

Căn hộ nhiều tiện ích cao cấp Hiện tại, dự án căn hộ Q7 Saigon Riverside có giá bán tốt nhất khu vực đường Đào Trí. + Giá bán CĐT : Từ 1.716 tỷ/căn 2 PN 66m2. Tiến độ thanh toán dự án nhẹ nhàng. + Tính ra mỗi tháng (anh, chị) chỉ thanh toán 1.5% - 2.25% giá trị căn hộ. + N...


Handwara Encounter: शहीद कर्नल की पत्नी पल्लवी बोलीं- शहादत पर आंसू नहीं बहाऊंगी...ये उनके लिए सम्मान

शहीद कर्नल आशुतोष शर्मा की पत्नी पल्लवी ने भी हिम्मत दिखाते हुए कहा है कि पति की शहादत पर आंसू नहीं बहाऊंगी। उनकी कुर्बानी मेरे लिए और देश के लिए गर्व की बात है। मेरे आंसू उन्हें ठेस पहुंचाएंगे।


Rajasthan Corona Updates: 64 नए मामले, जोधपुर मेडिकल कॉलेज में भी प्लाज्मा थैरेपी से इलाज की अनुमति

राजस्थान में शुक्रवार को कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण के 64 नए मामले सामने आए और एक बीमार व्यक्ति की मौत हो गई। अब राज्य में कोरोना की वजह से मौतों का आंकड़ा 100 हो गया है और कुल संक्रमितों की संख्या 3491 हो गई है।


Coronavirus in Rajasthan: राजस्थान में संक्रमण के 57 नए मामले आए सामने, संक्रमितों की संख्या 3636 हुई

राजस्थान में कोरोना संक्रमण के 57 नए मामले सामने आए, जिससे राज्य में कोरोना वायरस संक्रमितों की कुल संख्या बढ़कर 3,636 हो गई।


Shani Jayanti 2020: शनि ने दिया राजा दशरथ को वरदान, जो आएगा आपके काम

शनि स्तुति की रचना के पीछे सुंदर घटना छिपी हुई है। शनिदेव की इन सभी स्थितियों एवं दशाओं से बचने के लिए प्राणी यदि स्वयं दशरथ जी द्वारा की गयी शनिस्तुति का पाठ करे


Shani Jayanti 2020: क्यों शनि को अपना पुत्र नहीं मानते हैं सूर्य देव?

Shani Jayanti 2020 Date: शनि जयंती 22 मई को है। हिन्दू पंचांग के अनुसार, शनि जयंती प्रति वर्ष ज्येष्ठ माह की अमावस्या को मनाई जाती है।


Shani Vakri 2020: राशि अनुसार इन उपायों को करने से कम हो जाएगा अशुभ शनि का प्रभाव, एक अचूक उपाय सभी राशियों के लिए

सोमवार 11 मई को शनि मार्गी से वक्री हो जाएंगे यानी इस दिन से शनि की उल्टी चाल चलेंगे।


Shani Vakri 2020: 11 मई से शनि की उल्टी चाल, 29 सितंबर तक कैसा रहेगा प्रभाव

मार्गी का विलोम शब्द वक्री होता है, जिसका अर्थ है पीछे चलना अथवा मुह फेर लेना। इसे आप व्यावहारिक भाषा में शनि का मुंह फेर लेना भी कह सकते हैं।


Shani Vakri 2020: क्या शनि देव से जुड़ी इन दस बातों को जानते हैं आप

Shani Vakri 2020: शनि देव 11 मई को 142 दिनों के लिए वक्री हो जाएंगे। शनि वक्री से आशय शनि की उल्टी चाल से है।


Shani Vakri 2020: शनि वक्री से सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित होंगे ये तीन राशि वाले, बुरे प्रभाव से ऐसे बचें

Shani Vakri 2020: 11 मई को शनि ग्रह वक्री हो जाएंगे। शनि देव सुबह 09 बजकर 27 मिनट बजकर मकर राशि में वक्री होंगे। इसके बाद कर्मफलदाता शनि देव 29 सितंबर 2020 को मार्गी हो जाएंगे।


Uttarakhand Lockdown : इसी माह हो सकती हैं उत्तराखंड बोर्ड की स्थगित परीक्षाएं

उत्तराखंड बोर्ड की परीक्षाएं इसी महीने हो सकती हैं। वहीं बोर्ड का रिजल्ट भी 10 जून से पहले घोषित किया जा सकता है।


Coronavirus in Uttarakhand : ठीक हुए छह और संक्रमित, अब रह गए 17 एक्टिव केस

उत्तराखंड में छह और कोरोना पॉजिटिव मरीज ठीक हो चुके हैं। अब राज्य में 45 मरीज ठीक हो चुके हैं। वहीं राज्य में कुल पॉजिटिव मरीजों की संख्या 61 है।


Uttarakhand Lockdown: कलशों में बंद अस्थियों को अब मिलेगी मुक्ति, गंगा में हो सकेगा विसर्जन

अस्थि विर्सजन से रोक हटने से कई लोगों ने राहत की सास ली है। वे अब श्मशान घाटों में रखीं परिजनों की अस्थियों को गंगा में विर्सजित कर सकेंगे।


Lockdown Uttarakhand: दूसरे राज्य में काम करने वाले लोग कर सकते हैं ई-पास के लिए आवेदन

प्रदेश के ऐसे लोग जो दूसरे राज्य में नौकरी या अन्य काम करते हैं और निजी वाहन से जाना चाहते हैं, वह http://smartcitydehradun.uk.gov.in/e-pass पर आवेदन कर ई-पास बनवा सकते हैं।


Coronavirus in Uttarakhand : ऊधमसिंह नगर में आज मिले चार नए संक्रमित, कुल मरीजों की संख्या 67

उत्तराखंड के ऊधमसिंह नगर जिले में शनिवार को चार नए मामले सामने आए हैं। अब राज्य में कुछ मरीजों की संख्या 67 हो गई है।


Uttarakhand Weather: केदारनाथ व तुंगनाथ में दो घंटे बर्फबारी, निचले इलाकों में बारिश जारी

शनिवार को दोपहर बाद उत्तराखंड के पहाड़ी इलाकों में मौसम बदल गया। वहीं अधिकतर मैदानी इलाकों में बादल छाए रहे।


More than 900 COVID-19 cases at Cargill plant, but governments allow it to reopen

Karl Nerenberg

Cargill Incorporated is the largest privately held company in the United States, and that means it is essentially a family business. 

You cannot buy Cargill shares on the Toronto, New York or any other stock exchange. The descendants of William Cargill, who founded the company in 1865 as a grain storage operation, own 90 per cent of the company.

But if it is a family business, Cargill is no mom-and-pop operation. 

The company has grown over the past century and a half into a multi-tentacled corporate behemoth, involved in everything from grain to livestock to potash to steel to transport to financial services. In 2018, Cargill and its various subsidiaries reported revenues of over $110 billion

Cargill has operations on five continents, in more than 70 countries, including Canada, and the company's meat-packing plant in High River, Alberta is a tiny piece of that worldwide empire. 

In this country, however, the High River plant has an extremely high profile. It is one of the epicentres of COVID-19 in Canada -- in all of North America, in fact -- with over 900 reported cases out of 2,000 employees. That's almost half the workforce.  

Two people have died in connection with the Cargill outbreak -- one, a plant worker originally from Vietnam; the other, an infected plant worker's father, who had been visiting from the Philippines.

Cargill initially resisted pleas from workers and their union to close the plant, but finally relented, in late April. After only two weeks, it hastily reopened, on Monday, May 4, giving the largely immigrant workforce the Hobson's choice of either going back to a potentially fatal workplace or losing their jobs. 

Neither the workers, nor their union think the plant has become safe. 

The union, the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), has gone to court to force a shutdown, until Cargill can absolutely guarantee safe and healthy conditions for all employees. 

The UFCW does not think the notoriously low-paid plant workers should have to risk their lives to fatten the balance sheet of a U.S.-based transnational corporation that ranks number 15 on the Fortune 500. 

Kenney and Trump on the same wavelength

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has a different view from that of the union and the workers it represents. 

The premier, and former Harper Conservative government cabinet minister, appropriates a concept meant to describe access to necessary basic foodstuffs we all need for sustenance – food security – and applies it to the much different situation of the High River plant. The Cargill workers have to do their part, the Alberta premier argues, to ensure food security for Canadians. 

The truth is that Canada's food security does not depend on meat from Cargill or any other commercial operation. 

If our local butcher runs out of hamburger for the barbecue, we all have other nutritious options. There are, for instance, the protein-packed pulses -- chickpeas, lentils and the like -- that farmers in Saskatchewan grow in great quantity. 

In the U.S., as in Canada, COVID-19 has been particularly hard on the meat-packing industry, forcing more than 20 plant closures, and causing meat shortages on grocery shelves. Some fast food chains have even had to take hamburgers off the menu. 

Corporate executives in the meat industry told U.S. President Trump that they were reluctant to reopen their U.S.-based plants for fear of lawsuits. The U.S. is a far more litigious country than Canada. 

The president's response was to give the corporations cover, by invoking the U.S. Defense Protection Act (DPA). In effect, the president is forcing the corporations to reopen their plants. 

The purpose of the DPA is to allow a president to harness the resources of private industry to serve public needs in time of war or national emergency. Many have urged Trump to invoke the act to assure production of personal protective equipment for front-line workers during the pandemic, but he has refused. 

Now, Trump is using the extraordinary powers of the DPA to force workers back to dangerous plants, while shielding their bosses from responsibility.

As for the High River Cargill plant workers, they fall under provincial labour jurisdiction. And the Alberta premier has already indicated he will not lift a finger to protect them. But there might be a way that federal authorities could step in.

Jagmeet Singh urges Trudeau government to act

In Canada, it is the federal government that has authority over food safety, and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh believes the Trudeau team should assertively use that power to protect the Cargill workers.

Singh put the question to Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland during the House of Commons' weekly face-to-face session on Wednesday, May 6.

"Food safety and worker safety cannot be divorced," Singh told the House. "Will the government ensure that the Cargill workers are in safe work conditions?"

Freeland, in a manner all-too-typical of Liberal politicians, dissimulated, offering sympathy but no action.

"The member opposite is quite right that where the federal government has particular authority in food processing is to guarantee the safety of the foods processed there for Canadians to eat," she said, and then expressed some vague sentiments of concern. "When it comes to Cargill and food processing, I agree with the member opposite that it's something we all need to be particularly concerned about, and we have been."

The NDP leader was not satisfied. 

"Will the government commit to using the authority that it has under food safety to ensure that workers are also safe, because there's no way that food can truly be safe if workers are in dangerous conditions and if workers are contracting COVID-19?" Singh asked, adding: "If workers are dying, the food can't be safe."

Freeland would not budge. The Trudeau government wants to get credit for caring, without pushing the envelope in dealing with the most prickly and confrontational provincial government in the country, Alberta's. 

"I think we all understand there is a very clear difference between the duty to inspect food which is produced and to ensure that that food is safe for Canadians, and even more sacred duty to ensure that workers are working in safe conditions," Freeland answered. "We take both of those extremely seriously and we are aware what falls specifically in our jurisdictions. Having said that, we care very much about all Canadian workers." 

Freeland's assertion that responsibility for the safety of a product that consumers eat does not include making sure a processing plant is not an active breeder of a deadly virus reflects a narrow and limited understanding of the federal role. 

There is no evidence of food borne transmission of COVID-19, or of food packaging carrying the virus, according to authorities in both the U.S. and Canada.

But experts have not always got it right about COVID-19 since the outbreak at the beginning of this year. At this stage, all we know for sure is that there remain many unanswered questions about it.

'The worst company in the world'

What is not in doubt is the kind of company we're dealing with. 

Not too long ago the U.S. environmental organization Mighty Earth undertook a study of the social and environmental impact of Cargill's operations and issued a report they called "The Worst Company in the World."

The report opens by stating "when it comes to addressing the most important problems facing our world, including the destruction of the natural environment, the pollution of our air and water, the warming of the globe, the displacement of Indigenous peoples, child labor, and global poverty, Cargill is not only consistently in last place, but is driving these problems at a scale that dwarfs their closest competitors."

The report details how Cargill has become more powerful than governments and has betrayed repeated promises to adhere to high environmental standards. 

"Nowhere is Cargill's pattern of deception and destruction more apparent than in its participation in the destruction of the lungs of the planet, the world's forests. Despite repeated and highly publicized promises to the contrary, Cargill has continued to bulldoze ancient ecosystems, sometimes within the bounds of lax laws -- and, too often, outside those bounds as well."

With the advent to power of virulently anti-environmental Trump in the U.S. and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, there is now virtually no limit, Mighty Earth says, to Cargill's capacity to ravage rainforests, savannahs and other vital habitats. 

Mighty Earth cites many examples. 

One of those is that of "the Gran Chaco, a 110-million-hectare ecosystem spanning Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay." 

This ecosystem "is one of the largest remaining continuous tracts of native vegetation in South America, second in size only to the Amazon rainforest. These forests are home to vibrant communities of Indigenous Peoples … who have depended on and coexisted with the Chaco forest for millennia."

Cargill, the report tells us, is now actively endangering both the people and other inhabitants of the Gran Chaco to produce a cash crop -- soy -- that feeds the animals which become Big Macs and Whoppers.

"Once the impenetrable stronghold of creatures like the screaming hairy armadillo, the jaguar, and the giant anteater, Cargill has infiltrated the Gran Chaco, bulldozing and burning to make way for vast fields of genetically modified soy."

Mighty Earth also documents Cargill's use of violence to subdue Indigenous peoples, its exploitative labour practices, including child labour, and its predatory practices that have driven competitors out of certain businesses. 

This is the company that Jason Kenney says must be allowed to operate, uninhibited by health concerns, to assure our food security. 

If you believe that, you might also believe that injecting bleach into your veins can cure COVID-19, or that, as many opinion leaders in the U.S. say, it is necessary to accept that thousands must die in the interests of what they call the economy. 

The owners of Cargill are not personally offering to sacrifice their lives. They are offering their employees' lives instead.

Karl Nerenberg has been a journalist and filmmaker for more than 25 years. He is rabble's politics reporter.

Image: Alberta Newsroom/Flickr



MAGA channels the fury of the Chilean protests on ‘Calma’

All the profits from the track will go to the Brigada Cascos Rojos, an independent aid squad set up to help those affected by the riots. Chilean producer MAGA channels the fury of the civil protests taking place throughout Chile in the moody visual from Juegos Artificiales for their new track, ‘Calma’. “On October 18 […]

The post MAGA channels the fury of the Chilean protests on ‘Calma’ appeared first on FACT Magazine.


Local COVID-19 death rate higher than provincial; another senior dies

A centenarian who tested positive for COVID-19 has become the oldest local resident to die from the virus. The woman in her 100s was a resident of a long-term care or retirement home. She died on Thursday, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit reported during its end-of-week epidemic data summary on Friday. “I would like to […]


US Army has built a device to keep your hands warm without gloves

The US Army has built a prototype device that allows wearers to go glove-free in freezing conditions. It works by heating the forearm, which helps keep the fingertips warm


Spring-powered shoes could help us run more than 50 per cent faster

A spring-powered exoskeleton that minimises the amount of energy our legs lose when running could help boost human running speeds by more than 50 per cent


The New Trump App Is a Death Star of Fake News—and It Reaches More People Than Daytime Cable News

Photo Illustration by Sarah Rogers/The Daily Beast / Photos Getty

Campaigns and consultants have spent the last four years worrying about the Trump campaign’s digital operation. Even before COVID-19 upended the election and forced candidates online, the Trump campaign was geofencing campaign rallies, micro-targeting digital ads, and amplifying deepfake videos.

And now, as both the crisis and the general election enter their third month, panic is beginning to set in about the startling digital gap between the two parties, amplified by the recent Trump campaign announcement of both a new app experience and the start of a $10 million digital push against Joe Biden

President Trump’s campaign manager has called what he’s built a “juggernaut” and is likening his digital infrastructure to a Death Star. In reality, what he's built is a trap.  

Read more at The Daily Beast.


Since You Have More Time on Your Hands, Why Not Give Composting a Shot

Being at home this long, or really, just in one place for this long, has led me to see how much waste I produce. Spoiler alert: it’s a lot more than I thought. But I’m not here to shame anyone, in fact, quite the opposite. I think there are plenty of small ways we can cut down our carbon footprint, from driving less (check), to not using a washing machine or dryer (also, sadly, check), but gardening is what I’ve been doing, and is something that I’d recommend everyone give a shot now that we all have a little more times on our hands.


Composting is a natural way to recycle all of the organic materials in your house through decomposition. Compost can improve your soil’s water retention, which saves you money on your water bills, and helps keep excess garbage out of landfills, too. To get started you need two things. The first is a compost bin for your kitchen. This is great whether you want to start a compost at home or if you have a compost center you can bring them to. You want something sleek, designy, yet simple because after all, it’s really just a trash can. This is an excellent one.

Read more at The Daily Beast.


State pension age changed this week – this is when the next rise will occur

STATE pension age is continually being reviewed and altered by the government. The latest change occurred earlier this week.


Lockdown in Uttarakhand: रेड जोन में अब केवल हरिद्वार, देहरादून- नैनीताल ऑरेंज और 10 जिले ग्रीन जोन घोषित

उत्तराखंड में कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण के मद्देनजर अब सिर्फ हरिद्वार जनपद ही रेड जोन में बचा है। स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने ऊधमसिंह नगर और अल्मोड़ा जनपद को ग्रीन जोन घोषित कर दिया है।


Uttarakhand: तीन दिन बाद फिर सामने आए दो कोरोना पॉजिटिव मरीज, प्रदेश में संक्रमितों की संख्या हुई 63

उत्तराखंड में तीन दिन राहत के बाद फिर एक एक कारोना संक्रमण का मामला सामने आया है। स्वास्थ्य विभाग की ओर से आई रिपोर्ट में हरिद्वार जिले का एक मरीज कोरोना संक्रमित मिला है।


Chinese Chang’e 4 engineer explains how to garden on the moon

The brains behind the first plant ever to germinate on the moon explains how the Chinese mission succeeded


Jupiter is wetter than we thought, which helps explain how it formed

NASA's Juno spacecraft has found that Jupiter contains more water than measured by its predecessor, Galileo, solving a long-running planetary mystery


Mars may have formed 15 million years later than we thought

Young Mars may have endured a series of huge collisions that smashed its mantle, throwing off our measurements of when it formed by up to 15 million years


Soft Exosuit Makes Walking and Running Easier Than Ever

A lightweight, flexible exosuit pulls on your muscles as you move to make you more efficient


New Double 3 Robot Makes Telepresence Easier than Ever

With mapping and semi-autonomous navigation, even you can drive a Double 3


OpenAI Teaches Robot Hand to Solve Rubik's Cube

Using reinforcement learning and randomized simulations, researchers taught this robot how to solve a Rubik's cube one-handed


Robot Teaches Kids Hand Washing Skills in Rural India

Pepe helps keep Indian children healthy by reminding them to wash up


Andrey Markov & Claude Shannon Counted Letters to Build the First Language-Generation Models

Shannon's said: “OCRO HLI RGWR NMIELWIS”

  • robotics
  • robotics/artificial-intelligence


CoronaVirus in Jharkhand: बोकारो में कोरोना संक्रमण का एक और मामला, राज्य में कुल संक्रमितों की संख्या 14 हुई 

झारखंड के बोकारो जिले में चंद्रपुरा प्रखंड के तेलो गांव में कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण के एक और मामले की पुष्टि हुई है


Coronavirus in Jharkhand: कोरोना के संक्रमण में आया दो दिन का बच्चा, रिम्स के आइसोलेशन वार्ड में भर्ती

रांची प्रशासन ने कहा कि सदर अस्पताल के कर्मचारी जिन्होंने महिला को अटेंड किया था उनका अब परीक्षण किया जाएगा।


PromisePay changes gear

Fast-growing Melbourne payments company PromisePay is ramping its growth plans in the global platform economy.


Oh Wow: Exploding A Hand Grenade Inside A Safe

This is a video of Youtuber Edward Sarkissian exploding an M67 frag grenade inside an 87-pound steel SentrySafe fire/waterproof home safe to see what will happen. What happens? It gets BLOWN UP. So, if you were wondering if "inside a home safe" would be a secure place to dispose of your extra grenades, the answer is not even for the first one, and definitely none after that. So while this safe may be fireproof, it certainly isn't *lobs dog toy like hand grenade, bounces off wall and back at my feet* fire-in-the-holeproof. Keep going for the video (everything up to 4:15 is prepping the grenade inside the safe), as well as a video of opening a safe with grenades taped to the outside (with $10,000 and a gold bar inside).

  • blowing things up
  • blown up sir
  • explosion
  • fire in all the holes!
  • fire in the hole!
  • fire in your hole!
  • great there go all my valuables
  • grenades
  • having a great time
  • kaboom
  • living the dream
  • safe
  • the opposite of safe
  • video
  • wait what
  • weapons of war


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Kermit has a bacon problem. Manny has an announcement. Alice has neon lighting and a wormhole. And Chris has an Apple addiction. Like seriously, send...


RPGCast – Episode 448: “Hannibal Crossing”

Xenosaga Chronicles 2 is here. Did you get a switch just for it? Chris and Alex talk through their experiences. Johnathan, meanwhile, has been delving...


RPG Cast – Episode 526: “Slightly Smaller Than Your Average Spoon or Fork”

We're back and better* than ever! On this special episode of the RPGCast we do a deeper dive into what we've been playing and discuss our holiday hauls. *Note: RPG Cast 526 may not actually be better than any other previous RPG Cast.


RPG Cast – Episode 535: “Hand-Washing Song”

We’re all cooped up, but that doesn’t mean the video game news stops! Well, it actually was a little slimmer this week, but Anna Marie, Chris, Jonathan, Kelley, and Peter still have plenty of games to discuss. We also have an impromptu hand-washing sing-along?


Middle age may be much more stressful now than in the '90s

A new study found that life may be more stressful now than it was in the 1990s, especially for people between the ages of 45 and 64.


Killing 'sleeper cells' may enhance breast cancer therapy

The anti-cancer medicine venetoclax could improve the current therapy for estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer, according to preclinical studies. The promising preclinical results for this 'triple therapy' have underpinned a phase 1 clinical trial in Melbourne, Australia, that is combining venetoclax with hormone therapy and CDK4/6 inhibitors in patients with ER+ breast cancer.


Seven killed in protests over food distribution in Afghanistan, local MP says


More than 1,000 queue for food in rich Geneva amid virus shutdown


Meghan Marvel: which superhero should the duchess play?

A princess seeking revenge after her royal privileges are revoked? A drifter trying to get away from her awful father? Or maybe a guardian of Captain Britain?

Now that Meghan Markle has had her royal purse strings cut, the time has come for her to prove that she is capable of making a living on her own merits. And, ever the everywoman, it has been reported that Markle’s first step is exactly the same one that we’d all make upon finding ourselves suddenly short of money – she has instructed her agent to find her a role in a superhero film.

At this point it’s best to assume that she’s looking for something more substantial than her pre-royal movie career offered; she won’t want a made-for-TV superhero movie, or to appear in a single scene of a larger film as a nameless woman whose only purpose in the universe is to give the middle-aged leading man something to absent-mindedly flirt at. So, who should she play? Luckily, as crowded as the superhero genre currently is, there is still plenty of untapped potential for her. Here are my suggestions.

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