
WordPress. How to make pages show posts from certain categories and assign them to top menu

This tutorial shows how to make pages show posts from certain categories and assign them to top menu in Wordpress.

The post WordPress. How to make pages show posts from certain categories and assign them to top menu appeared first on Template Monster Help.


Jessica Simpson hints at new music with cryptic post

Jessica Simpson hints at new music with cryptic post

Jessica Simpson seemed to tease her musical comeback in a new cryptic post on social media.

The actress and singer, who dropped her last original studio album Do You Know in 2008, teased her much-awaited new work by taking it to...


Zoe Kravitz living happiest life post Channing Tatum breakup: Source

Photo: Zoe Kravitz living happiest life post Channing Tatum breakup: Source

Zoe Kravitz and Channing Tatum are reportedly focusing on their priorities after calling it quits.

As fans will be aware, the celebrity couple agrees to part ways with each other after three years of...


Analog Equivalent Rights (3/21): Posting an Anonymous Public Message

Privacy: The liberties of our parents are not being inherited by our children – they are being lost wholesale in the transition to digital. Today, we’ll look at the importance of posting anonymous public messages.

When I was in my teens, before the Internet (yes, really), there was something called BBSes – Bulletin Board Systems. They were digital equivalents of an analog Bulletin Board, which in turn was a glorified sheet of wood intended for posting messages to the public. In a sense, they were an anonymous equivalent of today’s webforum software, but you connected from your home computer directly to the BBS over a phone line, without connecting to the Internet first.

The analog Bulletin Boards are still in existence, of course, but mostly used for concert promotions and the occasional fringe political or religious announcement.

In the early 1990s, weird laws were coming into effect worldwide as a result of lobbying from the copyright industry: the owners of bulletin board systems could be held liable for what other people posted on them. The only way to avoid liability was to take down the post within seven days. Such liability had no analog equivalent at all; it was an outright ridiculous idea that the owner of a piece of land should be held responsible for a poster put up on a tree on that land, or even that the owner of a public piece of cardboard could be sued for the posters other people had glued up on that board.

Let’s take that again: it is extremely weird from a legal standpoint that an electronic hosting provider is in any way, shape, or form liable for the contents hosted on their platform. It has no analog equivalent whatsoever.

Sure, people could put up illegal analog posters on an analog bulletin board. That would be an illegal act. When that happened, it was the problem of law enforcement, and never of the bulletin board owner. The thought is ridiculous and has no place in the digital landscape either.

The proper digital equivalent isn’t to require logging to hand over upload IPs to law enforcement, either. An analog bulletin board owner is under no obligation whatsoever to somehow identify the people using the bulletin board, or even monitor whether it’s being used at all.

The Analog Equivalent Privacy Right for an electronic post hosting provider is for an uploader to be responsible for everything they upload for the public to see, with no liability at all for the hosting provider under any circumstance, including no requirement to log upload data to help law enforcement find an uploader. Such monitoring is not a requirement in the analog world of our parents, nor is there an analog liability for anything posted, and there is no reason to have it otherwise in the digital world of our children just because somebody doesn’t know how to run a business otherwise.

As a side note, the United States would not exist had today’s hosting liability laws in place when it formed. A lot of writing was being circulated at the time arguing for breaking with the British Crown and forming an Independent Republic; from a criminal standpoint, this was inciting and abetting high treason. This writing was commonly nailed to trees and public posts, for the public to read and make up their own minds. Imagine for a moment if the landowners where such trees happened to stand had been charged with high treason for “hosting content” — the thought is as ridiculous in the analog would, as it really is in the digital too. We just need to pull the illusion aside, that the current laws on digital hosting make any kind of sense. These laws really are as ridiculous in the digital world of our children, as they would have been in the analog world of our parents.

Privacy remains your own responsibility.


Review: 10339 Santa's Post Office

The enduring Winter Village series provides an appealing blend of relatively realistic and more fantastical subjects, swapping between the two periodically. 10339 Santa's Post Office belongs among the latter and seemingly complements 10275 Elf Club House in particular.

Focusing on how letters to Santa are delivered and sorted is a clever idea for the Winter Village and I find the post office building attractive, featuring plenty of detail. Moreover, this model includes some interesting functions, beyond the norm for sets in the Winter Village produced to date.

Continue reading »

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Self-driving cars post liability questions as companies expand

Self-driving cars have the potential to dramatically change transportation, but collisions between humans and autonomous vehicles pose complicated legal challenges.


Australia's U.S. diplomat pushes back on criticism of his posture toward China

Kevin Rudd, the Australian ambassador to the United States, wants to know who is criticizing him over his views of China.


Washington Post employees ordered back into the office full time starting in February

Washington Post employees enjoying flexible work schedules introduced as the pandemic unfolded will return to the office full time starting in February.


Biles' post-Olympic tour is helping give men's gymnastics a post-Olympic boost

Simone Biles simply wanted to mix it up when the gymnastics superstar invited some of the top American men to join her post-Olympic Tour.


Former NBA player Kyle Singler spurs concern from basketball world with cryptic Instagram post

Former Duke star Kyle Singler's cryptic Instagram post saying he fears for his life has drawn an outpouring of concern and support from former teammates and others.


Job alert: Quantitative Ecologist (Postdoc) (m/f) code digit 37/2013

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ is now offering a position for Quantitative Ecologist (Postdoc) in their Department of Conservation Biology. The position is open to both male and female applicants and it runs for 42 months, starting latest on 01.08.2013 in Leipzig, Germany. Salary will be according to the appropriate civil service level TVÖD, salary group 13.

The successful candidate will be focusing on optimizing monitoring designs at different scales under field constraints and assessinguncertainty in biodiversity trend analyses. He/She will have a PhD in an ecological discipline relevant for the research topic (e.g. population biology), excellent statistical and computing skills, a distinguished publication record, experience in international cooperation and strong interest both in theoretical and applied biodiversity conservation. Fluency in English in speech and writing is essential, some knowledge of German is of advantage.

The position will be part of the large-integrating EU-project EU BON "Building the European BiodiversityObservation Network". The overall goal of the project is to integrate and harmonize European data relevant for biodiversity monitoring and to develop prototypes for biodiversity monitoring for the global GEO BON initiative. 30 partner organisations form the EU BON consortium. Within this consortium the applicant will have the following responsibilities:
• on improving current approaches to monitoring species both from a theoretical and a practical perspective, with a focus on population processes
• link trend data to environmental drivers at different scales
• quantify uncertainty across all steps from data collection to interpretation of analysed data
• Contribute to the management of the workpackage "Link environment to biodiversity: Analyses of patterns, processes and trends"
• Contribute to the compilation of information on existing monitoring programs
• Feed results into a science-policy dialogue
• Disseminate results for scientists and applied users
Further Information:
Prof. Dr. Klaus Henle, Tel. ++49-(0)341-235 1270, e-mail:
Please send your application until 19.05.2013 under Code Digit 37/2013 to the Human Resource department of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, PO Box 500136, 04301 Leipzig, Germany, or by e-mail to
For further information please see the attached pdf file below.


Postdoctoral position on species and population dynamics at Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC), Spain

Funded by the "Severo Ochoa" Excellence Program awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Doñana Biological Station ( seeks a Postdoctoral fellow for two-years with a potential extension of one year with the aim of analyzing temporal trends of species distribution and abundance in the Doñana natural area (SW Spain), and their relation with environmental pressures such as climate change, land-use change, and water quality.
Period for application: From 5th July to 5th August, 2013.
For more information please see the pdf file below.




Post-doctoral positions on biodiversity scenarios open at Ecoland

Two positions to conduct post-doctoral research are open at CTFC for one to two years (with the possibility of an extension) in the context of the two FP7- European projects "EUBON - Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network", and "TRUSTEE, Towards RUral Synergies and Trade-offs between Economic development and Ecosystem services".
Application deadline: September 15th 2013



Job Alert: Postdoctoral Research Assistant, School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford

The Environmental Change Institute (ECI) in the University of Oxford is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Assistant to join the existing research team on two EU funded research projects: IMPRESSIONS and OPENNESS.

The role will require the development of a range of methodological and modelling approaches, including quantitative, qualitative and mixed techniques, to address a number of environmental science challenges in the contexts of operationalising ecosystem services and investigating cross-sectoral climate change impacts and vulnerabilities. The post provides the opportunity for a researcher with skills in programming, GIS and statistics to develop innovative solutions in research areas critical to ensuring the resilience of our future environment and to expand the modelling capability of the ECI team.

You will have a PhD in a discipline relevant to modelling or environmental sciences and a background in programming and modelling. You will have experience of using Geographical Information Systems and a strong grounding in statistics and/or operational research. Excellent communication skills both written and oral are essential. You will be self-motivated, with the ability to work independently.

This post is available for 24 months in the first instance.

The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Wednesday 18 December 2013. It is intended that interviews will be held during the week beginning 13 January 2014.

For more information and to apply for this position, click here.





Postdoctoral position on Biological Invasions at Doñana Biological Station (Spain)

Funded by the "Severo Ochoa" Excellence Program awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Doñana Biological Station ( seeks a Postdoctoral fellow for two-years with the aim to conduct research in the field of Biological Invasions. 

EBD-CSIC is interested to examine the multifaceted causes and consequences of biological invasions, a key component of global change. The ultimate goal is to improve our knowledge of the factors that influence the success and impacts of invasions by plants and vertebrates. For this purpose, we investigate species traits conferring invasive potential, the vulnerability of ecosystems to be invaded, and the sensitivity of native biodiversity to invasions under different environmental conditions and scenarios of global change.

Deadline for interested applicants: 17th June-17th July, 2014

Please see attached file for more details (download, pdf)


Job Alert: WCMC Postdoctoral Scientist

The World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) is looking to hire a Postdoctoral Scientist as part of the Nippon Foundation – University of British Columbia Nereus Program ( In association with the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, this international collaboration is focused on the prediction of future global ocean fisheries, and will contribute to global sustainable fisheries and ocean management.

The role: The primary research focus of this position is to work in collaboration with UNEP-WCMC, Department of Geography, Cambridge University, and other partners on the Nippon Foundation – UBC Nereus Program to research the drivers of change in productivity in critical marine and coastal ecosystems and their impacts on fisheries-related ecosystem services.

Key responsibilities: The post holder will build upon the work of a previous post-doctoral scientist to simulate global patterns of marine ecosystem structure and function with an emphasis on fisheries production and food security. Specifically, they will improve the ecological realism of an existing dynamic ecosystem model recently published by WCMC and Microsoft Research (the Madingley model, – extending the representation of climate and incorporating data on fishing pressure.

The candidate: The successful candidate will hold a PhD in marine or coastal ecology, or a related discipline with a strong emphasis on spatial analysis and modelling. They will have extensive knowledge of and experience in mathematical ecosystem modelling, programming and spatial statistics. They will also have carried out significant research at the global scale and will hold a proven record of academic performance. Furthermore, they will have an understanding of the essential characteristics of successful partnership-building and will be able to demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively and internationally.

Closing date: 2014-11-28

More information available in the ortiginal job offer:



Job Alert: PostDoc position on modelling land biosphere dynamics

The Mediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE, Aix-Marseille University, Aix-en-Provence, France), in its research group "Macroecology and Biogeography of Global Change (MacroBio)" has a PostDoc position open for applications. The post has a duration of 36 months, the initial contract is made for 18 months, being extended based on an assessment of performance. The position is funded by the European Commission through the FP7 Research Project LUC4C and affiliated to the French National Scientific Research Centre (CNRS).

The main topic is to improve the way LULCC processes are represented in the DGVM LPJmL through enhanced soil and vegetation process representation. Work should improve the model's capacity to project climate-LULCC interactions for the computation of net climate effects, and ecosystem services. One focus is on the representation of diverse agricultural management systems, cropland abandonment/afforestation and forest management, in order to develop ways to account for their effects on biochemical cycles and biophysics.

The PostDoc will also contribute to the actual assessment of indirect effects and trade-offs of LULCC. The team will look into the indirect effects of land-based mitigation options for climate change, and the interplay with climate change, across and within regions.

The successful candidate will have completed a doctorate in one of the environmental sciences. Substantial earth system modelling and programming skills are required, familiarity with highly modular C-code. Experience with Dynamic Global Vegetation Models will be a great advantage. The working language is English.

Interviews with successful candidates will begin after December 1, 2014. The position will be filled when a suitable candidate has been identified. To apply for this position, please send a letter of application, demonstrating your ability to understand the task, and your CV as soon as possible, but before the 31st of January 2015, by e-mail to Ms. Gabriela Boéri ( For any questions about the task, working conditions, or the LUC4C project, please contact Dr Alberte Bondeau (



Job Alert: Postdoctoral researcher in ecology at SLU

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences offers a new position for Postdoctoral researcher in ecology: Spatial population dynamics at a species’ northern range margin at the Department of Ecology.

The department conducts empirical and theoretical research for sustainable forest and agricultural production and efficient biological conservation. Research on populations, communities, and ecosystems forms the foundation for studying the influence of land use and climate on animals, plants, soils nutrient status, and greenhouse gas balances. Solutions are sought that will mitigate climate change, preserve threatened species, benefit biological diversity and ecosystem services, and control pests in forest and agricultural landscapes as well as in urban areas.

Duties: The postdoc researcher will study spatial population dynamics in an insect at the northern margin of its global distribution, by taking advantage of a data from a long-term study of the butterfly Pyrgus armoricanus. The main purpose of the project is to understand how climate, habitat fragmentation and habitat quality influence the regional distribution and population dynamics of this butterfly, and to use this knowledge to predict population persistence and distribution in an altered climate and after changed land use. The successful candidate wull also analyze time-series data on population dynamics in relation to weather and habitat quality. There will also be opportunities to model future regional distribution or population persistence under scenarios of future land use and climate change.

Place of work: Uppsala

Form of employment: Temporary employment, 1 year.

Deadlines: June 1, 2015

For more information on requirements and how to apply, lease visit the official job offer page:


Job offer: Population Biologist / Conservation Biologist (Postdoc) (m/f)

The Department of Conservation Biology at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) is offering a full-time position for a Population Biologist / Conservation Biologist (Postdoc) focussing on assessing past and future trends in species under land use and climate change and improving the design of monitoring schemes. The position will be part of  EU BON. 

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) with its 1,100 employees has gained an excellent reputation as an international competence centre for environmental sciences. We are part of the largest scientific organisation in Germany, the Helmholtz association. Our mission: Our research seeks to find a balance between social development and the long-term protection of our natural resources.

More information on the oficial job offer page:


Postdoctoral position: Modelling of the land-sea nutrient transfer to the Mediterranean sea under different land management scenarios

Post-doctoral scientist position is open for the project "Towards an integrated prediction of Land & Sea Responses to global change in the Mediterranean Basin" (LaSeR-Med), which focusses on integrated socio-ecological modelling. The duration of the contract is initially one year, with a possible extension for a second year, depending on the initial results. The post-doc will be based within the Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE) in Aix-en-Provence, France. The project is part of the Labex OT-Med (

Applicants should hold a doctoral degree in physics, chemistry, microbiology, geosciences, environmental sciences or a related field of science. They should be familiar with modelling biogeochemical interactions between ecosystems and capable to further develop existing numerical ecosystem models. Programming skills (C) and modelling experience are therefore mandatory. Knowledge of R and of Unix/Linux environment will be an advantage. The candidate should have good written and oral communication skills. For work, good skills in the English language will be essential.

The project:

Terrestrial and marine ecosystems are connected through groundwater, river discharge and nutrient outflows (especially N and P). River catchments in the Mediterranean are N-intensive regions, mostly due to intensive agriculture in the North and to crop N2 fixation or food & feed import in the South. The fraction of nutrient reaching the sea constitutes significant anthropogenic forcing of many marine biological processes. For simulating the dynamics of the first levels of the marine food web (from nutrients to jellyfishes), the ocean biogeochemical model, Eco3M-MED, used and developed by the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO) within OT-Med, currently uses N and P measurements at river mouths, e.g. for the Rhône.

In order to estimate the impacts of global change on the functioning of marine ecosystems, the project aims at modeling the dependency of N and P outflows to the Mediterreanean sea toward land management. Land management is modelled as part of the agro-ecosystem model LPJmL (Bondeau et al., 2007), that has been especially adapted to the Mediterranean cropping systems (Fader et al., 2015). Among others, LPJmL simulates the daily carbon and water cycles, and the river discharges to the sea. Following existing approaches in the scientific literature, the post-doc will implement the nutrient N and P transfer in LPJmL, covering the net nutrient inputs to the river catchments by accounting for the processes occurring at the agro-ecosystem level (N2 biological fixation, fertilization, atmospheric deposition) and the net food and feed imports. Since only a minor fraction of the net nutrient inputs from Mediterranean basins reaches the sea, the retention along the nutrient cascade will have to be added to the LPJmL river routing scheme, similarly to the method used by the Riverstrahler model. Once the nutrient transfers have been introduced into LPJmL, simulations will be validated using current climate and land use forcing for comparisons with the existing observations from river outlets. Finally, future conditions will be assessed by using the model with scenarios of changing regional climate and land use / land management.

Your application:

Applications should contain a suitable motivation letter describing your anticipated role in the project, a CV, a list of scientific publications and the names of at least two scientists that can be contacted for references. They must be sent to Ms. Gabriela Boéri ( Please prepare your application as a single file in pdf-format.

Questions about the project or the position can be directed to Dr. Alberte Bondeau ( The position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate has been found – work should start soon after that date. The salary and contract conditions will be determined according to standards set by Aix-Marseille University – questions in this regard can be directed to Sophie Pekar (


iDiv Post Conference Hackathon

Immediately following the project Annual Conference iDiv is organizing its first Science Hackathon: 4 - 6 December, Leipzig.

The aim of this hackathon is to attract researchers from a variety of iDiv member groups to catalyze the efficient realization of highly novel collaborative projects focusing on evolution and adaptation.

More information and a link to the website will be available soon.


Early Hou Hsiao-hsien: Film culture finally comes through (a repost)

The Green, Green Grass of Home (1982). David’s health situation has made it difficult for our household to maintain this blog. We don’t want it to fade away, though, so we’ve decided to select previous entries from our backlist to republish. These are items that chime with current developments or that we think might languish […]

  • Directors: Hou Hsiao-hsien
  • Film technique: Cinematography
  • Film technique: Staging
  • National cinemas: Taiwan
  • Tableau staging


Repost of Vancouver: Three gems from Iran and India

The Shepherdess and the Seven Songs (2020). Since David’s death, this blog has not been updated. I do, however, plan to occasionally re-post old entries if they become relevant to current events in the world of film. I also hope to post new entries as the inspiration strikes me. This entry deals with Mohammad Rasoulof’s […]


David Bordwell’s Hong Kong Connection: A Guest Post by Li Cheuk-to

David shopping during his first trip to Hong Kong, 1995 Kristin here: By now many of you have watched the recording of David’s May 18th memorial service, linked in the previous entry. Some have written to tell me how moving it was and how many aspects of David’s personal life and career the speakers covered. […]

  • National cinemas: Hong Kong
  • PLANET HONG KONG: backstories and sidestories


Where the movie lovers are: A guest post by Matt St. John and Zachary Zahos

A crowd lined up for a screening at the 2024 Wisconsin Film Festival (Source: Wisconsin Film Festival Facebook) KT here: About a month ago, August 17 to be precise, Variety published an essay by Owen Gleiberman. In it he decries the fact that while national grosses of mainstream films, especially blockbusters, have been recovering from […]


These Greater Boston restaurants are offering deals, specials, and community post-election

However you're feeling post-election, your local restaurants are here to bring Boston together.

The post These Greater Boston restaurants are offering deals, specials, and community post-election appeared first on


Red Sox Showing Interest In $34 Million All-Star, Postseason Hero

The Boston Red Sox definitely are keeping their options open. Boston's starting rotation needs an addition or two, and with each passing day, it seems like that will happen. The Red Sox are expected to spend heavily this winter and have been tied to every big-name player who is available. The Red Sox mainly have been linked to the likes of Corbin Burnes, Blake Snell, and Max Fried, but there are other options out there.


Charity deletes social media posts after Tory leadership candidate says it is ‘peddling divisive statements’

The racial justice charity accepts the wording and statistics used in posts about the Chris Kaba case ‘were not as carefully expressed as they should have been’


PODCAST: Beware of Spray Foam in a Can—The Imposters

Walls & Ceilings’ monthly chat with Tom Harris on spray foam and the industry vents that support the industry.


NSC postpones 2020 Congress & Expo

Itasca, IL — Citing safety concerns about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the National Safety Council has rescheduled its annual conference for March 28-30.


New posters highlight 11 best practices for lowering firefighter cancer risk

Greenbelt, MD — Following up on their release of a report detailing 11 best practices for minimizing cancer risk among firefighters, the National Volunteer Fire Council and the International Association of Fire Chiefs’ Volunteer and Combination Officers Section have unveiled new posters to highlight each practice.


Wildland firefighters and COVID-19: CDC publishes FAQs, posters

Atlanta — Aimed at protecting wildland firefighters from exposure to COVID-19, a new website from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention features answers to a series of frequently asked questions.


OSHA to employers: Post Form 300A by Feb. 1

Washington — OSHA is reminding employers of their Form 300A posting requirement that begins Feb. 1.


Post-Pandemic Services That Bring New RMR

New forms of business opportunity have emerged this past year as many organizations come to terms with a post-pandemic era that involves more remote work, heightened concerns about cybersecurity, and tighter budgets across the board.


Incentive programs, post-incident drug testing not prohibited under electronic recordkeeping rule, OSHA says

In a memo sent Oct. 11 to regional administrators and state designees, the agency outlines examples of acceptable drug testing, and states that incentive programs that withhold prizes because of an injury are compliant “as long as the employer has implemented precautions to ensure that employees feel free to report an injury or illness.”


CSB issues alert to oil and chemical facilities about safe restarting post-Hurricane Harvey

Washington – Responding to ongoing damage in the Gulf Coast region caused by Hurricane Harvey, the Chemical Safety Board has issued a safety alert warning oil and chemical facility workers to follow special precautions when restarting in the wake of the storm.


Postal Service releases national dog bite rankings

Washington — More than 5,300 U.S. Postal Service employees were attacked by dogs while delivering the mail last year, the agency has announced.


PSA TEC Guides Integrators on Business Post-Pandemic at Hybrid Event

After more than a year without in-person events, PSA TEC 2021 was hosted as a hybrid event last week, May 3-6, with around 200 people coming to the Sheraton in downtown Denver, Colo., and more tuning in online.


New poster details ways firefighters can reduce cancer risk

Washington — In response to multiple studies showing that firefighters are at an increased risk for many types of cancers, the National Volunteer Fire Council and four other organizations have developed a poster intended to help firefighters understand their risks and take action to protect themselves.


OSHA postpones National Safety Stand-Down

Washington — The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted OSHA to postpone the seventh annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction.


New poster: OSHA requirements for mechanical service and construction work on low-slope roofs

Rockville, MD — OSHA requirements for mechanical service and mechanical construction on low-slope roofs – and the differences between them – are the topic of a new poster from the Mechanical Contractors Association of America.


Steel erectors association releases poster on pre-task meetings

Winston-Salem, NC — The Steel Erectors Association of America has created a downloadable poster for the 10th annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction – set for May 1-5.


Vector Provides Re-Entry Solutions to Help Businesses Post-COVID-19

As multi-site businesses begin re-entry into a new normal stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, Vector Security Networks provides solutions to help ensure the safety, security and wellness of employees, customers and workspaces, while adhering to government regulations and new requirements.


First Joint ADI & Snap One Store Opens in Omaha Post-Merger

The store replaces the previous ADI location that had been serving local customers, and provides Snap One customers with a convenient shopping option that was not available to them before. 


OSHA poster and video show the right way to put on, take off a respirator

Washington — OSHA recently released a poster and video that detail seven steps to properly put on and remove a respirator at work.


Kh?rijite Ab? Mu?ammad Al-Maqdis?: Raising and Flying Flags of Muslim Nation States Is Apostacy


Evidences of Rubūbiyyah: Proteins Have 'Zip-Codes' (Postcodes) Which Determine Their Destinations


Responses to the Doubts of the Apostates and Anti-Islam Propagandists


Keep workers safe from heat: OSHA releases poster

Washington — As warmer summer temperatures approach, OSHA has unveiled a new poster intended to help workers reduce their risk of heat-related illness.