
Renuncia del jefe de Cardiología del hospital General de Castellón por el caos en Vinaròs

Comunica a Sanidad su marcha por no poder mantener la calidad asistencial al asumir los pacientes del otro hospital. "Estamos cansados de ver maquetas de proyectos faraónicos y pósters", han denunciado desde el sindicato médico CESMCV Leer


Los bomberos controlan el incendio de Tárbena tras calcinar 690 hectáreas durante 4 días

El fuego se inició en la sierra Ferrer de Tárbena y se extendió a los términos de Parcent y Xalò, y según la investigación, arrancó a raíz de una quema de rastrojos Leer


Muere un matrimonio octogenario en una playa de Alicante, él de un infarto y ella al socorrerle

La mujer entró en 'shock' y parada cardiorrespiratoria al comprobar que su marido no respondía Leer


La Policía investiga los pasaportes falsificados de los 16 inmigrantes que volaron desde Canarias

La Brigada de Extranjería de Valencia ha abierto unas laboriosas pesquisas para intentar determinar quién dio los documentos a los migrantes y dónde Leer


Jorge Redondo, el diseñador extremeño que viste a Nieves Álvarez y a las Pombo: "Va a sonar un poco mal, pero las mejores ideas surgen cuando te tienes que buscar la vida"

Cinco años después de lanzar su firma, Jorge Redondo no solo triunfa como diseñador, también ha demostrado que otra forma de hacer moda es posible (y rentable) al apostar por un modelo combinado de costura y producción en serie pensado para un público diverso. Su próximo reto: conquistar el mundo. Leer


10 jerséis jacquard de Cortefiel para combinarlos con estilo esta temporada de invierno

El jersey jacquard es una prenda ideal para lucir calentita sin renunciar a la elegancia. En Cortefiel hemos encontrado varios diseños que puedes combinar con estilo durante esta temporada de inviernoLeer


Marrón chocolate: cómo combinar el color de moda que otorga distinción más allá de los 40

Entre los colores de moda esta temporada destaca el marrón chocolate, que además resulta perfecto para las mayores de 40, ya que aporta un toque de distinción. Si necesitas ideas para combinarlo, aquí te contamos cómo lucirlo. Leer


La realidad oculta de las mujeres sin hogar: "Aguantan de todo para no terminar en la calle ni en albergues, donde pueden encontrarse con situaciones muy difíciles"

La precariedad femenina tiene muchas caras pero, casi siempre, está atravesada por la invisibilidad, como sucede entre las personas que están en situación de calle. Una campaña de la Fundación Luz Casanova quiere poner el foco sobre aquellas que carecen de un lugar seguro donde vivir. Leer


Van Aert sella su triplete en la Vuelta tras culminar una fuga de 130 kilómetros por las Rías Baixas

El belga se anota, en Baiona, su tercera victoria en una vibrante etapa desaprovechada por los rivales de Ben O'Connor Leer


Histórico triunfo de Evenepoel en la crono del Mundial: Doblete consecutivo tras ganar dos oros en los Juegos Olímpicos

El belga, que derrotó al italiano Filippo Ganna en Zúrich, firma una temporada espléndida y aún aspira a otra medalla en la prueba en ruta Leer


Cacabelos: Alcalde bonoloto sube el sueldo a funcionarios y mantiene servicios cerrados


Opositores afectados por la DANA piden a RTVE examinarse en Valencia para no tener que desplazarse a Madrid

Los candidatos tenían de plazo máximo para presentar la solicitud hasta el 4 de noviembre y debían, además, acreditar su solicitud con el certificado de empadronamiento, junto a otros documentos "sin concretar todavía en medio del caos y en muchos casos sin acceso a internet". Leer


Mask Singer desenmascara a Brócoli y Oveja: Miguel Ángel Revilla y María José Campanario

Javier Calvo y Javier Ambrossi adivinaron que se trataba del político Leer


El concesionario maldito de Valencia: en febrero el incendio de Campanar quemó su finca y ahora la DANA arrasa su sede en Sedaví

A la marca de coches china BYD le persigue la mala suerte en Valencia. En un espacio de 250 días sufre en primera persona las dos tragedias valencianas Leer


La Guardia Civil desmantela una red de narcotráfico con 29 detenidos y 9.000 kilos de hachís incautados que operaba en el Guadalquivir y el Guadiana

Utilizaban sofisticados métodos para ocultar la droga, con almacenes subterráneos ocultos bajo tanques de agua Leer


Sevilla saca adelante un plan para frenar las viviendas turísticas que permitirá conceder nuevas licencias sólo en barrios no saturados

El número de pisos para visitantes no podrá superar el 10% del total de inmuebles residenciales, lo que supone que aún podrían registrarse un total de 32.400 nuevas VUT, según ha denunciado la oposición Leer


Los narcos, a la 'caza' de guardias civiles: cuatro investigados por perseguir y atropellar a un agente en Sevilla

La víctima participaba en una operación contra un grupo de 'petaqueros', los encargados de suministras combustible a los narcolanchas Leer


Muere un matrimonio de octogenarios en el incendio de su casa en Utrera (Sevilla)

La nieta de los ancianos fallecidos, de unos 15 años, ha resultado ilesa, ayudada por un bombero fuera de servicio que vive en el mismo bloque Leer


QuickStart Integrated Business Planning Webinars

REGISTER for Webinars - 10th & 12th December.

Businesses that manage supply chains have to be able to adapt to the changing political, economic, social and technology landscape all the time.To cope with all this change globally, companies need to put together a different business operating model, which allows them to continuously update plans in a controlled manner in the light of changing economic circumstances.


2024 Sammies highlight extraordinary work of public servants at ‘vital’ time

The Partnership for Public Service will honor all the 2024 Sammies winners during an awards ceremony on Sept. 11 at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.

The post 2024 Sammies highlight extraordinary work of public servants at ‘vital’ time first appeared on Federal News Network.


‘Fat Leonard,’ Navy contractor behind one of the military’s biggest scandals, sentenced to 15 years

Former military defense contractor Leonard “Fat Leonard” Francis has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for masterminding a decade-long bribery scheme that swept up dozens of U.S. Navy officers. Federal prosecutors say a judge on Tuesday also ordered Francis to pay $20 million in restitution to the Navy and a $150,000 fine. Prosecutors say the sentence results from Francis’ first guilty plea in 2015 concerning bribery and fraud, his extensive cooperation with the government, and another guilty plea Tuesday for failing to appear for his original sentencing hearing. Shortly before he was due to be sentenced in 2022, Francis cut off a GPS monitor and fled the country. He was later arrested in Venezuela.

The post ‘Fat Leonard,’ Navy contractor behind one of the military’s biggest scandals, sentenced to 15 years first appeared on Federal News Network.


Biden urges private companies to help narrow gender pay gap

President Joe Biden marked Equal Pay Day by spotlighting new steps aimed at closing the gender pay gap for federal workers and contractors

The post Biden urges private companies to help narrow gender pay gap first appeared on Federal News Network.


Internet Visionaries Honored with Postel Service Award

The Internet Society has announced the 2024 Jonathan B. Postel Service Award recipients, honoring Steve Crocker and Xing Li for their pioneering work in advancing the global Internet infrastructure.


Besides a Cozy Home, Burrowing May Have Given Animals an Evolutionary Advantage

From evading predators to withstanding natural disasters, animals have been using burrows for over 500 million years.


March Podcast: A Barely-There Lunar Eclipse

As told in the latest episode of our long-running Sky Tour astronomy podcast, this month it’ll be challenging to a special kind of lunar eclipse on March 25th — but easy to spot five of the 10 brightest stars in the night sky.

The post March Podcast: A Barely-There Lunar Eclipse appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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  • Night Sky Sights
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  • Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast


Harvest Moon Takes a Quick Dip in Earth's Shadow for a Partial Lunar Eclipse

September's partial lunar eclipse will be the first and only time the Moon ducks into Earth's umbral shadow in 2024. The Moon also occults Saturn and hides members of the Pleiades this month.

The post Harvest Moon Takes a Quick Dip in Earth's Shadow for a Partial Lunar Eclipse appeared first on Sky & Telescope.


Evolutionary Bioinformatics

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Vaccine Design Methods and Protocols, Volume 2: Vaccines for Veterinary Diseases

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A multidisciplinary approach to service encounters

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Taking flight : Lores Bonney's extraordinary flying career

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Hydrogeomorphic Risk Analysis Affecting Chalcolithic Archaeological Sites from Valea Oii (Bahlui) Watershed, Northeastern Romania An Interdisciplinary Approach

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“The Lunar Mirage: Unraveling the Moon Landing Hoax”

“the Lunar Mirage: Unraveling The Moon Landing Hoax”



English-Assyrian-Arabic Dictionary Volumes I and II

English-Assyrian-Arabic Dictionary Volumes I and II


Strategic Planning and Scenario Analysis: Relevance to Geopo...

Strategic Planning and Scenario Analysis: Relevance to Geopolitical Challenges of Armenia

  • Armenian
  • Assyrian and Hellenic Genocide News


Trump has ‘preliminary plans’ to visit Capitol Hill ahead of Biden meeting

President-elect Donald Trump is expected to make a visit with House Republican leadership on Capitol Hill before meeting with President Joe Biden at the White House on Wednesday morning, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) told reporters on Tuesday.  Although the details have not been finalized, Johnson said they have “preliminary plans” to meet with the president-elect […]


Female tech jobseekers are furious that men claiming to be 'nonbinary' crashed their conference

A tech conference meant to be the largest gathering of female technologists faced backlash when biological men identifying as "nonbinary" were seen attending the event.


Narrative, Fiction and World-Building Reality

Ursula K. Le Guin's Revolutions - "Le Guin's work is distinctive not only because it is imaginative, or because it is political, but because she thought so deeply about the work of building a future worth living."

"Imaginative fiction trains people to be aware that there other ways to do things, other ways to be; that there is not just one civilization, and it is good, and it is the way we have to be," Le Guin says in Arwen Curry's new documentary, The Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin.[1,2,3,4] Le Guin spoke in defense of science fiction and fantasy, which were and often still are maligned or outright ignored by critics. But her statement admits another, deeper necessity: We must be trained to imagine. But imagine what? ... A feminist and a critic of capitalism, Le Guin must have known that progress was as much a necessity as it was an uncertainty. Nobody knows exactly what will happen when they set out to do what no one else has ever done. Le Guin's work is distinctive not only because it is imaginative, or because it is political, but because she thought so deeply about the work of building a future worth living. She did not just believe that a society free of consumerism and incarceration, like Shevek's homeworld, could exist; she explored how that society could be built and understood the process would be hard work, and probably on some level disappointing. The future is not a static thing; to its architects, it is always in motion, always mid-creation, never realized. Le Guin's utopianism perhaps explains why her characters exhibit a certain adaptability, as did Le Guin herself. In her work, she mostly eschewed great battles; a reader of her work should not expect to find a clash at Helm's Deep. A Le Guin character may be at war with his basest self, but the health of the body politic can be at stake at the same time. In The Left Hand of Darkness, Genly Ai only completes his mission to bring Winter into the Ekumen after he overcomes his own prejudicial beliefs about the people who live there. Le Guin found herself embroiled in a similar struggle, which she recounts to Curry. As acclaimed as The Left Hand of Darkness became, feminists criticized it because, while Le Guin's alien race changed genders, in their default state they used male pronouns. Genly is male, too. "At first I felt a little bit defensive," she told Curry. "But as I thought about it, I began to see that my critics were right." There's a quiet radicalism about her admission.
Yuval Noah Harari & Natalie Portman - "Yuval Noah Harari sits down with the award-winning actress, director, and Harvard graduate Natalie Portman to discuss his new book 21 Lessons for the 21st Century."[5]
0:57 The myth factory 2:22 The role of fictions 4:38 Fictions and co-operation ...
Balance of power: The Economic Consequences of the Peace at 100 - "Ann Pettifor finds astonishing contemporary resonance in John Maynard Keynes's critique of globalization and inequity."[6]
In December 1919, John Maynard Keynes published a blistering attack on the Treaty of Versailles, signed in June that year. The treaty's terms helped to end the First World War. Keynes's The Economic Consequences of the Peace[(fre)eBook] revealed how they would also pave the way to the Second... This is a bold, eloquent work unafraid of the long view. It contributed to the economic stability of the mid-twentieth century. And in a world still grappling with the socio-economic and environmental costs of globalization, Keynes's critiques — not least of the era's international financial system, the gold standard — remain powerfully germane.[7] Keynes censures the disregard of world leaders for the "starving and disintegrating" people of war-torn Europe. "The future life of Europe was not their concern; its means of livelihood was not their anxiety," he wrote. Keynes, however, was concerned for Europe's future. His book's significance lies in his revolutionary plan for financing recovery not just in Europe, but across the world. Keynes called for a new international economic order to replace the gold standard, which had held from the 1870s until the start of the war. That system had led to a form of globalization that benefited the wealthy, but impoverished the majority and ultimately destabilized both the financial and political systems... For a book published 100 years ago, the contemporary resonance is unsettling. Keynes writes: "England still stands outside Europe. Europe's voiceless tremors do not reach her ... But Europe is solid with herself." In another passage, he notes that the "principle of accumulation based on inequality was a vital part of the pre-war order of society". And in an era innocent of Amazon and containerized shipping, Keynes wrote that wealthy Londoners could order by telephone "the various products of the whole earth" and expect "their early delivery" to their doorstep. The globalized pre-First World War economy was the template for the modern one. Driven as it was by the international financial sector, the consequences of this economic system were predictable: rising inequality, economic instability, political volatility and war. Thus, a bankrupt Germany and its allies (the Central Powers) — all heavily indebted sovereign governments — were to endure increasingly frequent economic crises after 1919. Their creditors, the victorious Allied Powers, made no effort towards a sound and just resolution of these crises.[8,9,10]
Now's the time to spread the wealth, says Thomas Piketty - "His premise is that inequality is a political choice. It's something societies opt for, not an inevitable result of technology and globalisation. Whereas Marx saw history as class struggle, Piketty sees it as a battle of ideologies."[11]
Every unequal society, he says, creates an ideology to justify inequality. That allows the rich to fall asleep in their town houses while the homeless freeze outside. In his overambitious history of inequality from ancient India to today's US, Piketty recounts the justifications that recur throughout time: "Rich people deserve their wealth." "It will trickle down." "They give it back through philanthropy." "Property is liberty." "The poor are undeserving." "Once you start redistributing wealth, you won't know where to stop and there'll be chaos" — a favourite argument after the French Revolution. "Communism failed." "The money will go to black people" — an argument that, Piketty says, explains why inequality remains highest in countries with historic racial divides such as Brazil, South Africa and the US. Another common justification, which he doesn't mention, is "High taxes are punitive" — as if the main issue were the supposed psychology behind redistribution rather than its actual effects. All these justifications add up to what he calls the "sacralisation of property". But today, he writes, the "propriétariste and meritocratic narrative" is getting fragile. There's a growing understanding that so-called meritocracy has been captured by the rich, who get their kids into the top universities, buy political parties and hide their money from taxation. Moreover, notes Piketty, the wealthy are overwhelmingly male and their lifestyles tend to be particularly environmentally damaging. Donald Trump — a climate-change-denying sexist heir who got elected president without releasing his tax returns — embodies the problem... Centre-right parties across the west have taken up populism because their low-tax, small-state story wasn't selling any more. Rightwing populism speaks to today's anti-elitist, anti-meritocratic mood. However, it deliberately refocuses debate from property to what Piketty calls "the frontier" (and others would call borders). That leaves a gap in the political market for redistributionist ideas. We're now at a juncture much like around 1900, when extreme inequality helped launch social democratic and communist parties.
Ideological differences in the expanse of the moral circle - "Do clashes between ideologies reflect policy differences or something more fundamental? The present research suggests they reflect core psychological differences such that liberals express compassion toward less structured and more encompassing entities (i.e., universalism), whereas conservatives express compassion toward more well-defined and less encompassing entities (i.e., parochialism)."[12,13,14,15,16,17]
  • In Our Time, The Rapture - "Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the idea that believers will vanish from the world, touching on religious entrepreneurialism, William Miller, dispensational modernism, premillennialism, and other such eschatological battiness."
  • Medieval cannibal babies - "How a collective of intellectuals can engage in the production of unlikely stories to protect a cherished theory."
  • Three Decades Ago, America Lost Its Religion. Why? - "'Not religious' has become a specific American identity—one that distinguishes secular, liberal whites from the conservative, evangelical right."[18,19]
Zadie Smith: Fascinated to Presume: In Defense of Fiction - "I could never shake the suspicion that everything about me was the consequence of a series of improbable accidents—not least of which was the 400 trillion–to-one accident of my birth. As I saw it, even my strongest feelings and convictions might easily be otherwise, had I been the child of the next family down the hall, or the child of another century, another country, another God."[20] We should all be reading more Ursula Le Guin - "Her novels imagine other worlds, but her theory of fiction can help us better live in this one."[21]
"The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction,"[pdf] an essay Le Guin wrote in 1986, disputes the idea that the spear was the earliest human tool, proposing that it was actually the receptacle. Questioning the spear's phallic, murderous logic, instead Le Guin tells the story of the carrier bag, the sling, the shell, or the gourd. In this empty vessel, early humans could carry more than can be held in the hand and, therefore, gather food for later. Anyone who consistently forgets to bring their tote bag to the supermarket knows how significant this is. And besides, Le Guin writes, the idea that the spear came before the vessel doesn't even make sense. "Sixty-five to eighty percent of what human beings ate in those regions in Paleolithic, Neolithic, and prehistoric times was gathered; only in the extreme Arctic was meat the staple food." Not only is the carrier bag theory plausible, it also does meaningful ideological work — shifting the way we look at humanity's foundations from a narrative of domination to one of gathering, holding, and sharing. Because I am, despite my best efforts, often soppy and sentimental, I sometimes imagine this like a really comforting group hug. But it's not, really: the carrier bag holds things, sure, but it's also messy and sometimes conflicted. Like when you're trying to grab your sunglasses out of your bag, but those are stuck on your headphones, which are also tangled around your keys, and now the sunglasses have slipped into that hole in the lining. Le Guin's carrier bag is, in addition to a story about early humans, a method for storytelling itself, meaning it's also a method of history. But unlike the spear (which follows a linear trajectory towards its target), and unlike the kind of linear way we've come to think of time and history in the West, the carrier bag is a big jumbled mess of stuff. One thing is entangled with another, and with another. Le Guin once described temporality in her Hainish Universe (a confederacy of human planets that feature in a number of her books) in the most delightfully psychedelic terms: "Any timeline for the books of Hainish descent would resemble the web of a spider on LSD." This lack of clear trajectory allowed Le Guin to test out all kinds of political eventualities, without the need to tie everything neatly together. It makes room for complexity and contradiction, for difference and simultaneity. This, I think, is a pretty radical way of looking at the world, one that departs from the idea of history as a long line of victories. Le Guin describes her discovery of the carrier bag theory as grounding her "in human culture in a way I never felt grounded before." The stick, sword, or spear, designed for "bashing and killing," alienated her from history so much that she felt she "was either extremely defective as a human being, or not human at all." The only problem is that a carrier bag story isn't, at first glance, very exciting. "It is hard to tell", writes Le Guin, "a really gripping tale of how I wrested a wild-oat seed from its husk, and then another, and then another, and then another, and then another, and then I scratched my gnat bites, and Ool said something funny, and we went to the creek and got a drink and watched newts for a while, and then I found another patch of oats..." As well as its meandering narrative, a carrier bag story also contains no heroes. There are, instead, many different protagonists with equal importance to the plot. This is a very difficult way to tell a story, fictional or otherwise. While, in reality, most meaningful social change is the result of collective action, we aren't very good at recounting such a diffusely distributed account. The meetings, the fundraising, the careful and drawn-out negotiations — they're so boring! Who wants to watch a movie about a four-hour meeting between community stakeholders? ... We will not "beat" climate change, nor is "nature" our adversary. If the planet could be considered a container for all life, in which everything — plants, animals, humans — are all held together, then to attempt domination becomes a self-defeating act. By letting ourselves "become part of the killer story," writes Le Guin, "we may get finished along with it." All of which is to say: we have to abandon the old story.[22]
Future Tense Fiction: Stories of Tomorrow Has Arrived - "A thought-provoking excursion into the futures we would and would not want to live in."[23]


A narrower Sprague Avenue now connects Spokane Valley City Hall and Balfour Park

Spokane Valley has finished its nearly $4.6 million Sprague Avenue stormwater and multimodal project, which reduced the road from five to three lanes between North University Road and North Herald Road, where Balfour Park and Spokane Valley City Hall are located…


The downtown Spokane doom narrative is self-reinforcing; sharing a different story about our vibrant downtown could be, too

The narrative goes something like this: Downtown Spokane is in decline, is unsafe, is a hotbed of crime and unsavory activity…

  • Columns & Letters


It pays to know your cat's urinary habits

Cat owners love their cats, but when it comes to cat pee, they don't want to see it, smell it or — you get the idea…

  • Health & Home/Health


Leonardo DiCaprio, Rihanna, Beyonce, Jay-Z Among Stars Given VIP Visa in U.K.

The U.K. government announces a Global Talent list that includes a number of Oscar, Grammy, and Golden Globe winners for the country's new points-based immigration system.


Brody Jenner Tells Kaitlynn Carter Why He Found Her Summer Fling With Miley Cyrus 'Gnarly'

In a teaser clip for season 2 of 'The Hills: New Beginnings', the son of Caitlyn Jenner gets honest about him being blindsided by his ex-wife's choice of partner following their separation.


Talas Singer Phil Naro Lost Battle With Tongue Cancer

A statement issued by the rocker's family reveals that the 63-year-old passed away on May 2 night surrounded by his family and closest friends at his home in Rochester.


Leonardo DiCaprio, Rihanna, Beyonce, Jay-Z Among Stars Given VIP Visa in U.K.

The U.K. government announces a Global Talent list that includes a number of Oscar, Grammy, and Golden Globe winners for the country's new points-based immigration system.


Brody Jenner Tells Kaitlynn Carter Why He Found Her Summer Fling With Miley Cyrus 'Gnarly'

In a teaser clip for season 2 of 'The Hills: New Beginnings', the son of Caitlyn Jenner gets honest about him being blindsided by his ex-wife's choice of partner following their separation.


AppleVis Extra #93: Be My Eyes' Revolutionary Virtual Volunteer, Featuring Hans Wiberg and Mike Buckley

Welcome to a special episode of AppleVis Extra, where host Dave Nason is joined by Hans Wiberg, founder of Be My Eyes, and the new CEO of Be My Eyes, Mike Buckley, to discuss the recent announcement of Be My Eyes' new Virtual Volunteer feature powered by OpenAI's GPT-4 model.

Be My Eyes, a revolutionary app for the blind and low-vision community, has been connecting users with volunteers for assistance with everyday tasks since 2012. With the introduction of the Virtual Volunteer, powered by the advanced visual recognition capabilities of GPT-4, the app is set to take its power and value to new heights.

Hans and Mike share their excitement about the performance of GPT-4, stating that in the short time they've had access, it has shown unparalleled capabilities in image-to-text object recognition. The implications for global accessibility are profound, as this new feature has the potential to offer a greater degree of independence in the lives of blind and low-vision individuals.

The Virtual Volunteer stands out from other image recognition tools due to its ability to have conversations and offer comprehensive assistance with context and analysis. Users can send images of various tasks, such as identifying the contents of their fridge or reading a map, and the Virtual Volunteer not only identifies the objects but also provides additional information and suggestions, such as recipes that can be prepared with the ingredients.

The Virtual Volunteer tool is currently in beta and is anticipated to be available to users in Q3 2023 and will be free for all blind and low-vision community members using the Be My Eyes app. Don't forget to register in the Be My Eyes app to be placed on the waiting list for access to the Virtual Volunteer.


Sunshine with a Side of Snark: CARROT Weather: Alerts & Radar for iOS

Join Thomas Domville in learning how to use Carrot Weather for iOS with VoiceOver.

Carrot Weather for iOS is a feature-rich weather application that offers a unique blend of humor and functionality. It provides accurate and detailed forecasts, including current, hourly, and daily predictions. The app is known for its distinctive personality, featuring hilarious dialogue and delightful animations.

Key features include:

Apple Watch App: An award-winning app that allows you to check the weather from your wrist.
Widgets: Offers a variety of customizable widgets for your Home and Lock Screen.
Customization: Allows you to build the weather app of your dreams by changing layouts, adding data points, and more.
Notifications: Provides rain, lightning strike, severe weather alert, and daily summary notifications.
Data Sources: Allows you to switch between sources like AccuWeather, Apple Weather, and Foreca for better forecast accuracy.
Weather Maps: Features super-advanced radar to track incoming storms.
Fun Stuff: Offers secret locations, achievements, augmented reality, and bonding with the Carrot AI.

The app is available for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. It is a paid download with in-app purchases to unlock premium features. The app was created by Brian Mueller, who codes, designs, illustrates, and writes the real-time gags himself. The app’s unique blend of humor and functionality has made it a popular choice among users.

CARROT Weather: Alerts and Radar on the app store:


Sir Bernard Zissman raises £16k with charity debatathon

Former Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Sir Bernard Zissman has put his famed public speaking skills to the test during a debatathon which raised more than £16,000 for charity