
Blog Post Ideas

The best blogs and feeds are those that contain unique, fresh, compelling, content. So where do these prolific posters get their ideas? I talked to a handful of bloggers to determine where their inspiration originated for their content.

Not surprisingly, ideas for blog posts or RSS feed items originate or are influenced by other web content. The following are venues for finding your online muse:

Places to Get Ideas for Blog Posts


Attention Getting Blog Posts

Blogs are now a dime a dozen, and bloggers need to make their blog posts stand out. Developing a blog following is not as easy as it once was. Learn how to write blog posts that attract readers and retain their attention. Follow these guidelines to cultivate readers...

Attention Getting Blog Posts


Blog Promotion Tips

There are a wide variety of things you can do in regard to blog promotion. Here are just a few...

1. Optimize

Optimize the blog using standard search engine optimization techniques, so that it performs well in the organic rankings of the various search engines.

Blog Promotion Tips


Blog Posting Tps

Coming up with ideas for new blog posts on a regular basis can be a challenge, even for the most prolific writers. Experience shows that readers tend to favor certain types of posts more than others. Here are some popular types of blog posts that you might want to use for those times when inspiration simply does not strike.


Lists are loved by readers. Top 10 lists, lists of top resources, lists of tools, lists of important dates, etc. Really, just about any type of list will tend to be very popular with blog readers. And you can easily craft lists from popular posts and other resources.


Interview top professionals in your market or niche. Blog posts that contain interviews will frequently generate interest and attention. Additionally, interviews will often be cross-promoted on a related website by the person you interview, which often results in additional backlinks to your site.

Blog Posting Tips


Ideas for Blog Posts

26 Great Ideas for Blog Posts!
Blogs have increased in popularity because they provide a steady stream of new and unique content. The only issue presented by this quality of blogs is that it may become difficult for those who run blogs to think of interesting and novel posts. If you have jumped on the blogging bandwagon but suffer writer's block, do not panic: we have created a list of 26 ideas for blog posts.

Great Ideas for Blog Posts


XoftSpy by ParetoLogic

ParetoLogic's XoftSpy is the Latest in Advanced Spyware and Adware Removal

  • Computing & Internet -- Browsers


DesktopMates - Microsoft Agent & Artificial Intelligence Technologies

DesktopMates are animated human like characters that live on your desktop as your personal interactive companion & assistant capable of speech & doing tasks for you using Microsoft Agent and Artificial Intelligence Technology ... Free Start Up!

  • Computing & Internet -- Graphics


Audioblog.com - Anyone is a podcaster

I meant this to be one of my first posts on podcasting, but I guess I have some kind of bump to my head. With Audioblog.com, you can do a professional grade audio post of longer than five minutes (up to an hour by phone) for $5 a month or $50 a year. I can definitely dig that.


Podbus.com - Podcast / Audioblog /Web Hosting

Podbus.com - Podcast / Audioblog /Web Hosting: "At Podbus.com, we're here to provide you with an easy and inexpensive way to host your podcasts. For only $4 per month (less than a really good cup of coffee!), we provide you with 300 MB of space and a lot of bandwidth. There's no advertising to get in your way and all you need to do is upload your podcast to your own podbus virtual server -


Audioblog.com - Upload or Record By Phone Up to 60 Minutes

Call it laziness. Call it busy-ness. (As opposed to busi-ness. Which is actually true... I love words...) But as much as I love to produce audio posts (which stems from back in the days of my poetry site, circa 1999-2003), it takes way too long to really do it well. Once a week I can commit myself to doing a full-fledged radio broadcast on some type of a continuous basis. But most of the time


Loudblog - A Free Audio Content Management System

Clip ==> "Loudblog is a sleek and easy-to-use Content Management System (CMS) for publishing audio content on the web. It automatically generates a skinnable website and an RSS-Feed for Podcasting. Just upload your audio files, add some notes and links, and you’re done!" Thoughts ==> Pretty slick. Link ==> Loudblog.



Cloggs - Boots, Shoes and Cheap Denimwear!


Blogging Equalizer

What is the fastest way to get your full website indexed by the search engines?

  • Business -- Website Promotion


Instant Blog & Ping

How to get all the pages of your new websites indexed quickly within days?

  • Business -- Website Promotion


Videoblog bij boek Vaardig in Geluk

Vaardig in geluk is een praktische handleiding voor meditatiebeoefening én voor meer geluk, geschreven voor mensen die nuchter in het leven staan en begrijpen dat geluk niet zomaar komt aanwaaien. Geluk is bovenal een zaak van het trainen van de geest. Het goede nieuws is: dat kun je leren; en de beste plek daarvoor is […]

The post Videoblog bij boek Vaardig in Geluk appeared first on Hans ON Experience.


Hans on Experience voor videoblogs

Hans on Experience als bedrijf Per 1 januari 2017 was het dan zover! Hans on Experience is nu een bedrijf voor videoblogs. Ofwel videofilms. Dat betekent dus dat ik vanaf 1 januari 2017 opdrachten aanneem voor video-opnames en videobewerking. Dat kan zijn voor het maken van aftermovies, impressies, voorlichtingsvideo’s, interviews etc. Ofwel korte, authentieke en […]

The post Hans on Experience voor videoblogs appeared first on Hans ON Experience.


Wat is een videoblog?

Ik vind de termen vloggen en videobloggen wat verwarrend. Veel mensen hanteren ze door elkaar. Mijn idee is echter dat ze beide iets anders betekenen. Je hebt vast wel eens wat gehoord of gelezen over vlogs of vloggen, want dat is erg populair tegenwoordig. Veel jongeren laten via video’s op onder andere youtube hun dagelijks […]

The post Wat is een videoblog? appeared first on Hans ON Experience.


10 kenmerken van een videoblog

Al eerder had ik het erover dat vlogs en videoblogs verschillend zijn. Maar om de zaak nog wat te verhelderen hieronder de 10 belangrijkste kenmerken. 10 kenmerken van videoblogs 1. Een videoblog is een soort vlog ofwel een korte videofilm maar dan over iemand of iets anders dan jezelf. 2. Ze staan vaak online. 3. […]

The post 10 kenmerken van een videoblog appeared first on Hans ON Experience.


13 redenen om te videobloggen

Eerder schreef ik over Wat een videoblog is en over De 10 kenmerken van videoblogs. Vandaag een blog over waarom je een videoblog zou kunnen maken. Waarom zou je een videoblog moeten maken? 1. Je zoekt een manier om je doelgroep emotioneel betrokken te laten raken. 2. Je wilt je merk, product, programma of dienst […]

The post 13 redenen om te videobloggen appeared first on Hans ON Experience.


9 soorten videoblogs

Al eerder schreef ik over wat videoblogs zijn, over de 10 kenmerken van een videoblog, de 13 redenen om te videobloggen en schreef ik een e-book met tips voor de video-doe-het-zelver. In deze blog zet ik een aantal soorten videoblogs op een rijtje. Met bij een aantal soorten een link naar mijn videoportfolio zodat je […]

The post 9 soorten videoblogs appeared first on Hans ON Experience.


Videoblog: Impressie evenement the Future of Waste, de kracht van kringlopen

Op 12 oktober 2017 organiseerden Wageningen University & Research, Circles, VNO-NCW Midden, IPKW en KIVI ‘The Future of Waste – de kracht van kringlopen’. Ik kreeg de opdracht er een korte video-impressie van te maken.

The post Videoblog: Impressie evenement the Future of Waste, de kracht van kringlopen appeared first on Hans ON Experience.


Blog Titles, Cool Software

For years I've only put the date as the title of each of my blog entries. A bit boring, wouldn't you say? The date doesn't do much to help figure out what the post is about. So from now on I've decided to put something to better identify each Blog post.

Here's a site I never saw before. Put up by Intel, it's called "Cool Software" at: http://coolsw.intel.com. If you search there for "genealogy", there are two entries, one for Geni, and one for MyHeritage.


What Every Genealogist Looks Forward To

Exciting times for any genealogist are defined as what I'm about to be going through very soon. On one of the 9 ancestral lines I've descended from, this one tracing back to Romania, I soon may be working with a researcher in Romania to "get the goods" for me. Early indications look like there may be a lot of info available.

Not only that, over the last 5 years, I've been in contact with 3rd cousins I've never met who are in other branches of the same line. They have added their own research to what I have, and what we've all accumulated together now makes it possible for the next step. They surely will be joining this journey to enjoy finding out more about our common ancestral origins.

If only I had Behold version 2 ready so I can record all this as it comes. But since I don't, I'm going to do the next best thing. I'm going to create a webpage of our family in Romania that will look's just like Behold's HTML output. This page will serve as our group's master data sheet. But it will also serve as a model for Behold. It will also include pictures with descriptions that will be a prototype for pictures in Behold.

Here's the nice thing. Once Behold Version 2 is ready, that data won't be lost. I'll be able to enter almost all of it into Behold simply by copying and pasting from the webpage. Then it should just be a matter of linking spouses together and assigning them their children.

If I can make the process that simple, then editing in Behold will be amazing!


Blog Building

I was having so much fun taking Wordpress and customizing it to match my new website, that my wife had to get up and convince me to come to bed at 3 a.m. last night. Wordpress is really well designed. You can customize just about everything, and I love the way its implemented. There is a great tutorial on How to Create a Wordpress Theme that I was using as a guide.

That progress made me feel much better after the frustration I had a few days ago. Add one more "solution found" to that list: I couldn't get Wordpress to work on my machine under IIS as a subdirectory - it would always give a 404 Page Not Found error. It only worked at the //localhost level. But I stumbled upon that answer after lots of searching. Such a trivial answer, and something that should have been documented in the installation guide, but wasn't. I loved it when I saw the answer ended with: "Easy when you know how :)"

The other great discovery today was a free software package called XP Pro IIS Admin. It gets around a restriction in IIS on Windows XP, and allows you to create multiple websites on the local machine and easily switch between them. I love this utility and it is saving me lots of time as I develop and test everything on my own machine instead of having to do it on my webhost.

Should have the blog finished in not too long, and then I'll start next to set up the Vanilla Forum.


Last Post on this Blog -- Hopefully.

I've finally got through all the technical glitches so now WordPress and bbPress will work together very nicely. Now its just a matter of polishing up the various pages and putting them up.

I'm first going to concentrate on getting my new beholdgenealogy site up, and I'll convert the old site bit by bit. The first part will be this blog. What will happen is I will activate the new blog, deactivate the old one, and change all links to the blog to point to the new site. All my Behold pages should still continue to function during all this, except for the few seconds while I'm actually making the changes.

I'll also be copying all my old Blog posts into the new blog. The Behold User Forum had an area for Blog Comments. I'm going to attach those comments to their corresponding posts in the new blog. I'll have a new RSS feed for the new Blog, but I'll try to see if I can redirect the old one to it so that the old feed will continue to work.

I came up with a new registration system that I'm really happy with. When you register, you go to a page that simply asks for your e-mail address. You enter it and click the register button. It then sends you an e-mail with a link that you click on to verify you are the e-mail address holder. That link takes you to the registration page where you can select your UserID and password and enter any profile info you want. You then are registered. So what I've done is move the e-mail confirmation to the first step. That eliminates webbots from filling in registration forms and getting junk entered into the user database. That will get rid of a big maintenance headache that I currently have due to those webbots.

So the benefits of the blog change to you and me are:

  1. More interaction: You can add your comments directly onto my posts instead of into the Forum.
  2. More visibility: As a WordPress blog, it will be better indexed on Google and elsewhere.
  3. Plays better with others: Feed will be RSS 2.0 (now it's only 0.92) and it will accept Trackbacks and Pingbacks.
  4. Saves me hassle: I will no longer have to manually create my RSS feed or ping services to tell them about new posts.
  5. Brings me up to the state-of-the-art.

Hopefully my next post will be to the new Behold Blog.


Potpourri Catalog - $20 Cashback on any purchase

$20 Cashback on any purchase


Logoworks - $20 off logo design

$20 off logo design


My Corporation - $50 off Trademark text and logo search

$50 off Trademark text and logo search


Catalog Favorites - $20 Cashback on any purchase

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South Africa: Being Black in the World - a Tribute to Pioneering South African Psychologist Chabani Manganyi

[The Conversation Africa] Professor Noel Chabani Manganyi, who has died at the age of 84, was a torchbearer in psychology, literature and African intellectual thought.


5 Differences Between IP Video Intercom and Analog

Which video intercom to choose? Before choosing an intercom, let’s understand where and why we will put it. In a private house or apartment? Let’s say an apartment. In modern multi-tenant buildings, in most cases, apartment intercom systems are already installed. It can be an access intercom, a video surveillance system, automatic gates, security, and [...]

The post 5 Differences Between IP Video Intercom and Analog appeared first on Braves News World.


Blogging in the Digital Age: Expanding Horizons with South African Blogs

In the digital age, the influence of blogging cannot be overstated. Blogs have become integral to our lives, providing a treasure trove of information on diverse topics. As a reader, you can embark on a journey of learning and discovery by exploring these digital diaries. This article highlights the significance of reading blogs and introduces [...]

The post Blogging in the Digital Age: Expanding Horizons with South African Blogs appeared first on Braves News World.


Africa: Misinformation Really Does Spread Like a Virus, Suggest Mathematical Models Drawn From Epidemiology

[The Conversation Africa] We're increasingly aware of how misinformation can influence elections. About 73% of Americans report seeing misleading election news, and about half struggle to discern what is true or false.


Relaciones Públicas: ¿En quién confiar en tecnología? Reflexión sobre la crisis de Samsung

Al comienzo de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com tuvimos como cliente a Samsung.

Fue un tema extraño que no salió a la luz pública por retrasos del desarrollo.

Nos quedamos con las ganas de hincarle el diente a una marca tan llamativa, pero el recuerdo de aquello viene a mi mente al ver la desastrosa gestión que ha realizado la empresa coreana con la crisis del Galaxy Note 7, que le ha significado un gran problema financiero, pero sobre todo de imagen que puede ser incluso más grave para sus productos.

A pesar de que se sabe que las baterías de los móviles se recalientan e incluso se incendian y explotan (en la imagen  un iPhone 5 que quemó el asiento de un coche), la manera en como Samsung abordó la situación ponen en solfa la confianza a una marca que antes se consideraba robusta.

Primer interrogante: ¿Por qué explotan incluso estando desconectados?  No se sabe a ciencia cierta cómo es que una batería ha logrado calentarse tanto hasta explotar estando en reposo.

Segundo interrogante: ¿Cómo Samsung permitió que el tema llegara al punto que las aerolíneas prohibieran embarcar el teléfono afectado, incluso después de que un vuelo se viera afectado por un teléfono en llamas?  Si ya se sabía que el móvil era potencialmente un peligro no había nada que esperar.

Tercera interrogante: Si realmente consideran que el móvil es peligroso, ¿por qué distribuyen guantes ignífugos para que sus clientes envíen de vuelta el dispositivo por correo terrestre/marítimo?  No muestran mucha preocupación por la seguridad de sus consumidores.  

En resumen:

  1. No se cerró la crisis, porque aún hay varias interrogantes.
  2. Actuación lenta.  Incluso 
  3. La marca expone al peligro a sus consumidores y vuelve a hacerlo obligándoles a manipularlo nuevamente.

Para los actuales consumidores que estiman la marca Samsung, esta crisis puede tratarse de un percance, aunque sus consecuencias son realmente graves.

Para los fieles usuarios de otras marcas, esto les ayudará a reafirmar su "amor" por su decisión actual.

Los que más deben preocupar a Samsung son aquellos que se mueven por diferentes motivos (prestaciones, precio, etc.), pero que, ante una eventualidad como la de una posible explosión del teléfono seguramente optarán por otra marca más segura.

En una industria con tan alto grado de competencia, un error de estas dimensiones puede poner en serio riesgo la credibilidad y confianza de una marca y sus productos, lo que significará una posible amenaza para su viabilidad futura.


Le prologue de Project Borealis, le Half-Life 2: Episode 3 fan made sous Unreal 5, est disponible sur Steam

On vous en parlait en septembre dernier, Project Borealis: Prologue vient de sortir sur Steam. Il s’agit d’une courte démonstration des différentes mécaniques qui seront embarquées dans Project Borealis, un jeu développé par une armée de fans, prenant comme base les ébauches de script de Marc Laidlaw pour Half-Life 2: Episode 3. Pour faire patienter […]


Attention Getting Blog Posts

Blogs are now a dime a dozen, and bloggers need to make their blog posts stand out. Developing a blog following is not as easy as it once was. Learn how to write blog posts that attract readers and retain their attention. Follow these guidelines to cultivate readers...

Attention Getting Blog Posts


Great Ideas for Blog Post Topics

26 Great Ideas for Blog Posts!
Blogs have increased in popularity because they provide a steady stream of new and unique content. The only issue presented by this quality of blogs is that it may become difficult for those who run blogs to think of interesting and novel posts. If you have jumped on the blogging bandwagon but suffer writer's block, do not panic: we have created a list of 26 ideas for blog posts.

1. Make it visual.
Include a photo or other graphic in a blog post to break up the text, attract your reader's interest, or help illustrate a point. Better yet, talk about the image you have included to further incorporate it into the post.

26 Great Ideas for Blog Posts!


Places to Get Ideas for Blog Posts

The best blogs and feeds are those that contain unique, fresh, compelling, content. So where do these prolific posters get their ideas? I talked to a handful of bloggers to determine where their inspiration originated for their content.

Not surprisingly, ideas for blog posts or RSS feed items originate or are influenced by other web content. The following are venues for finding your online muse:

1.Google News
Monitor Google News for keywords related to your industry. If you find a story you disagree with or wholeheartedly agree with write about it. Add your thoughts, and editorialize the content. This does not mean you should just repost Google news summaries. The value is not only in the news aggregation, but in the commentary that you provide. Tie news items to specific events, conditions, or the impact of specific news on the industry. Adding a view point or reference to a news article adds genuine value.

Places to Get Ideas for Blog Posts


Tips for Blogs

Tips for creating a blog.
There are no hard and fast rules on how to blog. Having said that, bloggers will likely increase their exposure by following some simple blog guidelines.

1.) Stay on topic.
Opinions are generally accepted but the content of the items in the blog should all relate to a general theme. Unless you have an uncanny knack for wit, humor or cynicism, the majority of your readers will be interested in the content that relates to a specific defined theme or loosely defined area of interest. Most readers won't care that you eat Cheerios for breakfast. They may, however, be interested in the fact that vinegar takes out stains and that toilet paper rolls make great wreaths. Define a topic and stick to it. This will ensure that you create a loyal following of interested readers.

Tips for Blogs


Promote A Blog

Syndication is conceptually simple. It allows publishers to distribute content that can be displayed in another location or context. Using RSS, publishers are able to easily create and disseminate content feeds that include news headlines, blog summaries and related links. RSS is the defined syndication standard that has become mainstream. All types of information are now available in a syndicated format.

Promote a Blog


Blog Tips for SEO

Blogs are the current rage, and many webmasters have blogs but fail to use their blog to it's full potential. Blogs provide a steady stream of fresh content, and if this content is written and managed properly, blogs have the ability to increase a website's ranking in the search engines.

1. Host Your Own Blog
In order to prosper from a blog, be sure to host it on your own domain. Hosting the blog on your own server will maximize the links to your website. Link popularity is one of the factors search engines use to rank websites. Resist the urge to use free hosting services, do not give away your link popularity!

Blog Tips for SEO


The Dangers of Blogging

I have heard many a blogger say that blogging fills a need. While blogging provides a humanizing effect on news and journaling, it also opens a window into personal lives. The details shared in blogs were once only available to a select group of friends, and while blogging has become common place, it has risks that should not be ignored.

Cyberstalking is a new phenomenon that allows anonymous online stalkers to prowl for victims. Online bloggers traditionally provide personal details about their lives. As a result, many women that blog are becoming victims. Most people are concerned about children on the Internet and set up rigorous posting guidelines for children, adolescents, and teenagers, but few adults heed the warnings and often do not consider that they too can be targeted.

The Dangers of Blogging


Building an Image with a Logo

Website design can be elusive to even creative individuals. Sadly some webmasters do not realize their incompetence and they post websites that have grainy graphics and turgid colors. If you are one of these webmasters and have seen the error of your ways, consider this. Your website is a sales tool. A professional layout and design can significantly increase sales and conversion rates, gaining you customers. Businesses can greatly benefit from a professional and unforgettable logo that sets them apart from their competition. Logos are not just fancy graphics that adorn websites or letterhead, logos are a representation of a businesses' philosophy. Logos are a critical component of brand development.

Building an Image with a Logo


The Dangers in Blogging

Cyberstalking is a new phenomenon that allows anonymous online stalkers to prowl for victims. Online bloggers traditionally provide personal details about their lives. As a result, many women that blog are becoming victims. Most people are concerned about children on the Internet and set up rigorous posting guidelines for children, adolescents, and teenagers, but few adults heed the warnings and often do not consider that they too can be targeted.

Females, in particular, should be cautious when circumnavigating the blogosphere. If you are a blogger or contemplating an online journal, consider these tips to protecting your identity:

The Dangers in Blogging


Blog Tips for SEO

Blogs are the current rage, and many webmasters have blogs but fail to use their blog to it's full potential. Blogs provide a steady stream of fresh content, and if this content is written and managed properly, blogs have the ability to increase a website's ranking in the search engines.

1. Host Your Own Blog
In order to prosper from a blog, be sure to host it on your own domain. Hosting the blog on your own server will maximize the links to your website. Link popularity is one of the factors search engines use to rank websites. Resist the urge to use free hosting services, do not give away your link popularity!

Blog Tips for SEO


Tips for Blogs

Tips for creating a blog.
There are no hard and fast rules on how to blog. Having said that, bloggers will likely increase their exposure by following some simple blog guidelines.

1.) Stay on topic.
Opinions are generally accepted but the content of the items in the blog should all relate to a general theme. Unless you have an uncanny knack for wit, humor or cynicism, the majority of your readers will be interested in the content that relates to a specific defined theme or loosely defined area of interest. Most readers won't care that you eat Cheerios for breakfast. They may, however, be interested in the fact that vinegar takes out stains and that toilet paper rolls make great wreaths. Define a topic and stick to it. This will ensure that you create a loyal following of interested readers.

Tips for Blogs


The Dangers in Blogging

I have heard many a blogger say that blogging fills a need. While blogging provides a humanizing effect on news and journaling, it also opens a window into personal lives. The details shared in blogs were once only available to a select group of friends, and while blogging has become common place, it has risks that should not be ignored.

Cyberstalking is a new phenomenon that allows anonymous online stalkers to prowl for victims. Online bloggers traditionally provide personal details about their lives. As a result, many women that blog are becoming victims. Most people are concerned about children on the Internet and set up rigorous posting guidelines for children, adolescents, and teenagers, but few adults heed the warnings and often do not consider that they too can be targeted.

Females, in particular, should be cautious when circumnavigating the blogosphere. If you are a blogger or contemplating an online journal, consider these tips to protecting your identity:

The Dangers in Blogging


How do you get ideas for blog posts and RSS feed posts?

The best blogs and feeds are those that contain unique, fresh, compelling, content. So where do these prolific posters get their ideas? I talked to a handful of bloggers to determine where their inspiration originated for their content.

Not surprisingly, ideas for blog posts or RSS feed items originate or are influenced by other web content. The following are venues for finding your online muse:

How do you get ideas for blog posts and RSS feed posts?


Great Ideas for Blog Post Topics

26 Great Ideas for Blog Posts!

Blogs have increased in popularity because they provide a steady stream of new and unique content. The only issue presented by this quality of blogs is that it may become difficult for those who run blogs to think of interesting and novel posts. If you have jumped on the blogging bandwagon but suffer writer's block, do not panic: we have created a list of 26 ideas for blog posts.

Great Ideas for Blog Post Topics