ign Will Foreign Mischief In U.S. Elections Become 'The New Normal'? By www.gpbnews.org Published On :: Thu, 11 May 2017 08:00:00 +0000 Washington has a big problem to solve: Can it stop cyber mischief, trolls and disinformation from becoming as much a part of American elections as yard signs, straw hats and robocalls? National security officials warn that unless the United States takes strong steps to prevent or deter meddling, foreign nations — especially Russia — won't quit. "They're going to continue to do it," former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told a Senate subcommittee on Monday. "And why not? It proved successful." Moscow has sown chaos across the West, Clapper and others say, by injecting doubt into elections in the U.S. and Europe. The problem: The breadth and diversity of what makes up "interference" is also what makes it so difficult to combat — from hackers stealing and exposing embarrassing secrets to paid social media "trolls" to the creation of sensational or misleading stories camouflaged as news. "Anyone — not just Russians, anyone — can throw an idea against the Internet wall and Full Article
ign Ex-Trump Campaign Official Withdraws From Nomination Amid Questions In Russia Probe By www.gpbnews.org Published On :: Thu, 02 Nov 2017 16:23:00 +0000 A former Trump campaign official has withdrawn from consideration for a job at the U.S. Department of Agriculture after being pulled into the imbroglio over Russia's interference efforts against the U.S. in the 2016 presidential race. Sam Clovis said on Thursday that he would not go forward in trying to become the USDA's undersecretary for research, education and economics. That news followed a quick series of connected developments in the Russia investigation being conducted by the Department of Justice special counsel: first, a guilty plea — announced Monday —by a former campaign adviser who worked for Clovis, and then, reports that Clovis has been interviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller's team in the Russia case and also testified before a Washington, D.C., grand jury. George Papadopoulos, the foreign policy adviser who has pleaded guilty, was approached by Russian agents early in his tenure and offered "dirt" on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and meetings with Russian Full Article
ign Sexist Campaign Swag Complicates Family Tradition By www.gpbnews.org Published On :: Wed, 08 Nov 2017 16:19:26 +0000 A lot of people collect things, and in Paul Sherman’s family, that thing is campaign memorabilia. Paul’s new book is called “Look Away: Documenting Crude and Sexist Items From the Trump Campaign Trail.” It includes several pictures from rallies in Georgia. We recently caught up with three members of the Sherman family. Full Article
ign Major Beer Company Seeks music for advertising campaign 3 Slots $15k By www.musicxray.com Published On :: Thu, 05 Oct 2023 00:32:20 +0000 Major Beer Company Seeks music for advertising campaign 3 Slots $15k The opp is for several different pieces of music as it will cover 3 major tv / film ads and several web-blog adverts and music to show off a new product. They have asked for intense and dramatic songs, positive songs, friendship songs, and holiday and travel themed songs. Once again they are choosing different songs for different territories so there are many slots they are looking for me to fill. The videos and ads will be seen by over a million people across the globe. All styles of music and genres will be considered as the company are looking top quality songs but also lyrical substance and they are also looking for top quality standout attention-grabbing, meaningful songs whether softer emotive ballads or harder more powerful driving tracks as the range covered by the company is huge. THEY JUST NEED BE TOP SONGS!! Please submit your best work, radio ready, mastered songs. You must own 100% copyright. Only songs with cleared samples. I will accept demos as I am also a music producer / studio owner so if the song is a 'no brainer' and has enough potential to fit the opp then I would consider re-cutting it for the client. Grand Northern Sync has worked closely with companies such as: Apple, Honda, Reebok, Samsung, BBC, ABC, New Show Media, Massive Films, Rickety Shack films, Seat, H&M, Busch, Payouts and rights: If selected you will keep 100% of your rights, royalties and payments dependent on the number of times the tracks are used. Payout is $25k dependent on usage and length of use. If selected the songs will be passed to the company and they will have the final say, Grand Northern Sync will be on hand to help the artist all the way through the process with chosen artists (at no financial charge). All songs submitted will be considered for all the other opps we have. I am looking forward to hearing your music. PLEASE DO NOT SEND US TRACKS TO OUR SOUNDCLOUD, EMAIL, LINKEDIN OR ANY SOCIAL MEDIA....Please? - Alexander Johnston / Grand Northern Sync Full Article
ign Music for Fashion Campaign $2k - $5 per track. By www.musicxray.com Published On :: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 07:02:27 +0000 Cool Tracks Wanted for Fashion Campaign Our client is looking for an interesting, cool track for the upcoming campaign for fashion brand. While the visuals feature tropical scenes, young adults having fun and splashing in the sea, the creative team wants to stir away from the typical Summer banger. Tonally, the track should feel fun and energetic, while retaining a level of surprise and sophistication. The focus of this search is hitting the right tone, the track can be old, new, featuring female or male vocals. We are open to several directions, however something with a timeless, vintage inspired sound would contrast the visuals well. Good luck and please DO NOT contact us directly or via Social Media as this will not be read or listened to. Much Love Alex Grand Northern Sync Full Article
ign Beats needed for TV & Online Advertising Campaigns in South Korea ($500-$14,000 per use) By www.musicxray.com Published On :: Mon, 13 May 2019 11:51:04 +0000 Currently seeking “beats” for use in TV & Online advertising campaigns in South Korea! ,br> When I say “beats”, I mean any tracks that are driven by a breakbeat, as one, if not the most dominant part of the track. Ie, Drum & Bass, Hip-Hop, Dubstep, Electronica, Edm, Trap, Grime, Experimental etc. All tracks must be upbeat and have a “Phat Beat”, “Killer Beat”, “Sick Beats”, “Dope Beat” or whatever your preferred description would be. Music must be well produced, high-quality, mixed and mastered. Instrumental tracks preferred please, but great vocal tracks can be accepted too (if you can supply instrumental versions even better) and all tempos considered. Artists must own all rights to their music 100% on both sides and there must be no copyright infringement. All music will be listened to, reviewed and feedback given. The average cost of TV advertising commercial in Korea is $800 to $1,500 per track, and for worldwide rights up to $14,000. The average cost of Online & YouTube advertising in Korea is $500-$2500 (geo restricted for single country of Korea), and worldwide use for $3000-$5000. Selected tracks be sent to clients in South Korea and music licensed on a non-exclusive basis (so you maintain all rights to your music), we simply go 50-50 on deals we get and you're paid quarterly. The South Korean market is built on a unique structure, which is not the same as any foreign market structure around the world. Because of this Korea has a higher advertising music fee than most other countries. This may be due to systemic limitations that the performing royalties cannot be collected, but also because there is no subsequent secondary payment after the initial payment of music fees. The total amount paid in Korea is 100% mechanical payout. Clients who will be using music in South Korea; Korea's major advertising agencies including the CHEIL and INOCEAN and brands such as; Samsung, LG, Hyundai and SK to name a few. If you make “beats’ I really look forward to hearing from you ! All the best, - Giles Gale - Music supervisor, sync & Licensing Manager - Resonant Music Licensing Full Article
ign Signs That Point the Way By www.amazingfacts.org Published On :: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 00:00:00 GMT Why did John write his Gospel? Did he wish to emphasize Jesus’ miracles? Or to emphasize some specific teachings of Jesus? What was the reason for writing what he did? This week we’re going to look in John at some of Jesus’ early miracles—from His turning water to wine at a wedding, to restoring to health someone’s very sick son, to the healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda. Full Article
ign Signs of Divinity By www.amazingfacts.org Published On :: Sat, 05 Oct 2024 00:00:00 GMT This week’s lesson looks at three of Jesus’ greatest signs of His divinity. What is striking is that in every case some people did not believe the miracle or perceive its significance. For some it was a time of turning away from Jesus; for others, a time for deepening blindness; and for others, a time to plot Jesus’ death. And, for others—a time to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Full Article
ign Issues of the Environment: Wildlife and human overlap to increase significantly around the world and in Washtenaw County By www.wemu.org Published On :: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 06:57:14 -0400 The world population is going up, and human-wildlife overlap is increasing. That can lead to negative outcomes, including spread of disease and species extinction. There can be benefits, too, but it will require some planning. That's the focus of a new study out of the University of Michigan. WEMU's David Fair spoke with Associate Professor in Conservation Science Dr. Neil Carter about the study and what can be done right here in Washtenaw County. Full Article
ign An App That Can Catch Early Signs Of Eye Disease In A Flash By gpbnews.org Published On :: Mon, 07 Oct 2019 21:37:00 +0000 It's hard for doctors to do a thorough eye exam on infants. They tend to wiggle around — the babies, that is, not the doctors. But a new smart phone app takes advantage of parents' fondness for snapping pictures of their children to look for signs that a child might be developing a serious eye disease. The app is the culmination of one father's the five-year quest to find a way to catch the earliest signs of eye disease, and prevent devastating loss of vision. Five years ago, NPR reported the story of Bryan Shaw 's son Noah, and how he lost an eye to cancer. Doctors diagnosed Noah Shaw's retinoblastoma when he was 4 months old. To make the diagnosis, the doctors shined a light into Noah's eye, and got a pale reflection from the back of the eyeball, an indication that there were tumors there. Noah's father Bryan is a scientist. He wondered if he could see that same pale reflection in flash pictures his wife was always taking of his baby son. Sure enough, he saw the reflection or glow, Full Article
ign 2024 MetaFilter Gift Swap Sign-Ups are Open!! By metatalk.metafilter.com Published On :: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 07:09:43 GMT Signups for the 2024 MetaFilter Gift Swap are now open! The Metafilter Gift Swap takes place annually from roughly November - December. Each participant sends a gift to an awesome Mefite; each participant receives a gift from an awesome Mefite. Awesomeness and gifts abound.The dates this year are: Signups: Now (10/21) - Nov 9 Assignments: Nov 10 - 15 Send-by: Dec 8 As in the past, the standard gift guidance is $20 USD. Signing Up There will be a link at the end of this post. Follow it! We need an actual MeFi username, an email address you check, your name & mailing address, and some good guidance for the person who draws your name. You will get a confirmation email that will show you the information you submitted. It will come from Google Forms and it will look like the form you just filled out. Please check your spam/junk mail folder. If you do not get this confirmation within 48 hours, send an email to the swap Gmail account (metafiltergiftswap@gmail.com). If you have not gotten a confirmation email, you may not be signed up or you entered the wrong email address. We can fix that. Fun Fact: Every year, several people accidentally typo their own email addresses, which leads to confusion and consternation, and sometimes no gift for someone until late in the season. You will get your draw via email. It will contain key information about the person you will be gifting: MeFi username, a real world name, mailing address, and hopefully helpful guidance from the person you drew. It should allow you to get off to a running start. If you are having trouble putting together your guidance section, ocherdraco put together a list of questions to help you focus. You don't have to answer all (or any of) the questions, but this is a good place to start if you are stumped by the Guidance section. We will not share, abuse, or sell any of your information. The person who draws your name will not get your email address. We will delete all emails sent and received at the end of the exchange season, as well as all personally identifiable information. The Rules 1) Email us or use the gift trackinator when you mail your gift out, along with the tracking number(s) if available. 2) Email us when you receive your gift, even if you're going to wait to open it. 3) Please either post in the main gift exchange thread when you open your gift, or contact your gifter directly. We get a LOT of emails from people who put time, energy, and a great deal of care into selecting and mailing gifts, and they want to make sure it gets to you okay. Please help us ensure that's as smooth as possible. =) If you failed to send your giftee a gift last year without working it out with us, you're ineligible to participate this year. If you do try to sign up, your name will be removed from the swap. You can try again next year, but two strikes and you will be out. If you find that you can't participate after signing up but before the draw, after all, send an email to the swap Gmail account (metafiltergiftswap@gmail.com). We'll remove your entry. If you find that you can't participate at all after the draw, please send an email to that same Gmail account as soon as possible so we can contact the folks who drew you and whom you drew and redirect or reassign as appropriate. If you do not think you can mail a gift in a reasonable amount of time, please do not participate. It's not OK to plan now on finding and sending your gift after your life calms down in January or late December or on Valentines Day. Hey! You have a question! We're happy to serve as anonymizing middlepeople if you have a question for your recipient, to send messages to your recipient on your behalf, to find out if a package has been sent or has been received. Send us an email at our Gmail address (metafiltergiftswap@gmail.com), and we'll see what we can find out for you. A Note About the Swap Groups If we do not get enough people to do a swap in a group, we will contact folks in the underpopulated swap groups to see what can be done before the swap. In 2022, we removed the International Spirit group due to low participation and reverted back to a single International (Physical) group; that remains in effect this year. A Note about International Shipping We STRONGLY recommend mailing as early as possible if you are going to send anything internationally, especially if the US is involved. Customs holds up lots of packages for varying amounts of time (with some, it seems forever). If you sign up for the International option, please be aware that shipping times may stretch out longer than you'd prefer. Signing up for the international swap does not guarantee that you will get a gift from and/or will send a gift to someone outside of the country in which you live (particularly if you live in the USA). If you specifically do want to send/receive internationally, please note that at the end of the sign-up form and we'll do our best to accommodate. A Note About Data Collection The organizers have access to all of the information submitted, including names, addresses, and email communications. We promise that none of this is saved or shared outside of this group. At the end of the exchange (generally sometime in February when we're sure everything that's going to ship/arrive has done so), all of this information is deleted; no personal information is carried over year-to-year. Communicating with Us Unless you need to contact us specifically about one of the organizers, please use our Gmail account, metafiltergiftswap@gmail.com. This will help us make sure we don't overlook anything and can be as efficient as possible. Who we are This year, the organizers are rhyspenbras and okayokayigive. If you drew one of our names and need information about your giftee without spoiling the surprise, contact the other one for answers. =) Gift Swap funding help As in previous years, we have a pool of funds to assist members who would like to participate in the swap but doing so would be financially difficult for them. If you'd like to take advantage of this, please complete the sign-up link and then contact the team at metafiltergiftswap@gmail.com with your username and the best way to get funds to you (Paypal or Venmo are easiest, but other options are available). These are first-come, first-serve. You won't be asked to justify or explain your situation; if you say you could use the help, we trust you. Most Importantly, Sign Up Here Happy gifting! Full Article
ign New Unemployment Claims Dip Below 2 Million In Sign Pace Of Job Losses May Be Easing By www.gpbnews.org Published On :: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 12:40:37 +0000 Updated at 8:47 a.m. ET The coronavirus pandemic has pushed unemployment to its highest level since the Great Depression, but the pace of layoffs has been easing. And there are now some signs that the job market could slowly start to recover. The Labor Department says another 1.87 million people filed claims for unemployment insurance last week. That's down 249,000 from the previous week. While still very high by historical standards, the number has been declining steadily from a peak of 6.8 million the week ending March 28. In the past 11 weeks, 42.6 million new claims have been filed. Continued claims for unemployment went up 649,000, to 21.5 million, in the week ending May 23, the latest week for which data was available, after dropping the prior week. While some workers continue to get pink slips, others have started going back to work. The payroll processor ADP reported Wednesday that private-sector employers cut just under 2.8 million jobs between April and May. That's a much Full Article
ign DL DynaDesign 1.1 by DarlingLee By www.maxforlive.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 09:14:01 EST This is a free(ly?does not mean free of charge.) audio dynamics design M4L plugin, very simple yet v... Full Article
ign Interview: Aaron Glascock on the theme of “hibernation” in sound design By designingsound.org Published On :: Tue, 18 Dec 2018 15:29:24 +0000 Aaron Glascock is a supervising sound editor, sound designer, and re-recording mixer with a long list of films behind him. To date he has received the MPSE Golden Reel for his work on War of the Worlds, an Oscar nomination for Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), and has received several other nominations. More […] Full Article featured interviews aaron glascock George Simpson hibernation 2018 re-recording mixer sound design supervising sound editor
ign Interview: Tony Orozco on the theme of “hibernation” in sound design By designingsound.org Published On :: Fri, 21 Dec 2018 15:30:42 +0000 The topic of the month is hibernation. As the winter weather comes in and things get cold, many animals go to sleep for the winter. I decided to turn to Tony Orozco for some help. Tony Orozco is a supervising sound editor and re-recording mixer and has worked on shows such as Steven Universe, Adventure […] Full Article featured interviews Hacienda Post hibernation 2018 Ian Jones-Quartey re-recording mixer sound designer sound editor supervising sound editor Tim Borquez Toby Jones tom syslo tony orozco
ign ¿Qué significa la parálisis de la justicia en el país durante la pandemia? By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Thu, 21 May 2020 02:39:37 +0000 Full Article
ign ¿Qué significa para el país que Mancuso hable ante Comisión de la Verdad? By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Tue, 08 Sep 2020 02:31:47 +0000 Panelistas ven positivo el regreso de Mancuso al país para que se conozca una verdad integral sobre el paramilitarismo y sus nexos con política. Full Article
ign Protestas y desorden: ¿qué significan los abusos policiales? By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 02:19:48 +0000 Panelistas criticaron respuesta del gobierno ante abusos policiales; creen que actitud se debe a falta de justicia; y de asumir responsabilidades. Full Article
ign Movimientos en la lucha antidrogas: ¿qué significan para Colombia? By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Thu, 03 Dec 2020 02:29:57 +0000 Panelistas creen que recientes informes indican que lucha antinarcóticos debe tener un amplio componente social, así como de erradicación. Full Article
ign Especial de navidad: el significado de las tradiciones By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Tue, 08 Dec 2020 00:24:28 +0000 Expertos hablaron del significado y origen de tradiciones como la noche de velitas; el árbol de navidad; el pesebre y el nacimiento de Jesús. Full Article
ign ¿Qué significa el pesimismo de los colombianos en las encuestas? By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:50:54 +0000 Panelistas analizaron resultados de la encuesta Invamer Poll; debatieron sobre el pesimismo en varios frentes; la imagen de alcaldes y sobre las figuras que empiezan a sonar para las elecciones del 2022. Full Article
ign 8M: el significado de la jornada y el enfoque de políticas públicas By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Tue, 09 Mar 2021 02:46:48 +0000 Panelistas creen que se debe diferenciar el Día de la Mujer; del día de los derechos de las mujeres. Creen que hace mucha falta un enfoque de política pública en asuntos de género. Full Article
ign Asamblea del BID: ¿qué significa para Colombia y la región? By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Fri, 19 Mar 2021 02:22:34 +0000 Panelistas analizaron los retos de capitalización que tiene el BID; de los logros de Barranquilla durante la Asamblea y de la necesidad de mirar los problemas reales del país. Full Article
ign Implementación de la paz, ¿qué significa no tener suficientes recursos? By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 02:18:05 +0000 Panelistas consideran que la propuesta del presidente Petro tendría efectos en la inflación y que el gobierno debe priorizar la implementación del Acuerdo de 2016. Full Article
ign ¿Qué significa pasar del calentamiento global al punto de ebullición? By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Sat, 05 Aug 2023 00:18:36 +0000 Panelistas analizaron las altas temperaturas que se han registrado en el planeta los últimos días y debatieron sobre las acciones necesarias. También un balance sobre el primer año del gobierno Petro en materia ambiental. Full Article
ign ¿Qué significa que la educación sea un derecho fundamental? By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Thu, 07 Sep 2023 02:24:27 +0000 La ministra Aurora Vergara y tres expertos explican las implicaciones de la ley estatutaria que busca que la educación sea considerada un derecho fundamental. Full Article
ign El sombrero de Carlos Pizarro: de los símbolos, signos y bienes de la cultura By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 23:51:00 +0000 Panelistas consideran que el reconocimiento de un bien debe ser producto de un consenso y de un proceso en el que la sociedad se reconozca. Full Article
ign Imputación del CNE, ¿significa un punto de inflexión para el Gobierno? By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Thu, 10 Oct 2024 01:20:00 +0000 Panelistas analizaron el impacto político que tiene la imputación de cargos, las consecuencias en el acuerdo nacional y lo que implica llamar a movilizaciones. Full Article
ign Sign of the Times By loadingartist.com Published On :: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 23:42:28 +1200 a comic about meeting a lifelong fan Full Article comic
ign ICE Agrees To Rescind Policy Barring Foreign Students From Online Study In The U.S. By www.gpbnews.org Published On :: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 20:47:00 +0000 Updated at 6:34 p.m. ET In a swift reversal, the Trump administration has agreed to rescind a directive that would have barred international college students from the U.S. if their colleges offered classes entirely online in the fall semester. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement rule change , released last week, would have prohibited foreign students from entering or remaining in the country to take fully online course loads. A number of colleges and universities had already announced plans to offer online-only classes because of the coronavirus pandemic. The agency's July 6 announcement was met with immediate backlash. Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology sued the U.S. government in federal court two days later, calling the directive "arbitrary and capricious" and seeking to have it reversed and declared unlawful. Many colleges, universities, municipalities and tech companies expressed their support for the legal challenge in their own court Full Article
ign 295: ‘Signing Up to Take Some Vitamins’, With Peter Kafka By daringfireball.net Published On :: Thu, 17 Sep 2020 14:55:16 EDT Peter Kafka returns to the show to discuss the news from Apple’s “Time Flies” event — new Apple Watches, new non-Pro iPads, and particularly the Apple One services bundle. Full Article
ign SANAMENTE - HISTORIA DE VIDA: Morir Dignamente - 04 DE NOVIEMBRE By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Sat, 05 Nov 2022 21:54:00 +0000 Full Article
ign SANAMENTE SIGNOS DE LA LUDOPATÍA By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Tue, 01 Aug 2023 17:31:00 +0000 Full Article
ign ¿Qué significa que el planeta entró en “ebullición”? By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 16:11:00 +0000 Full Article
ign Eutanasia: respeto a la vida, la dignidad y el sufrimiento By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 18:50:00 +0000 Full Article
ign Significado y funcionamiento de los sueños By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Fri, 03 May 2024 20:43:00 +0000 Full Article
ign Respeto a la dignidad humana y autonomía individual para las personas con discapacidad o adultos mayores By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 17:01:00 +0000 Full Article
ign Evolucionar en la dignidad, la estima y el merecimiento By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 22:48:00 +0000 Full Article
ign El derecho a morir dignamente By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Wed, 04 Sep 2024 20:55:00 +0000 Full Article
ign La 'Feria Nazi' de la Policía Nacional: Inverosímil, indignante y vergonzosa By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 22:14:00 +0000 Full Article
ign La rápida llamada del presidente Joe Biden a Gustavo Petro, ¿Qué significa? By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 01:12:00 +0000 Este es el Personaje del Día de María Alejandra Villamizar Full Article
ign El director designado de la DIAN y el mensaje de tranquilidad a los contribuyentes: el personaje del día de Orlando Villar en La Luciérnaga By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Jul 2022 02:21:00 +0000 Full Article
ign ¿Quién es Iván Velásquez el designado Ministro de Defensa y por qué genera tanta suspicacia? : Personaje de María Alejandra Villamizar By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Sat, 23 Jul 2022 03:02:00 +0000 Full Article
ign Bien por la economía, indignaciones absurdas y viva la lechona By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 00:46:00 +0000 Escuche el programa de este jueves 18 de enero. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que acompaña por más de 30 años a sus oyentes en su regreso a casa. Full Article
ign Se pasarán proyectos de Reformas hasta que se aprueben, pobres pero dignos y Ángel Barajas habla Sin Anestesia By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 23:33:00 +0000 Escuche el programa de este lunes 19 de agosto. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa. Full Article
ign Elecciones en Estados Unidos 2024, ¿Qué significa la retirada de las fuerzas militares? y estafas a través de WhatsApp By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 00:24:00 +0000 Escuche el programa de este martes 5 de noviembre. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa. Full Article
ign Mascotas: no es tarde para despedirlas de una manera digna By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Wed, 22 Sep 2021 16:14:00 +0000 Full Article
ign Walter Silva: un digno representante de la música llanera By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 18:15:00 +0000 Full Article
ign Víctima de acoso en metro: Estoy indignada, esto va a seguir sucediendo By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 17:03:00 +0000 Full Article
ign Familias indignadas por aplazamiento de audiencia contra alias 'Manolo' By www.spreaker.com Published On :: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 18:43:00 +0000 Full Article