
OU Reproductive Medicine physician receives grant to further study frozen embryo transfers

(University of Oklahoma) OU Medicine recently received a $1.4 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study one method of embryo transfer involved in IVF: cryopreserved (frozen) embryo transfer.


New research finds racial bias in rideshare platforms

(Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) New research to be published in the INFORMS journal Management Science has found popular rideshare platforms exhibit racial and other biases that penalize under-represented minorities and others seeking to use their services.


Psychosocial Barriers to Diabetes Self-Management and Quality of Life

Russell E. Glasgow
Jan 1, 2001; 14:


Association of Self-Efficacy and Self-Care With Glycemic Control in Diabetes

Carla Moore Beckerle
Aug 1, 2013; 26:172-178
Feature Articles


Associations Between Self-Management Education and Comprehensive Diabetes Clinical Care

Tammie M. Johnson
Jan 1, 2010; 23:41-46
Feature Articles

cia Financial Innovation for Impact

Were credit guarantees, in partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the right path for to scale its water-related microfinance initiatives in emerging markets?


Human Rights Priorities: An Agenda for Equality and Social Justice

Members Event

19 November 2019 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

Event participants

Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Chair: Ruma Mandal, Head, International Law Programme, Chatham House

Following just over one year in office, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, outlines her ongoing priorities at a tumultuous time for fundamental rights protections worldwide.

She discusses the rights implications of climate change, gender inequality including the advancement of sexual and reproductive rights, the protection of vulnerable groups and the need to work closely with states, civil society and business to protect and advance human rights.


Members Events Team


Modulation of natural HLA-B*27:05 ligandome by ankylosing spondylitis-associated endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2)

Elena Lorente
Apr 7, 2020; 0:RA120.002014v1-mcp.RA120.002014


Identification of an Unconventional Subpeptidome Bound to the Behcet's Disease-associated HLA-B*51:01 that is Regulated by Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1)

Liye Chen
May 1, 2020; 19:871-883


Characterization of signaling pathways associated with pancreatic {beta}-cell adaptive flexibility in compensation of obesity-linked diabetes in db/db mice

Taewook Kang
Apr 7, 2020; 0:RA119.001882v1-mcp.RA119.001882


A mathematician’s mission statement

By Pamela E. Harris and Julianne Vega Companies and organizations are driven by their mission statements. These mission statements provide a concrete summary of what they value and what they work to achieve. Take for example the following mission statements: … Continue reading


Artificial Intelligence Prediction and Counterterrorism

9 August 2019

The use of AI in counterterrorism is not inherently wrong, and this paper suggests some necessary conditions for legitimate use of AI as part of a predictive approach to counterterrorism on the part of liberal democratic states.

Kathleen McKendrick

British Army Officer, Former Visiting Research Fellow at Chatham House


Surveillance cameras manufactured by Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co. at a testing station near the company’s headquarters in Hangzhou, China. Photo: Getty Images


  • The use of predictive artificial intelligence (AI) in countering terrorism is often assumed to have a deleterious effect on human rights, generating spectres of ‘pre-crime’ punishment and surveillance states. However, the well-regulated use of new capabilities may enhance states’ abilities to protect citizens’ right to life, while at the same time improving adherence to principles intended to protect other human rights, such as transparency, proportionality and freedom from unfair discrimination. The same regulatory framework could also contribute to safeguarding against broader misuse of related technologies.
  • Most states focus on preventing terrorist attacks, rather than reacting to them. As such, prediction is already central to effective counterterrorism. AI allows higher volumes of data to be analysed, and may perceive patterns in those data that would, for reasons of both volume and dimensionality, otherwise be beyond the capacity of human interpretation. The impact of this is that traditional methods of investigation that work outwards from known suspects may be supplemented by methods that analyse the activity of a broad section of an entire population to identify previously unknown threats.
  • Developments in AI have amplified the ability to conduct surveillance without being constrained by resources. Facial recognition technology, for instance, may enable the complete automation of surveillance using CCTV in public places in the near future.
  • The current way predictive AI capabilities are used presents a number of interrelated problems from both a human rights and a practical perspective. Where limitations and regulations do exist, they may have the effect of curtailing the utility of approaches that apply AI, while not necessarily safeguarding human rights to an adequate extent.
  • The infringement of privacy associated with the automated analysis of certain types of public data is not wrong in principle, but the analysis must be conducted within a robust legal and policy framework that places sensible limitations on interventions based on its results.
  • In future, broader access to less intrusive aspects of public data, direct regulation of how those data are used – including oversight of activities by private-sector actors – and the imposition of technical as well as regulatory safeguards may improve both operational performance and compliance with human rights legislation. It is important that any such measures proceed in a manner that is sensitive to the impact on other rights such as freedom of expression, and freedom of association and assembly.


Tobacco smoking in people is not associated with altered 18 kDa-translocator protein levels: A Positron Emission Tomography study

Rationale: The effects of tobacco smoking on the brain’s immune system are not well elucidated. While nicotine is immunosuppressive, other constituents in tobacco smoke have inflammatory effects. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging of the 18-kDa translocator protein (TSPO) provide a biomarker for microglia, the brain’s primary immunocompetent cells. This work compared brain TSPO levels in 20 tobacco smokers (abstinent for at least 2 hours) and 20 nonsmokers using a fully quantitative modeling approach for the first time. Methods: [11C]PBR28 PET scans were acquired with arterial blood sampling to estimate the metabolite-corrected input function. [11C]PBR28 volumes of distribution (VT) were estimated throughout the brain with multilinear analysis. Results: Statistical analyses revealed no evidence for significant differences in regional [11C]PBR28 VT between smokers and non-smokers (whole-brain Cohen’s d=0.09) despite adequate power to detect medium effect sizes. Conclusion: These findings inform previous PET studies reporting lower TSPO radiotracer concentrations in brain (measured as standardized uptake value, SUV) of tobacco smokers compared to nonsmokers by demonstrating the importance of accounting for radiotracer concentrations in plasma. These findings suggest that compared to nonsmokers, smokers have comparable TSPO levels in brain. Additional work with other biomarkers is needed to fully characterize effects of tobacco smoking on the brain’s immune system.


Assessing the Activity of Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein 1 at the Lung Epithelial Barrier

Multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (ABCC1) is abundantly expressed at the lung epithelial barrier, where it may influence the pulmonary disposition of inhaled drugs and contribute to variability in therapeutic response. Aim of this study was to assess the impact of ABCC1 on the pulmonary disposition of 6-bromo-7-11C-methylpurine (11C-BMP), a prodrug radiotracer which is intracellularly conjugated with glutathione to form the ABCC1 substrate S-(6-(7-11C-methylpurinyl))glutathione (11C-MPG). Methods: Groups of Abcc1(-/-) rats, wild-type rats pretreated with the ABCC1 inhibitor MK571 and wild-type control rats underwent dynamic PET scans after administration of 11C-BMP intravenously (i.v.) or by intratracheal aerosolization (i.t.). In vitro transport experiments were performed with unlabeled BMP in the human distal lung epithelial cell line NCI-H441. Results: Pulmonary kinetics of radioactivity were significantly different between wild-type and Abcc1(-/-) rats, but differences were more pronounced after i.t. than after i.v. administration. After i.v. administration lung exposure (AUClung) was 77% higher and the elimination slope of radioactivity washout from the lungs (kE,lung) was 70% lower, whereas after i.t. administration AUClung was 352% higher and kE,lung was 86% lower in Abcc1(-/-) rats. Pretreatment with MK571 decreased kE,lung by 20% after i.t. radiotracer administration. Intracellular accumulation of MPG in NCI-H441 cells was significantly higher and extracellular efflux was lower in presence than in absence of MK571. Conclusion: PET with pulmonary administered 11C-BMP can measure ABCC1 activity at the lung epithelial barrier and may be applicable in humans to assess the effects of disease, genetic polymorphisms or concomitant drug intake on pulmonary ABCC1 activity.


African Agency Holds Power to Account in a Social Media Age

18 December 2019

Yusuf Hassan

Parliamentary and Media Outreach Assistant, Africa Programme

Waihiga Mwaura

News Anchor, Citizen TV Kenya
Structures to support more in-depth investigative journalism are vital in Africa because that seems to be the only thing those in power still truly fear.


Broadcast technicians work in a control room during the official launch of the Digital Terrestrial Television (TNT) in February 2019 near Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Photo by ISSOUF SANOGO/AFP via Getty Images.

Africa’s media landscape has undergone a significant change over the last decade as digitalization and new forms of media consumption have weakened state control of information. Social media has provided an opportunity for African citizens and journalists to take agency over how the continent is presented to the wider world, and many emerging African voices bring clarity to this digitally disrupted marketplace. But significant external support is required to make these efforts sustainable.  

There is no one ‘African’ story. African media remains as diverse as the 55 states in the African Union, with each national media ecosystem dependent on patterns of culture and governance - most importantly the power gap between those in leadership and their voters.

Journalists from Egypt, Eritrea and Cameroon - states in the 2019 global top 10 for putting their colleagues in prison - have different perspectives from those in other more liberal African countries.

This is most visible in traditional media where a business model based on advertising revenue has allowed African media houses to grow. But it is susceptible to manipulation from state and business actors holding outlets to ransom in exchange for editorial influence or control – a particularly acute problem in states where business and political elites are closely intertwined, and a middle-class consumer base to fund market-driven advertising has yet to develop.

Those African countries with relatively open borders, stronger passports and a more vibrant civil society also tend to have a more diverse and vibrant media environment. Open borders allow for easier movement, granting journalists the opportunity to travel, benchmark and participate in exchange programs.

The power of online networking

The advent of the social media age has begun to disrupt the links between governance and media health, as the large operations required by ‘serious’ media organizations have been replaced by mobile phone cameras and social media timelines.

Many African journalists are at the forefront of this innovation, unrestricted by historical perceptions of how journalism should be presented, and free to disrupt and change the established narratives to better engage with their ever-growing audiences.

And, far from replacing journalism, social media has actively empowered African journalists and media professionals. Instead of acting as sources for international media outlets as in the past, African journalists can publish their work on their own platforms, enabling greater ownership of how issues in their localities are globally framed. This local voice is often the key to avoiding the endemic oversimplifications and generalisations that have coloured much external coverage of the continent.

Obviously, these changes bring risks. Individual uploaders are largely free to publish what they like, and misinformation can - and often has - lead to devastating consequences, evident in recent violence across central Mali, South Africa and the middle belt of Nigeria.

But journalists on the African continent have an increasingly important role in preventing the spread of misinformation, not only as purveyors of news but also as fact-checkers, able to discern the difference between valid opinion and dubious rhetoric on social media, while new pan-African digital networks and discussion groups enable journalists to share knowledge, expertise, and story ideas, or quickly verify information from across the continent.

It is now possible to quickly find authentic voices for TV, radio or online commentary through digital platforms, present on the ground and able to speak with real authority. Many online networks also include Africa-focused journalists from outside the continent, and any biased or incorrect coverage of the African continent can be ‘called out’ and heavily critiqued, with challenges shared and solutions generated. While journalists remain independent, their working practices and professional standards are being shaped by the discourse in the groups like never before.

Online networking has also exposed the existence of lingering cultural differences between journalists of different national backgrounds, such as a hesitancy to discuss sensitive issues – the health of leaders for instance – for fear of being targeted by the authorities, or the level to which government statements are uncritically accepted.

While journalists search for truth, how they go about it is still very dependent on the state of democracy in their country. Though the cross-fertilisation of best practices and critical scrutiny can only improve the quality of journalism on the continent, in many places there remains a long way to go.

Drive for better resources

Across the world, digital media has struggled to create models which can provide news free at the point of access while also successfully monetizing content. This is even more palpable on the African continent, as the subscription-based models employed as a remedy elsewhere are not feasible on such a large scale in countries without a well-established middle-class.

African media needs resources to keep operating at a time when revenue is dwindling, and talented journalists are decamping to join the marketing, communication and sales sectors in search of better wages. Structures to support more in-depth investigative journalism are vital in Africa because that seems to be the only thing those in power still truly fear.

This means more training opportunities, fellowships, and exchange programs to allow the exchange of ideas and expertise. And, as social media has given a platform to talented local voices from across Africa, then an international community which truly wants to understand the nuances of the continent must hire them.   


Thorough Performance Evaluation of 213 nm Ultraviolet Photodissociation for Top-down Proteomics [Technological Innovation and Resources]

Top-down proteomics studies intact proteoform mixtures and offers important advantages over more common bottom-up proteomics technologies, as it avoids the protein inference problem. However, achieving complete molecular characterization of investigated proteoforms using existing technologies remains a fundamental challenge for top-down proteomics. Here, we benchmark the performance of ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) using 213 nm photons generated by a solid-state laser applied to the study of intact proteoforms from three organisms. Notably, the described UVPD setup applies multiple laser pulses to induce ion dissociation, and this feature can be used to optimize the fragmentation outcome based on the molecular weight of the analyzed biomolecule. When applied to complex proteoform mixtures in high-throughput top-down proteomics, 213 nm UVPD demonstrated a high degree of complementarity with the most employed fragmentation method in proteomics studies, higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD). UVPD at 213 nm offered higher average proteoform sequence coverage and degree of proteoform characterization (including localization of post-translational modifications) than HCD. However, previous studies have shown limitations in applying database search strategies developed for HCD fragmentation to UVPD spectra which contains up to nine fragment ion types. We therefore performed an analysis of the different UVPD product ion type frequencies. From these data, we developed an ad hoc fragment matching strategy and determined the influence of each possible ion type on search outcomes. By paring down the number of ion types considered in high-throughput UVPD searches from all types down to the four most abundant, we were ultimately able to achieve deeper proteome characterization with UVPD. Lastly, our detailed product ion analysis also revealed UVPD cleavage propensities and determined the presence of a product ion produced specifically by 213 nm photons. All together, these observations could be used to better elucidate UVPD dissociation mechanisms and improve the utility of the technique for proteomic applications.


Interaction Proteomics Identifies ERbeta Association with Chromatin Repressive Complexes to Inhibit Cholesterol Biosynthesis and Exert An Oncosuppressive Role in Triple-negative Breast Cancer [Research]

Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is characterized by poor response to therapy and low overall patient survival. Recently, Estrogen Receptor beta (ERβ) has been found to be expressed in a fraction of TNBCs where, because of its oncosuppressive actions on the genome, it represents a potential therapeutic target, provided a better understanding of its actions in these tumors becomes available. To this end, the cell lines Hs 578T, MDA-MB-468 and HCC1806, representing the claudin-low, basal-like 1 and 2 TNBC molecular subtypes respectively, were engineered to express ERβ under the control of a Tetracycline-inducible promoter and used to investigate the effects of this transcription factor on gene activity. The antiproliferative effects of ERβ in these cells were confirmed by multiple functional approaches, including transcriptome profiling and global mapping of receptor binding sites in the genome, that revealed direct negative regulation by ERβ of genes, encoding for key components of cellular pathways associated to TNBC aggressiveness representing novel therapeutic targets such as angiogenesis, invasion, metastasis and cholesterol biosynthesis. Supporting these results, interaction proteomics by immunoprecipitation coupled to nano LC-MS/MS mass spectrometry revealed ERβ association with several potential nuclear protein partners, including key components of regulatory complexes known to control chromatin remodeling, transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene regulation and RNA splicing. Among these, ERβ association with the Polycomb Repressor Complexes 1 and 2 (PRC1/2), known for their central role in gene regulation in cancer cells, was confirmed in all three TNBC subtypes investigated, suggesting its occurrence independently from the cellular context. These results demonstrate a significant impact of ERβ in TNBC genome activity mediated by its cooperation with regulatory multiprotein chromatin remodeling complexes, providing novel ground to devise new strategies for the treatment of these diseases based on ligands affecting the activity of this nuclear receptor or some of its protein partners.


Proteomic Analysis Reveals that Topoisomerase 2A is Associated with Defective Sperm Head Morphology [Research]

Male infertility is widespread and estimated to affect 1 in 20 men. Although in some cases the etiology of the condition is well understood, for at least 50% of men, the underlying cause is yet to be classified. Male infertility, or subfertility, is often diagnosed by looking at total sperm produced, motility of the cells and overall morphology. Although counting spermatozoa and their associated motility is routine, morphology assessment is highly subjective, mainly because of the procedure being based on microscopic examination. A failure to diagnose male-infertility or sub-fertility has led to a situation where assisted conception is often used unnecessarily. As such, biomarkers of male infertility are needed to help establish a more consistent diagnosis. In the present study, we compared nuclear extracts from both high- and low-quality spermatozoa by LC-MS/MS based proteomic analysis. Our data shows that nuclear retention of specific proteins is a common facet among low-quality sperm cells. We demonstrate that the presence of Topoisomerase 2A in the sperm head is highly correlated to poor head morphology. Topoisomerase 2A is therefore a potential new biomarker for confirming male infertility in clinical practice.


Identification of an Unconventional Subpeptidome Bound to the Behcet's Disease-associated HLA-B*51:01 that is Regulated by Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1) [Research]

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B*51:01 and endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1) are strongly genetically associated with Behcet's disease (BD). Previous studies have defined two subgroups of HLA-B*51 peptidome containing proline (Pro) or alanine (Ala) at position 2 (P2). Little is known about the unconventional non-Pro/Ala2 HLA-B*51-bound peptides. We aimed to study the features of this novel subpeptidome, and investigate its regulation by ERAP1. CRISPR-Cas9 was used to generate an HLA-ABC-triple knockout HeLa cell line (HeLa.ABC-KO), which was subsequently transduced to express HLA-B*51:01 (HeLa.ABC-KO.B51). ERAP1 was silenced using lentiviral shRNA. Peptides bound to HLA-B*51:01 were eluted and analyzed by mass spectrometry. The characteristics of non-Pro/Ala2, Pro2, and Ala2 peptides and their alteration by ERAP1 silencing were investigated. Effects of ERAP1 silencing on cell surface expression of HLA-B*51:01 were studied using flow cytometry. More than 20% of peptides eluted from HLA-B*51:01 lacked Pro or Ala at P2. This unconventional group of HLA-B*51:01-bound peptides was relatively enriched for 8-mers (with relatively fewer 9-mers) compared with the Pro2 and Ala2 subpeptidomes and had similar N-terminal and C-terminal residue usages to Ala2 peptides (with the exception of the less abundant leucine at position ). Knockdown of ERAP1 increased the percentage of non-Pro/Ala2 from 20% to ~40%, increased the percentage of longer (10-mer and 11-mer) peptides eluted from HLA-B*51:01 complexes, and abrogated the predominance of leucine at P1. Interestingly knockdown of ERAP1 altered the length and N-terminal residue usage of non-Ala2&Pro2 and Ala2 but not the Pro2 peptides. Finally, ERAP1 silencing regulated the expression levels of cell surface HLA-B*51 in a cell-type-dependent manner. In conclusion, we have used a novel methodology to identify an unconventional but surprisingly abundant non-Pro/Ala2 HLA-B*51:01 subpeptidome. It is increased by knockdown of ERAP1, a gene affecting the risk of developing BD. This has implications for theories of disease pathogenesis.


Decreased Immunoglobulin G Core Fucosylation, A Player in Antibody-dependent Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity, is Associated with Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases [Research]

Autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD) are the most common group of autoimmune diseases, associated with lymphocyte infiltration and the production of thyroid autoantibodies, like thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb), in the thyroid gland. Immunoglobulins and cell-surface receptors are glycoproteins with distinctive glycosylation patterns that play a structural role in maintaining and modulating their functions. We investigated associations of total circulating IgG and peripheral blood mononuclear cells glycosylation with AITD and the influence of genetic background in a case-control study with several independent cohorts and over 3,000 individuals in total. The study revealed an inverse association of IgG core fucosylation with TPOAb and AITD, as well as decreased peripheral blood mononuclear cells antennary α1,2 fucosylation in AITD, but no shared genetic variance between AITD and glycosylation. These data suggest that the decreased level of IgG core fucosylation is a risk factor for AITD that promotes antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity previously associated with TPOAb levels.


'Public servants should get off social media': warning after Islamic State hack

Terrorists and criminals are looking for people to blackmail or seduce into stealing data.


Recruitment drive for cyber security specialists will bring challenges for government

Fear government's cyber security recruitment drive will lead to job cuts.


Smart Energy Council calls for state to abandon facial recognition

Some users have been brought to tears by 'broken' facial recognition software now required to approve solar rebate applications.


Financial Markets: Lessons Learned Since the Financial Crisis and What the Future Holds

Invitation Only Research Event

2 September 2019 - 5:15pm to 6:30pm

Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

Event participants

Professor Robert Shiller, Sterling Professor of Economics, Yale University
Chair: Marianne Schneider-Petsinger, Research Fellow, US and the Americas Programme Chatham House

The 2007-08 financial crisis wreaked havoc on the lives of millions of people across the globe, and upended the faith of many in the prevailing economic system, with many countries still recovering a decade on.

Drawing on extensive research in his new book, Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events, Professor Shiller will draw on a rich array of historical examples and data and outline a new way to think about economic change, and the narratives that shape it, to provide answers to questions such as whether lessons have been learned since the last financial crisis, are the same dislocations likely to occur again and what toolkits, if any, are there for anticipating the next financial crisis or recession?

Attendance at this event is by invitation only.

Event attributes

Chatham House Rule


US and Americas Programme


Influencing the social impact of financial systems: alternative strategies

4 March 2020 , Volume 96, Number 2

Lee-Anne Sim

The social impact of the global financial crisis brought global and domestic financial systems into public focus. While over the last ten years governments have introduced a range of regulatory reforms, there are still low levels of public trust in financial sectors, and academics continue to express their concerns about financial systems and their desire for more influence. This is particularly the case for those framing their evaluation of the quality of financial systems in terms of social values. This article offers those seeking more influence over the social values of financial systems, a fresh perspective on their available strategic options for influencing outcomes. It argues that they should consider strategies aimed at making allies of financial sectors and regulators in influencing change. The main advantage of these alliance strategies is that they address key constraints to influence, as identified in existing scholarship, which are difficult to relax because they are tied to features inherent in financial systems. By addressing these constraints, alliance strategies could increase the likelihood that financial system outcomes align more closely with their preferred social values.


Webinar: Coordinating the Fight Against Financial Crime

Corporate Members Event Webinar

1 July 2020 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Add to Calendar

Che Sidanius, Global Head of Regulation & Industry Affairs, Refinitiv

Patricia Sullivan, Global Co-Head, Financial Crime Compliance, Standard Chartered

Dame Sara Thornton, Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, UK

Chair: Tom Keatinge, Director, Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies, RUSI


Illicit finance not only threatens financial stability and inclusion but also provides support for terrorism and is a primary incentive for human trafficking, the illegal wildlife trade and narcotics smuggling. Frequently, actors capitalize on loopholes and inefficiencies resulting from the lack of a coordinated response to financial crime and an underpowered global system for tracking illicit financial flows. Enhanced public-private partnerships, in addition to investment in tackling financial crime from governments, international bodies and private industries, are necessary to develop regulatory frameworks, effective responses and valuable coordination between law enforcement, policymakers, regulators and financial institutions. But how should businesses structure their efforts so that their business interests are protected and the work they do is of use to others fighting financial crime?

This webinar will explore solutions to enable public-private partnerships to work together to combat financial crime. What do successful partnerships need from each side to ensure that the work being done is efficient and effective? How can the industry’s internal effectiveness impact the ‘real-world’ victims? And what barriers impede public-private partnerships operating as a force for good? 

This event is part of a fortnightly series of 'Business in Focus' webinars reflecting on the impact of COVID-19 on areas of particular professional interest for our corporate members and giving circles.

Not a corporate member? Find out more.


Sphingolipids distribution at mitochondria-associated membranes (MAM) upon induction of apoptosis.

Vincent Mignard
Apr 29, 2020; 0:jlr.RA120000628v1-jlr.RA120000628
Research Articles


Schnyder corneal dystrophy-associated UBIAD1 is defective in MK-4 synthesis and resists autophagy-mediated degradation

Dong-Jae Jun
May 1, 2020; 61:746-757
Research Articles


Roles of endogenous ether lipids and associated PUFA in the regulation of ion channels and their relevance for disease

Delphine Fontaine
Apr 7, 2020; 0:jlr.RA120000634v1-jlr.RA120000634
Research Articles


Skin barrier lipid enzyme activity in Netherton patients is associated with protease activity and ceramide abnormalities

Jeroen van Smeden
Apr 7, 2020; 0:jlr.RA120000639v1-jlr.RA120000639
Research Articles


Episode 45 - The Internet of Social Responsibility (IoSR)

Host Henry Burrell leads the team into a tangle of nitty gritty tech topics in the penultimate pod of the year. Macworld UK Acting Editor David Price tells us why Apple and Nintendo very nearly scored a home run with Super Mario Run, but just missed out. The team, led by Charlotte Jee, Editor of Techworld then tackle Amazon's latest endeavour to solve first world problems (provided you live in Cambridge) (13 mins). Tamlin Magee, Online Editor at Techworld then leads us onto the sticky topic of defining extreme terror online and which big companies have a responsibility to police the Internet (27 mins).  

See for privacy and opt-out information.


Episode 50 - The Internet of Fiftieth Episode Special (IoFES) Anything goes, tbh

Momentous scenes as the pod celebrates its Golden Jubilee. Matt Egan is joined by some very special guests to congratulate the gang on the milestone while indulging in some points based tech quizzing. Join Chris Martin, Charlotte Jee, Dom Preston and Henry Burrell to recap questions from pods gone by with a new twist, and have a long hard think about what tech will be 50 more episodes from now. The prize? A small bronze jug. Obviously. NB. May not actually be 50 minutes, sorry.  

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Episode 64 - The Internet of Hype (IoH) Apple Special, again!

June means WWDC, and boy did Apple deliver this year. HomePod! iPad! Software! It's all here. Join the Macworld massive David Price, Ashleigh Macro, Dom Preston and Henry Burrell as they rifle through 40 minutes of on-the-nose critiques of Apple's latest announcements. With the new iMac Pro, iPad 10.5in and HomePod, the company introduced hardware for the first time since 2013, while the introduction of iOS 11 sets us up for the iPhone 8 in September. To the orchard!  

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Episode 100 - The Internet of Interval Timers (IoIT) Bumper 100 topic special!

Here it is folks, the insane 100th episode we have been planned for weeks (ahem). What better way to spend just over 50 minutes than with 100 tech topics covering over two years, one taken from each of the last 99 episodes of the pod plus the bonus round at the end.

Henry Burrell leads Tamlin Magee, Charlotte Jee, Scott Carey, Karen Khan and Christina Mercer down the tech rabbit hole in a game show-style quick fire test of our tech brains. In this game, everyone is a winner. Naw.

Thanks a lot for listening - here's to the next 100.


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Episode 101 - The Internet of Chucking Tech in the Bin (IoCTitB) Room 101 special

Episode 101 is a second special in a row as we take tech to trial and consign our least favourite digital surplus to Room 101.

The Orwellian nightmare is compered by Henry Burrell as he, David Price, Tamlin Magee and Scott Carey each pick two things to banish forever. Cue a a bumper edition where we throw people, buzzwords, fads and entire companies down the trash chute.

May contain arguments.


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Episode 102 - The Internet of Tennis Max (IoTM) Apple event special, new iPhones and Apple Watch

A quick-fire reaction Apple special, recorded the morning after new iPhones and an Apple Watch were announced at an event in California.

Henry Burrell joins David Price, Ashleigh Macro and Scott Carey to discuss which products we'll be buying, avoiding and coveting over the Christmas period.

Is the new iPhone named terribly? Is it an upgrade at all? What wasn't announced? And does Scott give the new Apple Watch any praise at all? It's all here.


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Roles of endogenous ether lipids and associated PUFA in the regulation of ion channels and their relevance for disease [Research Articles]

Ether lipids (ELs) are lipids characterized by the presence of either an ether linkage (alkyl lipids) or a vinyl ether linkage (i.e. plasmalogens [Pls]) at the sn1 position of the glycerol backbone and they are enriched in PUFAs at the sn2 position. In this review, we highlight that ELs have various biological functions, act as a reservoir for second messengers (such as PUFAs), and have roles in many diseases. Some of the biological effects of ELs may be associated with their ability to regulate ion channels that control excitation-contraction/secretion/mobility coupling and therefore cell physiology. These channels are embedded in lipid membranes, and lipids can regulate their activities directly or indirectly as second messengers or by incorporating into membranes. Interestingly, ELs and EL-derived PUFAs have been reported to play a key role in several pathologies, including neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and cancers. Investigations leading to a better understanding of their mechanisms of action in pathologies have opened a new field in cancer research. In summary, newly identified lipid regulators of ion channels, such as ELs and PUFAs, may represent valuable targets to improve disease diagnosis and advance the development of new therapeutic strategies for managing a range of diseases and conditions.


Skin barrier lipid enzyme activity in Netherton patients is associated with protease activity and ceramide abnormalities [Research Articles]

Individuals with Netherton syndrome (NTS) have increased serine protease activity, which strongly impacts the barrier function of the skin epidermis and leads to skin inflammation. Here, we investigated how serine protease activity in NTS correlates with changes in the stratum corneum ceramides, which are crucial components of the skin barrier. We examined two key enzymes involved in epidermal ceramide biosynthesis, glucocerebrosidase (GBA) and acid-sphingomyelinase (ASM). We compared in situ expression levels and activities of GBA and ASM between NTS patients and controls and correlated the expression and activities with i) stratum corneum ceramide profiles, ii) in situ serine protease activity, and iii) clinical presentation of patients. Using activity-based probe labeling, we visualized and localized active, epidermal GBA, and a newly developed in situ zymography method enabled us to visualize and localize active ASM. Reduction in active GBA in NTS patients coincided with increased ASM activity, particularly in areas with increased serine protease activity. NTS patients with scaly erythroderma exhibited more pronounced anomalies in GBA and ASM activities than patients with ichthyosis linearis circumflexa. They also displayed a stronger increase in stratum corneum ceramides processed via ASM. We conclude that changes in the localization of active GBA and ASM correlate with i) altered stratum corneum ceramide composition in NTS patients, ii) local serine protease activity, and iii) the clinical manifestation of NTS. 


Sphingolipids distribution at mitochondria-associated membranes (MAM) upon induction of apoptosis. [Research Articles]

The levels and composition of sphingolipids and related metabolites are altered in aging and common disorders such as diabetes and cancers, as well as in neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, and respiratory diseases. Changes in sphingolipids have been implicated as being an essential step in mitochondria-driven cell death. However, little is known about the precise sphingolipid composition and modulation in mitochondria or related organelles. Here, we used LC–MS/MS to analyze the presence of key components of the ceramide metabolic pathway in vivo and in vitro in purified endoplasmic reticulum (ER), mitochondria-associated membranes (MAM), and mitochondria. Specifically, we analyzed the sphingolipids in the three pathways that generate ceramide: sphinganine in the de novo ceramide pathway, sphingomyelin in the breakdown pathway, and sphingosine in the salvage pathway. We observed sphingolipid profiles in mouse liver, mouse brain, and a human glioma cell line (U251). We analyzed the quantitative and qualitative changes of these sphingolipids during staurosporine (STS)-induced apoptosis in U251 cells. Ceramide, especially C16-ceramide, levels increased during early apoptosis possibly through a conversion from mitochondrial sphinganine and sphingomyelin, but sphingosine and lactosyl- and glucosyl-ceramide levels were unaffected. We also found that ceramide generation is enhanced in mitochondria when sphingomyelin levels are decreased in the MAM. This decrease was associated with an increase in acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) activity in MAM. We conclude that meaningful sphingolipid modifications occur in MAM, the mitochondria, and ER during the early phases of apoptosis.


Characterization of signaling pathways associated with pancreatic {beta}-cell adaptive flexibility in compensation of obesity-linked diabetes in db/db mice [Research]

The onset of obesity-linked type 2 diabetes (T2D) is marked by an eventual failure in pancreatic β-cell function and mass that is no longer able to compensate for the inherent insulin resistance and increased metabolic load intrinsic to obesity. However, in a commonly used model of T2D, the db/db mouse, β-cells have an inbuilt adaptive flexibility enabling them to effectively adjust insulin production rates relative to the metabolic demand. Pancreatic β-cells from these animals have markedly reduced intracellular insulin stores, yet high rates of (pro)insulin secretion, together with a substantial increase in proinsulin biosynthesis highlighted by expanded rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. However, when the metabolic overload and/or hyperglycemia is normalized, β-cells from db/db mice quickly restore their insulin stores and normalize secretory function. This demonstrates the β-cell’s adaptive flexibility and indicates that therapeutic approaches applied to encourage β-cell rest are capable of restoring endogenous β-cell function. However, mechanisms that regulate β-cell adaptive flexibility are essentially unknown. To gain deeper mechanistic insight into the molecular events underlying β-cell adaptive flexibility in db/db β-cells, we conducted a combined proteomic and post-translational modification specific proteomic (PTMomics) approach on islets from db/db mice and wild-type controls (WT) with or without prior exposure to normal glucose levels. We identified differential modifications of proteins involved in redox homeostasis, protein refolding, K48-linked deubiquitination, mRNA/protein export, focal adhesion, ERK1/2 signaling, and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone signaling, as well as sialyltransferase activity, associated with β-cell adaptive flexibility. These proteins are all related to proinsulin biosynthesis and processing, maturation of insulin secretory granules, and vesicular trafficking—core pathways involved in the adaptation of insulin production to meet metabolic demand. Collectively, this study outlines a novel and comprehensive global PTMome signaling map that highlights important molecular mechanisms related to the adaptive flexibility of β-cell function, providing improved insight into disease pathogenesis of T2D.


Modulation of natural HLA-B*27:05 ligandome by ankylosing spondylitis-associated endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2) [Research]

The human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-B*27:05 allele and the endoplasmic reticulum-resident aminopeptidases are strongly associated with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), a chronic inflammatory spondyloarthropathy. This study examined the effect of endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2) in the generation of the natural HLA-B*27:05 ligandome in live cells. Complexes of HLA-B*27:05-bound peptide pools were isolated from human ERAP2-edited cell clones and the peptides were identified using high throughput mass spectrometry analyses. The relative abundance of thousand ligands was established by quantitative tandem mass spectrometry and bioinformatics analysis. The residue frequencies at different peptide position, identified in presence or absence of ERAP2, determined structural features of ligands and their interactions with specific pockets of antigen binding site of HLA-B*27:05 molecule. Sequence alignment of ligands identified with species of bacteria associated with HLA-B*27-dependent reactive arthritis was performed. In the absence of ERAP2, peptides with N-terminal basic residues, and minority canonical P2 residues are enriched in the natural ligandome. Further, alterations of residue frequencies and hydrophobicity profile at P3, P7, and P positions were detected. In addition, several ERAP2-dependent cellular peptides were highly similar to protein sequences of arthritogenic bacteria, including one human HLA-B*27:05 ligand fully conserved in a protein from Campylobacter jejuni. These findings highlight the pathogenic role of this aminopeptidase in the triggering of AS autoimmune disease.


Social media and the visibility of horrific violence

7 May 2020 , Volume 96, Number 3

Constance Duncombe

Images are central to social media communication. Billions of images are shared across different social media platforms every day: photos, cartoons, GIFs and short video clips are exchanged by users, facilitating or framing discourse on participatory sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Many of these images depict events of extreme violence, which circulate uninhibited by the conventional constraints associated with traditional news media censorship. A question arises here as to how such images mobilize public and policy-making responses to atrocities. This article examines the political dynamics of violent social media images. I argue that the particular qualities of social media can play an important role in how the digital visibility of horrific violence influences policy-making as a response to such atrocities. There is an important connection between the properties of social media platforms that allow user images to reach a global audience in real time and the emotional responses that this level of circulation generates. In turn, the pressure created by events made globally visible through the circulation of violent images and the audience responses to those images puts governments in a position where they are forced to act, which has significant implications for policy-making.


Russia’s Human and Social Capital

Invitation Only Research Event

5 March 2020 - 9:30am to 1:00pm

Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

Event participants

Christopher Davis, Professorial Fellow, Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford
Samuel Greene, Director, King's Russia Institute; Reader of Russian Politics, King’s College London
Nikolai Petrov, Senior Research Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme, Chatham House
Natalia Zubarevich, Director, Regional Programme, Independent Institute for Social Policy

Russia’s published development agenda to 2024 focused on gaining advantage from its human capital. In reality however, issues surrounding Russia’s population remain a major challenge, considering its demographic trends, an undoubted brain drain and societal divisions.

This expert roundtable will explore the current state of – and interconnections between – human and social capital in Russia. The speakers will also address Russia’s regional disparities, migration effects and political elite dynamics and their relationship to the population at large.

Event attributes

Chatham House Rule

Anna Morgan

Administrator, Ukraine Forum
+44 (0)20 7389 3274


Ukraine Beyond Donbas: Is Social Cohesion at Risk?

Invitation Only Research Event

28 February 2020 - 9:30am to 1:00pm

Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

Event participants

Iryna Brunova-Kalisetska, Independent Researcher, Trainer and Dialogue Facilitator
Maxim Ieligulashvili, Independent Researcher, Trainer and Dialogue Facilitator
Volodymyr Lupatsy, Co-founder, National Platform on Dialogue for Peace and Secure Reintegration; Board Member, Centre for Security and Development Research, Ukraine
Orysia Lutsevych, Research Fellow and Manager, Ukraine Forum, Chatham House

Six years after the annexation of Crimea and the start of the armed conflict in Donbas, the process of coalescing the Ukrainian society around a common civic identity remains complex. Ukraine comprises many ethno-linguistic identities, and various internal and external actors have been able to exploit old and new grievances to increase tensions at the regional and local level.

The panellists will discuss the conflict dynamics along parts of Ukraine’s international border and the line of contact with Crimea. The speakers will review the internal political, social and economic trends that cause friction and suggest ways to strengthen cohesion.

The event will build upon key findings from International Alert’s analysis of the south of Odesa, Kherson and Zakarpattia oblasts and on the reintegration of veterans in Ukraine.

This event is organized in partnership with International Alert, supported by UK aid from the UK government as part of the Peace Research Partnership programme.


Anna Morgan

Administrator, Ukraine Forum
+44 (0)20 7389 3274


Lipid droplet-associated kinase STK25 regulates peroxisomal activity and metabolic stress response in steatotic liver [Research Articles]

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are emerging as leading causes of liver disease worldwide and have been recognized as one of the major unmet medical needs of the 21st century. Our recent translational studies in mouse models, human cell lines, and well-characterized patient cohorts have identified serine/threonine kinase (STK)25 as a protein that coats intrahepatocellular lipid droplets (LDs) and critically regulates liver lipid homeostasis and progression of NAFLD/NASH. Here, we studied the mechanism-of-action of STK25 in steatotic liver by relative quantification of the hepatic LD-associated phosphoproteome from high-fat diet-fed Stk25 knockout mice compared with their wild-type littermates. We observed a total of 131 proteins and 60 phosphoproteins that were differentially represented in STK25-deficient livers. Most notably, a number of proteins involved in peroxisomal function, ubiquitination-mediated proteolysis, and antioxidant defense were coordinately regulated in Stk25–/– versus wild-type livers. We confirmed attenuated peroxisomal biogenesis and protection against oxidative and ER stress in STK25-deficient human liver cells, demonstrating the hepatocyte-autonomous manner of STK25’s action. In summary, our results suggest that regulation of peroxisomal function and metabolic stress response may be important molecular mechanisms by which STK25 controls the development and progression of NAFLD/NASH.


Schnyder corneal dystrophy-associated UBIAD1 is defective in MK-4 synthesis and resists autophagy-mediated degradation [Research Articles]

The autosomal dominant disorder Schnyder corneal dystrophy (SCD) is caused by mutations in UbiA prenyltransferase domain-containing protein-1 (UBIAD1), which uses geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGpp) to synthesize the vitamin K2 subtype menaquinone-4 (MK-4). SCD is characterized by opacification of the cornea, owing to aberrant build-up of cholesterol in the tissue. We previously discovered that sterols stimulate association of UBIAD1 with ER-localized HMG-CoA reductase, which catalyzes a rate-limiting step in the synthesis of cholesterol and nonsterol isoprenoids, including GGpp. Binding to UBIAD1 inhibits sterol-accelerated ER-associated degradation (ERAD) of reductase and permits continued synthesis of GGpp in cholesterol-replete cells. GGpp disrupts UBIAD1-reductase binding and thereby allows for maximal ERAD of reductase as well as ER-to-Golgi translocation of UBIAD1. SCD-associated UBIAD1 is refractory to GGpp-mediated dissociation from reductase and remains sequestered in the ER to inhibit ERAD. Here, we report development of a biochemical assay for UBIAD1-mediated synthesis of MK-4 in isolated membranes and intact cells. Using this assay, we compared enzymatic activity of WT UBIAD1 with that of SCD-associated variants. Our studies revealed that SCD-associated UBIAD1 exhibited reduced MK-4 synthetic activity, which may result from its reduced affinity for GGpp. Sequestration in the ER protects SCD-associated UBIAD1 from autophagy and allows intracellular accumulation of the mutant protein, which amplifies the inhibitory effect on reductase ERAD. These findings have important implications not only for the understanding of SCD etiology but also for the efficacy of cholesterol-lowering statin therapy, which becomes limited, in part, because of UBIAD1-mediated inhibition of reductase ERAD.


Problem Notes for SAS®9 - 65940: You might receive "ERROR: PI Point not found" when you query a PI tag name that contains a special character such as an ampersand (&)

When you query a PI tag name or element that contains a special character, such as an ampersand (&), you might receive the following error:


Management of ANCA associated vasculitis


Detailed analyses of the crucial functions of Zn transporter proteins in alkaline phosphatase activation [Enzymology]

Numerous zinc ectoenzymes are metalated by zinc and activated in the compartments of the early secretory pathway before reaching their destination. Zn transporter (ZNT) proteins located in these compartments are essential for ectoenzyme activation. We have previously reported that ZNT proteins, specifically ZNT5–ZNT6 heterodimers and ZNT7 homodimers, play critical roles in the activation of zinc ectoenzymes, such as alkaline phosphatases (ALPs), by mobilizing cytosolic zinc into these compartments. However, this process remains incompletely understood. Here, using genetically-engineered chicken DT40 cells, we first determined that Zrt/Irt-like protein (ZIP) transporters that are localized to the compartments of the early secretory pathway play only a minor role in the ALP activation process. These transporters included ZIP7, ZIP9, and ZIP13, performing pivotal functions in maintaining cellular homeostasis by effluxing zinc out of the compartments. Next, using purified ALP proteins, we showed that zinc metalation on ALP produced in DT40 cells lacking ZNT5–ZNT6 heterodimers and ZNT7 homodimers is impaired. Finally, by genetically disrupting both ZNT5 and ZNT7 in human HAP1 cells, we directly demonstrated that the tissue-nonspecific ALP-activating functions of both ZNT complexes are conserved in human cells. Furthermore, using mutant HAP1 cells, we uncovered a previously-unrecognized and unique spatial regulation of ZNT5–ZNT6 heterodimer formation, wherein ZNT5 recruits ZNT6 to the Golgi apparatus to form the heterodimeric complex. These findings fill in major gaps in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying zinc ectoenzyme activation in the compartments of the early secretory pathway.


Elevated First-Trimester Neutrophil Count Is Closely Associated with the Development of Maternal Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

Chronic low-grade inflammation plays a central role in the pathophysiology of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). In order to investigate the ability of different inflammatory blood cell parameters in predicting the development of GDM and pregnancy outcomes, 258 women with GDM and 1154 women without were included in this retrospective study. First-trimester neutrophil count outperformed white blood cell (WBC) count, and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in the predictability for GDM. Subjects were grouped based on tertiles of neutrophil count during their first-trimester pregnancy. The results showed that as the neutrophil count increased, there was a step-wise increase in GDM incidence, as well as glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level, Homeostasis Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR), macrosomia incidence and newborn weight. Neutrophil count was positively associated with pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI), HOMA-IR and newborn weight. Additionally, neutrophil count was an independent risk factor for the development of GDM, regardless of the history of GDM. Spline regression showed that there was a significant linear association between GDM incidence and continuous neutrophil count when it exceeded 5.0 x 109/L. This work suggested that first-trimester neutrophil count is closely associated with the development of GDM and adverse pregnancy outcomes.