
The Acts of the Apostles

Bobby Maddex interviews Fr. Lawrence Farley, author of the new Conciliar Press book The Acts of the Apostles: Spreading the Word.


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Dr. Rossi interviews Fr. Sean Levine, a graduate of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary and now chaplain in the United States Army, about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


Orthodox Witness in a Post-Christian Culture

Fr. Philip LeMasters argues that it is time for Orthodox Christians to be realistic and not panic about life in an increasingly post-Christian culture.


Apostolos Combitsis

Bobby Maddex interviews Apostolos Combitsis, the Protopsaltis of St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church in Toms River, New Jersey, and the director of the Byzantine Choir of the Metropolis of New Jersey, about the importance of preserving Byzantine music and the various enterprises through which he attempts to do just that.


The Catholic, Apostolic Church

What sorts of things do we mean when we profess that the Church is catholic and apostolic? Why are these words so important that they are explicitly mentioned in the creed? Fr. Pat explores these questions.


The Apostolic Model

In 1 Corinthians 4:16, Paul urges the Corinthian Christians to be imitators of him. In what ways should they, and we, do this?


The Resurrection and Human History (Acts of the Apostles)

Throughout the Paschal season, the Church reads from the Acts of the Apostles, a history book, in place of the Epistles during the Divine Liturgy. In this homily for Pascha, Fr. Pat asks, "What does the resurrection of Christ mean to human history?" (7:57)


The Significance of the Apostles


The Fourth Apostle

Fr. Pat preaches on the Apostle Andrew, whose feast day is November 30. He gave this homily on November 30, 2014.


Three Apostolic Modifiers

Fr. Pat reflects upon the Apostolic Office by means of three adjectives, which, when considered, can greatly enrich our understanding of the apostles, and can deepen our own relationship with Christ.


The Gospel of Mark, the Apostles, and the Sacraments

In this homily from the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt in 2008, Fr. Pat discusses the occasion for the writing of the Gospel of Mark, the response of the Apostles to the cross, and the question Jesus asks James and John in the 10th chapter of Mark, which is the same question He asks us as we approach the chalice.


Apostolic Pilgrimage (Disagreement and Dialogue)

Why was the meeting between Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew so important? We're looking at Catholic-Orthodox history in this week's Be the Bee!


The Apostle Thomas and the Resurrection

Make the Resurrection your own. The Apostle Thomas wanted to put his hand into Christ - you must put Him on.


Seven Scots to receive posthumous Elizabeth Emblem

The firefighters, police officers and a nurse are being honoured with a new award for those who died in the line of duty.


Campaign to protect postal staff from dog attacks

Guernsey Post issues customers with cards aimed at protecting their staff from dog attacks.


Decision on wind farm cable project postponed

A council delays a decision on the Saunton Sands beach proposal for additional survey work.


'Sad day' as most southerly Post Office to close

Len and Linda Trott are retiring after running the Post Office in The Lizard since 1988.


'I've played Pembridge’s Last Post for 50 years'

Bugler Niall Roberts has never missed a Remembrance Sunday at his home village.


West Midlands postcodes top uninsured drivers list

Parts of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Walsall and Solihull feature in an annual hotspot list.


Blue Sky gets post-election boost, Apple Vision Pro headset production scaled back

Social media platform Bluesky says it has gained 700,000 new users in the week following the US election. Bluesky, which was originally conceived as part of Twitter by its former […]

The post Blue Sky gets post-election boost, Apple Vision Pro headset production scaled back appeared first on Tech Digest.


Festival worker to become Antarctic postmaster

George Clarke will staff the most southerly post office in the world, living among a penguin colony.


Former B.C. premier John Horgan dies aged 65, after third bout of cancer - National Post

  1. Former B.C. premier John Horgan dies aged 65, after third bout of cancer  National Post
  2. Adam Pankratz: John Horgan wasn't your typical NDP premier  National Post
  3. John Horgan: Reluctant leader became B.C.'s most-loved premier  Vancouver Sun
  4. Premier’s statement on the passing of John Horgan  BC Gov News
  5. UBC political scientist remembers former B.C. premier John Horgan’s legacy


Crï¿œation de 3000 postes de "gendarmes verts" : la fausse promesse de Darmanin

A chaque jour, une nouvelle annonce. Cet ᅵtᅵ, le ministre de l'Intᅵrieur, Gᅵrald Darmanin, a multipliᅵ les dᅵplacements sur le terrain et les annonces. Pour lutter contre les pyromanes ᅵ...


Uncovering the keys to well-being: calling, mindfulness, and compassion among healthcare professionals in India amidst the post-COVID crisis

This study investigates the well-being of healthcare professionals in India, with a specific focus on the detrimental effects of the pandemic on their mental and physical health, including stress, burnout, and fatigue. This research examines the roles played by calling, mindfulness, and compassionate love as essential resources in promoting the well-being of healthcare professionals. Utilising structural equation modelling (SEM), the results reveal a significant cause and effect relationship between calling, mindfulness, and compassionate love and their influence on overall well-being. Furthermore, the study identifies a noteworthy parallel mediation effect, demonstrating that mindfulness and compassionate love serve as mediators in the relationship between calling and well-being. This research offers practitioners invaluable insights into the effective utilisation of mindfulness and compassionate love practices to enhance the overall well-being of healthcare professionals.


Effective Adoption of Tablets in Post-Secondary Education: Recommendations Based on a Trial of iPads in University Classes


Project-Based Learning in Online Postgraduate Education


Exploring the Research Ethics Domain for Postgraduate Students in Computing


Evaluating Critical Reflection for Postgraduate Students in Computing


Analysis of Information Systems Management (post)Graduate Program: Case Study of Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Curriculum Change and the Evolution of Postgraduate e-Business Subjects


The Potential of E-Learning in Assisting Post-Crisis Countries in Re-Building Their Higher Education Systems: The Case of Libya


Fostering Self and Peer Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom through the Flipped Classroom Approach for Postgraduate Students

Aim/Purpose: The flipped classroom approach is one of the most popular active learning approaches. This paper explores the effectiveness of a new pedagogy, known as FOCUSED, for postgraduate students. Background: The flipped classroom approach is a trendy blended learning pedagogy which capitalizes on the flexibility of online learning and the stimulating nature of face-to-face discussion. This article describes a pilot study involving post-graduate students who experienced the flipped classroom approach in one of their courses. Methodology: In additional to online activities, students adopted a newly learned approach to solve a related problem that was given by another group of students during classes. Quantitative data were collected from pre- and post-tests for both self-learned online materials and group discussion during classes so that the effectiveness of the flipped classroom pedagogy could be examined from the perspective of a holistic learning experience. Findings: It was found that the average scores for the post-test for the self-learned online video were much higher than for pre-test, even though the post-tests for both online and face-to-face learning were higher than the respective pre-tests. The qualitative data collected at the end of the flipped classroom activities further confirmed the value of the flipped classroom approach. Even though students could self-learn, more students valued peer interactions in the classroom more than the flexibility of online learning.


Over Mountain Tops and Through the Valleys of Postgraduate Study and Research: A Transformative Learning Experience from Two Supervisees’ Perspectives

Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to illuminate the learning that happens in assuming a supervisee’s role during the postgraduate study. Background: The facilitators and barriers students encountered while pursuing postgraduate studies, strategies to achieve success in postgraduate studies, and how to decrease attrition rates of students, have been sufficiently explored in literature. However, there is little written about the personal and professional impact on students when they are being supervised to complete their postgraduate studies. Methodology: Autoethnographic method of deep reflection was used to examine the learning that transpired from the supervisee’s perspective. Two lecturers (a Senior Lecturer in Nursing and an Aboriginal Tutor) focused on their postgraduate journeys as supervisees, respectively, with over 30 years of study experience between them, in Australia and abroad. Contribution: Future postgraduate students, researchers, would-be supervisors and experienced supervisors could learn from the reflections of the authors’ postgraduate experiences. Findings: Four themes surfaced, and these were Eureka moments, Critical friend(s), Supervisory relationship, and Transformative learning. The authors highlighted the significance of a supervisory relationship which is key to negotiating the journey with the supervisor. Essential for these students also were insights on finding the path as well as the destination and the transformative aspects that happened as a necessary part of the journey. Conclusion. The postgraduate journey has taught them many lessons, the most profound of which was the change in perspective and attitude in the process of being and becoming. Personal and professional transformative learning did occur. At its deepest level, the authors’ reflections resulted in self-actualization and a rediscovery of their more authentic selves. Recommendations for Practitioners: This article highlights the importance of the supervisory relationship that must be negotiated to ensure the success of the candidate. Reflections of the transformation are recommended to support the students further. Recommendation for Researchers: Quality supervision can make a significant influence on the progress of students. Further research on the supervisory relationship is recommended. Impact on Society: The support in terms of supervision to ensure postgraduate students’ success is essential. Postgraduate students contribute to the human, social, professional, intellectual, and economic capital of universities and nations globally. Future Research: Further reflections of the transformative learning will advance the understanding of the personal and professional changes that occur with postgraduate supervision.


Experiences in Building and Using Decision-Support Systems in Postgraduate University Courses


Using Research Techniques to Teach Management of IT Concepts to Postgraduate Business Students


Unraveling the Key Factors of Successful ERP Post Implementation in the Indonesian Construction Context

Aim/Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the success of ERP post-implementation and the factors that affect the overall success of the ERP system by integrating the Task Technology Fit (TTF) model into the Information System Success Model (ISSM). Background: Not all ERP implementations provide the expected benefits, as post-implementation challenges can include inflexible ERP systems and ongoing costs. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the success after ERP implementation, and this research integrates the Task Technology Fit (TTF) model into the Information System Success Model (ISSM). Methodology: For data analysis and the proposed model, the authors used SmartPLS 3 by applying the PLS-SEM test and one-tailed bootstrapping. The researchers distributed questionnaires online to 115 ERP users at a construction company in Indonesia and successfully got responses from 95 ERP users. Contribution: The results obtained will be helpful and essential for future researchers and Information System practitioners – considering the high failure rate in the use of ERP in a company, as well as the inability of organizations and companies to exploit the benefits and potential that ERP can provide fully. Findings: The results show that Perceived Usefulness, User Satisfaction, and Task-Technology Fit positively affect the Organizational Impact of ERP implementation. Recommendations for Practitioners: The findings can help policymakers and CEOs of businesses in Indonesia’s construction sector create better business strategies and use limited resources more effectively and efficiently to provide a considerably higher probability of ERP deployment. The findings of this study were also beneficial for ERP vendors and consultants. The construction of the industry has specific characteristics that ERP vendors should consider. Construction is a highly fragmented sector, with specialized segments demanding specialist technologies. Several projects also influence it. They can use them to identify and establish several alternative strategies to deal with challenges and obstacles that can arise during the installation of ERP in a firm. Vendors and consultants can supply solutions, architecture, or customization support by the standard operating criteria, implement the ERP system and train critical users. The ERP system vendors and consultants can also collaborate with experts from the construction sector to develop customized alternatives for construction companies. That would be the most outstanding solution for implementing ERP in this industry. Recommendation for Researchers: Future researchers can use this combined model to study ERP post-implementation success on organizational impact with ERP systems in other company information systems fields, especially the construction sector. Future integration of different models can be used to improve the proposed model. Integration with models that assess the level of Information System acceptance, such as Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM3) or Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2), can be used in future research to deepen the exploration of factors that influence ERP post-implementation success in an organization. Impact on Society: This study can guide companies, particularly in the construction sector, to maintain ERP performance, conduct training for new users, and regularly survey user satisfaction to ensure the ERP system’s reliability, security, and performance are maintained and measurable. Future Research: It is increasing the sample size with a larger population at other loci (private and state-owned) that use ERP to see the factors influencing ERP post-implementation success and using mixed methods to produce a better understanding. With varied modes, it is possible to get better results by adding unique factors to the research, and future integration of other models can be used to improve the proposed model.


Assessing the Effectiveness of Web-Based Tutorials Using Pre- and Post-Test Measurements


Analysis of the Relevance of Posts in Asynchronous Discussions


Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Facilitating Conditions as Factors Influencing Smart Phones Use for Mobile Learning by Postgraduate Students of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Aim/Purpose: This study examines the influence of Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), and Facilitating Conditions (FC) on the use of smart phones for mobile learning by postgraduate students in University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Background: Due to the low level of mobile learning adoption by students in Nigeria, three base constructs of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model were used as factors to determine smart phone use for mobile learning by the postgraduate students in the University of Ibadan. Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive survey research design of the correlational type, the two-stage random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 217 respondents, and a questionnaire was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics (frequency counts, percentages, mean, and standard deviation), test of norm, and inferential statistics (correlation and regression analysis) were used to analyze the data collected. Contribution: The study empirically validated the UTAUT model as a model useful in predicting smart phone use for mobile learning by postgraduate students in developing countries. Findings: The study revealed that a significant number of postgraduate students used their smart phones for mobile learning on a weekly basis. Findings also revealed a moderate level of Performance Expectancy (???? =16.97), Effort Expectancy (???? =12.57) and Facilitating Conditions (???? =15.39) towards the use of smart phones for mobile learning. Results showed a significant positive relationship between all the independent variables and use of smart phones for mobile learning (PE, r=.527*; EE, r=.724*; and FCs, r=.514*). Out of the independent variables, PE was the strongest predictor of smart phone use for mobile learning (β =.189). Recommendations for Practitioners: Librarians in the university library should organize periodic workshops for postgraduate students in order to expose them to the various ways of using their smart phones to access electronic databases. Recommendation for Researchers: There is a need for extensive studies on the factors influencing mobile technologies adoption and use in learning in developing countries. Impact on Society: Nowadays, mobile learning is increasingly being adopted over conventional learning systems due to its numerous benefits. Thus, this study provides an insight into the issues influencing the use of smart phones for mobile learning by postgraduate students from developing countries. Future Research: This study utilized the base constructs of the UTAUT model to determine smart phone use for mobile learning by postgraduate students in a Nigerian university. Subsequent research should focus on other theories to ascertain factors influencing Information Technology adoption and usage by students in developing countries.


Implications of Foreign Ownership on Journalistic Quality in a Post-Communist Society:The Case of Finance


The Social Network Application Post-Adoptive Use Model (SNAPUM): A Model Examining Social Capital and Other Critical Factors Affecting the Post-Adoptive Use of Facebook


Exploring stakeholder interests in the health sector: a pre and post-digitalisation analysis from a developing country context

Underpinned by stakeholder and agency theories, this study adopts a qualitative multiple-case study approach to explore and analyse various stakeholder interests and how they affect digitalisation in the health sector of a developing country (DC). The study's findings revealed that four key stakeholder interests - political, regulatory, leadership, and operational - affect digitalisation in the health sector of DCs. Further, the study found that operational and leadership interests were emergent and were triggered by some digitalisation initiatives, which included, inter alia, the use of new eHealth software and the COVID-19 vaccination exercise, which established new structures and worked better through digitalisation. Conversely, political and regulatory interests were found to be relatively enduring since they existed throughout the pre- and post-digitalisation eras. The study also unearthed principal-agent conflicts arising from technological, organisational and regulatory factors that contribute to the paradoxical outcomes of digitalisation in the health sector.


Magnification and Correction of the Acolyte Effect: Initial Benefits and Ex Post Settling up in NFL Coaching Careers

What are the long-term consequences of initially beneficial high-reputation workplace ties? Under uncertainty, acolytes (i.e., subordinates with work connections to high-reputation industry leaders) are likely to benefit in terms of signaling fitness for promotion in the external job market. Analysis of promotion outcomes of coaches in the NFL over 31 years showed that the acolyte effect was reduced for individuals for whom uncertainty was the least (acolytes with considerable industry experience or high centrality in the co-worker industry network). There was no support for either a knowledge-transfer or an intrinsic quality explanation for why acolytes initially gained advantage. Rather, the evidence supported the idea that ties to high-reputation leaders were somewhat randomly distributed so that acolytes faced ex post settling up consequences after their promotions: fewer further promotions or lateral moves, more demotions. Thus, acolytes initially benefited from a loose-linkage between their unobservable quality and signals offered by their industry-leader ties, but they also suffered as the unreliability of social network signals became evident. The results suggest that a competitive job market may exhibit self-correction over time. We offer countervailing theory and evidence to the prevailing view that high-reputation third-party endorsements perpetuate a rich-get-richer social structure resistant to performance outcomes.


The Guardian stops posting on Elon Musk's 'toxic' X

It has accused X of promoting "disturbing content", and says Mr Musk is using it to "shape political discourse."


Receiving blog postings by email – GDPR

This posting is for those of you who receive articles from this blog by email, and I am sure that many of you within the EU will have received similar notices from other organisations. On the 25th May the General Data Protection Regulation comes into force and as part of that we need to know … Continue reading Receiving blog postings by email – GDPR


Four types of postures that wreak havoc on your skin

These can negatively impact your skin


Repression by Indian govt intensified in IIOJK post 2019: report

Blatant violations continue in IOJ&K despite India's signature on United Nations Convention against Torture in 1997


Maryam Nawaz approves increase in provincial border posts, grants Rs1b to police

Special training for officers and provision of armoured vehicles were key directives from the Punjab CM today