
Monbiot: Environmentalism and Alternative Medicine Shouldn't Mix

Image credit: HowStuffWorks Environmentalism and Alternative Medicine - Oil and Water? George Monbiot is undoubtedly no stranger to controversy - my post about his climate change book, Heat, drew 81 comments, while his well publicized opposition to


Survey: Is There Room in the Environmental Movement for "Non-Scientific" Causes?

George Monbiot is at it again, causing controversy by saying "Environmentalism may be emotional but it should always be based on science, not like the wishful thinking behind natural remedies."-Environmentalism must be fact based and there is no room


Patagonia's new Silent Down coats push environmental standards even higher

Recycled fabric, down insulation, and fair-trade sewing make this a top pick if you're in the market for a new coat.


Let Bygones Be Bygones Already, for the Environment's Sake!

Due to security issues, the date has not been released yet, but we are happy to announce that Middle East environmentalists are putting political pet peeves aside to focus on one goal: preserving the environment.


U.S., Iran Agree on Need for Increased Environmental Education

Despite the fact that representitives from Iran and the U.S. agree on virtually nothing else in the world, representatives from both countries at the U.N. Conference on Climate Change in Bali are among those pointing out the need for increased


Middle Eastern Artists Eye Environmental Threats

With water shortages and air pollution posing increasingly grave threats to the Middle East, artists in the region are working to make environmental issues more visible, both at home and in international


How environmentalists got one firm to quit deforestation

Activists get one firm to agree to stop clearing Indonesian forests for paper plantations.


Bangladesh's Leather Pollutes Environment, Harms Workers & Government Looks Away (Video)

A new Human Rights Watch report shows the horrific conditions, both environmental and social, that 90% of Bangladesh's leather is produced in—and exported from, to the US, China, Italy and elsewhere.


10 Environmental Victories of 2012

From clean air regulations to clean energy installations and requirements for better gas mileage, here's the year in environmental progress, according to the Sierra Club.


Marathon Refinery Fire in Detroit Another Sign of Environmental Injustice

Last Saturday's Marathon Oil refinery explosion and fire was yet another dangerous, polluting event in a string of environmental injustices to plague the residents of the 48217 zip code in Detroit


A Note to Mayor de Blasio: Don’t forget the environment as a cause of inequality

Environmental initiatives are integral to addressing the "tale of two cities" that Mayor de Blasio campaigned on.


The 20th anniversary of the environmental justice executive order

On February 11, 1994, President Bill Clinton signed an executive order designed to bring about environmental justice.


Winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize tackles illegal palm oil companies in Indonesia

From palm oil invaders to adorable Sumatran rhinos, this story about a recent environmental victory will inspire you.


Another environmental activist, Nelson García, is murdered in Honduras

Mere days after the murder of celebrity activist Berta Cáceres, a fellow member of her group was shot and killed for his participation in the same environmental group.


Winner of the 2016 Goldman Environmental Prize battles a huge mining corporation

It's an unlikely match between a 47-year-old Peruvian subsistence farmer and a giant American mining corporation, and yet the former is winning the battle.


Are farmers and environmentalists teaming up?

Scientists found a way to get more crops per acre and save the planet at the same time.


Cheap food harms public health and the environment, UK report says

Report also provides a blueprint for how to overhaul the food system to improve wellbeing all around.


Facebook Paid Instagram $1 Billion for Emotion. What's It Worth to the Environment?

Why did Facebook pay $1 billion for Instagram and what can the environmental movement learn from this? It's all about emotion.


Is Anti-Science Environmentalism a Real Problem?

We often criticize climate denialists for being anti-science, and yet many environmentalists reject science that clashes with their own worldview.


Reconnecting with nature has environmental and mental health benefits

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee at The Guardian writes about the deeper human issue at risk in our ongoing environmental crises - a disconnection from the ecosystem.


See what environmental problem Robert Redford and Will Ferrell are fighting about

This fake fight has a good cause.


Corn Ethanol, Biofuel's Eldest Poster Child, Is Off To Environmental Reform School

This week USEPA announced that the maximum ethanol content of motor fuel sold in the USA would be allowed to rise from 10% to 15%. Positives of the Agency's decision are: reduced dependence on foreign


Sensordrone Turns Your Phone Into an Environmental Sensor for Gases, Temperatures, More

Sensors on cell phones is a concept that has gone mainstream enough that this Kickstarter project has blown its funding goals out of the water. The device turns your cell phone into a "Swiss Army Knife of environmental sensors."


Prix Pictet International Environmental Photography Competition Short List Announced 2012

This competition for the best environmental photography never fails to be interesting and professional.


Do you eat for health or environmental sustainability? The Double Pyramid says you can do both

The Double Pyramid is an innovative way of portraying how the ecological footprints of our food compare to their nutritional value.


Ed Sheeran's popular song, The Shape of You, now has an environmental version

Global Citizen changed the lyrics to include a strong anti-food waste message, and the result is both entertaining and informative.


You can't be an environmentalist if...

So you want to save the world, do you? Let's get one thing straight.


University Installs Solar and Electric Car Charging. "Environmentalists" Get Mad.

Western Michigan University is installing solar-powered electric car charging. But it has to chop down nine trees to do it.


Environmentalists Try to Trump Trump's Golf Course by Buying Land

Celebrities buying plots of land to block developments is the new new. Last year people opposed to the third runway at Heathrow Airport bought up a plot in the middle of the runway in an attempt to thwart it. Now opponents to


All of Existence Should Be Revered: Hinduism & The Environment

Hinduism is the oldest


Stewardship Over Creation: Christianity & The Environment

Saint Francis of Assisi statue, photo: David Morris/Creative Commons. The following post is part of an ongoing series of posts outlining how the world's major religions have traditionally viewed the environment and are putting those beliefs into


The Thoroughly Positive Effects of Positivity & Why Environmentalism Could Use More Of It

There's a really fascinating feature over at Greater Good on the powerful transformative effects that positive emotions have on our wellbeing, our lives, our bodies, those around us. I won't relay all that Barbara


We Are An Intrinsic Part Of Nature, Not Separate From Anything Else: Buddhism & The Environment

For many


Humans Are Trustees Of Allah's Creation: Islam & The Environment

"The world is sweet and verdant


A Responsibility To Defend A Fragile & Glorious World: Judaism & The Environment

"A Jewish ecology is 'not


Non-Violence, Service & The Path: Jainism, Sikhism and Daoism on the Environment

In previous posts in this series we've focused on


The First Worldwide Green Hajj Guide & Eco-Mosques in Qatar: More on Islam & The Environment

Some timely examples of the intersection of Islam and environmental stewardship, both coming via the good folks over at Green Prophet: 1) Any new mosque built in Qatar must be eco-friendly, and 2) a new green guide to


If More of Us Love Nature, The Environment Will Take Care of Itself

Like the word 'sustainability', 'environmentalism' has become a hollow word, a word divorced from meaning, a word lacking in soul, separated from its essence.


Local Businesses, Government Officials and Environmental Agencies Unite to Protect Maryland Wetlands

The state of Maryland has already shown a proclivity towards environmental programs—it has embraced wind power via positive legislation, for one. Now, it's going to clean up its wetlands. The Maryland chapter of the


Six ways to transform the built environment

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation shows how thinking circular could change the way we live for the better.


70% of Americans think the environment is more important than economic growth

Turns out, environmental issues are not about awareness. People get it.


National Talk Like A Pirate Day Environmental Quiz

We want to extend National Talk Like A Pirate Day just a few more days, especially since it is helping to spread the word about clean sailing and boating. The Sierra Club has put together a fun set of questions to not only get you in the


Karaoke: From Cheesy Entertainment to Environmental Education Tool

Karaoke video explaining not to drink water from wells painted red as they contain high levels of arsenic (YouTube via RDI-Cambodia) For this writer, karaoke has long been thought as an activity to be endured rather than enjoyed (and I am sure I am not


What is "the conventional wisdom about environmentally friendly construction"?

It's a moving target and, like TreeHugger hero Chris Magwood, we are all learning on the job.


Your Ecological Footprint: Defining, Calculating, and Reducing Your Environmental Footprint

Ecological footprint: what is it? An analysis that gauges our impact on the planet's biological systems, the ecological footprint measures human consumption of natural resources in comparison to Earth's ecological capacity to regenerate them.


What's the environmental impact of a loaf of bread?

Researchers were shocked to discover what part of the bread-making process generates most emissions.


Definition of irony: Britain hit by CO2 shortage

It's also affecting everything from meat packing to crumpets.


10 Historical Figures You Had No Idea Were Environmentalists

From Genghis Khan's reforestation to King Edward I's 14th century ban of coal mining, these famous people were dedicated to TreeHugger ethics --- even if they didn't know it.


Eye On Earth Connects the Dots So People Can See Environmental Issues

A heat wave vulnerability map goes viral, boosting interactive technology that helps make important environmental data accessible.


48 environmental rules the White House is working to undo

In the latest installment of 'A Death by 1000 Cuts,' a New York TImes analysis lists the Earth-loving rules that Washington is seeking to reverse.