada-U.S. treaty which entered into force on December 15, 2008 Investments in partnerships, limited liability companies, and other entities Taxation of artists and athletes Estate planning, including U.S. estate tax issues Executive compensation, including various types of equity compensation and long-term incentive plans available Expanded discussion on the U.S. deferred compensation rules About the Author Benita Loughlin, CA, is a Partner in the International Executive Services practice at KPMG LLP in Vancouver, B.C. She specializes in tax planning and compliance for individuals, estates and trusts in a U.S. and cross-border context. She advises executives and their employers on tax matters related to compensation, investments, retirement plans, estate planning, and expatriation, with emphasis on employees relocating to or from other countries. The book includes contributions from KPMG International Executive Services professionals in Vancouver who specialize in helping clients manage complex personal tax issues in a cross-border environment. KPMG’s multinational corporate clients face challenges managing tax issues that affect their global workforce. Executives and employees rely on KPMG’s international tax planning to help manage their tax liabilities and maintain their global workforce. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canada Income Tax Guide with Income Tax Act, Regulations and Rulings By Published On :: A concise guide to the Income Tax Act, plus relevant legislation If your practice calls for the basics, the Canada Income Tax Guide with Income Tax Act, Regulations and Rulings has you covered. In addition to the fundamental Canada Income Tax Guide, it provides you with full text of relevant legislation, regulations, and government publications, all in one bundle. When you’re looking for a concise treatment of Canada’s Income Tax Act, this package provides the right amount of information in the right place, and represents unbeatable tax research value. The comprehensive guide places the emphasis on issues of most concern to practitioners, including retirement saving, pension plans, capital cost allowance, automobile benefits, support payments, small business deduction, SR&ED, and investment tax credits The Internet version is updated semi-monthly. Content includes: Commentary on the Income Tax Act compiled by Wolters Kluwer CCH analyst Robert Spenceley, and tax planning strategies by contributors from Minden Gross LLP. Income Tax Act and Regulations Income Tax Folios, Bulletins, Circulars, and Technical News Department of Finance comfort letters and news releases Canada-US and Canada-UK tax treaties Comprehensive set of charts and tables setting out tax rates, credits, and other useful tax information Former Income Tax Act Federal Budgets Bonus features: Tax Notes monthly newsletter to keep you current on the latest changes affecting federal income tax. News Tracker brings you up-to-the-minute information on the latest tax developments. You choose the topic and how frequently you want to be updated. Activity logs help you keep track of time spent doing research. Free training and technical support Wolters Kluwer CCH research subscriptions deliver the most timely, relevant and reliable tax information and commentary to Canada's tax professionals, significantly reducing research time. Professionals who subscribe to the Canada Income Tax Guide with Income Tax Act, Regulations and Rulings also find these publications instrumental to their praIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canada Income Tax Guide By Published On :: A concise, easy-to-use guide to the Income Tax Act The Canada Income Tax Guide was created specifically for those with a wide-ranging tax practice, financial officers, payroll managers, and other professionals who are looking for clear, concise guidance on the Income Tax Act. It features accessible commentary by Wolters Kluwer CCH analyst Robert Spenceley on the matters you need to be aware of, plus a separate section authored by tax practitioners from Minden Gross LLP with practical planning strategies you can recommend to your clients. This comprehensive guide is one of the most current information sources available on the Income Tax Act and places the emphasis on issues of most concern to practitioners, including retirement saving, pension plans, capital cost allowance, automobile benefits, support payments, small business deduction, SR&ED, and investment tax credits. The Internet version is updated semi-monthly. Hypertext links from the commentary take you directly to relevant text in the Act and related CRA documents to ensure research is quick and comprehensive. Content includes: Income Tax Act and Regulations Income Tax Folios, Bulletins, Circulars, and Technical News Department of Finance comfort letters and news releases Canada-US and Canada-UK tax treaties Comprehensive set of charts and tables setting out tax rates, credits, and other useful tax information Bonus features: Tax Notes monthly newsletter to keep you current on the latest changes affecting federal income tax. News Tracker brings you up-to-the-minute information on the latest tax developments. You choose the topic and how frequently you want to be updated. Activity logs help you keep track of time spent doing research. Free training and technical support Wolters Kluwer CCH research subscriptions deliver the most timely, relevant and reliable tax information and commentary to Canada's tax professionals, significantly reducing research time. Professionals who subscribe to the Canada Income Tax Guide also find these publications instrumental to their practice: Tax Planning for Small If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Income Tax Act with Regulations, Annotated - Academic 96th Edition By Published On :: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 15:22:51 GMT Please note that our CCH Canadian Income Tax Act with Regulations, Annotated - Academic 96th Edition is only available to post-secondary students or institutions and can be purchased alone, or as part of a tax bundle for even greater savings. For more information, please follow the links below: Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 34th Edition Federal Income Taxation: Fundamentals, 6th Edition The 96th edition of the Canadian Income Tax Act with Regulations, Annotated - Academic is filled with accurate, up-to-date content and highlights proposed legislative changes that make it indispensable for tax professionals. The 96th edition continues the CCH practice of providing valuable cross-references and editorial notes from leading tax experts to assist you with Canada's complex tax laws. The various types of related information are clearly identified, making it easy to find the answers you need to make smart decisions quickly. The Canadian Income Tax Act with Regulations, Annotated - Academic 96th Edition encompasses all the latest developments that are essential to tax professionals, including: The full text of the Income Tax Act and Regulations as amended to July 2013 Legislation from Bill C-60, Economic Action Plan 2013 Act, No. 1, implementing certain 2013 Budget proposals Legislation from Bill C-48, Technical Tax Amendments Act, 2012, enacting several past years of numerous technical amendments throughout the Act and Regulations Additional 2013 Budget proposals not yet enacted and other draft legislation proposals released up to July 12, 2013 Selected Department of Finance comfort letters, news releases, and remission orders Canada-U.S. and Canada-U.K. Tax Conventions Interpretation Act and The Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act Other features in the Canadian Income Tax Act with Regulations, Annotated - Academic 96th Edition make it easier and faster to use: New and updated editorial notes with explanations, tips and traps Cross-references to additional sources of information, including: Related sections of the Act and Regulations Income Tax Folios, Bulletins, Circulars and Technical News CRA forms and guides CCH newsletter articles Canadian Tax Foundation articles KeyIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Synthesis: Legal Reading, Reasoning and Writing in Canada, 3rd Edition By Published On :: Thu, 22 May 2008 10:54:15 GMT Published: April 2012 This practical desk reference has proven to be one of the most comprehensive and reliable legal reading, reasoning, and writing guides available today. Synthesis: Legal Reading, Reasoning and Writing in Canada, 3rd Edition will help students and legal practitioners to: Write more effective legal memos, opinion letters, briefs, arguments, status reports, pleadings, and draft opinions; Learn how to use primary and secondary legal resources in making legal arguments; and Develop skills in legal reading, reasoning, and research using examples, exercises, charts, and diagrams What's new: Expanded introductory chapter with new information on lawyering in the digital age, requirements for becoming a lawyer and professional discipline New material on the contribution of aboriginal and European legal traditions to the development of Canadian law New material on equitable jurisdiction and the use of equitable maxims in framing arguments New material on aboriginal courts Expanded and updated discussion of research approaches and the use of electronic legal materials Updated appendices of reference works, websites and legal blogs About the Author Tested in the classroom over several years by the American authors, Synthesis has been rewritten for Canadian readers by an experienced law teacher, Margaret E. McCallum, LLB, PhD. Since 1990, Margaret McCallum has taught in the Faculty of Law at the University of New Brunswick. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Introduction to IFRS for Canada: What's it all About By Published On :: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 14:59:36 GMT This webcast was recorded on April 9, 2008 CCH IFRS Webinar Series 2008 Seminar 1 IFRS and Canadian GAAP will converge by 2011. The transition is not new in the accounting world, but the Canadian experience will be fundamentally different. Understanding how and why the shift in Canadian GAAP to IFRS will occur is essential to a successful migration. Planning for the transition should be started now. As with any project, proper planning is vital. The change to IFRS will impact almost every department within an organization, including finance, accounting, investor relations, training and development, and technology. CCH Canadian presents the first in a series of online seminars on IFRS for Canada. This 90-minute webinar is presented by Peter D. Chant, FCA, PhD, Partner at Deloitte Canada and author of iGAAP 2008: IFRS for Canada. Agenda The history and philosophy of IFRS vs. Canadian and U.S. GAAP Some of the major differences between IFRS and Canadian GAAP The role of IFRS 1 What you need to do to get organized for this convergence Format Participate right from your desk or office. All you need is an Internet connection and a sound card. The Speaker Dr. Peter D. Chant, FCA, is a partner in the National Assurance and Advisory group at Deloitte & Touche LLP. He is a former member and Chair of the Canadian Accounting Standards Board and was co-Chair of the CICA/FASB Task Force that developed the current Canadian and FASB standard on segmented information. He was also a member of the FASB's Task Force on Business Combinations that developed the FASB's current standard on that topic, and a member of the G4+1 Group of Standard Setters, which included the Chairs of the IASB, FASB and the Canadian Accounting Standards Board. Peter has published a textbook on advanced accounting in Canada, and was co-author of a research paper on accounting for joint ventures that was published by the G4+1. He is currently Chair of the Task Force on Non-GAAP Performance Measures of the Canadian Performance Reporting Board of the CICA. He has a Ph.D. in Accounting and Information Systems from Northwestern University. Related Webinars Business Combinations and Consolidations Under IFRS Canadian GAAP vs. IFRS: Some Major Differences If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can IFRS for Canada: Presentation of Financial Statements By Published On :: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 15:45:09 GMT Webinar information current as of October 8, 2008 CCH IFRS Webinar Series 2008 - Seminar 5 Significant differences can be expected in general financial statement presentation, as a result of the adoption of IFRS into Canadian GAAP. Such differences will include changes in both the presentation of a company’s balance sheet and income statement, such as differences in the nature of components presented, current and non-current classifications, presentation of line items, and required disclosures. Such changes will impact a company’s traditional key performance measures and ratios, and provide investors with new types of information. Typically, annual financial statements prepared under IFRS will be considerably longer than those prepared under previous rules, entailing considerably more disclosures. A thorough and early understanding of the impacts adoption of IFRS will have on financial statement presentation will be essential for managing stakeholder relations during and after the transition to IFRS. As well, IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements, has recently undergone significant amendments, including a new requirement for a statement of comprehensive income and terminology changes incorporated throughout IFRSs, among other important changes. This webinar provides a practical analysis of IAS 1 and IFRs financial statemenIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can IFRS for Canada: Key Performance Indicators By Published On :: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 15:45:20 GMT Webinar information current as of November 12, 2008 CCH IFRS Webinar Series 2008 - Seminar 6 Changes in accounting principles and application rules as a result of the adoption of IFRS into Canadian GAAP can be expected to impact a company’s key performance indicators, such as operating income and other financial ratios. Significant areas of common application where differences in underlying accounting principles can be found include revenue recognition criteria, inventory and operating cost calculations, segment reporting, and recognition of foreign exchange gains and losses. A thorough and early understanding of the significant impacts that these and other changes in accounting policies can have on a company’s bottom line and key performance ratios will be essential for managing stakeholder relations during and after the transition to IFRS. This webinar reviews IFRS: Key Performance Indicators and Non-GAAP Financial Statement Disclosure Practices including: Some basic philosophical differences on KPI’s and Non-GAAP measures Full Article
can Canadian Taxation of Non-Residents, 4th Edition By Published On :: Mon, 09 Feb 2009 08:52:55 GMT The fourth edition of this highly successful book explores the "inbound" international tax issues of non-residents of Canada who derive income from Canadian sources. Tax issues are analyzed in terms of the application of the relevant sections of the Income Tax Act and provincial statutes, the application of the Canada–U.S. Income Tax Convention, and the application of Canada's other tax treaties. This edition has been updated with new case law and recent changes to legislation and CRA pronouncements for practitioners who deal with the subject matter and need to stay current on the issues to properly advise their clients. Other significant updates include: Changes to the definition of "taxable Canadian property" and the resulting implications for non-residents who invest in Canadian property or realize capital gains from Canadian sources Expanded discussion on the changes that resulted from the Fifth Protocol to Canada-U.S. Treaty and CRA interpretations and statements since the last edition, including, particularly, expanded discussion of implications for hybrid entities such as LLCs and ULCs Discussions and commentary on the above developments would be of interest to Canadian accounting and legal practitioners alike who act for individual or corporate non-resident clients. Corporations with U.S. employees working on short-term assignments in Canada would also be interested in this area of taxation. Also, non-resident professional advisors, particularly in the U.S., who need a general reference guide to assess the Canadian tax implications of certain past or proposed transactions, would find the content useful. About the Author Michael I. Atlas, C.A., C.P.A., T.E.P. is an accomplished author and long standing contributor to CCH. He is a Chartered Accountant who practices in Toronto as an independent tax consultant, in connection with a wide-range of domestic and international tax issues. Prior to forming his own practice in 1991, he was the partner in charge of the tax group of one of the 20 largest accounting firms in Canada. His consulting practice places particular emphasis on international and cross-border tax planning matters. He has also been a frequent speaker on tax matters for many professional and business organizations, including the Canadian Tax Foundation, the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, the Canadian Bar Association, and the Canadian Real Estate Association. Most recently, Michael has made a presentation entitled "Tax Issues for Non-Resident Investors in Canadian Real Estate" as part of "Creative Tax Planning For Real EstatIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian GAAP vs. IFRS for Canada: Some Major Differences By Published On :: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 14:59:59 GMT This webcast was recorded on June 11, 2008 CCH IFRS Webinar Series 2008 Seminar 3 On the surface Canadian GAAP and IFRS appear very similar. However, the devil is in the details. Understanding how reporting will be impacted under International Financial Reporting Standards is important to making decisions regarding presentation on financial reporting. CCH Canadian presents the third in a series of online seminars on IFRS for Canada. This 90-minute webinar is presented by Peter D. Chant, FCA, PhD, Partner at Deloitte Canada and author of iGAAP 2008: IFRS for Canada. Agenda Inventory Property, plant and equipment Investment property Intangibles Goodwill Format Participate right from your desk or office. All you need is an Internet connection and a sound card. The Speaker Dr. Peter D. Chant, FCA, is a partner in the National Assurance and Advisory group at Deloitte & Touche LLP. He is a former member and Chair of the Canadian Accounting Standards Board and was co-Chair of the CICA/FASB Task Force that developed the current Canadian and FASB standard on segmented information. He was also a member of the FASB's Task Force on Business Combinations that developed the FASB's current standard on that topic, and a member of the G4+1 Group of Standard Setters, which included the Chairs of the IASB, FASB and the Canadian Accounting Standards Board. Peter has published a textbook on advanced accounting in Canada, and was co-author of a research paper on accounting for joint ventures that was published by the G4+1. He is currently Chair of the Task Force on Non-GAAP Performance Measures of the Canadian Performance Reporting Board of the CICA. He has a Ph.D. in Accounting and Information Systems from Northwestern University. Related Webinars Introduction to IFRS: What's it All About? Business Combinations and Consolidations Under IFRS If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canada - U.S. Tax Treaty: A Practical Interpretation By Published On :: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 09:43:27 GMT The Fifth Protocol to the Canada - U.S. Income Tax Treaty has introduced a myriad of changes relating to the rights of both countries to tax income earned by their respective residents. Canada - U.S. Tax Treaty: A Practical Interpretation is an invaluable resource designed to assist practitioners with clients involved in cross-border business activities deal with the complexity and uncertainty of these changes. CCH Canadian’s Canada - U.S. Tax Treaty: A Practical Interpretation contains the full text of the Canada - U.S. Tax Convention, as amended by the First through Fifth Protocols, with commentary by Dentons following each Article of the Treaty. The commentary provides a detailed analysis of the Fifth Protocol, including: Changes to the “tie-breaker” rule for determining the residence of a corporation that qualifies as a resident of both Contracting States Entitlement to Treaty benefits for “fiscally transparent entities” New permanent establishment rules Elimination of withholding tax on certain interest payments Taxation of a non-resident’s emigrant gains Taxation of “income from employment” earned by non-residents Taxation of stock options received by individuals employed in both Canada and the United States Introduction of a reciprocal limitation of benefits provision The Technical Explanations of the Treaty and the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Protocols, as provided by the U.S. Treasury Department, are reproduced, along with a report on the Fifth Protocol by the Joint Committee on Taxation for the U.S. Senate. Other useful resources contained in this edition include: Annotations of related Dominion Tax Cases Memorandum of Understanding between the Competent Authorities of Canada and the United States Regarding the Mutual Agreement Procedure Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America with Respect to Social Security Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act Rates of Withholding Tax under Income Tax Agreements Signed by Canada If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Tax Legislation 2009: Highlights of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 By Published On :: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 15:36:31 GMT CCH's Highlights of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is a convenient vehicle for alerting clients to the new tax provisions provided under this economic stimulus bill. For individuals, this legislation includes a Making Work Pay Credit based on earned income, with a $250 economic stimulus payment to Social Security recipients and disabled veterans; an AMT patch for 2009; extension of the first-time homebuyer credit to September 1, 2009, with the repayment obligation eliminated for 2009 purchases; a $3,000 floor on the refundable Child Tax Credit; a $2,500 American Opportunity Tax Credit that is 40 percent refundable; suspension of income tax on up to $2,400 of unemployment benefits for 2009; expansion of eligible expenses for 529 plans to include computers and related technology; an above-the-line deduction for taxes related to the purchase of a new automobile; an increase in the credit for nonbusiness energy property from $500 to $1,500 and a modification of standards; removal of the dollar limits on the credit for residential energy efficient property for fuel cell property; an increase in the credit for alternative fuel vehicle refueling property; and a general re-write of the plug-in electric drive motor vehicle credit, including elimination of dollar caps, a new credit for two or three wheel and low-speed plug-in vehicles, and allowing a credit for conversion kits. On the business side, provisions include extending bonus depreciation and increased 179 expensing through 2009; up to five-year carryback of net operating losses; expansion of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit to cover unemployed veterans and disconnected youth; deferral of cancellation of indebtedness income; an increased exclusion amount for commuter transit benefits and transit passes; an increase in the capital gain exclusion percentage for qualified small business stock; and reduction to seven years for the S Corporation built-in gain holding period. The legislation also includes a number of new or enhanced bond provisions aimed at economic recovery and alternative energy. CCH's Highlights booklet is ideal for informing clients, prospects and staff about the key new tax changes and prompting them to turn to their tax and financial advisers for help. It's authoritative, yet practical and easy-to-understand. Affordable quantity discounts and the option of printing firm name and logo on the cover make the CCH Highlights booklet a great tool for firms to grow their businesses. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Tax Legislation 2009: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 By Published On :: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 14:56:00 GMT CCH's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 -- Law, Explanation and Analysis provides thorough and complete text of added, amended, or repealed Code sections with controlling committee reports and CCH's explanation and analysis of tax provisions contained in the legislation. CCH editorial staff, along with leading practitioners, provide clear and practical guidance of the impact of the law's changes, including how various taxpayer groups and situations are affected. The law is arranged in Code section sequence with italicized type used for all new language that amends previous Code sections. CCH also provides several special tables and lists to facilitate quick and thorough understanding of the new law and how it affects taxpayers. Features include an effective dates table organized by Code section, a listing by Code section of the Act sections affecting it, and a listing by Act section of the Code sections affected. CCH's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 -- Law, Explanation and Analysis is THE resource that tax professionals, businesses, government staff and students alike need to get all the details of and help on new tax legislation changes. CCH provides the critical, late-breaking explanation and analysis to help readers make sense of complex legislative change so they can plan, respond and advise with confidence. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Kess on Tax Legislation 2009: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 CPE Course By Published On :: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 15:00:41 GMT In Kess on Tax Legislation 2009: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 CPE Course, noted tax experts Sidney Kess, J.D., CPA, and Barbara Weltman, J.D., take a straightforward and practical look at 2009 tax legislation and related developments. This text-based Course offers tax professionals helpful guidance on the new law, including planning opportunities, pitfalls to beware of, and ways practitioners can capitalize on the law with their clients. Helpful Practice Development Tips, Planning Pointers and Observations designed to assist users in understanding and applying the new law are peppered throughout. The Course comes complete with learning objectives, study problems and a final exam for use in earning valuable continuing education credits. The course will be divided into six chapters: Changes for Individuals Housing Education and Health Retirement Savings Changes for Business Miscellaneous Changes If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Kess on Tax Legislation 2009: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 By Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 14:16:49 GMT In Kess on Tax Legislation 2009: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 CPE Course, noted tax experts Sidney Kess, J.D., CPA, and Barbara Weltman, J.D., take a straightforward and practical look at 2009 tax legislation. This text-based Course offers tax professionals helpful guidance on the new law, including planning opportunities, pitfalls to beware of, and ways practitioners can capitalize on the law with their clients. Helpful Practice Development Tips, Planning Pointers and Observations designed to assist users in understanding and applying the new law are peppered throughout. The Course comes complete with learning objectives, study problems and a final exam for use in earning valuable continuing education credits. The course will be divided into six chapters: Changes for Individuals Housing Education and Health Retirement Savings Changes for Business Miscellaneous Changes If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian GST/HST Monitor By Published On :: The best way to stay current on commodity tax issues If you have a commodity tax practice or even if your practice simply includes some commodity tax work, you’ll find this newsletter indispensable. Updated monthly, Canadian GST/HST Monitor provides you with timely information and thought-provoking articles written by leading practitioners such as Michael Firth of PricewaterhouseCoopers and Brent F. Murray of Wilson & Partners LLP. Canadian GST/HST Monitor is included free with your subscription to Canadian GST/HST Reporter. Bonus features: Free training and technical support Wolters Kluwer CCH research subscriptions deliver the most timely, relevant and reliable tax information and commentary to Canada's tax professionals, significantly reducing research time. Professionals who subscribe to the Canadian GST/HST Monitor also find these publications instrumental to their practice: Canadian GST/HST Reporter Window on GST/HST If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Tax Library with Canadian GST/HST Reporter and All Provincial Tax Reporters By Published On :: Bundled for comprehensive coverage that saves time and improves accuracy Canadian Tax Library with Provincial Tax Reporters and Canadian GST/HST Reporter is ideally suited to the tax practitioner who must have up-to-the-minute federal, provincial and commodity tax information. Content includes: Canadian Tax Reporter commentary Income Tax Act and Regulations Dominion Tax Cases – 2013 Dominion Tax Cases – 1920-2012 Tax Treaties and Social Security Agreements Canadian Master Tax Guide Income Tax Folios, Bulletins, Circulars, and Technical News Federal Income Tax forms and guides Canadian GST/HST Reporter GST/HST forms and guides GST/HST Headquarters Letters Provincial Tax Reporters (all provinces) Special reports and dispatches Bonus features: CCH Smart Charts® Using exclusive technology, this time-saving interactive research tool integrates your subscription content to quickly create federal-provincial tax comparisons in an easy-to-read chart format. CCH Smart Charts lets you move easily between explanations, analysis, and primary source documents. You choose the topics. You choose the jurisdictions. You choose the year. Smart Charts does the rest. CCH newsletters provide timely, pragmatic articles written by high-profile tax practitioners, as well as synopses of recent government developments. Included in your subscription: Tax Topics Dominion Tax Cases Canadian GST/HST Monitor Free training and technical support Wolters Kluwer CCH research subscriptions deliver the most timely, relevant and reliable tax information and commentary to Canada's tax professionals, significantly reducing research time. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Tax Library with Provincial Tax Reporters and Canadian GST/HST Reporter and Tax Window Library By Published On :: Bundled for comprehensive coverage that saves time and improves accuracy Canadian Tax Library with Canadian GST/HST Reporter and Tax Window Library is ideally suited to those practitioners who depend on up-to-the-minute federal and income tax information, and who are looking for insight into the Canada Revenue Agency's approach to the law. Content includes: Canadian Tax Reporter commentary Income Tax Act and Regulations Dominion Tax Cases – 2013 Dominion Tax Cases – 1920-2012 Tax Treaties and Social Security Agreements Canadian Master Tax Guide Income Tax Folios, Bulletins, Circulars, and Technical News Federal Income Tax forms and guides Tax Window Files Canadian GST/HST Reporter GST/HST forms and guides GST/HST Headquarters Letters Provincial Tax Reporters (all provinces) Special reports and dispatches Bonus features: CCH newsletters provide timely, pragmatic articles written by high-profile tax practitioners, as well as synopses of recent government developments. Included in your subscription: Tax Topics Dominion Tax Cases Canadian GST/HST Monitor Window on Canadian Tax Provincial Tax News Free training and technical support Wolters Kluwer CCH research subscriptions deliver the most timely, relevant and reliable tax information and commentary to Canada's tax professionals, significantly reducing research time. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Tax Library with Provincial Tax Reporters and Tax Window Library By Published On :: Bundled for comprehensive coverage that saves time and improves accuracy Canadian Tax Library with Provincial Tax Reporters and Tax Window Library is ideally suited to tax practitioners who need up-to-the-minute federal and provincial tax information, as well as insight into the CRA’s approach to the law. The Internet version is updated frequently. Content includes: Income Tax Bulletins, Circulars, and Rulings Income Tax Act and Regulations Canadian Tax Reporter commentary Current Dominion Tax Cases Archival Dominion Tax Cases Tax treaties and Social Security agreements Canadian Master Tax Guide Federal Income Tax forms and guides Tax Window Files Provincial Tax Reporters (all provinces) Special reports Bonus features: Wolters Kluwer CCH newsletters provide timely, pragmatic articles written by high-profile tax practitioners, as well as synopses of recent government developments. Included in your subscription: Tax Topics Dominion Tax Cases Window on Canadian Tax (commentary on Tax Window Files) Provincial Tax News Roadmaps Roadmaps are a practical jumping-off point for tax research that help you navigate tax issues and related commentary more efficiently. Each roadmap provides a summary of relevant tax considerations to specific types of transactions, events, issues, or topics, as well as links to Wolters Kluwer CCH commentary and other key references for further research. CCH Smart Charts® (with CCH Online only) Using exclusive technology, these time-saving interactive research tools integrate your subscription content to quickly create federal-provincial tax comparisons in an easy-to-read chart format. CCH Smart Charts let you move easily between explanations, analysis, and primary source documents. You choose the topics. You choose the jurisdictions. You choose the year. Smart Charts do the rest. Quick Links Convenient links to related content such as charts and tables. Enables you to instantly connect to current, accurate information. Free training and technical support Wolters Kluwer CCH research subscriptions deliver the most timely, relevant and reliable tax iIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Tax Library with Canadian GST/HST Reporter and Tax Window Library By Published On :: Bundled for comprehensive coverage that saves time and improves accuracy Canadian Tax Library with Canadian GST/HST Reporter and Tax Window Library is ideally suited to those practitioners who depend on up-to-the-minute income and commodity tax information, and who are looking for insight into the Canada Revenue Agency's approach to the law. Content includes: Canadian Tax Reporter commentary Income Tax Act and Regulations Dominion Tax Cases – 2013 Dominion Tax Cases – 1920-2012 Tax Treaties and Social Security Agreements Canadian Master Tax Guide Income Tax Folios, Bulletins, Circulars, and Technical News Federal Income Tax forms and guides Tax Window Files Window on Canadian Tax (commentary on Tax Window Files) Canadian GST/HST Reporter GST/HST forms and guides GST/HST Headquarters Letters Provincial Tax Reporters (all provinces) Special reports and dispatches Bonus features: CCH newsletters provide timely, pragmatic articles written by high-profile tax practitioners, as well as synopses of recent government developments. Included in your subscription: Tax Topics Dominion Tax Cases Canadian GST/HST Monitor Provincial Tax News Free training and technical support Wolters Kluwer CCH research subscriptions deliver the most timely, relevant and reliable tax information and commentary to Canada's tax professionals, significantly reducing research time. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Tax Library Plan with Tax Window Library By Published On :: Bundled for comprehensive coverage that saves time and improves accuracy Canadian Tax Library Plan with Tax Window Library is ideally suited to professionals who depend on up-to-the-minute tax information and are looking for insight into the CRA’s approach to the law. The Internet version is updated frequently. Content includes: Income Tax Bulletins, Circulars, and Technical News Income Tax Act and Regulations Canadian Tax Reporter commentary Current Dominion Tax Cases Archival Dominion Tax Cases Tax treaties and Social Security agreements Canadian Master Tax Guide Federal Income Tax forms and guides Tax Window Files Special reports Bonus features: Wolters Kluwer CCH newsletters provide timely, pragmatic articles written by high-profile tax practitioners, as well as synopses of recent government developments. Included in your subscription: Tax Topics Dominion Tax Cases Canadian GST/HST Monitor Window on Canadian Tax (commentary on Tax Window Files) Roadmaps Roadmaps are a practical jumping-off point for tax research that help you navigate tax issues and related commentary more efficiently. Each roadmap provides a summary of relevant tax considerations to specific types of transactions, events, issues, or topics, as well as links to Wolters Kluwer CCH commentary and other key references for further research. CCH Smart Charts® (with CCH Online only) Using exclusive technology, these time-saving interactive research tools integrate your subscription content to quickly create federal-provincial tax comparisons in an easy-to-read chart format. CCH Smart Charts let you move easily between explanations, analysis, and primary source documents. You choose the topics. You choose the jurisdictions. You choose the year. Smart Charts do the rest. Quick Links Convenient links to related content such as charts and tables. Enables you to instantly connect to current, accurate information. Free training and technical support Wolters Kluwer CCH research subscriptions deliver the most timely, relevant and reliable tax information and commentary to Canada's tax professionals, significantly reducing resIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian GST & Commodity Tax Cases By Published On :: When you subscribe to Canadian GST & Commodity Tax Cases, you will be kept informed and up-to-date with recent court rulingsand developing trends in case law. The most relevant court decisions will be brought into focus for you with comprehensive andinsightful case comments written by the experts at McCarthy Tétrault LLP, helping you makeinformed decisions quickly and confidently.Includes newsletter, Canadian GST & Commodity Tax Cases. Available to be e-mailed in PDF format only.Loose leaf updated every two months.If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can The Canadian SR&ED Tax Incentives Handbook, 2nd Edition By Published On :: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 16:14:27 GMT The Canadian SR&ED Tax Incentives Handbook shows you how to take full advantage of one of the most generous R&D tax incentive programs in the world.Every year, the Canadian government awards up to $4 billion in cash refunds and tax credits for Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED). The Canadian SR&ED Tax Incentives Handbook provides accountants, tax experts, lawyers, scientists and technologists with practical tools that assist in the management of SR&ED programs in order to realize the greatest tax advantage. Author Lucie Bélanger, of the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, provides comprehensive commentary on all matters, including: Eligibility of activities and expenditures for the SR&ED program How to identify SR&ED activities in commercial projects Management and documentation of SR&ED projects The review of SR&ED contracts by tax authorities New CRA administrative policies Recent changes to the Income Tax ActThe Canadian SR&ED Tax Incentives Handbook includes practical examples, summaries of recent court decisions, keys to identifying SR&ED activities, and case studies by sector. Although comprehensive in its coverage and references, it offers practical strategies and tactics covering the most common SR&ED issues. Written by practitioners for practitioners, this essential guide provides the answers you need to ensure SR&ED planning is accurate, complete, efficient and by the rules.Topics include: Eligible SR&ED activities as defined in the law Excluded activities Common practice Tribunals and the concept of SR&ED The CRA’s interpretation of the concept of experimental development Issues with respect to the eligibility of the activities SR&ED projects and business projects Fundamental and applied research Industrial research Experimental development projects within business projects Research and development of products and processes Strategic development of products and processes Innovation and business strategy Introduction of new technologies and development of products and processes Purchases of technology, know-how or SR&ED results Purchase, development and improvement of production equipment Projects involving industrial control and automation Moulds and tools Eligible experimentation activities and trial runs Software development Documentation If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 32nd Edition By Published On :: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 10:39:20 GMT Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 32nd Edition gives you a smart learning advantage – here’s how: Each chapter includes examples, problems, multiple choice questions, and exercises designed to reinforce the material and text comprehension – with solutions provided for the student Review questions throughout the textbook include discussion notes at the end of the book Assignment problems and advisory cases have solutions provided in the Instructor’s Solutions Manual Student DVD includes extra problems and solutions for self-study CCH research software and CANTAX software also included on DVD New this year – Student Study Guide: This guide contains the solutions to the Review Question, Multiple Choice Questions, and Exercises, as well as additional study material and a glossary. Income Tax Act compliant Students dedicated to taxation and students interested in developing a solid general understanding of federal tax law will benefit from this resource. The contents are arranged in a sequence that follows the organization of the Income Tax Act for easy cross-referencing. Reality checked We know accuracy is critical and we pride ourselves on providing the most accurate and current content. Updated annually to reflect Budget and other legislative changes to income tax provisions All assignment materials have been carefully prepared and tested Robert E. Beam, F.C.A., is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Accounting and Finance, University of Waterloo. He was associated with Ernst & Young, Chartered Accountants, Toronto. From 1972 to 1998, he was Coordinator of the Tax Section of the School of Accountancy, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. In September 2002, Mr. Beam became the first recipient of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Award for Excellence in Tax Practice and Education. His articles have appeared in the Canadian Tax Journal. Stanley N. Laiken, Ph.D., is the Deloitte Professor in the School of Accounting and Finance, University of Waterloo. He has taught taxation to students in professional programs, both at the university and post-university levels, since 1972. He is a recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award at the University of Waterloo and the Canadian Academic Accounting Association’s L.S. Rosen Award in recognition of outstanding contributions to Canadian accounting education. His articles have appeared in the Canadian Tax Journal. He is also the Director of the Deloitte Centre for Tax Education and Research at the University of Waterloo. <If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Transfer Pricing, 2nd Edition By Published On :: Tue, 04 Oct 2011 11:12:44 GMT Canadian Transfer Pricing describes and clarifies Canada's current transfer pricing rules. It sets out the methods used by the CRA and described in the OECD Guidelines for determination of an arm's length price for goods and services. Due to the large dollar amounts involved in transfer pricing disputes, the importance of transfer pricing to the Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA") continues to evolve into a prominent component of tax collection and enforcement in Canada. Tax practitioners and company executives need to be aware of the procedures and documentation requirements in order to remain compliant with the transfer pricing rules and to be better prepared in the face of an audit by the CRA. This is also true for companies intending to establish an APA or resolve disputes with the revenue authorities in Canada and overseas with respect to transfer pricing transactions. Authored by Jules Lewy, BCL, LLB and members of the tax group of one of Canada’s largest and most respected law firms, Dentons, Canadian Transfer Pricing provides a comprehensive overview of the Canadian transfer pricing regime. This essential edition includes discussion on the OECD’s involvement in the area of transfer pricing tax policy as well as a brief overview of the U.S. transfer pricing legislation. Chapters Include: What is Transfer Pricing? Transfer Pricing Rules Prior to 1999 Canada’s Current Transfer Pricing Rules Transfer Pricing and Intra Group Services Transfer Pricing and Restructuring Contemporaneous Documentation and Transfer Pricing Penalties Advance Pricing Agreements Transfer Pricing Audit Process Transfer Pricing Dispute Resolution Competent Authority Jurisprudence Transfer Pricing and Customs, GST and HST. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Tax Library Plan By Published On :: A collection of important tax resources that saves time and improves accuracy Canadian Tax Library Plan is ideally suited to professionals who depend on up-to-the-minute tax information. The Internet version is updated frequently. Content includes: Income Tax Bulletins, Circulars, and Technical News Income Tax Act and Regulations Canadian Tax Reporter commentary Current Dominion Tax Cases Archival Dominion Tax Cases Tax treaties and Social Security agreements Canadian Master Tax Guide Federal Income Tax forms and guides Tax Window Files Special reports Bonus features: Wolters Kluwer CCH newsletters provide timely, pragmatic articles written by high-profile tax practitioners, as well as synopses of recent government developments. Included in your subscription: Tax Topics Dominion Tax Cases Roadmaps Roadmaps are a practical jumping-off point for tax research that help you navigate tax issues and related commentary more efficiently. Each roadmap provides a summary of relevant tax considerations to specific types of transactions, events, issues, or topics, as well as links to Wolters Kluwer CCH commentary and other key references for further research. CCH Smart Charts® (with CCH Online only) Using exclusive technology, these time-saving interactive research tools integrate your subscription content to quickly create federal-provincial tax comparisons in an easy-to-read chart format. CCH Smart Charts let you move easily between explanations, analysis, and primary source documents. You choose the topics. You choose the jurisdictions. You choose the year. Smart Charts do the rest. Quick Links Convenient links to related content such as charts and tables. Enables you to instantly connect to current, accurate information. Free training and technical support Wolters Kluwer CCH research subscriptions deliver the most timely, relevant and reliable tax information and commentary to Canada's tax professionals, significantly reducing research time. Professionals who subscribe to the Canadian Tax Library Plan also find If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian GST/HST Reporter By Published On :: The complete, authoritative, easy-to-use reference on GST/HST Whether you’re a commodity tax expert or someone who just needs to know the basics of GST/HST, you’ll find everything you need to know here, and you’ll find it fast. Canadian GST/HST Reporter is organized logically by topic and includes hypertext links to related matter to accelerate your search, as well as quick reference tables. Detailed commentary by Michael Firth of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and Brent F. Murray of Wilson & Partners LLP adds richness to already comprehensive coverage. Stay up to date with complete coverage of all developments, including full coverage of legislation and proposed legislation, expert commentary and analysis, and all related government documents. Content includes: Full text of the Excise Tax Act, including text of all pending amendments affecting GST/HST History notes for the Excise Tax Act Explanatory notes to pending amendments and to historical amendments Full text of GST/HST regulations Full text of cases decided under the Excise Tax Act by the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Canada and the Tax Court of Canada Digests and full text of selected decisions of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Full text of selected provincial commodity tax decisions Extensive commentary, arranged topically Quick reference charts Related government documents, such as Memoranda, Policy Statements and GST/HST Headquarters Letters Bonus features: CCH Smart Charts® Using exclusive technology, this time-saving interactive research tool integrates your subscription content to quickly create federal-provincial tax comparisons in an easy-to-read chart format. CCH Smart Charts lets you move easily between explanations, analysis, and primary source documents. You choose the topics. You choose the jurisdictions. You choose the year. Smart Charts does the rest. Canadian GST/HST Monitor newsletter provides timely, incisive commentary on areas that matter most to commodity tax practitioners and non-specialists alike. News Tracker brings you up-to-the-minute information on the latest tax developments. You choose the topic and how frequently you want to be updated. Activity logs help you keep track of time spent doing research. Free training and technical supportIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can 2013 Canadian Federal Budget Plan: CCH Special Report By Published On :: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 10:36:34 GMT This Special Report contains the full text of the 2013 Canadian Federal Budget Plan with in-depth Budget analysis prepared by experts from Dentons and by Joseph Frankovic LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D., CFA. The commentary written for this report describes each income tax proposal contained in the Budget as well as proposals relating to GST/HST. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Preparing Your Corporate Tax Returns®, Canada and Provinces, 2015 By Published On :: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 13:29:25 GMT For multi-user pricing and all other product inquiries, please call Customer Service at 1 800 268-4522Stay up to date on the latest tax rules to deliver the best filing results possible with the most current tax preparation guide. As many tax professionals already know, Preparing Your Corporate Tax Returns is updated annually and provides the most comprehensive coverage and in-depth analysis of the rules for corporate tax returns available. Features & Coverage: Context-sensitive links from Taxprep® and CANTAX® software to commentary in the online formats saves you time by putting search at your finger tips More topics in detail than any other guides available Easy-to-understand format lets you find what you need Step-by-step instructions and straightforward answers save you time and money References to CRA documents, legislation and cases Reorganized for easier navigation - Forms have been moved to the back of each chapter Checklist to help gather all necessary information for return preparation Step-by-step design to lead you through the T2 Corporate Tax Return form and supporting schedules Section on income and capital tax installments References to sources including legislation, cases, Interpretation Bulletins, Information Circulars and Technical News Discussions of federal and provincial corporate income taxation and corporation capital taxation Why do tax professionals across Canada come back to Wolters Kluwer CCH year after year? It's simple. We provide the most comprehensive tax resource available anywhere. Federal and provincial income and capital taxes are exhaustively detailed. Descriptions of forms and analysis of necessary information are organized by topic. Preparing Your Corporate Tax Returns will give you the professional confidence and time-saving efficiency you need to deliver your best returns – year after year.Table of Contents How To Use This Book List of Forms Reproduced Pending Income Tax Changes 2014 Provincial Tax Change Summary Tax Calendar 2014 Federal and Provincial Tax Rates Prescribed Quarterly Interest Rates Prescribed Interest Rates for Leasing If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can iGAAP: IFRS for Canada, A comprehensive reference guide by Deloitte, 3rd Edition By Published On :: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 08:19:16 GMT Written from a Canadian perspective for Canadian IFRS practitioners The comprehensive commentary of iGAAP: IFRS for Canada is unique in that it is Canadian. It is authored from a Canadian perspective for Canadian practitioners and it draws on Deloitte's global IFRS experience. Commentary is provided on each significant Standard, organized topically into chapters, and contains explanatory information, analytical discussions, and illustrative examples of the application of IFRSs. New and updated commentary includes: Financial Instruments, reflecting new standard IFRS 9 and other recent amendments IFRS 1, First-Time Adoption of IFRSs Related Party Disclosures, Interim Reporting, and Presentation of Financial Statements and Share-based Payments 2010 Annual Improvements changes and other recent amendments to IFRSs Significant recent Exposure Drafts and anticipated developments, including commentary on Leases, Revenue Recognition, Deferred Taxes, Contingencies, Employee Benefits, Extractive Activities Practical implications of applying IFRS in a Canadian environment. Contained in each chapter of commentary are three value-added features developed specifically for Canadian practitioners: First-time Canadian Readers Guide provides an overview of individual Standards from a Canadian perspective Summary of Major Differences between Canadian GAAP and IFRS highlights key areas of change for Canadian practitioners Implications for Canadian Preparers summarizes significant practical implications for Canadian practitioners upon transition In addition, comments specific to Canada are separately highlighted throughout the content, as are interpretive commentary and examples. About the Authors of iGAAP: IFRS for Canada Dr. Peter Chant, FCA, is a partner in the National Assurance and Advisory group at Deloitte & Touche LLP. He is a former member and Chair of the Canadian Accounting Standards Board and was co-Chair of the CICA/FASB Task Force that developed the current Canadian and FASB standard on segmented information. He was also a member of the FASB's Task Force on Business Combinations that developed the FASB's current standard on that topic, and a member of the G4+1 Group of standard setters, which included the Chairs of the IASB, FASB and the Canadian Accounting Standards Board. He has published a textbook on advanced accounting in Canada, and was co-author of a research paper on accountIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Master Tax Guide, 70th Edition, 2015 By Published On :: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 11:23:48 GMT Canadian Master Tax Guide provides helpful and practical guidance on today's federal tax law. This 70th edition reflects federal tax changes in 2014 to the date of publication and provides fast, reliable answers to tax questions affecting individual and business income tax. Canadian Master Tax Guide contains timely and precise explanations of federal income taxes for individuals, partnerships, corporations, estates, and trusts, as well as changes established by key court decisions and the Canada Revenue Agency. Significant new tax developments are conveniently highlighted and concisely explained for quick reference and understanding. The book's explanations provide tax practitioners with accurate and sound guidance to help them understand, apply, and comply with today's complex tax laws. Canadian Master Tax Guide is conveniently cross-referenced to the Income Tax Act, Income Tax Regulations, court decisions, and CRA technical publications. This reliable reference is a must for anyone involved with federal taxation. Topical Coverage: Tax Rates and Credits Tax-Free Savings Account Income from Business and Property Deferred Income Plans Capital Gains and Losses Dividends Capital Cost Allowance Charitable Donations SR&ED Expenses Returns and Assessments Tax Planning for Individuals - 2015/2016 The 2015 edition provides timely and precise explanations of recent developments including legislative changes affecting the following: Bill C-4, Economic Action Plan 2013 No. 2 legislative amendments including items such as: Lifetime capital gains exemption increase (2013 Budget) Labour Sponsored Funds Tax Credit phase out (2013 Budget) Synthetic dispositions (2013 Budget) Character conversion transactions (2013 Budget) Trust & corporate loss trading (2013 Budget) SR&ED information requirements (2013 Budget) Restricted farm losses (2013 Budget) Leveraged insurance arrangements (2013 Budget) Pre-production mine development expenses (2013 Budget) Thin capitalization (2013 Budget) Technical amendments contained in draft legislation released on Dec. 21, 2012, including corporate reorganizations and transfer pricing relief amendments relating to stapled securities contained in draft legislation released on July 25, 2012, Bill C-31, Economic Action Plan 2014 Act, No. 1 legislative amendments including items such as: Tax credits for adoption and medical eIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can CCH's IFRS for Canada By Published On :: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 15:47:13 GMT Designed to be the most effective research service in Canada on the convergence of Canadian GAAP and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), CCH's IFRS for Canada is unique in the market today. CCH's IFRS for Canada combines the official text of the IFRSs and other related documents licensed from the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) with extensive commentary from Deloitte iGAAP: IFRS for Canada. IASB IFRSs and Related Documents To keep fully up-to-date with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) including International Accounting Standards, Interpretations (IFRICs/SICs) and any revisions just as soon as they are available, you need a subscription to CCH's IFRS for Canada. An annual subscription to this service gives you immediate online access to HTML versions of all the most up-to-date material issued by the IASB. CCH's IFRS for Canada integrates a powerful search function that lets you find exactly what you are looking for just when you need it. Standards are fully hyperlinked with cross-references and you can search by issue date and much more. In addition, they are cross-linked to the commentary within Deloitte iGAAP: IFRS for Canada. Deloitte iGAAP: IFRS for Canada The comprehensive commentary of Deloitte iGAAP: IFRS for Canada is unique in that it is Canadian. It is authored from a Canadian perspective for Canadian practitioners and it draws on Deloitte's global IFRS experience. Commentary is provided on each significant Standard, organized topically into chapters and contains explanatory information, analytical discussions, and illustrative examples of the application of IFRSs. Contained in each chapter of commentary are three value-added features developed specifically for Canadian practitioners: First-time Canadian Readers Guide provides an overview of individual Standards from a Canadian perspective Summary of Major Differences between Canadian GAAP and IFRS highlights key areas of change for Canadian practitioners Implications for Canadian Preparers summarizes significant practical implications for Canadian practitioners upon transition In addition, comments specific to Canada are separately highlighted throughout the content, as are interpretive commentary and examples. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Canadian Income Tax Act with Regulations, Annotated, 98th Edition, Autumn 2014 By Published On :: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 15:31:41 GMT The Autumn 2014 edition of the Canadian Income Tax Act with Regulations,Annotated is filled with accurate, up-to-date content and highlights proposed legislative changes that make it indispensable for tax professionals. You can count on the authoritative analysis and editorial excellence from leading tax experts to assist you with Canada’s complex tax laws. Representing the tax and accounting intelligence of 25 experts from a range of academic fields, you've got some of the best minds in the business at your fingertips. Editorial Notes and Cross-References The 98th edition continues the Wolters Kluwer practice of providing valuable cross-references and extensive editorial notes from distinguished tax experts to assist you with Canada’s complex tax laws. Insightful notes and cross-references to various types of related information are clearly identified, making it even easier to find the answers you need to make smart decisions quickly. The full text of the Income Tax Act and Regulations The Canadian Income Tax Act with Regulations, Annotated encompasses all the latest developments that are essential to tax professionals, including: The full text of the Income Tax Act and Regulations as amended to July 2014; 2014 Federal Budget proposals including measures relating to tax on split income, taxation of trusts and estates, non-resident trusts, back-to-back loan arrangements and eligible capital property; Amendments by Bill C-31, Economic Action Plan 2014 Act, No. 1, implementing 2014 Budget proposals with respect to various personal tax credits including the new Search and Rescue Volunteers Tax Credit, ecological gifts, charities and Canadian amateur athletic associations and disclosure of taxpayerIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article can Canadian Corporate Secretary's Guide By Published On :: The Canadian Corporate Secretary's Guide gives you the exact information you need to carry out your duties and responsibilities as a corporate secretary or administrator. Comprehensive in scope, it provides information that takes the corporate secretary from incorporation and initial organization through to day-to-day corporate administration, including corporate governance, business reorganizations, and acquisitions. Your subscription includes: a monthly newsletter, the Corporate Brief, that explains changes to relevant law, summarizes recent cases, and provides an in-depth article examining a current topic of interest to corporate lawyers and corporate secretaries the corporate News Tracker, which keeps you up-to-date on the status of legislative changes (available only to online subscribers) a table of concordance for corporate legislation and charts of corporate penalties and statutory liabilities in-depth commentary on the following key corporate secretarial topics: duties and responsibilities of the corporate secretary incorporation corporate finance corporate governance financial disclosure meetings corporate reorganizations extra-provincial businesses stock exchange requirements special issues, including: competition law consumer legislation banking and insurance intellectual property labour relations and human rights administrative law Precedents provided include Board resolutions, shareholder consents, checklists regarding agreements, due diligence tables, and much, much more! If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article can Value-Added Taxation in Canada: GST, HST, and QST, 4th Edition By Published On :: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 13:31:46 GMT The comprehensive expert commentary of Value-Added Taxation in Canada: GST, HST, and QST, 4th Edition is now available online. Use your subscription to: Search research content instantly Access your applicable CCH subscriptions; all integrated Save research to your electronic client files Enjoy access virtually anywhere Value-Added Taxation in Canada is an in-depth analysis of the Goods and Services Tax, its harmonized counterpart currently applicable in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, and British Columbia, and the Quebec Sales Tax. The book combines both practical and theoretical issues, with emphasis on practical applications for private and public sector taxpayers. The authors have integrated the impact of the three taxes (GST, HST, and QST) on each topical area. These taxes are extensively referenced throughout the book, providing insight into the legislation and administrative policy at both the federal and provincial levels. In addition, the format is designed to accommodate the further harmonization of other jurisdictions in Canada. This edition has been updated to reflect the legislation, regulations, government policies, and proposed amendments up to January 1, 2011. Table of Contents (Condensed) CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2 – REGISTRATION CHAPTER 3 – SUPPLY CHAPTER 4 – PLACE OF SUPPLY CHAPTER 5 – VALUE OF CONSIDERATION CHAPTER 6 – WHEN TAX IS PAYABLE CHAPTER 7 – IMPORTS AND INTERPROVINCIAL TRANSFERS CHAPTER 8 – EXEMPT SUPPLIES CHAPTER 9 – ZERO-RATED SUPPLIES CHAPTER 10 – INPUT TAX CREDITS AND INPUT TAX REFUNDS CHAPTER 11 – REBATES CHAPTER 12 – ORGANIZATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS CHAPTER 13 – FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CHAPTER 14 – INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC ISSUES CHAPTER 15 – COLLECTION AND REMITTANCE OF TAX CHAPTER 16 – ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT About the Author: Ryan is a leading global tax services firm, with the largest indirect tax practice in North America and the seventh largest corporate tax practice in the United States. Since 1974, the Firm’s Canadian practice, located in Mississauga, Ontario, has performed work for more than 6,500 organizations on a variety of tax matters, both provincially and nationally. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Ryan provides a comprehensive range of state, local, federal, and international tax advisory and consulting services on a multi-jurisdictional basis, including audit defence, tax recovery, credits and incentives, tax process improvement and automation, tax appeals, tax compliance and strategic planning. In 2010, If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article can Tort Law in Canada By Published On :: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 09:20:00 GMT Published: August 2010 Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Tort Law in Canada provides ready access to how the legal dimension of prevention against harm and loss allocation is treated in Canada. This traditional branch of law not only tackles questions which concern every lawyer, whatever his legal expertise, but also concerns each person’s most fundamental rights on a worldwide scale. Following a general introduction that probes the distinction between tort and crime and the relationship between tort and contract, the monograph describes how the concepts of fault and unlawfulness, and of duty of care and negligence, are dealt with in both the legislature and the courts. This book then proceeds to cover specific cases of liability, such as professional liability, liability of public bodies, abuse of rights, injury to reputation and privacy, vicarious liability, liability of parents and teachers, liability for handicapped persons, product liability, environmental liability, and liability connected with road and traffic accidents. Principles of causation, grounds of justification, limitations on recovery, assessment of damages and compensation, and the role of private insurance and social security are all closely considered. Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable resource for lawyers in Canada. Academics and researchers will also welcome this very useful guide, and will appreciate its value not only as a contribution to comparative law but also as a stimulus to harmonization of the rules on tort. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article can The Osler Guide to Commercial Arbitration in Canada: A Practical Introduction to Domestic and International Commercial Arbitration By Published On :: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 09:01:33 GMT Published: February 2006 Osler is internationally known as one of Canada's leading corporate/commercial law firms. In this incomparable guide for practitioners, three experienced Osler lawyers - one each in Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta - provide an easy-to-use practical overview of the law of domestic and international arbitrations. With lucid clarification of applicable legislation, both federal and provincial, and analysis of relevant case law, The Osler Guide to Commercial Arbitration in Canada offers great assistance in the preparation, negotiation, process, and conclusion of arbitration agreements in Canada. Topcs covered: Important issues and key cases in all Canadian provinces and territories and under federal legislation Practical reasons to use arbitration and what to consider in preparing arbitration agreements Drafting arbitration clauses to manage risk Protection of confidential information Staying court proceedings in favour of arbitration Appealing and enforcing awards Emphasizing the major jurisdictions of Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, and British Columbia, it offers immeasurable value to in-house and external corporate counsel, litigation lawyers, international lawyers, and business people, as well as to students of dispute resolution. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. 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can Canadian Corporate Secretary's Guide By Published On :: The Canadian Corporate Secretary's Guide gives you the exact information you need to carry out your duties and responsibilities as a corporate secretary or administrator. Comprehensive in scope, it provides information that takes the corporate secretary from incorporation and initial organization through to day-to-day corporate administration, including corporate governance, business reorganizations, and acquisitions. Your subscription includes: a monthly newsletter, the Corporate Brief, that explains changes to relevant law, summarizes recent cases, and provides an in-depth article examining a current topic of interest to corporate lawyers and corporate secretaries the corporate News Tracker, which keeps you up-to-date on the status of legislative changes (available only to online subscribers) a table of concordance for corporate legislation and charts of corporate penalties and statutory liabilities in-depth commentary on the following key corporate secretarial topics: duties and responsibilities of the corporate secretary incorporation corporate finance corporate governance financial disclosure meetings corporate reorganizations extra-provincial businesses stock exchange requirements special issues, including: competition law consumer legislation banking and insurance intellectual property labour relations and human rights administrative law Precedents provided include Board resolutions, shareholder consents, checklists regarding agreements, due diligence tables, and much, much more! If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Value-Added Taxation in Canada: GST, HST, and QST, 4th Edition By Published On :: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 13:31:46 GMT The comprehensive expert commentary of Value-Added Taxation in Canada: GST, HST, and QST, 4th Edition is now available online. Use your subscription to: Search research content instantly Access your applicable CCH subscriptions; all integrated Save research to your electronic client files Enjoy access virtually anywhere Value-Added Taxation in Canada is an in-depth analysis of the Goods and Services Tax, its harmonized counterpart currently applicable in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, and British Columbia, and the Quebec Sales Tax. The book combines both practical and theoretical issues, with emphasis on practical applications for private and public sector taxpayers. The authors have integrated the impact of the three taxes (GST, HST, and QST) on each topical area. These taxes are extensively referenced throughout the book, providing insight into the legislation and administrative policy at both the federal and provincial levels. In addition, the format is designed to accommodate the further harmonization of other jurisdictions in Canada. This edition has been updated to reflect the legislation, regulations, government policies, and proposed amendments up to January 1, 2011. Table of Contents (Condensed) CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2 – REGISTRATION CHAPTER 3 – SUPPLY CHAPTER 4 – PLACE OF SUPPLY CHAPTER 5 – VALUE OF CONSIDERATION CHAPTER 6 – WHEN TAX IS PAYABLE CHAPTER 7 – IMPORTS AND INTERPROVINCIAL TRANSFERS CHAPTER 8 – EXEMPT SUPPLIES CHAPTER 9 – ZERO-RATED SUPPLIES CHAPTER 10 – INPUT TAX CREDITS AND INPUT TAX REFUNDS CHAPTER 11 – REBATES CHAPTER 12 – ORGANIZATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS CHAPTER 13 – FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CHAPTER 14 – INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC ISSUES CHAPTER 15 – COLLECTION AND REMITTANCE OF TAX CHAPTER 16 – ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT About the Author: Ryan is a leading global tax services firm, with the largest indirect tax practice in North America and the seventh largest corporate tax practice in the United States. Since 1974, the Firm’s Canadian practice, located in Mississauga, Ontario, has performed work for more than 6,500 organizations on a variety of tax matters, both provincially and nationally. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Ryan provides a comprehensive range of state, local, federal, and international tax advisory and consulting services on a multi-jurisdictional basis, including audit defence, tax recovery, credits and incentives, tax process improvement and automation, tax appeals, tax compliance and strategic planning. In 2010, If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can Tort Law in Canada By Published On :: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 09:20:00 GMT Published: August 2010 Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Tort Law in Canada provides ready access to how the legal dimension of prevention against harm and loss allocation is treated in Canada. This traditional branch of law not only tackles questions which concern every lawyer, whatever his legal expertise, but also concerns each person’s most fundamental rights on a worldwide scale. Following a general introduction that probes the distinction between tort and crime and the relationship between tort and contract, the monograph describes how the concepts of fault and unlawfulness, and of duty of care and negligence, are dealt with in both the legislature and the courts. This book then proceeds to cover specific cases of liability, such as professional liability, liability of public bodies, abuse of rights, injury to reputation and privacy, vicarious liability, liability of parents and teachers, liability for handicapped persons, product liability, environmental liability, and liability connected with road and traffic accidents. Principles of causation, grounds of justification, limitations on recovery, assessment of damages and compensation, and the role of private insurance and social security are all closely considered. Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable resource for lawyers in Canada. Academics and researchers will also welcome this very useful guide, and will appreciate its value not only as a contribution to comparative law but also as a stimulus to harmonization of the rules on tort. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
can The Osler Guide to Commercial Arbitration in Canada: A Practical Introduction to Domestic and International Commercial Arbitration By Published On :: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 09:01:33 GMT Published: February 2006 Osler is internationally known as one of Canada's leading corporate/commercial law firms. In this incomparable guide for practitioners, three experienced Osler lawyers - one each in Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta - provide an easy-to-use practical overview of the law of domestic and international arbitrations. With lucid clarification of applicable legislation, both federal and provincial, and analysis of relevant case law, The Osler Guide to Commercial Arbitration in Canada offers great assistance in the preparation, negotiation, process, and conclusion of arbitration agreements in Canada. Topcs covered: Important issues and key cases in all Canadian provinces and territories and under federal legislation Practical reasons to use arbitration and what to consider in preparing arbitration agreements Drafting arbitration clauses to manage risk Protection of confidential information Staying court proceedings in favour of arbitration Appealing and enforcing awards Emphasizing the major jurisdictions of Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, and British Columbia, it offers immeasurable value to in-house and external corporate counsel, litigation lawyers, international lawyers, and business people, as well as to students of dispute resolution. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article