
10 Annoying FaceBook And Twitter Habits You Should Never Do (blog post)

It seems everyone is on Facebook these days. But it also seems that a good majority of those on Facebook have some very annoying habits they might not even realize is. Here is a list of 10 annoying Facebook habits.


Optimizing Your YouTube Channel And Videos For Traffic

YouTube is one of the most important marketing tools out there when it comes to getting the message out about your business or your website. It’s currently the second most used search engine behind Google (which owns YouTube by the way) and is the biggest video sharing site in the world. Like it or hate it having videos on YouTube is a good way to promote what you have. But just having videos isn’t enough to get a tonne of traffic; you need to know how to optimize your YouTube channel and videos to get more traffic......................


5 Of The Most Overused And Annoying Songs On YouTube (Blog Post)

I like making videos on Youtube, its fun. And while I’m far from being a pro I learn new tricks with each new video. One of the things I’ve learned from trial and error is what songs work and what doesn’t. Sure it doesn’t really matter if your videos are only for a hobby or just to show something off. However if your looking to get your name out there, get your videos popular, and not have people leave after 10 seconds then understanding what songs work and don’t is important.........


Early superannuation withdrawals frozen as hacking fallout revealed - Daily Telegraph

  1. Early superannuation withdrawals frozen as hacking fallout revealed  Daily Telegraph
  2. Calls for better superannuation protection  Busselton Dunsborough Mail
  3. AFP investigating 'sophisticated' theft of $120,000 from 150 super accounts  Sydney Morning Herald
  4. Is your super payout at risk? Thousands drained by fraudsters in COVID scam
  5. Police confirm up to 150 victims of early super access fraud  The New Daily
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


It is Impossible Not to be Happy for This Golfing Granny on "The Price is Right"

  • golf
  • old people rock
  • the price is right
  • Video


Riemannian Q-manifolds and their modular class

In a preprint Modular Classes of Q-Manifolds, Part II: Riemannian Structures & Odd Killing Vectors Fields, I examine the notion of a supermanifold equipped with an even Riemannian metric and an odd Killing vector field that is also homological. Background In a previous post, I briefly disscussed the notion of a Q-manifold and their modular...


Winners of the Standards Quest announced

During the 2017 Conference & Expo in Boston, the Standards Quest took participants through a journey of the Standards Development Process.  Participants answered questions on the Public Input, Public Comment, Technical Meeting (NITMAM), and


The 2017 NFPA Conference & Expo education session program is announced

NFPA's 2017 Conference & Expo features presentations informed by research and practice and reflect thought leadership in the field. Sessions address new areas this year such as: effective and efficient enforcement, building electrical safety


Every firefighter needs an annual physical: how to make it happen and why

John Sullivan, deputy chief of the Worcester Fire Department/vice chair of the IAFC health and safety section, discusses why it's so important for firefighters to get physical exams each year.  The average age of a first heart attack for the general


Planning in child protection

This project aims to identify factors which contribute to effective, child focussed, SMART plans for children by getting the views of social workers who work in child protection and those who chair child protection case conferences. It will consider ways of working in a more inclusive, collaborative way with children and their families, as well as ways to work more effectively in partnership with other agencies. It will also consider whether the Signs of Safety approach to child protection has a role to play in making plans more effective. The project is an IRISS project in partnership with East Lothian Council and is supported by WithScotland and Social Work Scotland. It is anticipated that the final report will assist with further development of positive outcomes for children and young people across Scotland.


LM 2.5: Special Announcement LeakyMug


#69: Hallows, Gallows, and an Evanna Lynch


15.3: Yanni vs Laurel, the Social Distancing Edition

We are isolating together for this freewheeling hour of silliness where we take your Harry Potter questions and have some fun.

ALSO, SOME NEWS: Now there are TWO Patreons: One for just PotterCast, one for Roll 9 3/4 and all the other Mischief Media shows. BOTH get you access to our discord, where there are Harry Potter, gaming, television, movies. cooking, crafting, and a ton of other amazing conversations happening. PLUS lots of amazing bonus content updated weekly.

PotterCast's Patreon
Mischief Media Patreon

Also visit Mischief Merch!  We have so much cool swag there.

Also, there is a LOT of content to entertain you on your quarantine on the Mischief twitch channel — and there will be PotterCast streaming there soon. Watch the hashtag #MischiefFromHome for more!


Self Management Awards 2016 Shortlisted Nominees Announced - Self Management | The ALLIANCE

The judges have now submitted their scores, they have been counted and verified and we can now reveal the 2016 Self Management Shortliste


As today’s homes burn faster than ever, this year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign presents critical home escape planning and practice messages

Knowing that today’s homes burn faster than ever, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) announced “Every Second Counts: Plan Two Ways Out” as the official theme for this year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign, October 8-14, 2017. Experts say you may have as little as two minutes (or even less) to safely escape a typical home fire from the time the smoke alarm sounds.


Deepwater Horizon: BP’s SECOND BlowoutThe Secret History - 10 Year Anniversary

Ten years ago, April 20, 11 men on the Deepwater Horizon were incinerated when the BP/Transocean oil rig blew out and exploded. Just 17 months before the Deepwater Horizon destroyed 600 miles of Gulf Coast, BP covered up a

The post Deepwater Horizon: BP’s SECOND Blowout<div id='sec-title'>The Secret History - 10 Year Anniversary</div> appeared first on Greg Palast.


Palast & Hartmann: How Trump Stole 2020 — A Warning!

Trump & Co are stealing the election right now, but we can steal it back. We can beat the ballot bandits. Watch this video of my conversation with constitutional expert and broadcaster Thom Hartmann — then pre-order my new book, How Trump Stole 2020, to find out how!

The post Palast & Hartmann: How Trump Stole 2020 — A Warning! appeared first on Greg Palast.


Mount &#38; Blade II: Bannerlord $37.50 -- (PC/Steam)

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is currently $37.50 on Yesterday it was $41.


On Steam its MSRP is $50 with a limited time sale going on now for $45. The game just came out to Early Access 3/31.


The question now is: jump now on the good price, or will the price continue to fall?


Note: It's in Early Access and has been in development for like 8 years. Expect some clunk.


Freshmen: Peter Annaud and Claude Sorel

Claude is among the best bottoms and would certainly be the winner of the cutest dimples award. Given his expertise as a bottom you might be as shocked as we were to find Claude topping Peter. Yet there’s no mistake it is Claude in control using the compliant Peter for his pleasure. See more at... View Article

The post Freshmen: Peter Annaud and Claude Sorel appeared first on QueerClick.


Planning a low-water garden with expert Guy Banner

For those fortunate enough to have some outdoor space, gardening has become a top pandemic activity. It gets people outdoors doing something constructive while maintaining social distancing. You might even grow something to eat. But as all eco-conscious people know, gardening requires water. Sometimes a lot of water.[...]


Your guide to preserving, storing and canning food

If you’ve stepped foot in a grocery store or filled an Instacart recently, you know there are a variety of items that are in low supply. In fact, butter and sweet pepper shortages appear to be a sign of these very uncertain coronavirus times. So whether you’re looking for ways to preserve what you already have in the house or are setting goals to be better about reducing food waste in the future, we’ve got some pointers regarding the proper way to save everything from milk to peaches so you can enjoy them down the road. [...]


Elon Musk Is An Annoying Dr. Manhattan

By Luis Prada  Published: May 06th, 2020 


Analog or digital planning for 2019?

In a few weeks, I will need to stop dithering and make a decision: will I use an analog or digital planner for 2019? When I started my current job at the library, I had a Bullet Journal system in place, which satisfied my two primary drives: recording notes and ideas by hand, because I... Continue Reading →


"While we did send you the text file two days late last Thursday, the rest of the schedule cannot be..."

“While we did send you the text file two days late last Thursday, the rest of the schedule cannot be delayed by two days. Oh, by the way, here is a new version of the text file you will have to use instead.”

- Client, on Monday

  • live to work


Don't sell service, sell STRATEGY: Annabelle King's tips for great pitching

When pitching your work, most creative freelancers sell their skills or their services. However, the key to landing big clients is to show that you’re an indispensable part of their team by selling strategy

Anabelle King realized this over years of working at agencies, and now she lands big clients with her boutique branding business I Like Storytelling. She shares her strats for creating a collaborative relationship with her clients in today’s episode! 

Today’s links: 

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Download here!


Medien in der Corona-Krise, Hass und Angriffe, Attila Hildmanns Medienspiel

1. ZAPP spezial: Medien in der Corona-Krise (, Annette Leiterer & Gudrun Kirfel & Daniel Bouhs & Tim Kukral & Caroline Schmidt & Sebastian Asmus & Andrea Brack Peña) Das NDR-Medienmagazin „Zapp“ widmet sich in einer halbstündigen Sendung den verschiedenen Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf die Medienbranche. Es geht unter anderem um Rekordreichweiten durch Corona, um Rettungspakete […]

  • 6 vor 9


Book Recommendation: DIANA: PRINCESS OF THE AMAZONS by Shannon & Dean Hale, Victoria Ying (DC Zoom)

Happy launch day to DIANA: PRINCESS OF THE AMAZONS, the newest in the DC Zoom line of graphic novels for middle graders. Written by Shannon & Dean Hale and illustrated by Victoria Ying. Thanks to Michele Wells at DC Kids for sending me a copy!

For more of my book collages, feel free to browse my BookADay Padlet as well as my BookADay and Book Recommendation archives. I read a lot more books than I have time to post, especially now that I've joined the Goodreads 2020 Reading Challenge!


Cure to release 40 Live: Cureation25 & Anniversary on Oct. 18th







LONDON, August 8th — Less than a year before their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, The Cure celebrated their 40thanniversary. On October 18th 2019, Eagle Vision will present two special performances in which they commemorated this milestone, when 40 LIVE – CURÆTION-25 + ANNIVERSARY is released in a Limited Edition Deluxe Box (2Blu-ray+4CD, or 2DVD+4CD, each with 40-page book), on Limited Edition Hardbook 2Blu-ray or 2DVD (each with 16 page book), and standalone digital formats.

The first film — CURÆTION-25: From There To Here | From Here To There– was captured on the tenth and final night of the 25thMeltdown Festival (curated by lead singer Robert Smith) at London’s Royal Festival Hall in June 2018. Presented in HD with 5.1 surround sound, Smith, Simon Gallup, Jason Cooper, Roger O’Donnell, and Reeves Gabrels performed a song from each of their 13 studio albums in chronological order, displaying the evolution of The Cure’s music live on stage. At the core of the set, they broke the cycle with some new, unreleased songs – offering a glimpse into the band’s future – before retracing their steps with another song from each album, ending with “Boys Don’t Cry.”

Released in theatres globally only last week, ANNIVERSARY: 1978-2018 Live In Hyde Park London features the band’s acclaimed 29-song, 135-minute anniversary concert. Filmed in one of London’s Royal Parks to a crowd of 65,000 fans, The Cure presented a four-decade deep set on July 7, 2018, including “Just Like Heaven,” “Lovesong,” “High,” and “The End Of The World.” Adding to the experience, the band is back-dropped by giant screens displaying footage that complements the unique moods and emotive song writing that established The Cure as pioneers of alternative rock. The result is a concert that Rolling Stoneexpressed shows the “unique power in The Cure’s live performance.”

Directed by Tim Pope – the long-time collaborator behind many of The Cure’s music videos and their award-winning 1986 film In Orange– Anniversary is chronicled in 4K with a 5.1 surround sound mix by Robert Smith and Paul Corkett. Pope states “I went to rehearsals in a very cramped studio just the day before the show… I knew as the set list unfolded that the only way to show people The Real Cure was to capture not only the grand, epic dimension of their stage show, but also the close, intimate side of this band simply making music together.”

“This really was the perfect way to celebrate 40 years of the band,” Smith exclaimed. “It was a fabulous day none of us will ever forget!”

THE CURE: 40 LIVE – CURÆTION-25 + ANNIVERSARY limited edition Deluxe Box includes gatefold 2x Blu-ray/DVD and 4x CDs, covering both concerts with nearly 9 hours of content, plus a 40 page hardback book. The limited edition Hardbook includes 2x Blu-rays/DVDs and 16 page booklet. CURÆTION-25 and ANNIVERSARY are available as standalone concerts on Digital


From There To Here | From Here To There

1.     Three Imaginary Boys
2.     At Night
3.     Other Voices
4.     A Strange Day
5.     Bananafishbones
6.     A Night Like This
7.     Like Cockatoos
8.     Pictures Of You
9.     High
10.   Jupiter Crash
11.   39
12.   Us Or Them
13.   It’s Over
14.   It Can Never Be The Same
15.   Step Into The Light
16.   The Hungry Ghost
17.   alt.end
18.   The Last Day Of Summer
19.   Want
20.   From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea
21.   Disintegration
22.   If Only Tonight We Could Sleep
23.   Sinking
24.   Shake Dog Shake
25.   One Hundred Years
26.   Primary
27.   A Forest
28.   Boys Don’t Cry


1978-2018 Live In Hyde Park London

1.     Plainsong
2.     Pictures Of You
3.     High
4.     A Night Like This
5.     The Walk
6.     The End Of The World
7.     Lovesong
8.     Push
9.     Inbetween Days
10.   Just Like Heaven
11.   If Only Tonight
12.   Play For Today
13.   A Forest
14.   Shake Dog Shake
15.   Burn
16.   Fascination Street
17.   Never Enough
18.   From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea
19.   Disintegration
20.   Lullaby
21.   Caterpillar
22.   Friday I’m In Love
23.   Close To Me
24.   Why Can’t I Be You
25.   Boys Don’t Cry
26.   Jumping Someone Else’s Train
27.   Grinding Halt
28.   10:15 Saturday Night
29.   Killing an Arab


Austin City Limits set times announced

Saturday Oct. 5th

Honda Stage
The Cure 8 - 10 PM
Billie Eilish 6 - 7 PM
Brittany Howard 4 - 5 PM
The Kooks 2 - 3 PM
Men I Trust 12:30 - 1:15 PM

Saturday Oct. 12th

Honda Stage
The Cure 8 - 10 PM
Billie Eilish 6 - 7 PM
Brittany Howard 4 - 5 PM
Denzel Curry 2 - 3 PM
Orville Peck 12:30 - 1:15 PM


Daydream Festival set times announced


Adobe Announces $1M Community Fund to Aid Artists During Pandemic

The post Adobe Announces $1M Community Fund to Aid Artists During Pandemic appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

Adobe has launched a community fund to help creatives get through the coronavirus pandemic. Discover everything you need to know (and learn how to apply!).

The post Adobe Announces $1M Community Fund to Aid Artists During Pandemic appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

  • Post Production Tips
  • Adobe
  • adobe community fund
  • news


The Sony a7S III May Be Announced in Late June

The post The Sony a7S III May Be Announced in Late June appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

Over the past several weeks, rumors of a new Sony full-frame camera have been on the rise. And, taken together, it looks like we may have a Sony a7S II successor before the summer is out. One rumor, originally reported by Sony Alpha Rumors, suggests that a Sony full-frame camera (and a full-frame lens) will […]

The post The Sony a7S III May Be Announced in Late June appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.


President Eisgruber writes to the Princeton community about the state of the University and planning for the academic year ahead

Princeton will decide in early July whether the undergraduate teaching program will be online or residential in the fall term. The University is exploring ways to safely and responsibly reopen Princeton’s laboratories, libraries and other facilities when state law permits. 


Princeton scientist solves air quality puzzle: Why is ozone pollution persisting in Europe despite environmental laws banning it?

As global climate change leads to more hot and dry weather, the resulting droughts are stressing plants, making them less able to remove ozone — which at ground level is a dangerous pollutant — from the air.


Advanced Pets: Ann and Bill

Ann, Bill, and their beautiful animal-filled family. If you are a pet owner(dogs, cats, pigs, goats, birds, turtles, horses, chickens, pigs…) over the age 60 with great style, send photos to I’m looking for fun subjects for a future project. Apologies in advance if I can’t get back to everyone right away!

The post Advanced Pets: Ann and Bill appeared first on Advanced Style.


Theater luminary Emily Mann appears on 'She Roars'

Emily Mann speaks on “She Roars” about 30 years at McCarter Theatre, being named to the American Theater Hall of Fame, and the latest staging of her play “Gloria: A Life.”


EPA Announces Cooperative Agreement to Support the National Tribal Toxics Council (NTTC)

WASHINGTON (April 29, 2020) — The U.S.


EPA Releases 2019 Annual Reports Highlighting Agency, Regional Accomplishments and Environmental Progress, Including Midwest



Missouri Department of Natural Resources Receives $300,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Cleanup Planning



East Central Intergovernmental Association of Iowa Receives $600,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Cleanup Planning



Waterloo, Iowa, Receives $300,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Property Reuse Planning



Council Bluffs, Iowa, Receives $300,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Cleanup Planning



St. Louis City and County Agencies to Receive $600,000 in Grants for Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup Planning



EPA Announces $2 Million in Brownfield Grants for Communities Across New Jersey

NEW YORK – Today, the U.S.


EPA and Federal Partners Commemorate 10-year Anniversary of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) joined federal partners—including the U.S. Coast Guard, Department of the Interior, the U.S.