
Religious Infidelity

Fr. Pat preaches from Isaiah 1:1-15. This homily was given at Vespers on November 13, 2010.


Models for Lent


Taking Delight in Jesus


Delusions that Miss the Point

Hebrews 9:11-14, Mark 10:32-45. Heavenly and Earthly Desire.


Fr. Kallinikos Delveis

Matthew recounts the story of Fr. Kallinikos Delveis, the first priest of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in New York.


074: Alyssa Dulin – Secrets of Email Deliverability

Today, I sit down with the Head of Deliverability at ConvertKit, Alyssa Dulin, to shed some light on the often mysterious game of getting your email into the right inbox. Alyssa’s expertise about what creators need to focus on and the most recent developments in the email marketing space can truly take your company’s reach […]


Caribbean disturbance has potential path toward Florida, models show | Tracking the Tropics


Sadness at delayed honour for late snooker champ

Councillors voice disappointment they are only giving honour to snooker champ after his death.


O'Sullivan beats Nutcharut after safety delays

Ronnie O'Sullivan is through to the International Championship second round after beating Mink Nutcharut 6-3.


Ireland could host NFL game in 2025 - Goodell

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says he is looking to stage eight matches outside of the US in 2025.


Health boss quits after 'deliberate' accounts errors

Sue Hill will not receive a settlement after "systemic cultural failings" in her department.


Long-awaited beaver enclosure delayed by flooding

The local Wildlife Trust says "extreme flooding" has meant a setback to the project.


Strictly Blackout dancer 'an amazing role model'

Chris McCausland is described as an "amazing role model" for blind people after wowing Strictly judges.


Randell is a 'future captain' at Plymouth Argyle

Adam Randell is a 'future captain' at Plymouth Argyle according to head coach Wayne Rooney.


I will never delay flu jab again - pharmacy boss

Tania Cork felt she might need an inhaler for the rest of her life after catching flu last year.


Campaigners 'delighted' housing estate turned down

Developers wanted to build 20 homes on land next to a Site of Biological Importance in Harwood, Bolton.


Redeveloped car park due to open after delays

The city centre facility has faced delays following the old one's closure for demolition.


Trial delayed for man accused of killing wife

Habibur Masum is accused of stabbing his wife to death as she pushed their baby in a pram.


More secrets of Carlisle Citadel station tunnels

Andrew Carter explores more subterranean features and the abandoned station master's flat


EV deliveries rise in October as overall market shrinks

New car market falls by -6.0% in October, as businesses, fleets and private buyers register 9,241 fewer vehicles. Battery electric the only vehicles to see higher uptake as manufacturers subsidise […]

The post EV deliveries rise in October as overall market shrinks appeared first on Tech Digest.



Oposiciones al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes del Estado 2022 Se han hecho de rogar, pero, por fin, el pasado viernes, 14 de octubre, se publicó la resolución de convocatoria...

La entrada OPOSICIONES AL CUERPO DE TRADUCTORES E INTÉRPRETES DEL ESTADO 2022 se publicó primero en Nartran Translations.



Preparar Oposiciones al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes del Estado 2022 Si has llegado a este post, probablemente quieras saber cómo preparar las oposiciones al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes...

La entrada PREPARAR OPOSICIONES AL CUERPO DE TRADUCTORES E INTÉRPRETES DEL ESTADO 2022 se publicó primero en Nartran Translations.



Comprar temas teóricos oposición al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes del Estado



Pruebas al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes del MAEC

El BOE (BOE-A-2018-337) publica hoy las oportunas pruebas (oposición) para cubrir las siguientes plazas: a) Una plaza de Traductor de árabe (traducción directa del árabe al castellano), con inglés como segunda lengua extranjera. b) Una plaza de Traductor/Intérprete de inglés y francés con «retour» a uno de esos dos idiomas. c) Tres plazas de Traductor […]


Across ? Impossible to ignore QM errors to deliver the job

I have recently run into the problem of not being able to deliver completed project due to strange behavior of Across in terms of required Quality Management checks. I assume this is not an uncommon problem, so this article describes … Continue reading



El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores convoca el examen de traductor jurado de 2017 en el BOE 61 de 13 de marzo de 2017. La espera se ha acabado. Sin embargo, la convocatoria de intérpretes jurados de...

The post CONVOCATORIA DEL EXAMEN DE TRADUCTOR JURADO 2017 appeared first on El Blog del Traductor Jurado.


Proyecto de modificación del Reglamento de Traductores Jurados

Tras la modificación de la normativa de 2014, esta es la primera vez que el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación de España (conocido por todos por sus anteriores siglas, MAEC) pretende...

The post Proyecto de modificación del Reglamento de Traductores Jurados appeared first on El Blog del Traductor Jurado.

  • Normativa del traductor jurado
  • legislación
  • normativa
  • normativa de traducción jurada
  • reglamento
  • reglamento de traducción jurada
  • reglamento de traductores jurados


Amor a la literatura o Decálogo del traductor literario

Helena Cortés Gabaudan

Existen unos cuantos códigos deontológicos para traductores, pero muy pocos se refieren a la traducción literaria en particular. De entre ellos, uno de los primeros que se encuentra en Internet ni siquiera llega a reunir más de 7 normas, y las que incluye apenas tienen que ver con lo que realmente garantiza la calidad de una traducción literaria; es un mero listado de requisitos básicos del traductor en general y de aspectos legales (vid. el código deontológico del traductor literario redactado por el Consejo Europeo de Asociaciones de Traductores Literarios, ceatl). Ante esta carencia, hemos redactado, entre bromas y veras, un pequeño código personal para traductores literarios noveles, un decálogo que solo se basa en los cientos de horas solitarias, ingratas, desesperantes, pero siempre felices, pasadas frente a los textos de los grandes autores.


1. Humildad (o, lo que otros llaman fidelidad al texto). No trates de ser más brillante que el propio autor; en general, la mayor literalidad posible en fondo y forma es la mejor norma, aunque siempre creando un texto propio y sin caer en la burda copia. Si tienes siempre la tentación de mejorar el original, si te gusta adaptar y añadir cosas de tu cosecha o cortar y simplificar las partes complejas, escribe novelas, pero no traduzcas. Y, en particular, si eres poeta y te encanta traducir poesía, haz un esfuerzo: olvida tu condición por un instante y sé solo traductor. El lector no quiere leer tus versos.

2. Sensatez. Algunos escritores son gente rara, sí, ¡pero no tantos! En general no escriben estupideces ni insensateces. Así pues, si algo te sorprende sobremanera o parece no tener ningún sentido, es casi seguro que te has equivocado. Indaga. Seguro que algo se te está escapando.

3. Sentido estético. Traducir correctamente el contenido de la obra original puede ser relativamente fácil, pero no hay que olvidarse de la forma estética. Analiza a fondo los recursos estilísticos y estéticos empleados por el autor y trata de lograr lo mismo en tu propio idioma. De no ser así, tanto daría hacer un buen resumen del contenido como traducir la obra.

4. Paciencia. Si quieres traducir literatura no puedes tener prisa, es labor interminable de investigación, reescritura, relectura. Una recomendación: cuando hayas acabado de traducir, olvida tu versión en un cajón durante un tiempo suficientemente largo como para borrar de tu mente el original y haz una última lectura sin tener presente más que tu sentido lingüístico y literario: en este momento, y solo en éste, tómate todas las libertades que quieras con el texto hasta que a ti te suene bien, hasta hacerlo completamente tuyo, hasta que deje de ser una traducción y se convierta en tu texto: ganará en fluidez, no sonará a traducción y tendrá un estilo homogéneo.

5. Cultura. Si no tienes cientos de horas de lectura acumulados, si careces de una sólida cultura general y de cierta experiencia vital, si no conoces los clásicos y te aburre cualquier libro que no esté lleno de acción y diálogos, si nunca ganaste un premio de redacción en el colegio ni leías por las noches con una linterna debajo de las sábanas para que no te riñeran, si nunca viajaste a los países cuyas lenguas traduces, en definitiva, si no tienes gusto por la literatura: por favor ¡no te hagas traductor literario! Se gana más con los manuales de autoayuda y los libros de cocina.

6. Naturalidad. Es más importante que la obra suene bien en tu idioma y conseguir un texto natural y fluido, carente de todo artificio, que el que se cuele alguna disculpable metedura de pata. Y el que esté libre de error, que tire la primera piedra.

7. Buena pluma. Si no tienes talento para escribir con gracia y soltura en tu propio idioma no podrás ser nunca un buen traductor literario. Solo el que escribe bien traduce bien.

8. Dominio de tu lengua. Ser bilingüe ayuda mucho, pero no es garantía de buena traducción. Conocer bien la lengua de partida es un requisito técnico tan elemental como saber leer y escribir, pero no aporta nada más. Conocer bien la lengua de llegada, haberse perdido por sus más enrevesados vericuetos, saber jugar con ella, poder burlarse de ella: esa es la condición para ser un buen traductor. Busca a quien domine muy bien la lengua extranjera y tendrás, con suerte, un correcto traductor. Busca quien domine a
fondo su lengua materna y casi seguro que habrás encontrado a un buen traductor.

9. Actualidad. No envejezcas a propósito una traducción para acercarla a la época del autor. Piensa que los lectores contemporáneos del autor pudieron disfrutar de una lectura fluida y natural en el idioma de su tiempo. No castigues a tus lectores con una barrera idiomática artificial que solo provoca distancia. Para que el original siga siendo tan accesible como en su tiempo, cada generación necesita una nueva traducción.

10. Amor. O lo correcto no es igual a lo bueno. Cuántas traducciones hubo más o menos correctas que son perfectamente olvidables, por grises, planas, carentes de toda vida. Tal vez con un excelente adiestramiento se pueda conseguir un número aceptable de correctas traducciones. Pero siempre hubo, hay y habrá muy pocas buenas traducciones. En traducción literaria, traducción correcta no equivale a buena traducción. Porque también hacen falta grandes dosis de empatía. Si a pesar de haber renegado del texto más de mil veces, en el fondo has acabado sintiendo pasión por él y su autor, es señal de que eres un traductor. Si en caso de existir la máquina del tiempo lo que más te gustaría sería tener una entrevista con el clásico al que estás traduciendo, es señal de que eres un traductor. Si lo que más te gusta al llegar a casa es sentarte ante tu libro, y nunca te vas a la cama sin haber traducido al menos unas cuantas líneas —porque ése es el momento que más disfrutas del día— es señal de que eres un traductor. Y es que, además de profesión, hace falta un poco de vocación.

Estos diez mandamientos se encierran en dos: amarás a la literatura sobre todas las cosas y a los textos que traduces como a ti mismo.


Hacer traducciones literarias es lo más parecido a tener hijos: es una gestación larga y complicada, cuanto más se acerca el inexorable plazo de entrega más insoportable y más pesado se vuelve el asunto, hay momentos en que detestas al que te embarcó en aquel lío y te preguntas cómo pudiste aceptar; y llega siempre ese momento de extremo dolor, cuando tienes que sacar fuera como sea la cabeza del infante, en que te juras a ti mismo que nunca volverás a caer en semejante empresa… pero, en general, una vez que el niño ya está fuera y lo miras, solo queda amor incondicional por tan trabajoso producto, pese a los muchos fallos que pueda tener. Y es que ¿hay alguna madre que piense que sus hijos son feos? En resumen, la traducción literaria no es una profesión, no da de comer ni se aprende en la academia: es una vocación y un talento. Si no disfrutas con ella, no la ejerzas.

Fuente: La Linterna del Traductor


Jornadas: 20.º Aniversario del Colegio de Traductores de Sta. Fe, 1.ª C.

Estimados matriculados, colegas y estudiantes:

Como muchos de ustedes sabrán, nuestro Colegio cumple 20 años. Por eso, les proponemos que en septiembre, nuestro mes aniversario, participemos de un intercambio enriquecedor de experiencias e inquietudes en las Jornadas sobre traducción, que hemos organizado para los sábados 8 y 15, en el salón de reuniones del Centro Comercial (San Martín 2819 - 2.º Piso).

Es una gran oportunidad para escucharnos, compartir experiencias y estrechar lazos entre colegas.
El sábado 15, una vez finalizadas las jornadas, tendremos la posibilidad de compartir un almuerzo de cierre para brindar por todos estos años vividos junto a la institución (costo no incluido en las tarifas de las jornadas). Pueden descargar el cronograma de actividades aquí.

Esperamos la participación de todos ustedes.

Saludos cordiales.

Consejo Directivo
CTPSF - Primera Circunscripción


María Moliner: ‘Diccionario de uso del español’

El Diccionario de uso del español de María Moliner es una obra monumental. Son dos volúmenes que la autora iba elaborando pacientemente en el salón […]



Color Image Restoration Using Neural Network Model

Neural network learning approach for color image restoration has been discussed in this paper and one of the possible solutions for restoring images has been presented. Here neural network weights are considered as regularization parameter values instead of explicitly specifying them. The weights are modified during the training through the supply of training set data. The desired response of the network is in the form of estimated value of the current pixel. This estimated value is used to modify the network weights such that the restored value produced by the network for a pixel is as close as to this desired response. One of the advantages of the proposed approach is that, once the neural network is trained, images can be restored without having prior information about the model of noise/blurring with which the image is corrupted.


Let Me Tell You a Story - On How to Build Process Models

Process Modeling has been a very active research topic for the last decades. One of its main issues is the externalization of knowledge and its acquisition for further use, as this remains deeply related to the quality of the resulting process models produced by this task. This paper presents a method and a graphical supporting tool for process elicitation and modeling, combining the Group Storytelling technique with the advances of Text Mining and Natural Language Processing. The implemented tool extends its previous versions with several functionalities to facilitate group story telling by the users, as well as to improve the results of the acquired process model from the stories.


Modeling Quality Attributes with Aspect-Oriented Architectural Templates

The quality attributes of a software system are, to a large extent, determined by the decisions taken early in the development process. Best practices in software engineering recommend the identification of important quality attributes during the requirements elicitation process, and the specification of software architectures to satisfy these requirements. Over the years the software engineering community has studied the relationship between quality attributes and the use of particular architectural styles and patterns. In this paper we study the relationship between quality attributes and Aspect-Oriented Software Architectures - which apply the principles of Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) at the architectural level. AOSD focuses on identifying, modeling and composing crosscutting concerns - i.e. concerns that are tangled and/or scattered with other concerns of the application. In this paper we propose to use AO-ADL, an aspect-oriented architectural description language, to specify quality attributes by means of parameterizable, and thus reusable, architectural patterns. We particularly focus on quality attributes that: (1) have major implications on software functionality, requiring the incorporation of explicit functionality at the architectural level; (2) are complex enough as to be modeled by a set of related concerns and the compositions among them, and (3) crosscut domain specific functionality and are related to more than one component in the architecture. We illustrate our approach for usability, a critical quality attribute that satisfies the previous constraints and that requires special attention at the requirements and the architecture design stages.


Automatically Checking Feature Model Refactorings

A feature model (FM) defines the valid combinations of features, whose combinations correspond to a program in a Software Product Line (SPL). FMs may evolve, for instance, during refactoring activities. Developers may use a catalog of refactorings as support. However, the catalog is incomplete in principle. Additionally, it is non-trivial to propose correct refactorings. To our knowledge, no previous analysis technique for FMs is used for checking properties of general FM refactorings (a transformation that can be applied to a number of FMs) containing a representative number of features. We propose an efficient encoding of FMs in the Alloy formal specification language. Based on this encoding, we show how the Alloy Analyzer tool, which performs analysis on Alloy models, can be used to automatically check whether encoded general and specific FM refactorings are correct. Our approach can analyze general transformations automatically to a significant scale in a few seconds. In order to evaluate the analysis performance of our encoding, we evaluated in automatically generated FMs ranging from 500 to 2,000 features. Furthermore, we analyze the soundness of general transformations.


Context-Aware Composition and Adaptation based on Model Transformation

Using pre-existing software components (COTS) to develop software systems requires the composition and adaptation of the component interfaces to solve mismatch problems. These mismatches may appear at different interoperability levels (signature, behavioural, quality of service and semantic). In this article, we define an approach which supports composition and adaptation of software components based on model transformation by taking into account the four levels. Signature and behavioural levels are addressed by means of transition systems. Context-awareness and semanticbased techniques are used to tackle quality of service and semantic, respectively, but also both consider the signature level. We have implemented and validated our proposal for the design and application of realistic and complex systems. Here, we illustrate the need to support the variability of the adaptation process in a context-aware pervasive system through a real-world case study, where software components are implemented using Windows Workflow Foundation (WF). We apply our model transformation process to extract transition systems (CA-STS specifications) from WF components. These CA-STSs are used to tackle the composition and adaptation. Then, we generate a CASTS adaptor specification, which is transformed into its corresponding WF adaptor component with the purpose of interacting with all the WF components of the system, thereby avoiding mismatch problems.


An Approach for Feature Modeling of Context-Aware Software Product Line

Feature modeling is an approach to represent commonalities and variabilities among products of a product line. Context-aware applications use context information to provide relevant services and information for their users. One of the challenges to build a context-aware product line is to develop mechanisms to incorporate context information and adaptation knowledge in a feature model. This paper presents UbiFEX, an approach to support feature analysis for context-aware software product lines, which incorporates a modeling notation and a mechanism to verify the consistency of product configuration regarding context variations. Moreover, an experimental study was performed as a preliminary evaluation, and a prototype was developed to enable the application of the proposed approach.


Hierarchical Graph-Grammar Model for Secure and Efficient Handwritten Signatures Classification

One important subject associated with personal authentication capabilities is the analysis of handwritten signatures. Among the many known techniques, algorithms based on linguistic formalisms are also possible. However, such techniques require a number of algorithms for intelligent image analysis to be applied, allowing the development of new solutions in the field of personal authentication and building modern security systems based on the advanced recognition of such patterns. The article presents the approach based on the usage of syntactic methods for the static analysis of handwritten signatures. The graph linguistic formalisms applied, such as the IE graph and ETPL(k) grammar, are characterised by considerable descriptive strength and a polynomial membership problem of the syntactic analysis. For the purposes of representing the analysed handwritten signatures, new hierarchical (two-layer) HIE graph structures based on IE graphs have been defined. The two-layer graph description makes it possible to take into consideration both local and global features of the signature. The usage of attributed graphs enables the storage of additional semantic information describing the properties of individual signature strokes. The verification and recognition of a signature consists in analysing the affiliation of its graph description to the language describing the specimen database. Initial assessments display a precision of the method at a average level of under 75%.


Service Oriented Multimedia Delivery System in Pervasive Environments

Service composition is an effective approach for large-scale multimedia delivery. In previous works, user requirement is represented as one fixed functional path which is composed of several functional components in a certain order. Actually, there may be several functional paths (deliver different quality level multimedia data, e.g., image pixel, frame rate) that can meet one request. And due to the diversity of devices and connections in pervasive environment, system should choose a suitable media quality delivery path in accordance with context, instead of one fixed functional path. This paper presents a deep study of multimedia delivery problem and proposes an on-line algorithm LDPath and an off-line centralized algorithm LD/RPath respectively. LDPath aims at delivering multimedia data to end user with lowest delay by choosing services to build delivery paths hop-by-hop, which is adapted to the unstable open environment. And LD/RPath is developed for a relatively stable environment, which generates delivery paths according to the trade-off between delay and reliability metrics, because the service reliability is also an important fact in such scenario. Experimental results show that both algorithms have good performance with low overhead to the system.


A feature-based model selection approach using web traffic for tourism data

The increased volume of accessible internet data creates an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to improve time series forecasting for many indicators. In our study, we assess the value of web traffic data in forecasting the number of short-term visitors travelling to Australia. We propose a feature-based model selection framework which combines random forest with feature ranking process to select the best performing model using limited and informative number of features extracted from web traffic data. The data was obtained for several tourist attraction and tourism information websites that could be visited by potential tourists to find out more about their destinations. The results of random forest models were evaluated over 3- and 12-month forecasting horizon. Features from web traffic data appears in the final model for short term forecasting. Further, the model with additional data performs better on unseen data post the COVID19 pandemic. Our study shows that web traffic data adds value to tourism forecasting and can assist tourist destination site managers and decision makers in forming timely decisions to prepare for changes in tourism demand.


An architectural view of VANETs cloud: its models, services, applications and challenges

This research explores vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) and their extensive applications, such as enhancing traffic efficiency, infotainment, and passenger safety. Despite significant study, widespread deployment of VANETs has been hindered by security and privacy concerns. Challenges in implementation, including scalability, flexibility, poor connection, and insufficient intelligence, have further complicated VANETs. This study proposes leveraging cloud computing to address these challenges, marking a paradigm shift. Cloud computing, recognised for its cost-efficiency and virtualisation, is integrated with VANETs. The paper details the nomenclature, architecture, models, services, applications, and challenges of VANET-based cloud computing. Three architectures for VANET clouds - vehicular clouds (VCs), vehicles utilising clouds (VuCs), and hybrid vehicular clouds (HVCs) - are discussed in detail. The research provides an overview, delves into related work, and explores VANET cloud computing's architectural frameworks, models, and cloud services. It concludes with insights into future work and a comprehensive conclusion.


Lego Horizon Adventures is a delightful, kid-friendly twist on Horizon Zero Dawn - Polygon

  1. Lego Horizon Adventures is a delightful, kid-friendly twist on Horizon Zero Dawn  Polygon
  2. Lego Horizon Adventures Review  IGN
  3. How LEGO Horizon Adventures was built with real LEGO bricks, out Nov 14  PlayStation
  4. Lego Horizon Adventures: The Kotaku Review  Yahoo Entertainment
  5. Lego Horizon Adventures Sylens voice actor revealed following Lance Reddick’s passing  Video Games Chronicle


Niagara Health offering free parking after delays reported - News Talk 610 CKTB

  1. Niagara Health offering free parking after delays reported  News Talk 610 CKTB
  2. Implementation of new Niagara Health patient info system resulting in long wait times  St. Catharines Standard
  3. Temporary delays impacting registration at emergency departments  Thorold News
  4. Niagara Health Working Through Delays  101.1 More FM
  5. Niagara Health experiencing temporary delays impacting registration and EDs  Niagara Health


E-commerce growth prediction model based on grey Markov chain

In order to solve the problems of long prediction consumption time and many prediction iterations existing in traditional prediction models, an e-commerce growth prediction model based on grey Markov chain is proposed. The Scrapy crawler framework is used to collect a variety of e-commerce data from e-commerce websites, and the feedforward neural network model is used to clean the collected data. With the cleaned e-commerce data as the input vector and the e-commerce growth prediction results as the output vector, an e-commerce growth prediction model based on the grey Markov chain is built. The prediction model is improved by using the background value optimisation method. After training the model through the improved particle swarm optimisation algorithm, accurate e-commerce growth prediction results are obtained. The experimental results show that the maximum time consumption of e-commerce growth prediction of this model is only 0.032, and the number of iterations is small.


Enabling smart city technologies: impact of smart city-ICTs on e-Govt. services and society welfare using UTAUT model

Smart cities research is growing all over the world seeking to understand the effect of smart cities from different angles, domains and countries. The aim of this study is to analyse how the smart city ICTs (e.g., big data analytics, AI, IoT, cloud computing, smart grids, wireless communication, intelligent transportation system, smart building, e-governance, smart health, smart education and cyber security) are related to government. services and society welfare from the perspective of China. This research confirmed a positive correlation of smart city ICTs to e-Govt. Services (e-GS). On the other hand, the research showed a positive influence of smart city ICTs on society's welfare. These findings about smart cities and ICTs inform us how the thought paradigm to smart technologies can cause the improvement of e-GS through economic development, job creation and social welfare. The study offers different applications of the theoretical perspectives and the management perspective which are significant to building a society during recent technologised era.


The role of mediator variable in digital payments: a structural equation model analysis

The proliferation of technology and communication has resulted in increased digitalisation that includes digital payments. This study is aimed at unravelling the relationship between awareness of individuals about the digital payment system and customer satisfaction with digital payments. Two models were developed in this study. First model considers awareness → usage pattern → customer satisfaction. Second model considers usage pattern → customer satisfaction → perception of digital payments. These two alternative models were tested by collecting data from 507 respondents in southern India was analysed using the structural equation modelling. The results indicate that usage pattern acted as a mediator between awareness and satisfaction, and satisfaction acted as a mediator between usage pattern and consumers' perception of digital payments. The implications for theory and practice are discussed.


Integrating big data collaboration models: advancements in health security and infectious disease early warning systems

In order to further improve the public health assurance system and the infectious diseases early warning system to give play to their positive roles and enhance their collaborative capacity, this paper, based on the big and thick data analytics technology, designs a 'rolling-type' data synergy model. This model covers districts and counties, municipalities, provinces, and the country. It forms a data blockchain for the public health assurance system and enables high sharing of data from existing system platforms such as the infectious diseases early warning system, the hospital medical record management system, the public health data management system, and the health big and thick data management system. Additionally, it realises prevention, control and early warning by utilising data mining and synergy technologies, and ideally solves problems of traditional public health assurance system platforms such as excessive pressure on the 'central node', poor data tamper-proofing capacity, low transmission efficiency of big and thick data, bad timeliness of emergency response, and so on. The realisation of this technology can greatly improve the application and analytics of big and thick data and further enhance the public health assurance capacity.