
Residential Cooling Showcase 2016: Systems Designed to Keep Customers Cool

Every year, The NEWS introduces the latest cooling equipment available for the upcoming summer season in order to help contractors prepare for this busy period by doing the research that will help them to distinguish between brands. The coverage features specific information about each individual product as submitted by the manufacturers.


Commercial Heating Showcase 2016: New HVAC Systems Help Keep the Commercial Market Warm

Each year, The NEWS spotlights the industry’s latest commercial heating products. The manufacturers provided us with a brief description of features included with each product.


Extech, a division of Flir Systems Inc.: IAQ Meter

This handheld device displays CO, CO2, air temperature, rh, dew point, and wet bulb temperature measurements.


Extech, a division of Flir Systems Inc.: Digital Multimeter

Designed for HVAC and refrigeration professionals to view electrical and temperature readings, this product logs data remotely using the ExView® W-Series app on smartphones and tablets via Bluetooth.


Building Automation Systems Offer Comfort, Efficiency, and Security

HVAC has a critical role to play in the future of building automation and digitalization.


Smaller Buildings Can Benefit From Building Automation Systems

Small- to medium-sized buildings make up about 94% of all commercial buildings in the U.S., according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, yet only 13% of those buildings have a building automation system.


M.C. Dean Acquires International Energy Conservation Systems

IEC Systems is a provider of turnkey proprietary and nonproprietary building automation systems (BASs) and a Distech Controls authorized system integrator.


How HVAC Contractors Can Zone In on Zoning Systems

For more HVAC contractors to sell zoning systems, they have to understand the benefits, challenges, know how to approach customers to even be able to sell it, and then comes the install.


High-End HVAC Systems Offer High Value

Customers looking for increased value out of their HVAC systems will find high-end features like connectivity, greater efficiency, and more intuitive controls attractive.


CISA Releases Eight Industrial Control Systems Advisories

Posted by CISA on Mar 21

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) - Defend Today, Secure Tomorrow

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CISA Releases Eight Industrial Control Systems Advisories [ ]
03/21/2023 08:00 AM...


CISA Releases Six Industrial Control Systems Advisories

Posted by CISA on Mar 23

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) - Defend Today, Secure Tomorrow

You are subscribed to Cybersecurity Advisories for Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. This information
has recently been updated, and is now available.

CISA Releases Six Industrial Control Systems Advisories [ ] 03/23/2023
08:00 AM EDT...


Episode 28: Type Systems

In recent episodes we have discusses statically and dynamically typed languages and domain specific languages - topics that are much talked about in the community at the moment. In this episode we look at the foundation of programming languages : types. We explain what a type actually is, how type systems work and what polymorphism works.


Episode 45: Round Table on Ultra Large Scale Systems

This Episode is a round table discussion about Ultra-Large Scale Systems. In 2006, a number of authors (among them our guests Linda Northrop, Doug Schmidt, Kevin Sullivan, and Gregor Kiczales) have produced a report that addressed the following question: Given the issues with today's software engineering, how can we build the systems of the future that are likely to have billions of lines of code? In this episode, our guests discuss many of the issues that arise from this kind of system and provide an overview of the research areas that should be investigated in order to tackle the challenge. If you want to get more detailed information, you can read the ULS Report (PDF).


Episode 63: A Pattern Language for Distributed Systems with Henney and Buschmann

In this Episode we talked about the new POSA 4 book which has recently been published. We talk to two of the authors, Kevlin Henney and Frank Buschmann (the third author, Doug Schmidt was not available - and he had also been on the podcast a couple of times :-)). The book contains a pattern language for distributed systems. It contains 114 patterns that had been published before by many different other authors. The patterns have been rewritten to form a consistent language. We basically talked through the different sections of the book, which gives a really good overview over the challenges and the solutions of building distributed systems. These sections include From Mud to Structure, Distribution Infrastructure, Event Demultiplexing and Dispatching, Interface Partitioning, Component Patitioning, Application Contrl, Concurrency, Synchronization, Object Interaction, Adaptazion and Extension, Modal Behaviour, Resource Management and finally, Database Access. The book references several other previous works (as listed below). Interestingly, many of these referenced works and authors have also been discussed previously on the podcast. Here are the back references:


Episode 65: Introduction to Embedded Systems

This episode is an introduction to embedded system. It is an introduction in the sense that we cover many topics very briefly: upcoming episodes will provides details for many of these topics. We start by discussing what an embedded system is an what the important characteristics are. Among them is limited resources, concurrency, real time and hardware integration. We also discuss the range of embedded systems from small mirocontrollers to mobile phones to distributed real time embedded systems. We also cover the different business case for embedded systems (per unit cost) and some non-trivial developmental aspects (cross compilation debugging, heisenbugs). We close the episode by discussing some important architectural styles (time triggered, event-based, microkernels, state machines) as well as tools of the trade: languages, operating systems and middleware.


Episode 73: Real Time Systems with Bruce Powel Douglass

This episode is a conversation with Bruce Powel Douglass on real time systems. We started by discussing what real time software is, and explored the difference between hard and soft real time. We then looked at different scheduling strategies, and the meaning of terms like urgency and importance in the context of scheduling. Next was a discussion of typical architectural styles for real time systems and how architectures are described in this context. This led us to a discussion about the importance of modeling, formalisms and languages as well as the role of automatic code generation from those models. We then looked at how to model QoS aspects and the role of SysML for modeling real time systems. We then had a brief look at which programming languages are used these days for real time systems and the role of static analysis to determine various properties of those programs in advance. The last part of the discussion focused on some best practices for building real time systems, the challenges in distributed real time systems and how real time systems can be tested effectively.


Episode 153: Jan Bosch on Product Lines and Software Ecosystems

This episode is a conversation with Jan Bosch about product line engineering (PLE). Jan has worked in various roles and industries and academia in the context of product lines. In this episode we look at Jan's view of what is next for product lines: software ecosystems. What is their relationship to PLE and how should PLE change to remain relevant?


Episode 198: Wil van der Aalst on Workflow Management Systems

Recording Venue: WebEx Guest: Wil van der Aalst Robert Blumen interviews Professor Wil van der Aalst of the Technical University of Eindhoven, one of the world’s leading researchers in business process management and workflow systems. Professor van der Aalst leads off with an overview of the main concepts in the field business processes, business process […]


Episode 203: Leslie Lamport on Distributed Systems

Leslie Lamport won a Turing Award in 2013 for his work in distributed and concurrent systems. He also designed the document preparation tool LaTex. Leslie is employed by Microsoft Research, and has recently been working with TLA+, a language that is useful for specifying concurrent systems from a high level. The interview begins with a […]


SE Radio 225 - Brendan Gregg on Systems Performance

Senior performance architect and author of *Systems Performance* Brendan Gregg talks with Robert Blumen about systems performance: how the hardware and OS layers affect application behavior. The discussion covers the scope of systems performance, systems performance in the software life cycle, the role of performance analysis in architecture, methodologies for solving performance problems, dynamic tracing and tracing tools such as DTrace, the disk and file subsystems, the CPU and memory subsystems, and the challenges virtualization poses for performance analysts.


SE-Radio Episode 241: Kyle Kingsbury on Consensus in Distributed Systems


SE-Radio Episode 242: Dave Thomas on Innovating Legacy Systems


Camille Fournier on Real-World Distributed Systems

Stefan Tilkov talks to Camille Fournier about the challenges developers face when building distributed systems, whether the can avoid building them at all, and what changes occur once they do.



Donny Nadolny of PagerDuty joins Robert Blumen to tell the story of debugging an issue that PagerDuty encountered when they set up a Zookeeper cluster that spanned across two geographically separated datacenters in different regions.


Episode 369: Derek Collison on Messaging Systems and NATS

Learn how to simplify your application architecture with the introduction of a messaging system. You'll hear how different messaging patterns can make your application more flexible, easier to maintain, and improve its performance.


Episode 388: Bob Kepford on Decoupled Content Management Systems

Bob Kepford discusses Decoupled CMS. Many CMS practitioners are adopting a decoupled approach to improve scale, allow for more specialized roles, and to separate data collection from delivery. Host Jeff Doolittle spoke with Kepford about what makes a Decoupled CMS different.


The essentials of automation applied to distribution systems via PLCs, SCADA, IEDs, and RTUs

Nowadays, it seems that everything we do tends to be somehow automated. The very same is happening in electrical distribution systems. The distribution system at the medium voltage (MV) or low voltage (LV) levels is designed using different structures such... Read more

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Schematics and docs needed for communication systems of substation protective relaying system

Communication systems of electric utilities have become increasingly critical to electric system protection, operation, and maintenance. For fast tripping and clearing of system faults, communication-aided relaying has become a common protection scheme, particularly in line protection. Control centers depend on... Read more

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Three most common SCADA applications in MV/LV distribution systems you SHOULD know

Electrical distribution systems comprise a large number of remote applications and locations, and it has traditionally been challenging to monitor and regulate these remote applications and sites. Utility companies have been installing remote terminal/telemetry units, often known as RTUs, at... Read more

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Design issues in HV busbar protection systems (substation topology and DC power supply)

This technical article discusses criteria and requirements for designing protection systems for busbars in HV/EHV networks. One of the most critical requirements is reliable busbar relay protection to assure power system integrity during fault conditions. This requirement is further emphasized because... Read more

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The essentials of electrical systems in cement plants

Many young engineers consider cement plants pretty complicated because of their weird technology. The reason probably lies in the fact that you cannot understand all those technologies unless you worked in such a plant and saw all processes from scratch.... Read more

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EN61800-3 (IEC1800-3) – Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems

The countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) have agreed on common minimum regulatory requirements in order to ensure the free movement of products within the EEA. The CE marking indicates that the product works in conformity with the directives... Read more

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Jet pumps used for private well systems or low flow irrigation applications

Jet Pumps are mounted above ground and lift the water out of the ground through a suction pipe. Jets are popular in areas with high water tables and warmer climates. There are two categories of jet pumps and pump selection... Read more

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Six energy efficiency improvement opportunities in fan systems

Efficiencies of fan systems vary considerably across impeller types. The average energy saving potential in these systems in the U.S. manufacturing industry is estimated at 6%. For optimal savings and performance, it is recommended that a systems approach is used.... Read more

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Eleven energy-efficiency improvement opportunities in compressed air systems

Instrumentation consumes large amounts of compressed air at many individual locations in a textile plant, but these uses are susceptible to leakage. Most such leaks are at threaded connection points, rubber hose connections, valves, regulators, seals, and in old pneumatic... Read more

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8 actions to improve energy efficiency in heating systems

In many buildings, HVAC is the first or second item in terms of energy costs. This technical article deals with optimisation tips and energy efficiency savings in heating systems of a building. Heating systems have always been used when the... Read more

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Low voltage ride through in grid connected hybrid renewable energy systems

Researches so far shows that, by 2020, around 20% of the total energy production worldwide will be generated from renewable energy. But the major problem with the standalone system is that the sources are not continuous. This intermittent nature of... Read more

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In Front Of The Third Electrical Systems Revolution in United States

A dizzying array of new energy technologies are reaching or nearing the marketplace. Newer choices to generate electricity include fuel cells, wind turbines, solar cells and microturbines. Energy storage is approaching practicality, for example through reversible fuel cells and flywheels.... Read more

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Five telecommunication systems embedded in smart grid applications and services

Power utilities use telecommunication systems either as a support for grid assets’ operation or as the enabler for voice communications among operating staff. The main objective of utility telecommunications is to connect remote premises and staff with central premises and... Read more

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SF6 Gas Monitoring and Alarming Practices in Gas-Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Systems

This article provides guidance on how to conduct gas monitoring and explains the various alerts that can be set. The many sorts of defects that might lead to partial discharges are discussed, and various partial discharge measuring techniques are described,... Read more

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The true art of control, monitoring and protection provided by Substation Automation Systems

The Substation Automation Systems, often known as SASs, are responsible for a tremendous variety of tasks. These include some extremely important actions, such as clearing faults in a timely manner in order to maintain the physical condition of power system... Read more

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The analysis of relay control systems: Electrical schematics with latch, step and lockout relays

To be honest, expertise in relay systems is fundamental for comprehension and creativity in circuits design. From bi-stable relays that maintain their states without continuous power to step relays facilitating incremental changes, and lockout relays guarding against unauthorized reenergization, each... Read more

The post The analysis of relay control systems: Electrical schematics with latch, step and lockout relays appeared first on EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal.


Yup, it’s the motor drive that makes systems in motion all around us

On the outset, it may be due to wheels as in the case of an automobile. What actually drives these movements, though, are motors. Additionally, many household appliances such refrigerators, air-conditioners, ventilation fans, washers, driers and so many others all... Read more

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The essentials of power-generation systems you MUST know in the middle of the night!

When we talk about the power system, there are dozen of essential terms and definitions. One of the most important is for sure that any AC power system begins with a generating source. Electric generators are devices that convert energy... Read more

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The art of fault clearance in transmission systems: The logic of main and backup relays

The protection and fault clearance requires great attention. In terms of fault clearance protection, we categorize the relays into main protection relays and backup protection relays. The main protection relay is installed at all primary equipment, and it is essential... Read more

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Grid Application & Technical Considerations for Battery Energy Storage Systems

In the quest for a resilient and efficient power grid, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) have emerged as a transformative solution. This technical article explores the diverse applications of BESS within the grid, highlighting the critical technical considerations that enable... Read more

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Modern practice for LV/MV substation and power distribution systems within buildings

In the present era, the presence of reliable and uninterrupted electricity is commonly assumed in the majority of nations. Nevertheless, in many nations, this is susceptible to frequent disruptions caused by a range of issues, including as insufficient supply, inefficient... Read more

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BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems) in LV and MV Power Networks: Practical Guide (Part-1)

This article aims to inform the reader about the applications, procurement, selection & design, and integration of BESS (battery energy storage systems) into LV and MV power networks. The intended audience is project and design engineers who shall perform procurement... Read more

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Design Engineering For Battery Energy Storage Systems: Sizing, Selection and Operation

In this technical article we take a deeper dive into the engineering of battery energy storage systems, selection of options and capabilities of BESS drive units, battery sizing considerations, and other battery safety issues. We will also take a close... Read more

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CRDN Ranks Among the Largest Franchise Systems in the U.S., Securing Spot on the 2024 Franchise Times Top 400 List

CRDN moves up on the 2024 Franchise Times Top 400 list, ranking third in sales growth within the Disaster Restoration category. Securing an overall ranking of 243, up from 278 in 2023, CRDN continues to showcase its growth and leadership in the restoration industry.