
“Esta noticia dignifica el trabajo de los músicos que tocan cumbia”: Katiuska Barros, hija de José Barros.


Néstor Humberto Martínez: "Por dignidad Minminas debería dar un paso al costado"


La importancia de la Ley de Parto Digno y Respetado en Colombia

En nuestra conversación En Familia, discutimos sobre cuáles son las buenas prácticas de un parto más respetuoso.


Llega a Bogotá la semana del Pisco, un evento para homenjear la bebida insignia de Perú.

Llega a Bogotá la semana del Pisco, un evento para homenjear la bebida insignia de Perú.


Jorge Ignacio Zorro, viceministro de cultura, presenta en la Feria Internacional de Música Clásica de Cartagena


Historia del barrio Juan Pablo II, territorio de resistencia, resignificación y memoria


Dengue: ¿Cuáles son las recomendaciones y signos de alerta? Secretario de Salud de Cali explica

En Caracol Radio estuvo el secretario de Salud de Cali conversando sobre las medidas que realiza la Alcaldía ante el pico de casos de dengue


¿Qué significa el ‘Supermartes’ para Biden y Trump? Kevin Whitaker analiza su importancia

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy, el exembajador de EE.UU. en Colombia, Kevin Whitaker, ofrece un análisis sobre el significado del ‘Supermartes’ para las candidaturas de Joe Biden y Donald Trump.


Necesitamos mucha más comunicación con el Gobierno: Dignidad Cafetera Antioquia

Así lo aseguró Alonso Suárez, miembro de dicha asociación de caficultores en el departamento de Antioquia.


“Necesitamos ayuda del Gobierno”: Alonso Suárez, miembro de Dignidad Cafetera Antioquia


Experto sobre la decisión de Pedro Sánchez de quedarse: “Hay una mezcla de alivio e indignación”

Pablo Morán. jefe internacional de la Cadena Ser, explicó en 6AM las consecuencias que tiene la decisión del primer mandatario para mantenerse en el Gobierno


Rompimiento de relaciones de Colombia con Israel no significa simpatía con Hamas: Mauricio Jaramillo

En Caracol Radio estuvo el profesor de la Universidad del Rosario Mauricio Jaramillo Jassir, desarrollando un análisis de la medida del presidente Petro


¿Qué significa el incremento del recaudo tributario bruto de la Dian?

En mayo de 2024, el recaudo tributario bruto de la Dian fue de $30.26 billones de pesos, un aumento nominal de 17,8% y real de 11% frente a mayo de 2023.


Para nosotros es un insulto que Petro ignore a Arauca con muertos y extorsiones: Lina Garrido

La representante a la Cámara por Arauca, Lina María Garrido, lanzó fuerte crítica al Gobierno nacional por la falta de acciones concretas para atender las emergencias sociales y ambientales que vive el departamento 


Vamos a recuperar el rumbo, la dignidad y traer el mundo a Cali: Alejandro Eder

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio, que se transmite desde la ciudad de Cali este viernes 28 de junio, estuvo Alejandro Eder, alcalde de la capital del Valle del Cauca, para brindar un panorama general de la situación actual de la ciudad.


Aumentan significativamente las violaciones al cese al fuego por parte del ELN: CERAC

Aseguran que el grupo guerrillero volvió al secuestro y al recrudecimiento de la violencia en el país


Escándalo UNGRD: Roban memoria de dos portátiles asignados a asesores de Sandra Ortiz

Se trata de un disco duro y una memoria de dos computadores portátiles asignados a la oficina de la exalta Consejera de Regiones, Sandra Ortiz, implicada en el escándalo de corrupción de la UNGRD.


Alejandro Santos al punto: ¿Cuál es el significado en lo político y económico del acuerdo entre el Gobierno y los banqueros?

Mucho se ha hablado sobre la nueva adición que acordaron los banqueros y el gobierno y el futuro de los créditos que entran en juego 


Gobierno ignoró avisos de presencia de disidencias a las fueras de Bogotá: exgobernado

Juan Guillermo Zuluaga, exgobernador del Meta, habló sobre si el Gobierno está haciendo caso omiso a la advertencia del fortalecimiento de las disidencias en inmediaciones de Bogotá


Racionamiento de gas en Colombia: Naturgas advierte que Gobierno no puede ignorar crisis

Luz Stella Murgas, presidenta de Naturgas, estuvo en 6AM para hablar de cómo funcionaría el racionamiento de gas natural que prepara el Gobierno por mantenimiento de planta Spec.


RECORDING: Acclaimed Singer Songwriter Laura Baron Returns With Poignant Jazz Infused Album 'Beauty In The Broken'

With a distinguished career spanning folk, jazz, and world music, award-winning singer songwriter Laura Baron has recently released her latest album, Beauty in the Broken, a stirring collection that sees her embracing her jazz roots in a new light. Featuring eight original songs along with an inspired jazz-infused take on the classic song "Dream a Little Dream," Baron’s latest work captures a journey of healing and transformation....


'Undignified' 100-year-old hospital gown design in desperate need of redesign, doctor says

Likening the 100-year-old hospital gown to a prisoner's orange jumpsuit, a prominent British doctor says the "alien, open-at-the-back garment" is in desperate need of a redesign. 

  • Radio/White Coat/ Black Art


Nov. 1, 2024: It's Not Okay to Ignore the News & Windows vs. Doors

Charlie Demers and Lisa Baker are anything but fake when they discuss if it's okay to ignore the news. Then, are windows superior to doors? Graham Clark and Charles Haycock tear a weather-strip off each other in this architectural argument.

  • Radio/The Debaters


Room with a view: 60 years on, Gaston Bachelard's ideas still ignite our imagination

It's been 60 years since French thinker Gaston Bachelard’s The Poetics of Space made its English-language debut. It’s a hard-to-define book — part architecture, philosophy, psychoanalysis, memoir. And it continues to feed our ongoing need for purposeful solitude and wide-open fields for our imagination.


There's a real Doc Marten – and he wasn't a shoe designer

It all began with a doctorate, a skiing accident and a bit of ingenuity.

  • Radio/Under the Influence


Kerry's Campaign Has Soared From Poorhouse to Penthouse

A $107 million surge in contributions has made Senator John Kerry the best-financed challenger in presidential campaign history.


President Biden Signs Executive Order To End the Use of Private For-Profit Prisons

Wikimedia Commons
Philadelphia County Prison
In an important move that returns federal government policy to the Obama era, today President Biden signed an executive order calling on the Department of Justice to ends its use of private prisons.  While this executive order does not end federal government reliance on for-profit immigration detention centers, it does require that no future contracts with private prison operators be entered into between the federal government and private prison corporations CoreCivic, GEO Group and others.  Use of the executive order to end private for-profit prison reliance has proven difficult politically as Obama ended their use before the 2016 election, but once Trump entered the White House, he rescinded the policy and made robust use of private prisons for federal prisoners as well as immigration detention.

This executive order, while lauded as a positive step in addressing mass incarceration and systemic racism, will not permanently end its practice.  Legislation outlawing private prisons would be a more permanent solution.  Or, a judicial pronouncement that private for-profit incarceration is unconstitutional would effectively end the use of private prisons as well.  An Arizona 501(c)(3), Abolish Private Prisons, has filed a lawsuit in Arizona federal district court on behalf of inmates housed in private prison facilities, arguing that for-profit incarceration is unconstitutional under the 13th, 14th and 8th amendments as well as a violation of the non-delegation doctrine.  The lawsuit Nielsen v. Shinn is currently pending in Arizona federal court.  

The complaint filed by plaintiffs, together with the Government motion to dismiss, the plaintiff's motion in opposition and the Government's reply can all be viewed here


Bootgate explained: How Ron DeSantis’s alleged cowboy boot hidden heels became a campaign controversy


Millie Moss’ design gets a guernsey

NOT only is Millie Moss a keen Aussie rules player, but at eight years of age she’s got design flair beyond her years.


New signs are on watch

The installation of Stop signs at a pedestrian crossing where a woman was hit by a truck and killed has n’t altered driver behaviour.


‘Broken Since the Beginning’: What Went Wrong Inside the Harris Campaign

Campaign leadership installed when Joe Biden was running is facing fierce internal criticism. “I’m amazed that we even got close,” said one official close to the team.


GitHub - hyperlight-dev/hyperlight: Hyperlight is a lightweight Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) designed to be embedded within applications. It enables safe execution of untrusted code within micro virtual machines with very low latency and minimal overhead

via GitHub Public Timeline Feed https://ift.tt/EHbhjky


$320m Parramatta tower design revealed

THE design for the final commercial tower in Parramatta Square has been released — showcasing the 16-storey, 35,000sq m office tower in the heart of Western Sydney.


Building design ‘like a cruise ship’

A PROPOSED five storey development in Bellevue Hill approved by Woollahra Council on Monday night has been likened to a cruise ship.


Free Gear Generator - Design & Create Spur Gears – Evolvent Design

Involute spur gear builder with SVG and DXF output. Licensed under the MIT license (http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php). Copyright 2021 Evolvent Design


Bonfire: Design your own shirt on material you’ll love


One thing I’m sure of: Harris ignored voters’ anger over Gaza, and it cost the Democrats dear | Nesrine Malik | The Guardian


Oprah Winfrey Production Company Denies Being Paid by Harris Campaign

Oprah Winfrey's production banner, Harpo Productions, denies that the billionaire television host was "paid a personal fee" by Vice President Kamala Harris's campaign.

The post Oprah Winfrey Production Company Denies Being Paid by Harris Campaign appeared first on Breitbart.


On The Record: Styx and Foreigner- Michael Hutchence- The Dalai Lama- More

We spin some very collectible new releases including a split from Styx and Foreigner, a picture disc from Michael Hutchence, the soundtrack to the film "Black Girl" and an album from none other than The Dalai Lama!


Business Design Maturity Model: hoe volwassen is jouw organisatie? (deel 1)

Business Design. Een up-and-coming discipline. En dat is niet vreemd. De opkomst van Business Design kun je niet los zien van het huidige business klimaat. Technologische en sociale ontwikkelingen volgen elkaar in hoog tempo op. Er is simpelweg geen tijd meer om eindeloos te sleutelen aan producten en diensten voordat ze naar de markt gaan. […]


Chalk Talk: Students and School Bonds | CA Campaign Watchdog’s Case Backlog | Sacramento Ghost Tours

“Chalk Talk” returns to talk about student health, school bonds and more. A new analysis looks at California’s campaign watchdog agency. Finally, Sacramento ghost guides talk about some of their favorite supernatural tales.


POLITICO’s California Playbook | The Shaping of Kamala Harris’s Campaign and Candidacy | Fashion Designer Samuel Rose

POLITICO’s California Playbook discusses the latest in state politics. How Kamala Harris’s upbringing and earlier campaigns shaped her candidacy. Finally, fashion designer Samuel Rose talks about his creative process and an upcoming exhibition.


Chuck Gillman resigns as Columbine head baseball coach

The longtime Columbine head coach wants some freedom to be able to see his son, Tommy, play in college. Tommy Gillman recently graduated with the Rebels and will play at Texas A&M.


Opinion: This wretched campaign is over. Thank goodness. Now what?

"For now, let’s celebrate the end of the most vexing, mean-spirited and household-dividing presidential election in modern times, as it heaves itself across the finish line and crumples in a lousy heap."


Ty Dolla $ign Cosigns YG

Ty Dolla $ign wants to do a song with Keke.