
AppLovin invests in Sweet Escapes developer Redemption Games

Mobile marketing platform AppLovin has made a undisclosed strategic investment in San Diego mobile studio Redemption Games.  ...


Video: Behind the beautiful audio of PSVR game Paper Beast

In this 2020 GDC Virtual Talk, Pixel Reef's Clement Duquesne shares how they crafted the detailed systems that breathe aural life into Paper Beast's animated creatures and dynamic landscapes. ...


Alfresco helps hospital go paperless

New initiative streamlines processes and improves patient outcomes


Video: Behind the beautiful audio of PSVR game Paper Beast

In this 2020 GDC Virtual Talk, Pixel Reef's Clement Duquesne shares how they crafted the detailed systems that breathe aural life into Paper Beast's animated creatures and dynamic landscapes. ...


For SMEs, having a website is cheaper than an offline store

Businesses with no online store have limited growth opportunities.


SCCM Pod-237 Evaluation of a Pharmacist-Managed Methadone Taper in the PICU

Margaret Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with Katherine J. Steineck, PharmD, pediatric clinical pharmacist at the University of Minnesota Amplatz


SCCM Pod-266 Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Reduce Therapeutic Intensity for Severe TBI in Children

Margaret Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with George P. Liao, MD and Charles S. Cox, MD


Questions for 2020: Loans become cheaper?

Competing with private companies for limited resources could cap the room for RBI to cut interest rates. Even if it does, market rates won’t ease due to higher government debt. Also, with inflation being predicted to ease by the second half of 2020 towards the target of 4%, prospects for sharp rate cuts diminish.


Weak currency makes Asia-Pacific cities cheaper for expats: Survey

In India, Mumbai has emerged as the most expensive city for expatriates and was ranked 118 in the Index. Last year Mumbai was ranked 114th on the list.


The Great Escape: 9 exploited in Yemen steal boat, set sail for India

Nine Indian fishermen who were allegedly harassed and not paid by their employer in Yemen for nearly a year have escaped that country by stealing their employer's boat and sailing for Kochi, a peril-filled voyage of than 3,000 km of open sea, according to the families of two of the fishermen.


Still believe that the market will have a sharp V-shaped recovery: Sunil Subramaniam

Still believe that the market will have a sharp V-shaped recovery: Sunil Subramaniam


Very sharp U-shaped recovery is a strong possibility: ASK Investment Manager

Very sharp U-shaped recovery is a strong possibility: ASK Investment Manager


No 'V'-shape return from devastating US job loss, Fed policymakers say

But the economy can’t rev up too quickly, not as long as the virus is still loose.


Man Sought In Rape, Carjacking, Kidnapping Cases Arrested In Virginia

Authorities say details on his capture are forthcoming,


Rapeseed Production

From the museum of Sankey diagrams, here is a black&white classic. This Sankey process diagram for rapeseed oil production is taken from the year 2002 dissertation ‘Simultane Öl- und Proteingewinnung bei Raps’ (Simultaneous oil and protein production from rapeseed) by Andreas Waesche, Berlin Technical University.
[See image gallery at www.sankey-diagrams.com]
Flows are in kilograms per ton of rapeseed input. Black is the water fraction, dark gray is oil, and light gray is oil free dry matter. Rapeseed husks, filtered matter and liquid rejects branch out on arrows to the right. Extract from the T4 separation stage (‘Extrakt als Ruckfuhrung’) is fed back into the second node although this loop is not shown here.


877 Smaller Cheaper Sharper Lighter

We’ve been making lenses for thousands of years, but someone just now discovered the formula to let you make lenses that have zero (ZERO!) spherical aberration. Will this be the miracle cure to make super lenses for cheap? [sc:podlovebutton] Links: The Formula: Spherical Aberration Solved SPONSOR: MasterClass. Get $30 off the All-Access-Pass by visiting masterclass.com/topfloor … Continue reading "877 Smaller Cheaper Sharper Lighter"

The post 877 Smaller Cheaper Sharper Lighter appeared first on PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS FROM THE TOP FLOOR.

  • Tips from the Top Floor
  • lens


Vice: The Ghanaian Pallbearers Lean Into Their Role as Pandemic Grim Reapers

Vice: The Ghanaian Pallbearers Lean Into Their Role as Pandemic Grim Reapers. “The Ghanaian pallbearers have become the most explicit cultural icons of this pandemic. They are cultural icons of death and dying. In a new video, they warn you to stay inside, lest you wish to dance with them in death.”


Man Who Died at North Rim’s Cape Royal Trailhead Identified

A man whose body was found next to his car at the Cape Royal Trailhead on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park has been identified as Donald Haney of Cherokee Village, Arkansas. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/2011-10-04_nr-ident.htm


Road Improvements to Temporarily Close Portion of Cape Royal Road on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park has begun improvements to Cape Royal Road on the North Rim. Beginning September 3, 2013 Cape Royal Road from Roosevelt Point to Cape Royal Point, at approximately mile 11.5, will be closed for repaving. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/road-improvements-to-temporarily-close-portion-of-cape-royal-road-on-the-north-rim-of-grand-canyon-national-park.htm


Vehicles over 20 feet in length will not be permitted on Cape Royal Road for the duration of construction.

Grand Canyon National Park has begun improvements to Cape Royal Road on the North Rim. Beginning September 3, 2013 Cape Royal Road from Roosevelt Point to Cape Royal Point, at approximately mile 11.5, will be closed for repaving. Vehicles over 20 feet in length will not be permitted on Cape Royal Road for the duration of construction. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/updated-road-improvements-to-temporarily-close-portion-of-cape-royal-road-on-the-north-rim-of-grand-canyon-national-park.htm


UPDATE Cape Royal Road at Grand Canyon National Park Closed

Cape Royal Road at Grand Canyon National Park Closed. All Other Roads Including Point Imperial Road Remain Open https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/update-cape-royal-road-at-grand-canyon-national-park-closed.htm


Missing Backcountry Hikers Near Tapeats Creek at Grand Canyon National Park

On Saturday evening, April 15 the National Park Service received an alert from a personal locating beacon in a backcountry area of Grand Canyon National Park near the confluence of Tapeats Creek and Thunder River. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/missing-hikers-tapeats.htm


Fire crews are actively working to suppress the lightning ignited Imperial Fire. Currently the fire is estimated to be three (3) acres in size and is located along the Cape Royal Road near Vista Encantada.

Fire crews are actively working to suppress the lightning ignited Imperial Fire. Currently the fire is estimated to be three (3) acres in size and is located along the Cape Royal Road near Vista Encantada. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/imperial-fire-being-suppressed-on-north-rim-of-grand-canyon-national-park-20180718.htm


Ikes Fire Moves Across Landscape As Containment Increases

The Ikes Fire is approximately 3,289 acres, 42% contained, and has 89 resources assigned. The natural caused lightning fire is being utilized to fulfill its natural role within a fire-dependent ecosystem. The lightning-caused wildfire is actively burning within a 7,785-acre planning area. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/ikes-fire-moves-across-landscape-as-containment-increases-20190816.htm


The World’s First Disposable Diaper Company That Collects The Dirty Ones For Composting

Dyper, maker of biodegradable disposable bamboo diapers, now offers a composting service that lets you ship off your baby's diapers in a box for recycling.

The post The World’s First Disposable Diaper Company That Collects The Dirty Ones For Composting appeared first on Good News Network.


Starbucks and McDonald’s Aim to Replace 250 Billion Paper Coffee Cups with Recyclable Alternatives

NextGen Cup, led by Starbucks and McDonald’s, launched a pilot program to create a green alternative to the 250 billion discard paper coffee cups.

The post Starbucks and McDonald’s Aim to Replace 250 Billion Paper Coffee Cups with Recyclable Alternatives appeared first on Good News Network.


Roads In Landscape Modeling: A Case Study of A Road Data Layer and Use In The Interior Northwest Landscape Analysis System

Roads are important ecological features of forest landscapes, but their cause-andeffect relationships with other ecosystem components are only recently becoming included in integrated landscape analyses. Simulation models can help us to understand how forested landscapes respond over time to disturbance and socioeconomic factors, and potentially to address the important role roads play in these processes.


Polishing the prism: improving wildfire mitigation planning by coupling landscape and social dimensions

Effectively addressing wildfire risk to communities on large multi-owner landscapes requires an understanding of the biophysical factors that influence risk, such as fuel loads, topography, and weather, and social factors such as the capacity and willingness for communities to engage in fire-mitigation activities.


Mapping the future: U.S. exposure to multiple landscape stressors

Landscape exposure to multiple stressors can pose risks to human health, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Attempts to study, control, or mitigate these stressors can strain public and private budgets. An interdisciplinary team of Pacific Northwest Research Station and Oregon State University scientists created maps of the conterminous United States that indicate landscape exposure to concentrated wildfire potential, insects and disease risk, urban and exurban development, and climate change. The maps, which show where these stressors might occur and overlap, provide a valuable resource for regional and national land use, land management, and policymaking efforts by helping to guide resource prioritization.


Characteristics of remnant old-growth forests in the northern Coast Range of Oregon and comparison to surrounding landscapes.

Old-growth forests provide unique habitat features and landscape functions compared to younger stands. The goals of many forest management plans in the Pacific Northwest include increasing the area of late-successional and old-growth forests.


CSS PLAY - Tracking images using CSS shape

Using CSS shape to have text track the shape of images. For all modern browsers except IE and Firefox.


CSS PLAY - Emulating shape-inside

Using CSS shape-outside to emulate shape-inside with fixed positioning. For all modern browsers except IE and Firefox.


CSS PLAY - Animating CSS shapes

A demonstration showing how to animate CSS shapes. For all modern browsers except IE and Firefox.


CSS PLAY - CSS shape autorun slideshow

A demonstration showing how to animate CSS shapes using @keyframes to produce an autorun slideshow. For all modern browsers except IE and Firefox.


CSS PLAY - CSS shape autorun slideshow version 2

A second demonstration showing how to animate CSS shapes using @keyframes to produce an autorun slideshow. For all modern browsers except IE and Firefox.


Magnum/Aperture Square Print sale

This year’s Magnum Photos and Aperture Square Print Sale, entitled Hidden, is underway right now. For $100, you can get a 6×6-inch museum-quality print from one of 120 modern and contemporary photographers, including Elliott Erwitt, Elinor Carucci, Joel Meyerowitz, Todd Hido and many more. Most of the photos offered are signed by the photographer; others—from […]

The post Magnum/Aperture Square Print sale appeared first on Complete Digital Photography.


Public acceptance of disturbance-based forest management: a study of the Blue River Landscape Strategy in the Central Cascades Adaptive Management Area.

This report examines public perspectives on disturbance-based management conducted in the central Cascade Range in Oregon as part of the Blue River Landscape Strategy.


Woody biomass for bioenergy and biofuels in the United States—a briefing paper.

Woody biomass can be used for the generation of heat, electricity, and biofuels. In many cases, the technology for converting woody biomass into energy has been established for decades, but because the price of woody biomass energy has not been competitive with traditional fossil fuels, bioenergy production from woody biomass has not been widely adopted. However, current projections of future energy use and renewable energy and climate change legislation under consideration suggest increased use of both forest and agriculture biomass energy in the coming decades.


How to Use Transformed Motion Shapes as Backgrounds with Divi

Divi’s new scroll effects are made for you to easily take your web design experience to the next level. Of course, you can apply it to elements within your section directly, but you can choose to add motion to underlying elements too. Going for an underlying approach allows you to keep content static while having […]

The post How to Use Transformed Motion Shapes as Backgrounds with Divi appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.


Costs of Landscape Silviculture For Fire and Habitat Management

In forest reserves of the U.S. Pacific Northwest, management objectives include protecting late-seral habitat structure by reducing the threat of large-scale disturbances like wildfire. We simulated how altering within and among-stand structure with silvicultural treatments of differing intensity affected late-seral forest (LSF) structure and fire threat (FT) reduction over 30 years in a 6070-ha reserve. We then evaluated how different financial requirements influenced the treatment mix selected for each decade, the associated effects on FT reduction and LSF structure in the reserve, and treatment costs. Requirements for treatments to earn money (NPV+), break even (NPVO), or to not meet any financial goal at the scale of the entire reserve (landscape) affected the predicted reduction of FT and the total area of LSF structure in different ways. With or without a requirement to break even, treatments accomplished about the same landscape level of FT reduction and LSF structure. Although treatment effects were similar, their associated net revenues ranged from negative $1 million to positive $3000 over 30 years. In contrast, a requirement for landscape treatments to earn money ($0.5 to $1.5 million NPV) over the same period had a negative effect on FT reduction and carried a cost in terms of both FT reduction and LSF structure. Results suggest that the spatial scale at which silvicultural treatments were evaluated was influential because the lowest cost to the reserve objectives was accomplished by a mix of treatments that earned or lost money at the stand level but that collectivel broke even at the landscape scale. Results also indicate that the timeframe over which treatments were evaluated was important because if breaking even was required within each decade instead of cumulatively over all three, the cost in terms of FT reduction and LSF structure was similar to requiring landscape treatments to earn $0.5 million NPV.


Highways and Habitat: Managing Habitat Connectivity and Landscape Permeability For Wildlife

Millions of miles of highway crisscross the United States. Highways fragment the landscape, affecting the distribution of animal populations and limiting the ability of individuals to disperse between those populations. Moreover, animal-vehicle collisions are a serious hazard to wildlife, not to mention people.


Seeing The Bigger Picture: Landscape Silviculture May Offer Compatible Solutions To Conflicting Objectives

Some federal forest managers working in late-successional reserves find themselves in a potential no-win situation. The Northwest Forest Plan requires that the reserves be protected from large-scale natural and human disturbances while simultaneously maintaining older forest habitat.


Does Wood Slow Down “Sludge Dragons?” The Interaction Between Riparian Zones and Debris Flows In Mountain Landscapes

Conservation measures for aquatic species throughout the Pacific Northwest rely heavily on maintaining forested riparian zones. A key rationale for this strategy is that the presence of standing and downed trees next to streams will provide a continuous source of wood, which is an important structural component of aquatic habitat.


Taper equation and volume tables for plantation-grown red alder

A taper equation and associated tables are presented for red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) trees grown in plantations. The data were gathered from variable-density experimental plantations throughout the Pacific Northwest. Diameter inside bark along the stem was fitted to a variable exponent model form by using generalized nonlinear least squares and a first-order continuous autoregressive process. A number of parameterizations of the exponent were examined in a preliminary analysis, and the most appropriate form was determined. This was achieved by examining alternative models across geographic locations and silvicultural treatments on the basis of their ability to behave well outside the range of the modeling data by using an independent evaluation data set from across the region and a model validation procedure. Incorporating three easily measured tree variables--diameter at breast height, total tree height, and crown ratio--provided the best fit among location and treatment. This taper equation can be used to estimate diameter inside bark anywhere along the stem, inside bark volume of the entire stem to any top height diameter, and merchantable height and volume between any two points along the stem (i.e., individual log volumes). The flexibility of the model allows for accurate volume predictions across a range of operational stand conditions and management activities and is therefore an improvement over previously published red alder volume and taper equations.


Evaluation of landscape alternatives for managing oak at Tenalquot Prairie, Washington

In recent years, interest has increased in restoring Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana Dougl. ex Hook.) and prairie landscapes in the Pacific Northwest, especially where elements of historical plant communities are intact. We evaluated the effect of alternative management scenarios on the extent and condition of Oregon white oak, the extent of prairie, and the harvest and standing volumes of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) within a 2934-ha portion of Fort Lewis, Washington (named the Tenalquot Planning Area for the purpose of the project). A landscape-level analysis of the scenarios was completed using a geographic information system, a forest growth model (ORGANON), and landscape visualization software (EnVision). The scenarios ranged from no active management to restoration of the historical extent of oak and prairies within the planning area. The results indicate that the window of opportunity for restoring oak and prairie landscapes in the Puget Sound lowlands and other regions is small, and aggressive management is needed to maintain or enhance these landscapes. The project demonstrates the value of landscape level analyses and the use of new technologies for conveying the results of alternative management scenarios.


Timber volume and aboveground live tree biomass estimations for landscape analyses in the Pacific Northwest.

Timber availability, aboveground tree biomass, and changes in aboveground carbon pools are important consequences of landscape management.


Effects of climate change on natural resources and communities: a compendium of briefing papers.

This report is a compilation of four briefing papers based on literature reviews and syntheses, prepared for USDA Forest Service policy analysts and decisionmakers about specific questions pertaining to climate change. The main topics addressed here are effects of climate change on wildlife habitat, other ecosystem services, and land values; socioeconomic impacts of climate change on rural communities; and competitiveness of carbon offset projects on nonindustrial private forests in the United States.


A landscape model for predicting potential natural vegetation of the Olympic Peninsula USA using boundary equations and newly developed environmental variables

A gradient-analysis-based model and grid-based map are presented that use the potential vegetation zone as the object of the model. Several new variables are presented that describe the environmental gradients of the landscape at different scales. Boundary algorithms are conceptualized, and then defined, that describe the environmental boundaries between vegetation zones on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA.


Overview and example application of the Landscape Treatment Designer

The Landscape Treatment Designer (LTD) is a multicriteria spatial prioritization and optimization system to help design and explore landscape fuel treatment scenarios. The program fills a gap between fire model programs such as FlamMap, and planning systems such as ArcFuels, in the fuel treatment planning process. The LTD uses inputs on spatial treatment objectives, activity constraints, and treatment thresholds, and then identifies optimal fuel treatment locations with respect to the input parameters.


Sage-Grouse on the edge: understanding and managing western landscapes for their survival

Scientists have had little information about how prescribed fire and cattle grazing—common practices in many Western ponderosa pine forests—affect plant abundance and reproduction in the forest understory. Pacific Northwest Research Station scientists began to explore how these practices affect vegetation in a five-year study of postfire vegetation in eastern Oregon ponderosa pine forests where cattle have been routinely pastured from late June or early July through early to mid August. For this area of eastern Oregon, they found that excluding cattle grazing during peak growing season increased native plant cover and grass flowering capability in ungrazed areas compared to grazed areas. Because vegetation was measured prior to releasing cattle on the land, the study's results tend to reflect lasting grazing impacts rather than simple consumption.