
Future of EV Batteries Market worth 62 million units by 2035

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 30, 2024 ) The global future of EV batteries market is projected to grow from 16 million units in 2024 to 62 million units by 2035, at a CAGR of 12.7%. Higher standard batteries have been introduced due to recent developments in the EV market. Even though new batteries...


The Creators and Actors of "Batman: The Animated Series"

New York Comic Con 2018: Batman: The Animated Series At the 2018 New York Comic Con, DVDTalk’s Francis Rizzo III sat down with Batman: The Animated Series creators Bruce Time and Eric Radomski, and actors Kevin Conroy, Loren Lester,...


Topical Sermon: Stand Firm In The Battle

As Christians we must be aware that we are in a battle of epic proportions, and therefore we MUST 'Stand Firm In The Battle'. To do this, we must have a working knowledge of what plain this battle is fought on, what weapons are at our disposal and the source of our victory. Only then will we know how to stand firm when so much is coming against us from the enemy's ranks. This message was originally aimed at a men's conference, hence the application to men - but, of course, the truths here apply to both genders! This message is available now from in MP3 audio and on our YouTube Channel ( in HD video...

  • Religion & Spirituality


L'arm�e chinoise effectue des patrouilles de pr�paration au combat � Huangyan Dao

L'arm�e chinoise a effectu� mercredi des patrouilles de pr�paration au combat dans les eaux territoriales et l'espace a�rien territorial de Huangyan Dao, �le chinoise en mer de Chine m�ridionale, ainsi que dans des zones avoisinantes. Le...


Russell Bates, Native American writer

I just heard from Russell Bates of Lawton on LinkedIn. I know him from my Wilson Center dorm days at OU in the early 1970s. He was then already a published writer, and later won an Emmy for a Star Trek animated series episode he co-wrote. I found a profile of Russell on a 2011 episode of OETA's "Gallery" series. Watch Gallery #1204 at the link.


Battlefield 2 - 200K mark / PID 44652121 got hist the 200,ooo point in battlefield 2 mark and the next person to reach this mark of 200,000l be promoted??
EA bug again!!


Battlefield 2 - Leg Stick Out

Originally uploaded by hplanet.

I quite funny which the leg sticking out in this way. I bet you will know where the enemy are!!


Battlefield 2 - Tank Away

Originally uploaded by hplanet.

Is quite hard to stay still at the tank especially when it move and swing here and there!!


Battlefield 2 - BH Alibaba Bag

Originally uploaded by hplanet.

I did not notice there a BIG Alibab Bag at the BlackHawk in Battlefield 2.


Battlefield 2 - Wall-Hack For All

For me i was playing in GA2 inf map the just because i was taking his APC and he Nick "Pen Hat" was so piss that he use cheat to TK me and PB ban me on that server for a while.

I am still very, very pissed off about PunkBuster punishing me without just cause. And in my wild outbursts I have decided to investigate why exactly PunkBuster might ban someone from playing a game online. It seems a bit extreme to ban someone (in some cases for life, for all PunkBuster enabled games) without checking into it. They never go back on their computerized decisions, even if a program such as an autolauncher is to blame for the problem.

I wanted to see what caused PunkBuster to ban a player, so I scavenged the internet for some BF2 hacking software and stumbled across something that you n00bs might be interested in. This particular piece of software is going for $20 dollars online (the site requires a minimum $20 dollar membership to download) at But hacks are meant to be free, so I'm posting a link to it below.

After playing just one game with this software running I can say openly that there is zero fun to cheating. Not only does it make the game look like crap, but it really didn't help me out all that much. The only difference from my normal game play was that I wasn't killed as much by people hiding behind rocks. But I would rather give up those 4 or 5 deaths for the game graphics to be back to normal. The wallhacks all depend on coloring in the character models with horribly ugly solid blues, greens, reds, and yellows.

If you are into cheating, like a lamer, Click here to access the Battlefield 2 Hack. More information at the link provided. Quick control guide: use delete to bring up the menu then the arrow keys and enter to move and select.

I also relise after a few day of rusty in BF 2, the whole new gameplay of tatics is so diff again... People start to use cheat which me me puke and just want to switch off the computer. Where is all the fun and teamwork?


The Assisted Suicide Debate

The assisted suicide debate now before the US Supreme Court.


Request for Public Debate Re: ISKCON's System of Management

Call for debate on ISKCON changes to Srila Prabhupada's established system of management.


April 5th 2011 Radio Heritage Foundation - Australian Radio Heritage - 2BS Bathurst - The Centre of the West

2BS The Centre of the West transmitting on a frequency of 1500 Kc/s, wavelength of 200 metres, commenced operation in 1937...


Battery Reconditioning at Home

These days we are all looking for ways to save money and even to help the environment. If you came across this site you are most likely such a person and you already know how refurbishing old batteries can contribute to meeting these goals.

Battery reconditioning at home is the act of reviving batteries that seem to be out of juice. After you learn how to do this you can save a lot of money. You can also even make money doing this for others. There are one or two different methods depending on the type of battery. The cost to recondition are very low and the effort is minimal.

How To Recondition Batteries

recycled batteries

In doing some research on how to recondition batteries at home, I came across this guide: “How to Recondition Old Batteries and Save $$$” by Craig Orell. Note, this is only a review, if you are looking for his website

This complete guide provides an excellent value showing you how to recondition old batteries at home and bring them back to full working condition. This is great for car batteries, laptop batteries, the D batteries required for your old boom box … basically any kind with any volts. The guide covers the following concepts regarding fixing batteries, in detail:
  • refurbishing techniques for
  • general batteries
  • laptops
  • nicad batteries
  • lead acid batteries
  • deep cycling batteries
Reviewers comment on how they were about to throw out their old car battery and spend hundreds on buying a new one, but they found this guide and were a able to restore these batteries at little to no cost.

The best value in this guide is where it shows you where and how to buy old dead batteries and turn them into reconditioned batteries to make extra money.

At first I thought that this guide might be overpriced, $129.00, however it has recently been placed on a limited time offer to sell for $49.97. They also offer a money back guarantee, so there really is no risk in trying the guide to see if you can recondition batteries on your own. I have personally returned many products through the tool that this site uses to process their orders and returns and the process is extremely hassle free.

The editors also promise lifetime updates to anyone who purchases the guide, so if the guide is ever updated with new techniques or information, you will be notified.
To conclude, if you are looking for a way to save money by rejuvenating old batteries or if you want to start a business to make extra cash, this guide can show you how to do either or both. The guide shows everything you need to know including tools and supplies plus the procedure it takes to bring old batteries back to life.

Easy Methods to Extend Battery Life Information on refurbishing batteries at home.
Any battery used for an extended period will fail , however users often encounter the difficulty of untimely battery failure. This situation can be easily avoided if you follow some simple tips.
Most people think that if they power down their devices, battery life will be extended . Unfortunately, this often results in the opposite outcome . Devices consume more power when they are starting, so turning the device off is not always the best way to preserve the battery.
Follow the recommendations below for improved battery life:
  • Cars, Trucks, Boats, Etc
  • MP3 Players, PDAs, Laptops, Etc
For any battery, the most important factor to consider is the temperature . Ensuring that the battery is not exposed to high heat can extend the life. High temperatures lead to faster chemical reactions. In addition to the temperatures, a reduction in the number of discharge/charge cycles drastically helps battery service life.


The best way to extend the life of a car battery is to keep the battery charged at all times. It is also essential to protect the car battery from high under the hood temperatures . A proper case or heat shield can protect the battery. It is a good idea to check the electrolyte levels in the car battery on a regular basis during hot months.

A rising trend seems to be for car manufacturers to relocate the battery to be stored in the passenger compartment or in the trunk as a way of not storing it in the engine compartment to enhance the life. Obviously the battery stays much cooler if it is not stored in the engine. This strategy improves battery life as well.

Electronic Device

Battery life can be increased for cell phones, laptops, PDAs, mp3 players etc. by turning down the brightness when it is not needed. For example, when using these devices in a dark room, it is not necessary to set the brightness to 100%. The brightness can be lowered enough so that the screen can be seen without exerting any strain on the eyes can be done. The amount of time the backlight stays on can also be decreased. For iPods it doesn’t have to stay on for


Human Versus Machine Japanese Translation Mini Battle

The manga tech start up Orange Inc recently raised over 19 million USD in funding for machine translated manga. We were quite intrigued beca...


Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle UK and Ireland Cinema Release Details

The good folks at anime giants Crunchyroll have sent us the details for the UK and Ireland cinema release of Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle. ...


Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle Movie Review

Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle is due to hit cinemas in the UK and Ireland from Friday 31st May 2024 thanks to the good folks at Crunchyroll. ...


Families wage homes battle

More than 100 families have united to fight for their homes, due for demolition in a 6m GBP Kensington regeneration project...


Battle for Priest Hill Green Belt

Environmentalists and neighbours oppose a development bid for planning permission to build 90 homes on Surrey Green Belt.


Gregor Tresher @ La Tana (Torino) - Sabato 25 Novembre 2006

Gregor Tresher @ La Tana (Torino) - Sabato 25 Novembre 2006


Meta is testing face recognition to battle scams impersonating celebs

Celebrity impersonation became one of the more serious threats on social media to users Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is testing out facial recognition tools to combat a rising problem: fake ads featuring celebrities. These are popularly referred to as “celeb-bait” scams, where scammers use images of popular public figures to dupe […]



Batik or batique is an Indonesian-Malay word and refers to a generic wax-resist dyeing technique used on fabric. The word originates from Malay word for dot or point, "titik" and the Javanese word "amba", meaning ”to write”.It is found in several countries but most popular in Indonesia and Malaysia. The island of Java in Indonesia is famous for its batik. Melted wax is applied to cloth before being dipped in dye. Wherever the wax has seeped through the fabric, the dye will not penetrate. Sometimes several colors are used, with a series of dyeing, drying and waxing steps.Thin wax lines are made with a canting, a tiny metal cup with a tiny spout, out of which the wax seeps. Other methods of applying the wax onto the fabric include pouring the liquid wax, painting the wax on with a brush, and applying the hot wax to a precarved wooden or metal wire block and stamping the fabric.After the last dyeing, the fabric is hung up to dry. Then it is dipped in a solvent to dissolve the wax, or ironed between paper towels or newspapers to absorb the wax and reveal the deep rich colors and the fine crinkle lines that give batik its character.The invention of the copper block, cap, developed by the Javanese in the 20th century revolutionised batik production. It became possible to make high quality designs and intricate patterns much faster than one could possibly do by hand-painting.As compared to the more Indonesian Batik, which are mystic-influenced and carry illustrations of animals and people, Malaysian batik have brighter hues and more versatile patterns. Kelantan on the eastern coast of Malaysia is the home of Malaysian batik. ProcedureHeat the wax in a tin can sitting in a pan of water. This makes sure the wax stays an even temperature and does not begin to smoke or burn. Dry the fabric bone-dry before waxing or the wax will not penetrate the fabric. Use cattle urea tablets to give the dye a real bite in the fabric. This produces rich colors. Some people use vinegar and salt instead. Use paraffin wax if you want lots of crinkle lines. More beeswax if you want less crinkles.


Bed Bath and Beyond Coupon

Get 70% off 1000's of items at the Bed Bath + Beyond Labor Day Weekend Deals


Wellness Tips to Combat Fatigue and Increase Energy

Ways to boost your energy levels and avoid feeling tired and fatigued.


Jose Bautista Bat Flip Huge Wall Mural

The infamous bat flip by the great Toronto Blue Jays player Jose Bautista against the Texas Rangers during the MLB playoffs painted as a huge, gigantic outdoor wall mural.


Mistakes To Avoid When Buying a New Baseball Bat

Baseball is a fun sport that can keep you in shape. Learn the mistakes to avoid when buying a new baseball bat.


Can my Agent Give me a Rebate?

I hear this questions a lot in the daily real estate game, "can you give us part of our fee back after the closing?"

The answer is yes but only if done in a certain way.

RESPA, the Real Estate Settlement Procdures Acts, requires a couple of things that need to be mentioned. The first thing is that payment cannot be made for services not performed. The second one is that if any payments are made, they must be disclosed on the HUD-1 Settlement Statement.

Futher, Alabama License Law, and most states License Laws, require that no "rebate" be made to any party in a real estate transaction from another party. Another section of the code also requires that the TRUE terms of a real estate transaction be diclosed to the lender or lending institution.

What does all this mean? For starters, if your agent says they can give you cash back after the closing, in nearly every case, this is both against case law and the license law governing the licensees in your state. So - in short - don't do it. If you are a participant in a transaction and you recieve cash back later, after the closing takes place, then you are participating in loan fraud. Fraud is a crime. Because the lender didn't know that you were receiving additional cash proceeds from the sale, they are not aware of the TRUE details of the transaction. Alomst every loan program for the purchase of a home has the provision that the buyer cannot receive what is called "cash out" - that is - get money back when they make a purchase. This, in essence, would be overfinancing the home. on a refinance, however, this is okay.

The way to get a credit back from your agent is to have the credit put on the settlement statement as a CREDIT to you and then the credit is applied to any costs you have to pay at the closing table. This applies whether you are buying or selling.

Basic Rule of them: If you can put the cash payment on the HUD-1 settlement statement so that it is disclosed to all parties, including the lender, chances are it's AOK to do it.


Podcasting Is The New Battleground For Big Tech As Twitter Buys Breaker

Podcasting is having a moment. Maybe, if we stretch just a bit, a year. And possibly even an era.

Twitter just bought podcasting platform Breaker, the app that took podcasting and made it social. And what began as a trend — Spotify buying podcast platforms Anchor and Gimlet in 2019 — is turning into a torrent as many of the other big players in technology are buying podcasts, podcasters, podcasting tools, and podcast publishing platforms.

Tech moves in eras.

There was the era of PCs. The era of search. The era of social, and the era of smartphones. None of these necessarily roll over and go away: like radio or TV or magazines, they adapt, morph, and persist as new eras and new paradigms take precedence. But each era focuses innovation and investment and attention in a new space.

Today podcasting is one of those spaces.


The Batman star Paul Dano read up on serial killers for Ridder role


Matt Reeves worried that fans might not understand The Batman


The Batman pulls Russia release due to Ukrainian conflict


RSS' Copyright Debate

RSS is commonly defined as really simple syndication. So, this means that any material contained in a feed is available for syndication, right? Well no, not exactly. It means that the content contained in an RSS feed is in a format that is syndication friendly, if the copyright holder allows for syndication. Offering a feed for syndication does not in fact grant any legal rights to anyone to reuse the feeds content beyond what the Copyright laws grant as Fair Use.

RSS' Copyright Debate


RSS Won the Syndication Standard Battle

RSS appears to have conquered the last hurtle in becoming the industry syndication standard.

Microsoft's inclusion of RSS into the newest version of Internet Explorer and reports that RSS will be in Longhorn's coming release appears to be the final nail in the coffin of the Atom specification.

RSS Won the Syndication Standard Battle



Cheap Watch Batteries


Apple Watch as Battery Enhancer

A possible hidden feature of the Apple Watch: Depending on how well Apple manages the Bluetooth link with the iPhone, the Apple Watch could then effectively function as a wearable spare battery pack for iPhone users if it ends up re-routing enough usage away from the primary mobile device to an auxiliary wearable. If that’s […]

The post Apple Watch as Battery Enhancer first appeared on Tom Markiewicz.

bat - 10% off $149 Bathroom Accessory purchase

10% off $149 Bathroom Accessory purchase


Battery Ship - 10% off with purchase of 2 or more pr...

10% off with purchase of 2 or more products


Batteries Overnight - 10% off any purchase

10% off any purchase


4 Wheel Parts - $50 instant rebate on any set of 4 B...

$50 instant rebate on any set of 4 BF Goodrich tires


Uganda: Kitagwenda Health Officials Rally to Combat Teenage Pregnancy Crisis

[Nile Post] Health officials are hopeful that by increasing community involvement and resources for adolescent health services, Kitagwenda can reverse the trend.


Uganda: Kampala Vegan Fest Advocates for Plant-Based Diets to Combat Rising Health Risks

[Nile Post] The event was organised by the Kampala Vegan Fest to encourage Ugandans to make healthier dietary choices that not only improve individual well-being but also contribute to animal welfare and environmental sustainability.


Uganda: Uganda's Efforts to Combat HIV/Aids Show Progress but Challenges Remain

[Nile Post] Uganda's efforts to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic have made significant strides, yet crucial gaps remain, particularly in preventing mother-to-child transmission of the virus.


Africa: Putting Gender Equality At the Heart of the Climate Debate

[UNDP] Addressing the climate crisis and building a more gender equal world


Africa: Africa Is Battling Plastic Pollution and Waste Crisis, Activists Say

[RFI] Africa continues to grapple with plastic pollution, a waste crisis, and limited investment, activists report, as discussions unfold at the UN climate meetings in Azerbaijan. To shed light on these overlapping challenges, RFI interviewed campaigners and negotiators from across the continent.


Debate over Patriot Act Renewal Heats Up as Renewal Vote Looms

December 15, 2005 – Yesterday the House of Representatives voted to renew certain provisions of the Patriot Act that are set to expire at the end of this month. The bill now moves to the Senate, where debate is scheduled to begin on Thursday. But in an odd twist, a bipartisan group of six senators is threatening to filibuster the bill unless certain civil liberties guarantees are made. If the bill does make it to a vote, it has the votes to pass. But there is a 50-50 chance that the filibuster will hold which means the New Year could begin with significantly scaled back federal surveillance powers.


Patriot Act Filibuster Holds in First Day of Debate

December 16, 2005 – In a stunning defeat for the White House, the Senate failed to end a filibuster that is preventing a vote to make sixteen provisions of the Patriot Act permanent law. The provisions, which give the government sweeping search and seizure powers, are due to expire at the end of this month. But a grass roots movement combined with news of abuses of power on the part of the administration, have given civil rights activists real hope that the provisions will never make it to a vote.


RSS Copyright Debate

RSS is commonly defined as really simple syndication. So, this means that any material contained in a feed is available for syndication, right? Well no, not exactly. It means that the content contained in an RSS feed is in a format that is syndication friendly, if the copyright holder allows for syndication. Offering a feed for syndication does not in fact grant any legal rights to anyone to reuse the feeds content beyond what the Copyright laws grant as Fair Use.

RSS Copyright Debate


Cell Phone Use in Natural Disasters and How to Conserve Battery Life

Cell phones are now very common in the Western world and have become increasingly more important in a crisis. There are a number of different ways that cell phones can be  extremely helpful in an emergency situation, as a result it is important that the cell phone be operational and have power in the event it is needed.

During a crisis the battery life of a cell phone is crucial. A cell phone may be the only source of communication available.

Prolonging the battery life of a cell phone can be very important and should be considered a priority in an emergency situation. Regardless of whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone there are a number of things that can be done to extend the life of a cell phone’s battery.

Cell Phone Use in Natural Disasters and How to Conserve Battery Life


Watch: Ambitious robot learns to clean bathroom sink by watching

From washing urinals to tidying up the beach, we can already see a future where our robot servants help keep our world a little cleaner. Now, a robotic arm has mastered the surprisingly complex task of sink washing, showing off its ability to learn.

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Category: Robotics, Technology

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5 things to know before buying a $3 million Batmobile replica

To celebrate the 85th anniversary of the Batman franchise, Warner Bros. is making 10 drivable replicas of the Caped Crusader's iconic Tumbler armored vehicle available for a cool US$3 million apiece.

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Category: Automotive, Transport

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