red The Best and the Worst of Credit Freeze Laws By Published On :: Wed, 01 Feb 2006 00:43:52 GMT January 31, 2006 – In the new year, a variety of state legislatures continue to debate credit freeze law. Among these are states, on opposite sides of the country are working on unique credit freeze solutions. One of them is probably the best credit freeze law proposed in any state. The other is dumbest credit freeze proposal that we have ever seen. Full Article
red Credit Card Interest Rates Going Up? It Could Be Because Of Your Electric Bill. By Published On :: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 22:16:41 GMT August 10, 2005 – There are a lot of people carrying large credit card balances which they will be lucky to pay off in their lifetime. Some consumers are being hit with interest rates in excess of 30% even though they have never been late on their credit card payments. The reason for this is that many credit card companies now use a system called "universal default", which allows them to raise your interest rate for reasons other than being late in the payment of your credit card bill. Full Article
red Can Going to the Library Hurt Your Credit? By Published On :: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 18:56:52 GMT If you have overdue books at the local library, you may want to return them now. That’s because a number of cash strapped libraries have started using collection agencies to collect fines and fees that are owed to them for overdue books. And once your name is turned over, there is a pretty good chance that you will find your library fines showing up as unpaid bills on your credit report. Full Article
red Not So Perfect By Published On :: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 00:00:12 GMT (MFC) is a website that supposedly provides consumers with copies of their credit report for free. But what the company is actually doing to consumers is anything but ethical, and it certainly isn’t free. Full Article
red All US States Now Eligible for Free Credit Reports By Published On :: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 14:28:45 GMT September 1, 2005 – As of today, residents of every state are eligible to receive their credit reports free of charge from the credit repositories (Experian, Equifax and Trans Union). These free credit reports were mandated by Congress with the passage of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) in late 2003. Under the law, eligibility to receive free reports was phased in nationally, from west to east. Full Article
red Credit Card Minimum Payments to Double Over the Next Twelve Months By Published On :: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 19:31:25 GMT September 15, 2005 - If you are one of the 35 million Americans who only make minimum payments on your credit cards, you are going to be in for a rude surprise over the next year. The amount that you are going to be required to pay is going to double due to a little publicized federal lending rule that is about to go into effect. Unfortunately, most lenders don’t want you to know about the payment increases until after October 15th. That’s the date that new federal bankruptcy laws go into effect. Full Article
red Ameriquest Mortgage to Pay $325 Million Settlement in Predatory Lending Case By Published On :: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 22:12:37 GMT January 24, 2006 – Yesterday, Ameriquest Mortgage agree to pay $325 million in restitution to those who had borrowed money from the company. The agreement settles legal disputes with 49 states and the District of Columbia, and is the second largest in US history. Full Article
red Podcasting gets 'Wired' By Published On :: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 16:27:00 +0200 Today podcasting got 'Wired' with an article called 'Podcasts: New Twist on Net Audio'. Shortly afterwards Cnet published the article 'Building a 21st century radio'. Dave Slusher was interviewed for the Wired article and has some comments. A month ago i googled 'podcasting', which gave me around 15-20 results. Now it's exactly 13.000. Interesting to see the impact of these two articles. Full Article
red Questioning Online Credibility By Published On :: Sat, 11 Mar 2017 09:00:00 -0500 Credibility online is becoming more and more of an issue. Anyone can have a blog or post to a forum and anyone can edit wiki entries. Web surfers are beginning to comprehend that just because it is in print does not necessarily mean that it is true. In fact, in today's online world, the collective truth might be the closest thing we can get to the real truth. Peer policing and social bookmarking have become common in the online world. Human nature invariably prompts a level of trust;if it is written, it must be true. We live in a generation where we expect authors, editors and publishers that are qualified to write on various topics. What qualifications are required to post a blog, write an online article, or edit a wiki? Some web surfers may find the answer startling: None. Expertise is no longer a prerequisite. Wikipedia is a popular online reference, that frequently obtains top ranking in search engines as a reference source. How many Wikipedia readers realize that Wikipedia can be edited by anyone at anytime, regardless of their qualifications. Questioning Online Credibility Full Article
red Questioning Online Credibility By Published On :: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 09:17:51 -0500 Credibility online is becoming more and more of an issue. Anyone can have a blog or post to a forum and anyone can edit wiki entries. Web surfers are beginning to comprehend that just because it is in print does not necessarily mean that it is true. In fact, in today's online world, the collective truth might be the closest thing we can get to the real truth. Peer policing and social bookmarking have become common in the online world. Human nature invariably prompts a level of trust;if it is written, it must be true. Questioning Online Credibility Full Article
red Questioning Online Credibility By Published On :: Fri, 15 May 2020 15:56:00 -0400 Credibility online is becoming more and more of an issue. Anyone can have a blog or post to a forum and anyone can edit wiki entries. Web surfers are beginning to comprehend that just because it is in print does not necessarily mean that it is true. In fact, in today's online world, the collective truth might be the closest thing we can get to the real truth. Peer policing and social bookmarking have become common in the online world. Questioning Online Credibility Full Article
red Questioning Online Credibility By Published On :: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 14:27:32 -0400 Credibility online is becoming more and more of an issue. Anyone can have a blog or post to a forum and anyone can edit wiki entries. Web surfers are beginning to comprehend that just because it is in print does not necessarily mean that it is true. In fact, in today's online world, the collective truth might be the closest thing we can get to the real truth. Peer policing and social bookmarking have become common in the online world. Questioning Online Credibility Full Article
red Questioning Online Credibility By Published On :: Mon, 1 Feb 2021 12:54:21 -0500 Credibility online is becoming more and more of an issue. Anyone can have a blog or post to a forum and anyone can edit wiki entries. Web surfers are beginning to comprehend that just because it is in print does not necessarily mean that it is true. In fact, in today's online world, the collective truth might be the closest thing we can get to the real truth. Peer policing and social bookmarking have become common in the online world. Human nature invariably prompts a level of trust;if it is written, it must be true. We live in a generation where we expect authors, editors and publishers that are qualified to write on various topics. Questioning Online Credibility Full Article
red CA6473 LANG, Matt - A Hundred Beers By Published On :: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:11:42 +0000 Catégorie - HOMMES » Genre - Country Full Article
red Funky ebike and sidecar combo inspired by vintage BMW in desert camo By Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 16:57:00 GMT Electric bikes come in all shapes and sizes, but few will turn heads quite like the Mod Easy SideCar Sahara. This limited-edition ebike has been inspired by the WWII-era BMW R75 motorcycle, and comes complete with sand-beige desert camouflage.Continue ReadingCategory: Bicycles, TransportTags: ebikes, Pedal-assisted, Retro, Sidecar Full Article
red Omega-3 and omega-6 supplements reduce risk of 19 types of cancer By Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 15:02:00 GMT New research has linked higher plasma levels of the healthy fats omega-3 and omega-6 to a reduced risk of developing particular types of cancer. The study adds to the on-again/off-again relationship that exists between scientists and the common supplements.Continue ReadingCategory: Cancer, Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Omega Garden Technology, Diet, Cancer, University of Georgia Full Article
red Leaf-inspired graphene surfaces repel frost formation for a week By Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 15:02:00 GMT Ice wreaks havoc on surfaces, but we might have a new way to prevent it building up. Scientists at Northwestern University have shown that textured surfaces with thin layers of graphene oxide can stay completely frost-free for long periods.Continue ReadingCategory: Materials, ScienceTags: Ice, new material, Surfaces, Northwestern University, Snow, Biomimicry Full Article
red Shattered Dreams By Published On :: Sun, 19 Nov 2023 06:14:02 +0000 Full Article Innovators 80s New Wave
red Hate Speeches and Spiral of Hatred in the Build up to 2024 General Elections in India By Published On :: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 02:18:51 +0000 These speeches aim to portray Muslims as a threat to other religious communities. The narratives hence paint Muslims as a community intent on depriving others of national resources, fostering discord and enmity among religious groups. Full Article Analysis
red ‘Text Me You Haven’t Died’ - My Sister was the 166th Doctor to Be Murdered in Gaza By Published On :: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 20:18:56 +0000 But why do I continue to check my messages with the hope that she will text me to tell me that the whole thing was a major, cruel misunderstanding and that she is okay? Full Article International
red Eric Stephens – Rejection to Redemption and Purpose By Published On :: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 13:11:54 +0000 In this episode of Bleeding Daylight, I interview Eric Stephens, a pastor, life coach, and founder of Redwood Christian Ministries. Eric shares his powerful journey from a difficult childhood marked by the absence of his biological father and struggles with addiction and depression, to a transformative encounter with the love and acceptance of Jesus Christ. […] Full Article Faith
red This Pizza Was Suspiciously Popular. Police Discovered the Secret Ingredient By Published On :: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 09:00:02 +0100 The incredible popularity of a specific pizza order has led to the bust of an unusual drug trafficking operation. Full Article
red Colored Clothing: Should You Wash Your Clothes Inside Out? By Published On :: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 11:00:19 +0100 Colorful clothing is vulnerable to the effects of detergents. However, if you follow these simple rules, you should be able to maximize the lifespan of your clothing's colors. Full Article
red The Simpsons: 4 Predictions That Came True By Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 15:10:01 +0100 For nearly 40 years, The Simpsons has entertained audiences worldwide and gained a reputation for uncanny predictions. Here are some predictions that came true. Full Article
red Reducing Dementia Risk: The Surprising Benefits of a Firm Handshake By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 14:00:07 +0100 These simple lifestyle changes could protect your brain health and reduce the risk of dementia, here are a few powerful habits that can help keep your mind sharp for years to come. Full Article
red Where Are Our Memories Stored? They're Not Just in the Brain By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 11:00:11 +0100 Where do we record and store our memories? Recent research reveals that our memory extends far beyond just our brain. Full Article
red Here Are Nostradamus' Predictions for 2025 – They're Not Good By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 14:47:06 +0100 A scientist and astrologer, the famous Nostradamus left many predictions in his Prophecies, which have continued to fascinate people for centuries. So, what did he predict for the year 2025? Full Article
red Ten Incredibly Strange Inspirations for Celebrity Names By Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Celebs truly are just like us—in the sense that some of them have incredibly unique names! Just like plenty of people around the world, the parents of many celebrities found some very rare and notable inspirations for naming their unborn babies who would go on to be rich and famous. And these are some of […] The post Ten Incredibly Strange Inspirations for Celebrity Names appeared first on Listverse. Full Article Miscellaneous
red Comit to bring Radian Arc's GPU-powered services to Vietnam, SEA By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 10:28:00 +0100 (Telecompaper) Radian Arc has signed a partnership agreement with Vietnamese technology services provider Comit... Full Article
red Nubia unveils gaming-focused RedMagic 10 Pro smartphone series By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 14:05:00 +0100 (Telecompaper) ZTE brand Nubia has launched its latest flagship gaming smartphone series in China, touting the performance standards, thermal system, display technology and battery size of the two new devices... Full Article
red Vorige week in telecom: Ericsson, Nokia worstelen zich door tragere capex-cyclus, RedCap komt op de markt en veranderingen bij Tele2 By Published On :: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 06:30:00 +0100 Nog geen tekenen van een opleving in de markt voor netwerkapparatuur, op basis van de kwartaalresultaten van Ericsson en Nokia, terwijl Netflix wist te verrassen met een hogere omzet, zelfs met een seizoensgebonden vertraging in de klantengroei... Full Article
red Vorige week in telecom: Verizon probeert FTTH-FWA-mix, E& doet zijn intrede in Europa, Qualcomm gaat de strijd aan met Arm By Published On :: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 06:30:00 +0100 Het vast-mobiel convergentieverhaal krijgt vorm in de VS met de aankondiging van de nieuwe breedbandstrategie van Verizon, terwijl AT&T en T-Mobile stappen zetten op de glasvezelmarkt. Op de jaarlijkse producttop van Qualcomm heeft de chipmaker hoge verwachtingen van zijn Oryon CPU, ondanks tegenstand van Arm... Full Article
red Android 15 QPR2 brings the newest Linux kernel to all tensor-powered phones and tablets - Android Police By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 02:23:00 GMT Android 15 QPR2 brings the newest Linux kernel to all tensor-powered phones and tablets Android PoliceHere’s everything new in Android 15 QPR2 Beta 1 [Gallery] 9to5GoogleYour Google Pixel Phone's Newest Android 15 Beta Update Arrived Droid LifeGoogle is preparing to bring back a beloved customization feature from Android 11 Android AuthorityAndroid 15 QPR2 beta 1 release includes major upgrade for Tensor-powered Pixels PhoneArena Full Article
red Buy a soon to be retired Audi A4 or a much newer Q3? By Published On :: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 09:30:00 +1000 I’m thinking of buying a new car, but I’m confused between the Audi A4 and the Audi Q3 Sportback. The A4 is a bit cheaper, at Rs 46 lakh, but it’s going to be discontinued in 2025. The Q3 Sportback is a bit more expensive – Rs 50 lakh – but it’s newer and might hold its value better. What do you think I should do? I like the A4 a lot. Purav Patel, Nashik Autocar India says: Both the Audi A4 and Audi Q3 are good cars, but we would pick the A4 because it’s nicer to drive. In fact, the A4 is the best luxury sedan in its class thanks to a smooth and peppy engine, exceptional ride and a solid build. The Q3 is more practical if you are driving mainly on rough roads, and it has a more comfortable back seat – the A4’s a bit cramped at the rear. We understand the resale value concerns, but we would still pick the A4 over the Q3, and that Rs 4 lakh saving could offset the lower resale value when you eventually sell it. Also See: 2022 Audi Q3 India video review 2022 Audi Q3 India review: Back with a bang 2021 Audi A4 facelift video review 2021 Audi A4 facelift review, test drive Full Article
red Skoda Kylaq price, size and specs compared with rivals By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Skoda India has taken the wraps off the Kylaq and revealed its starting price of Rs 7.89 lakh. With the Kylaq, the Czech carmaker has forayed into the heavily populated compact SUV segment, taking on the likes of the Tata Nexon, Hyundai Venue, and Mahindra XUV 3XO. The compact SUV space is the largest sub-segment in the Indian market, comprising more than 50 percent of all SUV sales. The Kylaq is an important model for Skoda, positioned at the heart of the market. Here, we are looking at how it compares with its rivals on paper in terms of price, size, and specs. Skoda Kylaq vs rivals dimensions Skoda Kylaq vs rivals: dimensionsModelKylaqNexonBrezzaXUV 3XOVenueSonetMagniteKiger Length (mm)39953995399539903995399539943991Width (mm)17831804179018211770179017581750Height (mm)16191620168516471617164215721605Wheelbase (mm)25562498250026002500250025002500Ground clearance (mm)189208-201--205205Boot space (litres)360382328364-385336405*Wheel size (inch)1716161716161616 *Without parcel tray At 3,995mm in length, the Kylaq fits just under the sub-4m mark to be in line with most other compact SUVs, although the XUV 3XO, Kiger, and Magnite are slightly shorter. Overall, the Kylaq sits in the middle of its rivals on nearly every metric, barring wheelbase length and wheel size. Skoda's compact SUV has the second-longest wheelbase, at 2,556mm, after the XUV 3XO, which offers the best-in-class cabin space. The XUV 3XO comfortably accommodates three individuals in the rear, while the others are best reserved for two adults. Therefore, the Kylaq is expected to have more interior space than most of its rivals, if not the XUV 3XO. The Kylaq and XUV 3XO have the largest alloy wheels on offer and comparable boot spaces. It is the Sonet and the Nexon that boast the largest boots here, with over 380 litres of capacity, while Tata's compact SUV also claims the highest ground clearance, at 208mm. Skoda Kylaq vs rivals engine and specs Skoda Kylaq vs rivals: engine specificationsModelKylaqNexonBrezzaXUV 3XOVenueSonetMagniteKiger Type3 cyls turbo 3 cyls turbo4 cyls NA3 cyls turbo/3 cyls turbo4 cyls NA/3 cyls turbo4 cyls NA/3 cyls turbo3 cyls NA/3 cyls turbo3 cyls NA/3 cyls turboDisplacement999cc1199cc1462cc1197cc/1197cc (TGDi)1197cc/998cc1197cc/998cc999cc/999c999cc/999cPower 115hp120hp103hp111hp/131hp83hp/120hp83hp/120hp72hp/100hp72hp/100hpTorque178Nm170Nm137Nm200Nm/230Nm114Nm/172Nm114Nm/172Nm96Nm/160Nm96Nm/160NmMT gearbox6MT5MT/6MT5MT6MT/6MT5MT/6MT5MT/6iMT5MT5MTAT gearbox 6AT6AMT/7DCT6AT 6AT7DCT7DCT5MT, CVT 5MT, CVT The Kylaq is powered by a 1.0-litre, three-cylinder turbo-petrol engine that produces 115hp and 178Nm of torque. From the other Skoda-VW cars that this engine does duty in, along with our drive in a prototype, we know it is responsive, relatively refined, and delivers strong acceleration. The 6-speed manual and the 6-speed torque converter automatic gearboxes will also be carried over. The Kylaq comes with a single engine, whereas most competitors offer at least two options. However, it finds itself right in the middle of the pack in terms of power and torque figures – it's more powerful than all entry-level, naturally aspirated engines of its rivals but slightly less powerful than the turbo-petrol units. The XUV 3XO, with the 131hp TGDi engine, remains the most powerful in its class. Meanwhile, the Brezza gets the largest engine, but it's the only one to miss out on a turbo-petrol unit. It’s worth mentioning that the likes of the Nexon, XUV 3XO, Venue, and Sonet are also available with a diesel engine. The percentage of diesel buyers in this class is less than the majority and shrinking, but the said models at least offer that option. The Brezza and the Nexon are the only models in this class to get a factory-fitted CNG kit. Skoda Kylaq price Skoda Kylaq vs rivals: priceEx-showroom, IndiaKylaqNexonBrezzaXUV 3XOVenueSonetMagniteKigerEntry-level price7.898.008.347.797.947.995.996.00Top-spec price14 (est.)15.0013.9815.4913.5314.9211.5011.23 Skoda has yet to reveal the full price list of the Kylaq, though it has confirmed that the entry-level Classic trim will be priced at Rs 7.89 lakh. With prices expected to rise to about Rs 14 lakh for the top-spec Prestige automatic variant, the Kylaq is expected to be well-priced compared to rivals like the Nexon, Brezza, XUV 3XO, Venue and Sonet. However, the Magnite and Kiger continue to be the most affordable compact SUVs on sale in India. Also see: Citroen C3 automatic vs rivals: price, specifications compared Tata Nexon CNG vs rivals: price, specifications comparison Full Article
red New Maruti Dzire vs Swift: price, features, specs compared By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 14:50:00 +1000 The fourth-gen Maruti Dzire is quite a departure from its predecessors in a lot of ways. Through the generations, this compact sedan has been based on the Swift hatchback, sharing the same chassis and powertrain options, among many other bits. However, with the latest-gen, there are quite a few differences between the two models, which is why this is going to be an in-depth comparison, on paper, between the new Dzire and Swift. New Maruti Dzire vs Swift design New Maruti Dzire vs Swift dimensionsNew DzireSwiftLength (mm)39953860Width (mm)17351735Height (mm)15251520Wheelbase (mm)24502450Ground clearance (mm)163163Wheels & tyres185/65 R15185/65 R15Boot space (litres)382265Kerb weight (kg)920-1025920-990 As mentioned above, the new Dzire has a distinct design when compared to the Swift, sharing almost nothing with the hatchback. The compact sedan looks more premium with its Audi-esque styling in the front, a smoother roofline, and the notchy boot. In terms of size, the new Dzire is 5mm taller and 135mm longer, with the latter explaining the compact sedan's ability to carry an additional 117 litres worth of luggage in the boot. Interestingly, the base versions of both models weigh the same 920kg, while the higher versions of the Dzire, especially the CNG-equipped variants, weigh up to 35kg more. New Maruti Dzire vs Swift front It should be noted that the Swift comes with three dual-tone exterior colours – Sizzling Red with Midnight Black, Luster Blue with Midnight Black and Pearl Arctic White with Midnight Black – and six monotone options. Meanwhile, the Dzire gets a total of seven exterior finishes with no dual-tone options. New Maruti Dzire vs Swift rear New Maruti Dzire vs Swift interior On the inside, the new Dzire and Swift are far more closely linked. In fact, they have nearly identical dash layouts, from the size and shape of the side AC vents to the centrally mounted floating touchscreen. However, the compact sedan’s cabin gets a brighter beige and grey finish compared to the hatchback’s all-black one. In addition, the chrome strip that runs the length of the Dzire’s dashboard gets a kink near the central AC vents, which also has a marginally different trapezoidal design. New Maruti Dzire vs Swift interior Coming to the features on offer in their respective range-topping forms, the Dzire comes with a longer list. Kit available on the Dzire that's not available on the Swift is a powered sunroof and a 360-degree camera. The rest of the features are identical, from the rear AC vents and climate control system to the 9-inch touchscreen, analogue dials and coloured MID. New Maruti Dzire vs Swift engine New Maruti Dzire vs Swift powertrainsNew DzireSwiftNew Dzire CNGSwift CNGEngine type3-cyl, NA, petrol3-cyl, NA, petrol3-cyl, NA, CNG3-cyl, NA, CNGDisplacement (cc)1197119711971197Power (hp)828269.7569.75Torque (Nm)112112101.8101.8Gearbox5MT/5AMT5MT/5AMT5MT5MTFuel efficiency^24.79/25.71kpl24.8/25.75kpl33.73km/kg32.85km/kg True to form, the new Dzire and Swift share the same Z12E three-cylinder petrol engine. The 1.2-litre unit produces the same 82hp and 112Nm of torque on petrol, 69.75hp and 101.8Nm of CNG, and comes with 5-speed manual and AMT options. Interestingly, while the heavier Dzire in petrol form is marginally less frugal than the Swift, the Dzire CNG goes 0.88km further on a kilo of gas than its hatchback counterpart. New Maruti Dzire vs Swift powertrain New Maruti Dzire vs Swift price New Maruti Dzire vs Swift price (in Rs, lakh)New Dzire*SwiftPetrol-MT6.79-9.696.49-9.00Petrol-AMT8.24-10.147.75-9.45CNG-MT8.74-9.848.20-9.20 For now, prices of the Dzire start Rs 30,000 higher than the Swift, which isn’t too much of a difference. Dzire AMT variants cost about Rs 50,000 more than the equivalent Swift variant, with the range-topping compact sedan being priced Rs 69,000 higher. Meanwhile, prices for the Dzire CNG are about Rs 54,000-64,000 higher than the Swift CNG’s. Do note that prices for the Dzire are introductory, and will increase from January 2025. On paper then, the new Dzire seems to be quite a proposition when compared to the Swift. For not too much more money, the Dzire offers a more mature aesthetic and a longer list of features, along with being the more frugal model in CNG form. Also see: New Maruti Dzire variant-wise features, trims and prices explained Maruti Dzire new vs old: price, engine, features comparison Maruti Swift long term review, 1,200km report Full Article
red Skoda Kylaq price, size and specs compared with rivals By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Skoda India has taken the wraps off the Kylaq and revealed its starting price of Rs 7.89 lakh. With the Kylaq, the Czech carmaker has forayed into the heavily populated compact SUV segment, taking on the likes of the Tata Nexon, Hyundai Venue, and Mahindra XUV 3XO. The compact SUV space is the largest sub-segment in the Indian market, comprising more than 50 percent of all SUV sales. The Kylaq is an important model for Skoda, positioned at the heart of the market. Here, we are looking at how it compares with its rivals on paper in terms of price, size, and specs. Skoda Kylaq vs rivals dimensions Skoda Kylaq vs rivals: dimensionsModelKylaqNexonBrezzaXUV 3XOVenueSonetMagniteKiger Length (mm)39953995399539903995399539943991Width (mm)17831804179018211770179017581750Height (mm)16191620168516471617164215721605Wheelbase (mm)25562498250026002500250025002500Ground clearance (mm)189208-201--205205Boot space (litres)360382328364-385336405*Wheel size (inch)1716161716161616 *Without parcel tray At 3,995mm in length, the Kylaq fits just under the sub-4m mark to be in line with most other compact SUVs, although the XUV 3XO, Kiger, and Magnite are slightly shorter. Overall, the Kylaq sits in the middle of its rivals on nearly every metric, barring wheelbase length and wheel size. Skoda's compact SUV has the second-longest wheelbase, at 2,556mm, after the XUV 3XO, which offers the best-in-class cabin space. The XUV 3XO comfortably accommodates three individuals in the rear, while the others are best reserved for two adults. Therefore, the Kylaq is expected to have more interior space than most of its rivals, if not the XUV 3XO. The Kylaq and XUV 3XO have the largest alloy wheels on offer and comparable boot spaces. It is the Sonet and the Nexon that boast the largest boots here, with over 380 litres of capacity, while Tata's compact SUV also claims the highest ground clearance, at 208mm. Skoda Kylaq vs rivals engine and specs Skoda Kylaq vs rivals: engine specificationsModelKylaqNexonBrezzaXUV 3XOVenueSonetMagniteKiger Type3 cyls turbo 3 cyls turbo4 cyls NA3 cyls turbo/3 cyls turbo4 cyls NA/3 cyls turbo4 cyls NA/3 cyls turbo3 cyls NA/3 cyls turbo3 cyls NA/3 cyls turboDisplacement999cc1199cc1462cc1197cc/1197cc (TGDi)1197cc/998cc1197cc/998cc999cc/999c999cc/999cPower 115hp120hp103hp111hp/131hp83hp/120hp83hp/120hp72hp/100hp72hp/100hpTorque178Nm170Nm137Nm200Nm/230Nm114Nm/172Nm114Nm/172Nm96Nm/160Nm96Nm/160NmMT gearbox6MT5MT/6MT5MT6MT/6MT5MT/6MT5MT/6iMT5MT5MTAT gearbox 6AT6AMT/7DCT6AT 6AT7DCT7DCT5MT, CVT 5MT, CVT The Kylaq is powered by a 1.0-litre, three-cylinder turbo-petrol engine that produces 115hp and 178Nm of torque. From the other Skoda-VW cars that this engine does duty in, along with our drive in a prototype, we know it is responsive, relatively refined, and delivers strong acceleration. The 6-speed manual and the 6-speed torque converter automatic gearboxes will also be carried over. The Kylaq comes with a single engine, whereas most competitors offer at least two options. However, it finds itself right in the middle of the pack in terms of power and torque figures – it's more powerful than all entry-level, naturally aspirated engines of its rivals but slightly less powerful than the turbo-petrol units. The XUV 3XO, with the 131hp TGDi engine, remains the most powerful in its class. Meanwhile, the Brezza gets the largest engine, but it's the only one to miss out on a turbo-petrol unit. It’s worth mentioning that the likes of the Nexon, XUV 3XO, Venue, and Sonet are also available with a diesel engine. The percentage of diesel buyers in this class is less than the majority and shrinking, but the said models at least offer that option. The Brezza and the Nexon are the only models in this class to get a factory-fitted CNG kit. Skoda Kylaq price Skoda Kylaq vs rivals: priceEx-showroom, IndiaKylaqNexonBrezzaXUV 3XOVenueSonetMagniteKigerEntry-level price7.898.008.347.797.947.995.996.00Top-spec price14 (est.)15.0013.9815.4913.5314.9211.5011.23 Skoda has yet to reveal the full price list of the Kylaq, though it has confirmed that the entry-level Classic trim will be priced at Rs 7.89 lakh. With prices expected to rise to about Rs 14 lakh for the top-spec Prestige automatic variant, the Kylaq is expected to be well-priced compared to rivals like the Nexon, Brezza, XUV 3XO, Venue and Sonet. However, the Magnite and Kiger continue to be the most affordable compact SUVs on sale in India. Also see: Citroen C3 automatic vs rivals: price, specifications compared Tata Nexon CNG vs rivals: price, specifications comparison Full Article
red New Maruti Dzire vs Swift: price, features, specs compared By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 14:50:00 +1000 The fourth-gen Maruti Dzire is quite a departure from its predecessors in a lot of ways. Through the generations, this compact sedan has been based on the Swift hatchback, sharing the same chassis and powertrain options, among many other bits. However, with the latest-gen, there are quite a few differences between the two models, which is why this is going to be an in-depth comparison, on paper, between the new Dzire and Swift. New Maruti Dzire vs Swift design New Maruti Dzire vs Swift dimensionsNew DzireSwiftLength (mm)39953860Width (mm)17351735Height (mm)15251520Wheelbase (mm)24502450Ground clearance (mm)163163Wheels & tyres185/65 R15185/65 R15Boot space (litres)382265Kerb weight (kg)920-1025920-990 As mentioned above, the new Dzire has a distinct design when compared to the Swift, sharing almost nothing with the hatchback. The compact sedan looks more premium with its Audi-esque styling in the front, a smoother roofline, and the notchy boot. In terms of size, the new Dzire is 5mm taller and 135mm longer, with the latter explaining the compact sedan's ability to carry an additional 117 litres worth of luggage in the boot. Interestingly, the base versions of both models weigh the same 920kg, while the higher versions of the Dzire, especially the CNG-equipped variants, weigh up to 35kg more. New Maruti Dzire vs Swift front It should be noted that the Swift comes with three dual-tone exterior colours – Sizzling Red with Midnight Black, Luster Blue with Midnight Black and Pearl Arctic White with Midnight Black – and six monotone options. Meanwhile, the Dzire gets a total of seven exterior finishes with no dual-tone options. New Maruti Dzire vs Swift rear New Maruti Dzire vs Swift interior On the inside, the new Dzire and Swift are far more closely linked. In fact, they have nearly identical dash layouts, from the size and shape of the side AC vents to the centrally mounted floating touchscreen. However, the compact sedan’s cabin gets a brighter beige and grey finish compared to the hatchback’s all-black one. In addition, the chrome strip that runs the length of the Dzire’s dashboard gets a kink near the central AC vents, which also has a marginally different trapezoidal design. New Maruti Dzire vs Swift interior Coming to the features on offer in their respective range-topping forms, the Dzire comes with a longer list. Kit available on the Dzire that's not available on the Swift is a powered sunroof and a 360-degree camera. The rest of the features are identical, from the rear AC vents and climate control system to the 9-inch touchscreen, analogue dials and coloured MID. New Maruti Dzire vs Swift engine New Maruti Dzire vs Swift powertrainsNew DzireSwiftNew Dzire CNGSwift CNGEngine type3-cyl, NA, petrol3-cyl, NA, petrol3-cyl, NA, CNG3-cyl, NA, CNGDisplacement (cc)1197119711971197Power (hp)828269.7569.75Torque (Nm)112112101.8101.8Gearbox5MT/5AMT5MT/5AMT5MT5MTFuel efficiency^24.79/25.71kpl24.8/25.75kpl33.73km/kg32.85km/kg True to form, the new Dzire and Swift share the same Z12E three-cylinder petrol engine. The 1.2-litre unit produces the same 82hp and 112Nm of torque on petrol, 69.75hp and 101.8Nm of CNG, and comes with 5-speed manual and AMT options. Interestingly, while the heavier Dzire in petrol form is marginally less frugal than the Swift, the Dzire CNG goes 0.88km further on a kilo of gas than its hatchback counterpart. New Maruti Dzire vs Swift powertrain New Maruti Dzire vs Swift price New Maruti Dzire vs Swift price (in Rs, lakh)New Dzire*SwiftPetrol-MT6.79-9.696.49-9.00Petrol-AMT8.24-10.147.75-9.45CNG-MT8.74-9.848.20-9.20 For now, prices of the Dzire start Rs 30,000 higher than the Swift, which isn’t too much of a difference. Dzire AMT variants cost about Rs 50,000 more than the equivalent Swift variant, with the range-topping compact sedan being priced Rs 69,000 higher. Meanwhile, prices for the Dzire CNG are about Rs 54,000-64,000 higher than the Swift CNG’s. Do note that prices for the Dzire are introductory, and will increase from January 2025. On paper then, the new Dzire seems to be quite a proposition when compared to the Swift. For not too much more money, the Dzire offers a more mature aesthetic and a longer list of features, along with being the more frugal model in CNG form. Also see: New Maruti Dzire variant-wise features, trims and prices explained Maruti Dzire new vs old: price, engine, features comparison Maruti Swift long term review, 1,200km report Full Article
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red Exclusive: US scrutinizes Russia accounts UBS took over from Credit Suisse, sources say - Reuters By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 09:05:50 GMT Exclusive: US scrutinizes Russia accounts UBS took over from Credit Suisse, sources say ReutersView Full Coverage on Google News Full Article