
The Ongoing Clash Between Trump And Big Cities

President Trump's depiction of urban life in America is often grim, and the tension between the president and big city mayors is often filled with name-calling and lawsuits. For many mayors who end up in the president's crosshairs, it's a balancing act as they try to determine how to ward off criticism, as well as Trump administration policies they think may be harmful, while not jeopardizing federal funds earmarked for city projects. For example, Trump raised plenty of hackles with his recent comments about the homeless in California hurting the prestige of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Darrell Steinberg, chairperson of California's State Commission on Homelessness and Supportive Housing, calls the president's statements hypocritical. "This is a president who is calling for the elimination of the Community Development Block Grant Program, which is a primary source of funding for affordable housing," says Steinberg, who is also the mayor of Sacramento. Last week, Steinberg signed a


Hong Kong Standoff At University Grinds On; Protesters Attempt Escape In Sewers

A days-long tense standoff between protesters and police is grinding on at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The numbers of protesters barricaded inside the school has dwindled to about 100, and their food supplies are rapidly depleting after police surrounded the campus on Sunday. The situation is growing so desperate for the remaining protesters that several of them unsuccessfully attempted to escape the police siege by climbing through sewer drains, according to local media . Police say they've arrested about 1,100 people in the past day. At a Tuesday news conference , officers accused the protesters of crimes such as taking part in riots and possessing dangerous weapons. Authorities have threatened to use live ammunition against the demonstrators, though they say that level of force is a last resort. Protesters are pleading for help. A video posted by protest leader Joshua Wong features a message from a masked woman who is identified as a student at Polytechnic University. "We have


FBI Seizes Website Suspected Of Selling Access To Billions Of Pieces Of Stolen Data

U.S. authorities have seized the domain name of a website that allegedly sold access to billions of usernames, email addresses, passwords and other sensitive information stolen in data breaches. Now, visitors to the not-so-subtle website – weleakinfo.com — are greeted with a homepage that reads, "This Domain Has Been Seized." The Justice Department and the FBI took control of the site as part of a "comprehensive law enforcement action" involving authorities in Germany, Northern Ireland, the U.K. and the Netherlands. Two men in Europe have been arrested so far in connection with the site. WeLeakInfo billed itself as a "search engine" that subscribers could use to pore over data illegally obtained from more than 10,000 data breaches, U.S. authorities said in a statement . In all, the Justice Department said the site was offering access to more than 12 billion indexed records. "The website sold subscriptions so that any user could access the results of these data breaches, with


Police Offering Drug Recovery Help: 'We Can't Arrest Our Way Out Of This Problem'

Emily Ligawiec has to sign in visitors to the recovery program she attends in a grand Victorian house in Holyoke, Mass. She can't bring people to her room. She only recently earned phone and car privileges. "We get 24, 48, 72-hour passes every weekend," she said. But Ligawiec doesn't mind the restrictions. The 29-year-old is grateful she's alive to follow them, after a decade of addiction — first to prescription painkillers, then pills she bought in the street, then heroin. "I had gone down a pretty dark path," she said. What finally turned her around was a 911 call last winter. She had gotten high on heroin and stolen her mother's car. When she returned it a few hours later, Officer John Cacela of Ware, Mass., was waiting in the driveway. In the past, Cacela might have immediately read Ligawiec her rights, "because for the longest time, the whole idea was — arrest, arrest," he said. Instead, he tapped on the car window and assured her she wasn't in trouble. "I closed the window on him


Mit dem Rembrandt-Effekt können Münzsammler reich werden

Sachwerte haben in Zeiten billionenschwerer Rettungsprogramme Konjunktur. Dazu zählen auch Münzen – und die müssen nicht mal aus Gold sein. Ein Experte verrät, worauf Sammler achten sollten und welchen Fehler sie unbedingt vermeiden müssen.


Haunted Weather by mykescipark

I've spent an agonizing 11 days dialing this one to perfection. Another bumper that hearkens back to my high school days, when a song couldn't possibly have enough rhythm tracks. Suitable for all your living-room silent discos.


Wenn der Reiseveranstalter das Geld nicht auszahlt

Eigentlich ist die Sache klar: Streicht der Reiseveranstalter den gebuchten Urlaub oder Flug, bekommen Kunden ihr Geld zurück. Doch momentan wartet so mancher vergeblich auf die Rückzahlung. Was können Urlauber tun?


Auf der Insel der Zwergpinguine

Auf Stewart Island leben die kleinsten Pinguine der Welt. Kaum scheu, brüten sie manchmal sogar unter Häusern. Beobachten lässt sich auf Neuseelands drittgrößter Insel aber noch ein weiteres ungewöhnliches Tier.


Einsam unterwegs in deutschen Wäldern

Es gibt wilde Wälder in Deutschland, in denen man nur selten einer Menschenseele begegnet. Sie sind ideal zum Abstandhalten und zum Beobachten scheuer Tiere. Wir geben fünf Empfehlungen – von Niedersachsen bis Baden-Württemberg.


Adelaide – das hippste Großstadtdorf der Welt

Vor zehn Jahren galt Adelaide noch als langweilig. Doch längst herrscht Aufbruchsstimmung in Südaustraliens größter Stadt. Eine wachsende Kreativszene, coole Läden und günstige Mieten ziehen viele junge Menschen an.


Die Weltreise geht weiter – trotz Coronavirus

Zunächst sah sich unser Autor auf seiner Weltreise durch die Pandemie kaum beeinträchtigt. Doch irgendwann bekam auch er Angst. Denn mancherorts in Asien gibt es Tipps gegen das Coronavirus, die kaum beruhigen.


Weltweite Reisewarnung ist bis Mitte Juni verlängert

Außenminister Heiko Maas gibt keine Prognose für die Reisesaison im Sommer. Die Bundesregierung kann nach wie vor „kein sorgenloses Reisen“ empfehlen, so Maas und begründete damit die Verlängerung der weltweiten Reisewarnung bis zum 14. Juni.


So erklärt Maas die Verlängerung der weltweiten Reisewarnung

Den Osterurlaub hat das Coronavirus bereits auf dem Gewissen. Nun muss auch der Pfingsturlaub dran glauben. Zumindest was Auslandsreisen angeht. Dabei äußert sich der Außenminister auch eindeutig zu Rückholaktionen.


Warum es weltweit so viele Schweizen gibt

Die Eidgenossenschaft ist ein Exportschlager: Von Europa über Afrika und Asien bis Amerika tragen mehr als 100 Landschaften die „Schweiz“ im Namen. In Bern hat ein Künstler die „Auslandsschweizen“ zusammengeführt.


Mutige Pionierinnen auf Weltreise

Abenteurerinnen, Entdeckerinnen, Flaneusen: Die Geschichte ist voll von Frauen, die nichts zu Hause hielt und hält. Dabei mussten sie alle gegen Vorurteile kämpfen und gesellschaftliche Grenzen überwinden.


5 Websites That Offer Professional Quality Sample Libraries

Five great websites that offer a variety of professional quality sample libraries and audio tools suited for any type of project or genre.


The post 5 Websites That Offer Professional Quality Sample Libraries appeared first on Dubspot Blog.


By wenestvedt in "Bye, Amazon" on MeFi

Tim Bray is a smart guy who's been around tech for a long time. Presumably most people here know that, but in case you don't, he's got a very solid nerd pedigree.

To have him get near the top of Amazon, and then walk away because of his principles, says both that things at Amazon are really bad, and also that he's got integrity.

Yes, he probably has a decent retirement nest egg stashed away, but it's still nice to see someone with privilege (particularly in Silicon Valley) be vocally on the correct, humane side of an issue.


Georgia Playlist: Mac Powell

Mac Powell is an Atlanta-based multi-platinum Grammy-winning artist. His band, Mac Powell and the Family Reunion , recently released their new single, Back Again. Mac and the Family Reunion are now on tour, performing songs from the debut album, Back Again . Before his Atlanta performance, Powell added two songs to our Georgia Playlist.


Not My Job: We Quiz 'Full Frontal' Host Samantha Bee On Backsides

Samantha Bee is the host of the late night comedy show Full Frontal, so we've invited her to play a game called "Full Backtal." Three questions about the people who stand in for actors when a posterior shot is required, and the star is either unwilling or unqualified to do it. Click the audio link to find out how she does. Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.


Arbeitslosenquote auf Höchststand seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

In den USA haben allein im April 20 Millionen Menschen ihren Job verloren, infolge der Corona-Pandemie. Präsident Trump versucht, durch Optimismus gegenzusteuern, und zweifelt die Zahl der Todesopfer an.


WELT-Sondersendung – Alle Infos und Entwicklungen zur Corona-Krise

Die Coronavirus-Pandemie bestimmt weiterhin das Leben überall auf der Welt. Laut Robert-Koch-Institut liegt die Reproduktionszahl in Deutschland derzeit bei 0,83 – ein leichter Anstieg zu den vergangenen Tagen. Sehen Sie alle Entwicklungen hier live.


Die Queen erinnert an das Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs

Nicht nur in Deutschland wurde am 8. Mai der Opfer des Zweiten Weltkriegs gedacht. In Großbritannien feierten Menschen Menschen gemeinsam auf den Straßen – und die Queen wandte sich in einer Ansprache an die Bürger.


Wenn die Küche zur Kostenfalle wird

Der Strompreis ist auf ein Rekordhoch gestiegen – nicht zuletzt wegen der Energiewende. In kaum einem anderen Land zahlen Verbraucher so viel für Elektrizität wie in Deutschland. Doch mit ein paar einfachen Tricks lässt sich viel sparen.


So werden Sie die Schimmelplage in Ihrer Wohnung los

Egal ob in Fugen, an Wänden oder an Fenstern: Schimmel in der Wohnung sieht nicht nur alles andere als schön aus, sondern ist auch gesundheitsschädlich. Wir erklären Ihnen, was Sie gegen Schimmelbefall tun können. 


Welche Spiegelreflexkamera für Einsteiger passt zu mir?

Endlich Fotos schießen wie die Profis. Mit Spiegelreflexkameras ist das möglich. Doch Sie kennen sich mit den angesagten Kameras noch nicht gut aus? Wir stellen Ihnen die beliebtesten Einsteigermodelle vor.


Fahrverbote, höhere Bußgelder – Die neue StVO tut richtig weh

Ab dem 28. April werden Geschwindkeitsverstöße deutlich härter bestraft und Radfahrer besser geschützt. Der Schilderwald wird größer, und der Führerschein ist viel schneller weg als bisher. Das steht in der Novelle der Straßenverkehrsordnung.


Welcher Rasenmäher passt zu mir? So finden Sie den Richtigen!

Spaß macht es nicht unbedingt, aber wer einen Garten hat, muss regelmäßig den Rasen mähen. Vom Rasentraktor bis hin zum Mähroboter – hier erfahren Sie, welcher Rasenmäher zu Ihnen passt und welches das beste Modell ist!


10 Years Of Spectacular U.S. Job Growth Nearly Wiped Out In 4 Weeks

Updated at 8:43 a.m. ET The number of people filing for unemployment climbed by another 5.2 million last week as the toll of the nation's economic dive amid the pandemic continues to mount. That number is down from the revised 6.6 million in the week that ended April 4, the Labor Department said . But in the past four weeks, a total of 22 million have filed jobless claims — nearly wiping out all the job gains since the Great Recession. The dramatic reversal followed a decade of spectacular growth in jobs that brought the unemployment rate to near 50-year lows along with record low jobless rates for blacks and Hispanics. Now the job market is on its knees. Don't see the graphic above? Click here. The unemployment rate is expected to surge in coming months , with many full-time workers pushed into part-time jobs or not working at all. The economy lost about 700,000 jobs in March — ending 113 straight months of increases. And overall job losses are likely to be 10 to 20 times that big in


Deluge Continues: 26 Million Jobs Lost In Just 5 Weeks

Updated at 8:46 a.m. ET The number of people forced out of work during the coronavirus lockdown continues to soar to historic highs. Another 4.4 million people claimed unemployment benefits last week around the country, the Labor Department said . That brings the total of jobless claims in just five weeks to more than 26 million people. That's more than all the jobs added in the past 10 years since the Great Recession. Still, the pace of job losses is slowing. About 5.2 million filed during the week that ended April 11 and last week was the third consecutive week of declines. Don't see the graphic above? Click here. The coronavirus crisis has suddenly ended a decade of remarkable job growth. The unemployment rate, which sank to nearly 50-year lows, is expected to soar into double digits. The pace of job losses has the broader population worried. A Gallup poll found that a quarter of working Americans believe they will lose their jobs in the next 12 months. That's a record high. The


Für welche Patienten ein Pulsoximeter geeignet ist

Sie werden auf den Finger geklemmt und messen Puls sowie den Sauerstoffgehalt im Blut. In häuslicher Quarantäne kann das wichtig sein – zumindest für bestimmte Infizierte. Doch wie genau messen Pulsoximeter?


„Unsere Vorstellung von der Welt gilt nicht mehr“

Sorgen, Ängste, Einsamkeit: Die Einschränkungen während der Corona-Pandemie belasten fast alle Menschen psychisch. Forscher untersuchen die Auswirkungen – und haben einen Rat, wie man weniger Stress bei Mitmenschen auslöst.


Jeff Weber's Brief Comments Critique

Think of this listing as a light critique as opposed to my full critique you can find listed on my Music Xray profile page. I love hearing true talent and extraordinary songwriting. I listen to everything I receive and offer brief comments as per my professional opinion. Should I hear something for which I know of an opportunity, you will hear from me immediately although this is not the primary focus on this listing.

Jeffrey Weber has been a widely recognized music industry professional for over thirty years. He has produced over 175 CDs with releases on just about every major label as well as a host of independent labels. Along the way, his projects have yielded two Grammys, seven Grammy nominations, at least seventeen top ten albums, two number one albums and an assortment of other honors.

During his thirty plus year career his productions have also appeared on every major label including MCA, Warner Bros., Atlantic, BMG, Columbia, A&M, Elektra as well as such labels as GRP, Hip-O, Sheffield, Concord, Bainbridge, Silver Eagle, Zebra, among countless others.

Among the many artists that have fallen under the banner of “Produced by...” include: Nancy Wilson, David Benoit, Steve Lukather, the Utah Symphony, Jackson Browne, Marcus Miller, Michael McDonald, Bill Champlin, Gerald Albright, Tom Scott, Chick Corea, Stanley Clark, Etta James, Linda Hopkins, Kenny Burrell, McCoy Tyner, Jackie McLean, Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big), Cozzy Powell, the Count Basie Orchestra, John Sebastian, Ronnie Dio, Ritchie Blackmore, Pat Boone, Buddy Miles, Billy Preston, MC Lyte, Kenny Rankin, Diane Reeves, Diane Schuur, Rita Coolidge, Luther Vandross, David Crosby, Simon Phillips, Jeff Porcaro, Patrice Rushen, Toni Tennille, among many others.

- Jeff Weber


NBA weekly Highlights Show and Play Off Show looking for music $10k-$15k

We are looking for music of all genre and styles for 4 program packages.

*NBA weekly highlights show, broadcast in US.
*NBA weekly Highlights show, broadcast in Europe and Asia and Australia.
*NBA twice weekly podcast broadcast globally on net.
*NBA play off highlights programs.

We are looking for at least 20 different either full songs or sections for both territories.

Payments are $10k - $15k on a non-exclusive basis.

Please submit radio, broadcast release material but if you have a track not finished but you think its a fit and so do we, we will record and mix it free of charge at the CMI Studio's for you.

So send in your best work guys, good opportunity for global exposure

Very Best

- Alex / CMI Music Group

Deal Type: Sync Placement
Decision Maker: I'm the final decision maker
Deal Structure: Non-Exclusive
Compensation: $10K - $15K
Song Quality: Fully mastered, Broadcast ready


NFL weekly Highlights show looking for music: $10k-$15k payout for 2020/21 regular season.

NFL weekly Highlights show looking for music with a $10k-$15k payout for the 2020/21 regular season.

We are looking for music of all genre and styles for 2 program packages.
*NFL weekly highlights show, broadcast in US
*NFL weekly Highlights show, broadcast in Europe and Asia

We are looking for at least 10 different either full songs or sections for both territories.

Payments are $10k - $15k on a non-exclusive basis. Please submit radio, broadcast release material but if you have a track not finished but you think its a fit and so do we, we will record and mix it free of charge at the CMI Studio's for you.

So send in your best work guys, good opportunity for global exposure Very Best
Alex CMI Music Group

Deal Type: Sync Placement
Deal Structure: Non-Exclusive
Compensation: $10K - $15K



952- Beth Nielsen Chapman, Carrie Newcomer, Erin Rae, Lisa Mednick Powell, Lillie Mae

Guest host Kathy Mattea welcomes performances from Beth Nielsen Chapman, Carrie Newcomer, Erin Rae, Lisa Mednick Powell, and Lillie Mae. Support for this podcast is provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/


954- Nick Lowe & Los Straitjackets, Patty Griffin, Craig Finn and Shook Twins

Nick Lowe & Los Straitjackets, Patty Griffin,Craig Finn & the Uptown Controllers and Shook TwinsRecorded 9/22/19 in Charleston, WV. Support provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/


955- The Steel Wheels, Radney Foster, Kieran Kane and Rayna Gellert, Eilen Jewell

Live performances by The Steel Wheels, Radney Foster, Kieran Kane and Rayna Gellert, and Eilen Jewell, recorded in Charleston, WV Sunday Sept. 29, 2019. Support provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/


Platinum-Selling Songwriter Jimmy Webb On The Stories Behind His Biggest Hits

Platinum-selling songwriter Jimmy Webb stopped by our studio last October to talk about his first memoir, " The Cake And The Rain ." Artists from Frank Sinatra to Barbara Streisand have recorded Webb's songs. Some of his hits include “Up, Up and Away,” “Wichita Lineman,” “MacArthur Park,” and “By The Time I Get to Phoenix.” Our conversation begins with a discussion of his childhood in rural Elk City, Oklahoma. He explains how his mother’s “iron will and sometimes anger” drove him to the piano. Plus, Webb talks about the time he was out plowing a field when a voice on the radio captivated him. It belonged to Glen Campbell , who became a close collaborator of Webb’s. He reveals the story behind his celebrated classic "By The Time I Get To Phoenix," for which Campbell won two Grammy awards. Webb also talks about his hit "Wichita Lineman," another song that Campbell recorded. Once, at the Songwriters Hall of Fame , Billy Joel described “Wichita Lineman” as being “emblematic of an ordinary


Four Smart, Well-Read Georgians Discuss Their Favorite Books

On this edition of "Two Way Street," we sit down with four smart, well read Georgians to discuss their favorite books. This conversation picks up the discussion started by " The Great American Read ," an eight-part PBS series that unpacks a diverse list of 100 books. "The Great American Read" premieres Tuesday May 22 at 8 PM on GPB. Our guests today are Oglethorpe Unvirersity Creative Writing Professor Jessica Handler , Bitter Southerner Editor in Chief Chuck Reece , Altanta International School Headmaster Kevin Glass, and On Second Thought's new host Virigina Prescott .


Ramadan: Your Questions Answered

Right now Muslims around the world are observing Ramadan, the holiest period on the Islamic calendar. What is Ramadan and what is the history behind it? What compels Muslims everywhere to devote themselves to an entire month of fasting and prayer? Soumaya Khalifa , one of Georgia's most influential Muslim leaders, joins us to answer those questions and more. Khalifa is the Executive Director of the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta.


Two Way Street: Obituary Editor Kay Powell And Musician Adron On Beginnings And Endings

On this edition of "Two Way Street," Georgia musician Adron stops by to talk and play a few songs from her new album "Water Music" before setting sail for the west coast. We also hear from a woman who made a career of saying goodbye: Kay Powell.


Week In Politics: U.S. Jobs Report, DOJ Drops Criminal Case Against Michael Flynn

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.


Week In Sports: Competitive Cornhole To Air On ESPN, NASCAR Slated To Return

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.


Not My Job: We Quiz 'Full Frontal' Host Samantha Bee On Backsides

Samantha Bee is the host of the late night comedy show Full Frontal, so we've invited her to play a game called "Full Backtal." Three questions about the people who stand in for actors when a posterior shot is required, and the star is either unwilling or unqualified to do it. Click the audio link to find out how she does. Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.


Listener Questions On The State Of The U.S. Economy, Answered

NPR's business correspondent takes listener questions on the state of the U.S. economy and unemployment.


Weapons in the Church?

What weapons can we have in church? We trust the Lord but we must also be practical and protect each other in times of danger. The Bible is our most important weapon of all.

  • Pastor Doug's Weekly Message


Power in the Name of the Lord

We all have a name but the Bible tells us there is a name above every name. When you become a Christian you take on the name of Christ.

  • Pastor Doug's Weekly Message


The Power of Forgiveness

In this inspirational article, Pastor Doug explores the theme of forgiveness through the lens of one of Jesus’ most challenging parables.


Someone to design and implement a simple, attractive static web page (bay area, california)

Forgive me for the following display of ignorance.

I'm looking for someone to develop a simple and attractive static website. I'm agnostic about the development framework. The functionality needed would be a simple landing page that functions as about/contact and a page that would act as a form where users could upload a file (~25MB .wav). The files would be automatically uploaded to Dropbox or Google Drive, etc. (whatever is easiest). I have no visual assets (logos, images, etc.). I have some examples of design I have in mind as models (Jekyll pages, etc.) that I can share with you.

I have never hired anyone for a project of this kind, so I don't know what common practice is re: contract pay, but I have a soft budget of ~1,000USD.

I don't yet have a domain registered anywhere.


Designer for print + web publication (remote)

The Affecting Technologies group of the Center for Arts, Design + Social Research is looking to hire a designer or studio to work with us on designing a publication for print and web. The goal of the publication is to document the presentations, conversations, and projects from a recent convening we held in Sao Paulo, Brazil called Afetando Tecnologias / Maquinando Inteligencias (Affecting Technologies, Machining Intelligences). We would hope to create a durable, beautiful artifact together. Apply by 11:59 pm ET on 20th April 2020, or send us an email at affecting-tech-group@critical-computing.org with answers to the form. If you have questions, please write to us at affecting-tech-group@critical-computing.org. Portuguese and English applications warmly welcomed.

More information

O grupo Affecting Technologies (Afetando Tecnologias) do Center for Arts, Design + Social Research quer contratar um designer ou estúdio para trabalhar conosco na criação de uma publicação para impressão e web. O objetivo da publicação é documentar as apresentações, conversas e projetos de uma recente conferência realizada em São Paulo, no Brasil, chamada Afetando Tecnologias / Maquinando Inteligencias (Affecting Technologies, Machining Intelligences): http://www.iea.usp.br/eventos/afetando-tecnologias-maquinando-inteligencias. Esperamos criar juntos um material bonito e durável. Para se inscrever, preencha el formulário ou nos mande um e-mail com respostas para as perguntas em affecting-tech-group@critical-computing.org até 23h59 ET de 20 de abril de 2020.