
How Covid-19 is escalating problem debt

Threat of redundancies and business failures means higher earners need help with their finances


Sleaze and racism in Netflix’s Hollywood take shine off ‘golden age’

New period drama about an aspiring actor pulls back the curtain on postwar Tinseltown


Rising High — a raucous German comedy of real estate fraud

Berlin’s property boom is the setting for Cüneyt Kaya’s film


The Assistant — a coldly furious indictment of a film mogul monster

Kitty Green’s response to the Harvey Weinstein case unfolds with muted rage


Ema is a humdinger of a film from Chilean director Pablo Larraín

A woman’s life unravels spectacularly in this wildly original movie


How is culture adapting to quarantine?

Plus: the FT's film critic on what to watch now


David Stratton’s Stories of Australian Cinema is a riveting overview

The much-loved film critic traces how the nation’s film industry found its voice in a three-part series on BBC4


Blown away: Corneliu Porumboiu on his crime thriller The Whistlers

The Romanian director’s new film is a noirish tale built around a non-verbal language from a small Spanish island


Diana Kennedy: Nothing Fancy is a zippy film about the ethno-gastronomer

Elizabeth Carroll’s documentary spotlights Kennedy as celebrity cook and social historian


The Whistlers — an impish thriller of double-crossing and tables turned

Corneliu Porumboiu’s crime movie is a colourful tribute to noir classics


Richard Dreyfuss plays an elderly man with his head in the stars in Astronaut

Shelagh McLeod’s film is a small, warm drama of space and family


Six films to watch this week

‘The Whistlers’, ‘Becoming’, ‘Astronaut’, ‘Infinite Football’, ‘Diana Kennedy: Nothing Fancy’ and from 1976 ‘Mr Klein’, starring Alain Delon — all reviewed by Danny Leigh


New British Film Institute boss Ben Roberts on streaming and cinemas after lockdown

In an exclusive first interview, the CEO talks about his love of scary movies, video games and why the BFI should be like ‘a nerdy friend’


Standards in  jails run by Carillion criticised

GFSL said liquidated company’s services were ‘unacceptable’


Danish outsourcer ISS plunges on cut outlook

Shares drop to record low as chief admits company is ‘overstretched’


Advisers recommended Dbay offer for Eddie Stobart

Lorry company’s board says lenders will only support refinancing through buyout group’s proposal


Activist fund set to double stake in banknote maker De La Rue

Crystal Amber’s move shows sign of confidence in struggling UK group


In barmy world of fintech, $5.5bn for Revolut is not so bonkers

Neobank’s funding round sets new valuation parameters; De La Rue battles to last a decade


Deutsche Post eyes profit boost despite coronavirus disruption

Internet orders and cargo plane demand could help DHL-owner meet €5bn operating profit goal


An ebbing tide exposes a rising number of corporate bloopers

Sloppy housekeeping, soaring debt and spendthrift ways were easier to ignore in a stronger market


The wrong kind of American exceptionalism

Donald Trump’s ambivalence on coronavirus threatens both the US and its global power


Let’s keep God out of this, shall we?  

Many see the epidemic as divine retribution for our sins


Coronavirus and globalisation: the FT answered your questions

Rana Foroohar and Edward Luce talked to readers on the pandemic’s international impact


The US is failing the test of the century

A new wave and second lockdown would be a bigger hit to wealth than a cautious return to work, but Donald Trump is refusing to listen


Digging Joe Biden out of his basement 

Coronavirus is depriving the former vice-president of a real campaign


The risk of a US double-dip depression is real

Reopening states to boost the economy despite the scientific evidence will do more damage than good


SEC boss Clayton touts his populist shift

Financial markets watchdog positions as defender of Main Street investors


Election test for Macri’s promise to make Argentina ‘normal’ again

Legislative poll will be a referendum on the reformist president


The Whistleblowers: reporting wrongdoing at US banks

When employees reveal wrongdoing, instead of being rewarded they are often punished


Franken’s fall is good news for Big Tech

Senator was one of few Democrats to challenge monopoly power, writes Rana Foroohar


US lawmakers scrutinise Broadcom bid for Qualcomm

Mnuchin urged to examine ‘deeply concerning’ takeover attempt by Singapore chipmaker


What to expect from this year's G20 summit

Martin Sandbu discusses the prospects that leaders attending this year's G20 summit in Osaka will be able to patch up their differences on trade and climate with Chris Giles and Leslie Hook.


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South Africa graft inquiry exposes ANC divisions

The judicial inquiry into alleged graft under the presidency of Jacob Zuma is laying bare the divisions of the ruling ANC. Gideon Rachman discusses Mr Zuma's testimony with Joseph Cotterill in Johannesburg and David Pilling, Africa editor.


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Britain's tanker dispute with Iran

What are the factors Britain and its allies need to consider as they weigh their response to Iran's seizure of a British-flagged tanker in the Strait of Hormuz? Barney Jopson discusses the difficult waters Iran and the west must navigate to avoid a further escalation with Andrew England and Najmeh Bozorgmehr


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Coronavirus crisis shows office workers what we miss

Remote working has unearthed unexpected challenges — and surprises


Work culture is ‘rude awakening’ for graduates

Ingrained hierarchy and lack of recognition drive away young recruits


Middle managers: the unsung heroes of this crisis

Managers need to communicate and connect with staff, and convey they are all in the same boat


A business book reading list for the lockdown

Andrew Hill picks his favourites among the 230 notable titles longlisted since 2005 — Join the discussion


Lockdown diary of a London Tube manager: ‘The hardest thing is not knowing which customers have coronavirus’

In this FT series people share their stories of this extraordinary time


Leading in a crisis

As the coronavirus pandemic presents the ultimate leadership test for chief executives, the FT provides insights into their successes and setbacks


Wartime CEOs are not the ideal leaders in this crisis

Experienced and adaptable bosses are more effective than rigid commanders


Live Q&A: How are you managing your business in the crisis?

Andrew Hill will be answering questions on Monday at 12pm and 5pm


The retail boss devising a strategy to survive lockdown

James Timpson has been planning how to operate his stores post-pandemic


Is it safe? How to handle risks you cannot easily calculate

A previously simple decision of whether to reopen an office is now freighted with mortal peril


Is my employer taking me for granted?

Your question for our expert — and readers’ advice


Exams cancellations raise questions of what they are for

It is time to rethink whether such assessment really prepares us for life and work


The English plant pots that conquered Japan

Whichford Pottery’s terracotta wares are as appreciated overseas for their English style as they are in the UK for their robustness


What is the real cost of owning a garden?

A book on the economics of gardening puts today’s spending into perspective


Six plants that make great Christmas gifts

From hellebores to roses, our gardening expert selects the best for warmer winters


Berries are the only fruit: this winter’s spectacular crop

Cotoneasters, a plant gardeners gravely underrate, have performed beautifully this mild ‘non-winter’