
The Twelve Apostles (Sermon June 30, 2013)

On this Sunday of the Twelve Apostles, Fr. Andrew shares some of the incredible stories and travels of the Twelve.


The Church after the Bible: The Body of Christ after the Apostles

What impact did the written New Testament have on the early Church? How did the early Church develop along with the Bible? Finally, how does the New Testament faith community compare with the Church today?


Following the Chief Apostles (Sermon June 29, 2014)

On this feast of Ss. Peter and Paul, Fr. Andrew speaks on why these two apostles are so celebrated and what we can do to imitate them.


The Apostles Enthroned (June 30, 2019)

On the Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses their eschatological future as enthroned on twelve thrones, judging Israel, the nations and even angels, and explaining that we are also called to the same enthronement.


On Postures of Prayer and Worship with Fr. Harry

Fr. Harry Linsinbigler talks with Fr. Anthony about the moving, standing, kneeling, and sitting postures of prayer and worship that Orthodoxy prescribes, some of the confusion that surrounds them, and what they do for the believers who participate in them.The article they discuss is found at Enjoy the show!


The Apostles Fast: Articulating the Faith

How will we help our children find a respectful and good way to offer Orthodoxy to this world? Elissa emphasizes the importance of being able to articulate the Orthodox faith in emulation of the twelve Holy Apostles.


Introduction to the Acts of the Apostles

Fr. Stephen De Young kicks off the study of the Acts of the Apostles with background information.


Jesus - Angel and Apostle

Fr. Tom continues his series on the Names of Jesus by exploring two names that we do not usually associate with Christ.


Synaxis of the Twelve Holy Apostles

Fr. Philip LeMasters preaches on the example of the twelve holy apostles who sacrificed all for the sake of following Jesus.


Homily for the Sunday of St. Thomas the Apostle

Today we continue to celebrate the most fundamental and joyful proclamation of our faith: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!


The Post-Christian Christendom of Our Time

In part one of his introduction to his new podcast, Fr. John reflects on the crisis of Christian civilization in modern times. He also defines "Christendom" and explains why it is worthy of study.


Solving Post-Christian Christendom's Transcendence Problem I: The Architects of Liberal Ideology

In this long-delayed episode (due to work on The Age of Nihilism, available at, Father John presents the historical origins of liberalism as a modern secular ideology. Atheistic philosophers like Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill provided the philosophical basis for hope in a secular "kingdom of posterity."


Solving Post-Christian Christendom's Transcendence Problem II: The Architects of Socialist Ideology.

Fr. John Strickland continues his account of the rise of secular ideology with a presentation on the Russian intelligentsia and the case of Karl Marx.


Solving Post-Christian Christendom's Transcendence Problem III: The Architects of Nationalist Ideolo

Fr. John Strickland concludes his account of the origins of modern political ideology with the rise of nationalism, a force that not only proved to be a counterfeit to traditional Christianity, but the cause of one of utopian Christendom's greatest tragedies.


Response to Dr. Peter Bouteneff's; ‘Post-Episcopalian Stress Disorder'

Fr John reflects on Dr. Peter Bouteneff’s podcast concerning “Post-Episcopalian Stress Disorder,” and suggests a course-correction.


Synaxis of the Holy Apostles

Fr. John reflects on the Synaxis of the Holy Apostles, commemorated on the day following the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. "Their proclamation has gone out into all the world, and their words to the end of the universe."


Holy Fathers of the 4th Ecumenical Council: The Apostolic, Conciliar and Concrete Church

Here the Old Testament readings for Great Vespers and the New Testament readings for Divine Liturgy are used to illuminate the importance of councils and primacy in the holy Church—a Church that is visible and concrete, with a recognizable and divinely-ordained shape, just as our Lord actually took on humanity, and did not simply visit us in an “appearance.”


Holy Fathers of the 4th Ecumenical Council: The Apostolic, Conciliar and Concrete Church

Here the Old Testament readings for Great Vespers and the New Testament readings for Divine Liturgy are used to illuminate the importance of councils and primacy in the holy Church—a Church that is visible and concrete, with a recognizable and divinely-ordained shape, just as our Lord actually took on humanity, and did not simply visit us in an “appearance.” This program is a re-air from July 17, 2015.


The Sub-Apostle Holy St. Timothy

We consider the formation and exemplary service of the Holy Apostle Timothy, as is foreshadowed in the instructions of 1 Timothy 4:9-15. We may range this great martyr alongside other leaders who are overshadowed by their mentors in the Old Testament (Joshua by Moses; Elisha by Elijah), and by considering our call to the cruciform life, rather than to notoriety or status.


Calling All Sinners: The Apostles, the Women Disciples, and the Resurrection Hymns in the 4th Tone

Remembering the apostles, we consider Jesus’ words from Matt 9:13 concerning God’s mercy, and the Resurrection hymns in the fourth tone, in the light of 1 Cor 1:26-31, Hosea 6:6-7, Genesis 3:1-5, and Wisdom 2:23-24.


Gate, Temple, Palace, and Throne: Theotokion after the Aposticha, Tone Five

This week we take a break from the dismissal hymns to the Theotokos, and consider the rich imagery of the hymn (in tone 5) to Mary after the Aposticha. Its symbols are illumined for us by the Psalter, Ezekiel 33-35, and Isaiah 6.


The Apostle Thomas Sees the Ascension of the Theotokos

"The Apostle Thomas Sees the Ascension of the Theotokos," from Feasts of Christ and the Theotokos and Miracles of the Lord by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


Saint Matthew the Evangelist and Apostle

"Saint Matthew the Evangelist and Apostle," from The Four Evangelists by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


Apostle Paul

"Apostle Paul," from The Co-Workers for the Gospel, Illustrated Biographies, Book 5, by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


As the Apostles Taught: How Orthodoxy understands apostolic succession.

In this edition Kevin tackles the tricky question of which Christian tradition can authentically claim "apostolic succession," with historian, theologian, author, and Dean of St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, Fr John Behr.


Apostolic Succession

The phrase "apostolic succession" has a number of different meanings among the various Christian traditions, but is key to a proper understanding of Orthodox ecclesiology and her claim to be the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church stated in the Nicene Creed. Here we offer a modest explanation of the Orthodox Church's view, focusing on the collegiate role of bishops, in whose office and authority is found the continuation of Christ and His Apostles' sacramental unity, oversight, and teaching through history to the present day.


The Divine Liturgy Part 9: The Dismissal and Post Communion Prayers

In this final program of the series on the Divine Liturgy we discuss the dismissal prayers after communion. These are more than just a formality as they express the summation of all that we have experienced for the past hour or more: God is the lover of mankind. But the Christian's experience of the Eucharist does not end with the final doxology or the Liturgy. In many parishes there are "post communion prayers" that are read as the people come for the closing blessing and antidoron from the priest. These express in prayer the Orthodox experience of the Eucharist and its meaning to us as we commune and "go forth in peace."


Answering Objections to Apostolic Succession

We continue our discussion of apostolic succession by examining some common objections given by Protestants, found in a sermon outline published on Calvin College's CCEL Historical Church document site. It becomes clear that for Protestants, reaction against apostolic succession is not based on solid Biblical or historical grounds, but rather on the need to question and reject the authority of Rome (papal and magisterial) and its excesses, which are not necessarily a part of the Eastern Orthodox Tradition.


Revitalizing Our Priestly Ministry in a Post Christian Culture - Part 1

Fr. Chad spoke to the Serbian Clergy Brotherhood last month on the challenges facing our priests in today's culture. We have broken it up into three parts and bring you part 1 today.


Revitalizing Our Priestly Ministry in a Post Christian Culture - Part 2

Today we bring you part two of Fr. Chad Hatfield's talk at the Serbian Clergy Brotherhood in June on the challenges facing our priests in today's culture.


Revitalizing Our Priestly Ministry in a Post Christian Culture - Part 3

Here is the third and final part of Fr. Chad's address to the Serbian Clergy about how we should look at the ministry of the priesthood in today's society.


Ecclesiology and Nationalism in the Postmodern Era

Bobby Maddex interviews Dr. Paul Meyendorff, the Alexander Schmemann Professor of Liturgical Theology and the editor of the St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly journal, about a 2012 conference on Orthodox ecclesiology and nationalism that took place at the Volos Academy for Theological Studies, the papers from which have just been published in St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly.


Post Nicaea

The return of Arianism.


The Apostolic Fathers - Introduction

Dn. Michael Hyatt begins a new series on the writings of the Apostolic Fathers, those second-generation Christian writers who learned at the feet of the Apostles themselves. Dn. Michael is using The Apostolic Fathers in English by Michael W. Holmes.


The Apostolic Fathers - First Clement

Dn. Michael Hyatt continues his series on the writings of the Apostolic Fathers, those 2nd generation Christian writers who learned at the feet of the Apostles themselves. Dn. Michael is using The Apostolic Fathers in English by Michael W. Holmes. This episode looks at the First Epistle of St. Clement. You will be amazed at how contemporary it is.


The Apostolic Fathers - The Letters of St. Ignatius

Ignored by much of Western Christendom, these letters give us insight into how the very early Church viewed the role of the bishop as well as the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.


The Apostolic Fathers - Martyrdom of Polycarp

Continuing his series on the Apostolic Fathers, Dn. Michael Hyatt looks at the Martyrdom of Polycarp, one of the most inspiring and instructional accounts of martyrdom in Church history.


The Apostolic Fathers - The Didache

If there was a catechism manual you could read that dates back to the time of the Apostle John or very soon thereafter, would you be interested? Believe it or not there is! Learn about The Didache as Dn. Michael Hyatt continues his series on the Apostolic Fathers.


The Apostolic Fathers - Letter to Diognetus

What was different about those early Christians. The little known Letter to Diognetus gives us a glimpse as Dn. Michael Hyatt continues his class on the Apostolic Fathers.


A Posture of Repentance

Molly suggests there is something very much related to the physical side of being spiritual.


One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church


The Church as Apostolic


Apostles' Fast Explained

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about the Apostles' Fast and the command to share the Gospel.


The Apostolic Characteristic of the Church

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the evangelical imperative of the Apostolicity of the Church.


Posture and the Jesus Prayer


Our Unbroken Chain of Apostolic Teaching

On the seventh Sunday of Holy Pascha we recall the words of our Lord to His apostles before His passion, reminding them that what He taught them was given by God Himself. Fr Thomas reminds Orthodox Christians that we must also receive this apostolic teaching and pass it on to new believers without any change or error.


Ss. Peter and Paul: Apostles at Antioch

Fr. Gregory talks about the challenges Ss. Peter and Paul faced and how we can learn from them today.


Become an Apostle of the Lord

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn says we can each be apostles to those with whom we live or work or study—whatever our ages or intellectual ability.


The Signs of True Apostleship


The Signs of True Apostleship