
Lessons learned: what Australia needs to do to avoid a second Covid-19 wave

Experts say to prevent future outbreak clusters, workers need to have job safety if they are feeling sick and unable to work

Improvements in communication, personal protective equipment training, initial infection responses and social distancing have emerged as key areas of improvement if Australia is to avoid a second wave of coronavirus infections after lockdowns ease.

While the government has linked the uptake of its Covidsafe tracing app to a return to normal, the chief medical officer, Brendan Murphy, in April identified the bolstering of health authorities’ ability to respond to and contain localised clusters as an essential step to reassessing measures.

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Liverpool goalkeeper Alisson 'clearly' best in Premier League, says Arsenal stopper Bernd Leno

Arsenal star Bernd Leno believes Liverpool goalkeeper Alisson is the best in his position in the Premier League, claiming: "He's good at everything!"


Create Halloween images and learn SAS basics

Learn how to take simple x/y coordinates, and create map polygons shaped like holiday images, that can be plotted using SAS/Graph's PROC GMAP.


Woman Takes Nuclear Revenge Against Company

This woman took a truly nuclear revenge against a company that was up to all kinds of no good. The best part about this revenge, other than the fact that she brought justice to the company, was her added touch of subscribing everyone at the company to hundreds of different email alerts. She left the operation in complete and utter chaos. 


Learning Made Fun When Put In Terms Of Cows

Here's something different! You know that popular subreddit, "Explain It To Me Like I Have 5?" Well, this is sort of like that but better because it only involves one thing...


Imagine, things you were never quite sure about finally explained to you in a language you can comprehend, in terms of cows. Thankfully, NewsTalkZB had created such a thing and learning has never been easier! 

So buckle in, folks! And get ready to learn things you may or may have not known, all in terms of cows. 


Dogs Learn to Drive

Dogs are said to be faithful animals. They are so attached to humans that they are called his best friend. Many people


Union Health Ministry Says We Have to Learn to Live With the Virus

We have to learn to live with the virus. We need to introduce certain behavioral changes to implement these (social distancing) practices, said Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary at the Health Ministry.


Need Nuclear Power Plant?


Electric power is a growing need in a developing...


Clear Backpacks: For a Personalized Style Statement

Bags play an important role in our everyday life. Have a look around and you will see everyone with a bag of their own. Be it a student, a working women, a businessman, for that matter anyone, bags are inseparable.



FO:Top 10 Clearing Member Volumes


Entrepreneurs need to learn how to take care of their health at the minimum cost. Health is wealth

Overcomplicated prescriptions discourage individuals from taking action to improve their lives. Through the years, I have read a large number of health books that offered unworkable advice....


Learning Yoga in India

India is the birth place of yoga but this divine practice has found followers all across the world. People are learning yoga in their cities and some even prefer to travel to India to learn yoga. There are many places that offer learners...


Learn English Speaking the Online Way!

English has become a universal language of communication around the globe. Therefore, learning to speak English fluently is a priority for most people who do not have it as a native language. The...


E-learning outsourcing Your helping hand

There used to be days when organizations had to rely on orthodox and pretty conventional natured methods for imparting on-job training to their employees. These encompassed a prolonged process...


About Distance Learning MBA Benefits

Everybody knows that education play important role in every human life. Every people learn from education more things that we use in our general and professional life. But it's only a fundamental education that teaches us how to...


Game based learning camouflaging fun with learning

Organisations of the modern era require proper and effective training materials which carry the potential to enhance the skills and knowledge of employees. Proper training systems can...


LMS elearning enhancing organisational productivity

“Knowledge breeds gallantry”. This saying was propagated by some eminent scholars in the mid 17th century in order to foster realisations regarding the significance of learning. Many people are trapped with illusions...


Make English Learning a Habit

English nowadays is not an added skill – it is a basic requirement. Whether you are a student, intern, professional, or just a regular person, you will realize how important fluent spoken...


Making Innovation Policy Work: Learning from Experimentation

Building on concrete examples, this book explores emerging topics in innovation policy for more inclusive and sustainable growth.


Learning from Firms in East Asian Production Networks - Insights Blog

Slowing growth in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) is grabbing the headlines with some suggesting a third wave of the 2008 global financial crisis. While this topic deserves attention because of its global economic implications, there is insufficient analysis of firms in global production networks (GPNs), which were at the forefront of the economic transformation in PRC and the rest of East Asia, and lessons for latecomers to GPNs.


Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)- Country profile - Iceland

Country profiles highlight some key findings from TALIS 2013 for individual countries and economies


Blog: A clearer picture of climate-related development finance

The world will need more and better targeted financing to meet the challenges of global development post-2015. This means taking important decisions not only on what qualifies as official development assistance (ODA), but also on how those flows can be most strategically used.


Are environmental tax policies beneficial? Learning from programme evaluation studies - Environment Working Paper

This paper provides a concrete example of how policy analysts can use empirical programme evaluation studies to perform ex-post assessments of environmentally related tax policies. A number of studies credibly identify causal effects of environmentally related tax policies, but do not necessarily provide all the information needed to fully inform the policy-making process.


What have we learned from attempts to introduce green-growth policies?

Long-term projections suggest that without policy changes, the continuation of business-as-usual economic growth and development will have serious impacts on natural resources and the ecosystem services on which human well-being depends.


Lessons Learnt in Product Development

Product development is an interesting activity.  It involves a lot of challenges and lot of learnings.  But...


EU-OECD Forum – Making Adult Learning Work for the Future

For everyone to benefit from the changes in technology, globalisation and population ageing, adult learning systems must be ready to support people in acquiring the skills needed for this changing world of work. The EC and the OECD have joined up to discuss how to make adult learning work for the future in your country, by organising three webinars in September and October, and a forum on the 8th of November in Vienna.


What should students learn in the 21st century?

By Charles Fadel - Founder & chairman, Center for Curriculum Redesign It has become clear that teaching skills requires answering “What should students learn in the 21st century?” on a deep and broad basis. Teachers need to have the time and flexibility to develop knowledge, skills, and character, while also considering the meta-layer/fourth dimension that includes learning how to learn, interdisciplinarity, and personalisation.


Strengthen evaluation to improve student learning, says OECD

Education systems around the world are increasingly measuring the performance of teachers and schools as part of their drive to help students do better and improve results. Rising demand for higher education standards and a trend towards greater school autonomy in some countries are among the factors behind this new focus according to the OECD


Synergies for Better Learning: An International Perspective on Evaluation and Assessment

How can assessment and evaluation policies work together more effectively to improve student outcomes in primary and secondary schools? This report provides an international comparative analysis and policy advice to countries on how evaluation and assessment arrangements can be embedded within a consistent framework to improve the quality, equity and efficiency of school education.


Learning from other countries’ experiences in education (OECD Education Today Blog)

Rather than prescribe actions, the OECD often prefers to show policy makers what everyone else is doing and how successful those initiatives have been. A new OECD series of individual Education Policy Outlook Country Profiles does just that: each profile describes how an individual country is responding to key challenges to improve the effectiveness of its education system.


OECD Skills Strategy Spotlight - Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Lives 03: Apprenticeships and Workplace Learning

How do apprenticeships and other forms of workplace learning help people to make a successful transition from school to work? Global economic competition requires a labour force with a range of mid-level trade, technical and professional skills alongside the high-level skills typically associated with university education.


Learning to Teach: Teaching to Learn

One thing we have learned from surveying teachers around the world as part of our Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is that teachers everywhere want more professional development.


PISA in Focus N°30: Could learning strategies reduce the performance gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students?

Students who know how to summarise information tend to perform better in reading. If disadvantaged students used effective learning strategies to the same extent as students from more advantaged backgrounds do, the performance gap between the two groups would be almost 20% narrower.


What’s your strategy for learning? | Blog post on OECD educationtoday

Knowing the best way to summarise information you read is key to being a proficient reader. In fact, this month’s PISA in Focus suggests that if disadvantaged students – who consistently score lower on PISA assessments than advantaged students -- used the most effective learning strategies to the same extent as students from more advantaged backgrounds do, the performance gap between the two groups would shrink considerably.


The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) - 2013 Results

This publication offers insights and advice to teachers and school leaders on how they can improve teaching and learning in their schools. It is both a guide through TALIS and a handbook for building excellence into teaching.


TALIS - The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey

TALIS, Teaching and Learning International Survey, Teachers, Teaching, Survey, school leaders, learning environments, results, main report, schools, teaching in focus, classroom, questionnaires, data TALIS, LAUNCH,OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey,teaching,learning,international survey,survey,oecd


Does lifelong learning perpetuate inequalities in educational opportunities? (OECD Education Today Blog)

More than 40 years ago, the former French Prime Minister Edgar Faure and his team published one of the most influential educational works of the 20th century: “Learning to Be”, better known as the “Rapport Faure”, in which he mainstreamed the idea of lifelong learning.


Education Indicators in Focus No. 26 - Learning Begets Learning: Adult Participation in Lifelong Education

In Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, participation rates in adult education and learning are over 60%, but they are one-third – or below – in Italy, the Russian Federation and the Slovak Republic.


New Insights from TALIS 2013 - Teaching and Learning in Primary and Upper Secondary Education

This report offers a broader view of teachers and school principals across all levels of compulsory education, and all the similarities and differences in the issues they are facing.


Shedding light on teaching and learning across education levels (OECD Education Today Blog)

Looking at teachers at all levels of education, we learn that the majority of teachers are women. In all countries, the percentage of male teachers is particularly low in primary schools where teaching is still seen as a women’s job. As a result young children are missing out on role models of both sexes.


What works best for learning in schools (OECD Education Today Blog)

Professor John Hattie is held in high esteem as an education researcher and was called “possibly the world’s most influential education academic” by the Times Educational Supplement in 2012.


Improving the school climate and opportunities to learn (OECD Education Today Blog)

Teachers can certainly face challenges in the classroom. In TALIS participating countries and economies, almost one in three teachers report having more than 10% of students with behavioural problems in their classes.


Teaching in Focus No. 9 - Improving School Climate and Students' Opportunities to Learn

Almost one in three teachers across countries participating in the 2013 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) reports having more than 10% of potentially disruptive students with behaviour problems in their classes. Teachers with more than one in ten students with behaviour problems spend almost twice as much time keeping order in the classroom than their peers with less than 10% of such students in their class.


Teachers learn better at school (OECD Education Today Blog)

The new Teaching in Focus brief shows that professional development embedded in school life has more impact on teaching practice than non-school embedded professional development.


Business brief: Why isn't everyone lifelong learning?

It’s a well-trodden path to observe that the school systems of today are not preparing children for the jobs of today, let alone tomorrow. But what changes to our school systems are necessary to address this challenge?


Lessons learned in Lyon (OECD Education Today Blog)

At the OECD, we tend to look at French education through the lens of statistics. These show one of the largest gaps between the learning outcomes of children from poor and wealthy families. And the opportunity gap keeps widening.


Easing the learning journey for immigrant students (OECD Education Today Blog)

Between 2003 and 2012, the percentage of students who were raised in immigrant families grew by around 3 percentage points across OECD countries. At the same time, as this month’s PISA in Focus notes, migration policies in some countries became increasingly selective while education outcomes in many countries of origin improved considerably.


How to help adult learners learn the basics (OECD Education Today Blog)

Research shows that programmes to improve adults’ basic skills need to use awareness-raising measures (like the adult education weeks promoted in Denmark and Finland) and national campaigns (as conducted in France and Luxembourg) to encourage interested, but reluctant adults to participate.


PISA in Focus No. 54 - Is spending more hours in class better for learning?

There is no real consensus on how much class time is enough when it comes to learning mathematics, science and reading. But educators and policy makers generally agree that while it’s important for students to spend considerable time in school lessons to acquire new skills, spending more hours and minutes in class is not enough to ensure that students succeed in school.


(Learning) time is on their side (OECD Education Today Blog)

Got a minute? How about 218 of them? That’s the average amount of time students in OECD countries spend in mathematics class each week (although to some, it feels like an eternity). Spare a thought, though, for students in Chile: they spend about twice that amount of time (400 minutes, or 6 hours and 40 minutes) each week in maths class. But who’s counting?