
Isotonic regression in general dimensions

Qiyang Han, Tengyao Wang, Sabyasachi Chatterjee, Richard J. Samworth.

Source: The Annals of Statistics, Volume 47, Number 5, 2440--2471.

We study the least squares regression function estimator over the class of real-valued functions on $[0,1]^{d}$ that are increasing in each coordinate. For uniformly bounded signals and with a fixed, cubic lattice design, we establish that the estimator achieves the minimax rate of order $n^{-min{2/(d+2),1/d}}$ in the empirical $L_{2}$ loss, up to polylogarithmic factors. Further, we prove a sharp oracle inequality, which reveals in particular that when the true regression function is piecewise constant on $k$ hyperrectangles, the least squares estimator enjoys a faster, adaptive rate of convergence of $(k/n)^{min(1,2/d)}$, again up to polylogarithmic factors. Previous results are confined to the case $dleq2$. Finally, we establish corresponding bounds (which are new even in the case $d=2$) in the more challenging random design setting. There are two surprising features of these results: first, they demonstrate that it is possible for a global empirical risk minimisation procedure to be rate optimal up to polylogarithmic factors even when the corresponding entropy integral for the function class diverges rapidly; second, they indicate that the adaptation rate for shape-constrained estimators can be strictly worse than the parametric rate.


The two-to-infinity norm and singular subspace geometry with applications to high-dimensional statistics

Joshua Cape, Minh Tang, Carey E. Priebe.

Source: The Annals of Statistics, Volume 47, Number 5, 2405--2439.

The singular value matrix decomposition plays a ubiquitous role throughout statistics and related fields. Myriad applications including clustering, classification, and dimensionality reduction involve studying and exploiting the geometric structure of singular values and singular vectors. This paper provides a novel collection of technical and theoretical tools for studying the geometry of singular subspaces using the two-to-infinity norm. Motivated by preliminary deterministic Procrustes analysis, we consider a general matrix perturbation setting in which we derive a new Procrustean matrix decomposition. Together with flexible machinery developed for the two-to-infinity norm, this allows us to conduct a refined analysis of the induced perturbation geometry with respect to the underlying singular vectors even in the presence of singular value multiplicity. Our analysis yields singular vector entrywise perturbation bounds for a range of popular matrix noise models, each of which has a meaningful associated statistical inference task. In addition, we demonstrate how the two-to-infinity norm is the preferred norm in certain statistical settings. Specific applications discussed in this paper include covariance estimation, singular subspace recovery, and multiple graph inference. Both our Procrustean matrix decomposition and the technical machinery developed for the two-to-infinity norm may be of independent interest.


Convergence complexity analysis of Albert and Chib’s algorithm for Bayesian probit regression

Qian Qin, James P. Hobert.

Source: The Annals of Statistics, Volume 47, Number 4, 2320--2347.

The use of MCMC algorithms in high dimensional Bayesian problems has become routine. This has spurred so-called convergence complexity analysis, the goal of which is to ascertain how the convergence rate of a Monte Carlo Markov chain scales with sample size, $n$, and/or number of covariates, $p$. This article provides a thorough convergence complexity analysis of Albert and Chib’s [ J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 88 (1993) 669–679] data augmentation algorithm for the Bayesian probit regression model. The main tools used in this analysis are drift and minorization conditions. The usual pitfalls associated with this type of analysis are avoided by utilizing centered drift functions, which are minimized in high posterior probability regions, and by using a new technique to suppress high-dimensionality in the construction of minorization conditions. The main result is that the geometric convergence rate of the underlying Markov chain is bounded below 1 both as $n ightarrowinfty$ (with $p$ fixed), and as $p ightarrowinfty$ (with $n$ fixed). Furthermore, the first computable bounds on the total variation distance to stationarity are byproducts of the asymptotic analysis.



Recognized service directory. A registry stores information about services in an SOA. At a minimum, the registry includes information that other participants can look up to find out the location of the service and what it does (the UDDI specification defines a web services standard for this functionality). A registry may also include information about policies that are applied to the service, such as security requirements, quality of service commitments and billing. Some registries are extended with document repositories, providing more detailed information about the operation and constraints of the service that may be useful to developers, administrators or users.


Correction: Sensitivity analysis for an unobserved moderator in RCT-to-target-population generalization of treatment effects

Trang Quynh Nguyen, Elizabeth A. Stuart.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 518--520.


Bayesian mixed effects models for zero-inflated compositions in microbiome data analysis

Boyu Ren, Sergio Bacallado, Stefano Favaro, Tommi Vatanen, Curtis Huttenhower, Lorenzo Trippa.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 494--517.

Detecting associations between microbial compositions and sample characteristics is one of the most important tasks in microbiome studies. Most of the existing methods apply univariate models to single microbial species separately, with adjustments for multiple hypothesis testing. We propose a Bayesian analysis for a generalized mixed effects linear model tailored to this application. The marginal prior on each microbial composition is a Dirichlet process, and dependence across compositions is induced through a linear combination of individual covariates, such as disease biomarkers or the subject’s age, and latent factors. The latent factors capture residual variability and their dimensionality is learned from the data in a fully Bayesian procedure. The proposed model is tested in data analyses and simulation studies with zero-inflated compositions. In these settings and within each sample, a large proportion of counts per microbial species are equal to zero. In our Bayesian model a priori the probability of compositions with absent microbial species is strictly positive. We propose an efficient algorithm to sample from the posterior and visualizations of model parameters which reveal associations between covariates and microbial compositions. We evaluate the proposed method in simulation studies, and then analyze a microbiome dataset for infants with type 1 diabetes which contains a large proportion of zeros in the sample-specific microbial compositions.


A comparison of principal component methods between multiple phenotype regression and multiple SNP regression in genetic association studies

Zhonghua Liu, Ian Barnett, Xihong Lin.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 433--451.

Principal component analysis (PCA) is a popular method for dimension reduction in unsupervised multivariate analysis. However, existing ad hoc uses of PCA in both multivariate regression (multiple outcomes) and multiple regression (multiple predictors) lack theoretical justification. The differences in the statistical properties of PCAs in these two regression settings are not well understood. In this paper we provide theoretical results on the power of PCA in genetic association testings in both multiple phenotype and SNP-set settings. The multiple phenotype setting refers to the case when one is interested in studying the association between a single SNP and multiple phenotypes as outcomes. The SNP-set setting refers to the case when one is interested in studying the association between multiple SNPs in a SNP set and a single phenotype as the outcome. We demonstrate analytically that the properties of the PC-based analysis in these two regression settings are substantially different. We show that the lower order PCs, that is, PCs with large eigenvalues, are generally preferred and lead to a higher power in the SNP-set setting, while the higher-order PCs, that is, PCs with small eigenvalues, are generally preferred in the multiple phenotype setting. We also investigate the power of three other popular statistical methods, the Wald test, the variance component test and the minimum $p$-value test, in both multiple phenotype and SNP-set settings. We use theoretical power, simulation studies, and two real data analyses to validate our findings.


Regression for copula-linked compound distributions with applications in modeling aggregate insurance claims

Peng Shi, Zifeng Zhao.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 357--380.

In actuarial research a task of particular interest and importance is to predict the loss cost for individual risks so that informative decisions are made in various insurance operations such as underwriting, ratemaking and capital management. The loss cost is typically viewed to follow a compound distribution where the summation of the severity variables is stopped by the frequency variable. A challenging issue in modeling such outcomes is to accommodate the potential dependence between the number of claims and the size of each individual claim. In this article we introduce a novel regression framework for compound distributions that uses a copula to accommodate the association between the frequency and the severity variables and, thus, allows for arbitrary dependence between the two components. We further show that the new model is very flexible and is easily modified to account for incomplete data due to censoring or truncation. The flexibility of the proposed model is illustrated using both simulated and real data sets. In the analysis of granular claims data from property insurance, we find substantive negative relationship between the number and the size of insurance claims. In addition, we demonstrate that ignoring the frequency-severity association could lead to biased decision-making in insurance operations.


Bayesian factor models for probabilistic cause of death assessment with verbal autopsies

Tsuyoshi Kunihama, Zehang Richard Li, Samuel J. Clark, Tyler H. McCormick.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 241--256.

The distribution of deaths by cause provides crucial information for public health planning, response and evaluation. About 60% of deaths globally are not registered or given a cause, limiting our ability to understand disease epidemiology. Verbal autopsy (VA) surveys are increasingly used in such settings to collect information on the signs, symptoms and medical history of people who have recently died. This article develops a novel Bayesian method for estimation of population distributions of deaths by cause using verbal autopsy data. The proposed approach is based on a multivariate probit model where associations among items in questionnaires are flexibly induced by latent factors. Using the Population Health Metrics Research Consortium labeled data that include both VA and medically certified causes of death, we assess performance of the proposed method. Further, we estimate important questionnaire items that are highly associated with causes of death. This framework provides insights that will simplify future data


Modifying the Chi-square and the CMH test for population genetic inference: Adapting to overdispersion

Kerstin Spitzer, Marta Pelizzola, Andreas Futschik.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 202--220.

Evolve and resequence studies provide a popular approach to simulate evolution in the lab and explore its genetic basis. In this context, Pearson’s chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test as well as the Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel test are commonly used to infer genomic positions affected by selection from temporal changes in allele frequency. However, the null model associated with these tests does not match the null hypothesis of actual interest. Indeed, due to genetic drift and possibly other additional noise components such as pool sequencing, the null variance in the data can be substantially larger than accounted for by these common test statistics. This leads to $p$-values that are systematically too small and, therefore, a huge number of false positive results. Even, if the ranking rather than the actual $p$-values is of interest, a naive application of the mentioned tests will give misleading results, as the amount of overdispersion varies from locus to locus. We therefore propose adjusted statistics that take the overdispersion into account while keeping the formulas simple. This is particularly useful in genome-wide applications, where millions of SNPs can be handled with little computational effort. We then apply the adapted test statistics to real data from Drosophila and investigate how information from intermediate generations can be included when available. We also discuss further applications such as genome-wide association studies based on pool sequencing data and tests for local adaptation.


TFisher: A powerful truncation and weighting procedure for combining $p$-values

Hong Zhang, Tiejun Tong, John Landers, Zheyang Wu.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 178--201.

The $p$-value combination approach is an important statistical strategy for testing global hypotheses with broad applications in signal detection, meta-analysis, data integration, etc. In this paper we extend the classic Fisher’s combination method to a unified family of statistics, called TFisher, which allows a general truncation-and-weighting scheme of input $p$-values. TFisher can significantly improve statistical power over the Fisher and related truncation-only methods for detecting both rare and dense “signals.” To address wide applications, analytical calculations for TFisher’s size and power are deduced under any two continuous distributions in the null and the alternative hypotheses. The corresponding omnibus test (oTFisher) and its size calculation are also provided for data-adaptive analysis. We study the asymptotic optimal parameters of truncation and weighting based on Bahadur efficiency (BE). A new asymptotic measure, called the asymptotic power efficiency (APE), is also proposed for better reflecting the statistics’ performance in real data analysis. Interestingly, under the Gaussian mixture model in the signal detection problem, both BE and APE indicate that the soft-thresholding scheme is the best, the truncation and weighting parameters should be equal. By simulations of various signal patterns, we systematically compare the power of statistics within TFisher family as well as some rare-signal-optimal tests. We illustrate the use of TFisher in an exome-sequencing analysis for detecting novel genes of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Relevant computation has been implemented into an R package TFisher published on the Comprehensive R Archive Network to cater for applications.


Surface temperature monitoring in liver procurement via functional variance change-point analysis

Zhenguo Gao, Pang Du, Ran Jin, John L. Robertson.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 143--159.

Liver procurement experiments with surface-temperature monitoring motivated Gao et al. ( J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 114 (2019) 773–781) to develop a variance change-point detection method under a smoothly-changing mean trend. However, the spotwise change points yielded from their method do not offer immediate information to surgeons since an organ is often transplanted as a whole or in part. We develop a new practical method that can analyze a defined portion of the organ surface at a time. It also provides a novel addition to the developing field of functional data monitoring. Furthermore, numerical challenge emerges for simultaneously modeling the variance functions of 2D locations and the mean function of location and time. The respective sample sizes in the scales of 10,000 and 1,000,000 for modeling these functions make standard spline estimation too costly to be useful. We introduce a multistage subsampling strategy with steps educated by quickly-computable preliminary statistical measures. Extensive simulations show that the new method can efficiently reduce the computational cost and provide reasonable parameter estimates. Application of the new method to our liver surface temperature monitoring data shows its effectiveness in providing accurate status change information for a selected portion of the organ in the experiment.


A statistical analysis of noisy crowdsourced weather data

Arnab Chakraborty, Soumendra Nath Lahiri, Alyson Wilson.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 116--142.

Spatial prediction of weather elements like temperature, precipitation, and barometric pressure are generally based on satellite imagery or data collected at ground stations. None of these data provide information at a more granular or “hyperlocal” resolution. On the other hand, crowdsourced weather data, which are captured by sensors installed on mobile devices and gathered by weather-related mobile apps like WeatherSignal and AccuWeather, can serve as potential data sources for analyzing environmental processes at a hyperlocal resolution. However, due to the low quality of the sensors and the nonlaboratory environment, the quality of the observations in crowdsourced data is compromised. This paper describes methods to improve hyperlocal spatial prediction using this varying-quality, noisy crowdsourced information. We introduce a reliability metric, namely Veracity Score (VS), to assess the quality of the crowdsourced observations using a coarser, but high-quality, reference data. A VS-based methodology to analyze noisy spatial data is proposed and evaluated through extensive simulations. The merits of the proposed approach are illustrated through case studies analyzing crowdsourced daily average ambient temperature readings for one day in the contiguous United States.


Modeling microbial abundances and dysbiosis with beta-binomial regression

Bryan D. Martin, Daniela Witten, Amy D. Willis.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 94--115.

Using a sample from a population to estimate the proportion of the population with a certain category label is a broadly important problem. In the context of microbiome studies, this problem arises when researchers wish to use a sample from a population of microbes to estimate the population proportion of a particular taxon, known as the taxon’s relative abundance . In this paper, we propose a beta-binomial model for this task. Like existing models, our model allows for a taxon’s relative abundance to be associated with covariates of interest. However, unlike existing models, our proposal also allows for the overdispersion in the taxon’s counts to be associated with covariates of interest. We exploit this model in order to propose tests not only for differential relative abundance, but also for differential variability. The latter is particularly valuable in light of speculation that dysbiosis , the perturbation from a normal microbiome that can occur in certain disease conditions, may manifest as a loss of stability, or increase in variability, of the counts associated with each taxon. We demonstrate the performance of our proposed model using a simulation study and an application to soil microbial data.


Integrative survival analysis with uncertain event times in application to a suicide risk study

Wenjie Wang, Robert Aseltine, Kun Chen, Jun Yan.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 51--73.

The concept of integrating data from disparate sources to accelerate scientific discovery has generated tremendous excitement in many fields. The potential benefits from data integration, however, may be compromised by the uncertainty due to incomplete/imperfect record linkage. Motivated by a suicide risk study, we propose an approach for analyzing survival data with uncertain event times arising from data integration. Specifically, in our problem deaths identified from the hospital discharge records together with reported suicidal deaths determined by the Office of Medical Examiner may still not include all the death events of patients, and the missing deaths can be recovered from a complete database of death records. Since the hospital discharge data can only be linked to the death record data by matching basic patient characteristics, a patient with a censored death time from the first dataset could be linked to multiple potential event records in the second dataset. We develop an integrative Cox proportional hazards regression in which the uncertainty in the matched event times is modeled probabilistically. The estimation procedure combines the ideas of profile likelihood and the expectation conditional maximization algorithm (ECM). Simulation studies demonstrate that under realistic settings of imperfect data linkage the proposed method outperforms several competing approaches including multiple imputation. A marginal screening analysis using the proposed integrative Cox model is performed to identify risk factors associated with death following suicide-related hospitalization in Connecticut. The identified diagnostics codes are consistent with existing literature and provide several new insights on suicide risk, prediction and prevention.


BART with targeted smoothing: An analysis of patient-specific stillbirth risk

Jennifer E. Starling, Jared S. Murray, Carlos M. Carvalho, Radek K. Bukowski, James G. Scott.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 28--50.

This article introduces BART with Targeted Smoothing, or tsBART, a new Bayesian tree-based model for nonparametric regression. The goal of tsBART is to introduce smoothness over a single target covariate $t$ while not necessarily requiring smoothness over other covariates $x$. tsBART is based on the Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) model, an ensemble of regression trees. tsBART extends BART by parameterizing each tree’s terminal nodes with smooth functions of $t$ rather than independent scalars. Like BART, tsBART captures complex nonlinear relationships and interactions among the predictors. But unlike BART, tsBART guarantees that the response surface will be smooth in the target covariate. This improves interpretability and helps to regularize the estimate. After introducing and benchmarking the tsBART model, we apply it to our motivating example—pregnancy outcomes data from the National Center for Health Statistics. Our aim is to provide patient-specific estimates of stillbirth risk across gestational age $(t)$ and based on maternal and fetal risk factors $(x)$. Obstetricians expect stillbirth risk to vary smoothly over gestational age but not necessarily over other covariates, and tsBART has been designed precisely to reflect this structural knowledge. The results of our analysis show the clear superiority of the tsBART model for quantifying stillbirth risk, thereby providing patients and doctors with better information for managing the risk of fetal mortality. All methods described here are implemented in the R package tsbart .


SHOPPER: A probabilistic model of consumer choice with substitutes and complements

Francisco J. R. Ruiz, Susan Athey, David M. Blei.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1--27.

We develop SHOPPER, a sequential probabilistic model of shopping data. SHOPPER uses interpretable components to model the forces that drive how a customer chooses products; in particular, we designed SHOPPER to capture how items interact with other items. We develop an efficient posterior inference algorithm to estimate these forces from large-scale data, and we analyze a large dataset from a major chain grocery store. We are interested in answering counterfactual queries about changes in prices. We found that SHOPPER provides accurate predictions even under price interventions, and that it helps identify complementary and substitutable pairs of products.


A hierarchical curve-based approach to the analysis of manifold data

Liberty Vittert, Adrian W. Bowman, Stanislav Katina.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2539--2563.

One of the data structures generated by medical imaging technology is high resolution point clouds representing anatomical surfaces. Stereophotogrammetry and laser scanning are two widely available sources of this kind of data. A standardised surface representation is required to provide a meaningful correspondence across different images as a basis for statistical analysis. Point locations with anatomical definitions, referred to as landmarks, have been the traditional approach. Landmarks can also be taken as the starting point for more general surface representations, often using templates which are warped on to an observed surface by matching landmark positions and subsequent local adjustment of the surface. The aim of the present paper is to provide a new approach which places anatomical curves at the heart of the surface representation and its analysis. Curves provide intermediate structures which capture the principal features of the manifold (surface) of interest through its ridges and valleys. As landmarks are often available these are used as anchoring points, but surface curvature information is the principal guide in estimating the curve locations. The surface patches between these curves are relatively flat and can be represented in a standardised manner by appropriate surface transects to give a complete surface model. This new approach does not require the use of a template, reference sample or any external information to guide the method and, when compared with a surface based approach, the estimation of curves is shown to have improved performance. In addition, examples involving applications to mussel shells and human faces show that the analysis of curve information can deliver more targeted and effective insight than the use of full surface information.


A simple, consistent estimator of SNP heritability from genome-wide association studies

Armin Schwartzman, Andrew J. Schork, Rong Zablocki, Wesley K. Thompson.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2509--2538.

Analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is characterized by a large number of univariate regressions where a quantitative trait is regressed on hundreds of thousands to millions of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) allele counts, one at a time. This article proposes an estimator of the SNP heritability of the trait, defined here as the fraction of the variance of the trait explained by the SNPs in the study. The proposed GWAS heritability (GWASH) estimator is easy to compute, highly interpretable and is consistent as the number of SNPs and the sample size increase. More importantly, it can be computed from summary statistics typically reported in GWAS, not requiring access to the original data. The estimator takes full account of the linkage disequilibrium (LD) or correlation between the SNPs in the study through moments of the LD matrix, estimable from auxiliary datasets. Unlike other proposed estimators in the literature, we establish the theoretical properties of the GWASH estimator and obtain analytical estimates of the precision, allowing for power and sample size calculations for SNP heritability estimates and forming a firm foundation for future methodological development.


New formulation of the logistic-Gaussian process to analyze trajectory tracking data

Gianluca Mastrantonio, Clara Grazian, Sara Mancinelli, Enrico Bibbona.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2483--2508.

Improved communication systems, shrinking battery sizes and the price drop of tracking devices have led to an increasing availability of trajectory tracking data. These data are often analyzed to understand animal behavior. In this work, we propose a new model for interpreting the animal movent as a mixture of characteristic patterns, that we interpret as different behaviors. The probability that the animal is behaving according to a specific pattern, at each time instant, is nonparametrically estimated using the Logistic-Gaussian process. Owing to a new formalization and the way we specify the coregionalization matrix of the associated multivariate Gaussian process, our model is invariant with respect to the choice of the reference element and of the ordering of the probability vector components. We fit the model under a Bayesian framework, and show that the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm we propose is straightforward to implement. We perform a simulation study with the aim of showing the ability of the estimation procedure to retrieve the model parameters. We also test the performance of the information criterion we used to select the number of behaviors. The model is then applied to a real dataset where a wolf has been observed before and after procreation. The results are easy to interpret, and clear differences emerge in the two phases.


Empirical Bayes analysis of RNA sequencing experiments with auxiliary information

Kun Liang.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2452--2482.

Finding differentially expressed genes is a common task in high-throughput transcriptome studies. While traditional statistical methods rank the genes by their test statistics alone, we analyze an RNA sequencing dataset using the auxiliary information of gene length and the test statistics from a related microarray study. Given the auxiliary information, we propose a novel nonparametric empirical Bayes procedure to estimate the posterior probability of differential expression for each gene. We demonstrate the advantage of our procedure in extensive simulation studies and a psoriasis RNA sequencing study. The companion R package calm is available at Bioconductor.


A latent discrete Markov random field approach to identifying and classifying historical forest communities based on spatial multivariate tree species counts

Stephen Berg, Jun Zhu, Murray K. Clayton, Monika E. Shea, David J. Mladenoff.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2312--2340.

The Wisconsin Public Land Survey database describes historical forest composition at high spatial resolution and is of interest in ecological studies of forest composition in Wisconsin just prior to significant Euro-American settlement. For such studies it is useful to identify recurring subpopulations of tree species known as communities, but standard clustering approaches for subpopulation identification do not account for dependence between spatially nearby observations. Here, we develop and fit a latent discrete Markov random field model for the purpose of identifying and classifying historical forest communities based on spatially referenced multivariate tree species counts across Wisconsin. We show empirically for the actual dataset and through simulation that our latent Markov random field modeling approach improves prediction and parameter estimation performance. For model fitting we introduce a new stochastic approximation algorithm which enables computationally efficient estimation and classification of large amounts of spatial multivariate count data.


Principal nested shape space analysis of molecular dynamics data

Ian L. Dryden, Kwang-Rae Kim, Charles A. Laughton, Huiling Le.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2213--2234.

Molecular dynamics simulations produce huge datasets of temporal sequences of molecules. It is of interest to summarize the shape evolution of the molecules in a succinct, low-dimensional representation. However, Euclidean techniques such as principal components analysis (PCA) can be problematic as the data may lie far from in a flat manifold. Principal nested spheres gives a fundamentally different decomposition of data from the usual Euclidean subspace based PCA [ Biometrika 99 (2012) 551–568]. Subspaces of successively lower dimension are fitted to the data in a backwards manner with the aim of retaining signal and dispensing with noise at each stage. We adapt the methodology to 3D subshape spaces and provide some practical fitting algorithms. The methodology is applied to cluster analysis of peptides, where different states of the molecules can be identified. Also, the temporal transitions between cluster states are explored.


Joint model of accelerated failure time and mechanistic nonlinear model for censored covariates, with application in HIV/AIDS

Hongbin Zhang, Lang Wu.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2140--2157.

For a time-to-event outcome with censored time-varying covariates, a joint Cox model with a linear mixed effects model is the standard modeling approach. In some applications such as AIDS studies, mechanistic nonlinear models are available for some covariate process such as viral load during anti-HIV treatments, derived from the underlying data-generation mechanisms and disease progression. Such a mechanistic nonlinear covariate model may provide better-predicted values when the covariates are left censored or mismeasured. When the focus is on the impact of the time-varying covariate process on the survival outcome, an accelerated failure time (AFT) model provides an excellent alternative to the Cox proportional hazard model since an AFT model is formulated to allow the influence of the outcome by the entire covariate process. In this article, we consider a nonlinear mixed effects model for the censored covariates in an AFT model, implemented using a Monte Carlo EM algorithm, under the framework of a joint model for simultaneous inference. We apply the joint model to an HIV/AIDS data to gain insights for assessing the association between viral load and immunological restoration during antiretroviral therapy. Simulation is conducted to compare model performance when the covariate model and the survival model are misspecified.


Statistical inference for partially observed branching processes with application to cell lineage tracking of in vivo hematopoiesis

Jason Xu, Samson Koelle, Peter Guttorp, Chuanfeng Wu, Cynthia Dunbar, Janis L. Abkowitz, Vladimir N. Minin.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2091--2119.

Single-cell lineage tracking strategies enabled by recent experimental technologies have produced significant insights into cell fate decisions, but lack the quantitative framework necessary for rigorous statistical analysis of mechanistic models describing cell division and differentiation. In this paper, we develop such a framework with corresponding moment-based parameter estimation techniques for continuous-time, multi-type branching processes. Such processes provide a probabilistic model of how cells divide and differentiate, and we apply our method to study hematopoiesis , the mechanism of blood cell production. We derive closed-form expressions for higher moments in a general class of such models. These analytical results allow us to efficiently estimate parameters of much richer statistical models of hematopoiesis than those used in previous statistical studies. To our knowledge, the method provides the first rate inference procedure for fitting such models to time series data generated from cellular barcoding experiments. After validating the methodology in simulation studies, we apply our estimator to hematopoietic lineage tracking data from rhesus macaques. Our analysis provides a more complete understanding of cell fate decisions during hematopoiesis in nonhuman primates, which may be more relevant to human biology and clinical strategies than previous findings from murine studies. For example, in addition to previously estimated hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal rate, we are able to estimate fate decision probabilities and to compare structurally distinct models of hematopoiesis using cross validation. These estimates of fate decision probabilities and our model selection results should help biologists compare competing hypotheses about how progenitor cells differentiate. The methodology is transferrable to a large class of stochastic compartmental and multi-type branching models, commonly used in studies of cancer progression, epidemiology and many other fields.


Radio-iBAG: Radiomics-based integrative Bayesian analysis of multiplatform genomic data

Youyi Zhang, Jeffrey S. Morris, Shivali Narang Aerry, Arvind U. K. Rao, Veerabhadran Baladandayuthapani.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1957--1988.

Technological innovations have produced large multi-modal datasets that include imaging and multi-platform genomics data. Integrative analyses of such data have the potential to reveal important biological and clinical insights into complex diseases like cancer. In this paper, we present Bayesian approaches for integrative analysis of radiological imaging and multi-platform genomic data, where-in our goals are to simultaneously identify genomic and radiomic, that is, radiology-based imaging markers, along with the latent associations between these two modalities, and to detect the overall prognostic relevance of the combined markers. For this task, we propose Radio-iBAG: Radiomics-based Integrative Bayesian Analysis of Multiplatform Genomic Data , a multi-scale Bayesian hierarchical model that involves several innovative strategies: it incorporates integrative analysis of multi-platform genomic data sets to capture fundamental biological relationships; explores the associations between radiomic markers accompanying genomic information with clinical outcomes; and detects genomic and radiomic markers associated with clinical prognosis. We also introduce the use of sparse Principal Component Analysis (sPCA) to extract a sparse set of approximately orthogonal meta-features each containing information from a set of related individual radiomic features, reducing dimensionality and combining like features. Our methods are motivated by and applied to The Cancer Genome Atlas glioblastoma multiforme data set, where-in we integrate magnetic resonance imaging-based biomarkers along with genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic data. Our model identifies important magnetic resonance imaging features and the associated genomic platforms that are related with patient survival times.


Bayesian methods for multiple mediators: Relating principal stratification and causal mediation in the analysis of power plant emission controls

Chanmin Kim, Michael J. Daniels, Joseph W. Hogan, Christine Choirat, Corwin M. Zigler.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1927--1956.

Emission control technologies installed on power plants are a key feature of many air pollution regulations in the US. While such regulations are predicated on the presumed relationships between emissions, ambient air pollution and human health, many of these relationships have never been empirically verified. The goal of this paper is to develop new statistical methods to quantify these relationships. We frame this problem as one of mediation analysis to evaluate the extent to which the effect of a particular control technology on ambient pollution is mediated through causal effects on power plant emissions. Since power plants emit various compounds that contribute to ambient pollution, we develop new methods for multiple intermediate variables that are measured contemporaneously, may interact with one another, and may exhibit joint mediating effects. Specifically, we propose new methods leveraging two related frameworks for causal inference in the presence of mediating variables: principal stratification and causal mediation analysis. We define principal effects based on multiple mediators, and also introduce a new decomposition of the total effect of an intervention on ambient pollution into the natural direct effect and natural indirect effects for all combinations of mediators. Both approaches are anchored to the same observed-data models, which we specify with Bayesian nonparametric techniques. We provide assumptions for estimating principal causal effects, then augment these with an additional assumption required for causal mediation analysis. The two analyses, interpreted in tandem, provide the first empirical investigation of the presumed causal pathways that motivate important air quality regulatory policies.


Bayesian modeling of the structural connectome for studying Alzheimer’s disease

Arkaprava Roy, Subhashis Ghosal, Jeffrey Prescott, Kingshuk Roy Choudhury.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1791--1816.

We study possible relations between Alzheimer’s disease progression and the structure of the connectome which is white matter connecting different regions of the brain. Regression models in covariates including age, gender and disease status for the extent of white matter connecting each pair of regions of the brain are proposed. Subject inhomogeneity is also incorporated in the model through random effects with an unknown distribution. As there is a large number of pairs of regions, we also adopt a dimension reduction technique through graphon ( J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 96 (2006) 933–957) functions which reduces the functions of pairs of regions to functions of regions. The connecting graphon functions are considered unknown but the assumed smoothness allows putting priors of low complexity on these functions. We pursue a nonparametric Bayesian approach by assigning a Dirichlet process scale mixture of zero to mean normal prior on the distributions of the random effects and finite random series of tensor products of B-splines priors on the underlying graphon functions. We develop efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques for drawing samples for the posterior distributions using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC). The proposed Bayesian method overwhelmingly outperforms a competing method based on ANCOVA models in the simulation setup. The proposed Bayesian approach is applied on a dataset of 100 subjects and 83 brain regions and key regions implicated in the changing connectome are identified.


Incorporating conditional dependence in latent class models for probabilistic record linkage: Does it matter?

Huiping Xu, Xiaochun Li, Changyu Shen, Siu L. Hui, Shaun Grannis.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1753--1790.

The conditional independence assumption of the Felligi and Sunter (FS) model in probabilistic record linkage is often violated when matching real-world data. Ignoring conditional dependence has been shown to seriously bias parameter estimates. However, in record linkage, the ultimate goal is to inform the match status of record pairs and therefore, record linkage algorithms should be evaluated in terms of matching accuracy. In the literature, more flexible models have been proposed to relax the conditional independence assumption, but few studies have assessed whether such accommodations improve matching accuracy. In this paper, we show that incorporating the conditional dependence appropriately yields comparable or improved matching accuracy than the FS model using three real-world data linkage examples. Through a simulation study, we further investigate when conditional dependence models provide improved matching accuracy. Our study shows that the FS model is generally robust to the conditional independence assumption and provides comparable matching accuracy as the more complex conditional dependence models. However, when the match prevalence approaches 0% or 100% and conditional dependence exists in the dominating class, it is necessary to address conditional dependence as the FS model produces suboptimal matching accuracy. The need to address conditional dependence becomes less important when highly discriminating fields are used. Our simulation study also shows that conditional dependence models with misspecified dependence structure could produce less accurate record matching than the FS model and therefore we caution against the blind use of conditional dependence models.


A Bayesian mark interaction model for analysis of tumor pathology images

Qiwei Li, Xinlei Wang, Faming Liang, Guanghua Xiao.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1708--1732.

With the advance of imaging technology, digital pathology imaging of tumor tissue slides is becoming a routine clinical procedure for cancer diagnosis. This process produces massive imaging data that capture histological details in high resolution. Recent developments in deep-learning methods have enabled us to identify and classify individual cells from digital pathology images at large scale. Reliable statistical approaches to model the spatial pattern of cells can provide new insight into tumor progression and shed light on the biological mechanisms of cancer. We consider the problem of modeling spatial correlations among three commonly seen cells observed in tumor pathology images. A novel geostatistical marking model with interpretable underlying parameters is proposed in a Bayesian framework. We use auxiliary variable MCMC algorithms to sample from the posterior distribution with an intractable normalizing constant. We demonstrate how this model-based analysis can lead to sharper inferences than ordinary exploratory analyses, by means of application to three benchmark datasets and a case study on the pathology images of $188$ lung cancer patients. The case study shows that the spatial correlation between tumor and stromal cells predicts patient prognosis. This statistical methodology not only presents a new model for characterizing spatial correlations in a multitype spatial point pattern conditioning on the locations of the points, but also provides a new perspective for understanding the role of cell–cell interactions in cancer progression.


Sequential decision model for inference and prediction on nonuniform hypergraphs with application to knot matching from computational forestry

Seong-Hwan Jun, Samuel W. K. Wong, James V. Zidek, Alexandre Bouchard-Côté.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1678--1707.

In this paper, we consider the knot-matching problem arising in computational forestry. The knot-matching problem is an important problem that needs to be solved to advance the state of the art in automatic strength prediction of lumber. We show that this problem can be formulated as a quadripartite matching problem and develop a sequential decision model that admits efficient parameter estimation along with a sequential Monte Carlo sampler on graph matching that can be utilized for rapid sampling of graph matching. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods on 30 manually annotated boards and present findings from various simulation studies to provide further evidence supporting the efficacy of our methods.


Distributional regression forests for probabilistic precipitation forecasting in complex terrain

Lisa Schlosser, Torsten Hothorn, Reto Stauffer, Achim Zeileis.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1564--1589.

To obtain a probabilistic model for a dependent variable based on some set of explanatory variables, a distributional approach is often adopted where the parameters of the distribution are linked to regressors. In many classical models this only captures the location of the distribution but over the last decade there has been increasing interest in distributional regression approaches modeling all parameters including location, scale and shape. Notably, so-called nonhomogeneous Gaussian regression (NGR) models both mean and variance of a Gaussian response and is particularly popular in weather forecasting. Moreover, generalized additive models for location, scale and shape (GAMLSS) provide a framework where each distribution parameter is modeled separately capturing smooth linear or nonlinear effects. However, when variable selection is required and/or there are nonsmooth dependencies or interactions (especially unknown or of high-order), it is challenging to establish a good GAMLSS. A natural alternative in these situations would be the application of regression trees or random forests but, so far, no general distributional framework is available for these. Therefore, a framework for distributional regression trees and forests is proposed that blends regression trees and random forests with classical distributions from the GAMLSS framework as well as their censored or truncated counterparts. To illustrate these novel approaches in practice, they are employed to obtain probabilistic precipitation forecasts at numerous sites in a mountainous region (Tyrol, Austria) based on a large number of numerical weather prediction quantities. It is shown that the novel distributional regression forests automatically select variables and interactions, performing on par or often even better than GAMLSS specified either through prior meteorological knowledge or a computationally more demanding boosting approach.


Fast dynamic nonparametric distribution tracking in electron microscopic data

Yanjun Qian, Jianhua Z. Huang, Chiwoo Park, Yu Ding.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1537--1563.

In situ transmission electron microscope (TEM) adds a promising instrument to the exploration of the nanoscale world, allowing motion pictures to be taken while nano objects are initiating, crystalizing and morphing into different sizes and shapes. To enable in-process control of nanocrystal production, this technology innovation hinges upon a solution addressing a statistical problem, which is the capability of online tracking a dynamic, time-varying probability distribution reflecting the nanocrystal growth. Because no known parametric density functions can adequately describe the evolving distribution, a nonparametric approach is inevitable. Towards this objective, we propose to incorporate the dynamic evolution of the normalized particle size distribution into a state space model, in which the density function is represented by a linear combination of B-splines and the spline coefficients are treated as states. The closed-form algorithm runs online updates faster than the frame rate of the in situ TEM video, making it suitable for in-process control purpose. Imposing the constraints of curve smoothness and temporal continuity improves the accuracy and robustness while tracking the probability distribution. We test our method on three published TEM videos. For all of them, the proposed method is able to outperform several alternative approaches.


Imputation and post-selection inference in models with missing data: An application to colorectal cancer surveillance guidelines

Lin Liu, Yuqi Qiu, Loki Natarajan, Karen Messer.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1370--1396.

It is common to encounter missing data among the potential predictor variables in the setting of model selection. For example, in a recent study we attempted to improve the US guidelines for risk stratification after screening colonoscopy ( Cancer Causes Control 27 (2016) 1175–1185), with the aim to help reduce both overuse and underuse of follow-on surveillance colonoscopy. The goal was to incorporate selected additional informative variables into a neoplasia risk-prediction model, going beyond the three currently established risk factors, using a large dataset pooled from seven different prospective studies in North America. Unfortunately, not all candidate variables were collected in all studies, so that one or more important potential predictors were missing on over half of the subjects. Thus, while variable selection was a main focus of the study, it was necessary to address the substantial amount of missing data. Multiple imputation can effectively address missing data, and there are also good approaches to incorporate the variable selection process into model-based confidence intervals. However, there is not consensus on appropriate methods of inference which address both issues simultaneously. Our goal here is to study the properties of model-based confidence intervals in the setting of imputation for missing data followed by variable selection. We use both simulation and theory to compare three approaches to such post-imputation-selection inference: a multiple-imputation approach based on Rubin’s Rules for variance estimation ( Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 71 (2014) 758–770); a single imputation-selection followed by bootstrap percentile confidence intervals; and a new bootstrap model-averaging approach presented here, following Efron ( J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 109 (2014) 991–1007). We investigate relative strengths and weaknesses of each method. The “Rubin’s Rules” multiple imputation estimator can have severe undercoverage, and is not recommended. The imputation-selection estimator with bootstrap percentile confidence intervals works well. The bootstrap-model-averaged estimator, with the “Efron’s Rules” estimated variance, may be preferred if the true effect sizes are moderate. We apply these results to the colorectal neoplasia risk-prediction problem which motivated the present work.


Introduction to papers on the modeling and analysis of network data—II

Stephen E. Fienberg

Source: Ann. Appl. Stat., Volume 4, Number 2, 533--534.


A refined Cramér-type moderate deviation for sums of local statistics

Xiao Fang, Li Luo, Qi-Man Shao.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2319--2352.

We prove a refined Cramér-type moderate deviation result by taking into account of the skewness in normal approximation for sums of local statistics of independent random variables. We apply the main result to $k$-runs, U-statistics and subgraph counts in the Erdős–Rényi random graph. To prove our main result, we develop exponential concentration inequalities and higher-order tail probability expansions via Stein’s method.


Convergence of persistence diagrams for topological crackle

Takashi Owada, Omer Bobrowski.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2275--2310.

In this paper, we study the persistent homology associated with topological crackle generated by distributions with an unbounded support. Persistent homology is a topological and algebraic structure that tracks the creation and destruction of topological cycles (generalizations of loops or holes) in different dimensions. Topological crackle is a term that refers to topological cycles generated by random points far away from the bulk of other points, when the support is unbounded. We establish weak convergence results for persistence diagrams – a point process representation for persistent homology, where each topological cycle is represented by its $({mathit{birth},mathit{death}})$ coordinates. In this work, we treat persistence diagrams as random closed sets, so that the resulting weak convergence is defined in terms of the Fell topology. Using this framework, we show that the limiting persistence diagrams can be divided into two parts. The first part is a deterministic limit containing a densely-growing number of persistence pairs with a shorter lifespan. The second part is a two-dimensional Poisson process, representing persistence pairs with a longer lifespan.


Directional differentiability for supremum-type functionals: Statistical applications

Javier Cárcamo, Antonio Cuevas, Luis-Alberto Rodríguez.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2143--2175.

We show that various functionals related to the supremum of a real function defined on an arbitrary set or a measure space are Hadamard directionally differentiable. We specifically consider the supremum norm, the supremum, the infimum, and the amplitude of a function. The (usually non-linear) derivatives of these maps adopt simple expressions under suitable assumptions on the underlying space. As an application, we improve and extend to the multidimensional case the results in Raghavachari ( Ann. Statist. 1 (1973) 67–73) regarding the limiting distributions of Kolmogorov–Smirnov type statistics under the alternative hypothesis. Similar results are obtained for analogous statistics associated with copulas. We additionally solve an open problem about the Berk–Jones statistic proposed by Jager and Wellner (In A Festschrift for Herman Rubin (2004) 319–331 IMS). Finally, the asymptotic distribution of maximum mean discrepancies over Donsker classes of functions is derived.


Noncommutative Lebesgue decomposition and contiguity with applications in quantum statistics

Akio Fujiwara, Koichi Yamagata.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2105--2142.

We herein develop a theory of contiguity in the quantum domain based upon a novel quantum analogue of the Lebesgue decomposition. The theory thus formulated is pertinent to the weak quantum local asymptotic normality introduced in the previous paper [Yamagata, Fujiwara, and Gill, Ann. Statist. 41 (2013) 2197–2217], yielding substantial enlargement of the scope of quantum statistics.


Optimal functional supervised classification with separation condition

Sébastien Gadat, Sébastien Gerchinovitz, Clément Marteau.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 1797--1831.

We consider the binary supervised classification problem with the Gaussian functional model introduced in ( Math. Methods Statist. 22 (2013) 213–225). Taking advantage of the Gaussian structure, we design a natural plug-in classifier and derive a family of upper bounds on its worst-case excess risk over Sobolev spaces. These bounds are parametrized by a separation distance quantifying the difficulty of the problem, and are proved to be optimal (up to logarithmic factors) through matching minimax lower bounds. Using the recent works of (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2014) 3437–3445 Curran Associates) and ( Ann. Statist. 44 (2016) 982–1009), we also derive a logarithmic lower bound showing that the popular $k$-nearest neighbors classifier is far from optimality in this specific functional setting.


On the probability distribution of the local times of diagonally operator-self-similar Gaussian fields with stationary increments

Kamran Kalbasi, Thomas Mountford.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1504--1534.

In this paper, we study the local times of vector-valued Gaussian fields that are ‘diagonally operator-self-similar’ and whose increments are stationary. Denoting the local time of such a Gaussian field around the spatial origin and over the temporal unit hypercube by $Z$, we show that there exists $lambdain(0,1)$ such that under some quite weak conditions, $lim_{n ightarrow+infty}frac{sqrt[n]{mathbb{E}(Z^{n})}}{n^{lambda}}$ and $lim_{x ightarrow+infty}frac{-logmathbb{P}(Z>x)}{x^{frac{1}{lambda}}}$ both exist and are strictly positive (possibly $+infty$). Moreover, we show that if the underlying Gaussian field is ‘strongly locally nondeterministic’, the above limits will be finite as well. These results are then applied to establish similar statements for the intersection local times of diagonally operator-self-similar Gaussian fields with stationary increments.


Stratonovich stochastic differential equation with irregular coefficients: Girsanov’s example revisited

Ilya Pavlyukevich, Georgiy Shevchenko.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1381--1409.

In this paper, we study the Stratonovich stochastic differential equation $mathrm{d}X=|X|^{alpha }circ mathrm{d}B$, $alpha in (-1,1)$, which has been introduced by Cherstvy et al. ( New J. Phys. 15 (2013) 083039) in the context of analysis of anomalous diffusions in heterogeneous media. We determine its weak and strong solutions, which are homogeneous strong Markov processes spending zero time at $0$: for $alpha in (0,1)$, these solutions have the form egin{equation*}X_{t}^{ heta }=((1-alpha)B_{t}^{ heta })^{1/(1-alpha )},end{equation*} where $B^{ heta }$ is the $ heta $-skew Brownian motion driven by $B$ and starting at $frac{1}{1-alpha }(X_{0})^{1-alpha }$, $ heta in [-1,1]$, and $(x)^{gamma }=|x|^{gamma }operatorname{sign}x$; for $alpha in (-1,0]$, only the case $ heta =0$ is possible. The central part of the paper consists in the proof of the existence of a quadratic covariation $[f(B^{ heta }),B]$ for a locally square integrable function $f$ and is based on the time-reversion technique for Markovian diffusions.


Dynamic linear discriminant analysis in high dimensional space

Binyan Jiang, Ziqi Chen, Chenlei Leng.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1234--1268.

High-dimensional data that evolve dynamically feature predominantly in the modern data era. As a partial response to this, recent years have seen increasing emphasis to address the dimensionality challenge. However, the non-static nature of these datasets is largely ignored. This paper addresses both challenges by proposing a novel yet simple dynamic linear programming discriminant (DLPD) rule for binary classification. Different from the usual static linear discriminant analysis, the new method is able to capture the changing distributions of the underlying populations by modeling their means and covariances as smooth functions of covariates of interest. Under an approximate sparse condition, we show that the conditional misclassification rate of the DLPD rule converges to the Bayes risk in probability uniformly over the range of the variables used for modeling the dynamics, when the dimensionality is allowed to grow exponentially with the sample size. The minimax lower bound of the estimation of the Bayes risk is also established, implying that the misclassification rate of our proposed rule is minimax-rate optimal. The promising performance of the DLPD rule is illustrated via extensive simulation studies and the analysis of a breast cancer dataset.


Consistent structure estimation of exponential-family random graph models with block structure

Michael Schweinberger.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1205--1233.

We consider the challenging problem of statistical inference for exponential-family random graph models based on a single observation of a random graph with complex dependence. To facilitate statistical inference, we consider random graphs with additional structure in the form of block structure. We have shown elsewhere that when the block structure is known, it facilitates consistency results for $M$-estimators of canonical and curved exponential-family random graph models with complex dependence, such as transitivity. In practice, the block structure is known in some applications (e.g., multilevel networks), but is unknown in others. When the block structure is unknown, the first and foremost question is whether it can be recovered with high probability based on a single observation of a random graph with complex dependence. The main consistency results of the paper show that it is possible to do so under weak dependence and smoothness conditions. These results confirm that exponential-family random graph models with block structure constitute a promising direction of statistical network analysis.


Characterization of probability distribution convergence in Wasserstein distance by $L^{p}$-quantization error function

Yating Liu, Gilles Pagès.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1171--1204.

We establish conditions to characterize probability measures by their $L^{p}$-quantization error functions in both $mathbb{R}^{d}$ and Hilbert settings. This characterization is two-fold: static (identity of two distributions) and dynamic (convergence for the $L^{p}$-Wasserstein distance). We first propose a criterion on the quantization level $N$, valid for any norm on $mathbb{R}^{d}$ and any order $p$ based on a geometrical approach involving the Voronoï diagram. Then, we prove that in the $L^{2}$-case on a (separable) Hilbert space, the condition on the level $N$ can be reduced to $N=2$, which is optimal. More quantization based characterization cases in dimension 1 and a discussion of the completeness of a distance defined by the quantization error function can be found at the end of this paper.


Interacting reinforced stochastic processes: Statistical inference based on the weighted empirical means

Giacomo Aletti, Irene Crimaldi, Andrea Ghiglietti.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1098--1138.

This work deals with a system of interacting reinforced stochastic processes , where each process $X^{j}=(X_{n,j})_{n}$ is located at a vertex $j$ of a finite weighted directed graph, and it can be interpreted as the sequence of “actions” adopted by an agent $j$ of the network. The interaction among the dynamics of these processes depends on the weighted adjacency matrix $W$ associated to the underlying graph: indeed, the probability that an agent $j$ chooses a certain action depends on its personal “inclination” $Z_{n,j}$ and on the inclinations $Z_{n,h}$, with $h eq j$, of the other agents according to the entries of $W$. The best known example of reinforced stochastic process is the Pólya urn. The present paper focuses on the weighted empirical means $N_{n,j}=sum_{k=1}^{n}q_{n,k}X_{k,j}$, since, for example, the current experience is more important than the past one in reinforced learning. Their almost sure synchronization and some central limit theorems in the sense of stable convergence are proven. The new approach with weighted means highlights the key points in proving some recent results for the personal inclinations $Z^{j}=(Z_{n,j})_{n}$ and for the empirical means $overline{X}^{j}=(sum_{k=1}^{n}X_{k,j}/n)_{n}$ given in recent papers (e.g. Aletti, Crimaldi and Ghiglietti (2019), Ann. Appl. Probab. 27 (2017) 3787–3844, Crimaldi et al. Stochastic Process. Appl. 129 (2019) 70–101). In fact, with a more sophisticated decomposition of the considered processes, we can understand how the different convergence rates of the involved stochastic processes combine. From an application point of view, we provide confidence intervals for the common limit inclination of the agents and a test statistics to make inference on the matrix $W$, based on the weighted empirical means. In particular, we answer a research question posed in Aletti, Crimaldi and Ghiglietti (2019).


Degeneracy in sparse ERGMs with functions of degrees as sufficient statistics

Sumit Mukherjee.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1016--1043.

A sufficient criterion for “non-degeneracy” is given for Exponential Random Graph Models on sparse graphs with sufficient statistics which are functions of the degree sequence. This criterion explains why statistics such as alternating $k$-star are non-degenerate, whereas subgraph counts are degenerate. It is further shown that this criterion is “almost” tight. Existence of consistent estimates is then proved for non-degenerate Exponential Random Graph Models.


The maximal degree in a Poisson–Delaunay graph

Gilles Bonnet, Nicolas Chenavier.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 948--979.

We investigate the maximal degree in a Poisson–Delaunay graph in $mathbf{R}^{d}$, $dgeq 2$, over all nodes in the window $mathbf{W}_{ ho }:= ho^{1/d}[0,1]^{d}$ as $ ho $ goes to infinity. The exact order of this maximum is provided in any dimension. In the particular setting $d=2$, we show that this quantity is concentrated on two consecutive integers with high probability. A weaker version of this result is discussed when $dgeq 3$.


Distances and large deviations in the spatial preferential attachment model

Christian Hirsch, Christian Mönch.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 927--947.

This paper considers two asymptotic properties of a spatial preferential-attachment model introduced by E. Jacob and P. Mörters (In Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (2013) 14–25 Springer). First, in a regime of strong linear reinforcement, we show that typical distances are at most of doubly-logarithmic order. Second, we derive a large deviation principle for the empirical neighbourhood structure and express the rate function as solution to an entropy minimisation problem in the space of stationary marked point processes.


Recurrence of multidimensional persistent random walks. Fourier and series criteria

Peggy Cénac, Basile de Loynes, Yoann Offret, Arnaud Rousselle.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 858--892.

The recurrence and transience of persistent random walks built from variable length Markov chains are investigated. It turns out that these stochastic processes can be seen as Lévy walks for which the persistence times depend on some internal Markov chain: they admit Markov random walk skeletons. A recurrence versus transience dichotomy is highlighted. Assuming the positive recurrence of the driving chain, a sufficient Fourier criterion for the recurrence, close to the usual Chung–Fuchs one, is given and a series criterion is derived. The key tool is the Nagaev–Guivarc’h method. Finally, we focus on particular two-dimensional persistent random walks, including directionally reinforced random walks, for which necessary and sufficient Fourier and series criteria are obtained. Inspired by ( Adv. Math. 208 (2007) 680–698), we produce a genuine counterexample to the conjecture of ( Adv. Math. 117 (1996) 239–252). As for the one-dimensional case studied in ( J. Theoret. Probab. 31 (2018) 232–243), it is easier for a persistent random walk than its skeleton to be recurrent. However, such examples are much more difficult to exhibit in the higher dimensional context. These results are based on a surprisingly novel – to our knowledge – upper bound for the Lévy concentration function associated with symmetric distributions.