
Shipping emissions can lead to high local ocean acidification

Strong acids formed from shipping emissions can produce seasonal ‘hot spots’ of ocean acidification, a recent study finds. These hot spots, in ocean areas close to busy shipping lanes, could have negative effects on local marine ecology and commercially farmed seafood species.


Waters acidified by air pollution have recovered as predicted

Back in 1999, a group of scientists predicted how changing air pollution levels would affect the acidity of lakes and rivers in Europe in 2010 using a computer model. A follow up study has now gathered actual measurements of these waters to see if the predictions came true. The observations show that most of the rivers and lakes did recover from acidification, as forecast by the model, and demonstrate the model’s value in predicting future water chemistry, the authors say.


Subway stations with platform sliding doors and good ventilation reduce passengers’ exposure to PM2.5

Underground trains are among the most widely used public transport systems in cities worldwide. A study investigating the chemical composition and source of particles in Barcelona subway stations found that a new station design, with sliding doors that separate the platform from the tunnel and good ventilation, reduced the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) by over 50% compared with older station designs.


Legislation for idiots: State caps on high gas prices

No, a state senator cannot single-handedly take down Big Oil. That only happens in Frank Capra movies. In real life, the petroleum giants always get their way.


Mummy found hiding inside ancient Buddha statue

A Chinese statue of a Buddha has revealed a hidden surprise: The mummified remains of a monk who lived nearly 1,000 years ago.

  • Research & Innovations


The ancient tomb of Santa Claus may be hiding under a Turkish church

Archaeologists conducting digital surveys below the surface of St. Nicholas Church have discovered an untouched temple.

  • Arts & Culture


Electric car hype hiding a quiet revolution

Carmakers have been quietly delivering significant cuts in CO2 emissions with technology advances, weight reduction and aerodynamic improvements.


A lipstick-lover's guide to avoiding Red Dye #40

How I learned to find products that don't contain this common additive.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


New Zealand surfer survives tsunami by riding giant wave

A student and his fellow surfers used their skills to ride the giant waves to safety after a deadly tsunami struck Samoa.


Tsunamiball: A handcrafted wooden vessel for riding out unlikely disasters

Meet Chris Robinson, an average California dad who just happens to be constructing a 22-foot-long tsunami escape pod out of plywood in his backyard.

  • Remodeling & Design


Dutch prefabs pretty-up vacants lots while providing housing for priced-out Gen Y'ers

Sleek, slender and topped with solar panels, Heijmans ONE is a rental unit that addresses the dearth of affordable housing options for young professionals.

  • Remodeling & Design


A massive impact crater has been hiding under Greenland's ice sheet

Located under the Hiawatha Glacier, the impact crater is one of the largest on Earth.


Study: Ocean acidification disrupts food web

As acidic seawater forces shellfish to grow thinner shells, scientists warn of a ripple effect that could alter marine ecosystems around the planet.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Watch: President Obama on ending oil subsidies

President Obama calls on Congress to end the oil industry subsidies.

  • Sustainable Business Practices


Riding for renewables: Why I'm pedaling 120 miles on an electric bike to deliver a petition to Maine's governor

I’m making this trek to ask Maine Gov. Paul LePage to lead, follow, or get out of the way of clean energy development.


Do you need a humidifier or dehumidifier?

Your health is influence by the humidity of your home so pick the right machine for your home and your needs.


A frozen river of poo is sliding down Denali

As much as 66 metric tons of human excrement from visitors to Alaska's Denali National Park could soon be released into the pristine Alaskan coast.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Artificial intelligence meets real stupidity (and guess who wins?)

A Microsoft experiment goes awry in short order as Tay runs straight into Godwin's Law.

  • Research & Innovations


How humidity can damage your home

Humidity doesn’t just make you uncomfortable. It also causes problems and health hazards at every level of the home. Here is a bottom-to-top summary of some o


How to naturally humidify your home

To moisten the air in your abode, grab some plants, put out some dishes of water, and get cooking. Here are some alternatives to an electric humidifier.


It's a ridiculous day in the neighborhood

Social drama unfolds on the social networking site Nextdoor.


How to retire ridiculously early

Want to be financially independent and retire early? Try this extreme saving plan called the FIRE movement.


Hubble snaps amazing of Mars with Siding Spring

The famed Hubble Space Telescope has captured a jaw-dropping view of a comet making an incredibly close flyby of Mars.


Cardborigami: Providing shelter, restoring dignity with cardboard

Cardborigami's clever folding shelters offer the displaced a surprisingly sturdy alternative to tents.

  • Remodeling & Design


Washington Post editorial: End ethanol subsidies

The latest assault on ethanol subsidies comes from one of the nation's leading newspapers.


German reporter to Sen. Inhofe: 'You're ridiculous'

Climate change denier and Republican senator Jim Inhofe was given a cool reception by the foreign press corp when he hit Copenhagen last week.


Ocean acidification may be fastest in 300 million years

The world's oceans are turning acidic even more rapidly than during a monster emission of planet-warming carbon 56 million years ago.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Bluetooth paper airplane kit is ridiculously awesome

Flying paper airplanes has never been this fun.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


Let's make a resolution to get rid of these ridiculous, messed-up measurements

Everything from the way we tell time to the way we measure things and plug in our phones is screwed up.

  • Research & Innovations


Comparing MyPlate to farm subsidies

If the USDA says that vegetables and fruits should make up half of our diets, why does less than 1 percent of its food subsidies go to farmers who grow produce?


This rescued bat can't stuff quite enough banana into those ridiculous cheeks

Before she flew back into the wild, Miss Alicia the bat met a fruit and fell in love.


The right's fight to kill EV subsidies (and the Chevy Volt)

It's political. The mantra is that electric cars shouldn't be government-subsidized, but some of the same critics of these programs have no problem with billion


Higher humidity lowers flu transmission

One reason flu transmission is thought to be lower during the summer months is because of the high humidity.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


What is ocean acidification, and why does it matter?

Carbon dioxide emissions are making the ocean more acidic. The lower pH level inhibits the ability of many marine plants and animals to build their shells and s

  • Climate & Weather


Riding while tall: A custom bike story

Professional volleyball player Colleen Smith will be traveling greener during her season with the help of biodiesel, a good tent, and a bike custom built by Tre

  • Wilderness & Resources


MHI Launches Full-scale Operations at New Subsidiary in Jakarta, Indonesia<br>-- New Subsidiary Will Ramp Up Sales and Services for Social Infrastructure Projects in Indonesia --

・ PT. MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES INDONESIA will strengthen functions of previous Jakarta liaison office ・ Enhanced status will boost MHI's presence in Indonesia


Tiny dragonfly species crushes long-distance migration record by riding high-altitude winds

Genetic tests are showing that individuals from Texas might breed with individuals from Japan or South America.


Gefion meets €5m liquidity deadline

The Danish provider has complied with the order from a regulator to have liquid assets of at least €5m by the end of 2019, after further investment from shareholders.


A relative of one of the most famous trees of all time is hiding in plain sight

A descendant of the Newton Tree lives a private, unassuming life in California.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Humidity Sensor, Temperature/Humidity Sensor

Detect Humidity within an Accuracy of ±3% in a Compact Body. Controller Set Provides Superior Humidity Control and Temperature/ Humidity Control.(ES2-HB-N / THB-N)


SEO- 9 Ridiculously Easy Steps to the Top 10

Search Engine Optimization companies are making a fortune by doing the menial work that is overlooked by many designers. It is ridiculously easy to do most of the work done by most SEO companies, all you have to do is create good habits.


Avoiding the Creative Crimes of the Century

One of the positive things criminals have done, if I may say so, is add "creative" terms to our vocabulary. It always amazes me how intelligent and creative criminals can be! - Always one step ahead of their next victim, and ultimately, the law!


Guiding Principles

Helping employees get answers to their personal health benefits questions is a common responsibility for benefit administrators (BAs). Many employees turn to their company's benefit administrator for assistance because they feel the BA is in a better position to get accurate and timely information from the health insurance carrier. However, there are rules and restrictions that govern how BAs can obtain specific health information for employees.


For men: how to break the insidious cycle of relationship failure

It takes a long time to build a relationship. But it does not take long to destroy it.


How can women break the insidious cycle of relationship failure

Nothing is more traumatic than seeing a relationship falling apart. It breeds suspicion, distrust and distance.


Building Community While Building a Global Brand: Heidi Clarke of The Sandals Foundation on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]

Sandals Foundation Director of Programs Heidi Clarke opens up about Sandals' work in the community, why every business should give back, and how the resort chain makes it easy for vacationers to get involved.


Tree Trimming Los Angeles Company, CP & Sons Tree Service, Is Known For Providing Outstanding Services

Tree trimming Los Angeles experts, CP & Sons Tree Service have received the recognition of their community for providing outstanding services.


Mantra Softech's Fingerprint Scanners Utilized for Providing Rohingya Refugee Certification

Government of India used Mantra Softech's fingerprint scanner to collect biometric data of Rohingyas Refugees and provide refugee certification.


Floridians Prepare for Peak 2018 Hurricane Season

Ged Lawyers, LLP, Premier South Florida Disaster Recovery Firm Recovers Maximum Compensation for Hurricane Victims