
Government working on a package of structural reforms for sunrise sectors: Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant

In an interactive online session organised by All India Management Association (AIMA) on post-COVID-19 scenario for Indian economy, he listed healthcare, education, mobility, genomics, AI, 5G network, fintech and manufacturing as high priority areas for rapid and radical structural reforms.


Labour reforms finally coming to India: Shivraj Chouhan liberates industry, after agri privatisation

In a major announcement today, Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan has proclaimed that new registration and license for companies, shops, etc, in MP will be done in one day, compared to 30 days.


Are India’s labour law reforms only a gift for factories, or will workers benefit too?

The new labour reforms will promote ease of doing business in the state. however, it is crucial that companies safeguard the interests and wellbeing of the labourers.


Tamil Nadu forms panel under ex-RBI Guv Rangarajan to advise measures to bring economy back on track

The committee will include industry veterans like Venu Srinivasan, chairman, TVS motor company, N Srinivasan, vice-chairman & MD, India cements and A Vellayan, former chairman of Murugappa group.


Massive dust storm hits Delhi, visibility dips; Hail storms not good sign for farmers

Delhi recorded the maximum temperature of 40.9 degrees centigrade on Saturday, the IMD said. Due to the Western Disturbance, the IMD in its weather summary and forecast bulletin predicted isolated to scattered rain over the Western Himalayan region and plains of Northwest India, with peak activity on May 10, 2020.


Ajit Jogi health: Former Chhattisgarh chief minster slips into coma

Ajit Jogi health condition: Former Chhattisgarh chief minister Ajit Jogi, 74, has slipped into coma. He is being treated at the Shree Narayana Hospital.


[Men's Indoor Track & Field] Haskell Track Performs Well at the Cavalier Night Relays

The Haskell Track Team competed in the Johnson County College Cavalier Night Relays, Friday the 27th.  Freshman Paul Littlebear (Sapulpa, OK) in just his second meet of the indoor season finished the 60 meter race 8th out of 22 runners.  Littlebear also finished 3rd of 11 sprinters in the 400 meter dash with a time of 24.29. 



Google Buys Packet Storm


Packet Storm Twitter Feed Announced


Packet Storm T-Shirts Discontinued - Get Yours For Only $10


Iran Says It Was Attacked By Second Computer Worm


New Worm By Creators Of Stuxnet Is Suspected


Worm Wriggles Through Year-Old Flaw, Builds Zombie-Net


'Super-Powerful' Flame Worm Actually Boring Bloatware


Microsoft DHCP INFORM Configuration Overwrite

A vulnerability in Windows DHCP was found on Windows OS versions ranging from Windows 2000 through to Windows server 2003. This vulnerability allows an attacker to remotely overwrite DNS, Gateway, IP Addresses, routing, WINS server, WPAD, and server configuration with no user interaction. Successful exploitation of this issue will result in a remote network configuration overwrite. Microsoft acknowledged the issue but has indicated no plans to publish a patch to resolve it.



Anomalous Payloadbased Worm Detection and Signature Generation.



Advanced Polymorphic Worms: Evading IDS by Blending with Normal Traffic.



A Win32 tool for easing/automating the process of creating IDS/IPS signatures for SMTP based worms, providing a comfortable GUI, including raw base64 variants and Snort signatures support. This tarball is the binary executable version.



A Win32 tool for easing/automating the process of creating IDS/IPS signatures for SMTP based worms, providing a comfortable GUI, including raw base64 variants and Snort signatures support. This tarball is the source version.


Exploit Web 2.0, Real Life XSS-Worm

Whitepaper called Exploiting Web 2.0, Real Life XSS-Worm.


Sasser Worm avserve FTP PORT Buffer Overflow

This Metasploit module exploits the FTP server component of the Sasser worm. By sending an overly long PORT command the stack can be overwritten.


LPRng use_syslog Remote Format String Vulnerability

This Metasploit module exploits a format string vulnerability in the LPRng print server. This vulnerability was discovered by Chris Evans. There was a publicly circulating worm targeting this vulnerability, which prompted RedHat to pull their 7.0 release. They consequently re-released it as "7.0-respin".


PHP-Nuke 7.0 / 8.1 / 8.1.35 Wormable Remote Code Execution

PHP-Nuke versions 7.0, 8.1 and 8.1.35 wormable remote code execution exploit.


Wormtrack Network IDS 0.1

Wormtrack is a network IDS that helps detect scanning worms on a local area network by monitoring anomalous ARP traffic. This allows detection of scanning threats on the network, without having privileged access on a switch to set up a dedicated monitor port, nor does it require a constant updating of the rules engine to address new threats.


Linksys Worm Remote Root

Proof of concept exploit used by the recent Linksys worm (known as "Moon"). Exploits blind command injection in tmUnblock.cgi.


Metamorphic Worms: Can They Remain Hidden?

Whitepaper that discusses types of computer worms and how metamorphic worms differ from the rest.


Morris Worm fingerd Stack Buffer Overflow

This Metasploit module exploits a stack buffer overflow in fingerd on 4.3BSD. This vulnerability was exploited by the Morris worm in 1988-11-02. Cliff Stoll reports on the worm in the epilogue of The Cuckoo's Egg.


Morris Worm sendmail Debug Mode Shell Escape

This Metasploit module exploits sendmail's well-known historical debug mode to escape to a shell and execute commands in the SMTP RCPT TO command. This vulnerability was exploited by the Morris worm in 1988-11-02. Cliff Stoll reports on the worm in the epilogue of The Cuckoo's Egg. Currently only cmd/unix/reverse and cmd/unix/generic are supported.


Opera Fixes Critical Form-Handling Flaw


Renewable Energy Is Driving the Energy Transformation: REWNA Recap Video

Renewable energy stakeholders are well aware that clean energy is slowly but steadily transforming the energy landscape and that message couldn’t have been more clear at the recently concluded Power-Gen International, the largest show for the traditional power generation industry. Since all forms of power generation are represented at the show through the four co-located conferences, PennWell calls the second week in December "Power Generation Week."


Ten Clean Energy Stocks: Past Performance and Predictions for 2015

The last two months have not been kind to clean energy stocks. Most commentators attribute the weakness to declining oil prices and the Republicans' strong showing in the midterm elections.


Carbon Nanoballs Can Transform the Renewable Energy Supply

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have discovered that the insulation plastic used in high-voltage cables can withstand a 26 per cent higher voltage if nanometer-sized carbon balls are added. This could result in enormous efficiency gains in the power grids of the future, which are needed to achieve a sustainable energy system.


Former FERC Chief Jon Wellinghoff Speaks Out on Grid Security and Distributed Generation

In a previous article, I had a conversation with former-CIA chief Jim Woolsey to discuss one of America’s greatest national security vulnerabilities, its power grid. The issues that Woolsey has been concerned with for over a decade has been the ease in which a terrorist group or other actor (think North Korea for example) could attack the grid and plunge the country into darkness for months, if not years. And if that seems far-fetched, just recall how a tree limb fell in Ohio in 2003 and blacked out the entire Northeast and part of Canada for several days.


Ex-Employees Accuse Ormat of Lying to Receive 1603 Cash Grant Awards

Ormat is a successful developer of geothermal energy projects. Two former employees have brought a lawsuit alleging that Ormat made inaccurate 1603 Cash Grant submissions to obtain grants for projects that should not have qualified for such grants.


The New Normal? Renewables, Efficiency, And “Too Much Electricity”

Just over a decade ago, the state of California faced serious concerns about whether its utilities could generate and/or buy enough power to assure that the world’s seventh-largest economy could keep the lights on. The infamous California energy crisis, which affected several other western states as well, was a complex tangle of poorly structured deregulation, significant market manipulation (remember Enron?), and other causes. Along with rolling blackouts, California endured an official state of emergency that lasted 34 months, led to the recall and replacement of Gov. Gray Davis, and cost the state and its ratepayers billions of dollars — a cautionary tale for all states of electricity supply unable to meet demand.


Alternative Energy Outperforms All Other Sectors in September

Alternative energy mutual funds (MF) racked up extremely robust gains in the past year. Returns range from a low of 16 percent, to a high of 64 percent for a mutual fund that is heavy into solar investments. Exchange traded funds (ETF) also did well, but returns are much more variable. They range from a loss of 34 percent for a carbon ETF, to more than doubling of a solar ETF.


Germany Seeks Renewable Energy Reform as Households Pay Record Green Surcharge

Germany’s power grid operators boosted the surcharge consumers pay for renewable energy by 18 percent to a record, adding to pressure on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government to act against rising electricity bills.


Major European Utility Set for Dramatic Renewable Energy Transformation

One of Europe's largest utilities is on the cusp of reportedly transforming its business from being a centralised energy provider into a decentralized energy provider.


Updated: What the Proposed US Energy Tax Reforms Mean for Renewables

For those clamoring for (and against) the year-end-expiring legislation, and anyone in favor of some tax-code simplification, today the government has offered an early holiday present: proposed reform for some key areas including the production tax credit (PTC) and investment tax credit (ITC).