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CBD News: Articles are presently being sought from members of civil society (including NGOs, social movements, indigenous organizations and representatives, local communities) for the ninth issue of the CBD newsletter for civil society, [square brackets],


CBD News: The GBIF Secretariat has launched the inaugural GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge, hoping to inspire innovative applications of open-access biodiversity data by scientists, informaticians, data modelers, cartographers and other experts competing for a


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CBD News: Celebrating World Food Day, under the theme "Social protection and agriculture: breaking the cycle of rural poverty", provides an opportunity to emphasize in food systems how biodiversity underpins social protection.


CBD News: First, I would like to extend my deep appreciation to Mr. Kenneth Deer and Mr. Charles Patton, Elders of the Mohawk Community from Kahnawake, Canada, for providing a traditional blessing and for sharing with us their rich cultural heritage, whic


CBD News: The wetlands of today are essential for human health and prosperity, and the benefits they provide have enormous economic and social value. As confirmed by the 2013 report, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Water and Wetlands, which


CBD News: Official Representatives of the Parties to seven global biodiversity-related conventions met at the United Nations Office in Geneva from 8 to 11 February 2016 to explore ways to strengthen synergies and improve efficiency among the conventions w


CBD News: Forests are crucial to the sustainable management of water ecosystems and resources, and water is essential for the sustainability of forest ecosystems. Let us work together and redouble our efforts to ensure that our forests remain healthy now


CBD News: The Subsidiary Body on Implementation at its first meeting urged Parties that have not yet done so to submit their financial reports where feasible by 31 August 2016, in time for the preparation of documentation for the thirteenth meeting of the



CBD News: Statement of the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity on the occasion of the Fifty-Second Session of the International Tropical Timber Council and Associated Sessions of the Committees, 10 November 2016, Yokohama, Japan


CBD News: 10 official working documents and 14 information documents for the twenty-first meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-21), being held in Montreal, Canada, 11 - 14 December 2017, are now availabl


CBD News: Dr. Cristiana Pasca Palmer, CBD Executive Secretary, said: "These assessments are sobering. They show that the pressures on biodiversity and its associated ecosystem services from human activities, including climate change, are increasing.


CBD News: Statement of the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Dr. Cristiana Pasca Palmer, Assistant-Secretary-General of the United Nations, on the occasion of the Official Launch of the 2019 International Year of Indigenous La


CBD News: Government officials, experts and activists from around the world gather in Nairobi this week to open talks on a global agreement to safeguard life on Earth, in all its forms. The 27-30 August meeting marks the official start of negotiations tow


CBD Notification SCBD/SSSF/AS/SBG/LJ/88547 (2020-005): Subregional Exchange for the Caribbean on the Restoration of Forests and Other Ecosystems, Castries, Saint Lucia - 9 to 13 March 2020


CBD Notification SCBD/IMS/JMF/NP/YX/88707 (2020-021): Decision 14/23, Financial Mechanism: Assessment of Funding Needs for the Implementation of the Convention and its Protocols for the Eighth Replenishment Period (July 2022 to June 2026) of the Trust Fun


Useful social media tips for startups


Treasure judicial independence: SJ

In recent times, criminal damage has been repeatedly inflicted on our court buildings through graffiti. Some went as far as making derogatory remarks against specific judges which may amount to contempt of court. It is bewildering as to what such acts could achieve except a futile attempt to undermine the very core value that we cherish and respect.


Judicial independence is the key building block to our society. These rampant acts and statements, and for that matter, any views expressed in society or media, would not in any way usurp the decision-making process in court proceedings, nor will they affect our judicial independence as our judges will continue to decide cases based only on evidence and law, setting out how they have arrived at such decisions in their judgments, which are available to the general public. They have taken a judicial oath to administer justice without fear or favour and it is their duty to so do.


Judges in Hong Kong are appointed upon the recommendation by a statutory committee comprising nine members including the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal, the Secretary for Justice, two judges from the Judiciary, one barrister and one solicitor, as well as three eminent and respected members of the society not connected with the practice of law. Our judges would not be subjected to any political vetting. The only criteria upon which they are considered before appointment is the judicial and professional quality that contributes to our renowned judicial independence.


Judges enjoy security of tenure and immunity. Upon the appointment, district court judges and above are precluded from returning to practice in Hong Kong as a barrister or a solicitor. This “non-revolving door” system has worked well in preventing perceived potential conflicts of interest and enhances the independence of our judiciary.


Our judges manifest the highest professional and judicial quality as well as impartiality through the reasoned judgments that they deliver. Hong Kong cases are often cited in overseas jurisprudence evidencing the confidence and respect of the global legal community in Hong Kong’s judicial and legal systems.


The institutional framework described above, the guarantee of judicial independence explicitly set out in the Basic Law and the quality of our judgments contribute to the much respected judiciary and rule of law in Hong Kong. To top it all is that eminent and highly respected judges from apex court of other common law jurisdictions sit on our Court of Final Appeal as non-permanent judges. They sit on all types of cases, from commercial, criminal to constitutional and have witnessed Hong Kong’s system in administering justice.


One of our non-permanent judges of the Court of Final Appeal, the Right Honourable the Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury (former President of the Supreme Court of England and Wales who presided over the Brexit case), pointed out in a seminar in 2017 that his own direct experience as a non-permanent judge since 2010 proved that the Permanent Judges of the Court of Final Appeal are as institutionally independent and impartial. He also said that he has every reason to believe that this is equally true of the judges in the other courts of Hong Kong. He even said he would not be sitting in the Court of Final Appeal if he had any serious concerns about judicial independence or judicial impartiality in Hong Kong.


More recently, the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, PC, another non-permanent judge of the Court of Final Appeal and also a retired chief justice of Canada, described in an interview that Hong Kong’s law is very rigorously applied, the judges are of high calibre, it is a very high level of judging, and the court is independent.


These remarks from eminent and respected judges from around the world speak volume about Hong Kong. One cannot help but be perplexed as to why some chose to try to undermine these core values baselessly and insidiously. It behoves each of us, in particular the legal sector including the two branches of the legal profession, to protect our judicial independence that underpins Hong Kong’s success and encourage others to join hands through our own sphere of influence. It is high time we bring back the Hong Kong we are familiar with.


Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng wrote this article and posted it on her blog on January 5.


HK financial market stable

The challenges, for Hong Kong, are as much local as they are global. I know many of you are concerned about the recent social unrest here in Hong Kong, about whether it is affecting our financial market and whether there has been outflow of funds.


First of all, there's the obvious: Hong Kong is undergoing a time of unprecedented turbulence. Dissension has gripped our community for months now. That said, we are working to address and respond to those concerns, determined to find a path to peace, harmony and renewed prosperity in 2020.


We have been making progress. But there is still much to be done before we can put this testing time behind us.


Competitive advantages

What I can tell is that the advantages Hong Kong has long been recognised for are still very much with us, and they are not going anywhere anytime soon.


They begin with our enviable location, at the heart of Asia. Which means that Hong Kong is fully plugged into the round-the-clock global financial trading cycle. We provide certain and seamless connectivity with the financial hubs of Europe and North America, as well as those in the Middle East and across Asia.


Hong Kong is blessed with the dual advantages of "one country, two systems". The rule of law, an independent judiciary and an unshakable adherence to free enterprise are among Hong Kong's core values.


We offer businesses from the Mainland and all over the world - more than 9,000 at last count - a level-playing field, a competitive market, whatever their businesses, whatever their investments. Our linked exchange rate system remains solid, our currency fully convertible and capital flowing in and out freely, as enshrined in Article 112 of the Basic Law. Our capital markets are deep and liquid.


Despite our external and domestic challenges, Hong Kong's financial market remains stable. Our banking system continues to run smoothly and with ample liquidity.


The figures speak for themselves. In 2019, Hong Kong again topped the world in funds raised through IPOs - some US$40 billion worth. This is the seventh time we have come first in the past 11 years.


Our stock market's capitalisation is about US$4.9 trillion. That's more than 13 times Hong Kong's GDP.


As at end November 2019, bank deposits in both Hong Kong dollars and foreign currencies continued to increase over the same period last year, totalling US$1.8 trillion.


Our exchange rate remains stable. These and other measures reflect the integrity of Hong Kong's financial and legal system, the confidence it conveys, even as we face formidable external and domestic shocks.


In September last year, the Global Financial Centres Index once again ranked Hong Kong among the world's top three financial centres, behind only New York and bearing in on London.


Last October, the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report ranked our financial system top in the world, while the World Bank rated Hong Kong the third-easiest place to do business.


Hong Kong is still very much the largest offshore renminbi business hub in the world.


We are, as well, the premier asset and wealth management centre. Apart from exempting onshore and offshore funds from profits tax, we are considering introducing a more competitive tax arrangement to attract private equity funds to domicile in Hong Kong.  


The insurance industry is equally important. We have, after all, the highest concentration of insurers in Asia - more than 160 at the end of September. And we will enable the issuance of insurance-linked securities, expanding the insurable risks of captive insurers in Hong Kong.


On the taxes front, we already have the world's most business-friendly tax system, according to Paying Taxes 2020, a report produced by Pricewaterhouse Coopers and the World Bank. Still, we plan to provide tax relief to promote the development of marine insurance and the underwriting of specialty risks in Hong Kong.


Green finance is our policy priority going forward. Green bonds issued and arranged in Hong Kong increased over 200% to US$11 billion in 2018 as compared to the previous year.


That was followed by our inaugural government green bond issuance of US$1 billion last May. And we plan to issue more, and encourage more entities to arrange financing for their green projects right here in Hong Kong.


Fintech is another area where we strive to excel.


Looking at the big picture, the International Monetary Fund (IMF)'s latest projection of global economic growth this year has been adjusted downward to 3.4%. Growth in Asia, however, will continue to outperform the rest of the world.


The IMF forecasts the Mainland economy to grow by 5.8% in 2020, down slightly but still far and away leading most other jurisdictions.


Robust financial system

As for Hong Kong, the IMF Staff Report last month commended the resilience of our financial system and linked exchange rate, despite its slowing economy. The IMF's Hong Kong report noted, and I quote, that "robust policy frameworks and ample buffers will help the economy weather the challenges ahead".


The IMF also expressed approval for the Government's wide-ranging policies to support the economy and safeguard financial stability.


While we welcome the IMF's confidence in Hong Kong, I am prepared to roll out further relief measures as necessary.


We will also step up efforts to capitalise on emerging opportunities - not only from green finance and fintech but from the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Belt & Road Initiative, which demonstrates Hong Kong's uniqueness and irreplaceable position in the Mainland's national and economic development strategy.


Hong Kong is, and will remain, the business bridge between the Mainland and the rest of the world. Count on Hong Kong, as always, to be your partner, to help you build your business in the Mainland, throughout the Asian region and around the world. Count on Hong Kong to connect you with abundant capital and continuing opportunities.


Financial Secretary Paul Chan gave these remarks at the 13th Asian Financial Forum keynote luncheon on January 13.


Foreign politicians' remarks refuted

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has rejected allegations made by certain officials and politicians in the United States, United Kingdom and European Parliament relating to an April 18 arrest operation and other security matters.


In a statement today, the Hong Kong SAR Government said such allegations were totally unfounded and amounted to a serious intervention in Hong Kong's affairs.


The SAR Government strongly disagreed with the grossly irresponsible remarks and expressed deep regret about them.


It pointed out that since its return to the Motherland, the HKSAR has maintained stability and prosperity under the principle of "one country, two systems", exercising "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy in strict accordance with the Basic Law (BL).   


"The Central Government has time and again reiterated that it will unswervingly implement the policy of one country, two systems' and make sure that it is fully applied in Hong Kong without being bent or distorted. 


“How to implement the policy in the HKSAR - an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China (BL Article 1) and a local administrative region of the People's Republic of China which shall enjoy a high degree of autonomy and come directly under the Central People's Government (BL Article 12) - are entirely internal affairs of the People's Republic of China.


“No other state has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, in those internal affairs.”


The statement noted Hong Kong people enjoy extensive rights and freedoms which are enshrined in the Basic Law. Basic Law Article 4 states that the HKSAR shall safeguard the rights and freedoms of the residents and of other persons in the region in accordance with law. 


“In addition, human rights and freedoms in Hong Kong are fully protected by the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance and other legislation, and underpinned by an independent judiciary."


The SAR Government said it always respects and protects human rights and freedoms. Any allegation that there has been an erosion in freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong people is unfounded.


However, these rights are not absolute. As pointed out by the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal at the Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2020: "It is important to understand that the enjoyment of these rights has limits so as not to affect adversely to an unacceptable level the enjoyment by other members of their community of their rights and liberties."


There are clear limits in the law as to the exercise of these rights. When the law is broken, action will be taken in accordance with the criminal justice system.


"We therefore take great exception to comments made by officials and politicians in foreign countries concerning the recent arrests and prosecution of a number of persons for organising and participating in unauthorised assemblies in Hong Kong. 


“The allegation by some that those arrests amounted to an attack on Hong Kong's freedoms and a breach of the BL is absurd and can hardly stand the test of any law-abiding jurisdiction," the statement emphasised.


It also pointed out that Basic Law Article 63 provides that "The Department of Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall control criminal prosecutions, free from any interference." 


Prosecutors have always been discharging this constitutional duty independently and professionally, without fear or favour. Prosecutorial decisions are based on an objective assessment of all admissible evidence and applicable laws, made strictly in accordance with the Prosecution Code which is available to the public.


Cases will not be handled any differently owing to the political beliefs or background of the persons involved.


When law enforcement agencies have completed their investigation, they would seek legal advice from the Department of Justice. The prosecutors would carefully consider the investigation reports and relevant materials submitted. A prosecution would only be commenced if the prosecutor is satisfied that there is sufficient admissible evidence to support a reasonable prospect of conviction.


In short, the well-established procedures of Hong Kong's criminal justice system include the independent investigations by law enforcement agencies, the independent prosecutorial decisions based on the objective assessment of evidence, applicable laws and in accordance with the Prosecution Code, and finally, open trials by an independent judiciary. 


"The guarantee of judicial independence is explicitly set out in the BL and the quality of the judgments of our courts contributes to the much respected judiciary and rule of law in the HKSAR.


"We therefore note with abhorrence certain overseas politicians' request that the HKSAR Government should drop the charges against the arrested individuals. If we were to accede or to be seen to yield to such unreasonable demands, we would not only be unfair and unprofessional but would also act in violation of the spirit of the rule of law – a core value in Hong Kong," the statement added.


The SAR Government remains steadfast to uphold the rule of law. The latest Rule of Law Index 2020 released by the World Justice Project, in which Hong Kong maintains its ranking as No. 5 in the East Asia and Pacific Region and No. 16 globally, several places ahead of the United States, has clearly affirmed Hong Kong's commitment.


On legislating for Basic Law Article 23, the statement said, "The HKSAR Government has the constitutional duty to ensure that the necessary legislation is in place to safeguard national security.


“Having laws in place to protect national security is common in many jurisdictions, and we do not see how any defence of sovereignty and security by a jurisdiction would impact on its local and overseas investment. 


“Coincidentally, it is relevant to note security issues arising from the social unrest last year were part of the causes affecting Hong Kong's score under 'Investment Freedom' according to the US-based Heritage Foundation 2020 Index of Economic Freedom."


As regards enquiries about the role of the Hong Kong & Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (HKMAO) and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government (LOCPG) in the HKSAR, they represent the Central People's Government to which the HKSAR comes directly under pertaining to Basic Law Article 12. 


These offices have the power and responsibility over the proper and full implementation of the Basic Law and "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong.


It is therefore clearly legitimate for the HKMAO and LOCPG to recently express their concerns over the prolonged paralysis of the Legislative Council House Committee, thereby hindering LegCo's performance of its legislative functions under the Basic Law.


"Any suggestion that those legitimate remarks by the HKMAO and the LOCPG amount to interference only illustrates an ignorance of the constitutional order of the HKSAR and its relationship with the Central Authorities," the SAR Government added.


Math in the Media - May 2020:John Conway, "magical mathematician", Topological analysis of zebrafish, teaching online...


An artificial 'tongue' of gold to taste maple syrup

(University of Montreal) A chemistry professor at Université de Montréal has developed a new test using gold nanoparticles to establish the flavour profile of maple syrup and help producers evaluate its quality.


Caspar Tsui visits sports association

Secretary for Home Affairs Caspar Tsui visited the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China today to inspect its work in implementing the Fitness Centre Subsidy Scheme launched under the second phase of the Anti-epidemic Fund.


Mr Tsui said the scheme aims to provide a one-off subsidy of $100,000 to fitness centres to tide businesses over financial difficulties arising from anti-epidemic measures.


He thanked the association for handling the scheme’s applications.


Mr Tsui also expressed gratitude to the fitness industry for complying with the Government’s preventive measures, including suspension of business, in the fight against the virus.


Given the stabilising epidemic situation, the Government has conducted a health risk assessment and will allow premises, including fitness centres, to resume operations, Mr Tsui said, adding that he hopes the fitness industry will soon regain vitality.


The Home Affairs Bureau commissioned the association to assist in implementing the scheme, which opened for applications on May 4.


As of May 7, the association received 397 applications, of which more than half of them have been initially found to be eligible, involving subsidies of about $20 million.


The application period for the scheme will end on June 3.


Call 2302 9089 or send an email for enquiries.


Interview with mathematician and book author Kit Yates

"In his new book--The Math of Life & Death: 7 Mathematical Principles that Shape Our Lives--mathematician Kit Yates makes complex mathematical concepts easily accessible to anyone, and which can improve decision making in an increasingly quantitative society. In this Q&A, Yates discusses why math is relevant to everyday life." See "Mathematician Kit Yates on Anti Vaxxer Movement, Air Travel Germs and Samoa's Measles Outbreak," by Meredith Wold Schizer, Newsweek, December 23, 2019.


Mathematician Emily Riehl earns President's Frontier Award

Emily Riehl, Johns Hopkins University, received the university's $250,000 President's Frontier Award, whose purpose is to nurture individuals at Johns Hopkins University who are breaking new ground and poised to become leaders in their field. Riehl studies category theory and says that "I just thought the proofs were the most beautiful of any of the other areas I've encountered. ... It was sort of love at first sight and I am lucky to be able to do what I love." The award is considered a "$250,000 investment in doing more of what she loves."

Also see and hear this coverage: "Johns Hopkins Mathematician from B-N [Bloomington-Normal, IL] Breaks Barriers and Wins Research Grant, by Jolie Sherman, WGLT, February 27, 2020.


Detailed analyses of the crucial functions of Zn transporter proteins in alkaline phosphatase activation [Enzymology]

Numerous zinc ectoenzymes are metalated by zinc and activated in the compartments of the early secretory pathway before reaching their destination. Zn transporter (ZNT) proteins located in these compartments are essential for ectoenzyme activation. We have previously reported that ZNT proteins, specifically ZNT5–ZNT6 heterodimers and ZNT7 homodimers, play critical roles in the activation of zinc ectoenzymes, such as alkaline phosphatases (ALPs), by mobilizing cytosolic zinc into these compartments. However, this process remains incompletely understood. Here, using genetically-engineered chicken DT40 cells, we first determined that Zrt/Irt-like protein (ZIP) transporters that are localized to the compartments of the early secretory pathway play only a minor role in the ALP activation process. These transporters included ZIP7, ZIP9, and ZIP13, performing pivotal functions in maintaining cellular homeostasis by effluxing zinc out of the compartments. Next, using purified ALP proteins, we showed that zinc metalation on ALP produced in DT40 cells lacking ZNT5–ZNT6 heterodimers and ZNT7 homodimers is impaired. Finally, by genetically disrupting both ZNT5 and ZNT7 in human HAP1 cells, we directly demonstrated that the tissue-nonspecific ALP-activating functions of both ZNT complexes are conserved in human cells. Furthermore, using mutant HAP1 cells, we uncovered a previously-unrecognized and unique spatial regulation of ZNT5–ZNT6 heterodimer formation, wherein ZNT5 recruits ZNT6 to the Golgi apparatus to form the heterodimeric complex. These findings fill in major gaps in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying zinc ectoenzyme activation in the compartments of the early secretory pathway.


Special announcement by Education Bureau


SED visits students with special educational needs


Special announcement by Education Bureau (2)


Special announcement by Education Bureau


Special announcement by Education Bureau


Special announcement by Education Bureau


Special announcement by Education Bureau


Special announcement by Education Bureau


Special announcement by Education Bureau


Integration and Application of Knowledge, Experience and Resources Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs in the Epidemic


SED's opening remarks at LegCo Finance Committee special meeting


For Americans Facing Job Loss, Financial Strains Only Scratch the Surface

Monday, March 30, 2020 - 23:00

NEW YORK – Last week about 3.3 million people filed for unemployment – the most initial jobless claims in U.S. history. The financial consequences of unemployment are extensive – for these workers and for the country. But it’s worth pointing out that the effects of job losses are not solely monetary.


Lockdown Losses: Lack of Government Transparency during COVID-19 Pandemic Holds Back Businesses from Taking Risks, Making Financial Decisions

Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 14:15

NEW YORK – Since the coronavirus outbreak began, states across the U.S. have implemented stay-at-home orders, disrupting businesses and causing many to shut down. In addition, almost half of U.S. states from New York to Oregon have extended their lockdown orders beyond the original end date. These extensions of lockdown policy, while clearly beneficial to address public health concerns, can damage the economy beyond their immediate impact on business closures and layoffs.


Quality Over Quantity: In A Financial Crisis, Innovation Is A Survival of the Fittest

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 11:45

NEW YORK – Innovation is at an all-time high, but the economic damage from the COVID-19 outbreak has the potential to stifle inventions and patents. But new research shows that financial crises are both destructive and creative forces for innovation.


Cancer survivors' experiences with financial toxicity

(Wiley) A recent Psycho-Oncology analysis of published studies found that few cancer survivors received financial information support from healthcare facilities during their initial treatment, even though cancer-related financial toxicity has multiple impacts on survivors' health and quality of life.


Oncotarget: Loss of p16 and high Ki67 labeling index is associated with poor outcome

(Impact Journals LLC) Oncotarget Volume 11, Issue 12 reported that the p16 tumor suppressor is coded by CDKN2A and plays an important role during carcinogenesis and tumor progression in numerous tumor entities.


Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Meteorological Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (2020-2035), Meteorological Plan, China Meteorological Administration

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government welcomes the promulgation of the Meteorological Development Plan ...


Software flaws often first reported on social media networks, PNNL researchers find

(DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Software vulnerabilities are more likely to be discussed on social media before they're revealed on a government reporting site, a practice that could pose a national security threat, according to computer scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.


Safely relaxing social distancing comes down to numbers

(Queensland University of Technology) Your house number could be the key to the safe relaxation of COVID-19-related restrictions if governments follow a new exit strategy proposal published today in the British Medical Journal. Co-authored by QUT statistician Professor Adrian Barnett, the paper proposes the use of an 'odds-and-evens' approach to allowing people to head back to work and enjoy other activities after weeks of lockdown.


There is no special announcement (19:45 HKT on 03.05.2020)

There is no special announcement (19:45 HKT on 03.05.2020)


International declaration: Geoscience expertise is crucial for meeting societal challenges

(European Geosciences Union) A new declaration endorsed by EGU and other international geoscience societies affirms the commitment of the Earth, planetary and space science community to support and promote scientific knowledge and research for the benefit of humanity.


Working women, and especially single moms, are hit hard by coronavirus downturn

Now Swain, 40, spends her evenings having dinner with her girls, age 5 and 8, and studying for her real-estate license, which she hopes will provide more long-term stability for her family after the coronavirus crisis upended her livelihood. "I can't be put in a position like this again," said Swain, a bartender for 20 years. American women are taking an outsized hit from the early wave of unemployment caused by the pandemic, due to the nature of the jobs that were lost in the business shutdowns to control the spread of the coronavirus.


LECOM's Dr. James Lin named AGS Geriatrics Clinician of the Year

(American Geriatrics Society) The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) today named James Lin, DO, MS, MHSA, president of the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) Institute for Successful Aging in Erie, Pa., its 2020 Clinician of the Year. Lin will be honored at the AGS 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting (#AGS21), May 13-15, 2021, in Chicago, Ill., following the cancellation of the AGS 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting due to COVID-19.