
Maple Valley paraeducator arrested, accused of sexually assaulting 2 boys at coronavirus child-care center

A 23-year-old man who worked as a paraeducator at Glacier Elementary School in Maple Valley has been arrested in connection with an alleged sexual assault against a student. The man is now on administrative leave and officials with the Tahoma School District are reviewing his other job assignments.


‘My perspective is of a teenager, interrupted’: 8 young people share how coronavirus pandemic is changing them

From feeling scared to feeling resolved to see change, eight young people, ages 10 to 15, share how they're coping with the pandemic, in their own words.


Inspirational immigrant stories remind us Trump is wrong – share yours

The immigrants that President Donald Trump would deny entry have stories not so different from the stories of immigrants throughout American history.


Why no Seattle Times editorial saying we are not enemies of the people? We prove that every day

Here is why The Seattle Times editorial board did not join other newspapers in denouncing President Donald Trump's attacks on the free press.


Here are some activities to do this weekend even while staying at home

As we continue to quarantine under Gov. Jay Inslee's "stay at home" order, there are still lots of fun activities you can do this weekend. So, stay in, read a book, start a movie marathon and order some takeout.


What’s bringing you joy amid the coronavirus crisis? Washingtonians share what’s getting them through the pandemic.

From an unexpected friendship across species, to a cluster of clay llamas, to finding a way to remotely produce a song featuring multiple collaborators, people across Washington state have found ways to stay connected to their artistic communities, their jobs and their routines — or to find beauty in the changes themselves. 


Demolition and digging done, KeyArena readies for walls to be built as crews take coronavirus precautions

After more than a year of demolition and digging down, KeyArena will finally start building back up next week when the first wall begins to be erected in the venue's northeast quadrant. Workers inside have been diligently — and spaciously — going about their business during the coronavirus pandemic.


Mask or no mask? New social tension splits Seattle-area residents in coronavirus era

Since health officials began recommending (but not requiring) that everyone cover their faces in public to reduce the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, a new divide has emerged over who wears a mask and who doesn't.


What’s bringing you joy amid the coronavirus crisis? Washingtonians share what’s getting them through the pandemic.

From an unexpected friendship across species, to a cluster of clay llamas, to finding a way to remotely produce a song featuring multiple collaborators, people across Washington state have found ways to stay connected to their artistic communities, their jobs and their routines — or to find beauty in the changes themselves. 


Not everyone changed behavior because of coronavirus; here are a Seattle poll’s findings

"It's not insignificant," said Michael Simon, co-founder & CEO of Elucd, a Brooklyn-based public-sentiment polling firm that conducted the surveys over a 10-day period.


People of color hard hit by coronavirus in King County, but numbers are incomplete

Public health officials warned against drawing conclusions from the demographic breakdown, because race and ethnicity data was known for only about 51% of confirmed cases in King County.


Washington young adults are getting slammed financially by coronavirus crisis, new survey shows

Among those 18 to 29 years old, more than one out of three say that they have, or someone in their household has, lost a job or been laid off because of the coronavirus outbreak. And nearly half have taken a pay cut or had their hours reduced.


Fraudsters are faking Washington unemployment claims amid coronavirus joblessness surge

As Washington grapples with a tsunami of legitimate unemployment claims — more than 100,000 last week — the state also is seeing a rise in attempts by fraudsters to siphon off a portion of the benefits.


Advertising adjusts for a new reality: sweatpants for staying home and toilet paper that cares

On the TV, a bearded man sits alone in an empty white room. He’s dressed like a military officer in a campy musical and is holding a giant bowl of popcorn that he touches only after using hand sanitizer. It’s a 15-second advertisement starring Captain Obvious, the spokesman for, urging everyone to keep their […]


From goofy to grotesque, here are some horror options to stream that are a scream

Here's a quick survey of the good horror stuff you’ll find streaming on various services. There’s something to offer both casual and hard-core fans alike.


‘Just glad we can help’: Free Idaho potatoes are feeding people at home, across U.S.

Like many farmers and ranchers in Idaho, Ryan Cranney began feeling the effects of COVID-19’s disruption in the restaurant supply chain in mid-March. What was supposed to be a good year for Cranney Farms’ crops quickly turned into a surplus he couldn’t sell. That is when he took to Facebook and put out a call […]


Trump declares meat supply ‘critical,’ aiming to reopen plants

While companies have been drawing on stockpiles of meat in cold storage, they have warned that supplies to supermarkets could soon dwindle as plants remain closed amid illnesses. Pressure has been mounting on the Trump administration to take action.


Are you paying extra for eggs? Lawsuits accuse producers of price gouging

With Americans cooking much more at home, demand has grown for eggs — to scramble, fry, bake or crack into any number of meals. But it will cost you. The tripling in price of a dozen regular eggs in many parts of the country — to an excess of $3 — has prompted various lawsuits […]


Here’s what golfers should know as Washington courses prepare to reopen after coronavirus shutdown

Any course planning to reopen must comply to guidelines developed by the governor's office. The most notable will be the limit of two people per group instead of threesomes or foursomes in groups. The only exception: If all the people are from the same household, a foursome is acceptable.


Early betting lines are out — Seattle favored in 11 games in 2020

Okay, so trying to predict what may happen in a full slate of NFL games — the first of which isn’t scheduled to kick off for at least four months — may seem like an exercise futility. Betting on any of those games may be even more of a foolish endeavor. But if you really […]


Big East thinking if campuses aren’t open sports is a no go

The presidents of the 11 members of the Big East Conference are leaning toward not allowing sports to be played at schools this season unless their campuses are open. Commissioner Val Ackerman disclosed the thinking of the presidents on Friday in a wide-ranging virtual interview with members of the media about the fallout on the […]


Big East thinking if campuses aren’t open sports is a no go

The presidents of the 11 members of the Big East Conference are leaning toward not allowing sports to be played at schools this season unless their campuses are open. Commissioner Val Ackerman disclosed the thinking of the presidents on Friday in a wide-ranging virtual interview with members of the media about the fallout on the […]


The next hurdle for Bernie Sanders: Nevada’s top union dislikes ‘Medicare for All’

LAS VEGAS — Sen. Bernie Sanders is a longtime supporter of “Medicare for All.” “I wrote the damn bill,” he said on a debate stage last summer, and his support for universal health care has helped propel him to the front of the 2020 Democratic field. But in Nevada, where the race heads next, his […]

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  • Nation & World Politics


Canadian Shares Tumble On Weak Manufacturing Data

The Canadian stock market was down sharply in negative territory at noon on Friday, as worries about the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic triggered widespread selling once again.


Canadian Shares Slightly Lower At Noon After Early Volatility

After a weak start and a subsequent rebound into positive territory, the Canadian stock market faltered and was marginally down at noon on Monday.


Canadian Shares Firmly In Positive Territory

The Canadian stock market was firmly in positive territory Monday noon after a steady start, as investors reacted to news about several countries relaxing shutdown restrictions and opening up some businesses.


Coronavirus Update: The U.S. Health Care Industry Is Challenged By The Pandemic

The health care sector has cut 1.4 million jobs in April. And as COVID-19 has consumed health care resources, other essential routine procedures — like screenings for strokes — have gone down.


Paris Suburbs Are Facing Social Disparities Under The Coronavirus Lockdown

The French are facing social disparities in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. With long bread lines and tensions with police, the Paris suburbs are faring poorly under the lockdown.


What Happened Today: Health Care System Crumbles, Testing Questions

Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, answers questions about access to testing for COVID-19, false-negative results and the challenges of mass testing.


What Recent College Graduates Are Going Through During The Pandemic

NPR's education reporter talks about what graduating seniors are going through right now as the colleges are closed due to the pandemic and answers their questions.


What Recent College Graduates Are Going Through During The Pandemic, Continued

NPR's education reporter talks about what graduating seniors are going through right now as the colleges are closed due to the pandemic and answers their questions.


Miljoenen jaren oude vulkaan ontdekt in Nederlands deel Noordzee

Er is een nieuwe vulkaan in Nederland ontdekt. Het gaat om een 150 miljoen jaar oude uitgedoofde vulkaan. Hij ligt 100 kilometer ten noordwesten van Texel, en is bij toeval door de Geologische Dienst Nederland gevonden. De nieuwe vulkaan is Mulciber genoemd, naar de Romeinse god van vuur en vulkanen. De diep begraven Mulciber werd herkend aan afwijkingen in de structuur van de ondergrond en het aardmagnetisch veld op die plek.

De vulkaan is de tweede van Nederland. Vijftig jaar geleden werd de eerste gevonden, in de Waddenzee. Daarnaast zijn er nog twee actieve vulkanen op Nederlands grondgebied, op de eilanden Saba en St. Eustatius. De Geologische Dienst, onderdeel van TNO, sluit niet uit dat er in de Noordzee nog meer uitgedoofde vulkanen zijn.

Mulciber werd ontdekt toen geologische gegevens van de Noordzee opnieuw werden geanalyseerd. TNO deed dit in opdracht van olie- en gasbedrijven, die op dit moment nog speuren naar aardgas in de bodem van de Noordzee.

Er zijn drie redenen waarom geconcludeerd is dat het om een vulkaan gaat, vertelt Michiel van der Meulen van de Geologische Dienst Nederland. Het eerste vermoeden ontstond door seismische gegevens.

"Door geluidsgolven de bodem in te sturen, maakt de weerkaatsing op grondlagen het mogelijk om de ondergrond in kaart te brengen. Door een nabijgelegen boring, die in de jaren 80 werd gedaan om te zoeken naar olie en gas, zijn vulkanische gesteenten gevonden. Omdat er ook nog een afwijking in het aardmagnetisch veld was, is geconcludeerd dat het hier om een vulkaan moet gaan."

Van der Meulen noemt het een spannende ontdekking. "Hoe vaak maak je nou mee in je carrière dat je een naam mag bedenken voor een vulkaan? De Noordzee en de geologische afzettingen erin lijken voor mij op het lezen van een spannend boek. Het grote verhaal denken we nu wel te kennen. Maar als je het herleest, worden personages en verhaallijnen steeds duidelijker. Deze ontdekking draagt dus bij aan de algemene kennis die er is over onze leefomgeving."

Noordzee vulkanisch gebied

De onderzoekers sluiten overigens uit dat de Mulciber opnieuw actief kan worden. "De omstandigheden die toen tot de vorming van de vulkaan leidden, zijn er eenvoudigweg niet meer."

Dat er in de Noordzee vulkanische activiteit is geweest, was al langer bekend. De vulkaan Mulciber was actief tijdens het opbreken van het supercontinent Pangea, waardoor uiteindelijk het noordelijk deel van de Atlantische Oceaan werd gevormd tussen Europa en Amerika.

Volgens Van der Meulen is het niet uniek dat er oud materiaal van een boring uit de jaren 80 bewaard is gebleven. Het Kernhuis in Zeist bevat nog gesteentemonsters van zesduizend van dit soort oude boringen in de diepe ondergrond. Een ware schat aan gegevens, zegt hij.

Grote waarde voor verduurzaming

"Als een bedrijf zo'n boring uitvoert, waarvoor een vergunning nodig is, leveren ze gegevens en monsters aan ons. Die zijn eerst geheim, maar na een paar jaar maken we de informatie openbaar. Als je al deze boringen opnieuw zou moeten doen, zou het tientallen miljarden euro's kosten."

De oude gegevens zijn van enorme waarde voor de verduurzaming van onze energievoorziening, zegt Van der Meulen, "We kunnen de gegevens die in het verleden zijn verzameld voor de olie- en gaswinning opnieuw gebruiken voor studies naar geothermie, energieopslag of CO2-opslag." Ook kan er mee worden gezocht naar aardgas in nieuwe kleinere gasvelden.

"Het energieonderzoek van TNO richt zich tegenwoordig op duurzame energiebronnen. Maar voor we hiermee in Nederland aan de behoefte kunnen voorzien, hebben we nog gas nodig. Nu de aardgaswinning in Groningen wordt afgebouwd, wordt er met name nog gas gewonnen op de Noordzee. In dat kader zijn we daar af en toe nog bij betrokken, om informatie te leveren."


Met deze maatregelen kunnen middelbare scholieren straks weer naar school

Als 2 juni de middelbare scholen in Nederland weer opengaan, gaan die er heel anders uitzien. Deze week kwamen de VO-Raad en de onderwijsbonden met een protocol over de 'anderhalvemeterschool'. Het advies: gespreid naar school, anderhalve meter afstand en een dichte kantine.

NOS Stories dook in het protocol om uit te zoeken hoe zo'n middelbare school in coronatijden er dan precies uit gaat zien. In de video hieronder zie je hoe honderdduizenden middelbare scholieren over een paar weken weer naar school gaan - en wat de leerlingen daar eigenlijk zélf van vinden.


Even though we have to wear blue, we are proud Buckeyes ❤️O-H-I-O ❤️

ICU crew from Cincy-Dayton area working hard during COVID-19. Even though we have to wear blue, we are proud Buckeyes ❤️O-H-I-O ❤️


Stock Alert: Pluristem Shares Up 24% In Premarket On FDA Clearance News

Shares of Pluristem Therapeutics Inc. (PSTI) are rising over 24% in pre-market today, after the company announced that the U.S. FDA has cleared the company's Investigational New Drug or IND application for a Phase II study of its PLX cells in the treatment of severe COVID-19 cases complicated by Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome or ARDS.


Stock Alert: Ubiquiti Shares Up 13% In Premarket On Upbeat Q3

Shares of Ubiquiti (UI) are rising over 13% in pre-market today, following the company's better-than-expected Q3 results.


Stock Alert: Fortress Biotech Shares Up 17% In Premarket

Shares of Fortress Biotech Inc. (FBIO) are rising over 17% in pre-market today, after the company announced that its partner company Oncogenuity Inc. has entered into an exclusive worldwide licensing agreement with Columbia University to develop novel oligonucleotides for the treatment of genetically driven cancers.


Stock Alert: Mesoblast Shares Jump 67% In Premarket

Shares of Mesoblast Ltd. (MESO) are soaring over 67% in pre-market today, after the company announced 83% survival in ventilator-dependent COVID-19 patients with moderate/severe acute respiratory distress syndrome or ARDS treated during the period March-April 2020 with two intravenous infusions of Mesoblast's allogeneic mesenchymal stem cell product candidate remestemcel-L within the first five days.


Stock Alert: Eltek Shares Up 20% On Q4 Results

Shares of Eltek Ltd. (ELTK) are rising over 20% in pre-market today, after the company reported stellar Q4 results.


Stock Alert: Arcturus Shares Up 15% In Premarket

Shares of Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (ARCT) are rising above 15% in pre-market today, after the company reported positive immunogenicity data from its preclinical study for its COVID-19 Vaccine. These data for LUNAR-COV19 were measured by Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore.


Stock Alert: Biomerica Shares Soar 28% In Premarket

Shares of Biomerica Inc. (BMRA) are surging over 28% in pre-market today, after the company announced that it has received a CE mark and launched a new high-volume production version of its COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test (a finger prick blood test with results in 10 minutes, that can be performed by trained professionals anywhere) being sold in countries outside the US.


Stock Alert: Fluidigm Shares Surge 13% In Premarket

Shares of Fluidigm Corp. (FLDM) are soaring over 13% in pre-market today, after the company announced that OU Medicine, the University of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation or OMRF intend to utilize Fluidigm microfluidics technology and certain reagents to test individuals for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19.


Stock Alert: Enzo Biochem Shares Jump 28% In Early Trading

Shares of Enzo Biochem Inc. (ENZ) are rising over 28% in pre-market today, after the company announced its Comprehensive COVID-19 Program incorporating its molecular diagnostic virus screening products, detection for immunity through IgG/IgM serological ELISA products, detection of inflammation on Enzo's ELISA platform, and a promising proprietary drug candidate (SK1-I).