li OSCE Presence supports dialogue on Albania’s totalitarian past By Published On :: Tue, 17 May 2016 10:50:12 +0000 ELBASAN, Albania, 17 May 2016 – The OSCE Presence in Albania, with support from the German government, yesterday in Elbasan hosted a performance of a play reflecting on Albania’s totalitarian past. The play, “They enter without knocking”, centres on a couple waiting for the police to come to their door to take them to prison - or worse - for reasons unknown. A packed audience of around 300 people watched the performance, which evoked the atmosphere of fear and constant surveillance that reigned under the former totalitarian regime. “Although it is never easy to talk about a painful past, society needs to engage in a conversation about the crimes of the past, and art is one way of stimulating such dialogue, because it speaks to us on so many levels,” said Ambassador Florian Raunig, Head of the OSCE Presence. “This should be entirely an Albanian process; we are only providing the framework for this dialogue to take place.” The OSCE Presence and the German Embassy launched the project to foster a national dialogue on Albania’s totalitarian past a year ago. Under the “We start talking” motto, the Presence has so far facilitated discussions among high school students, a series of TV debates hosted by the public broadcaster and a nationwide survey about the public's knowledge, perceptions and expectations for dialogue regarding the totalitarian past in Albania. “They enter without knocking” was previously staged in Shkodra, as part of the project, and will be performed another three times in different cities around Albania over the course of this year. Related StoriesAlbania justice reform adoption welcome, says OSCE Presence in AlbaniaOSCE Presence launches nationwide ‘Justice without delays’ initiative in AlbaniaOSCE Presence and Albanian National Anti-Trafficking Co-ordinator organize regional meeting Full Article OSCE Presence in Albania Human rights South-Eastern Europe Press release
li OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in Washington DC and New York to explore avenues to consolidate partnerships in the area of conflict prevention By Published On :: Wed, 04 May 2016 14:57:24 +0000 Address by Astrid Thors, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors visited Washington DC and New York City from 25 to 29 April 2016, where she explored opportunities to strengthen co-operation in conflict prevention, implementing early action policies and in fostering inclusion within diverse societies. Thors met with officials from the United States and representatives of international organizations, including the United Nations Secretariat, Funds, Programmes and Agencies, as well as members of the academia, think tanks and human rights organizations. During her visit, Thors welcomed the adoption by the United Nations Security Council of the Resolution 2282 (2016) on the Review of United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture as renewed meaningful support to conflict prevention worldwide. In discussions, it was also noted that the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the data provided during their implementation are very relevantpertinent for building just and inclusive societies. “I am pleased with the strengthened partnerships with the wider international community achieved during my trip, in particular in thematic areas such as access to justice and education, both highly relevant to national minorities and conflict prevention,” Thors concluded.Related StoriesOSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities holds fifth regional summer school on multilingual and multicultural education in Central AsiaLanguage rights, participation, security and access to justice fundamental to welfare of communities in Kosovo, says High Commissioner ThorsHigh Commissioner Thors, in her OSCE Permanent Council address, discusses country engagement and highlights the increase in hate speech targeting national minorities Full Article High Commissioner on National Minorities Conflict prevention and resolution Minority rights News
li OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities calls for renewed dialogue between all political and social actors in Croatia By Published On :: Fri, 13 May 2016 13:45:26 +0000 OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors visited Croatia from 9 to 10 May 2016. During her visit, Thors focused on promoting the effective implementation of the Constitutional Act on the Rights of National Minorities, in particular the provisions regarding languages and scripts; on education matters; and, on issues pertaining to national minorities and good neighbourly relations. Concerned that marginalizing or stigmatizing national minorities poses a threat to the cohesion of society and to bilateral relations, Thors urged the systematic condemnation of discriminatory rhetoric or conduct. “Divisive rhetoric has proven a dangerous path. The more diversity, the richer a society is, as different cultures are the shared wealth of all,” Thors said. “It is crucial to foster a sense of belonging for all members of society in order to effectively promote the integration process,” she added. Thors called for ensuring the protection of the rights of national minorities whilst avoiding polarization of the society along ethnic lines, consistent with The Ljubljana Guidelines on the Integration of Diverse Societies, published by HCNM in 2012. The High Commissioner also emphasized the need for a renewed dialogue between all political and social actors to overcome difficulties, including those related to the protection of minority rights, in a consultative manner. In this context, Thors welcomed the thorough process of the curricular reform and reiterated her support to teaching of a common curriculum, regardless of the instruction language, as an effective way to integrate diverse societies and provide for common points of understanding. Thors was encouraged by the prospect of further co-operation with Croatian institutions. She also welcomed the attention given to the existing joint bilateral inter-governmental commissions. “Co-ordination of efforts with neighbouring countries in this field and the active role played by all ministries under the auspices of the State Office of Croats Abroad could consolidate the shared European aspirations in the neighbourhood,” Thors noted. The High Commissioner met a variety of key interlocutors in Zagreb. These included Zdravka Bušić, Deputy Foreign Minister; Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović, Minister of Public Administration; Predrag Šustar, Minister of Science, Education and Sports; Furio Radin, Milorad Pupovac, Ivan Radić, and Marko Sladojev, Chairperson and members of the Parliamentary Committee on Human and National Minority Rights, respectively; Aleksandar Tolnauer, President of the Council for National Minorities; Lora Vidović, Ombudsman; Branko Sočana, Director of the Government Office for Human Rights and Rights of the National Minorities; and Zvonko Milas, Head of the State Office for Croats Abroad.Related StoriesLanguage rights, participation, security and access to justice fundamental to welfare of communities in Kosovo, says High Commissioner ThorsOSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities holds fifth regional summer school on multilingual and multicultural education in Central AsiaHigh Commissioner Thors, in her OSCE Permanent Council address, discusses country engagement and highlights the increase in hate speech targeting national minorities Full Article High Commissioner on National Minorities Conflict prevention and resolution Minority rights South-Eastern Europe News
li High Commissioner Thors, in her OSCE Permanent Council address, discusses country engagement and highlights the increase in hate speech targeting national minorities By Published On :: Fri, 03 Jun 2016 07:59:23 +0000 244381 Addressing the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on 2 June 2016, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors described country engagement and highlighted the disturbing increase in hate speech. The statement covered the High Commissioner’s activities since her last statement to the Permanent Council in November 2015. During this period Thors visited Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova. The High Commissioner expressed concern about the increase in hate speech targeting national minorities. Thors called for renewed efforts to tackle hate speech in order to prevent tensions and to promote integration with respect for diversity. Thors also informed the Permanent Council about the work her institution is doing together with researchers to identify best practices that highlight the bridge building potential of national minorities in diverse societies. The full statement can be found here. Related StoriesOSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities holds fifth regional summer school on multilingual and multicultural education in Central AsiaLanguage rights, participation, security and access to justice fundamental to welfare of communities in Kosovo, says High Commissioner ThorsOSCE High Commissioner encourages inclusive approach to integration and education issues in Moldova and welcomes joint working group on Gagauzia Full Article High Commissioner on National Minorities Conflict prevention and resolution Minority rights News
li OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities holds fifth regional summer school on multilingual and multicultural education in Central Asia By Published On :: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 09:00:13 +0000 254846 A week-long regional summer school on multilingual and multicultural education was held from 10 July to 16 July 2016 in Cholponata in Kyrgyzstan - the fifth regional summer school organized as part of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’ (HCNM) Central Asia Education Programme. Organized by the HCNM in co-operation with Kyrgyzstan’s Ministry of Education and Science, UNICEF and the Office of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights in Kyrgyzstan, the summer school brought together 86 participants representing education institutions of the Central Asian States and of the wider region, including teacher trainers, methodological experts, university and pilot school managers and teachers, as well as international experts. The summer school was aimed at providing practical expert support to further develop the capacity of education authorities and practitioners within multilingual and multicultural education. Opening the summer school, Deputy Minister of Education of Kyrgyzstan Toktobubu Ashymbaeva highlighted the important role of the teacher in multilingual education programmes. During the week, participants discussed pre-service and in-service teacher training, as well as facilitating the implementation of multilingual education programmes. Participants also developed training materials aimed at monitoring and evaluating multilingual and multicultural education programmes. As a result, eleven thematic materials were developed with the aim to further adapt them for practical use within the education institutions of the region. Flera Saifulina, Head of the National Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation, found that the diverse forms of activities enabled participants to express their opinions, raise concerns and receive comprehensive answers from fellow experts. She also expressed satisfaction to see how education is used for the integration of societies in the Central Asian countries. Tatiana Aderikhina, Co-ordinator of Education and Child Protection Issues at UNICEF Kazakhstan, said: “I am glad that the cooperation between HCNM and UNICEF Kyrgyzstan continues as it brings synergies and benefits the target country.” Zaiyrbek Ergeshev, representative of the Department of the Ethnic and Religious Issues of the Presidential Administration of Kyrgyzstan, concluded that multilingual and multicultural education is an important factor for forming a civic identity. Since 2012, the High Commissioner has been implementing the Central Asia Education Programme, aimed at promoting multilingual and multicultural education and developing bilateral and multilateral co‑operation in the region to improve the education of national minorities and promote the integration of society.Related StoriesOSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities supports conference on education in multilingual and multicultural contexts in Central AsiaHigh Commissioner on National Minorities visits Bosnia and Herzegovina and calls for quality inclusive education for allLanguage rights, participation, security and access to justice fundamental to welfare of communities in Kosovo, says High Commissioner Thors Full Article High Commissioner on National Minorities Conflict prevention and resolution Education Minority rights Central Asia News
li OSCE trains Tajikistan’s relevant agencies on combating the illicit cultural property trade and smuggling of historical artefacts By Published On :: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 12:58:11 +0000 DUSHANBE, 15 July 2016 – Combating the illicit trade in cultural property and the smuggling of historical artifacts was the focus of a week-long workshop organized by the OSCE for representatives of Tajik Border Troops, Customs Service, State Committee of National Security, the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Internal Affairs, in Dushanbe from 11 to 15 July 2016. The workshop, organized by the Border Security and Management Unit of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department and the OSCE Office in Tajikistan in co-operation with the OSCE Border Management Staff College, examined the trafficking of cultural property and smuggling of historical artefacts as an emerging trend for funding organized crime and terrorist organizations. The workshop also highlighted the roles of the responsible agencies in addressing the problem. “Being the first workshop of its kind organized by the OSCE, we were shown that this is not only an issue of cultural protection but that it has become a serious transnational security issue as well, said Ambassador Markus Mueller, Head of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan. “As such, and bearing in mind its complexity, this problem can be tackled efficiently only by increasing the knowledge of the officers from different government agencies as well as through promoting co-operation among them." During the workshop, participants heard from experts at the OSCE, INTERPOL, the United States Department of Homeland Security, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the Greek National Police’s Department Against the Smuggling of Antiquities, the UNESCO Office in Afghanistan and the Afghan Customs Service. They shared their experiences on cross-border co-operation in identifying the trafficking of cultural property cases and financial investigations into the smuggling of historical artefacts.Related StoriesOSCE Office in Tajikistan organizes workshop on verifying the authenticity of security documentsOSCE Office in Tajikistan donates audio-visual material to enhance interactive teaching at Police AcademyOSCE Office in Tajikistan support Garm’s local authorities in strengthening referral mechanisms for protecting domestic violence victims Full Article OSCE Office in Tajikistan Border management Central Asia Press release
li OSCE Office in Tajikistan organizes first regional forum for promoting women’s political participation in Khujand By Published On :: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 11:14:33 +0000 256286 Munira Shoinbekova, OSCE Office in Tajikistan The OSCE Office in Tajikistan on 24 July 2016 organized the first regional forum for promoting women’s political participation in Khujand, with the aim of increasing community outreach, engaging women leaders in the region and supporting women’s empowerment in political and public life. The forum brought together 40 experts from political parties, local authorities, international organizations and civil society members, and is designed as a platform for dialogue between women politicians and communities. They will work to motivate young girls who aspire to become leaders or hold decision-making positions in public life, and aim to gain support from communities and local authorities for the advancement of women in political life. “Our project aims to build strong support for women leaders, to tackle gender stereotypes, to surface and articulate the aspirations, choices and skills of women and girls of Tajikistan, so that they can realize their full potential in public and political life,” said Vesna Ivanovikj-Castarede, Head of the Democratization Unit at the OSCE Office. Shanjeev Thiruchelvam, OSCE Field Officer in Khujand, said: “Both male and female community leaders, politicians and civil society representatives have expressed keen interest in the continued work of the Sughd Women's Forum, which recognizes, and aims to provide opportunities to develop female leadership in Sughd public life.” Similar forums are to be organized across the country. Related StoriesOSCE Office in Tajikistan support Garm’s local authorities in strengthening referral mechanisms for protecting domestic violence victimsOSCE Office in Tajikistan presents recommendations from the Customs Code Integrity AssessmentOSCE Office in Tajikistan holds workshop to improve local referral mechanisms for protection of domestic violence victims in Sughd region Full Article OSCE Office in Tajikistan Democratization Gender equality Central Asia News
li OSCE Office in Tajikistan’s training series highlights role of parents in the fight against terrorism By Published On :: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 12:27:45 +0000 DUSHANBE, 26 July 2016 – The Parents Against Terrorism training series, organized by the OSCE Office in Tajikistan, started yesterday in Kulyab in the country’s Khatlon region with the aim of enhancing the knowledge and understanding of the local population about Violent Extremism and Radicalization that lead to Terrorism (VERLT) in order to build the community’s resilience to this phenomenon. The trainees came from different layers of society, representing local government bodies, law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, as well as the local population. The course was led by local trainers from civil society, the Ministry of Labour, Migration, and Employment, and the Committee on Religious Affairs. “The government of Tajikistan is seriously concerned about the growing threat of global terrorism and violent extremism,” said Khurshed Kenjaev, a representative of the Security Council under the President, in his opening remarks. “It is taking solid preventative measures to tackle this phenomenon, since it cannot be the sole responsibility of law enforcement agencies to deal with the threat.” Ivan Ene, OSCE Field Officer in Kurgan Tyube, said: “Countering violent extremism and radicalization that may lead to terrorism requires a holistic approach. The intervention of law enforcement agencies to dissolute the problem of violent extremism and terrorism is effective to only a certain extent, therefore, if we want to apply more effective measures to fight this phenomenon, we need to engage and use the capacity of local communities and parents.” The course focuses on the role of mothers as “positive agents of change” within Tajik culture. They are informed about the early signs of violent extremism and radicalization that may lead to terrorism. The training participants were also briefed on the violent extremist groups that are believed to be active in Tajikistan. In the coming days, similar training sessions will be held in Kurgan-Tyube and Shaartuz. A similar activity was organized across Tajikistan in 2015 and recently held in Sughd region. Related StoriesOSCE Office in Tajikistan donates audio-visual material to enhance interactive teaching at Police AcademyOSCE Office in Tajikistan support Garm’s local authorities in strengthening referral mechanisms for protecting domestic violence victimsOSCE Office in Tajikistan organizes workshop on verifying the authenticity of security documents Full Article OSCE Office in Tajikistan Combating terrorism Central Asia Press release
li OSCE Office in Tajikistan donates audio-visual material to enhance interactive teaching at Police Academy By Published On :: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 07:34:17 +0000 DUSHANBE, 29 July 2016 – The OSCE Office in Tajikistan today donated audio-visual equipment to the Police Academy of Tajikistan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs with the aim of supporting the Academy’s lecturers to use interactive teaching techniques on the investigation of crimes related to the trafficking of human beings. The equipment includes a computer, a projector, a screen, speakers, a printer, and an Uninterruptible Power Supply device (UPS). An external hard disk drive was also donated to allow for the storing of an electronic library of thematic video films and other informational resources in this field. “This equipment will improve the teaching of the Course on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, and will therefore enable the police to more effectively address this serious social problem,” said Fabio Piana, Deputy Head of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan. Karim Soliev, the first Deputy Director of the Police Academy, thanked the OSCE for its continued support in building the capacity of future law enforcement staff and Police Academy cadets in combating human trafficking and domestic violence in Tajikistan. “This equipment is of great help to lecturers who will now be able to apply more interactive teaching techniques,” he said. In previous years, the OSCE has provided expert support to the Police Academy, including the development of the Lecturer’s Guidelines on teaching this specialized and compulsory 20-hour course. The OSCE has also trained the team of lecturers on modern interactive teaching techniques and has recently updated the Course on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings with regard to new legislation in this field.Related StoriesOSCE Office in Tajikistan support Garm’s local authorities in strengthening referral mechanisms for protecting domestic violence victimsOSCE Office in Tajikistan’s training series highlights role of parents in the fight against terrorismOSCE Office in Tajikistan organizes workshop on verifying the authenticity of security documents Full Article OSCE Office in Tajikistan Combating human trafficking Central Asia Press release
li OSCE Office in Tajikistan launches Mentoring Training Programme for women politicians By Published On :: Mon, 01 Aug 2016 13:02:49 +0000 Munira Shoinbekova, OSCE Office in Tajikistan A mentoring training programme for women politicians was launched by the OSCE Office in Tajikistan on 1 August 2016 in Dushanbe and will see experienced women politicians cascading their knowledge, provide guidance, support and reassurance to younger women in politics. The training programme is a part of the women's political participation project, which addresses the needs of women politicians active in seven official political parties in Tajikistan. “Political mentoring is a very important tool to promote and increase the role of women in public and political life,” said Acting Head of OSCE Office in Tajikistan Fabio Piana. “Based on the expressed needs by the political parties, the Office stands ready to continue providing support in this area.” At the end of this week’s five-day training course, teams of mentors and mentees will be created. Vesna Ivanovikj-Castarede, Head of the OSCE Democratization Unit and the project leader, said: “We have identified active, committed and devoted women politicians in Tajikistan who wish to further empower other women in the country and are ready to become mentors to the peers in their political parties.” The trainer Dr. Alenka Verbole said women are the key actors in political life of their countries and yet they are often under-represented and their voices do not get heard enough. “Mentoring will certainly strengthen women's political identity and confidence.” Other similar courses for the political parties with inclusion of men will follow towards the end of 2016.Related StoriesOSCE Office in Tajikistan organizes first regional forum for promoting women’s political participation in KhujandOSCE Office in Tajikistan support Garm’s local authorities in strengthening referral mechanisms for protecting domestic violence victimsOSCE Office in Tajikistan presents recommendations from the Customs Code Integrity Assessment Full Article OSCE Office in Tajikistan Gender equality Central Asia News
li OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Steinmeier and Secretary General Zannier offer condolences on passing of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel By Published On :: Sun, 03 Jul 2016 13:22:51 +0000 Berlin/Vienna, 3 July 2016 – OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Secretary General Lamberto Zannier today expressed deep sadness upon the passing of Holocaust survivor, peace activist and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel. “We have lost one of the strongest advocates of peace, who raised his voice tirelessly against all forms of hatred. He fought intolerance and in all its manifestations and denounced oppression wherever it occurred”, said Steinmeier. Zannier stressed: “In a time when racism, xenophobia and intolerance threaten increasingly divided societies across the OSCE region, Elie Wiesel’s legacy will remain an inspiration and forever remind us of our commitment never to relent in our fight against all forms of discrimination, racism and violent extremism.” Steinmeier and Zannier extended their condolences to Mr. Wiesel's family and to the governments and people of the United States and Israel.Related StoriesOSCE Secretary General promotes inter-faith dialogue to prevent radicalization at Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in KazakhstanOSCE Secretary General visits Vienna’s West Station to meet refugees and representatives of Austria’s Interior Ministry, Police and humanitarian organizationsPartnership and co-operation takes Bosnia and Herzegovina forward on its reform path, says OSCE Secretary General Zannier Full Article Chairmanship Secretary General Tolerance and non-discrimination Western Europe and North America Austria Press release
li ODIHR Director Link and IHRA Chair Constantinescu, on day to commemorate genocide against Roma and Sinti, say greater efforts needed to protect endangered memorial sites and ensure dignity of victims By Published On :: Tue, 02 Aug 2016 08:28:11 +0000 WARSAW / BUCHAREST, 2 August 2016 – Michael Georg Link, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and Ambassador Mihnea Constantinescu, Chair of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), called today for greater efforts to protect endangered memorial sites related to the Roma and Sinti genocide during World War II. Speaking on the occasion of the commemoration of the liquidation of the “Gypsy family camp” at Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944, when the close to 3,000 remaining Roma and Sinti in the camp were murdered, they stressed that states have to do more to demonstrate their sincere and strong commitment to education about and remembrance of the genocide. “Positively, we have seen increasing attention in recent years on the part of OSCE participating States to commemorate the Roma and Sinti genocide, and to educate people about this horrible event. This practice and these experiences should be widely shared and replicated,” Director Link said. “Promoting understanding of the Holocaust and its effect on different communities can help to create empathy and promote equality and non-discrimination for all.” “Accurate and ethical education about the Holocaust includes the respectful and dignified preservation of memorial sites,” said Ambassador Constantinescu. “States have to take resolute action to protect endangered memorial sites and continue to do more to commemorate the Roma and Sinti victims. The history of these endangered sites should be included as part of broader efforts to educate about the consequences of indifference to racism.” They called on governments to ensure that endangered memorial sites for Roma and Sinti victims are preserved and protected, to include this history as an integral part of civic and human rights education in their countries. They stressed that current developments, including a disturbing rise in xenophobic public rhetoric and racism, mean it is even more essential to build strong alliances among different communities. In 2003, with the Action Plan on Improving the Situation of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE Area, the OSCE participating States committed themselves to strengthen education about the Roma and Sinti genocide. Through its Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues, ODIHR promotes knowledge about and recognition of the plight of Roma and Sinti during the Holocaust to counter present-day discrimination and racism, and to promote tolerance. According to ODIHR’s recent publication Teaching about and Commemorating the Roma and Sinti Genocide: Practices within the OSCE Area, seven OSCE participating States officially commemorate the Roma and Sinti genocide on 2 August, while a larger number of states commemorate the Roma and Sinti victims on the International Holocaust Memorial Day, 27 January. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance is an inter-governmental organization and the foremost international network of political leaders and professionals advancing and shaping Holocaust education, remembrance and research. Its 31 member countries are committed to the tenets of the Stockholm Declaration. The IHRA Committee on the Genocide of the Roma aims to increase the commitment of IHRA Member Countries to educate, research and commemorate the genocide of the Roma.Related StoriesOSCE/ODIHR Director concerned about reported rise of hate incidents in the United Kingdom, supports calls for tolerance in a challenging timeOSCE/ODIHR Director Michael Link expresses shock over Orlando shootings, commends calls for unity in face of hatred and terrorOSCE workshop in Kosovo focuses on improving the recording of hate crimes Full Article Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Human rights Roma and Sinti issues Tolerance and non-discrimination Press release
li Countering terrorism threats to large public events in focus of OSCE course in Turkmenistan By Published On :: Tue, 31 May 2016 07:47:34 +0000 ASHGABAT, 31 May 2016 – Some 25 law-enforcement and military officials, at an OSCE-organized training course that concluded in Ashgabat today, discussed practices of responding to terrorism threats to large public events. The OSCE Centre in Ashgabat organized the eight-day training course to assist the host government in strengthening the capacities of relevant officials in countering terrorism threats while ensuring the security during large public events. Representatives from the Ministries of Defence and National Security, Interior Ministry, as well as the State Border Service, State Migration Service and the General Prosecutor’s Office discussed ensuring the security of public events, including facility security, resistance, emergency power, medical emergency and fire precaution. International experts from Turkey introduced participants to the philosophy and models of crisis/hostage negotiations, practices of responding to hostage incidents and applying optimal negotiation tools. The course also addressed the relevant legislative acts, such as the Laws of Turkmenistan on Emergency Rule and on Organizing and Holding Meetings, Rallies, Demonstrations and other Mass Events. “As Turkmenistan recently passed a number of laws addressing the organization of public events, rallies and demonstrations, the Centre designed this training course to facilitate the exchange of best practices in ensuring the security during mass gatherings and events in line with international standards and national legislation,” said Richard Wheeler, Political Officer of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat. “The training course has an added value as it familiarized the relevant officials with effective techniques and instruments they will need to successfully accomplish their important task of ensuring the security and maintaining public order during the 2017 Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games and other large-scale events which will be held in Turkmenistan.” During the course, participants also discussed contemporary crowd management techniques and took part in simulation exercises. Related StoriesOSCE Centre supports strengthening aviation security in TurkmenistanRepresentatives from Turkmenistan discuss media reforms during OSCE-organized study visit to LatviaOSCE seminar in Turkmenistan promotes freedom of religion and belief Full Article OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Combating terrorism Central Asia Press release
li OSCE trains Turkmenistan journalists on reporting skills By Published On :: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 11:09:11 +0000 ASHGABAT, 10 June 2016 – Some 30 journalists representing national broadcast, print and online media from across the country as well as journalism instructors from Turkmenistan’s institutions of higher education completed an OSCE-organized training course on journalism reporting skills in Ashgabat today. During the three-day training course, journalists shared views on the changes in the media landscape as a result of the development of multimedia and the role of journalists in the modern information environment. International experts from Lithuania and the Russian Federation elaborated on the elements, structure and objectives of journalistic reports while highlighting the specifics of TV and news reporting and techniques of planning multimedia materials. “The introduction of new technologies has challenged the traditional form of journalism due to the growing demand for real-time reportage of events, interactivity and multimedia content. As free and plural media is a vital precondition for international development and security, media development remains as important as ever,” said Radovan Znasik, Officer-in-Charge at the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat. “We believe that this course will contribute to enhancing the capacity of Turkmenistan’s journalists to work in a modern media landscape.” The course included practical exercises, in which the participants discussed case studies related to journalism ethics, practiced interviewing skills and developing detailed scenarios for multimedia reports. The OSCE Centre in Ashgabat organized the training course as part of its activities to assist the host country in the area of media development.Related StoriesRepresentatives from Turkmenistan discuss media reforms during OSCE-organized study visit to LatviaOSCE Centre’s event in Turkmenistan addresses media regulation practicesOSCE seminar in Turkmenistan promotes freedom of religion and belief Full Article OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Media freedom and development Central Asia Press release
li OSCE seminar in Turkmenistan promotes freedom of religion and belief By Published On :: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 07:39:37 +0000 ASHGABAT, 17 June 2016 – Religious literacy, society and security were discussed at an OSCE-organized seminar for some 20 legislators, law-enforcement officials and researchers that concluded today in Ashgabat. The OSCE Centre in Ashgabat organized the three-day event to facilitate the exchange of best practices in implementing international standards on freedom of religion and belief, and raising public awareness in the area of religious freedom. International experts presented experiences of other OSCE participating States in promoting religious freedom and discussed with participants the social and political benefits of religious literacy in relation to the freedom of religion and belief. “In the age of globalization, which enhances interaction between different cultures and faiths, it is essential to educate the public about other religions and promote understanding of the important role of religious freedom,” said Adam Walendzik, Project Co-ordinator at the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat. The seminar also featured an overview of the Centre’s previous activities addressing religious freedom and highlighted links between international standards, education, religious literacy, society, and security. “Today’s seminar was organized to summarize the results of the Centre’s activities in this area, and it is our belief that it will contribute to the strengthened co-operation between the OSCE Centre and the Government of Turkmenistan in enhancing implementation of international standards on the freedom of religion and belief,” added Walendzik.Related StoriesRepresentatives from Turkmenistan discuss media reforms during OSCE-organized study visit to LatviaOSCE seminar promotes traffic safety awareness campaigns in TurkmenistanOSCE trains Turkmenistan journalists on reporting skills Full Article OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Tolerance and non-discrimination Central Asia Press release
li OSCE Mission to Skopje organises workshop on hate crime for police managers By Published On :: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 10:57:52 +0000 Ioanna Lachana, OSCE Mission to Skopje Mirvete Islam, OSCE Mission to Skopje The OSCE Mission to Skopje organized a workshop on 23 June 2016 for 35 police managers from the Sector of Internal Affairs on identification, prevention and investigation of hate crimes. The aim of the workshop was to strengthen the capacity of police officers to identify hate crimes and provide responses in line with democratic policing principles and international human rights standards. This workshop complemented other previous and ongoing activities of the Mission in this area which are implemented in co-operation with national authorities. The event was the first in a series of eight workshops which will be held in each sector for internal affairs in the country.Related StoriesOSCE Mission to Skopje organizes two-day workshop on multi-ethnic policingOSCE Mission to Skopje organizes workshop for national Police Union on countering gender-based discriminationOSCE Mission to Skopje supports roundtable discussion on the role of women in creating safer communities Full Article OSCE Mission to Skopje Policing South-Eastern Europe News
li OSCE Mission, police to discuss how to help prevent violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo By Published On :: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 12:34:40 +0000 PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 27 June 2016 – The OSCE Mission together with the Kosovo Police will hold a two-day conference on preventing violent extremism and radicalization, starting tomorrow in Prishtinë/Priština. The conference will gather representatives of law enforcement agencies, religious communities, civil society, academia and media, and will explore a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing the threats of violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo. Participants will also elaborate on measures taken so far to prevent violent extremism and radicalization, as well as the challenges they face. Major Fatos Makolli, Director of the Directorate against Terrorism of the Kosovo Police, and Naim Hoxha, Organized Crime Advisor at the OSCE Mission, will deliver opening remarks. Media representatives are invited to attend the opening of the conference on Tuesday, 28 June 2016, at the Hotel Sirius in Prishtinë/Priština, starting at 09:30 hrs. Related StoriesOSCE Mission assesses implementation of new Criminal Procedure Code of KosovoMini-Olympic Games 2016OSCE Mission-organized Junior Basketball Tournament Full Article OSCE Mission in Kosovo Policing South-Eastern Europe Media advisory
li OSCE Mission to Skopje organizes workshop for national Police Union on countering gender-based discrimination By Published On :: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 09:58:08 +0000 Ioanna Lachana, OSCE Mission to Skopje Mirvete Islam, OSCE Mission to Skopje The OSCE Mission to Skopje on 28 June 2016 launched a two-day workshop for 22 members of the Police Union on countering gender-based discrimination with the aim of advancing the position of women in police services and increasing gender sensitivity among police officers. The workshop focused on areas of gender-based discrimination in employment, education, health and family, explaining what gender inequality is and how it is addressed in international and domestic legislation and in practice. Participants will learn how to identify harassment and sexual harassment as forms of discrimination, as well as workplace bullying. The legal protection, prevention and measures against such bullying will be illustrated through real cases. This workshop is part of the Mission’s programme to support the democratization of the Police and is in line with the Mission’s efforts to encourage gender equality in all segments of society.Related StoriesOSCE Mission to Skopje organizes two-day workshop on multi-ethnic policingOSCE Mission to Skopje organises workshop on hate crime for police managersOSCE Mission to Skopje supports roundtable discussion on the role of women in creating safer communities Full Article OSCE Mission to Skopje Gender equality Policing South-Eastern Europe News
li OSCE Office in Tajikistan publishes manual on countering domestic violence By Published On :: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 11:21:04 +0000 DUSHANBE, 29 June 2016 – Copies of the new Manual on Countering Domestic Violence, published by the OSCE Office in Tajikistan, were presented today to the Interior Ministry for further distribution among police inspectors dealing with cases related to this crime. The Manual aims at increasing the professional skills of Tajik law enforcement agencies and is primarily designed for police inspectors who work to promote the implementation of the law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence. The law was adopted in 2013. “Countering domestic violence is an important part of work carried out by the law enforcement on a daily basis, and the Manual equips the police inspectors with necessary tools to deal with both victims of domestic violence and the perpetrators,” said Ali Bobonazarzoda, National Co-ordinator on Police Reform under the Interior Ministry of Tajikistan. Viorelia Rusu, the OSCE Office’s Gender and Anti-Trafficking Officer, said: “Importantly, the Manual also includes aspects of referral and building local partnerships in effective protection of violence survivors.” By exploring the phenomenon of domestic violence through understanding the psychology of offenders and victims, as well as challenging stereotypes and examining aspects of gender equality, the Manual identifies the concrete role for police personnel in countering this negative social phenomenon. It also outlines the roles of police inspectors by taking a multidisciplinary and holistic approach of support and protection for the victims through close co-operation with civil society and community leaders. The Manual also provides guidance on how to work with both victims and offenders in order to prevent and address cases of domestic violence. The publication is a part of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan’s activities to implement its Gender Strategy for 2016-2018, which supplements the OSCE’s wider 2004 Gender Action Plan for the Promotion of Gender Equality. The electronic version of the Manual in the Tajik and Russian languages is available online at: StoriesTajik Ministry of Internal Affairs officials complete OSCE-organized training course on effective intervention in domestic violence casesOSCE Office in Tajikistan supports regional training courses on rights of persons in police custodyOSCE Office in Tajikistan organizes workshop for law enforcement agencies and civil society Full Article OSCE Office in Tajikistan Gender equality Policing Central Asia Press release
li OSCE Centre in Bishkek supports newly established working group on police reform By Published On :: Fri, 01 Jul 2016 15:10:59 +0000 Ilona Asyrankulova The Kyrgyz Government, in co-ordination with the Parliament and the Public Council of the Interior Ministry, on 30 June 2016 issued, as a result of the advocacy efforts of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek, a decree authorizing the establishment of a working group on police reform. The working group, chaired by the Head of the Department on Defence, Law Enforcement and Emergency, Sagynbaev Damir, under the auspices of the Prime Minister’s Office, includes members of the Parliament, Heads of Ministries, relevant State agencies, the Defence Council, as well as representatives of international organizations, including the OSCE Centre and civil society. The first meeting of the working group is expected to take place on 12 July 2016. Through the continuous support of the OSCE Centre’s programme on Police matters, the Forum of Parliamentarian Women successfully advocated for the establishment of the working group with the aim of strengthening parliamentary control over the police reform. “The OSCE Centre in Bishkek welcomes the initiative of the Government to engage in a reform of the police as a starting point for a comprehensive security sector reform,” said Pavel Khalashnyuk, Acting Head of Police Affairs of OSCE Centre in Bishkek. “The OSCE will continue assisting Kyrgyz authorities in their efforts through expert and methodological assistance, information sharing, analysis of best practice, and technical support.” The OSCE Centre, as part of its police reform project, provided Kyrgyz authorities with international expertise on issues related to police reform and the development of relevant legislation and mechanisms to ensure that this significant effort is carried out in compliance with international standards and OSCE commitments.Related StoriesOSCE Centre in Bishkek supports workshop on crime prevention through partnerships between police, civil organizations and the publicOSCE Centre in Bishkek supports summer school on topical issues of police reformOSCE Centre in Bishkek enhances police investigators’ skills in crime investigation techniques Full Article OSCE Centre in Bishkek Policing Central Asia News
li OSCE Centre in Bishkek supports workshop on crime prevention through partnerships between police, civil organizations and the public By Published On :: Fri, 08 Jul 2016 11:42:09 +0000 Ilona Asyrankulova Fifty-two representatives of Local Crime Prevention Centres (LCPCs) in Kyrgyztsan, including members of the courts of Aksakals (local elders), women and youth councils completed a two-day workshop supported by the OSCE Centre in Bishkek on 7July 2016 in Osh, with the aim of enhancing interactions between the police, civil organizations and the public. Participants improved their practical skills on analyzing security situations and applying problem-solving methods, and in strengthening effective communication with the police and other stakeholders. LCPC members learned about the development and implementation of crime prevention projects and programmes. Participants also revised the normative-legal documents that regulate LCPCs and crime prevention activities. “Preserving public order and preventing crime is the shared responsibility of the police, local self-government bodies, and local communities,” said Pavel Khalashnyuk, acting Head of Police Affairs at the OSCE Centre. “This training course seeks to strengthen this collective, consultative approach and the LCPCs’ capacity to foster community engagement in crime prevention and to strengthen the effectiveness of the partnership with police in addressing community security concerns.” The workshop was conducted at the Community Policing Training Centre by a local expert and trainers from the Main Directorate for Public Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and of the Ministry’s Academy.Related StoriesOSCE Centre in Bishkek supports newly established working group on police reformOSCE Centre in Bishkek supports summer school on topical issues of police reformOSCE Centre in Bishkek enhances police investigators’ skills in crime investigation techniques Full Article OSCE Centre in Bishkek Policing Central Asia News
li OSCE Mission to Skopje organizes two-day workshop on multi-ethnic policing By Published On :: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 12:37:09 +0000 Ioanna Lachana, OSCE Mission to Skopje Mirvete Islam, OSCE Mission to Skopje The OSCE Mission to Skopje, in co-operation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, organized a two-day workshop in Ohrid on policing in a multi-ethnic society on 11 and 12 July 2016. Some forty police officers of different ethnicities working in Ohrid and Bitola police stations attended the event and exchanged information and experiences related to multi-ethnic policing. The workshop also served as a platform for generating ideas on future measures to foster effective functioning of ethnically mixed police units and ensure the acceptance and equal treatment of police officers coming from smaller communities. The workshop is one of the ways the Mission is supporting efforts to strengthen police capacities and build trust across multi-ethnic communities. Related StoriesOSCE Mission to Skopje organizes workshop for national Police Union on countering gender-based discriminationOSCE Mission to Skopje organises workshop on hate crime for police managersOSCE Mission to Skopje supports roundtable discussion on the role of women in creating safer communities Full Article OSCE Mission to Skopje Policing South-Eastern Europe News
li OSCE Centre in Bishkek enhances police investigators’ skills in crime investigation techniques By Published On :: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 07:46:19 +0000 BISHKEK, 20 July 2016 - A series of three-day training courses for police investigators on investigating murders which were committed with the use of explosives, firearms and cold arms are being held from 14 July until 6 August 2016 in Bishkek, Balykchy and Osh cities by the OSCE Centre in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan’s Interior Ministry and the Kyrgyz State Judicial Academy. Some 150 officers will be trained during the courses, which will see them acquire knowledge and skills on techniques for crime scene screening, searches, questioning of suspects and witnesses, and other methods of investigation. Forensic expertise will also be covered. “Investigative authorities have important law enforcement functions. The outcome of their work forms the basis for the consideration of criminal cases in court, the imposition of just punishments, and the fair administration of justice,” said Pavel Khalashnyuk, acting Head of the OSCE Centre’s Police Matters Programme. “The investigation of serious crimes requires high professionalism and the guarantee of mandatory enforcement.” The courses are being organized as part of the OSCE Centre’s project on combating organized crime.Related StoriesOSCE Centre in Bishkek supports summer school on topical issues of police reformOSCE Centre in Bishkek hands over Mobile Police Reception vehicle to police in Issyk-Kul to boost public securityOSCE Centre in Bishkek trains defence lawyers and prosecutors on right to liberty and freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention Full Article OSCE Centre in Bishkek Policing Central Asia Press release
li OSCE Centre in Bishkek supports summer school on topical issues of police reform By Published On :: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 09:55:41 +0000 BISHKEK, 29 July 2016 – Some 30 police officers of different ranks from seven regions of Kyrgyzstan are taking part in a summer school training programme, which closes tomorrow in Issyk-Kul, on the topical issues of police reform, conducted by the Kyrgyz Association of Women Police and the Interior Ministry, with the support of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek. The training course, which began on 18 July 2016, aimed at enhancing the knowledge of the police on the regulatory and legal changes enacted as part of the police reform. The participants will also improve their capacity in the field of human rights and gender equality. As part of the ‘Police reform measures’ adopted by the Kyrgyz Government in 2013, basic provisions such as the framework for comprehensive evaluation of police activities and mechanisms for the interaction between police and civil society institutions were developed with the support of OSCE experts and approved by the Government in 2015. These provisions create a legal basis for the openness and accessibility of the police, as well as co-ordination of actions by police and civil society in ensuring public safety and preventing crime. "One of the main objectives of the police reform is to build the capacity of the police by enhancing their knowledge on the regulatory and legal changes in order to achieve sustainable results,” said Pavel Khalashnyuk, acting Head of the OSCE Centre’s Police Matters Programme. “The OSCE Centre in Bishkek is ready to provide extensive support to such training courses." Kaana Aidarkul, Head of the Kyrgyz Association of Women Police, said: “Our Association played the main role in the development of the police reform regulatory framework. With the support of the OSCE Centre, members of our Association train police officers to apply these provisions, as well as to enhance their communicative and professional competences with respect to human rights and gender equality." The summer school was organized as part of the OSCE Centre’s police reform project.Related StoriesOSCE Centre in Bishkek enhances police investigators’ skills in crime investigation techniquesOSCE Centre in Bishkek hands over Mobile Police Reception vehicle to police in Issyk-Kul to boost public securityOSCE Centre in Bishkek trains defence lawyers and prosecutors on right to liberty and freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention Full Article OSCE Centre in Bishkek Policing Central Asia Press release
li In Georgia, OSCE PA Special Representative calls for calm in advance of elections, deplores shooting at administrative boundary line By Published On :: Fri, 27 May 2016 08:05:49 +0000 TBILISI, 27 May 2016 – The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Special Representative on the South Caucasus Kristian Vigenin (MP, Bulgaria), today concluded a two-day visit to Georgia. The Special Representative met with Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili, Chairman of the Georgian Parliament David Usupashvili, and Foreign Minister Mikheil Janelidze, as well as Members of the OSCE PA delegation and representatives of various political forces in the country. Vigenin also participated in events commemorating the 25th anniversary of the restoration of Georgia’s independence. “In just 25 years, Georgia has achieved a great deal, and I look forward to seeing what further progress the next 25 years will bring,” said the Special Representative. He noted that the upcoming OSCE PA's 25th Annual Session to be held in Tbilisi, 1-5 July, is an opportune moment for Georgia to demonstrate its achievements to hundreds of parliamentarians from across the OSCE region. “With parliamentary elections later this year, this is a sensitive period. Following incidents of violence against opposition leaders a few days ago during the local by-elections, a thorough and transparent investigation is necessary. While it is the government’s responsibility to hold those responsible accountable, I also call on all political forces to act with restraint in the coming months so that the October elections can take place in a calm and peaceful environment,” said the Special Representative, encouraging all efforts aimed at consolidating democratic progress. Interlocutors welcomed OSCE observation of the parliamentary elections, expected on 8 October. Vigenin discussed a range of security challenges faced by Georgia, and visited the Administrative Boundary Line in Khurvaleti, where the de facto authorities of South Ossetia have erected barbed wire fences dividing the village. “The recent killing of a Georgian citizen in Khurcha, at the Administrative Boundary Line, is a reminder of the significant security challenges Georgia continues to face. I condemn this shooting unconditionally, and expect that those responsible will be brought to justice,” said Vigenin. Reports indicate that on 19 May at the Khurcha-Nabakevi crossing point on the Administrative Boundary Line, armed men crossed from the Abkhaz side of the bridge and carried out the fatal shooting. The Special Representative’s visit to Georgia follows meetings earlier this week in Armenia. He continues his travels with a visit to Azerbaijan today where high-level meetings are expected. Vigenin was appointed Special Representative by OSCE PA President Ilkka Kanerva in February 2016. In his mandate, he is tasked with promoting dialogue in all segments of society, in particular at the parliamentary level, in order to encourage reconciliation and rehabilitation with regard to the protracted conflicts in the region. This week’s visit is his first visit to the region as Special Representative. Vigenin is a former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria and currently serves as Deputy Head of the OSCE PA’s Bulgarian Delegation. To watch a recent interview in which he discusses his priorities as Special Representative, please click here. For photos of Vigenin's visit to the region, click here.Related StoriesOSCE PA human rights committee Chair Ignacio Sanchez Amor follows up on developments in TurkeyAssembly’s work on migration presented to OSCE ambassadors by Ad Hoc Committee Chair Lombardi at special Permanent CouncilOSCE PA human rights committee Chair Ignacio Sanchez Amor deplores the killing of journalist Pavel Sheremet, calls for exhaustive investigation Full Article Parliamentary Assembly Elections Central Asia Press release
li OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Special Representative holds high-level meetings in Kyrgyzstan, delivers speech at OSCE Academy on conflict prevention By Published On :: Fri, 03 Jun 2016 15:23:42 +0000 BISHKEK, 3 June 2016 – Wrapping up a two-day visit to Kyrgyzstan, which has included meetings with the Speaker of the Parliament, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and officials at the OSCE Centre in Bishkek, Special Representative for Central and Eastern Asia and Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Christine Muttonen spoke to students today at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek on conflict prevention and peace-building, noting the strengths of the OSCE’s approach, as well as areas for improvement. Muttonen’s visit this week – her first to Kyrgyzstan since her appointment as Special Representative in January – has served as an opportunity to discuss confidence-building in the region and developing co-operative approaches to common challenges such as energy security, water management and border co-operation. In her meetings with Speaker of Parliament Chynybay Tursunbekov and Minister of Foreign Affairs Erlan Abdyldaev, Muttonen noted the importance of continuing to build trust and dialogue through the OSCE. “There is a need to develop ways of countering the lack of trust and promoting co-operation between countries in the region,” she said. “The OSCE is our common organization, an inclusive organization in which all of its members have an equal voice, and we need to work effectively together within this forum.” Discussions in Bishkek also focused on promoting follow-up on OSCE/ODIHR election-related recommendations and on the importance that Kyrgyzstan attaches to the OSCE and its Parliamentary Assembly. Muttonen expressed appreciation for the fact that Kyrgyzstan intends to send a full delegation to the OSCE PA’s 25th Annual Session in Tbilisi, Georgia, next month. In meetings with staff of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek, Muttonen was briefed on the situation in the country and heard about the Centre’s ongoing projects, notably in the spheres of early warning and conflict prevention, as well as youth-oriented and parliamentary development projects. There was also discussion on the possibility of holding future OSCE PA events in the country. In her lecture at the OSCE Academy, she highlighted the early warning capabilities of the OSCE – including through its field operations such as the Centre in Bishkek – but regretted that sometimes political considerations hamper effective implementation of early warning mechanisms. Discussing the OSCE’s consensus-based decision-making procedure and the non-binding character of its decisions, Muttonen pointed out the OSCE is only as strong as its participating States allow it to be. Nevertheless, she said, the OSCE’s response to the crisis in and around Ukraine has served as an example of its ability to engage in conflict prevention and peace-building. “The Ukraine conflict has shown that the OSCE is well-placed and equipped to engage in conflict prevention and support mediation and peace-building,” said the PA Vice-President. “Through its unanimous vote principle, the OSCE and its participating States can formulate strong political agreements, even if the process may be slow.” She noted that OSCE parliamentarians have been active in supporting the Central Asian countries’ peace-building efforts, notably through fact-finding missions. Muttonen’s speech at the OSCE Academy concluded a week-long visit to Central Asia, which included meetings with government officials, parliamentary leaders and representatives of civil society in Astana, Almaty, and Bishkek. In her mandate as Special Representative, she is tasked, inter alia, with encouraging active participation in the PA by parliamentarians from Central Asia, as well as liaising with and supporting the work of the OSCE field operations in the region. To watch a recent interview with the Special Representative, in which she discusses her priorities, please click here. Photos of her visit this week to Central Asia are on Flickr. Her full remarks to the OSCE Academy are available here.Related StoriesChristine Muttonen of Austria elected OSCE PA President, Vice-Presidents and Committee Officers also electedOSCE parliamentarians in Tbilisi adopt wide-ranging Declaration on human rights, security and the environmentOSCE parliamentarians consider resolutions on security, economic and environmental concerns and human rights Full Article OSCE Centre in Bishkek Parliamentary Assembly Conflict prevention and resolution Elections Central Asia Press release
li OSCE/ODIHR publishes handbook on follow-up to election observation recommendations By Published On :: Mon, 06 Jun 2016 09:46:27 +0000 244966 Handbook on the Follow-up of Electoral Recommendations The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on 6 June 2016 released a publication to assist OSCE participating States in better following up on recommendations from final reports by election observation missions. The Handbook on the Follow-up of Electoral Recommendations – the first tool of its kind for the OSCE region – outlines the key issues when developing and implementing electoral legislation and practice, based on ODIHR’s election observation missions, in line with OSCE commitments and international standards. "With this handbook, we hope to establish a more systematic approach to follow-up to election observation activities, that is clearer and more consistent and, at the same time, puts emphasis on the implementation of recommendations," said Michael Georg Link, Director of ODIHR. "This handbook can serve as a practical guide for ODIHR in supporting interested participating States in their efforts to follow up on electoral recommendations." The handbook combines explanations of technical aspects related to follow-up activities with examples of ways ODIHR can help participating States in improving their electoral legislation and processes. ODIHR developed the handbook as part of its continued efforts to improve its methodology and to increase professionalism in its election observation activities. All OSCE participating States have committed themselves to promptly follow up on ODIHR election assessments and recommendations.Related StoriesOSCE/ODIHR final report on early parliamentary elections in Serbia recommends comprehensive review of legislation and ensuring the level playing field for contestantsOSCE/ODIHR final report on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s postponed early parliamentary elections recommends continuing electoral reform processOSCE/ODIHR and Venice Commission meet on electoral reform in Armenia Full Article Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Elections News
li Orderly election day, competitive campaign did not offset impact of late election law changes on Mongolia’s democratic development, international observers say By Published On :: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 06:02:50 +0000 ULAANBAATAR, 30 June 2016 – Election day was orderly and followed a competitive campaign. This, however, did not offset the impact of late fundamental changes to election laws on Mongolia’s democratic development, the international observers concluded in a preliminary statement released today. While the June 29 parliamentary elections were highly contested and freedoms of assembly and association were respected, restrictive campaign provisions, coupled with the media’s subservience to political interests, limited impartial and comprehensive information available to voters, the statement says. “We were pleased to see that voting took place in a calm and peaceful manner. This was a genuinely competitive contest, with high turnout and no certainty as to which party would win. We applaud the fact Mongolia is a functioning democracy,” said Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Head of the European Parliament delegation. “There were, however, some elements which cause concern, including significant last-minute changes to the election laws, which, among other things, prevented 150,000 Mongolian citizens living outside the country, including diplomats, from voting.” The observers said the consolidation of election legislation into a new law adopted on 25 December 2015, following an inclusive process, was a positive development toward establishing a cohesive electoral framework. However, changes in May 2016 – from a mixed electoral system to a solely majoritarian one, establishing 76 single-mandate constituencies and approving their boundaries – were introduced by parliament in a process that lacked transparency, public consultation and adherence to established criteria, the observers said. This resulted in profound population discrepancies among constituencies. A total of 498 candidates, including 69 independents, was registered in a process that was largely inclusive and provided voters with a range of political choices. Contrary to OSCE commitments and other international obligations, however, there are disproportionate restrictions on candidacy rights the statement says. While there was general confidence in the accuracy and inclusiveness of the voting register, the May changes to the election laws also effectively disenfranchised 150,000 citizens living abroad for the parliamentary elections. “For an election to be meaningful, voters first have to be offered a genuine choice, and voters were given that choice here. That choice also has to be between candidates competing on a level playing field and who have equal access to independent media to explain their platforms. In this, there is still work to do,” said Ambassador Audrey Glover, Head of the OSCE/ODIHR long-term election observation mission. “Elections are about voters, and the main problem for voters was understanding the significant last-minute changes to election laws, which affected the rules of the game profoundly and raised questions about political motivation.” Despite undue campaign restrictions, the freedoms of assembly and association were respected and candidates were generally able to convey their messages to the electorate. At times the lines were blurred between parties and the administration at both the national and local levels, the observers said. There were multiple instances of alleged vote-buying, which resulted in a number of formal complaints and the deregistration of two candidates. The GEC received some 50 pre-election complaints. Courts reviewed 21 cases regarding candidate registration, and the police handled more than 1,000 campaign-related complaints. Although legislation clarifies the complaints and appeals process to some extent, a general lack of formalization and transparency in the process within the election administration and the protracted handling of disputes in courts undermined the right to effective remedy. The media offered extensive election coverage, but abandoned their journalistic role, for the most part simply granting direct access to the politicians. Paid political advertisements and free airtime overshadowed editorial content, and campaign material prepared by political parties was also included in news programming, undercutting the credibility of the media. Consequently, voters were deprived of independent and analytical reporting, the observers said. In preparation for election day, the General Election Commission met key operational deadlines and fulfilled its mandate. At the same time, the observers said, it lacked transparency and accountability to stakeholders, diminishing trust in the credibility of the process. The testing of vote-counting machines was conducted professionally by the Commission in the presence of stakeholders and, to address concerns over the machines’ accuracy and integrity, the law was amended stipulate that up to 50 per cent of polling stations would be subject to manual recounts. The procedures stipulating the manual re-count, however, were only finalized two days prior to the elections. All parties and coalitions complied with the 20 per cent gender quota provided for by law, and 26 per cent of contestants were women. There were, however, no women candidates in more than one-third of the constituencies. While there is only one woman member of the General Election Commission, women were better represented in lower-level election commissions. Overall, women remain underrepresented in political life. Election day proceeded in an orderly manner in most of the country and, while the right to vote was respected, the secrecy of the vote was not consistently ensured. The observers’ assessment of the counting and tabulation of votes was a notable exception to the overall positive assessment of voting, mostly as a result of significant procedural errors or omissions. A number of civil society organizations monitored the pre-election environment, including campaign finance and the media, and issued timely statements highlighting key shortcomings. For further information, contact: Thomas Rymer, OSCE/ODIHR, +976 95 14 1635 or +48 609 522 266, Tim Boden, European Parliament, +976 99 976294 or +32 473 844431, timothy.boden@europarl.europa.euRelated StoriesOSCE/ODIHR opens election observation mission for parliamentary elections in MongoliaInternational election observers in Mongolia to hold press conference on ThursdayOSCE/ODIHR observers to hold press conference in Ulaanbaatar on Friday Full Article Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Elections Mongolia Press release
li OSCE/ODIHR final report on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s postponed early parliamentary elections recommends continuing electoral reform process By Published On :: Thu, 07 Jul 2016 12:29:42 +0000 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Early Parliamentary Elections, 5 June 2016: Final Report The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) issued a final report on 8 July 2016 on the postponed early parliamentary elections in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, which were scheduled for 5 June 2016. The final report assesses whether the electoral process and activities conducted before the postponement of elections were in line with OSCE commitments, other international obligations and standards for democratic elections, and with national legislation. While recognizing that 2015 amendments to the Electoral Code attempted to address most of the prior OSCE/ODIHR recommendations, the report notes that late changes negatively affected electoral stakeholders’ understanding of new provisions and impacted their ability to fulfil their functions. In addition, a number of previous recommendations remain to be addressed and legal inconsistencies eliminated. The report recommends conducting a complete review of the Code after consultations between all political stakeholders and relevant civil society organizations. As one of the priority recommendations, the report recommends the State Election Commission and the Ministry of Internal Affairs continue the process of updating the voter register through a co-ordinated effort ahead of the next elections. In order to increase the citizens’ confidence in the accuracy of voter registration, it also recommends that the process is transparent and ensures political parties and civil society access for verification. Noting that some measures to prevent intimidation and pressure on citizens were taken by authorities, it however mentions that a climate of intimidation persisted, attributed to a fear of retribution existing in state companies and institutions. The report recommends that authorities actively encourage citizens to report any cases of pressure and intimidation and thoroughly investigate such instances. While a number of aspects for the media coverage of election campaigns have been detailed in the Electoral Code, a need for continued substantial reform was highlighted. The report suggests amending the legal framework to further clarify the requirements for balanced reporting during the pre-campaign period. Additional recommendations in the report include deciding on election-related cases within timely deadlines and harmonizing the Electoral Code with the Constitution, which provides for public hearings. It also recommends periodic review of district boundaries by an independent body to ensure the equality of the vote.Related StoriesOSCE/ODIHR opens observation mission for early parliamentary elections in the former Yugoslav Republic of MacedoniaOSCE/ODIHR observers to hold press conference in Skopje on ThursdayEarly Parliamentary Elections Full Article Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Elections South-Eastern Europe the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia News
li OSCE/ODIHR final report on early parliamentary elections in Serbia recommends comprehensive review of legislation and ensuring the level playing field for contestants By Published On :: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:17:38 +0000 Serbia, Early Parliamentary Elections, 24 April 2016: Final Report The final report by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on Serbia’s 24 April 2016 early parliamentary elections recommends a comprehensive review of legislation to further improve election process. The report, while finding the elections were efficiently administered and held in a competitive environment, spells out key areas that would benefit from such a review, including unclear rules on candidate registration, inadequate regulation of campaign finance, deficiencies and loopholes in dispute resolution mechanisms, an absence of sanctions for some violations and the lack of provisions on election observation. The report, published on 29 July 2016, notes that, while fundamental freedoms were respected and candidates were able to campaign freely, biased media coverage, undue advantage of incumbency and a blurring of the distinction between state and party activities hindered a level playing field for contestants. To this end, the report recommends specific campaign regulations, including the introduction of ceilings on campaign expenditures and preventing the misuse of administrative resources and the abuse of office. In noting the absence of an effective mechanism for monitoring media conduct during the campaign, the report recommends clarifying the competences of the media regulatory body in investigating and sanctioning breaches of legislation in a timely manner. A review of the election appeals system to guarantee an effective and timely remedy for all complaints, and particularly in cases related to electionday irregularities and election results, is also among the report’s recommendations. Additional recommendations relate to providing unrestricted access of citizen and international observers to the entire electoral process, including voting, counting and tabulation, and enhancing the transparency of the tabulation of results. Related StoriesOSCE/ODIHR final report on Serbia’s parliamentary elections notes respect for fundamental freedoms, recommends steps to further improve election processParliamentary ElectionsInternational election observers in Serbia to hold press conference on Monday Full Article Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Elections Serbia News
li OSCE/ODIHR opens observation mission for parliamentary elections in Belarus By Published On :: Tue, 02 Aug 2016 11:39:43 +0000 MINSK, 2 August 2016 – The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) today formally opened an election observation mission for the 11 September parliamentary elections in Belarus. The mission’s deployment follows an official invitation from the Belarus authorities. The mission is led by Tana de Zulueta and consists of a core team of 10 experts based in Minsk and 38 long-term observers to be deployed in teams of two across the country. In addition, ODIHR will request 400 short-term observers to monitor proceedings on election day. The experts and observers are drawn from 24 countries. The mission will assess the parliamentary elections for compliance with OSCE commitments and other international standards and obligations for democratic elections, as well as with domestic legislation. Observers will follow the candidate registration process, campaign activities, the work of the election administration and relevant state bodies, implementation of the legal framework and the resolution of election disputes. As part of the observation, the mission will also monitor the media coverage of the campaign. In the course of its observation, the mission will meet with representatives of relevant authorities and of political parties, as well as with representatives of civil society, the media and the international community. On election day, observers will monitor the opening of polling stations, voting, the counting of ballots and the tabulation of results. For election day, the mission plans to join efforts with delegations from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. A statement of preliminary findings and conclusions will be issued on the day after the election. A final report on the observation of the entire election process and including recommendations will be published approximately two months after the completion of the election process. For further information please visit or contact Ulvi Akhundlu, OSCE/ODIHR Election Adviser, at +375 29 876 3772 (mobile) Related StoriesReforms needed to address substantial shortcomings in Belarus election, international observers say, after peaceful presidential campaignOSCE/ODIHR opens observation mission for presidential election in BelarusWhile noting welcoming attitude by the authorities, OSCE/ODIHR final report on Presidential election in Belarus recommends comprehensive and inclusive review of national legislation Full Article Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Elections Eastern Europe Belarus Press release
li OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in Washington DC and New York to explore avenues to consolidate partnerships in the area of conflict prevention By Published On :: Wed, 04 May 2016 14:57:24 +0000 Address by Astrid Thors, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors visited Washington DC and New York City from 25 to 29 April 2016, where she explored opportunities to strengthen co-operation in conflict prevention, implementing early action policies and in fostering inclusion within diverse societies. Thors met with officials from the United States and representatives of international organizations, including the United Nations Secretariat, Funds, Programmes and Agencies, as well as members of the academia, think tanks and human rights organizations. During her visit, Thors welcomed the adoption by the United Nations Security Council of the Resolution 2282 (2016) on the Review of United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture as renewed meaningful support to conflict prevention worldwide. In discussions, it was also noted that the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the data provided during their implementation are very relevantpertinent for building just and inclusive societies. “I am pleased with the strengthened partnerships with the wider international community achieved during my trip, in particular in thematic areas such as access to justice and education, both highly relevant to national minorities and conflict prevention,” Thors concluded.Related StoriesOSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities holds fifth regional summer school on multilingual and multicultural education in Central AsiaLanguage rights, participation, security and access to justice fundamental to welfare of communities in Kosovo, says High Commissioner ThorsHigh Commissioner Thors, in her OSCE Permanent Council address, discusses country engagement and highlights the increase in hate speech targeting national minorities Full Article High Commissioner on National Minorities Conflict prevention and resolution Minority rights News
li OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities calls for renewed dialogue between all political and social actors in Croatia By Published On :: Fri, 13 May 2016 13:45:26 +0000 OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors visited Croatia from 9 to 10 May 2016. During her visit, Thors focused on promoting the effective implementation of the Constitutional Act on the Rights of National Minorities, in particular the provisions regarding languages and scripts; on education matters; and, on issues pertaining to national minorities and good neighbourly relations. Concerned that marginalizing or stigmatizing national minorities poses a threat to the cohesion of society and to bilateral relations, Thors urged the systematic condemnation of discriminatory rhetoric or conduct. “Divisive rhetoric has proven a dangerous path. The more diversity, the richer a society is, as different cultures are the shared wealth of all,” Thors said. “It is crucial to foster a sense of belonging for all members of society in order to effectively promote the integration process,” she added. Thors called for ensuring the protection of the rights of national minorities whilst avoiding polarization of the society along ethnic lines, consistent with The Ljubljana Guidelines on the Integration of Diverse Societies, published by HCNM in 2012. The High Commissioner also emphasized the need for a renewed dialogue between all political and social actors to overcome difficulties, including those related to the protection of minority rights, in a consultative manner. In this context, Thors welcomed the thorough process of the curricular reform and reiterated her support to teaching of a common curriculum, regardless of the instruction language, as an effective way to integrate diverse societies and provide for common points of understanding. Thors was encouraged by the prospect of further co-operation with Croatian institutions. She also welcomed the attention given to the existing joint bilateral inter-governmental commissions. “Co-ordination of efforts with neighbouring countries in this field and the active role played by all ministries under the auspices of the State Office of Croats Abroad could consolidate the shared European aspirations in the neighbourhood,” Thors noted. The High Commissioner met a variety of key interlocutors in Zagreb. These included Zdravka Bušić, Deputy Foreign Minister; Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović, Minister of Public Administration; Predrag Šustar, Minister of Science, Education and Sports; Furio Radin, Milorad Pupovac, Ivan Radić, and Marko Sladojev, Chairperson and members of the Parliamentary Committee on Human and National Minority Rights, respectively; Aleksandar Tolnauer, President of the Council for National Minorities; Lora Vidović, Ombudsman; Branko Sočana, Director of the Government Office for Human Rights and Rights of the National Minorities; and Zvonko Milas, Head of the State Office for Croats Abroad.Related StoriesLanguage rights, participation, security and access to justice fundamental to welfare of communities in Kosovo, says High Commissioner ThorsOSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities holds fifth regional summer school on multilingual and multicultural education in Central AsiaHigh Commissioner Thors, in her OSCE Permanent Council address, discusses country engagement and highlights the increase in hate speech targeting national minorities Full Article High Commissioner on National Minorities Conflict prevention and resolution Minority rights South-Eastern Europe News
li High Commissioner Thors, in her OSCE Permanent Council address, discusses country engagement and highlights the increase in hate speech targeting national minorities By Published On :: Fri, 03 Jun 2016 07:59:23 +0000 244381 Addressing the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on 2 June 2016, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors described country engagement and highlighted the disturbing increase in hate speech. The statement covered the High Commissioner’s activities since her last statement to the Permanent Council in November 2015. During this period Thors visited Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova. The High Commissioner expressed concern about the increase in hate speech targeting national minorities. Thors called for renewed efforts to tackle hate speech in order to prevent tensions and to promote integration with respect for diversity. Thors also informed the Permanent Council about the work her institution is doing together with researchers to identify best practices that highlight the bridge building potential of national minorities in diverse societies. The full statement can be found here. Related StoriesOSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities holds fifth regional summer school on multilingual and multicultural education in Central AsiaLanguage rights, participation, security and access to justice fundamental to welfare of communities in Kosovo, says High Commissioner ThorsOSCE High Commissioner encourages inclusive approach to integration and education issues in Moldova and welcomes joint working group on Gagauzia Full Article High Commissioner on National Minorities Conflict prevention and resolution Minority rights News
li OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities holds fifth regional summer school on multilingual and multicultural education in Central Asia By Published On :: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 09:00:13 +0000 254846 A week-long regional summer school on multilingual and multicultural education was held from 10 July to 16 July 2016 in Cholponata in Kyrgyzstan - the fifth regional summer school organized as part of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’ (HCNM) Central Asia Education Programme. Organized by the HCNM in co-operation with Kyrgyzstan’s Ministry of Education and Science, UNICEF and the Office of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights in Kyrgyzstan, the summer school brought together 86 participants representing education institutions of the Central Asian States and of the wider region, including teacher trainers, methodological experts, university and pilot school managers and teachers, as well as international experts. The summer school was aimed at providing practical expert support to further develop the capacity of education authorities and practitioners within multilingual and multicultural education. Opening the summer school, Deputy Minister of Education of Kyrgyzstan Toktobubu Ashymbaeva highlighted the important role of the teacher in multilingual education programmes. During the week, participants discussed pre-service and in-service teacher training, as well as facilitating the implementation of multilingual education programmes. Participants also developed training materials aimed at monitoring and evaluating multilingual and multicultural education programmes. As a result, eleven thematic materials were developed with the aim to further adapt them for practical use within the education institutions of the region. Flera Saifulina, Head of the National Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation, found that the diverse forms of activities enabled participants to express their opinions, raise concerns and receive comprehensive answers from fellow experts. She also expressed satisfaction to see how education is used for the integration of societies in the Central Asian countries. Tatiana Aderikhina, Co-ordinator of Education and Child Protection Issues at UNICEF Kazakhstan, said: “I am glad that the cooperation between HCNM and UNICEF Kyrgyzstan continues as it brings synergies and benefits the target country.” Zaiyrbek Ergeshev, representative of the Department of the Ethnic and Religious Issues of the Presidential Administration of Kyrgyzstan, concluded that multilingual and multicultural education is an important factor for forming a civic identity. Since 2012, the High Commissioner has been implementing the Central Asia Education Programme, aimed at promoting multilingual and multicultural education and developing bilateral and multilateral co‑operation in the region to improve the education of national minorities and promote the integration of society.Related StoriesPreservation, inspiration and dialogue: Twenty years of The Hague Recommendations Regarding the Education Rights of National MinoritiesLanguage rights, participation, security and access to justice fundamental to welfare of communities in Kosovo, says High Commissioner ThorsHigh Commissioner Thors, in her OSCE Permanent Council address, discusses country engagement and highlights the increase in hate speech targeting national minorities Full Article High Commissioner on National Minorities Conflict prevention and resolution Education Minority rights Central Asia News
li Strengthening regional women’s networks is crucial in advancing gender equality, say participants at OSCE/ODIHR International Forum of Women Leaders in Minsk By Published On :: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 07:35:45 +0000 248011 New approaches to unleashing and mobilizing the potential of female leadership and the role of men as partners in achieving gender equality were the focuses of the International Forum of Women Leaders "Equal Opportunities for a Better Future", co-organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in Minsk on 21 and 22 June 2016. More than 100 participants from 21 OSCE participating States, including representatives from all of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries, discussed the possibilities for creating networks for women’s empowerment, explored ways of institutionalizing gender analysis, and outlined good practices for promoting women’s roles and influence in politics. A Minsk Declaration of Women Leaders was also adopted, acknowledging the main obstacles in reaching gender equality and calling for action to challenge the status quo. The forum was co-organized with Belarusian State University, Council of Europe Information Point in Minsk, the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Belarus, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Belarus, and Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. "All actors, from political parties to governmental structures, should think about how they can involve women and create gender-sensitive platforms where women can substantively contribute on an equal footing with men," said Marcin Walecki, Head of ODIHR’s Democratization Department. Elena Shamal, a Member of the House of Representatives of Belarus National Assembly, said: "The 2015 Global Gender Gap Report of the World Economic Forum points out that there is not a single state in the world that could provide absolute gender equality. Today’s Forum has once again underlined the need to strengthen international, state and public co-operation for further promoting women’s participation in political and public life." Nadezda Shvedova, of the Russian Academy of Science, said: "To achieve gender equality, we need to enhance co-operation in the OSCE area and the CIS region, in particular. We are calling for the establishment of regional networks of women leaders and women’s organizations to further advance women’s participation in political and public life, for the benefit of all." This forum was organized as part of ODIHR’s programme to advance women’s political participation in the OSCE region, and with the support of the Belarus Ministries of Labour and Social Protection and of Foreign Affairs.Related StoriesODIHR trains prosecutors and lawyers in Kyrgyzstan on international standards regarding freedom of religion or beliefOSCE/ODIHR final report on early parliamentary elections in Serbia recommends comprehensive review of legislation and ensuring the level playing field for contestantsOSCE/ODIHR event in Kyiv supports dialogue platform in Verkhovna Rada on parliamentary ethics Full Article Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Democratization Gender equality News
li Political party legislation in Ukraine, focus of OSCE/ODIHR expert workshop By Published On :: Thu, 07 Jul 2016 11:59:10 +0000 251421 Reforming political party legislation in Ukraine was the focus of an expert workshop in Kyiv on 6 and 7 July 2016, jointly organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the Ukrainian civil society organizations Agency for Legislative Initiatives (ALI) and the Civil Network "OPORA". The event was hosted by the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. More than 80 experts, including representatives of the Ukrainian parliament, government, academia and civil society organizations, discussed trends and challenges in political party regulation, highlighting good practices and lessons learned over the past two decades, and contextualizing the reforms and challenges of the Ukrainian legislative framework in broader regional and international experience. "Political parties are facing significant challenges in their ability to represent citizens and promote political participation across OSCE participating States," said Marcin Walecki, Head of ODIHR Democratization Department. "Transparency in party procedures and financing sources, their level of inclusiveness towards under-represented groups, and their ability to use new media to promote communication and accountability are all indispensable elements to ensure political pluralism and a vigorous democracy." Sergii Leshchenko, Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, said: "Political parties in Ukraine suffer from low levels of trust, affecting the legitimacy of the entire institutional framework. Following last year’s workshop, this meeting represents an opportunity to continue the discussion with international and local experts on the political party legislation implemented in Ukraine and opportunities for reform." The Workshop also addressed the issue of inclusiveness in political parties, looking into the promotion of women and persons with disabilities in policies and party structures. In a video message from Judith E. Heumann, Special Advisor for International Disability Rights in the United States’ State Department, said: "Participating States should support political participation of persons with disabilities in political parties across the OSCE region." Following the workshop, 20 Ukrainian journalists, media and civil society representatives will participate in a one-day training event on Money in Politics, offering a general overview of the issue of political party and campaign financing, and focusing on the findings of the workshop and detailed aspects of the political party legislation adopted in Ukraine. The workshop and the subsequent training workshop were organized within the framework of ODIHR’s project on "Strengthening dialogue among civil society and with key government stakeholders in Ukraine".Related StoriesOSCE/ODIHR event in Kyiv supports dialogue platform in Verkhovna Rada on parliamentary ethicsOSCE workshop in Kosovo focuses on improving the recording of hate crimesOSCE/ODIHR final report on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s postponed early parliamentary elections recommends continuing electoral reform process Full Article Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Democratization Eastern Europe Ukraine News
li OSCE/ODIHR event in Kyiv supports dialogue platform in Verkhovna Rada on parliamentary ethics By Published On :: Thu, 07 Jul 2016 12:15:58 +0000 251941 Supporting the process of ethical standards reform and developing a code of conduct for members of the Verkhovna Rada, the Ukrainian parliament, was the focus of an event, co-organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the Verkhovna Rada, the Agency for Legislative Initiatives, the USAID RADA Program and the Netherlands Institute for Multi-party Democracy. Bringing together 20 Members of Parliament, the event aimed at identifying and addressing specific ethical dilemmas facing them. The event also provided a platform for discussing various ethical dilemmas relating to conflict of interest, gift declaration, gender equality and conduct in private vs. public life with representatives of around 50 civil society and international organizations. "Enhancing trust in the Verkhovna Rada is a necessary precondition for ensuring and maintaining the legitimacy and trust of our institution," said Andriy Parubiy, Speaker of the Parliament of Ukraine. "This is our main responsibility and an opportunity." Participants also discussed avoiding harm to the reputation of the Parliament by considering ethical dilemmas and the low level of public trust in the institution, as well as exploring ways the introduction of ethical standards for its members can increase confidence. Pat Cox, former President of the European Parliament and Head of the European Parliament's Needs Assessment Mission to the Verkhovna Rada, said: "Ethics is not only about black and white, legal and illegal, but also about regulating unethical behaviour and thus showing the public that you strive towards ensuring the highest professionalism standards in your work." "ODIHR has, in recent years, supported more than 12 national Parliaments with developing and adopting a code of conduct," said Kateryna Ryabiko, Project Co-coordinator at ODIHR. "I am convinced that we, together with partner organisations and experts, will be able to support the Verkhovna Rada with ethics reform and development of professional standards for MPs that will meet the public’s expectations of transparency and accountability." The event was organized as part of the ODIHR’s "Strengthening dialogue among civil society and with key governmental stakeholders in Ukraine" project, which was launched in April 2015 with the goal of enhancing effective mechanisms for dialogue to address key human rights issues in Ukraine, in line with OSCE commitments and international standards.Related StoriesPolitical party legislation in Ukraine, focus of OSCE/ODIHR expert workshopOSCE workshop in Kosovo focuses on improving the recording of hate crimesOSCE/ODIHR final report on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s postponed early parliamentary elections recommends continuing electoral reform process Full Article Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Democratization Eastern Europe Ukraine News
li OSCE Office in Tajikistan organizes first regional forum for promoting women’s political participation in Khujand By Published On :: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 11:14:33 +0000 256286 Munira Shoinbekova, OSCE Office in Tajikistan The OSCE Office in Tajikistan on 24 July 2016 organized the first regional forum for promoting women’s political participation in Khujand, with the aim of increasing community outreach, engaging women leaders in the region and supporting women’s empowerment in political and public life. The forum brought together 40 experts from political parties, local authorities, international organizations and civil society members, and is designed as a platform for dialogue between women politicians and communities. They will work to motivate young girls who aspire to become leaders or hold decision-making positions in public life, and aim to gain support from communities and local authorities for the advancement of women in political life. “Our project aims to build strong support for women leaders, to tackle gender stereotypes, to surface and articulate the aspirations, choices and skills of women and girls of Tajikistan, so that they can realize their full potential in public and political life,” said Vesna Ivanovikj-Castarede, Head of the Democratization Unit at the OSCE Office. Shanjeev Thiruchelvam, OSCE Field Officer in Khujand, said: “Both male and female community leaders, politicians and civil society representatives have expressed keen interest in the continued work of the Sughd Women's Forum, which recognizes, and aims to provide opportunities to develop female leadership in Sughd public life.” Similar forums are to be organized across the country. Related StoriesOSCE Office in Tajikistan support Garm’s local authorities in strengthening referral mechanisms for protecting domestic violence victimsOSCE Office in Tajikistan presents recommendations from the Customs Code Integrity AssessmentOSCE Office in Tajikistan holds workshop to improve local referral mechanisms for protection of domestic violence victims in Sughd region Full Article OSCE Office in Tajikistan Democratization Gender equality Central Asia News
li OSCE/ODIHR Director Link criticizes call for reintroduction of death penalty by Tajikistan’s Prosecutor General By Published On :: Fri, 05 Aug 2016 15:06:56 +0000 WARSAW, 6 August 2016 – Michael Georg Link, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), today criticized the call by the Prosecutor General of Tajikistan for the reintroduction of the death penalty, and expressed concern over recent discussions related to removing the bans on capital punishment in some other OSCE participating States. “Countries in the OSCE have committed themselves to consider the complete abolition of capital punishment, not to reconsider that abolition,” the ODIHR Director said. “Yesterday’s call by the Prosecutor General in Tajikistan for the reintroduction of capital punishment in that country is completely out of place in a region where most of the countries recognize the inherently cruel, inhuman and degrading nature of a punishment that fails to act as a deterrent and makes any miscarriage of justice irreversible.” Tajikistan’s Prosecutor-General, Yusuf Rahmon, told a press conference yesterday that perpetrators of premeditated murder, terrorists and traitors must be punished by death. His words followed similar statements by other leaders, among them President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and President Viktor Orban of Hungary, suggesting that the reinstitution of the death penalty should be opened for discussion. Tajikistan suspended the application of the death penalty in 2004, while Turkey and Hungary completely abolished capital punishment, in 2004 and 1990, respectively. “Rather than reversing its course, it is my hope that Tajikistan will take further steps toward the complete abolition of the death penalty,” he said. “It is also my hope that Turkey, remains with the vast majority of the OSCE participating States and will continue to act as a strong advocate for the global abolition, as it has in recent years.”Related StoriesOSCE/ODIHR opens observation mission for parliamentary elections in BelarusODIHR Director Link and IHRA Chair Constantinescu, on day to commemorate genocide against Roma and Sinti, say greater efforts needed to protect endangered memorial sites and ensure dignity of victimsODIHR trains prosecutors and lawyers in Kyrgyzstan on international standards regarding freedom of religion or belief Full Article Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Human rights Central Asia Press release
li Reolink CX410 ColorX 2k 4MP PoE IP Camera with True Full-Color Night Vision $98.55 Delivered @ Reolink By Published On :: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 17:30:47 +1100 Original price: $139.99 Now: $98.55 Savings: 29.6% Note: This exclusive code (decx410au) saves 12% off and you can save total 29.6% Key Features True Color Night Vision in the Dimmest Light F1.0 Super Aperture 3000K Adjustable Warm Light Person/Vehicle/Pet Detection Full Article Electrical & Electronics IP Camera Reolink Reolink CX410 Security Camera
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li BlueAnt X4 Portable 50-Watt Bluetooth Party Speaker $129 Delivered (RRP $299) @ Pop Phones By Published On :: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 18:21:28 +1100 2nd Deal: BlueAnt X1i Portable 14-Watt Bluetooth Speaker – Crimson Red for $59 Code POP10 to claim $10 off.… BlueAnt X4 Portable 50-Watt Bluetooth Party Speaker – White LIGHT UP YOUR PARTY With a range of vivid colors to brighten any room, the X4 takes the party to another level with lights that groove in time to the music. PAIR 100 SPEAKERS TOGETHER Join in the fun and the party keeps getting bigger as you add your music to the mix. Connect up to 100 speakers in party mode. 5 LED MODES Dance the night away to up to 5 light shows. UNLEASH YOUR INNER ROCKSTAR The X4 comes with a bonus microphone so you can unleash your inner rockstar or channel the diva inside you. MAKE A SPLASH The X4 is splashproof and the range of colors helps make your X4 a personal statement. BOOST THE BASS To increase the intensity, simply press the Bass Boost button for out-of-this-world sound. POWER UP The X4 includes a built-in power bank so you can keep your phone topped up as you rock out. What’s In The Box I x X4 Party Speaker I x Rapid Charger I x Bonus Microphone I x Product Manual Full Article Electrical & Electronics BlueAnt BlueAnt X4 Bluetooth Speaker
li G.Skill Trident Z5 RGB 64GB (2x32GB) 6400MHz CL32 DDR5 RAM (Hynix) $299 Delivered ($0 MEL/BNE C&C) + Surcharge @ Scorptec By Published On :: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 18:23:10 +1100 Nice pricing for a premium Hynix kit Dual rank, RGB and XMP 3.0 - most AMD boards support XMP but double check your specs and BIOS $1 cheaper at unnamed retailer with insufficient stock, higher surcharge and noted price jacker F5-6400J3239G32GX2-TZ5RK PC5-51200 (6400MHz), CL32-39-39-102 @ 1.4V, XMP 3.0, Dual Channel Kit, Matte Black Limited Lifetime Warranty 1% surcharge for Card, AmEx, & PayPal payments Full Article Computing 64GB Computer Component DDR5 G.Skill G.Skill Trident Z5 RAM
li Click 360° Rotation Smartphone Car Holder $3 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store/ OnePass) @ Bunnings By Published On :: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 18:28:33 +1100 Cheap… bought 1 found it sturdy, ordered 2 extra spares. Quick Lock Button Air Vent Clip Option Included Super Sticky Suction Cup Secure your device effortlessly with the quick-lock button and super sticky suction cup. Enjoy versatile placement options with the included air vent clip. Stay connected and in control on the road with Click's adjustable car holder. Full Article Automotive Click (brand) Mobile Phone Accessory Phone Holder
li Quilton 3 Ply Extra Thick Facial Tissues Hypo-Allergenic (12 Boxes) $18 ($16.20 S&S) + Delivery ($0 Prime/$59 Spend) @ Amazon AU By Published On :: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 18:47:00 +1100 Very nice price drop for these tissues. Works out to be $1.35 per box. Enjoy! Made with 3 ply tissue for extra thickness. Kind to noses and perfect for make-up removal, mopping up small spills and wiping away tears Quilton Hypo-allergenic tissues are dermatologically tested to be extra gentle on sensitive skin Created with a unique combination of strength and softness Country of Origin: Australia Come in a variety of designs ( actual box design may vary from the ones shown here) Manufactured using FSC certified forest resources – your guarantee you are supporting forest sustainability for future generations Full Article Health & Beauty Quilton Quilton 3-Ply Extra Thick Facial Tissues Tissues
li HP 255 G9 15.6inch Ryzen 5 16GB RAM 512GB $699 + Delivery ($0 to Metro/ MEL/BNE/SYD C&C / in-Store) + Surcharge @ Scorptec By Published On :: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 18:48:49 +1100 Good deal for < $700: AMD Ryzen 5 5625U scores 14,918 on PassMark 1% surcharge for card & PayPal payments. HP 255 G9 Silver Laptop, AMD Ryzen 5 5625U, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, 15.6inch FHD IPS, Radeon Graphics, GbE, WiFi 6, BT 5.3, HD Cam, 41Wh Batt, 1.74 kg, Win11 Home, HP 1 Year Onsite Warranty Says free shipping to Available to Metro areas only Please follow title guidelines — Mod. Full Article Computing 15.6inch Computer HP HP 255 G9 Laptop
li TWL 2-Finger Karbon Grips $20 a Pair (Save $65) + $9.99 Shipping ($0 with $199 Order) @ The WOD Life By Published On :: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 18:53:36 +1100 If you need any lifting gloves/straps for the gym, I normally purchase a pair of these leather ones every year around this time for around $26 -… However for an even cheaper price and bigger saving, the (supposedly better/higher quality) karbon version is currently on sale for $20 (which is a $65 saving) -…. I actually bought these last week for $26, and now they are even cheaper in price :( I don't like to wear full gloves, but still like to wear something to prevent too many calluses and also so my hands are not completely black from the dirty gym equipment. They come in a pouch as well so they get aired out and don't come into direct contact with the other items in your gym bag. Lots of other deals on like Nano's, Metcon, etc for their Black Friday Sale. Full Article Sports & Outdoors Gloves Gym Equipment