
Best Prime Day Deals for Podcasters 2023

Happy Amazon Prime Day! Here are the best deals we've found for podcasters. These prices are good for only July 11–12, 2023—or maybe even more limited than that! Most of the following deals are available exclusively to Amazon Prime members. Prime Day is over, but the following deals are still available as of 11:15 am...

The post Best Prime Day Deals for Podcasters 2023 first appeared on The Audacity to Podcast.


Best Podcast Hosting Providers (2024)

Get the latest top recommendations for the best podcast-hosting providers, whether you're just starting or you're wanting to upgrade your podcasting tools!

The post Best Podcast Hosting Providers (2024) first appeared on The Audacity to Podcast.


8 Things You Should Check in Apple Podcasts Connect

Apple provides a portal for you to submit and manage your own podcast called Podcasts Connect. I suggest you check these 8 things right away!

The post 8 Things You Should Check in Apple Podcasts Connect first appeared on The Audacity to Podcast.


11 Warnings about Using AI in Content-Creation (including podcasting)

AI has rapidly advanced for content creation. But should you actually trust it? With this potential comes some crucial warnings for using AI in podcasting.

The post 11 Warnings about Using AI in Content-Creation (including podcasting) first appeared on The Audacity to Podcast.


6 Cautions When Using Redirects in Podcasting (plus best practices)

Redirects come in multiple types. When misused, they can cause some major problems, as even happened to me recently. Here are some warnings to watch for whenever you use redirects.

The post 6 Cautions When Using Redirects in Podcasting (plus best practices) first appeared on The Audacity to Podcast.


Worldwide Airplay & Promotion on #1 Award-Winning Women of Substance Radio Podcast

Award-winning Women of Substance Radio celebrates talented female performers of every genre with great songs. The music we feature is vocally excellent, has depth of character and emotion, and has lyrics that leave a lasting impression. WOS Radio has been around for 10 years and has become the trusted source for quality music by female artists in all genres for both listeners and Industry pros.

Our #1 New & Noteworthy Podcast can be heard on iTunes, YouTube, Tunein, Stitcher and many more popular platforms every 3-4 times per week.. Heard by over 10,000 monthly listeners and promoted to our social media base of over 60,000, the show is nearing 300,000 downloads and is continuing to grow. The Podcast features all Indie artists including interesting tidbits about the artists and the songs. Check it out at www.wospodcast.com or on iTunes or the Mobile Podcast App for Apple devices. Visit our website for more info at www.wosradio.com

We have many outlets available for promoting our Indies like you including our Video Blog and in-show advertising spots. Visit our website to find out more: www.WOSRadio.com

We are taking song submissions from quality Independent Artists in all genres so submit your music today for consideration.

Female artists, female fronted bands or female vocalists only please.

Please note that we are using the song to opportunity match (S2O). If you are a male performer and the song matched yours it is because it sounded like the seed songs but it can not match by gender.


176: Low-Key Podcast

Jessamyn and I managed to stumble our way into and through a podcast despite both having the needle pegged hard to E this afternoon, and here is recorded evidence of that fact, at about 75 minutes.

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- Jessamyn is still cleaning out her mom's house.
- like seriously that's a lot of books
- Also, it is Virgo month of leisure, which seems fair, he works really hard in his movies and—oh, I'm being told that Viggo
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge is not Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and, by the commutative property, vice versa

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- Come as you are? Nevermind by girlmightlive
- Hot coffee + brandy + tranquilizers + turpentine = Houses of the Holy by jessamyn
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Ask MetaFilter
- Can anyone identify this song? by marimeko
- Music copyright and TV licensing by soonertbone
- 2020 Olympics Best-Of, No Spoilers Edition by exceptinsects
- Cashing old checks by Anonymous
- Is the concern over vegetarians getting enough protein overblown? by rjacobs
- Commonly taught facts/trivia that are oversimplifications by Seeking Direction
- a comment by backseatpilot
- 1883 House - Money Pit? by imjustsaying

- August is MetaFilter fundraising month by cortex
- Hey, it's a MetaFilter newsletter! by cortex
- Call Me By My Name: Mefi Newsletter 2, the Denominated by taz


Fundraiser: AMA Podcast

As part of the events for this year's fundraising we'll have an Ask the Mods Anything Podcast. Drop any burning questions you have below we'll have them answered with an especial podcast.

If you want to know more about the ins and outs of the MeFi team, their philosophy, want to know more about them as humans, or have any burning questions about anything else; you've come to the right place! Just drop your questions here (questions can be anonymous) and wait for the next post to vote for and decide which questions get to be asked during a podcast with Jessamyn and myself. Now, let's take a minute to talk about the fundraiser. You can read more about it and ask any questions you have in this month's update, but so far, we have raised 17% and 8% of our original goals in one time contributions and new subscriptions respectively. Why do we have a Fundraiser? Our community is mostly run by member contributions that help us pay for web hosting, moderators, web developers, and initiatives like rebuilding the website and the work of the BIPOC Board; and, while the site's finances are stable, we want to give better resources to the MetaFilter Community Foundation to help them achieve the goal of becoming a truly member-driven community. How can I help with the fundraiser?Sign up for a subscription that will give you early access to test the new MeFi Website. – Spread the voice and contribute to our GoFundMe Campaign.You can invite your friends to join our community.


En la Macarena el vacío de poder no se ha reemplazado: Sandra

Sandra Borda habla sobre la problematica ambiental en la Macarena


El vacío de poder genera estructuras criminales: Uribe

Miguel Uribe habla sobre la problematica ambiental en la Macarena


Paz total, ¿hay choque de trenes entre los poderes del Estado?

Panelistas creen que los hechos de los últimos días no representan un choque, por el contrario, creen que muestra el funcionamiento del Estado. Les preocupa panorama en FFMM.


¿Qué viene para el gobierno Petro tras cumplir un año en el poder?

Panelistas consideran que el primer año ha sido de turbulencia, consideran que el segundo deberá ser el de la ejecución


Vigencias y servicios públicos, ¿búsqueda de superpoderes del Presidente?

Panelistas consideran que hay excesiva desconfianza del gobierno con el sector privado, otros consideran que el gobierno solo busca materializar la propuesta de cambio.


¿Qué esperar de la migración en América Latina con la llegada de Donald Trump al poder?

 Analistas consideran que la situación migratoria es lo suficientemente crítica, un panorama que podría empeorar si se llegan a materializar las propuestas de campaña de Donald Trump.


¿Podemos transmitir la hepatitis?

¿Podemos transmitir la hepatitis?


Descubre el poder que tiene amarte y ser tú mismo.

Descubre el poder que tiene amarte y ser tú mismo


El poder de la mente como causa del éxito.

El poder de la mente como causa del éxito.


La música y su poder para sanar.

La música y su poder para sanar.


Saber procesar un duelo es poder volvernos más sabios y entender la vida.

Saber procesar un duelo es poder volvernos más sabios y entender la vida.




¿Qué es ser un gran líder?: El poder que lleva cada persona


Conectarse con la vida y el poder de sanar


¿Qué es la lipodistrofia y cómo reconocer sus síntomas?


Militares activos y retirados, miembros de una banda de narcotráfico: ¿manzanas podridas?


Alias Otoniel no entrará a la JEP pero se podrá dilatar su extradición, ¿Choque JEP - Corte Suprema?


Personaje del día de Melquisedec Torres: Alias Otoniel no entrará a la JEP pero se podrá dilatar su extradición, ¿Choque JEP - Corte Suprema


Carlos Palacino, el expoderoso de Saludcoop, condenado por corrupción ¿Qué hizo?


Suspensión canciller, siguen los incendios y el poder preocupa

Escuche el programa de este miércoles 24 de enero. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que acompaña por más de 30 años a sus oyentes en su regreso a casa.


Intervención a Sanitas, ollas podridas y todo lo quiere administrar el gobierno

Escuche el programa de este miércoles 4 de abril. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa


Gobierno se quiere apoderar de las marchas y optimista con el día del trabajo

Escuche el programa de este martes 30 de abril. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.


Equilibrio de poderes, congreso y ministerio de la igualdad y apoyos en pasadas campañas políticas

Escuche el programa de este jueves 9 de mayo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.


“No podíamos girar un cheque en blanco por 12 billones de pesos”: Cepeda sobre Tributaria

El presidente del Senado, Efraín Cepeda, estuvo en los micrófonos de Sin Anestesia abordó su visión sobre las reformas que busca aprobar el Gobierno de Gustavo Petro.


“Esta lucha ha sido un proceso de empoderamiento de latinos”: Vicky Álvares


No podemos hablar el lenguaje de la Alcaldía: Muñoz de TeleMedellín


"Nos dimos el primer beso cuando ya no podíamos más": la historia de amor de un matrimonio de exclérigos


"Las personas solteras en Colombia podemos adoptar": Padre monoparental