
Biodegradable plastic is bad for the environment, British MPs say

It's time we stopped greenwashing plastic alternatives and realized they do more harm than good.


This company is using algae to make environmentally friendly inks

Instead of heavy metals, petroleum products, and toxic solvents, this printing ink is made with algae grown by Living Ink.


BPA Identified As Potential "Environmental Obesogen"

Just when I thought it would be fine to cook with canned tomato sauce - bis-Phenol A recently having been granted toxicology probation - emerges the possibility that BPA can make you obese. Ohhh wait - not


Does the Environment Win When Economic Crisis Sends Immigrants Home?

Turkish cities have been the stage for culture clashes in recent years, as residents of rural areas moved to urban areas in large numbers, bringing what many urbanites see as


HUBB modular furniture system adapts to changing learning environments (Video)

The static, traditional lecture classroom is slowly on its way out. Here's how the flexible classroom of the future might be furnished.


2015 sets record for murders of environmental activists

Something to put all the composting, shorter showers and EV talk in perspective.


Cats, dogs responsible for up to 30% of meat environmental impact in US

If American's cats and dogs were their own country, they'd rank 5th in global meat consumption, says new study.


Are pointless jobs destroying the environment?

Anthropologist David Graeber thinks we could do without half our jobs.


How 'Rick and Morty' explains why humans keep destroying the environment

The sci-fi show pulls no punches when it comes to humanity's complicated relationship with work and nature.


Radical Transparency - InterfaceFLOR Commit to Environmental Product Declarations on all Products by 2012

This week The Man with A Spear in His Chest, founder of Interface Ray Anderson, held a press conference to mark a milestone in his company's journey up "Mount Sustainability". They are making excellent progress towards their target of zero


Is The BP Spill Big Enough To Resuscitate The Environmental Movement?

Floating residues from the ongoing BP oil 'blowout' in the Gulf are expansive enough to be easily visible from space. Satellite photos of oil on salt water


Why you should roast vegetables in a cast iron pan

You'll get a perfectly crispy, golden exterior.


Environmentalists call for Carbon Capture and Storage – with forests

Greta Thunberg, Margaret Atwood, Michael Mann, Naomi Klein, David Suzuki, Bill McKibben, George Monbiot and more make the case.


Educating youth is key to creating the next generation of environmentalists

The discussion of implementing proactive environmental consciousness starts with our youth, who have the most influence on the trajectory of our eco-infrastructure.


Everyday people can invest in organizations that protect the environment

Average consumers of all incomes have the ability to meaningfully invest in organizations doing good work


Coldplay wants all future tours to be 'environmentally beneficial'

The rock band won't be touring its newest album until it can figure out a greener way of doing it.


U.S. dietary guidelines may include environmental concerns for the first time

The U.S.’s top nutritional panel has recommended that Americans eat less meat, both for their health and to help protect the planet.


Creating Equilibrium: What if environmentalists and the tech-crowd actually talked to each other?

An event on Lake Tahoe promises "world class minds, radical innovation and kickass rock 'n roll". And solutions to the biodiversity crisis, too.


How green is Apple? A look at their Environmental Responsibility Report

It’s not perfect, but it is pretty impressive.


Are environmentalists too focused on innovation?

New technologies can be a powerful tool in the fight against climate change. But they can also be a distraction.


Multi-Purpose Folding Screen Doubles as Library, Rack, Mirror and Ironing Board

In an attempt to re-think the original function of the folding screen, Argentine designer Leonardo Fortunato created the Diecut Screen multi-purpose piece.


Obama Administration Just As Bad On Environment As Bush, Says New Report

"Tucked in a corner of the Old Executive Office Building, an obscure group of some three dozen economists exerts extraordinary power over federal rules intended to protect public health, worker and consumer safety, and the environment."


Environmental Groups Sue the EPA Over Delay on Coal Ash Regulations

The EPA pledged new regulations after the TVA coal ash spill, but has been sitting on two proposals for two years now, and the problems that led to TVA are still rampant nationwide.


The Environmental Impact of Cocaine

Whenever we talk about the production of cocaine fueling rainforest destruction, or the electricity consumption of indoor marijuana growing, many commenters decry that it is prohibition that causes these negative impacts, not the drug itself. There is,


5 foods you shouldn't eat if you care about the environment

You've heard them all before, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded of why these foods are destructive to our planet.


Does anyone really know which diet is best for the environment?

The meat vs. veggies debate is a lot more complex than it seems at first glance.


Scientists identify the most environmentally harmful animal product in the American diet

A new paper compares eggs, dairy, poultry, beef and pork to determine which has the biggest environmental impact.


American dietary guidelines dump environmental concerns

Recommendations to eat less meat for environmental reasons won’t be included in the final 2015 dietary guidelines.


Beautiful wind turbine trees generate clean energy in urban environments

The turbines leave no room for the eye-sore excuse.


How can people demand a "naturally green" environment and hate wind turbines?

There is either a giant contradiction here in Ontario's Prince Edward County or I am missing something.


Young Americans Do Care About the Environment

Student activism nationwide flies in the face of a recent study claiming young Americans don't care about the environment.


Environmentalists rejoice as Agenda 21 is implemented across North America!

A green, sustainable future awaits us all as the United Nations proposal for sustainable development becomes the law of the land.


How North Carolina's Political Turmoil is Impacting the Environment

From reproductive rights to voter ID, there have been some battles in North Carolina of late. The environment has not escaped unharmed.


The farmer, poet and environmental legend Wendell Berry speaks with Bill Moyers about social change

Wendell Berry is a fount of wisdom and inspiration, so it was great to see that Bill Moyers spoke with the farmer, poet, eco-philosopher about the role of activism and spirit in creating positive change.


World Environment Day is This Week! Here's a Sneak Peek at the Rio Celebrations

We're heading to Rio for World Environment Day. Here's a sneak peek at what's happening in Rio de Janeiro this week.


Report condemns environmental impact of fast fashion

We need a new approach to making and buying clothes because the current system is unsustainable.


Is it a new era, where architects should be held to account for the environmental impact of their work?

Sustainability matters, but so does hypocrisy.


Danger Maps crowd-sources environmental contamination in China

A new website aims to gather data on pollution in China.


TreeHugger and UNEP Announce Third Annual World Environment Day Blogging Competition

TreeHugger and UNEP announce return of World Environment Day Blogging Competition.


Picturing World Environment Day 2012 with Piictu

Show the world your environment with a new TreeHugger and UNEP partnership with Piictu, a photo sharing social network.


Meet the Top 10 Finalists in World Environment Day Blogging Contest

The votes are in and these are the top 10 finalists in the 2012 World Environment Day Blogging Contest! Read their posts and vote for the winner!


Winner Announced in World Environment Day Blogging Contest

Congratulations to Scott Bartlett for winning the UNEP and TreeHugger World Environment Day Blogging Competition!


Cérémonie de remise du Prix Happy City : AG2R LA MONDIALE, Nexity, Sodexo et SUEZ environnement récompensent les meilleures initiatives en faveur du bien-être citoyen - Interview Jean Jouzel, Président du jury

Interview Jean Jouzel, Président du jury


When environmental activism is more dangerous than being a soldier

A new study reveals that murder rates of environmental defenders have spiked in recent years.


A massive renewable energy scheme in Australia has been recommended for environmental approval

Several big firms, including Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas, are involved in the project.


Paul Tudor Jones calls bitcoin 'fastest horse' in this environment

FM trader Brian Kelly on legendary investor Paul Tudor Jones buying bitcoin. With CNBC's Melissa Lee and the Fast Money traders, Guy Adami, Tim Seymour, Karen Finerman and Dan Nathan.


Брюс Дикинсон - Зачем нужна эта кнопка? Автобиография пилота и вокалиста Iron Maiden

Долгожданные мемуары от невероятно многогранного ведущего вокалиста Iron Maiden, одной из самых успешных, влиятельных и долгоиграющих рок-групп за всю историю.
Пионеры только зарождающейся в конце 1970-х годов британской метал-сцены, Iron Maiden пробили себе путь к вершине в немалой степени благодаря незабываемым выступлениям, оперному пению и солисту Брюсу Дикинсону. Как фронтмен Iron Maiden – сначала с 1981 по 1993 год, а затем с 1999 года по настоящее время – Дикинсон был и остается человеком-легендой.

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