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Does it seem like there are more spiders around the house right now? And do the spiders you spot seem bigger than those you've seen in recent months? Spider expert, Dr Sara Goodacre, is here with some arachnid answers.


Blended Learning and Career and Technology Education - Part I: The Definition

In this four-part series, I’ll define blended learning, discuss the models of blended learning, the implications for career and technical education, and how the Curriculum, Assessment, and Digital Delivery (CADD) areas of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education can assist in the implementation of blended learning.

Technology has created a personalized access to the world where we can connect and learn… where we can create and share.  Almost every aspect of our lives have been changed by technology, except... education.

Over the last few years, I’ve entered into blended learning discussions with various people, including educators, and I’m always surprised at their perception of blended learning.  Many believe blended learning occurs when any type of computer-based learning takes place within the classroom.  In many instances, I would define what is occurring as technology-rich instruction, but there is a difference.

Blended learning is the combination of online learning and brick and mortar schools with teachers who enable students to learn at their own pace.  Why is this important?  Because many students learn in different ways and this allows each student to optimize their learning.  Quite simply, the purpose of blended learning is to take the best of traditional education and blend it with the power of online learning which allows for a more personalized and interactive learning experience.  Each teacher has the opportunity to review data, in the moment, and determine where the student is at and to form instruction for the next period or the next day.  Blended learning also puts the student in charge of their own learning which, to me, is a very valuable lesson in itself.

According to the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Education, blended learning “goes beyond one-to-one computers and high-tech gadgets. Blended learning involves leveraging the Internet to afford each student a more personalized learning experience, including increased student control over the time, place, path, and/or pace of learning.

The definition of blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns:

at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace;

at least in part in a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home;

and the modalities along each student’s learning path within a course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience.”

See more at: http://www.christenseninstitute.org/blended-learning/#sthash.AWqDXtoh.dpuf

The key difference between blended learning and other forms of education is on its emphasis on personalized learning.  The International Association for Online Learning (iNACOL) defines personalized learning as, “Tailoring learning for each student’s strengths, needs and interests–including enabling student voice and choice in what, how, when and where they learn–to provide flexibility and supports to ensure mastery of the highest standards possible.” As you can see, the two definitions overlap, but blending learning adds online learning and leveraging the internet to personalize an individual’s learning experience.

Next- Blended Learning and Career and Technology Education - Part II: Blended Learning Models


Blended Learning and Career and Technology Education - Part II: Blended Learning Models

In this four-part series, I’ll define blended learning, discuss the models of blended learning, the implications for career and technical education, and how the Curriculum, Assessment, and Digital Delivery (CADD) areas of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education can assist in the implementation of blended learning.

As I mentioned in the first post in this series, technology has created a personalized access to the world where we can connect and learn… where we can create and share.  Almost every aspect of our lives have been changed by technology, except... education.

I believe blended learning can have a profound effect upon career and technology education in many instructional ways which will be discussed in the next post.  There are certain elements of blended learning that already occur in CTE and some may be doing an excellent job as I write this, but I’m not aware of research that helps decide if one model works better with any certain occupational area (if you know of any research in this area, PLEASE SHARE!!).

The Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Education defines blended learning as “a formal education program in which the student learns:

(1) at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace;

(2) at least in part in a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home;

(3) and the modalities along each student’s learning path within a course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience.”

The Models 

The majority of blended-learning programs resemble one of four models: Rotation, Flex, A La Carte, and Enriched Virtual. The Rotation model includes four sub-models: Station Rotation, Lab Rotation, Flipped Classroom, and Individual Rotation.

1. Rotation model — a course or subject in which students rotate on a fixed schedule or at the teacher’s discretion between learning modalities, at least one of which is online learning. Other modalities might include activities such as small-group or full-class instruction, group projects, individual tutoring, and pencil-and-paper assignments. The students learn mostly on the brick-and-mortar campus, except for any homework assignments.

a. Station Rotation — a course or subject in which students experience the Rotation model within a contained classroom or group of classrooms. The Station Rotation model differs from the Individual Rotation model because students rotate through all of the stations, not only those on their custom schedules.

b. Lab Rotation – a course or subject in which students rotate to a computer lab for the online-learning station.

c. Flipped Classroom – a course or subject in which students participate in online learning off-site in place of traditional homework and then attend the brick-and-mortar school for face-to-face, teacher-guided practice or projects. The primary delivery of content and instruction is online, which differentiates a Flipped Classroom from students who are merely doing homework practice online at night.

d. Individual Rotation – a course or subject in which each student has an individualized playlist and does not necessarily rotate to each available station or modality. An algorithm or teacher(s) sets individual student schedules.

2. Flex model — a course or subject in which online learning is the backbone of student learning, even if it directs students to offline activities at times. Students move on an individually customized, fluid schedule among learning modalities. The teacher of record is on-site, and students learn mostly on the brick-and-mortar campus, except for any homework assignments. The teacher of record or other adults provide face-to-face support on a flexible and adaptive as-needed basis through activities such as small-group instruction, group projects, and individual tutoring. Some implementations have substantial face-to-face support, whereas others have minimal support. For example, some Flex models may have face-to-face certified teachers who supplement the online learning on a daily basis, whereas others may provide little face-to-face enrichment. Still others may have different staffing combinations. These variations are useful modifiers to describe a particular Flex model.

3. A La Carte model — a course that a student takes entirely online to accompany other experiences that the student is having at a brick-and-mortar school or learning center. The teacher of record for the A La Carte course is the online teacher. Students may take the A La Carte course either on the brick-and-mortar campus or off-site. This differs from full-time online learning because it is not a whole-school experience. Students take some courses A La Carte and others face-to-face at a brick-and-mortar campus.

4. Enriched Virtual model — a course or subject in which students have required face-to-face learning sessions with their teacher of record and then are free to complete their remaining coursework remote from the face-to-face teacher. Online learning is the backbone of student learning when the students are located remotely. The same person generally serves as both the online and face-to-face teacher. Many Enriched Virtual programs began as full-time online schools and then developed blended programs to provide students with brick-and-mortar school experiences. The Enriched Virtual model differs from the Flipped Classroom because in Enriched Virtual programs, students seldom meet face-to-face with their teachers every weekday. It differs from a fully online course because face-to-face learning sessions are more than optional office hours or social events; they are required.

Next- Blended Learning and Career and Technology Education - Part III: Blended Learning Implications for CTE


Blended Learning and Career and Technology Education - Part III: Implications for Career and Technical Education

In this four-part series, I’ll define blended learning, discuss the models of blended learning, the implications for career and technical education, and how the Curriculum, Assessment, and Digital Delivery (CADD) areas of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education can assist in the implementation of blended learning.

Here are several ways that blended learning can have a profound effect upon career and technology education:

Personalized instruction – Blended learning allows for a more personalized and interactive learning experience by putting the student in charge of their own learning.  Taking the best of traditional education and blending it with the power of online learning will provide the teacher an opportunity to review data, in the moment, determine where the student is at and to form instruction for the next period or the next day.

Increased monitoring – The use of a student information, assessment, and gradebook systems that link to the LMS provides instant feedback on assignments and assessments.  This allows the instructor to spend time reviewing student data, adjust instruction, and provide additional classroom or individual instruction. 

Open entry/Open exit – Blended learning fits nicely with competency-based learning and the concept of open entry/open exit.  Personalized instruction and increased monitoring will allow the instructor to more accurately determine when tasks and competencies are achieved.

Increased enrollments – Depending on the blended learning model and the CTE program being offered, enrollments could potentially be increased.

Increased performance gains – “The Rise of K–12 Blended Learning - Profiles of emerging models” by Heather Staker profiles 40 educational entities. Not every school reported gains and some thought it was too early to verify results, but many posted positive gains when compared to the traditional classrooms within the same district.  For example:

“School of One - Students in summer 2009 acquired new math skills at a rate estimated to be
seven times faster than peers. Students in spring 2010 showed gains that, when
annualized, would equate to 1/2 to 2/3 of an additional year of gain. Students in
spring 2010 showed significant gains across all academic quartiles.”

Other potential benefits from this study include increased retention rates, an increase in teacher/parent contacts, increased course completion rates, a strengthening of curriculum offerings, and lower instructional costs.

As you can see, blended learning can have the potential to benefit the student, the instructor, and the parents in a careertech setting.  Again, I’m not aware of any research that helps decide if one model works better with any certain occupational area (if you know of any research in this area, PLEASE SHARE!!).


Blended Learning and Career and Technology Education - Part IV: Implementing Blended Learning With Resources from the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education

In this four-part series, I’ll define blended learning, discuss the models of blended learning, the implications for career and technical education, and how the Curriculum, Assessment, and Digital Delivery (CADD) areas of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education can assist in the implementation of blended learning.

Photo courtesy of the Clayton Christensen Institute
Blended learning is a shift to an online instructional delivery for a portion of the day to make students, teachers, and schools more productive, both academically and financially.  We all know there’s no single right approach to building the “perfect” model for blended learning as communities have different resources, classrooms, computers, schedules, and many other unique needs.  A school doesn’t always have the resources or the expertise to select and purchase a learning management system (LMS), design lessons, or write assessments, but there are available resources.

Did you know that the Curriculum, Assessment, and Digital Delivery areas of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education can assist in the implementation of blended learning?  The National Technology Plan acknowledges the challenges of raising college and career-ready standards without a significant investment of new funding so check out our online catalog and search the following links for additional information and see how we can assist you in blending digital and teacher led instruction to personalize learning for each student.


Learn how to use PLC and VFD for pump control: Power and control circuits analysis

For the last several decades, every engineering task related to processing control is realized by the use of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). If we are talking about induction motor control, which is the most common case, usually a VFD (Variable... Read more

The post Learn how to use PLC and VFD for pump control: Power and control circuits analysis appeared first on EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal.


Learn how to interpret transformer nameplate information

As we all know, all substation equipment (should) have a metal plate with its “name” on it. Here we’ll discuss power and distribution transformers and information that their nameplates carry. It’s usually attached to the tank in a visible place... Read more

The post Learn how to interpret transformer nameplate information appeared first on EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal.


Me and Orson Welles resource wins Learning on Screen Award

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The post Experiment. Learn. Adapt.: Ranked Choice Voting in the 2024 AGU Elections appeared first on AGU Blogosphere.

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Tip of the Iceberg: A Preview of the Learning Opportunities at PACK EXPO

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From Campus to Career: The Critical Importance of Experiential Learning in Workforce Preparation

From Campus to Career: The Critical Importance of Experiential Learning in Workforce Preparation jhammond@desti… Tue, 09/24/2024 - 16:52


From the lens of a student, workforce development in tourism relies on mentorship, internships, and real-world experiences. Engaging students early through meaningful industry connections prepares them to contribute actively, building confidence and shaping the future of the travel and tourism workforce.

4 min read

Industry Events Spark Career Vision for Students

Attending Destinations International’s Annual Convention for the first time in Tampa, Florida earlier this summer was both exciting and, to be honest, a bit intimidating. As a student stepping into a room filled with industry leaders and professionals, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe, and nerves. These were individuals who had already solidified their careers, shaping the future of destinations and tourism, while I was just beginning to imagine where my path might lead.

Despite the initial butterflies, the more I interacted with these professionals, the more I realized they weren’t just leaders in the industry - they were also mentors and advocates for the next generation. They were eager to share insights, listen to fresh perspectives, and offer advice. Days after the convention ended, I found myself reflecting on those conversations, replaying sessions in my mind, and seeing my future more clearly than ever.

As the days passed, I felt a bittersweet sense of closure because while the convention was over, I had a newfound excitement for what was to come. I kept thinking about my potential career, revisiting the ideas and discussions I’d experienced. These interactions shifted my mindset - I no longer felt like just a student. Watching the next class of 30 under 30, I could imagine myself on that stage one day, contributing to the industry. This realization boosted my confidence and solidified my commitment to pursuing a meaningful role in tourism.

Experience Enables Students to Shape and Commit to the Industry's Future

My experience at the Annual Convention was just one chapter in my broader journey with Destinations International. As a Professional Development intern, I’ve been involved in developing certificate programs, attending meetings with industry leaders, and contributing to event planning and content creation. These hands-on experiences have connected my course work to the real world, making my learning more authentic and relevant.

As I partake in this work, I am gaining confidence, not just in my current role, but also in how my skills align with the future of the industry. As more students like me combine work with academic study, we begin to understand how our contributions can drive industry trends, innovations, and solutions. This balanced approach of connecting practical experience with academics produces well-rounded professionals who are ready to enter the field and also to shape its future.

The travel and tourism industry thrives on adaptability and fresh ideas. Engaging students early ensures the next generation is prepared to embrace changes and push the industry forward. Internships and immersive learning are essential in developing professionals who are confident in their ability to lead in a rapidly evolving industry.

A Student’s Insights on Building the Next-Generation Workforce

From my perspective, building the future workforce is more than just filling roles - it’s about creating opportunities that allow students to fully involve themselves in the industry. DMOs and other industry leaders should focus on establishing personal connections through internships, shadowing, and professional development programs. These experiences create a sense of belonging and purpose, showing students how our work is actually valued. Workforce development isn’t just a marketing campaign - it’s about creating genuine, lasting relationships that inspire growth and passion.

Mentorship is a crucial element in building a successful workforce. Passing on knowledge is important, but sharing enthusiasm for the industry is just as impactful. When mentors invest in students, they don’t just develop our skills - they also create a sense of pride and purpose in our work. Simple engagements, like inviting students to industry events or allowing them to shadow professionals, can make a significant impact. These moments of inclusion provide insight into the industry and help us build connections with professionals who can guide and inspire us.

All in all, creating an environment where students feel valued and invested in is key to shaping the workforce of the future. Both students and industry professionals must be committed to this process. When students feel respected as contributors, we become more confident and motivated to shape our paths within the industry. The more engaged we are, the more we envision ourselves as future leaders, driving the travel and tourism landscape for years to come.

As we work toward building the next generation of tourism professionals, I encourage destination leaders to consider how they can actively support their growth. One impactful way is by sponsoring local students to take part in Destinations International’s upcoming Business Intelligence Certificate program. With courses in Sales, Services, and Marketing and Communications, this program will provide emerging professionals with key skills in business events, such as decision-making, risk mitigation, and strategic planning. By investing in future leaders now with opportunities in professional development, such as the Business Intelligence Certificate, you’re ensuring they have the necessary tools to contribute to this growing and thriving industry.

About the Author

Payten Slack

Professional Development Intern
Destinations International

Payten Slack is a first-generation college student from Orlando, Florida, and a junior at NYU’s School of Professional Studies, majoring in Hospitality, Travel, and Tourism Management with a concentration in Travel and Tourism Development. She is an active member of her school’s community and puts an emphasis on ensuring students are being well-represented on a university-wide level. Payten has gained hands-on experience through her role as a Professional Development intern at Destinations International and is committed to merging academic knowledge with real-world applications to better prepare the future workforce.

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Learning Guitar

The day we got out for Christmas break I felt the pressure of school lift off and decided I wanted to pull out the old guitar and give it another try. The thing is I don't really know how to play the guitar, I know how to play about 4 chords. Enter the iPad.

I started searching for iPad apps that would help me learn a few Christmas songs and I stumbled across the app Four Chords. If you have ever played Guitar Hero or any game like it you will immediately feel at home.

The App is Free but where they make their money is buy selling individual songs. The list of songs is not huge but they take requests and have a good section of Free songs as well. To be honest I mainly have used it so far to learn Christmas Songs and those were all free.

After you select a song it shows you what chords you will need to know to play the selected song and shows you the fingering if you need it.

When the song starts it looks a lot like guitar hero though it doesn't check if you are right or not so there is no score. Just strum when that chord lights up or if you want to get creative you can fill in the space with your own strumming pattern. It also has the lyrics on the screen so you can sing along.

No score but if you feel like it there is the option to record yourself and share it with others. It has a video or just audio recording options.

One of the thing that makes the app so great is that while you play the chords it provides the melody and or guitar sounds with you to help you stay on and guide you through the song. This is fully controllable so if you feel comfortable with the song you can turn those off and sing and play yourself when you are ready.

This is a great app that I would recommend to all young and old. It makes you feel successful while learning a tough new talent and as any music teacher knows feeling successful and confidence are keys to learning.


Chatbots: First Steps and Lessons Learned - Part 1

Chabot development comes with a unique set of requirements and considerations that may prove challenging to those making their first excursion into this new breed of services. This podcast features a panel of developers who have been there, done that, and are willing to talk about it.


Chatbots: First Steps and Lessons Learned - Part 2

The previous podcast featured a discussion of chatbot development with a panel of developers who were part of a program that provided early access to the Oracle Intelligent Bots platform available within the Mobile Cloud Service. In this podcast we continue the discussion of chatbot development with an entirely new panel of developers who also had the opportunity to work with that same Intelligent Bots beta release.

  • Oracle ACE Director Mia Urman is Chief Executive Officer of AuraPlayer Limited. She’s based in Brookline, Massachusetts.
  • Peter Crew is Director at SDS Group, and Chief Technical Officer with MagiaCX Solutions, in Perth, Australia
  • And Christoph Ruepprich is Infrastructure Senior Principal with Accenture Enkitec Group. He’s based in Dallas, TX

In this program Mia, Peter, and Christoph compare notes on the particular challenges that defined their chatbot development experiences, and discuss what they did to meet those challenges.


#376: Getting Over the FUD and Learning to Love AI/ML

Popular culture abounds with examples of artificial intelligence gone awry. From HAL 9000’s emotionless apology to a distressed astronaut, to the various incarnations of the Terminator, to the Matrix series’ disturbing vision of humans as batteries, it’s easy to see why people may be a bit leery of the idea of thinking machines.This program brings together a group of software developers to discuss why they are simultaneously excited by and concerned about AI. 

See the complete show notes here.



#381: The Transformative Potential of AI and Machine Learning: An Interview with Dr. Daniel Hulme

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#386: AI and Machine Learning the Good the Bad and the Future

In this conversation Oracle Community Manager Javed Mohammed speaks with three AI-ML experts.

Autonomous technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are on the tip of every tongue in tech. But what is the difference between AI and ML? What are interesting use cases? What is “under the hood” of AI/ML and the algorithms that power ML models?

We have three Subject Matter Experts who share their insights into a fascinating and at times humorous conversation.

  • Charlie Berger, Sr. Director of Product Management for Machine Learning, AI and Cognitive Analytics at Oracle.
  • Heli Helskyaho, CEO Miracle Finland  Oracle ACE Director, Groundbreaker Ambassador. Author. Doctoral student, University of Helsinki. Also known as HeliFromFinland.
  • Katharine Jarmul, Head of Product at Cape Privacy, she is a Privacy activist, AI dissenter, machine learning engineer. Author and teacher for O'Reilly.

Listen to learn about what makes AI and ML solutions powerful as well as the challenges we face from them. Charlie, Heli and Katharine explain some of the fundamentals about this revolutionary technology but also share personal stories which make for a memorable Podcast.

Read the complete show notes here.


Building Software Development Communities: Lessons Learned and Stories from the Field

Here are some photos, stories, and lessons I've collected over the years building Open Source software development communities at Sun Microsystems, Oracle, and on my own. I like taking photos and I like talking to developers — it's how I learn. So in this comprehensive commentary I talk about pretty much everything I've learned during the previous 15 years or so doing community development. Everything I've learned I still use today.

You can follow along with the photos below or view the video. I gave an earlier version of this talk at the All India Oracle User Group's (AIOUG) virtual OG Yatra in 2020, and I've talked about bits and pieces of the content in many other presentations. That's why I wanted to bring it all together into a single narrative centered around some specific images and stories. Hope it hangs together. 

Podcast Host: Jim Grisanzio, Oracle Developer Relations












All India Oracle User Group OGYatra 2020 Slides



All India Oracle User Group OGYatra 2020 Video



Oracle Developer Relations Social







Red Bull Racing Honda and Oracle Team up on a Series of Machine Learning HOLs

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Register for the lab here! Same link for on demand!

Podcast Host: Jim Grisanzio, Oracle Developer Relations


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Jeanne Boyarsky on Java, Learning, and Contributing

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Jeanne on Twitter: @jeanneboyarsky
Jim on Twitter: @jimgris 


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