
Short break support is failing family carers: reviewing progress 10 years on from Mencap’s first Breaking Point report

In 2006 Mencap produced a comprehensive review of short break provision. Now, 10 years on, they are revisiting the support available for family carers to see whether recent policy initiatives and investment have delivered the much-needed change. A total of 264 family carers responded to their survey on short breaks provision and experiences of caring. They also sent Freedom of Information requests to all 152 local authorities in England that provide social care services. This report looks at short breaks provision in a climate of cuts to central and local government budgets. It examines the extent to which these cuts have impacted on the lives of people with a learning disability and their family carers. It also looks at the state of affairs for family carers of children and young people across the full spectrum of learning disability; from people with mild and moderate learning disabilities, to people with severe and profound disabilities.


Happy New Year?

As the new year brings in a new peak in COVID cases across the country, we all have a right to feel a little down in the dumps. One trend picked up by surveys earlier in the pandemic was a drop in self-reported happiness. Now, with a new year of General Social Survey data released, […]


Leave no trace rafting through the Grand Canyon this year

It’s a hot and beautiful summer day at the bottom of the Grand Canyon as I stand in line for a sandwich. Our rafting guides have set up an amazing spread of fixings. There’s even vegan cheese for me. All that’s missing are plates and napkins. After washing our hands with river water and soap in a foot-pumped bucket sink, we put our bread on one hand and try to layer on all the sandwich ingredients with the other. Scooping out avocado is especially difficult one-handed. It's clumsy, but admirable when you realize we are generating no paper or plastic[...]


Those chipmunks will be so jealous when they find out what we got for Christmas, this year!


2,600-year-old Celtic wooden burial chamber of 'outstanding scientific importance' uncovered by archaeologists in Germany

The discovery of an impeccably preserved Celtic burial chamber in southern Germany is a "stroke of luck for archaeology," scientists say.


Our ancestor Lucy may have used tools more than 3 million years ago

An analysis looking at the hand bones of australopithecines, apes and humans reveals that tool use likely evolved before the Homo genus arose.


Bitcoin Fog Founder Sentenced to 12 Years for Cryptocurrency Money Laundering

The 36-year-old founder of the Bitcoin Fog cryptocurrency mixer has been sentenced to 12 years and six months in prison for facilitating money laundering activities between 2011 and 2021. Roman Sterlingov, a dual Russian-Swedish national, pleaded guilty to charges of money laundering and operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business earlier this March. The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ)


Hot takes on an 11 year old game: Mass Effect 2

I completed Mass Effect 2 a couple of days ago for the first time. This article contains spoilers…


20 years of The Practice of System and Network Administration!

Twenty years ago the first edition of The Practice of System and Network Administration shipped! Since then there has been a 2nd and 3rd edition (2006 and 2014), plus a sequel book The Practice of Cloud System Administration, and many printings. (see the timeline here)

When we started the project we had no idea if it would be a success. There was a real chance it could be a flop. Many people told us that our proposal was illogical: How could you have a book about system administration that is vendor agnostic and talks about process and people instead of specific tools and operating systems? Well, to be honest, we took a deep breath and started writing anyway. It took 2+ years but in Sept/Oct 2001 the book finally shipped!

Instead of a flop, the reaction we got was very positive! It has sold tens of thousands of copies. Many universities have used the book and its future editions as text books. It received the Usenix LISA Outstanding Achievement Award. One DevOps pundit told me she considers it to be "the first devops book" which was quite humbling.

When I visited Google in 2004 (a year before I considered joining) I was told everyone in the "systems operations" team was given a copy on their first day. The person giving me a tour then took me to a supply closet with 30 copies awaiting to be distributed to new hires.

However the real satisfaction comes from how it has helped others. Fans have related many heartwarming stories. Many fans have told us they felt like reading the book was a turning point in their life, that the book "turned me into a professional system administrator".

To thank our readers, our publisher is offering a special deal: 45% off the latest editions now until Oct 31, 2021 What? You still have the 2nd edition and haven't seen the dozens of chapters of new material in the 3rd edition? Or maybe you haven't heard of our Cloud book? Now is your chance to get the 3rd edition or the cloud sequel!

Thank you to everyone that gave us feedback on the early drafts! Thank you to all our readers! This book changed our lives and we hope it changed yours too!

P.S. We would love to hear from you! Please post a comment with reflections on the book.


Frida's Flowers - 1 Year Crochet Project - So Much Fun!


It All Started with Hexie-lust!

Look back to early 2012, when my dear friend, Christy, started covering little hexagon-shaped bits of card stock with fabric, making stacks of 6 ready to sew together as petals for a hexie flower. While I was working on a beading project, she was making these utterly irresistible stacks of hexies, until finally I succumbed to the temptation, and joined her.

Here is Christy holding a whole bag of covered hexie shapes, made for the pathway around her hexie flowers.

And here I am holding my hexie quilt, showing the final seam of hand stitching needed to complete the quilt top for my hexie quilt, Grandma's Flower Garden.

You'd think that hand-stitching and quilting over 4,000 hexies would be enough for any sane person, right?

Guess I'm not sane, because in 2015 I started another hexie quilt, or as it turns out, a triptych of wall quilts, for which I've completed 733 hexie flowers (which requires 5,131 individual hexies)!

Getting Hooked on Crochet

OK.... so now, I'm finished with hexies, right?  You guessed it! The answer is, "NO WAY." And once again it's Christy's "fault." With her hexie quilt on the back burner for a while, she moved into a crochet phase, making lovely afghans and shawls. She, along with Sabine, my friend in Germany, got me hooked on crochet (pun intended). 

This is the first shawl I made late in 2015, learning and getting comfortable with the hook. 

Then....  the big bang happened...  the crochet-hexie connection!!! This is it.  I saw this picture on Huib Petersen's Facebook page, fell bonkers in love, messaged him to find out about it, and learned that there is a pattern for the flowers online. Click on the above photo of Huib's flowers to see it enlarged... Wouldn't you be a bit inclined to go bonkers over it too???

On June 12, 2016, just one day after seeing his crocheted hexie flowers on Facebook, Christy and I were in Island Wools, our local yarn shop, buying DK-weight, cotton yarn in a dozen colors, ready to begin our own stacks of crocheted hexie flowers!

On a whim, right there in the yarn shop, we decided to keep what we were doing a secret... not to show or tell anybody about our project until we finished our afghans... no blogging or posting on Facebook about it. We didn't even tell Libby or Julie at the yarn shop why we kept ordering more cotton yarn. Our secret-keeping made it all the more fun!

Original Crochet-Along, Frida's Flowers

According to Huib, the instructions for his flowers came from a Stylecraft, Crochet-Along, called Frida's Flowers, staring an original pattern by Jane Crowfoot.

This is a photo from the instructions, showing the finished afghan, which includes several identical flowers in each of 2 simple and 5 complex designs. All of the designs are are multi-colored and textural, with raised flower parts, enough to make us drool!

Bored with making 6 identical flowers - Colors calling us!

Our plan was to get together at my house every Sunday afternoon to crochet hexie flowers, each of us completing enough flowers to make an afghan. In a little over a year of working 4-6 hours nearly every Sunday and some Tuesday evenings as well, we each had completed 39 flower blocks and 6 half-flower blocks, and were ready to crochet them together.

Ooops... I'm getting ahead of myself with this story.  We began with this block, called Rosa, which was the 3rd block in the overall design. (Blocks 1 and 2 are the more simple ones with a small central bud and plain background). This one is the easiest of the full flower designs.

But, for both of us, it was difficult, as there were several stitches we didn't know. Thanks to Youtube videos, we were able to learn them. However, after making two flowers each in the pattern colors, partially out of boredom and partly because of the influence of Huib's multi-color, no-two-the-same flowers, we decided to pick our own colors, making only a pair in each colorway. This, of course, caused us both to buy a lot more colors of yarn... oh for fun!

After making 6 each of Blocks 3 and 4, mine looked like this. Christy's color choices are different... enough different that our finished afghans may look like sisters, but definitely not like identical twins.

I started looking at flower catalogs to find new color combinations... and both of us were buying yarn like crazy.  Some brands have more that 50 color choices in DK-weight cotton. I admit to spending over two hundred dollars on yarn all-in-all, with some remainders for future projects. Never mind the cost... I adore all the colors.

Designing Our Afghans

Early in the process, both Christy and I decided we wanted to make something more like Huib's, with a random or nearly random placement of the blocks. Plus, we wanted it to be a bit bigger than the 31-block original design.

Also, we didn't want to include any of the more simple blocks, except as modified half-blocks for the sides.

A year went by, with the two of us continually challenged, thoroughly enjoying the process of making our blocks. Then it was time to lay them all out!

Almost at once, it was clear that the flowers needed more space, more black around each one to set them off. So, before crocheting them together, we bought more skeins of black yarn, and added a row of double crochet around each of the blocks. This also would add a bit more to the size of the afghans, making them large enough to cover both arms and legs while watching a good movie on a winter's evening.

Here is my finished arrangement, the hexie flower blocks crocheted together with a slip-stitch, awaiting a border. Although the original design included a border that would have worked OK, by then I was flying solo, wanting a border I could call my own.  

After some experimentation, trial-and-error, crochet and un-ravel attempts, this is my final border invention, which includes the "popcorn" stitch, central to many of the flowers. It was challenging to figure out how to crochet the increases and decreases necessary for the zig-zag edges on the sides, and still keep it flat. Again, trial-and-error was part of the process.

Here is my almost-finished afghan, my own version of Frida's Flowers, showing the size!

Entering at the San Juan County Fair

As we neared completion, we faced a moral dilemma, a difficult decision. We both enjoy submitting entries at our local San Juan County Fair each year, especially in the Fiber and Textile Arts Divisions. These entries are judged and eligible to win ribbons and cash prizes. In previous years, there haven't been many crocheted items entered, nothing that has won any of the top awards.

We figured our afghans could be "game changers," that they had a chance of winning. But we didn't like the idea of being in competition with each other for the top awards, the Best of Class and the Best of Show. If we both entered, neither quilt would win a top award, or one would win and the other wouldn't (which might be the worst outcome). So, after some heartfelt discussions, we decided I would enter mine this year, and she would delay finishing hers until later so that it would be eligible to enter next year.

Here's what happened...  Best of Class and Viewer's Choice for me in 2017!!!! And hopefully, the same will happen next year for Christy's version. Twelve months from now, I know for sure all the attendees will have forgotten my quilt, and will love seeing Christy's flowers, just as they did mine this year!


Princeton Jazz Vocal Ensemble presents 1959: A very special year in Jazz!

Princeton Jazz Vocal Ensemble, directed by Michelle Lordi, presents a series of jazz pieces from the year 1959.


Historical Crisis and Paranoid Emplotment: The Discursive Structure of Racial Panics in Interwar Year Europe

Can paranoia be a mode of historical emplotment? The catastrophe of the First World War produced a genre of pessimistic writing. Oswald Spengler’s Decline of the West was among the most widely read. Still, the era produced dozens similar: Francesco Nitti’s The Decadence of Europe: The Path To Reconstruction (1923), Albert Demangeon’s Le Déclin de l’ Europe (1923), Wythe Williams’ Dusk of Empire: The Decline of Europe And The Rise Of The United States (1937), and Arturo Labriola’s Le Crépuscule de la Civilisation: L’Occident et les peoples de couleur (1936). In all, the coming historical consciousness of the colonized world figures significantly. Drawing on Hayden White’s notion of historical emplotment, this presentation will examine the paranoid structure of such writing.


Pixar And Disney Animator Bolhem Bouchiba Sentenced To 25 Years In Prison

Bouchiba continued getting jobs at major studios like Pixar and Dreamworks even after being added to France's national sex offender registry in 2014.


6 Most Popular Music Videos on YouTube in the Last 7 Years

There is not a soul in the world who doesn’t know about YouTube and this platform is the home of more than 800 million videos. If someone chose to watch every single video that is on this platform, they would need close to 20,000 years to finish them all. Some of the content on this ... Read more

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear Friends, At this special time of the year, RSS Ground team would like to send you its best greetings and wish you happy holidays. We express you our sincerest appreciation for being with RSS Ground. And we thank you for making our job enthralling and enjoyable. May God bless you and may the new […]

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

May this Christmas be a fitting ending to a successful year for you. May the New Year bring fresh hopes and bright beginnings!

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Merry Christmas And Happy New Year!!!

Dear RSS Ground Users! We sincerely wish you happy holidays! May peace and prosperity always stay in your homes, May joy and happiness always follow you in your life. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Merry Christmas And Happy New Year!

Dear Friends, RSS Ground team wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May all your current plans and projects be successful and bring you joy and happiness. We have a lot of exciting plans for 2022 and will continue developing our service to make your work online easier. Happy Holidays!

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Merry Christmas And Happy New Year!

There is no perfect moment to take action for success, always strive to bring your ambition to life.  Wishing you great inspiration and success!

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

The magic of the holiday season is upon us, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on the year that has flown by. Here at RSS Ground, we’ve been on an incredible journey, one that would not have been possible without you, our dedicated users. Your trust has empowered us to continuously enhance our offerings, […]

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Misspent Summers Launches Its 2024 DH and EDR Yearbooks

The new books capture all the storylines of the 2024 racing season in stunning photography, reporting and analysis
( Photos: 15, Comments: 15 )


2-million-year-old DNA reveals surprising Arctic ecosystem

The oldest DNA ever retrieved, preserved in sediments in northern Greenland, reveals that Arctic and temperate species once commingled in an ecosystem unlike anything that exists today.


Looking back on the year 5784: A soundtrack of war, love, and TikTok

After the initial shock had worn off and the country began pulling together, people were looking for ways not only to express themselves but also to uplift others.


Travellers face years of flight route cancellations over plane parts shortage

Virgin Atlantic and British Airways have announced further suspension of routes


Microsoft is Killing off Windows 11's Mail and Calendar Apps By the End of the Year

Microsoft is planning to no longer support the Windows Mail, Calendar, and People apps later this year. The Verge: The software giant has been moving existing users of these apps over to the new Outlook for Windows app in recent months, and now it has set an end of support date for the Mail, Calendar, and People apps of December 31st. Once the apps reach end of support later this year, Microsoft warns that users who haven't moved to the new Outlook app "will no longer be able to send and receive email using Windows Mail and Calendar." Microsoft has been rolling out the new Outlook for Windows app for years, with it officially reaching the general availability stage in August. The new web-based Outlook is designed to eventually replace the full desktop version of Outlook too, and Microsoft plans to provide enterprise customers a 12-month notice before it starts to move people away from the desktop version of Outlook.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Discord Leaker Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NBC News: Former Massachusetts Air National Guard member Jack Teixeira was sentenced Tuesday to 15 years for stealing classified information from the Pentagon and sharing it online, the U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts announced. Teixeira received the sentence before Judge Indira Talwani in U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. In March, the national guardsman pleaded guilty to six counts of willful retention and transmission of national defense information under the Espionage Act. He was arrested by the FBI in North Dighton, Massachusetts, in April 2023 and has been in federal custody since mid-May 2023. According to court documents, Teixeira transcribed classified documents that he then shared on Discord, a social media platform mostly used by online gamers. He began sharing the documents in or around 2022. A document he was accused of leaking included information about providing equipment to Ukraine, while another included discussions about a foreign adversary's plot to target American forces abroad, prosecutors said. [...] While the documents were discovered online in March 2023, Teixeira had been sharing them online since January of that year, according to prosecutors.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


This year set to be first to breach 1.5C global warming limit

It is also set to be the world's first breach of 1.5C of warming across an entire calendar year.


‘I say bye to my kids, in case we don’t wake up’ – two Gazans film a year under attack by Israel

Over the past year, Aya and Khalid have been filming their lives for a BBC documentary.


F1 in 10 Years: Norris says keeping 'sound and smell' is vital

McLaren's Lando Norris talks to BBC Sport about why he wants Formula One to retain the "sound and smell" that first sparked his love for the sport.


F1 in 10 Years - the box set

F1 in 10 Years is a new BBC Sport series that talks to the decision-makers in Formula One about the future they would like to see.


F1 in 10 Years: What do fans want to see?

In the latest 'F1 in 10 Years' video, BBC Sport asks young fans what changes they would like to see in the sport over the next decade.


Firefighter rescues two-year-old from burning building

Body camera footage shows the moment a boy was saved from his home in Texas after his mother couldn't reach him in the fire.


US airman Jack Teixeira sentenced to 15 years in prison

Teixeira leaked highly classified Pentagon documents to an online platform popular with gamers.


Watch: 'Any good?' Lineker kicks off 25 years as MOTD host

Watch: First time Gary Lineker presented Match of the Day


30 years apart: Daughter finds dad in Wood Green

Mika Ap Ellis was reunited with her dad after 30 years of being estranged.


Princess of Wales to host Christmas carol service again this year

The princess has begun to return to some public duties since finishing chemotherapy in September.


Russian doctor jailed for five years over alleged Ukraine war remarks

Nadezhda Buyanova denied making the remarks and called the case absurd.


McKenna 'so proud' after Ipswich's first Premier League win in 22 years

Kieran McKenna describes Ipswich's 2-1 victory at Tottenham - their first Premier League win in 22 years - as a "massive moment" and validation for the players' hard work.


Tennessee’s TCAP test scores climb for second straight year after pandemic

Tennessee’s third set of test scores from the pandemic era improved again across all core subjects and grades, even exceeding pre-pandemic proficiency rates in English language arts and social studies. The academic snapshot suggests that Tennessee’s early investments in summer learning camps and intensive tutoring are paying off to counter three straight years of COVID-related disruptions. But the performance of historically underserved students — including children with disabilities, those from low-income families, and students of color — still lags.


Preparing Families for the New School Year

A few tips for ensuring that students—particularly those with disabilities and English learners—and their families get the year off to a good start.


I helped Tom Cruise and other celebrities divorce, but I've been happily married for 38 years. I've learned that dates — and postnups — can be key to marital bliss.

Marilyn Chinitz has worked with celebs like Tom Cruise, Michael Douglas, and Wendy Williams. She has been happily married for 38 years.


The full list of major US companies slashing staff this year, including Goldman Sachs, Meta, and Chegg

Companies have continued to cut jobs in 2024 after a wave of layoffs last year. Meta, Goldman Sachs, Google, and Tesla are among those shedding staff.


News24 | SA sold Côte d'Ivoire R3.2m worth of wine last year. Now the US wants a piece of that action

Côte d'Ivoire is sub Sahara Africa's biggest importer of wine, says the US department of agriculture, and it is time American companies take advantage of the market.


News24 | Heat attack: 2024 is world's hottest year, and likely to leave South Africans sweating this summer

The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has raised the alarm over climate change, reporting 2024 is the world's hottest year yet.


What I’ve Been Up To This Past Year: DOC

It’s been quiet here for a few months. Yesterday I posted a longish piece on LinkedIn explaining why, and for those of you wondering what I’ve been up to lately, I figured I’d repost it here…. — DOC – The First Chapter More than 200 eclectic, incisive, and peripatetically curious folks gathered last week, bound … Continue reading "What I’ve Been Up To This Past Year: DOC"