
The Price of the Liturgy

A meditation on the words of Elder Sophrony, "Our lives are an endless martyrdom," gives rise to thoughts on the true character of the liturgy.


Buy Microsoft Visual Studio Pro for $28 - the lowest price yet

Code faster and work smarter with a Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 license, now on sale for 94% off.


The Bitter Price of Choice

Frederica Mathewes-Green reads the first essay she ever published, a secular, feminist presentation of the pro-life cause.


The Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price

Fr. John shares from Matthew 13:44-52.


The Holy Empress Pulcheria and the Origin of the Thrice-Holy Hymn

Fr. John discusses the life and activities of St. Pulcheria, as well as how the Trisagion came into Orthodox worship.


Compassion Has No Price

Dn. Theodore, the Director of Community of St. John the Compassionate Mission, reminds us that by thinking that the sole purpose of a mission is to convert everyone, you put a price tag on compassion.


The Pearl of Great Price

Bobby Maddex interviews Veronica Hughes, the author of The Pearl of Great Price: The Journey of a New Age Seeker to the Light of Christ and the Eastern Orthodox Church.


The Promise, the Process, and the Price

Fr. Pat discusses three periods of biblical history related to the Nativity.


3 companies preparing to raise prices if Trump's trade plan is enacted


An Aldi Price Tag Change Is Coming—Here's What You Need To Know


Pum munud gyda... Angharad Price

Y nofelydd sy'n sôn am yr ysbrydoliaeth tu ôl ei nofel gyntaf ers 14 mlynedd.


Vaccine refuser paid ultimate price, says partner

Leslie Lawrenson died and his partner became seriously ill with Covid after they refused vaccines.


Sainsbury's and M&S warn Budget may push up prices

A number of major firms have warned over the impact of higher National Insurance costs.


'Price of chocolate has gone through the roof'

Katie Cross says she is paying £9,000 more per tonne of chocolate than she did a year ago.


Birmingham residents face 'cruel' price rises

The cost of hundreds of council services will increase in Birmingham ahead of a planned 10 per cent council tax hike.


Guernsey property prices up in third 2024 quarter

The increase compares with a decrease during the the same period in 2023.


Jersey house prices in biggest fall since 2002

The average home cost £581,000 at the end of September - down from £651,000 a year earlier.


How quickly are prices rising in the UK?

The rate at which prices are rising has dropped below the Bank of England's target of 2%.


House prices at record high, says Halifax

Despite the increase, the lender warns mortgage costs could remain "higher for longer" following the Budget.


House price fall could boost London economy - Khan

Mayor of London says increasing access to affordable housing is vital to the city's economic growth


Apple to roll out ‘Battery Intelligence’ for iPhone, Amazon slashes price of 43inch Hisense smart TV to £228

The iPhone could finally show you how long it’ll take to finish charging. Code spotted in the second iOS 18.2 beta by 9to5Mac shows a new “BatteryIntelligence” feature that will let you […]

The post Apple to roll out ‘Battery Intelligence’ for iPhone, Amazon slashes price of 43inch Hisense smart TV to £228 appeared first on Tech Digest.


8 conseils de traductrice pour survivre au confinement






Comme nous tous, vous êtes confiné à la maison pour donner une chance aux hôpitaux du pays d’affronter la menace du COVID-19, mais contrairement aux traducteurs qui besognent chaque jour devant leur ordinateur, vous n’avez pas l’habitude de travailler seul chez vous…


Pas de panique ! Pour vous aider à affronter ces moments difficiles, voire à tirer parti de la crise, je me propose de vous livrer quelques astuces de pro.

1. Garder le rythme

Pour mieux supporter l’isolement social, il faut s’imposer un rythme de travail. Cette période de confinement à durée indéterminée, que nous imposent des circonstances exceptionnelles, nous prive d’une part de contrôle, ce qui généralement est source d’angoisse. Afin d’éviter de ruminer devant le décompte morbide des contaminations ou de compter les jours de bagne, reprenez la main en vous imposant des horaires et un rythme régulier : lever à heure fixe, liste d’objectifs et de tâches à exécuter, pause déjeuner, etc.


Dans le même esprit, sachez vous déconnecter de votre travail en fin de journée. Pour préserver votre santé mentale et physique, il faut clairement définir le temps consacré à chacune de vos activités et vous y tenir pour qu’aucune n’empiète trop sur les autres. Plutôt que la perfection, visez l’équilibre : soyez indulgent avec vous-même !




Quand on travaille de chez soi, il est tentant de consacrer du temps à des tâches domestiques ou personnelles pendant ses heures de bureau. Pour rester productif et garder un rythme de travail régulier (voir conseil précédent), résistez à la tentation de lancer une machine, d’appeler une copine ou de vous épiler les sourcils en journée et reportez ces activités sur un créneau de temps libre.


La meilleure façon de s’organiser sans se disperser consiste à diviser son emploi du temps en plages horaires à consacrer à chaque type d’activité (travail, enfants, sport, prendre des nouvelles de proches, etc.). Lorsque vous vous attelez à une tâche, faites-le pleinement : essayez de vous concentrer sur ce que vous êtes en train de faire, sans penser au reste de votre liste.


Bien sûr, c’est compliqué de maintenir une barrière étanche, mais si vous avez des difficultés à tout caser, sachez qu’il vaut mieux revoir la durée des plages horaires que de les superposer (et donc de jongler avec les tâches). Le multitasking est un leurre : il est scientifiquement prouvé que l’être humain est plus performant lorsqu’il se concentre sur une seule chose à la fois.



3. bannir le pyjama (ET LE JOGGING !)

Ce n’est pas parce qu’on travaille de chez soi sans sortir de la journée qu’il faut renoncer à prendre soin de son apparence. Tenue, coiffure et, pourquoi pas, soyons fous, maquillage, sont autant de signaux envoyés à votre cerveau : vous n’êtes pas en vacances et votre activité professionnelle est maintenue malgré les circonstances. Si vous ne me croyez pas, fiez-vous à la sagesse de Karl Lagerfeld :


© La voix du Nord (photo AFP)

4. bouger

Le risque n° 1 du travailleur à domicile est le TMS (trouble musculo-squelettique), lié à la sédentarité et aux mauvaises postures. En ces temps difficiles où vous travaillez depuis votre canapé, vous risquez de ressentir des douleurs dans le bas du dos, des raideurs au niveau de la nuque et des épaules, une fatigue oculaire, etc. En plus de tenter, dans la mesure du possible, de vous aménager un coin bureau ergonomique, pensez à faire des pauses pour vous étirer et reposer vos yeux, ainsi qu’à entretenir votre forme physique. 


Bouger chaque jour évite de s’ankyloser, maintient la concentration et diminue le stress : c’est donc une activité indispensable en cas de confinement. Si vous ne vous sentez pas capable de courir un marathon sur votre balcon, commencez par vous tenir debout autant que possible (lorsque vous êtes au téléphone par exemple) et essayez le circuit training qui combine étirements, exercices de renforcement musculaire et cardio et peut se pratiquer sans matériel sur le tapis du salon. 


© entrainementsportif.fr

5. veiller à son hygiène de vie

Comme le dit l’adage : « un esprit sain, dans un corps sain ». Pour tenir sur la durée, en plus de faire du sport, veillez à bien vous alimenter, boire régulièrement (de l’eau !) et dormir suffisamment. Le confinement est à la fois source de stress et d’oisiveté, le cocktail idéal pour nous pousser à ouvrir le frigo toutes les 5 minutes et à nous gaver d’infos ou de séries jusqu’à pas d’heure. Là encore tout est question de rythme (prendre ses repas et se coucher à heures fixes) et d’organisation (prévoir des menus, utiliser son réveil, bannir l’ordinateur de sa chambre…).



6. rester CONNECTÉ

Nous avons de la chance d’être confinés chez nous au 21e siècle. Certes, vos collègues ne sont pas à vos côtés pour partager un jambon beurre ou discuter autour de la machine à café, mais vous pouvez les joindre à tout moment par email, par SMS ou en visioconférence. La technologie vous permet également d’organiser des apéros ou des pauses-café entre copains, de continuer de participer à vos cours de yoga, de partager vos idées et vos créations… même mon grand-père de 92 ans utilise Skype depuis sa maison de retraite : le monde est plus que jamais connecté.


Internet est notre fenêtre sur le monde : des voisins créent des groupes de soutien et organisent la solidarité sur Facebook, les artistes improvisent des concerts (Jean-Jacques Goldman est sorti de son silence pour l’occasion), les musées se visitent gratuitement, la BNF vous donne accès à des centaines de milliers de livres en support numérique, les professeurs font la classe à la maison, Open Culture, mais aussi Canal +, Netflix et consorts mettent à disposition des banques de films et de séries, l’Opéra et la Philharmonie de Paris proposent des spectacles et des concerts gratuits… Bref, les possibilités sont infinies et donnent le tournis.



7. gérer le stress et la charge mentale

La résilience est la capacité de l’être humain à surmonter les épreuves douloureuses en puisant en lui les forces nécessaires et en choisissant de se concentrer sur les éléments positifs de sa situation. Certaines personnes ont la chance de posséder naturellement cette forme d’élan vital, qui pousse à accepter ce que l’on ne contrôle pas et à affronter une situation dans le présent plutôt que de ressasser au conditionnel, mais nous pouvons tous cultiver un tel état d’esprit. 


Pour accroître votre résilience et, par là même, votre résistance au stress, commencez par être bienveillant, avec les autres comme avec vous-même, accueillez vos émotions, faites preuve de générosité, d’empathie, de gratitude. Il y a toujours des situations pires que la vôtre et tellement de choses à apprécier, même en ce moment : un rayon de soleil printanier, un service rendu, une conversation avec une personne qui compte pour vous… Découvrez ce qui vous fait du bien et pratiquez cette activité régulièrement pour vous détendre et relativiser.

8. faire feu de tout bois

Le confinement n’a pas besoin d’être une tragédie : c’est aussi une formidable occasion de changer ses méthodes de travail, de se former, d’innover… Lorsque l’université de Cambridge a fermé ses portes en 1666 à cause d’une épidémie de peste, Isaac Newton a été contraint de rester chez lui pendant plus d’un an. C’est en se promenant dans son jardin qu’il aurait vu la fameuse pomme tomber d’un arbre qui lui a inspiré l’idée de la gravitation universelle. Il a aussi réalisé de nombreuses expériences dans sa chambre qui seront à l’origine de sa théorie sur la composition chromatique de la lumière. Son confinement lui fut tellement bénéfique que les historiens considèrent cette année comme miraculeuse (annus mirabilis) pour l’avancement des travaux et la créativité du scientifique. Alors, détendez-vous : ne vous appesantissez pas sur ce qui vous freine et vous limite, pour mieux vous concentrer sur les opportunités qu’offre cette période d’introspection.


Haut les cœurs ! Nous sortirons un jour de ce confinement forcé pour reprendre le cours normal de nos vies… En attendant, prenez soin de vous, de vos proches et de chacun de nous…


Bon courage à tous !



Pour aller plus loin :



Professionnelle accréditée en commerce international ayant travaillé plusieurs années en tant que conseillère auprès de PME, Gaële Gagné est devenue traductrice indépendante en 2005. Aux commandes de Trëma Translations, elle traduit de l'anglais vers le français et partage ses connaissances en marketing et gestion d'entreprise avec ses collègues traducteurs par le biais d'un blog intitulé Mes petites affaires et de formations dispensées via le CI3M.

Et maintenant ?


Abonnez-vous au flux

Consultez d'autres articles :

Nous ne sommes pas que des cerveaux !
Série de l'été : prendre le temps de s'organiser
Créer un site web pour votre entreprise de traduction
Nouveaux traducteurs : 10 conseils pour bien démarrer
Travailler pendant les vacances (de vos enfants)


Does brand association, brand attachment, and brand identification mediate the relationship between consumers' willingness to pay premium prices and social media marketing efforts?

This study investigates the effects of social media marketing efforts (SMME) on smartphone brand identification, attachment, association, and willingness to pay premium prices. A survey of 320 smartphone users who followed official social media handles managed by smartphone companies was conducted for this purpose. PLS-SEM was used to analyse the collected data. The findings demonstrated importance of SMME dimensions. According to the study's findings, the smartphone brand's SMMEs had significant impact on brand identification, brand association, and brand attachment. The results revealed that SMMEs had significant impact on willingness to pay the premium price. The findings also show that brand identification, attachment, and association mediated the relationship between SMMEs and willingness to pay a premium price. The findings of this study will be useful in developing social media marketing strategies for smartphones. This study demonstrates the use of social media marketing to promote mobile phones, particularly in emerging markets.


An empirical study on the nexus among the prices of commodities: an ARDL and bound test approach

This study investigates the nexus among the commodities: bitcoin, copper, gold, silver, crude oil, and iron ore. Previous studies on establishing the plausibility and the dynamic nexus among commodities are rare. This research attempts to fill this gap. This study investigates whether there are long-term and short-term links between commodities for the period 2010-2022 by applying the bounds testing method to co-integration and ECM, built using an ARDL model and establishing both short-term and long-term relationships among the economic variables analysed. The ECM confirmed the presence of some co-integration relationship for all the variables, both in the short and long term. A strong correlation was discovered among the commodities, which were greatly influenced by their lagged values. The results of this study provides an opportunity for policymakers and researchers to understand the nature of the relationship between the analysed variables and further support the development of new policies for economic sustainability.


The Dual Micro/Macro Informing Role of Social Network Sites: Can Twitter Macro Messages Help Predict Stock Prices?


JD Sports prices will rise due to Budget, warns boss

Chancellor Rachel Reeves has said firms will have to absorb higher taxes through their profits.


EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex Sight ~ Crazy Low Price After CODE ….$249.99

EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex Sight at $249.99 out the door after a coupon code at check out. You save $249.00+ off....


Prices of RON97, RON95, diesel to remain unchanged

KUALA LUMPUR: The retail prices for RON97 and RON95 petrol will remain unchanged, at RM3.19 and RM2.05 per litre respectively from Nov 14 to 20.

The Ministry of Finance, in a statement today, said that the retail price of diesel in Peninsular Malaysia also remained at RM2.95 per litre, while in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan, the price remained at RM2.15 per litre during the same period.

It said the price settings were fixed based on the weekly retail prices of petroleum products, using the Automatic Price Mechanism (APM) formula.

“The Government will continue to monitor the trends of global crude oil prices and take appropriate measures to ensure the continued welfare and well-being of the people,” said the Ministry of Finance statement.


KPDN increases PriceCatcher functionality through collaboration with Mydin, Redtick

KUALA LUMPUR: The PriceCatcher app will continue to be improved with data-sharing on prices through the collaboration between the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) and two supermarket chains, Mydin and Redtick, said Minister, Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali.

He said that this commitment is an initiative that reflects transparency in transactions and business ethics to avoid price manipulation or profiteering at the expense of consumers.

“Previously, the price data displayed in the PriceCatcher app was entirely sourced from field price monitoring officers, which limited the coverage area and the number of premises uploaded to the app.

“...the signing of this MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) marks a pioneering effort to improve the app by enabling automated data sharing from the involved supermarkets to be displayed in the ‘Supermarket Price Sharing’ section,“ he told reporters after the MoU signing ceremony on price data sharing in Subang Jaya today.

Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd, managing director Datuk Dr Ameer Ali Mydin, and KPDN secretary-general Datuk Seri Mohd Sayuthi Bakar were also present.

Armizan said that this collaboration will serve as a benchmark for expanding the data-sharing initiative to other supermarkets and premises.

According to Armizan, the PriceCatcher app previously displayed price information for 480 consumer goods, with daily updates for 186 items, weekly updates for 220 items, and monthly updates for 74 items.

“Up until Nov 7, 459,998 users nationwide uploaded the app, however, the active usage rate is 10,00 per week.

“We are taking an additional approach to add more information in the app without adding more price monitoring officers by adopting a self-reporting system or data sharing from retail sector players,“ he said, adding that the app serves as a reference for users and fosters the habit of checking prices of items before buying.


KPDN to call mamak restaurant operators over proposed food price hike

SUBANG JAYA: The Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) will summon the Johor Indian Muslim Entrepreneurs Association tomorrow to seek clarification on its proposal to raise food prices by five per cent starting next year.

Minister Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali said KPDN had issued a notice to the association under Section 21 of the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011, requiring an explanation for the proposed price increase.

“Since this association has only just made the announcement for next year, we are taking proactive steps to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the situation.

“This notice is to summon the association to provide an explanation for their announcement regarding the price increase,” he told reporters after the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on price data sharing between KPDN, Mydin, and Redtick here today.

According to media reports, about 300 mamak restaurant operators in Johor expressed concerns about rising operating costs, with the implementation of the minimum wage next year expected to further increase expenses.

As a result, Indian Muslim restaurant operators are expected to raise food prices by at least five per cent at their premises from next year.

Elaborating, Armizan cited an example from OPS Kesan 2.0, where the ministry had taken action against those attempting to take advantage of the implementation of targeted diesel subsidies and the sales and service tax (SST) hike.

“Some parties announced a price increase, but after being summoned and asked to explain, it was found that their reasons were unfounded.

“For instance, the construction sector claimed that the price increase was due to the implementation of the targeted diesel subsidies, even though it is not eligible to use subsidised diesel,” he said.

Armizan said, therefore, that KPDN had issued a notice and taken action under OPS Kesan 2.0 to ensure that price increases were only made based on relevant, actual costs.


Report: 10 Used Cars With Big Price Drops

Vehicle prices are continuing on the downward trajectory, which is something that money expert Clark Howard has been saying would happen. “The used vehicle prices are on a steady downturn, and the new vehicles are on a downturn as well but not as steep because they don’t have as far to fall as the used […]

The post Report: 10 Used Cars With Big Price Drops appeared first on Clark Howard.


New Report: The Average Price of a Used Car

Vehicle prices have been causing sticker shock for the past couple of years, but money expert Clark Howard says used cars have normalized recently. A recent report from vehicle research site iSeeCars indicates that shoppers are still throwing their dollars toward older used cars as the price of new cars remains stubbornly expensive. Here are […]

The post New Report: The Average Price of a Used Car appeared first on Clark Howard.


Report: The Average Price of a New Vehicle

The average price for a new vehicle rose over the past month, but the increase was only negligible, according to the latest sales figures from car valuation site Kelley Blue Book (KBB). How Much Does a New Car Cost Right Now? The average price for a new vehicle was $48,397 in September 2024 — 0.4% […]

The post Report: The Average Price of a New Vehicle appeared first on Clark Howard.


Petrol prices expected to drop once again

If confirmed, this would mark the third consecutive bi-weekly drop in prices of petroleum products


Gold prices rise globally and locally amid market shifts

Local gold prices rise by Rs.1,300 rupees per tola, reaching Rs.261,700.


Prices of textbooks, stationery skyrocket

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Streaming Video Prices Rise While Quality Falls, Following Cable TV’s Lead

Streaming video still provides some meaningful advantages to traditional cable: it’s generally cheaper (assuming you don’t sign up for every service under the sun); customer satisfaction ratings are generally higher; and users have more power to pick and choose and cancel services at a whim. But the party simply isn’t poised to last. Thanks to […]


Sarah Ferguson takes a pledge as Princess Beatrice prepares for childbirth

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Petroleum products prices expected to 'rise by Rs5.50 per litre'

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KARACHI: The price of petroleum...


Pakistan sees Rs47.54 per litre drop in fuel prices since May, reports petroleum minister

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DK Bikes "Cygnus" - awesome price, shop now

We are happy to be able to offer you the DK Bikes "Cygnus" BMX bike for an extremely good price for a short time. You shouldn't wait long, as the offer is only valid while stocks last.


California air regulators approve changes to climate program that could raise gas prices

California air regulators voted to approve changes to a key climate program aimed at reducing planet-warming emissions that has a wide swath of critics and could increase gas prices statewide.


Combat Price Increases as a Result of Coronavirus

The Coronavirus has caused many material shipments to be delayed or cancelled. As a result, the cost of ordering and supplying materials for many items has increased. 


Cymbiotika Red Yeast Rice

Cymbiotika, a nutritional supplement brand known for creating pure, clinically backed supplements, launched Red Yeast Rice. In the United states, Red Yeast Rice has been used as a natural alternative to statin therapy in treating people with mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia by significantly lowering LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, as well as total cholesterol.


Regenerative Agriculture, Organic Trends Spark Innovation for Grains, Rice and Pasta Ingredients

QUINN announced its participation in the Soil Carbon Initiative (SCI). Since 2020, QUINN has worked with Nebraska sorghum grower Steve Tucker, an SCI farmer partner, as he transitions to regenerative practices. Sorghum, a nutrient-dense and inherently sustainable crop, has been a crucial ingredient for Quinn’s supply chain since the company debuted whole-grain, gluten-free pretzels in 2016.


Riviana Foods Expands Ready-to-Serve Rice Production Capacity

The first phase consisted of renovating approximately 20,000sq-ft of the plant to double its current capacity to produce Minute® ready-to-serve rice cups.


Zatarain's Taco Rice and Creamy Blackened Chicken Rice Mixes

For under $5, parents can use these quick mixes to create  Mexican or New Orleans-style school lunches. They’re also a convenient shortcut for whipping up family dinners like chicken and rice bowls, soups, or casseroles in under 30-minutes. 


Torlys Smart Laminate Offers the Look of Wood Flooring at a Lower Price

 Torlys Smart Laminates offer the beauty of wood, with the durability of laminate.