ocu PMC Tagging Guidance for Peer Review Documents Now Available By www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Published On :: Wed, 31 Jul 2019 08:00:00 EST Peer review documents, including review reports and editor decision letters, are increasingly being published along with the articles they review. This practice is intended to make the publishing process more transparent. To support these efforts, PMC’s Tagging Guidelines have been updated to include the tagging of peer review documents. NLM encourages PMC-participating publishers, journals, and data providers to review this guidance. Please contact us at pubmedcentral@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov if you have any questions. Full Article
ocu Adaptive Evolution of Geobacter sulfurreducens in Coculture with Pseudomonas aeruginosa By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-07T01:31:16-07:00 ABSTRACT Interactions between microorganisms in mixed communities are highly complex, being either syntrophic, neutral, predatory, or competitive. Evolutionary changes can occur in the interaction dynamics between community members as they adapt to coexistence. Here, we report that the syntrophic interaction between Geobacter sulfurreducens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa coculture change in their dynamics over evolutionary time. Specifically, Geobacter sp. dominance increases with adaptation within the cocultures, as determined through quantitative PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization. This suggests a transition from syntrophy to competition and demonstrates the rapid adaptive capacity of Geobacter spp. to dominate in cocultures with P. aeruginosa. Early in coculture establishment, two single-nucleotide variants in the G. sulfurreducens fabI and tetR genes emerged that were strongly selected for throughout coculture evolution with P. aeruginosa phenazine wild-type and phenazine-deficient mutants. Sequential window acquisition of all theoretical spectra-mass spectrometry (SWATH-MS) proteomics revealed that the tetR variant cooccurred with the upregulation of an adenylate cyclase transporter, CyaE, and a resistance-nodulation-division (RND) efflux pump notably known for antibiotic efflux. To determine whether antibiotic production was driving the increased expression of the multidrug efflux pump, we tested Pseudomonas-derived phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PHZ-1-CA) for its potential to inhibit Geobacter growth and drive selection of the tetR and fabI genetic variants. Despite its inhibitory properties, PHZ-1-CA did not drive variant selection, indicating that other antibiotics may drive overexpression of the efflux pump and CyaE or that a novel role exists for these proteins in the context of this interaction. IMPORTANCE Geobacter and Pseudomonas spp. cohabit many of the same environments, where Geobacter spp. often dominate. Both bacteria are capable of extracellular electron transfer (EET) and play important roles in biogeochemical cycling. Although they recently in 2017 were demonstrated to undergo direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) with one another, the genetic evolution of this syntrophic interaction has not been examined. Here, we use whole-genome sequencing of the cocultures before and after adaptive evolution to determine whether genetic selection is occurring. We also probe their interaction on a temporal level and determine whether their interaction dynamics change over the course of adaptive evolution. This study brings to light the multifaceted nature of interactions between just two microorganisms within a controlled environment and will aid in improving metabolic models of microbial communities comprising these two bacteria. Full Article
ocu Allelic Mutations in the Ripening-Inhibitor Locus Generate Extensive Variation in Tomato Ripening By www.plantphysiol.org Published On :: 2020-05-08T08:30:48-07:00 RIPENING INHIBITOR (RIN) is a transcription factor with transcriptional activator activity that plays a major role in regulating fruit ripening in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Recent studies have revealed that (1) RIN is indispensable for full ripening but not for the induction of ripening; and (2) the rin mutation, which produces nonripening fruits that never turn red or soften, is not a null mutation but instead converts the encoded transcriptional activator into a repressor. Here, we have uncovered aspects of RIN function by characterizing a series of allelic mutations within this locus that were produced by CRISPR/Cas9. Fruits of RIN-knockout plants, which are characterized by partial ripening and low levels of lycopene but never turn fully red, showed excess flesh softening compared to the wild type. The knockout mutant fruits also showed accelerated cell wall degradation, suggesting that, contrary to the conventional view, RIN represses over-ripening in addition to facilitating ripening. A C-terminal domain-truncated RIN protein, encoded by another allele of the RIN locus (rinG2), did not activate transcription but formed transcription factor complexes that bound to target genomic regions in a manner similar to that observed for wild-type RIN protein. Fruits expressing this truncated RIN protein exhibited extended shelf life, but unlike rin fruits, they accumulated lycopene and appeared orange. The diverse ripening properties of the RIN allelic mutants suggest that substantial phenotypic variation can be produced by tuning the activity of a transcription factor. Full Article
ocu Serial 18F-FDG PET/CT findings in a patient with neurocutaneous melanosis By cp.neurology.org Published On :: 2020-04-06T12:45:20-07:00 With high sensitivity in detecting acute brain events such as seizures, FDG PET can be used as an important tool for neurocutaneous melanosis disease monitoring. Full Article
ocu Implicit Bias in Pediatrics: An Emerging Focus in Health Equity Research By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T01:00:46-07:00 Full Article
ocu Family Values Means Covering Families: Parents Need to Focus on Parenting, Not Access to Care By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T01:00:46-07:00 Full Article
ocu Identifying and Classifying Shared Selective Sweeps from Multilocus Data [Population and Evolutionary Genetics] By www.genetics.org Published On :: 2020-05-05T06:43:41-07:00 Positive selection causes beneficial alleles to rise to high frequency, resulting in a selective sweep of the diversity surrounding the selected sites. Accordingly, the signature of a selective sweep in an ancestral population may still remain in its descendants. Identifying signatures of selection in the ancestor that are shared among its descendants is important to contextualize the timing of a sweep, but few methods exist for this purpose. We introduce the statistic SS-H12, which can identify genomic regions under shared positive selection across populations and is based on the theory of the expected haplotype homozygosity statistic H12, which detects recent hard and soft sweeps from the presence of high-frequency haplotypes. SS-H12 is distinct from comparable statistics because it requires a minimum of only two populations, and properly identifies and differentiates between independent convergent sweeps and true ancestral sweeps, with high power and robustness to a variety of demographic models. Furthermore, we can apply SS-H12 in conjunction with the ratio of statistics we term and to further classify identified shared sweeps as hard or soft. Finally, we identified both previously reported and novel shared sweep candidates from human whole-genome sequences. Previously reported candidates include the well-characterized ancestral sweeps at LCT and SLC24A5 in Indo-Europeans, as well as GPHN worldwide. Novel candidates include an ancestral sweep at RGS18 in sub-Saharan Africans involved in regulating the platelet response and implicated in sudden cardiac death, and a convergent sweep at C2CD5 between European and East Asian populations that may explain their different insulin responses. Full Article
ocu A single unidirectional piRNA cluster similar to the flamenco locus is the major source of EVE-derived transcription and small RNAs in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes [ARTICLE] By rnajournal.cshlp.org Published On :: 2020-04-16T06:30:22-07:00 Endogenous viral elements (EVEs) are found in many eukaryotic genomes. Despite considerable knowledge about genomic elements such as transposons (TEs) and retroviruses, we still lack information about nonretroviral EVEs. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes have a highly repetitive genome that is covered with EVEs. Here, we identified 129 nonretroviral EVEs in the AaegL5 version of the A. aegypti genome. These EVEs were significantly associated with TEs and preferentially located in repeat-rich clusters within intergenic regions. Genome-wide transcriptome analysis showed that most EVEs generated transcripts although only around 1.4% were sense RNAs. The majority of EVE transcription was antisense and correlated with the generation of EVE-derived small RNAs. A single genomic cluster of EVEs located in a 143 kb repetitive region in chromosome 2 contributed with 42% of antisense transcription and 45% of small RNAs derived from viral elements. This region was enriched for TE-EVE hybrids organized in the same coding strand. These generated a single long antisense transcript that correlated with the generation of phased primary PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). The putative promoter of this region had a conserved binding site for the transcription factor Cubitus interruptus, a key regulator of the flamenco locus in Drosophila melanogaster. Here, we have identified a single unidirectional piRNA cluster in the A. aegypti genome that is the major source of EVE transcription fueling the generation of antisense small RNAs in mosquitoes. We propose that this region is a flamenco-like locus in A. aegypti due to its relatedness to the major unidirectional piRNA cluster in Drosophila melanogaster. Full Article
ocu Characterization of Antineovascularization Activity and Ocular Pharmacokinetics of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase/Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibitor GNE-947 [Articles] By dmd.aspetjournals.org Published On :: 2020-04-21T21:06:36-07:00 The objectives of the present study were to characterize GNE-947 for its phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitory activities, in vitro anti–cell migration activity in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), in vivo antineovascularization activity in laser-induced rat choroidal neovascular (CNV) eyes, pharmacokinetics in rabbit plasma and eyes, and ocular distribution using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI-IMS) and autoradioluminography. Its PI3K and mTOR Ki were 0.0005 and 0.045 µM, respectively, and its HUVEC IC50 was 0.093 µM. GNE-947 prevented neovascularization in the rat CNV model at 50 or 100 µg per eye with repeat dosing. After a single intravenous injection at 2.5 and 500 μg/kg in rabbits, its plasma terminal half-lives (t1/2) were 9.11 and 9.59 hours, respectively. After a single intravitreal injection of a solution at 2.5 μg per eye in rabbits, its apparent t1/2 values were 14.4, 16.3, and 23.2 hours in the plasma, vitreous humor, and aqueous humor, respectively. After a single intravitreal injection of a suspension at 33.5, 100, 200 μg per eye in rabbits, the t1/2 were 29, 74, and 219 days in the plasma and 46, 143, and 191 days in the eyes, respectively. MALDI-IMS and autoradioluminography images show that GNE-947 did not homogenously distribute in the vitreous humor and aggregated at the injection sites after injection of the suspension, which was responsible for the long t1/2 of the suspension because of the slow dissolution process. This hypothesis was supported by pharmacokinetic modeling analyses. In conclusion, the PI3K/mTOR inhibitor GNE-947 prevented neovascularization in a rat CNV model, with t1/2 up to approximately 6 months after a single intravitreal injection of the suspension in rabbit eyes. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT GNE-947 is a potent phosphoinositide 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor and exhibits anti–choroidal neovascular activity in rat eyes. The duration of GNE-947 in the rabbit eyes after intravitreal injection in a solution is short, with a half-life (t1/2) of less than a day. However, the duration after intravitreal dose of a suspension is long, with t1/2 up to 6 months due to low solubility and slow dissolution. These results indicate that intravitreal injection of a suspension for low-solubility drugs can be used to achieve long-term drug exposure. Full Article
ocu Development of a High-Throughput Respiratory Syncytial Virus Fluorescent Focus-Based Microneutralization Assay [Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology] By cvi.asm.org Published On :: 2017-12-05T08:00:29-08:00 Neutralizing antibodies specific for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) represent a major protective mechanism against RSV infection, as demonstrated by the efficacy of the immune-prophylactic monoclonal antibody palivizumab in preventing RSV-associated lower respiratory tract infections in premature infants. Accordingly, the RSV neutralization assay has become a key functional method to assess the neutralizing activity of serum antibodies in preclinical animal models, epidemiology studies, and clinical trials. In this study, we qualified a 24-h, fluorescent focus-based microneutralization (RSVA FFA-MN) method that requires no medium exchange or pre- or postinfection processing to detect green fluorescent protein-expressing RSV strain A2 (RSVA-GFP)-infected cells, using a high-content imaging system for automated image acquisition and focus enumeration. The RSVA FFA-MN method was shown to be sensitive, with a limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ) of 1:10, or 3.32 log2; linear over a range of 4.27 to 9.65 log2 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50); and precise, with intra- and interassay coefficients of variation of <21%. This precision allowed the choice of a statistically justified 3-fold-rise seroresponse cutoff criterion. The repeatability and robustness of this method were demonstrated by including a pooled human serum sample in every assay as a positive control (PC). Over 3 years of testing between two laboratories, this PC generated data falling within 2.5 standard deviations of the mean 98.7% of the time (n = 1,720). This high-throughput and reliable RSV microneutralization assay has proven useful for testing sera from preclinical vaccine candidate evaluation studies, epidemiology studies, and both pediatric and adult vaccine clinical trials. Full Article
ocu Inhibition of transcription leads to rewiring of locus-specific chromatin proteomes [METHOD] By genome.cshlp.org Published On :: 2020-04-27T12:09:24-07:00 Transcription of a chromatin template involves the concerted interaction of many different proteins and protein complexes. Analyses of specific factors showed that these interactions change during stress and upon developmental switches. However, how the binding of multiple factors at any given locus is coordinated has been technically challenging to investigate. Here we used Epi-Decoder in yeast to systematically decode, at one transcribed locus, the chromatin binding changes of hundreds of proteins in parallel upon perturbation of transcription. By taking advantage of improved Epi-Decoder libraries, we observed broad rewiring of local chromatin proteomes following chemical inhibition of RNA polymerase. Rapid reduction of RNA polymerase II binding was accompanied by reduced binding of many other core transcription proteins and gain of chromatin remodelers. In quiescent cells, where strong transcriptional repression is induced by physiological signals, eviction of the core transcriptional machinery was accompanied by the appearance of quiescent cell–specific repressors and rewiring of the interactions of protein-folding factors and metabolic enzymes. These results show that Epi-Decoder provides a powerful strategy for capturing the temporal binding dynamics of multiple chromatin proteins under varying conditions and cell states. The systematic and comprehensive delineation of dynamic local chromatin proteomes will greatly aid in uncovering protein–protein relationships and protein functions at the chromatin template. Full Article
ocu Diagnostic Utility and Impact on Clinical Decision Making of Focused Assessment With Sonography for HIV-Associated Tuberculosis in Malawi: A Prospective Cohort Study By ghspjournal.org Published On :: 2020-03-31T15:28:55-07:00 ABSTRACTBackground:The focused assessment with sonography for HIV-associated tuberculosis (TB) (FASH) ultrasound protocol has been increasingly used to help clinicians diagnose TB. We sought to quantify the diagnostic utility of FASH for TB among individuals with HIV in Malawi.Methods:Between March 2016 and August 2017, 210 adults with HIV who had 2 or more signs and symptoms that were concerning for TB (fever, cough, night sweats, weight loss) were enrolled from a public HIV clinic in Lilongwe, Malawi. The treating clinicians conducted a history, physical exam, FASH protocol, and additional TB evaluation (laboratory diagnostics and chest radiography) on all participants. The clinician made a final treatment decision based on all available information. At the 6-month follow-up visit, we categorized participants based on clinical outcomes and diagnostic tests as having probable/confirmed TB or unlikely TB; association of FASH with probable/confirmed TB was calculated using Fisher's exact tests. The impact of FASH on empiric TB treatment was determined by asking the clinicians prospectively about whether they would start treatment at 2 time points in the baseline visit: (1) after the initial history and physical exam; and (2) after history, physical exam, and FASH protocol.Results:A total of 181 participants underwent final analysis, of whom 56 were categorized as probable/confirmed TB and 125 were categorized as unlikely TB. The FASH protocol was positive in 71% (40/56) of participants with probable/confirmed TB compared to 24% (30/125) of participants with unlikely TB (odds ratio=7.9, 95% confidence interval=3.9,16.1; P<.001). Among those classified as confirmed/probable TB, FASH increased the likelihood of empiric TB treatment before obtaining any other diagnostic studies from 9% (5/56) to 46% (26/56) at the point-of-care. For those classified as unlikely TB, FASH increased the likelihood of empiric treatment from 2% to 4%.Conclusion:In the setting of HIV coinfection in Malawi, FASH can be a helpful tool that augments the clinician's ability to make a timely diagnosis of TB. Full Article
ocu Novel Insights into the Classification of Staphylococcal {beta}-Lactamases in Relation to the Cefazolin Inoculum Effect [Mechanisms of Resistance] By aac.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-21T08:01:10-07:00 Cefazolin has become a prominent therapy for methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infections. However, an important concern is the cefazolin inoculum effect (CzIE), a phenomenon mediated by staphylococcal β-lactamases. Four variants of staphylococcal β-lactamases have been described based on serological methodologies and limited sequence information. Here, we sought to reassess the classification of staphylococcal β-lactamases and their correlation with the CzIE. We included a large collection of 690 contemporary bloodstream MSSA isolates recovered from Latin America, a region with a high prevalence of the CzIE. We determined cefazolin MICs at standard and high inoculums by broth microdilution. Whole-genome sequencing was performed to classify the β-lactamase in each isolate based on the predicted full sequence of BlaZ. We used the classical schemes for β-lactamase classification and compared it to BlaZ allotypes found in unique sequences using the genomic information. Phylogenetic analyses were performed based on the BlaZ and core-genome sequences. The overall prevalence of the CzIE was 40%. Among 641 genomes, type C was the most predominant β-lactamase (37%), followed by type A (33%). We found 29 allotypes and 43 different substitutions in BlaZ. A single allotype, designated BlaZ-2, showed a robust and statistically significant association with the CzIE. Two other allotypes (BlaZ-3 and BlaZ-5) were associated with a lack of the CzIE. Three amino acid substitutions (A9V, E112A, and G145E) showed statistically significant association with the CzIE (P = <0.01). CC30 was the predominant clone among isolates displaying the CzIE. Thus, we provide a novel approach to the classification of the staphylococcal β-lactamases with the potential to more accurately identify MSSA strains exhibiting the CzIE. Full Article
ocu TRPV6 as a Putative Genomic Susceptibility Locus Influencing Racial Disparities in Cancer By cancerpreventionresearch.aacrjournals.org Published On :: 2020-05-04T05:35:14-07:00 It is well established that African Americans exhibit higher incidence, higher mortality, and more aggressive forms of some cancers, including those of breast, prostate, colon, stomach, and cervix. Here we examine the ancestral haplotype of the TRPV6 calcium channel as a putative genomic factor in this racial divide. The minor (ancestral) allele frequency is 60% in people of African ancestry, but between 1% and 11% in all other populations. Research on TRPV6 structure/function, its association with specific cancers, and the evolutionary-ecological conditions that impacted selection of its haplotypes are synthesized to provide evidence for TRPV6 as a germline susceptibility locus in cancer. Recently elucidated mechanisms of TRPV6 channel deactivation are discussed in relation to the location of the allele favored in selection, suggesting a reduced capacity to inactivate the channel in those who have the ancestral haplotype. This could result in an excessively high cellular Ca2+, which has been implicated in cancer, for those in settings where calcium intake is far higher than in their ancestral environment. A recent report associating increasing calcium intake with a pattern of increase in aggressive prostate cancer in African-American but not European-American men may be related. If TRPV6 is found to be associated with cancer, further research would be warranted to improve risk assessment and examine interventions with the aim of improving cancer outcomes for people of African ancestry. Full Article
ocu Xbox Series X June Event to Focus on Platform and Services By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 17:54:40 GMT Microsoft earlier announced it will share new information on the Xbox Series X every month in 2020 calling it "Xbox 20/20." The first event will be held on May 7th at 8am PT / 11am ET and will focus on gameplay from third-party partners. The event in June has now been revealed it will focus on platform and services, according to Bloomberg. It is possible the June event will see the unveiling of the long rumored weaker next generation Xbox, codenamed Lockhart, with an expected official name of Xbox Series S. The price and launch date for the Xbox Series X is also possible, as well as information on Game Pass, Xbox Live Gold and Project xCloud. The July event will be focused on upcoming first-party games from Xbox Game Studios. "These monthly moments will take place throughout the rest of the year and will be a way for us to engage, connect and celebrate with you about what’s in store for the next generation of gaming, including what’s next for Xbox Series X, Xbox Game Studios, Xbox Game Pass and Project xCloud," said Microsoft. "Every month will bring something different. Stay tuned to Xbox Wire for more details." The Xbox Series X will launch in Holiday 2020. A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at wdangelo@vgchartz.com or on Twitter @TrunksWD.Full Article - https://www.vgchartz.com/article/443395/xbox-series-x-june-event-to-focus-on-platform-and-services/ Full Article Analysis Charts Industry
ocu Focused ultrasound opening brain to previously impossible treatments By www.sciencedaily.com Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 13:36:49 EDT Focused ultrasound, the researchers hope, could revolutionize treatment for conditions from Alzheimer's to epilepsy to brain tumors -- and even help repair the devastating damage caused by stroke. Full Article
ocu Guilded raises $7 million for its competitive gaming-focused chat app By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 18:44:20 +0000 Gaming platforms have earned serious clout with investors in recent years. Add in the VC excitement surrounding collaboration tools and it’s no surprised there’s interest in backing another gaming chat app. Guilded is creating a chat platform designed for competitive gaming and esports that focuses heavily on keeping gamers organized and connected with their teams. […] Full Article Gaming Recent Funding Startups TC Guilded Matrix Partners
ocu Michael Jordan’s ‘The Last Dance’ Is Currently The World’s Most Famous Documentary By www.mansworldindia.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 15:02:44 +0000 Nobody does it like Mr Jordan. Let it be on... The post Michael Jordan’s ‘The Last Dance’ Is Currently The World’s Most Famous Documentary appeared first on Man's World India. Full Article Entertainment Sports
ocu Pfizer to outsource some drug production, focus on coronavirus vaccine By feeds.reuters.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 21:44:14 -0400 Pfizer Inc said on Friday it is in talks to shift more of its medicine production to outside contractors as it prepares for large-scale production of an experimental vaccine to prevent COVID-19, should it prove safe and effective. Full Article businessNews
ocu Coronavirus UK LIVE: Lockdown set to continue 'without change' as Covid-19 death toll jumps by 717 and Boris Johnson 'focuses on recovery' By www.standard.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-13T20:19:00Z It is "far too early" to even think about relaxing lockdown measures, Dominic Raab has said, after another 717 coronavirus patients died over night. Full Article
ocu David vs Goliath: Haye swaps boxing ring for poker table in new Amazon Prime documentary By www.standard.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-16T03:24:00Z When David Haye agreed to swap the boxing gym for a poker table and challenge the world's best, the former heavyweight and cruiserweight world champion admits he did not know what he was letting himself in for. Full Article
ocu Prince Harry warned Meghan's father Thomas that speaking to press would 'backfire', court documents show By www.standard.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-20T10:20:00Z Full Article
ocu Ministers 'warned to prepare for pandemic last year', according to leaked document By www.standard.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-24T17:03:00Z Ministers were reportedly warned to prepare for a pandemic virus last year, according to a leaked document. Full Article
ocu Post-lockdown workplace rules could include protective screens and maximised home working, document reveals By www.standard.co.uk Published On :: 2020-05-04T06:26:00Z Measures being considered to help safely reopen workplaces included staggered shift times and reduced hot-desking, according to a draft Government plan. Full Article
ocu Genetics in focus after coronavirus deaths of siblings and twins By www.theguardian.com Published On :: 2020-05-05T11:17:34Z Recent deaths have stood out, but scientists say they must be interpreted with cautionAmid the steady stream of stories on the lives lost to coronavirus are cases that stand out as remarkable. In the past month, at least two pairs of twins have died in Britain and two pairs of brothers, all within hours or days of each other. But do the deaths point to genetic factors that make some more likely than others to succumb to the disease?Most scientists believe that genes play a role in how people respond to infections. A person’s genetic makeup may influence the receptors that the coronavirus uses to invade human cells. How resilient the person is to the infection, their general health, and how the immune system reacts will also have some genetic component. Continue reading... Full Article Coronavirus outbreak Health Genetics Biology Infectious diseases Medical research Microbiology Science Society UK news Siblings
ocu Canada focuses on mitigating COVID-19, placing virus origin search on backburner By globalnews.ca Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 22:11:39 +0000 It will be important to one day learn the true origin story of the global pandemic to defend against similar outbreaks in the future, Health Minister Patty Hajdu acknowledged Monday. Full Article Canada Health Politics Science World Coronavirus coronavirus origin story Coronavirus Origins COVID-19 Donald Trump Fox News how did the coronavirus start Justin Trudeau mystery coronavirus origin Patty Hajdu theresa tam
ocu Focus on COVID-19 has disrupted funding for regular health research, scientists fear By globalnews.ca Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 02:47:36 +0000 The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) put off its regular $275-million competition this spring to focus on delivering federal grants related to the novel coronavirus. Full Article Canada Health Science Canada Coronavirus Canadian Institutes of Health Research CIHR Coronavirus Coronavirus Cases Coronavirus In Canada coronavirus news coronavirus update COVID-19 covid-19 canada covid-19 news health care funding Health Funding
ocu ‘There is a whole catalogue of errors when it comes to government procurement and PPE’ – Labour’s Rachel Reeves By www.channel4.com Published On :: Labour Shadow Minister for the cabinet office Rachel Reeves has lead for the party on PPE procurement. Full Article
ocu Which Cryptocurrencies to Mine in 2020 By www.chartattack.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 13:51:25 +0000 So, you have decided to start mining this year? This is an excellent way to earn some additional money, but with so many cryptocurrencies on the market, it can be hard to choose the one to mine. Mining can be tempting, but it involves investment in the hardware and software that will support it, hence, […] The post Which Cryptocurrencies to Mine in 2020 appeared first on Chart Attack. Full Article Finance Bitcoin Blockchain Business Cryptocurrencies Mining Trading
ocu Boris Johnson 'focused on securing more PPE' in first Cabinet after return to work By www.standard.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-28T16:09:27Z Securing more personal protective equipment was top of the agenda for the Prime Minister as he returned to work, his official spokesman said. Full Article
ocu Winnipeg woman focusing on body positivity after being targeted by hockey players' misogynistic slurs By www.cbc.ca Published On :: Thu, 7 May 2020 21:06:07 EDT A Winnipeg woman who was a subject of misogynistic comments in a private group chat involving NHL players said she will continue her campaign of encouraging body acceptance. Full Article News/Canada/Manitoba
ocu Tiger King: Rick Kirkham comes forward with disturbing Joe Exotic story that didn't make it into documentary By www.independent.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-12T14:04:00Z He called Exotic 'unbelievably cruel' Full Article
ocu The Innocence Files review: Netflix's devastating documentary exposes how wrongful convictions can tear apart lives By www.independent.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-15T12:03:00Z Men locked away for decades over crimes they didn't commit share their stories in this startling new series Full Article
ocu The Mandalorian documentary series to launch on Disney+ on Star Wars Day By www.independent.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-16T07:24:30Z The series will give a first behind-the-scenes look at the making of 'The Mandalorian' Full Article
ocu Labor of Love: New dating show will document Bachelor contestant's search for partner ready to start a family By www.independent.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-16T15:21:29Z Challenges will test potential dads' parenting abilities Full Article
ocu 'Acting like vultures': Ross Kemp's coronavirus documentary sparks furious reactions from viewers By www.independent.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-16T19:12:00Z Ross Kemp: On the NHS Frontline saw the hardened documentarian witness the struggles of an ICU first-hand Full Article
ocu The Last Dance: Michael Jordan documentary is an enthralling piece of television By www.independent.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-20T04:35:39Z Jason Hehir's new series on ESPN and Netflix is an enthralling exposé of the Chicago Bulls' dramatic 1997-98 NBA season Full Article
ocu BBC receives 168 complaints over 'biased' Michael Jackson documentary By www.independent.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-20T07:53:44Z 'The Real Michael Jackson' aired on BBC2 in March Full Article
ocu Ross Kemp to host BBC show celebrating coronavirus volunteers after documentary backlash By www.independent.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-21T14:31:58Z Former soap star was forced to defend his recent ITV programme On The NHS Frontline this month Full Article
ocu Primates review: A fascinating, fresh-air documentary to watch in lockdown By www.independent.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-26T19:14:21Z From bearded capuchins to yellow baboons, the furry creatures in BBC1's new nature series are a reminder we have a lot in common with our closest animal relatives Full Article
ocu Ross Kemp 'devastated' after coronavirus victim dies while filming NHS documentary By www.independent.co.uk Published On :: 2020-05-01T08:27:00Z 'Ross Kemp: On the NHS Frontline' aired on ITV Full Article
ocu VE Day: A Nation at Peace review – coronavirus lends a grim relevance to this sobering documentary By www.independent.co.uk Published On :: 2020-05-03T19:00:53Z What was probably intended as a relaxing Sunday-night nostalgia-fest has become something else entirely during lockdown Full Article
ocu Becoming, review: Michelle Obama's Netflix documentary gives emotion without intimacy By www.independent.co.uk Published On :: 2020-05-06T15:10:00Z Ninety minutes in the company of the former first lady is like an inspirational infomercial, says Annie Lord Full Article
ocu Sport documentaries: readers recommend their favourite films By www.theguardian.com Published On :: 2020-05-03T07:00:45Z From skateboarding to Sunderland, here are the documentaries you suggested to get through live sport’s long shutdownWe recently recommended 12 sports films to watch during lockdown, and asked readers for their favourite documentaries. Here are some of your selections:Available on Curzon Home Cinema (UK) and Prime Video (US); watch trailer hereAvailable on Netflix or to rent from YouTube/Google Play/Prime Video Related: Missing live sport during lockdown? Here are 12 sporting films to watch Available on Prime Video (free in UK)Available to buy via Curzon (UK) and Beamafilms; watch the trailer hereAvailable to rent on Apple/Google Play/YouTube; watch the trailer hereAvailable via Starz on Prime Video (US) and on DVD; watch trailer hereAvailable on DVD and online; watch trailer hereAvailable on ESPN Player; watch the trailer hereAvailable on Prime Video (UK) and to rent on YouTube. Watch trailer here Related: The Simpsons: Springfield's greatest sporting moments – quiz Continue reading... Full Article Sport Football US sports Cricket Motor sport Athletics Television & radio
ocu Meghan Markle wore Prince Harry and baby Archie's star signs on her necklaces during first interview about new Disney+ documentary By www.standard.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-20T14:38:00Z Megha-bling Full Article
ocu Liverpool's Roberto Firmino not focused on scoring goals, says former Red Emile Heskey By www.standard.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-11T12:51:54Z Former Liverpool striker Emile Heskey believes Roberto Firmino doesn't focus on scoring goals, instead providing the 'gel' that glues his side together. Full Article
ocu Iniesta documentary: Barcelona legends including Guardiola, Xavi and Messi star in new film By www.standard.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-24T04:40:57Z Everybody loves Andres Iniesta and it is easy to see why in Rakuten's new documentary on the former Barcelona midfielder, which premiered on Thursday. Full Article
ocu Manchester United transfer strategy in focus: How figures behind Pogba deal will impact Sancho and Kane plans By www.standard.co.uk Published On :: 2020-04-26T13:08:00Z Old Trafford officials believe no club will get close to £100m transfers in the upcoming window Full Article
ocu Brothers in Football documentary: The story of Corinthian FC of London and a match 100 years in the making By www.standard.co.uk Published On :: 2020-05-04T12:45:35Z Football fans in need of a fix this weekend should look no further than the story of Corinthian FC of London and a match in Brazil delayed by 100 years. Full Article
ocu How Chelsea defender Fikayo Tomori is keeping his mind focused during Premier League shutdown By www.standard.co.uk Published On :: 2020-05-06T13:42:00Z Tomori has been studying towards a degree in business management Full Article