
Neutron Larmor diffraction on powder samples

A hitherto unrecognized resolution effect in neutron Larmor diffraction (LD) is reported, resulting from small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) in the sample. Small distortions of the neutron trajectories by SANS give rise to a blurring of the Bragg angles of the order of a few hundredths of a degree, leading to a degradation of the momentum resolution. This effect is negligible for single crystals but may be significant for polycrystalline or powder samples. A procedure is presented to correct the LD data for the parasitic SANS. The latter is accurately determined by the SESANS technique (spin–echo small-angle neutron scattering), which is readily available on Larmor diffractometers. The analysis technique is demonstrated on LD and SESANS data from α-Fe2O3 powder samples. The resulting d-spacing range agrees with experimental data from high-resolution synchrotron radiation powder diffraction on the same sample.


AMi: a GUI-based, open-source system for imaging samples in multi-well plates

Described here are instructions for building and using an inexpensive automated microscope (AMi) that has been specifically designed for viewing and imaging the contents of multi-well plates. The X, Y, Z translation stage is controlled through dedicated software (AMiGUI) that is being made freely available. Movements are controlled by an Arduino-based board running grbl, and the graphical user interface and image acquisition are controlled via a Raspberry Pi microcomputer running Python. Images can be written to the Raspberry Pi or to a remote disk. Plates with multiple sample wells at each row/column position are supported, and a script file for automated z-stack depth-of-field enhancement is written along with the images. The graphical user interface and real-time imaging also make it easy to manually inspect and capture images of individual samples.


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Trade in frog legs may spread diseases deadly to amphibians

There are several hypotheses about how amphibian chytrid has spread around the world, but the trade in amphibians for food, bait, pets and laboratory animals has been identified as the most likely mode of spread

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Camera traps & radio collars reveal hoarding strategies of the South American agouti

In a series of ongoing experiments on Barro Colorado Island in the Panama Canal, Kays and other researchers are using camera traps, radio collars and palm nuts with tracking transmitters attached to them to take a closer look at the nut-hoarding strategies of the agouti.

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Clouded leopard cubs born at National Zoo’s Front Royal campus on Valentine’s Day

Staff had been on a pregnancy watch focused on the 3 1/2-year-old clouded leopard Jao Chu (JOW-chew) for four days. Jao Chu gave birth to the first cub at 6:04 p.m. and the second cub at 6:20 p.m.

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Shipping industry sends help as project in Panama tackles amphibian crisis

The rescue pods will be part of the project’s Amphibian Rescue Center at Summit Municipal Park, which will also include a lab with a quarantine facility.

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Charles Doolittle Walcott (1850-1927) family campsite in the Canadian Rockies

Collecting trips for Charles Doolittle Walcott (1850-1927), paleontologist and fourth Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, were often a family affair. This 1910 photograph shows their […]

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The Carina Nebula, a local supernova factory, is ramping up production

A local supernova factory has recently started production, according to a wealth of new data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory on the Carina Nebula.

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Scientists turn to social networking and citizen scientists to help keep track of amphibians

Any adventurer, hiker or backyard naturalist with a camera can help scientists survey and hopefully save the world’s amphibians thanks to a new social networking site that links “citizen scientists” with researchers tracking the decline of amphibians around the globe.

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Deadly amphibian disease detected in the last disease-free region of Central America

Smithsonian scientists have confirmed that chytridiomycosis, a rapidly spreading amphibian disease, has reached a site near Panama’s Darien region. This was the last area in the entire mountainous neotropics to be free of the disease. This is troubling news for the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project, a consortium of nine U.S. and Panamanian institutions that aims to rescue 20 species of frogs in imminent danger of extinction.

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Q&A: National Zoo veterinarian Suzan Murray is working to halt pandemic disease in hotspots around the world

Suzan Murray, chief veterinary medical officer at the Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park, recently returned from Hanoi, where she led a team of scientists training pathologists from Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam to better sample, recognize and detect wildlife diseases in hopes of preventing emerging pandemic disease.

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Reptiles may be spreading deadly amphibian disease in the tropics

Reptiles that live near and feed upon amphibians in the tropics may be spreading the deadly amphibian disease Chytridiomycosis (caused by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dedrobatidis), holding and transporting reservoirs of the fungus on their skin.

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Wayne Clough & Carlos Jaramillo, at a research site near the Panama Canal.

Smithsonian Secretary Wayne Clough, left, talks with Carlos Jaramillo, scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, at a research site near the Panama […]

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Development will reduce carbon stored in forests, Smithsonian & Harvard scientists predict

When most people look at a forest, they see walking trails, deer yards, or firewood for next winter. But scientists at the Harvard Forest and […]

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Heavyweight trees are forest champs at sequestering carbon

Just a few towering white fir, sugar pine and incense cedars per acre at Yosemite National Park are disproportionately responsible for photosynthesis, converting carbon dioxide into plant tissue and sequestering that carbon in the forest, sometimes for centuries,

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As robins disperse, West Nile mosquitoes switch diet to humans: Q&A with Smithsonian ornithologist Peter Marra

A rising spike in West Nile virus is taking health officials across the country by surprise as this year more than 2,600 people in 45 states and the District of Columbia, have been stricken with severe symptoms of this mosquito-transmitted disease.

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Vampire squid

This 1889 scientific illustration of a vampire squid from Smithsonian celebrates Halloween. The squid’s jet-black skin, the caped appearance of the webbing between its arms […]

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New study proves the remora’s sucker disc is in fact a highly modified dorsal fin / Q&A with taxonomist David Johnson

The remora's sucker disc is "one of the most remarkable and most highly modified skeletal structures among vertebrates."

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Russian Meteor Q&A with Smithsonian Expert Marc Fries

Marc Fries, a research associate in the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History and senior scientist at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, answers some basic questions about meteorites.

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Polar bears in a warming world: Q&A with Don Moore of the National Zoo

All bear species except for one live in either temperate or tropical woodlands. Only the polar bear is a stranger to the forest, living and […]

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Q&A: Plastics expert Odile Madden on plastic debris in Alaskan waters

In June, Odile Madden, materials scientist at the Smithsonian’s Museum Conservation Institute, was a participant on a 6-day interdisciplinary expedition to a number of beaches […]

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Funeral flowers in the Stone Age: Q&A with Smithsonian anthropologist Reuven Yeshurun

Roses, carnations and lilies are today among the most popular flowers people use to express sympathy and condolence. The simple act of sending flowers to […]

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Package-delivering drones? Q&A with Roger Connor of the National Air and Space Museum

Santa Claus and his sleigh full of gifts has been upstaged early this holiday season by news of autonomous drones possibly delivering packages to your […]

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Carabidae in the colony, seven new beetles that bunk with ants: Q&A with Terry Erwin

Ants dominate the earth’s ecosystems and many are voracious predators that use their mandibles and sheer numbers to pin down and tear apart most other […]

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Slimy invaders, giant snails: Q&A with mollusk expert Ellen Strong

It is related to one of the world’s most destructive invasive species, and possibly the slimiest. Thirty-five pounds of live giant West African snails (Archachatina […]

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Smithsonian & SVF launch rare-breed livestock conservation partnership

The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the SVF Foundation have launched a new collaboration to strengthen rare and endangered livestock breed conservation through the preservation […]

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In modern amphibian “ark,” new species added with due diligence

Bright orange with a distinctive call the Panamanian poison dart frog Andinobates geminisae lives in only a small area of the Caribbean Coast of Panama. […]

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Clouded leopards, from crisis to success: Q&A with Janine Brown

The clouded leopard, a native of Southeast Asia, is among the most charismatic, secretive and least understood cat species in the world. In 2002, the […]

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3 new species of dwarf dragons discovered in Ecuador & Peru

Three new species of dragon-esque woodlizards have been discovered in the Andean cloud forests of Peru and Ecuador. The new species differ from their closest […]

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Bizarre new marine worms covered in bristles, wrinkles & bumps

An extraordinary arrangement of bristles, wrinkles and wart-like bumps cover the cold skin of Sphaerephesia amphorata, a new deep-sea worm described and named by researchers […]

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A Planet in Peril: Q&A with Suzan Murray of the Smithsonian Global Health Program

With roughly 5,500 individuals remaining in the wild, the black rhino population is critically endangered. To help save these iconic African giants, at risk for […]

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Paleo-detectives energize great whale mystery: how & when baleen evolved

A bizarre change occurs in the mouth of a humpback whale during its development in the womb. Several dozen tooth buds sprout in a row […]

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Book Review: Double Exposure: photos of African American History & Culture

Photographs, by virtue of their static nature, not only allow us to look back to a fixed point in time, but also give us a […]

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Q&A: Smithsonian volcanologist Richard Wunderman answers questions about the Aug. 23, East Coast earthquake

Richard Wunderman is managing editor of the Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network and a geologist in the Division of Mineral Sciences at the Smithsonian’s […]

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Smithsonian geophysicist Bruce Campbell explains his work of making a detailed radar map of the Moon

Bruce Campbell, of the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, is at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, W. Va., to make a radar map of the Moon.

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Meet our Scientist: Brian Gratwicke, Amphibian Avenger

Join National Zoo Conservation Biologist Brian Gratwicke in his work to save Panama's amphibians from extinction. You can also catch up on his dispatches from the field on the Panamanian Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project's blog:

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The three male cheetahs that left the National Zoo’s D.C. campus in 2009 returned in November and are now on exhibit

The three male cheetahs that left the Zoo's D.C. campus in 2009 returned in November and are now on exhibit. The five-and-a-half-year-old brothers―Draco, Granger, and Zabini, named after characters in the Harry Potter stories―have been living at the Zoo's Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute's Cheetah Science Facility in Front Royal, Virginia.

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Geisha Hairstyling, ca. 1927, a silent black & white archival film clip from the Smithsonian’s Human Studies Film Archives

Silent black & white archival film clip from "Japan: Promotional and Theatrical Footage, ca. 1927". The full film, which is 17 minutes long, includes segments from what are believed to be a theatrical film, a promotional film and, possibly, amateur film - all of unknown origin.

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Joseph Henry: Champion of American Science

Joseph Henry was one of America’s preeminent 19th-century scientists, a pioneer in the investigation of electromagnetism and other fields of study, and the first Secretary […]

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The State of the Birds: Q&A with Peter Marra

The nation’s top bird science and conservation groups have come together to publish The State of the Birds 2014—the most comprehensive review of long-term trend […]

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