
Import Your WordPress Site to — Including Themes and Plugins

It’s been possible to export your posts, images, and other content to an export file, and then transfer this content into another WordPress site since the early days of WordPress. This basic WordPress import moved content, but didn’t include other important stuff like themes, plugins, users, or settings. Your imported …


Bermuda Themed Christmas Facebook Covers

As the island prepares to start getting into the Christmas spirit, you can e-join in by using these Bermuda-themed Christmas Facebook and Twitter covers, as well as mobile phone wallpapers that turn your social media profile and mobile device into a showcase of both Christmas cheer and island pride! Part of the Bernews network, […]

(Click to read the full article)


Bermuda Themed New Year Facebook Covers

Celebrate the New Year with a Bermudian vibe by using these Bermuda-themed New Year’s Facebook and Twitter covers, as well as mobile phone wallpapers that turn your social media profile and mobile device into a showcase of both New Year’s celebration and island pride! Part of the Bernews network, offers a wide array of […]

(Click to read the full article)


6/30/19 - Jokes on them though


Stop Throwing Away Those Little Silica Gel Packets! You and the Kids Can Use Them a Ton of Clever Ways

Parents, kids: Fear not the silica gel pack. Sure it says DO NOT EAT and THROW AWAY. But you should only follow one of those rules.    Instead, save the packs and use them a whole lot of ways: Place them on the car dashboard by the windshield to keep it from fogging up.   […]


MacRumors Giveaway: Win an Apple-Themed Plush Pillow From Throwboy

For this week's giveaway, we've once again teamed up with Throwboy to offer MacRumors readers a chance to win one of Throwboy's plushes modeled after classic Apple products and icons.

Throwboy makes a whole range of different plush pillow options priced at $30 to $40, with each one designed to look like an Apple product of some kind, including classic Macs, the iPod, the iPhone, and more. Each pillow features detailed embroidery and careful construction to highlight each component and to accurately represent Apple's designs.

The 1998 pillow, for example, is modeled after Apple's original iMac with its bright Bondi Blue design, while the 2001 pillow modeled after the original iPod comes complete with a screen and click wheel embroidery.

The 2007 pillow looks like the original ‌iPhone‌ with black bezels and a silver backing, and the Icon Pillow looks like Apple's classic happy Finder icon.

There's even a rainbow-colored Spinning Wheel Pillow that's designed to look like the dreaded spinning pinwheel that the cursor morphs into when an application is busy.

All of Throwboy's plushes are soft, squishy, huggable, and the perfect accent piece for an Apple fan. Each pillow is the ideal size to be used as a comfortable throw pillow for a couch or a chair. Photos of the pillows in action can be seen on Throwboy's Instagram account.

We have 10 of Throwboy's pillows to give away to MacRumors readers, and each winner will be able to pick their favorite pillow: ‌iMac‌, iPod, classic ‌iPhone‌, Finder Icon, or Spinning Wheel.

To enter to win our ‌giveaway‌, use the widget below and enter an email address. Email addresses will be used solely for contact purposes to reach the winners and send the prizes. You can earn additional entries by subscribing to our weekly newsletter, subscribing to our YouTube channel, following us on Twitter, following us on Instagram, or visiting the MacRumors Facebook page.

Due to the complexities of international laws regarding giveaways, only U.S. residents who are 18 years or older and Canadian residents (excluding Quebec) who have reached the age of majority in their province or territory are eligible to enter. To offer feedback or get more information on the ‌giveaway‌ restrictions, please refer to our Site Feedback section, as that is where discussion of the rules will be redirected.

Throwboy Giveaway
The contest will run from today (May 8) at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time through 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time on May 15. The winners will be chosen randomly on May 15 and will be contacted by email. The winners will have 48 hours to respond and provide a shipping address before new winners are chosen.
This article, "MacRumors Giveaway: Win an Apple-Themed Plush Pillow From Throwboy" first appeared on

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Hillary Clinton and the corporate Democrats lost because Donald Trump ran to their left and outflanked them so don’t blame Jill Stein or sexism or racism. Video and transcript.

There's got to be a reason for the Democrats to suppose to exist. And the reason the Democrats are supposed to exist is to be an opposition party to the Republicans. If you're in bed with the same people, taking money from the same people, you're no longer an opposition party. There's no reason for you to exist. And guess what? Don't be surprised that people don't vote for you. Continue reading


Thema new OnA style




Analysis and applications: The mathematical work of Elias Stein

Just a short note that the memorial article “Analysis and applications: The mathematical work of Elias Stein” has just been published in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society.  This article was a collective effort led by Charlie Fefferman, Alex Ionescu, Steve Wainger and myself to describe the various mathematical contributions of Elias Stein, who […]


2019-2020 Novel Coronavirus outbreak: mathematics of epidemics, and what it can and cannot tell us (Nicolas Jewell)

At the most recent MSRI board of trustees meeting on Mar 7 (conducted online, naturally), Nicolas Jewell (a Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics at Berkeley, also affiliated with the Berkeley School of Public Health and the London School of Health and Tropical Disease), gave a presentation on the current coronavirus epidemic entitled “2019-2020 Novel Coronavirus […]


Mathematics Seminars List

My student, Jaume de Dios, has set up a web site to collect upcoming mathematics seminars from any institution that are open online.  (For instance, it has a talk that I will be giving in an hour.)   There is a form for adding further talks to the site; please feel free to contribute (or make […]


“The Most Physically Grueling of Them All”: Mark Hamill on Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

The actor behind Luke Skywalker takes on a journey through filming the Star Wars sequel in time for the 40th anniversary of its release.


Infolinks Wants You To Spam For Them (blog post

I recently received an email from Infolinks a contextual affiliate advertiser. It seems they want to expand their service and get more blogs and websites using their service. Now I have no problem with this and have found their services pretty good overall. However how they want to expand is by getting you to spam comments for them.


Heat Maps What About Them And Where To Get Them

It doesn’t matter what website you’re looking at, every site online has something that naturally catches your attention. It could be a picture, a graphic, a video, there will be something that naturally stands out and gets your attention. If you’re looking at turning your website into a source of revenue you want your ads or products displayed in such a way that they grab your visitor’s attention. There are two ways you can go about doing this, the wrong way which is to force your ads on people which will drive them away from your site. Or using heat maps to attract your visitors to them without forcing them..........


Don’t be shallow. A tale of subsurface microplastics and the processes that transport them.

One thing you should know about me is that I am from New York and I am half Italian. That means when I like something,…


Disney Fans, There’s a Theme Park Version of Monopoly—And It’s Available Now

Its the perfect antidote to quarantine boredom.


#135: Let Them Eat Cake


#146: Set Them All Free


#263: Fantastic Beasts and When We Saw Them

Fantastic Beasts is finally here! PotterCast meets to discuss the new film, our first chapter time turning into a mysterious era in J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World.

Episode 263 — Fantastic Beasts and When we Saw Them

Find the latest episode and explore PotterCast interviews, discussions and more at

Visit for the latest and greatest from Harry Potter's Wizarding World.


“I Sent Them”

Clusterfuck Nation For your reading pleasure Mondays and Fridays Support this blog by visiting Jim’s Patreon Page “Our utter incompetence actually helps us,” declared Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI Peter Strzok to his confidante (10,000 text messages) and paramour, FBI attorney Lisa Page, when he discovered on January 4, 2017, that the agency had omitted more »

The post “I Sent Them” appeared first on Kunstler.

  • Clusterfuck Nation – Blog


FF7 Remake Theme Song и другие финалочные новости января

Скваря представила главную тему ремейка семёрки трейлером, который спойлерит ну совсем всё. Я даже не знаю, осталось ли что-то в качестве сюрприза или уже нет.

Тем не менее, всё до сих пор смотрится хорошо. Все изменения и дополнения выглядят органично и логично. Удивительно, но претензий всё ещё нет.

Ладно, песня мне не нравится.

Уэмацу, меж тем, написал только заглавный трек, а остальное - Хамаудзу (10, DoC, 13, 13-2, 13-3, World) и Судзуки (13-2, 13-3, Mobius). Исимото не могли позвать?

Тем временем Номура продолжает кормить нас Версусом: в длс к кх3 Ёзора, который практически Ноктис, - не просто босс, а главный герой концовки. Которая выглядит как тот самый трейлер Версуса.

Мне после финала кх3 немного пофиг на то, что там происходит, но насколько же забавно видеть, как Номура цепляется за свои нереализованные фантазии, и то, как ему в рамках кх позволяют творить вообще всё, что угодно.

Ну и последнее важное: Мёбиус закрывается. Туда ему и дорога, он был куском говна. Одно беспокоит: раньше на Мёбиус уходило внимание Китасе и Ториямы - как бы оно сейчас не распылилось на что-то ещё.


Xbox One X (as-is condition, console only FOR REPAIR, PARTS ONLY NOT NEW IN BOX, YOU MIGHT NEED TO FIX THEM understood? NOTNEW) $139.99 (Ebay seller)


YMMV obviously--I ordered two of these a month ago and they have been running fine for me.  All I had to do was reinstall the newest system update and they have both been fine with no issues.  One system's issue noted was "freezes" and the other was "no video". 


It says he has only 2 in stock, but I bought two a while back and the listing has remained active for the entire time with stock available, so he probably leaves the number low to keep demand going. This is probably a bulk buyer who doesn't extensively troubleshoot the systems.  I am not affiliated with the seller.  Cosmetically, the systems are nice enough to trade in without taking a refurb fee when stores re-open for business.


COVID-Themed Lures Target SCADA Sectors With Data Stealing Malware

A new malware campaign has been found using coronavirus-themed lures to strike government and energy sectors in Azerbaijan with remote access trojans (RAT) capable of exfiltrating sensitive documents, keystrokes, passwords, and even images from the webcam. The targeted attacks employ Microsoft Word documents as droppers to deploy a previously unknown Python-based RAT dubbed "PoetRAT" due to


Hackers Trick 3 British Private Equity Firms Into Sending Them $1.3 Million

In a recent highly targeted BEC attack, hackers managed to trick three British private equity firms into wire-transferring a total of $1.3 million to the bank accounts fraudsters have access to — while the victimized executives thought they closed an investment deal with some startups. According to the cybersecurity firm Check Point, who shared its latest investigation with The Hacker News,


The Dumbest Ways Plots Accidentally Spoiled Themselves

By Maxwell Yezpitelok  Published: May 07th, 2020 


Prepaid Legal Leads - 3 Easy Steps to Generate an Absolute Abundance of Them

Generating Prepaid Legal Leads can be difficult right? How about frustrating? Or how about all the above! Well, you are not the only one who may find it hard my friend. If you know how to harness the power of the internet and how to position yourself right you will generate more Prepaid Legal Leads than you can handle. In fact I am going to give you 3 easy steps to follow to truly prosper.


Vemma Nutrition Program - 3 Mistakes Brand Partners Make and How to Solve Them!

Have you tried the conventional route to building your Vemma Nutrition Program already? Friends and family? Three foot rule? Business cards? Shopping malls? Lets face it the list goes on. If you truly want to generate more leads than you can handle, or what I call an abundance of leads for your Vemma Nutrition Program then you need to listen very closely and take notes I am going to expose 3 big mistakes you are making.


I Want to Hurt Them Myself

  • Blame
  • incident investigation training
  • latent cause analysis training
  • punishment
  • root cause analysis training


Theme restaurants or bars Japanese wish to visit

No words, just a map: OK, a few words; goo Ranking looked at what theme restaurants or bars Japanese might want to visit. Some of these restaurants are also popular with tourists and foreign residents, so perhaps you can find a new favourite in the list? Also note that some of the places have other […]


I love them both about as much as they love each other. We were...

I love them both about as much as they love each other. We were extraordinarily lucky with this generation of cat friends.


Switched theme to fix Google Search Console errors

I switched my theme to fix Google Search Console errors. It complained that I had pages and posts with breadcrumb issues, and switching the theme was the easiest way to fix it. You can understand the importance of Breadcrumbs in this article.  If you don’t fix these errors, then your site is less likely to […]


New mathematical model can more effectively track epidemics

As COVID-19 spreads worldwide, leaders are relying on mathematical models to make public health and economic decisions. A new model developed by Princeton and Carnegie Mellon researchers improves tracking of epidemics by accounting for mutations in diseases. Now, the researchers are working to apply their model to allow leaders to evaluate the effects of countermeasures to epidemics before they deploy them.


Disney profits plunge due to theme park closures and cruise cancellations

Shanghai Disneyland to reopen on Monday - but guests must wear masks


Tell them you cleaned up monkey poo...

Three weeks into our stint at Monkeyland. times are good sometimes too much spare time the volunteer house is very basic... and as sad as it sounds sometimes it is just nice to sit back and watch mindless or mindful TV. We keep ourselves busy though


Jean Norman: Why we can’t call them Generation Z anymore


Plans for a Wu-Tang Clan theme park in Seoul

Jimmy S. Kang opens his laptop and shows the Wu-Tang theme park that he is negotiating in Seoul, which has special relevance to him as his family emigrated from South Korea when he was 4 years old.


Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez says coronavirus crisis has shifted his focus to releasing inmates, rather than locking them up

The fourth-year DA told the Daily News in an interview that his focus has shifted dramatically during the crisis, as trials and grand juries have been put on hold across the state.


Regents are cancelled, but students still have to pass the courses attached to them

Students normally must pass five of the end-of-course exams to graduate from state high schools, but officials scrapped the exams Monday amid statewide school closures triggered by the coronavirus outbreak.


This time, with feeling: Robots with emotional intelligence are on the way. Are we ready for them?

Researchers are developing robots that use AI to read emotions and social cues, making them better at interacting with humans. Are they a solution to labor shortages in fields like health care and education, a threat to human workers, or both?


How kiwi plants’ Shy Girls and Friendly Boys helped them evolve separate sexes

These two genes are all it takes to determine the sex of a kiwifruit.


Scientists are about to lock themselves into an Arctic ice floe for a year

In the largest Arctic expedition yet, researchers will gather as much data as they can on the fading ice—and climate change.


Editorial: Caltrans is sitting on vacant houses during a pandemic? Put homeless families in them immediately

Amid a public health emergency, it's unconscionable for California to allow dozens of state-owned homes to stay empty.


Editorial: Enjoying the clean air? Trump weakens car emissions standards just when we need them the most

It's especially galling that the Trump Administration chooses this very moment, in a pandemic, to rollback car emission standards.


Op-Ed: Angelenos love their suburban sprawl. The coronavirus proves them right

Housing patterns and transit modes could turn out to be decisive factors in why some cities were better able to fend off spread of the coronavirus.


Tyra Banks' modeling theme park, ModelLand, is finally opening in Santa Monica

A decade in the making, Tyra Banks' modeling utopia, ModelLand, 'will emulate a fantasy version of the modeling world.' The park opens in Santa Monica in May.


Disability laws finally gave them an education. School-from-home threatens to make that impossible

Schools have been told they must provide equal learning opportunities to students with disabilities, but the schools and parents say that's not happening during the coronavirus crisis.


Column: Trump, Don McGahn and DOJ stonewalled Congress. Look for the courts to set them right

The 'en banc' D.C. Circuit Court will determine whether a congressional subpoena can be enforced by the courts.