
Volontariat im Bereich Filmverleih und -vertrieb

Unser Hamburger Filmverleih Little Dream Pictures bringt sowohl unterhaltsame Familienfilme als auch Arthouse-Produktionen in die deutschsprachigen Kinos und übernimmt deren Vertrieb und Vermarktung. Unser Repertoire erstreckt sich dabei von Dokumentarfilmen über politische Dramen bis hin zu Animationsfilmen für alle Altersgruppen. Seit unserer Gründung 2016 sind wir kontinuierlich gewachsen und haben es uns zum Ziel gemacht all unseren Projekten eine optimale Betreuung und Vermarktung zu bieten. Wir sind… | Little Dream Pictures GmbH – Hamburg


Social media bosses could face £10,000 fine for failing to remove knife adverts

Fines of £10,000 for social media bosses who don't remove illegal knife adverts are being considered by the government.


Small Businesses Hurt By Change to Overtime Laws

President Obama told the Labor Department to come up with new overtime rules that would make more workers eligible for time and a half pay for their extra hours of work.

The rules are aimed at salaried workers who make more than $455 a week and are ineligible for overtime because they hold a manager or supervisor position.

Ty Spatta started his own painting business 20 years ago.  He enjoys being a small business owner, but gets frustrated when he hears the government wants to step in and make businesses pay employees more.

complete article

The AFL-CIO is applauding the anticipated move, saying the proposal could help raise wages and create jobs. Business groups, however, say it would be a job killer.

complete article


Facebook Small Business Advertisers

After years of courting the nations biggest advertisers, Facebook is going after the 99%.

That figure represents the long tail of advertisers; the plumbers and dentists, restaurants and political candidates, app developers and direct-response advertisers. These small and mid-sized businesses do not have Facebook account reps and are left to figure out Facebook advertising for themselves.

complete article


Facebook Advertising

When it comes to advertising on Facebook FB -0.15%  these days, small-business owners are competing for more limited ad space—and paying more for ads even if they do not result in sales.

complete article


9 Reasons CEOs Should Hire Introverts, Not Extroverts

Well, it turns out that, according to decades of academic research, introverts are more likely than extroverts to have those characteristics:

1. Introverts are generally more creative.
Introverts are famously more creative than extroverts. According to the journal Perceptual and Motor Skills, Creativity is a problem-solving response by intelligent, very active, highly emotional, and extremely introverted persons.

complete article


59% of Small Businesses Use Video for Advertising, Survey Finds

A new report finds that a good number of small businesses (29%) are spending somewhere in the sweet spot of  ($750-$2499) monthly to get the data needed for good online advertising results.

WordStreams Online Advertising Landscape in 2019 report also found that only 10% of the respondents had a monthly advertising budget less than the low end plateau for effectiveness of $750 monthly.

complete article


A business owner who spent nearly $46 million on Facebook advertising says he has been booted from the platform without explanation

A business owner who spent nearly $46 million over the years on Facebook ads said he got booted from the platform without warning.

Jordan Nabigon, the CEO of the Ottawa, Ontario, content-curation site Shared, said Facebook deleted his companys main Facebook page without warning in October, and without providing an explanation. He shared a Medium post detailing his experience, which has received more than 400 claps from readers.

Nabigon spent $45,870,181 on Facebook advertising between 2006 and 2020 for Shared and his other company Freebies, according to expense reports reviewed by Business Insider. Shared employees three people full-time and 12 contract writers, Nabigon said.

Facebook increased its use of artificial intelligence to oversee advertising and other content during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Nabigon is among hundreds of business owners who said they suffered from Facebook's crackdown on ad policies.


2004 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible from Australia and New Zealand

Remarkably solid machine, and great fun to drive and own


Martin Habersaat: Schulstatistik 2023/24 - Unterrichtsausfall und befristete Verträge


Do Advertisers Dream of Electric Sheep?

What do Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Harry Styles, Alicia Keys, Sting, Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, Ice-T, Queen Latifah, and Taylor Swift all have in common?

(C’mon, actually think about the question for a bit, don’t immediately jump to the answer. While there is a tendency for people to want immediate gratification, in fact, that whole quick shot of info, be it trivial, made-up, useful, or even critical, is predicated on things like websites, there is something to be said for the satisfaction that can be derived from figuring things out, whether this is solving Wordle or answering the question above.)

(At this point I figure that there may have been a sufficient amount of physical distance on this page between the question and the answer, and certainly if you’ve read through this parenthetical material you’ve had a time gap which, as we are at words right now, that’s about 30 seconds of silent reading time or just under a minute if you’re annunciating it, so. . . .)

They are all members of SAG-AFTRA, the trade union for actors.

As such, they are all potentially affected by a recent agreement between SAG-AFTRA and Narrativ, which describes itself as “A Marketplace for Advertisers to Buy Talent Likeness.”

Note, not “Talent.” But a similitude of talent.

Read more at Glorious Noise...


(CIIE) Des responsables et entrepreneurs �trangers pr�sents � la CIIE font l'�loge de l'ouverture de la Chine et des opportunit�s qu'elle offre

Lors de l'Exposition internationale d'importation de la Chine (CIIE) de cette ann�e � Shanghai, Ghazaryan Koryun, conseiller commercial � l'Ambassade d'Arm�nie en Chine, a pr�sent� aux visiteurs, dans un chinois courant, les vins et fruits de grande...


La Chine est pr�te � cr�er davantage d'opportunit�s pour les partenaires de l'Asie-Pacifique gr�ce au d�veloppement et � l'ouverture

La Chine est pr�te � profiter de la 31e r�union des dirigeants �conomiques de l'APEC pour cr�er davantage d'opportunit�s pour les partenaires de l'Asie-Pacifique avec un d�veloppement de haute qualit� et une ouverture de haut niveau, a d�clar�...


Inverted tables: an alternative to relational structures


The inverted table format can deliver fast and flexible query capabilities, but is not widely used. ADABAS is probably the most successful implementation, but how often do you see that nowadays? Following is a description of how to implement inverted structures within a relational database. All code run on Oracle Database 12c, release

Consider this table and a few rows, that describe the contents of my larder:

create table food(id number,capacity varchar2(10),container varchar2(10),item varchar2(10));
insert into food values(1,'large','bag','potatoes');
insert into food values(2,'small','box','carrots');
insert into food values(3,'medium','tin','peas');
insert into food values(4,'large','box','potatoes');
insert into food values(5,'small','tin','carrots');
insert into food values(6,'medium','bag','peas');
insert into food values(7,'large','tin','potatoes');
insert into food values(8,'small','bag','carrots');
insert into food values(9,'medium','box','peas');

The queries I run against the table might be "how many large boxes have I?" or "give me all the potatoes, I don't care about how they are packed". The idea is that I do not know in advance what columns I will be using in my predicate: it could be any combination. This is a common issue in a data warehouse.
So how do I index the table to satisfy any possible query? Two obvious possibilities:
First, build an index on each column, and the optimizer can perform an index_combine operation on whatever columns happen to be listed in the predicate. But that means indexing every column - and the table might have hundreds of columns. No way can I do that.
Second, build a concatenated index across all the columns: in effect, use an IOT. That will give me range scan access if any of the predicated columns are in the leading edge of the index key followed by filtering on the rest of the predicate. Or if the predicate does not include the leading column(s), I can get skip scan access and filter. But this is pretty useless, too: there will be wildly divergent performance depending on the predicate.
The answer is to invert the table:
create table inverted(colname varchar2(10),colvalue varchar2(10),id number);
insert into inverted select 'capacity',capacity,id from food;
insert into inverted select 'container',container,id from food;
insert into inverted select 'item',item,id from food;

Now just one index on each table can satisfy all queries:
create index food_i on food(id);
create index inverted_i on inverted(colname,colvalue);

To retrieve all the large boxes:
orclz> set autotrace on explain
orclz> select * from food where id in
  2  (select id from inverted where colname='capacity' and colvalue='large'
  3  intersect
  4  select id from inverted where colname='container' and colvalue='box');

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         4 large      box        potatoes

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 1945359172

| Id  | Operation                                | Name       | Rows  | Bytes | C
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                         |            |     3 |   141 |
|   1 |  MERGE JOIN                              |            |     3 |   141 |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID            | FOOD       |     9 |   306 |
|   3 |    INDEX FULL SCAN                       | FOOD_I     |     9 |       |
|*  4 |   SORT JOIN                              |            |     3 |    39 |
|   5 |    VIEW                                  | VW_NSO_1   |     3 |    39 |
|   6 |     INTERSECTION                         |            |       |       |
|   7 |      SORT UNIQUE                         |            |     3 |    81 |
|   8 |       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED| INVERTED   |     3 |    81 |
|*  9 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN                  | INVERTED_I |     3 |       |
|  10 |      SORT UNIQUE                         |            |     3 |    81 |
|  11 |       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED| INVERTED   |     3 |    81 |
|* 12 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN                  | INVERTED_I |     3 |       |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   4 - access("ID"="ID")
   9 - access("COLNAME"='capacity' AND "COLVALUE"='large')
  12 - access("COLNAME"='container' AND "COLVALUE"='box')

   - dynamic statistics used: dynamic sampling (level=2)


Or all the potatoes:
orclz> select * from food where id in
  2  (select id from inverted where colname='item' and colvalue='potatoes');

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1 large      bag        potatoes
         4 large      box        potatoes
         7 large      tin        potatoes

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 762525239

| Id  | Operation                              | Name       | Rows  | Bytes | Cos
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                       |            |     3 |   183 |
|   1 |  NESTED LOOPS                          |            |       |       |
|   2 |   NESTED LOOPS                         |            |     3 |   183 |
|   3 |    SORT UNIQUE                         |            |     3 |    81 |
|   4 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED| INVERTED   |     3 |    81 |
|*  5 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN                  | INVERTED_I |     3 |       |
|*  6 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN                    | FOOD_I     |     1 |       |
|   7 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID          | FOOD       |     1 |    34 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   5 - access("COLNAME"='item' AND "COLVALUE"='potatoes')
   6 - access("ID"="ID")

   - dynamic statistics used: dynamic sampling (level=2)
   - this is an adaptive plan


Of course, consideration needs to be given to handling more complex boolean expressions; maintaining the inversion is going to take resources; and a query generator has to construct the inversion code and re-write the queries. But In principle, this structure can deliver indexed access for unpredictable predicates of any number of any columns, with no separate filtering operation. Can you do that with a normalized star schema? I don't think so.
I hope this little thought experiment has stimulated the little grey cells, and made the point that relational structures are not always optimal for all problems.
John Watson
Oracle Certified Master DBA


Entscheidung über Schweigegeld-Urteil gegen Trump vertagt

Im New Yorker Schweigegeld-Prozess wurde Ex-Präsident Trump im Mai in allen Punkten schuldig gesprochen. Doch das Strafmaß steht noch aus. Nun wurde der Prozess vertagt - es geht um eine Entscheidung über Trumps Immunität.


TV-Moderator Hegseth soll Trumps Verteidigungsminister werden

Tag für Tag werden neue Namen der künftigen Trump-Regierung bekannt: Für Aufsehen sorgt jetzt, dass der rechte TV-Moderator Pete Hegseth das Verteidigungsministerium übernehmen soll. Auch Tech-Milliardär Musk bekommt einen Posten.


Keystroke Converter 201509042445

Customize keyboard layout Change key shortcu


Xavier Naidoo vertritt Deutschland beim ESC - doch nicht

Zuerst hatte der Norddeutsche Rundfunk am Freitag, den 20. November bekanntgegeben, dass Xavier Naidoo Deutschland beim Eurovision Song Contest 2016 vertreten solle, doch einen Tag später war alles anders. Der Fernsehsender war für die Nominierung kritisiert worden. ARD-Unterhaltungskoordinator Thomas Schreiber sagte, man habe die Situation falsch eingeschätzt und nicht mit ...


MP3 Converter

Blaze Media Pro offers a powerful, yet easy to use, batch MP3 converter, editor, burner, ripper, and much more all-in-one product.  Also supports CD, WAV, WMA, OGG, etc. for audio and AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, WMV, and ASF for video.


How Can I Convert DRM Protected WMA Files?

Is it possible to "convert" DRM protected WMA files? Technically, no. It is illegal to circumvent Microsoft's protection in order to convert WMA files protected with Digital Rights Management (DRM). However, there are many legitimate reasons for wanting to convert these protected files, and many feel they should be able to do so. Blaze Media Pro provides a solution. Follow this link to find out how.


How Can I Convert AAC Files from iTunes?

Is it possible to "convert" protected AAC files from iTunes? Technically, no. It is illegal to circumvent Apple's protection in order to convert protected AAC files. However, there are many legitimate reasons for wanting to convert these protected files, and many feel they should be able to do so. Blaze Media Pro provides a solution. Follow this link to find out how.


Convert MIDI Files

Blaze Media Pro includes a powerful audio editor feature that can be used to convert MIDI to MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, etc. This is accomplished by recording the MIDI as it plays. Follow this link for more information.


AMR Converter

Fast and easy to use batch AMR converter software supports two-way conversion among AMR and MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, AAC, AC3, AIFF, AU, VOX, GSM, A-LAW, u-LAW, MP2, MPC, and many more audio formats.


Jan 20, About Me, Reveals How to Convert a Passion Into a Web Business!

About Me, reveals how I converted my passion, lifetime experiences & learning into a web business. This shows you how to convert such assets the same way too.


Online Ad Professionals Needed to Judge Best Online Advertising Awards

The Web Marketing Association’s 23rd annual Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) Award program is currently accepting entries and is looking for qualified judges to help adjudicate this year’s award program. The IAC Awards are the first and only industry-based advertising award competition dedicated exclusively to online advertising. To nominate yourself or someone within your organization, please complete []


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The Advertising dictionary released.

The Advertising Dictionary is a comprehensive glossary of advertising terms. You should find most of the advertisment related terms you will need throughout this subject. You can use this dictionary while writing a contract or negotiating with an international partner. It also will be useful for studying publicity industry in high school or a university.


dBpowerAMP Music Converter [Win XP/Vista/7/8/10/11]

Categoría: Multimedia:Sonidos:Conversores
Transforma tu PC en una verdadera herramienta multimedia.


FreeSmith Video Converter

Completely free software: FreeSmith video converter FreeSmith video converter is the most versatile free video converter for converting video files between different formats, including AVI, MP4, WMV, MKV, MPEG, FLV, SWF, 3GP, DVD, WebM, MP3, etc for iPad, iPod, iPhone, PSP, Android, tablets. Download video from YouTube and other online videos. It also helps to […]


Latest Advances in Medication Treatment for Vertigo

6 different treatment options to help ease and manage symptoms of vertigo from medications to natural remedies.


Marketers Turn Up Podcast Advertising

Podcasters continue to find growing interest from marketers, but their growth remains constrained by factors including a lack of independent audience benchmarks.

U.S. advertisers spent $479.1 million advertising on podcasts in 2018, up 53% from about $313.9 million a year earlier, according to a new report from the industry group Interactive Advertising Bureau and accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers LLC.

Podcast advertising is expected to rise to $678.7 million this year, the report said.

complete article


Cracking the code on podcast advertising for customer acquisition

If you want to test in a channel where early adopters are being rewarded with both attractive CAC and scale, here’s what you need to know:

~ Podcast advertising is used very successfully as a direct-response channel with CAC on par with other consideration-stage activities. It is not just for awareness.
~ Podcast reach is very good, reaching 51% of US audiences aged 12+ monthly.
~ Ads read by hosts outperform canned programmatic ads.
~ Tracking is harder than most digital channels and the cost to test the channel is higher than most digital channels.

complete article


Podcast Listens May Be Down for Now, but Advertisers Can Still Find Opportunity

Podcast measurement company Podtrac has recorded mostly negative week-over-week download and unique audience growth since social distancing measures began. The declines were most severe in mid-March when major cities began shelter-in-place requirements and nonessential American workers began working from home. As of the week of April 27, however, weekly download and audience growth are slowly ticking back up.

But it is not all bad news: Podtrac found that for the shows it measures, year-to-date growth overall is still positive with major download growth in categories like news, comedy and business.


Quality Beats Quantity in Podcast Advertising

I think this comes down to treating your marketing campaign mix holistically. A lot of digitally native brands tend to think about each channel independently and think about, you know, how do I get my Facebook campaign working, or how do I get my Google AdWords campaign working. But on Google and to some extent on Facebook, our activity is really driven around intent. People effectively putting their hands up, saying, I am looking for a sofa! through some kind of signal we can pick up on.

Podcasts are completely separate. There is no demand signal. So it is about finding that target audience that you are after and really introducing and sort of familiarizing that audience with the brand. That requires a holistic, full-funnel approach to your entire marketing mix, understanding that people we introduce to our furniture via podcast will be converted down the line via some other channel. That is key to building out a proper marketing mix, instead of just running some Facebook ads and hoping they do all the lifting.

vert UnRegular FREE Web Traffic Boost Methods For No Advertising Budget REGULAR People - Stephan Ducharme, Freeadguru

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  • Marketing & Ads -- How To's


Advertising in RSS Feeds

As publishers have moved towards monetizing RSS feeds, their have been vibrant discussions as to whether advertisements in feeds are viable or whether they will drive subscribers away. At the end of the day while it appears that many are discussing the philosophical approaches to ads in RSS feeds few are taking the time to examine the options available for inserting advertisements in feeds. Ultimately the advertisements served are going to determine the success of RSS as an advertising medium. The ads served must be related to the content contained in the feed. If the RSS feed contains quality content, the ads are relevant, and the volume of ads is in balance with the volume of content served, advertising in RSS feeds will succeed.

Advertising in RSS Feeds


Converting RSS to HTML

A number of flexible solutions exists for webmasters to create, filter, and display content contained in an RSS feed. Using these simple solutions, webmasters can dynamically maintain webpages with unique content.

Converting RSS to HTML


Israels Regierung: Totalzerstörung, Teilzerstörung und Vertreibung als Kriegsziele

Dr. Alexander von Paleske --- 13.10.2024 -- Heute forderte der israelische Premier Netanyahu den UN-Generalsekretär auf, die im Südlibanon stationierten Soldaten der UN-Friedenstruppe UNIFIL sofort abzuziehen. Vorausgegangen waren das Beschiessen des UNIFIL-Stützpunktes durch die israelische Armee und Eindringen israelischer Panzer. Es gab Verletzte unter den UN-Soldaten. Es ist ein ungeheuerlicher Vorgang: - dass die Regierung eines Landes unter Androhung von Militärgewalt dazu auffordert,...


The hottest advertising trend of today

Information on how to get your favourite tag before your competetor gets hold of it.


Tax Time Fraudsters Working Overtime – An ACCESS Fraud Alert

February 13, 2006 – With tax time fast approaching, the scam artists are out in droves. They are using a variety of ploys to fool consumers and engage in identity theft. Although most of these tricks have been used in the past, consumers continue to fall for them.


Experian Agrees to Settlement with FTC for False Advertising

August 16, 2005 -, a subsidiary of Experian, has agreed to settle a law suit with the Federal Trade Commission over false and deceptive advertising claims. The FTC had accused Experian of using the offer of a free credit report to consumers as a lure to get them to subscribe to a paid credit monitoring service. The suit alleged that consumers were not told that they would be billed for credit monitoring unless they cancelled the service within 30 days.


Advertising in RSS Feeds

As publishers have moved towards monetizing RSS feeds, their have been vibrant discussions as to whether advertisements in feeds are viable or whether they will drive subscribers away. At the end of the day while it appears that many are discussing the philosophical approaches to ads in RSS feeds few are taking the time to examine the options available for inserting advertisements in feeds. Ultimately the advertisements served are going to determine the success of RSS as an advertising medium.

Advertising in RSS Feeds


Converting RSS to HTML

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to dynamically update websites. This means that the website content automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static and dynamic content on their website.

Often, publishers, interested in expanding their base, will allow other webmasters to republish the contents of an RSS feed. Content providers that allow for syndication, receive additional exposure, and the webmasters serving the content, will generally see web traffic increase as a result of the new content. RSS feeds can be syndicated or displayed using a variety of different methods. Depending on the web host, server configuration, and the intent of the publishers, a variety of different syndication tools exist.

In most cases, providers convert RSS feeds to HTML in order to display the feeds contents. The following are some of the more popular methods to convert RSS feeds as web based content.

Converting RSS to HTML


SQL2RSS Converts MySQL to RSS Feeds

Convert MySQL databases to rss feeds using SQL2RSS.



Converting RSS to HTML

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to dynamically update websites. This means that the website content automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static and dynamic content on their website.

Often, publishers, interested in expanding their base, will allow other webmasters to republish the contents of an RSS feed. Content providers that allow for syndication, receive additional exposure, and the webmasters serving the content, will generally see web traffic increase as a result of the new content. RSS feeds can be syndicated or displayed using a variety of different methods. Depending on the web host, server configuration, and the intent of the publishers, a variety of different syndication tools exist.

Converting RSS to HTML


Converting RSS to HTML

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to dynamically update websites. This means that the website content automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static and dynamic content on their website.

Converting RSS to HTML


Advertising in RSS Feeds

As publishers have moved towards monetizing RSS feeds, their have been vibrant discussions as to whether advertisements in feeds are viable or whether they will drive subscribers away. At the end of the day while it appears that many are discussing the philosophical approaches to ads in RSS feeds few are taking the time to examine the options available for inserting advertisements in feeds. Ultimately the advertisements served are going to determine the success of RSS as an advertising medium.

Advertising in RSS Feeds


Converting RSS to HTML

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to dynamically update websites. This means that the website content automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static and dynamic content on their website.

Often, publishers, interested in expanding their base, will allow other webmasters to republish the contents of an RSS feed. Content providers that allow for syndication, receive additional exposure, and the webmasters serving the content, will generally see web traffic increase as a result of the new content. RSS feeds can be syndicated or displayed using a variety of different methods. Depending on the web host, server configuration, and the intent of the publishers, a variety of different syndication tools exist.

Converting RSS to HTML


Converting RSS to HTML

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to dynamically update websites. This means that the website content automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static and dynamic content on their website.

Converting RSS to HTML