
Pozdravy z konce světa: Opuštěné město Vorkuta aneb 40 hodin od Moskvy

Renomovaný festival fotografie Circulation, který se každoročně koná od března do května v Paříži, letos představil série fotografií Tomeu Colla. Fotograf původem z Mallorky je pořídil v zapomenutém městě Vorkuta, které uprostřed ničeho začali ve 30. letech stavět vězni gulagu. Jak vypadá místo, odkud existuje jedno letecké spojení s Moskvou za týden, kde panují dlouhé měsíce mrazu a kde si lidé sami vyrábějí sněhové pluhy?


Vladimír Mertlík: Je 35 let dost, nebo málo? Z žaláře národů, kolem ruského dubu až k padlým iluzím

Zase budeme slavit i nadávat – jak kdo – na pětatřicet let od listopadu 1989. Uteklo to jako voda. Hodnotíme ten čas v průzkumech, jako bychom nevěděli, že vypovídají nejvíc o nás samých. Je to dost, nebo málo, těch pětatřicet let? Co jsme dokázali a co jsme pokazili? Ohlédněme se ve Zpětném zrcátku za tím, co zůstane potomkům, až budou hodnotit našich pětatřicet let. Začátky jsou vždycky plné slunce, slibů a těšení. Nevěsta je panensky bílá, ženich čestný a silný. Ona symbol věčné lásky, on pevnost pravdy. Proto si bez váhání slíbí věrnost až do smrti, neboť jen tak pravda a láska zvítězí nad lží a nenávistí… Hudba hraje, všichni se drží kolem ramen a vše vypadá tak snadné a nadějné… Jako budoucnost, než se stane přítomností. Takoví jsme byli, vzpomínáme pak po letech. Ale jací jsme vlastně byli?


Fištejn: Na Ukrajině neprobíhá konflikt etnický, ale civilizační. Proruský separatismus je neopodstatněný

Aby byla vzpoura povýšena na revoluci, musí nejdříve zvítězit. Extremista, který ve svém boji uspěl, se může stát bojovníkem za svobodu – aspoň pro dějepravu vlastního národa. Základním problémem každé definice je, že se politické pojmosloví zpravidla nepoužívá ve svém normativním významu. Ještě donedávna se výstižně vtipkovalo, že rozdíl mezi demokracií obecně a demokracií socialistickou je zhruba stejný jako mezi křeslem a elektrickým křeslem.


Nováčková: Červený Michigan je výkladní skříň chyb Kamaly Harris. Republikáni tam nevyhráli skoro 40 let

Žije v něm podobný počet lidí jako v České republice, rozlohou je třikrát větší a kulturně mnohem rozmanitější. Michigan, stát nacházející se na severovýchodě USA, má možná to nejlepší za sebou, přesto patří k nejdůležitějším státům v zemi. Až do roku 2016 byl Michigan sice nejistým státem, ale zato jasně tíhnoucím k demokratům. Donald Trump ukázal, že to není pravda, a navýšil svůj náskok o 70 tisíc hlasů oproti volbám před osmi lety. Bývalému prezidentovi se povedlo voliče mobilizovat, Kamale Harris naopak demobilizovat. Pohoření demokratů v Michiganu ukazuje chyby, které je stály volitele napříč celou Amerikou.


Tragické osudy horolezkyň: Japonku nechali kolegové umrznout, Američanka zemřela s úsměvem na rtech

Sportem ku zdraví, říká se. A k trvalé invaliditě, dodávají jiní. V případě horolezectví to ale může dopadnout mnohem hůř. Všechny ty světově známé vrcholky mají svůj smutný seznam těch, kteří padli při jejich zdolávání. A pochopitelně mezi nimi nechybí ani ženy. Hannelore Schmatz se měla stát první Němkou, která zdolala Mount Everest. Na vrchol se dostala i se svým manželem Gerhardem, jakožto nejstarším pokořitelem hory. Jenže u Everestu je pořádně zrádná i cesta dolů. Hannelore se nakonec stala osudnou.


Celebrating the Staurikosaurus

Date: October 19, 2024

Location: Global



Вещь. Простой плёночный фотоаппарат Kodak. Каждая фотография в 100500 раз ценнее, чем на iPhone

Перед покупкой такого фотоаппарата сразу, главное, определитесь, где будете покупать плёнку и в конечном итоге распечатывать снимки.


Complete List of Animalities in Mortal Kombat

Animalities have returned to Mortal Kombat. Players of the infamous fighting game series can finish a defeated opponent off by transforming into an animal and brutally mauling them death for the first time since 1995's Mortal Kombat 3 with the "Khaos Reigns" update to Mortal Kombat 1.

So, what follows is a list of every Mortal Kombatant's fursonas, basically, from Mortal Kombat 1. Two warnings: In explaining different characters roles, there may be spoilers for the games, and also, extreme, over the top violence and gore is the point of Animalities.

read more



"Point Of No Return", новое видео KIKO LOUREIRO, доступно для просмотра ниже. Эта песня взята из альбома Theory Of Mind.
#Kiko_Loureiro #KikoLoureiro #HeavyMetal #Heavy_Metal #ProgressiveMetal #Progressive_Metal

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYvla2IKp4



TONY KAKKO сообщил о том, что его новый проект, получивший название HIMMELKRAFT, нашел лейбл:

«Мир! У нас есть контакт! Himmelkraft очень рады присоединиться к команде Reaper Entertainment и наконец-то выпустить этот проект в свет, чтобы избранные могли услышать, увидеть и... поучаствовать в нем.

Это был ОЧЕНЬ долгий путь, чтобы добраться до этой точки, но теперь мы здесь. Мы делаем первый из, надеюсь, многих, многих шагов. Я искренне надеюсь, что этот альбом понравится вам так же сильно, как Himmelkraftians наслаждались его созданием. Они обязательно вас услышат».

В своем дебютном альбоме Tony Kakko приоткрывает завесу над своим странным новым миром под названием Himmelkraft ровно настолько, чтобы вы смогли впервые взглянуть на то, что лежит за его пределами, и сразу же захотеть большего. Kakko — мастер повествования и шаман музыкальных эмоций. В Himmelkraft его фирменные черты представлены в совершенно новом, неожиданном и захватывающем виде.

Премьера первого сингла намечена на 22 ноября, а выпуск альбома на март 2025 года.


Tony Kakko as Unu O’Four - vocals, keyboards
Pasi Kauppinen as Du O’Four - bass
Timo Kauppinen as Tri O’Four - guitars, banjo
Jere Lahti as Kvar O’Four - drums & percussions


6-12-25 Leg Workout Review

Go here: http://vtaperphysique.com/stage-shredded-status

NOTE: The workout is a "GIANT" set or "Tri" set. You will do all three exercises together for quads for 3-5 circuits. When finished with quads move on to hamstrings


Barbell Squat 6 reps
Bulgarian Split Squat (Dumbbell Lunge) 12 reps
Leg Extensions 25 reps

Rest for 2 minutes and repeat for 3-5 more circuits.


Deadlifts 6 reps
Lying Leg curl 12 reps
Hyper extensions 25 reps

rest for 2 minutes and repeat for 3-5 circuits.

If you want to know more about Vince Delmonte's training programs he as a FREE video of an awesome presentation on how he got his pro card at the WBFF and went on to be a pro fitness model. He takes you behind the scenes at a rare look of what it takes to get super RIPPED and Shredded, just in time for summer! This video will not be up for VERY LONG!!!
Go here: http://vtaperphysique.com/stage-shredded-status


KOSPET TANK T3 ULTRA Smartwatch review – premium features at a midrange price

REVIEW – My first smartwatch was the Pebble, which I found to be instantly invaluable by displaying my notifications right on my wrist and then letting me decide if they were important enough to pull my phone out. For me, this has been the primary function of my smartwatches to this day. Other functions and […]


Very dry, cuckoos.

It would be a shame to let this ancient, creaky, spam-riddled throwback of a blog die off completely just because I'm experimenting with Substack. 

That said, I AM experimenting with Substack, and I'll be sending one out tomorrow. Subscribe here should you care to receive it:


But in the meantime, in the above spirit of keeping the old place alive, here is a little preview, in the shape of some performance indications I enjoyed from piano scores by Eric Satie. 

Assez lent, si vous le voulez bien
Rather slow, if it's alright with you.

Plein de subtilité, si vous m'en croyez
Very subtle, if you believe me.

Show off

Sec comme un coucou
Dry as a cuckoo

Peu saignant
Slightly bloody

Les danseurs reçoivent chacun un coup de sabre qui leur fend la tête
Each of the dancers is hit with a sabre which splits his head open.

Eric Satie being dry as a cuckoo.


Eugene Zaikonnikov: Breaking the Kernighan's Law

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.." — Brian W. Kernighan.

I'm a sucker for sage advice much as anyone else, and Kernighan is certainly right on money in the epigraph. Alas there comes a time in programmer's career when you just end up there despite the warning. It could be that you were indeed too clever for your own good, or maybe the code isn't quite yours anymore after each of your colleague's take on it over the years. Or just sometimes, the problem is indeed so hard that it strains your capacity as a coder.

It would usually start with a reasonable idea made into first iteration code. The solution looks fundamentally sound but then as you explore the problem space further it begins to seep nuance, either as manifestation of some real world complexity or your lack of foresight. When I run into this my first instinct is to instrument the code. If the problem is formidable you got to respect it: flailing around blindly modifying things or ugh, doing a rewrite at this stage is almost guaranteed to be a waste of time. It helps to find a promising spot, chisel it, gain a foothold in the problem, and repeat until you crack it. Comfortable debugging tools here can really help to erode the original Kernighan coefficient from 2 to maybe 1.6 or 1.4 where you can still have a chance.

Lisp users are fortunate with the options of interactive debugging, and one facility I reach often for is the plain BREAK. It's easy enough to wrap it into a conditional for particular matches you want to debug. However sometimes you want it to trigger after a particular sequence of events across different positions in code has taken place. While still doable it quickly becomes cumbersome and this state machine starts to occupy too much mental space which is already scarce. So one day, partly as a displacement activity from being intimidated by a Really Hard Problem I wrote down my debugging patterns as a handful of macros.

Enter BRAKE. Its features reflect my personal preferences so are not necessarily your cup of tea but it could be a starting point to explore in this direction. Things it can do:

  • act as a simple BREAK with no arguments (duh)
  • wrap an s-expression, passing through its values upon continuing
  • trigger sequentially based on the specified position for a common tag
  • allow for marks that don't trigger the break but mark the position as reached
  • provide conditional versions for the expressions above
  • print traces of tagged breakpoints/marks

If you compile functions with debug on you hopefully should be able to see the wrapped sexpr's result values.

(use-package '(brake))

(defun fizzbuzz ()
  (loop for n from 100 downto 0
	for fizz = (zerop (mod n 3))
	for buzz = (zerop (mod n 5)) do
	(format t "~a "
		(if (not (or fizz buzz))
		    (format nil "~d" n)
		  (brake-when (= n 0)
			      (concatenate 'string
					   (if fizz "Fizz" "")
					   (if buzz "Buzz" "")))))))

These macros try to detect common cases for tagged sequences being either aborted via break or completed to the last step, resetting them after to the initial state. However it is possible for a sequence to end up "abandoned", which can be cleaned up by a manual command.

Say in the example below we want to break when the two first branches were triggered in a specific order. The sequence of 1, 3, 4 will reinitialize once the state 4 is reached, allowing to trigger continuously. At the same time if we blow our stack it should reset to initial when aborting.

(defun ack (m n)
  (cond ((zerop m) (mark :ack 3 (1+ n)))
        ((zerop n) (mark :ack 1 (ack (1- m) 1)))
        (t (brake :ack 4 (ack (1- m) (ack m (1- n)))))))

In addition there are a few utility functions to report on the state of brakepoints, enable or disable brakes based on tags and turn tracing on or off. Tracing isn't meant to replace the semantics of TRACE but to provide a souped up version of debug by print statements everyone loves.

CL-USER> (report-brakes)
Tag :M is DISABLED, traced, with 3 defined steps, current state is initial
Tag :F is DISABLED with 2 defined steps, current state is 0
Tag :ACK is ENABLED with 3 defined steps, current state is initial

Disabling breakpoints without recompilation is really handy and something I find using all the time. The ability to wrap a sexpr was often sorely missed when using BREAK in constructs without implicit body.

Sequencing across threads is sketchy as the code isn't guarded but in many cases it can work, and the appeal of it in debugging races is clear. One of those days I hope to make it more robust while avoiding potential deadlocks but it isn't there yet. Where it already shines tho is in debugging complex iterations, mutually recursive functions and state machines.


Why Virat Kohli, Jasprit Bumrah were missing from Perth nets; India ramp up privacy amid Manchester United-like security - Hindustan Times

  1. Why Virat Kohli, Jasprit Bumrah were missing from Perth nets; India ramp up privacy amid Manchester United-like security  Hindustan Times
  2. Virat Kohli in focus: Intense net session begins for upcoming Test series against Australia  The Times of India
  3. Virat Kohli in Australia for BGT: A timeline  India Today
  4. Black veil of secrecy: India begin training in privacy in Perth  ESPNcricinfo
  5. India to play intra-squad warm-up match at WACA on Friday ahead of Australia Tests but BCCI denies public viewing  Hindustan Times


Alabama's Ryan Williams on Travis Hunter winning Biletnikoff: 'I can't let him do that'

In an interview on FOX Sports' "All Facts, No Brakes," Alabama stars Ryan Williams and Jaylen Mbakwe shared why they stayed after Nick Saban's retirement and their thoughts on Travis Hunter.


Thailand Eyes Congestion Fee to Cut Bangkok Pollution, Traffic


South Korean Stocks Set for One-Year Low on Trump Policy Concern


Korea Zinc pulls $1.8 bln share sale, turns sights to board fight

Korea Zinc said on Wednesday it has decided to withdraw its plan to issue new shares worth $1.8 billion after the proposal sparked an investigation by the financial watchdog and a sell-off in the company's stock.


Dogecoin Craze Grips Korea, Fuels Price Premium on Local Giants Upbit and Bithumb

DOGE trades at premium on Upbit and Bithumb relative to Binance. - The price differential is still noticeably lower than the previous bull market peaks. Today is just that day as Koreans seem to be jumping into the DOGE market, driving prices higher and creating a noticeable premium on local…


Hong Kong deputy to China’s legislature buys hotel for US$35 million, a 30% discount

Bunny Chan, who is a deputy to the National People’s Congress, and Paggy Chan, are the new owners of Twenty One Whitfield.


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American Women Joining South Korean Feminist Movement

In the hours and days since Trump was re-elected president of the United States, there’s been a surge of interest in the US for 4B. Via Yahoo News:

Young liberal women across TikTok and Instagram are discussing and sharing information about the South Korean feminist movement, in which straight women refuse to marry, have children, date or have sex with men.

These women say they are enraged and fed up after a majority of their male counterparts voted for a candidate who was found liable for sexual abuse and whose appointment of three conservative Supreme Court justices led to the overturning of national abortion rights protections.

In response, they say they’re swearing off men — and they’re encouraging others around the country to join them.


Episode 785 - Sesko and stuff

In this episode I'm joined by Charles Watts to discuss the latest transfer stories, including Benjamin Sesko's reportedly imminent decision about his own future, what might happen in midfield and how much that depends on who stays and what Declan Rice's role is next season, other midfield targets, possible departures, the left-back situation and how despite being well-stocked Arsenal might bring someone in, and lots more – including some chat about Man City and the news of their legal action taken against the Premier League which became news this week.

Follow Charles on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@CharlesWattsAFCnews

Get extra bonus content and help support Arseblog by becoming an Arseblog Member on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/arseblog

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


South Korea Fines Meta $15.67M for Illegally Sharing Sensitive User Data with Advertisers

Meta has been fined 21.62 billion won ($15.67 million) by South Korea's data privacy watchdog for illegally collecting sensitive personal information from Facebook users, including data about their political views and sexual orientation, and sharing it with advertisers without their consent. The country's Personal Information Protection Commission (PIPC) said Meta gathered information such as


North Korean Hackers Target Crypto Firms with Hidden Risk Malware on macOS

A threat actor with ties to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has been observed targeting cryptocurrency-related businesses with a multi-stage malware capable of infecting Apple macOS devices. Cybersecurity company SentinelOne, which dubbed the campaign Hidden Risk, attributed it with high confidence to BlueNoroff, which has been previously linked to malware families such as


North Korean Hackers Target macOS Using Flutter-Embedded Malware

Threat actors with ties to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK aka North Korea) have been found embedding malware within Flutter applications, marking the first time this tactic has been adopted by the adversary to infect Apple macOS devices. Jamf Threat Labs, which made the discovery based on artifacts uploaded to the VirusTotal platform earlier this month, said the Flutter-built


Keine Eiscreme, Habecks Kampf gegen Windmühlen, Respektkodex

1. Wir produzieren keine Eiscreme (journalist.de, Jacob Goldmann (Pseudonym)) In seinem Essay “Wir produzieren keine Eiscreme” beschreibt Jacob Goldmann, ein Pseudonym eines Lokaljournalisten, wie wirtschaftliche Interessen zunehmend redaktionelle Entscheidungen beeinflussen. Als ein Beispiel nennt er die Berichterstattung über die Nosferatu-Spinne, die aufgrund der hohen Klickzahlen zu einer Überflutung des Nachrichtenangebots geführt habe. Goldmann argumentiert, dass […]

  • 6 vor 9


Author of new Stevie Nicks book is a Princeton professor who loves 'Tusk,' studies Tchaikovsky

Simon Morrison, author of the new musical biography "Mirror in the Sky,” is a professor of music and Slavic languages and literatures, and a sought-after lecturer in the humanities.


Hisashi Kobayashi, former Princeton engineering dean and data storage pioneer, dies at 84

Hisashi Kobayashi, whose steady leadership as dean guided Princeton's School of Engineering and Applied Science through a rapid expansion of programs and facilities in the late 1980s and early 1990s, died on March 9. He was 84.


Mathematician Joseph Kohn, ‘a giant’ in several complex variables and generous mentor to young scholars, dies at 91

“His mathematical legacy is enormous,” said John D’Angelo *76. “Joe was among the most friendly, popular and influential mathematicians of his generation.”


bamako film screening

Bamako is a 2006 film directed by Abderrahmane Sissako, first released at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival on 21 May and in Manhattan by New Yorker Films on 14 February 2007. The film depicts a trial taking place in Bamako, the capital of Mali, amid the daily life that is going on in the city. In the midst of that trial, two sides argue whether the World Bank and International Monetary Fund are guided by special interest of developed nations, or whether it is corruption and the individual nations' mismanagement, that is guilty of the current financial state of many poverty-stricken African countries as well as the rest of the poor undeveloped world. The film even touches on European colonization and discusses how it plays a role in shaping African societies and their resulting poverty and issues.


A Conversation on Middle East Regional Security with Peter Berkowitz

Peter Berkowitz, Director of Policy Planning at the Department of State from 2019 to 2021 will discuss Middle East regional security.


2025 Oscars Short Film Contenders: ‘The Car That Came Back From The Sea’ Director Jadwiga Kowalska

In this Oscar-qualified short, a group of friends go on a roadtrip as their car – and their country – falls apart.


2025 Oscars Short Film Contenders: ‘Maybe Elephants’ Director Torill Kove

Three-time Oscar nominee Torill Kove, who won the Academy Award for her short 'The Danish Poet,' is back in the Oscars race this year with a new film about her memories of growing up in Kenya.


“Sometimes We Can’t See Ourselves As What We Are”: Director Naoko Yamada On Why She Made ‘The Colors Within’

"It’s wonderful to find somebody who can show us this positive side of ourselves," Yamada says of the idea behind her new film.


Are Pre Workout Supplements Good For You?

Attaining peak physical performance requires endurance, determination, and hard work. No wonder many fitness enthusiasts turn to pre-workout supplements to help them push their limits and achieve their goals. These products promise to enhance energy, focus, and endurance, ultimately leading to more productive workouts and better results. However, the question remains: are pre-workout supplements truly ... Read more

The post Are Pre Workout Supplements Good For You? appeared first on Star Two.


Koalas have fingerprints almost identical to ours

Koalas are the only non-primates with fingerprints. How is that possible—and why?


How to Install the Aliunde Kodi Addon on Android TV/Firestick (Tutorial)

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to install the ALIUNDE Kodi Addon on your Android TV box or Amazon Firestick, plus, unique features in ALIUNDE.


How to Install the M-E-T-V Kodi Addon on Android TV or Firestick (Tutorial)

In this tutorial guide, I'll show you exactly how to install the M-E-T-V Kodi Addon on your Android TV box or Amazon Firestick, and unique features.


How to Install the SealTeam 6 Kodi Addon (Android TV + Firestick)

In this tutorial, I'll show you exactly how to install the SEALTEAM 6 Kodi Addon on your Android TV box or Amazon Firestick, plus unique features.