
Using GIS for Collaborative Land Use Compatibility Planning Near Airports

TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Research Report 200: Using GIS for Collaborative Land Use Compatibility Planning Near Airports offers guidance for using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a collaboration tool to encourage compatible land use around airports. The report is designed to help airport and community planners seeking to work together to protect existing and future airport development as well as maintain safety and improve quality of life for those living and working near ...



Impacts on Practice: Measuring Success at Raleigh–Durham International Airport

As an East Coast tech hub, Raleigh, North Carolina, is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the United States. Leaders there used the knowledge gained from two reports by TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program to develop a draft Balanced Scorecard, which was then refined, approved, and implemented. Impacts on Practice: Measuring Success at Raleigh–Durham International Airport summarizes how RDU now better connects its strategic goals to its practices, tracks the right metrics, and develop...



'Doom Eternal' updates will add supercharged demons and a fresh campaign

Whatever you think of Doom Eternal right now, id and Bethesda are determined to spice it up going forward. They’ve hinted at what’s coming next for the hellish shooter, starting with a preview of the game’s first free update. The simply titled Update...


“Tell Us ‘Our’ Story”: What impact do you hope to have on the world and how is the Transportation Research Board helping you make that impact?

TRB's “Tell Us ‘Our’ Story" challenge is now looking into the future. What impact do you hope to have on the world and how is the Transportation Research Board helping you make that impact? What is your vision for the Transportation Research Board 100 years from now? What are solutions that you have identified as a result of research you learned about through TRB? TRB welcomes all stories: small or large, profound or light-hearted, sobering or humorous. In addition to posting responses to these questions...


Guidebook on Effective Land Use Compatibility Planning Strategies for General Aviation Airports

Incompatible land uses can threaten the safe utility of airports and expose people living and working nearby to potentially unacceptable levels of noise or safety risk. At the state level, all 50 states have enacted some form of airport zoning legislation since the 1950s. The majority of states (90 percent) have enacted laws mandating or enabling local governments to adopt, administer, and enforce airport zoning regulations. The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 206: Guidebo...



False Compare


With Sympathy


Totally-Compatible-Planet adventures


Three Paper Thursday: Exploring the Impact of Online Crime Victimization

Just as in other types of victimization, victims of cybercrime can experience serious consequences, emotional or not. First of all, a repeat victim of a cyber-attack might face serious financial or emotional hardship. These victims are also more likely to require medical attention as a consequence of online fraud victimization. This means repeat victims have a … Continue reading Three Paper Thursday: Exploring the Impact of Online Crime Victimization


Finding a Suitable Web Design Company

With Internet marketing and Search engine optimization, crucial components to owning a company site, most web designers are adding SEO to their arsenal of capabilities. The concern is that most of these designers neglect to understand the whole picture of… Continue Reading


Uber Buys Autonomous Truck Company Otto

Uber also made a deal with Volvo to cooperate on self-driving cars. Self-driving cars are an existential threat to Uber if Uber doesn't develop them first. Suppose Ford makes self-driving cars viable a few years before does and rolls them out in many cities. Uber gets wiped out by Ford's ability to charge less for a ride. Uber's big competitive advantage from a large set of recruited drivers could vanish as fast as sufficiently safe autonomous vehicles can get manufactured. Sufficiently safe: that's the challenge. But autonomous vehicle makers who limit themselves to some urban markets can lower the bar for their initial roll-out by just excluding any streets and corners that are too tricky to handle. They'll lose some...


'Empathy', by motty (MDMA)

Erowid Exp102582

  • Erowid : Experience :


TurboTax accounts hacked, delaying tax refunds, compromising personal information, impairing credit rating

Online criminals have been systematically targeting TurboTax, filing fraudulent tax returns of individuals, and diverting their tax refunds to prepaid debit, cards, stealing their personal information, and using and impairing their credit ratings. Continue reading


Bernie Sanders asks what is Hillary Clinton campaigning on

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders talks about the need for a "serious debate about serious issues," and whether he plans to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. Sanders also adds that America needs to hear Hillary Clinton's opinions on the TPP, middle class struggles, and the Keystone XL pipeline. Continue reading


Senator Bernie Sanders appeals to the media to cover the serious issues of our country instead of political gossip during political campaigns

SANDERS: ... there is more coverage about the political gossip of a campaign, about raising money, about polling, about somebody saying something dumb, or some kid works for a campaign sends out something stupid on Facebook, right? We can expect that to be a major story. But what your job is, what the media's job is, is to say, look, these are the major issues facing the country. We're a democracy. People have different points of view. Let's argue it. Continue reading


Senator Bernie Sanders warns the press not to underestimate him in the 2016 campaign for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) warns not to underestimate him in the 2016 Democratic race for the White House. Sanders, who is formally launching his campaign Tuesday, said he has a strong message. Continue reading


Did companies and countries buy access to the State Department by donating to the Clinton Foundation?

Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter James Grimaldi of The Wall Street Journal, who has covered the Clinton Foundation for years, looks at the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department during Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, and what it would be if she became president. Newly released State Department emails include exchanges between top members of the Clinton Foundation and Clinton’s top State Department advisers, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills. The FBI reportedly wanted to investigate the Clinton Foundation earlier this year, but U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch pushed back. Continue reading


Claudia Stauber compares Bernie Sanders to a lover who cheats and leaves you but says he still loves you

Claudia Stauber provides a perfect metaphor of how she felt listening to Bernie Sanders today in Vermont, telling us how much he still fights for us against the 1% and the oligarchs. Continue reading


Bob Stefanowski will make Sam Brownback look like a socialist in comparison by eliminating the income tax in Connecticut



Умер бывший вокалист BAD COMPANY

По сообщению TMZ, бывший вокалист BAD COMPANY Брайан Хоуи, скончался в возрасте 66 лет 6 мая в своем доме после сердечного приступа. У него уже были проблемы с сердцем и последний приступ он перенес в 2017 году.

Сообщается, что в конце апреля он попал в аварию и сломал ребра. За шесть дней до смерти один из поклонников спросил у него на Facebook о состоянии здоровья и он ответил, что "Ужасно. Сломать ребра вовсе не весело".

Хоуи пел в BAD COMPANY с 1986 по 1994 годы и записал партии для таких хитовых пластинок как "Dangerous Age" и "Holy Water". #Bad_Company #BadCompany #BluesRock #Blues_Rock #HardRock #Hard_Rock #Adult OrientedRock #Adult Oriented_Rock


As Hurricane Season Approaches, IBM and The Weather Company Collaborate on Emergency Management for Cities

As the 2015 Atlantic hurricane season gets underway, communities in severe weather-prone regions are anxiously tracking pending storms and working to create effective disaster response plans. IBM, through its strategic alliance with The Weather Company and its global B2B division WSI, today announced a new emergency management solution that features sophisticated analytics and the use of real-time weather data to help communities predict and plan for natural disasters far more accurately and deploy the right resources in advance.


The Weather Company, an IBM Business, to Integrate Global Flight Tracking Data from FlightAware

The Weather Company, an IBM Business announced today that it is enhancing its global flight operations solution WSI Fusion, with live flight tracking data from FlightAware. WSI Fusion provides early insight into changing flight, airport and airspace conditions, enabling aviation providers to carefully plan and track flights, optimize operations and reduce the impacts of disruptive events. With the addition of FlightAware’s data, including its private network of over 12,000 Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) ground stations in over 160 countries, WSI Fusion customers will have access to enhanced flight following capabilities worldwide.

  • Travel & Transportation


As Fifth Anniversary of Superstorm Sandy Approaches, U.S. Utility Companies Still Feel Underprepared for Weather-Related Outages

Each year, weather-related power outages cost the U.S. economy as much as $33 billion a year. Additionally, one severe weather event has the potential to impact the daily lives and routines of millions of people. As 2017 marks the fifth anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, The Weather Company, an IBM Business (NYSE: IBM) and Zpryme are releasing the results of a survey that found that U.S. utility companies still feel underprepared for weather-related outages and that their reactive approach to outage prediction leads to lost time and resources.


The Weather Company, an IBM Business, and UCAR Collaborate to Advance Weather Science Globally Through New Global Model Powered by IBM Supercomputing

At the International Supercomputing Conference in Frankfurt, The Weather Company, an IBM Business, today announced a plan to help improve weather prediction globally via a new collaboration with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), a federally funded research and development center for the atmosphere and Earth’s geospace systems.


IBM Announces Collaboration with Leading Fortune 500 Companies, Academic Institutions and National Research Labs to Accelerate Quantum Computing

IBM today announced the first clients to tap into its IBM Q™ early-access commercial quantum computing systems to explore practical applications important to business and science. They include: JPMorgan Chase, Daimler AG, Samsung, JSR Corporation, Barclays, Hitachi Metals, Honda, Nagase, Keio University, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oxford University and University of Melbourne.


The Weather Company and PRISA Noticias Collaborate To Offer Comprehensive Weather News and Information across Spanish-Language Media

The Weather Company, an IBM Business, and PRISA Noticias, one of the world’s leading Spanish-language media groups and owner of EL PAÍS newspaper, announced today a collaboration to combine the most accurate forecasts with one of the Spanish-speaking world’s largest media groups. The Weather Company will provide in-depth weather data and forecasts, as well as tailored content across PRISA properties. In turn, PRISA Noticias will provide locally relevant articles, photos and video content within the Spanish versions of The Weather Channel app and website ( The collaboration will also enable local marketers to access advanced data-driven advertising solutions from IBM Watson Advertising (formerly The Weather Company’s ad sales business) across both companies’ properties.


U.S. Chamber Foundation and IBM Issue New Report on Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Public Sentiment, Brand Reputation

The U.S. Chamber Foundation’s Corporate Citizenship Center and IBM today issued a new report that explores how efforts by businesses to be a positive force in communities – commonly referred to as corporate social responsibility (CSR) – influences public perception of those companies.

  • IBM Watson Analytics


The Weather Company and Rogers Media to Bring Most Accurate Weather Forecasts to Canada

The Weather Company, an IBM Business and Rogers Media announced today an agreement to provide weather information and content customized specifically for the Canadian market. With this agreement, The Weather Company will provide in-depth weather data and forecasts, as well as curated content, across Rogers Media properties. In turn, Rogers Media will provide locally relevant articles, photos and video content across the Canadian versions of The Weather Channel app and website ( to provide residents with the most pertinent information possible. The Weather Company and Rogers Media will also align to enhance advertising across both companies’ properties, with Rogers leveraging its ad sales capabilities to monetize The Weather Channel properties in Canada.

  • IBM Watson Analytics


IBM’s Harriet Green Named One of Fast Company’s 100 Most Creative People in Business

IBM today announced that Fast Company has named IBM’s Harriet Green one of its 100 Most Creative People in Business for 2017. The annual list honors an influential and diverse group of leading thinkers from a vast range of global industries.


IBM Named a Leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Multichannel Campaign Management

IBM today announced that for the seventh consecutive year, Gartner, Inc. has named IBM as a leader in the April 2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Multichannel Campaign Management.


The Weather Company, an IBM Business, Named Official Weather Partner of NASCAR

NASCAR and The Weather Company, an IBM Busines, announced today a multi-year agreement that will optimize the weather-related decision process for NASCAR as it incorporates hyper-local weather data and forecasts into their races to improve race-day operations and fan engagement. As part of the agreement, The Weather Company, via The Weather Channel brand, becomes the Official Weather Partner of NASCAR.


IBM lidera iniciativa Global ‘Call for Code’ para utilizar Cloud, Data, IA y Blockchain para mitigar el impacto de desastres naturales

IBM y organizaciones aliadas lanzaron la iniciativa global 'Call for Code', el esfuerzo más grande y ambicioso para reunir a desarrolladores del sector académico y empresarial, para resolver uno de los problemas más acuciantes de la sociedad de nuestro tiempo: prevenir, responder y recuperarse de desastres naturales.


¿Cuánto le cuesta a una compañía una violación de datos?

IBM Security anunció los resultados de un estudio global que explora las implicaciones y los efectos de las brechas de datos en los negocios. Patrocinado por IBM Security y realizado por Ponemon Institute, el estudio encontró que el costo promedio de una violación de datos es de $3,62 millones de dólares a nivel mundial, una disminución del 10 por ciento a partir de los resultados de 2016. Esta es la primera vez, desde la creación del estudio, en que ha habido una disminución general en el costo. Según el reporte, estas brechas de datos cuestan a las compañías en promedio $141 dólares por registro perdido o robado.


IBM recibe premio como “Compañía de Nube de 2016” por Frost & Sullivan

: IBM anunció que recibió el premio de “Compañía de Nube de 2016” de la firma líder Frost & Sullivan. El premio reconoce el liderazgo de IBM en el mercado entregando un completo y totalmente integrado set de servicios de nube incluyendo IaaS, Paas, y SaaS.


Dona IBM servicios de consultoría a organizaciones mexicanas para proyectos de impacto social

Con la finalidad de apoyar el desarrollo de proyectos de alto impacto en la Ciudad de México, la Asociación Mexiana de Ayuda a Niños con Cáncer (AMANC), Fondo Unido México, Fundación Carlos Slim, el Patronato del Museo Nacional de Antropología e IBM, ponen en marcha el día de hoy el programa de consultoría Corporate Service Corps (CSC), en su edición Ciudad de México.


Organizaciones beneficiadas e IBM, comparten resultados de servicios de consultoría en proyectos de impacto social

Después de un mes de haber iniciado la consultoria pro-bono de IBM denominada Corporate Service Corps (CSC), el día de hoy se hizo la entrega del resumen ejecutivo de cada uno de los proyectos de las organizaciones receptoras de este apoyo: Asociación Mexiana de Ayuda a Niños con Cáncer (AMANC), Fondo Unido México, Fundación Carlos Slim, el Patronato del Museo Nacional de Antropología.


Dona IBM Servicios de Consultoría a Organizaciones Queretanas para Proyectos de Impacto Social

IBM, Peace Corps y cuatro instituciones locales dieron inicio el día de hoy al programa de consultoría Corporate Service Corps (CSC), en su edición Cd. de Querétaro; con la finalidad de apoyar el desarrollo de proyectos de alto impacto en esta localidad. IBM y Peace Corps (PC) trabajarán en conjunto con la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social del Estado de Querétaro, el Instituto Queretano de las Mujeres, el Municipio de Querétaro - Delegación Santa Rosa Jáuregui, y la Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui (UPSRJ).


IBM et SAP annoncent des projets d’investissements majeurs pour accompagner les clients dans leur transformation numérique

IBM (NYSE: IBM) et SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) annoncent aujourd’hui des projets communs pour accompagner leurs clients dans la modernisation de leurs systèmes et processus afin d’accélérer leur présence dans l’économie numérique. Les deux compagnies envisagent particulièrement d’innover ensemble pour créer de nouvelles solutions qui augmentent la valeur ajoutée du client en s’appuyant sur des extensions cognitives, des expériences client et utilisateur renforcées ainsi que des fonctionnalités sectorielles. Tout ceci doté de la SAP® Business Suite, du logiciel 4 SAP HANA® (SAP S/4HANA) et disponible sur site et dans le Cloud.


IA et Publicité : IBM lance Advertising Accelerator with Watson pour améliorer la performance des campagnes publicitaires

A l’occasion du CES de Las Vegas, IBM annonce le lancement d’Advertising Accelerator with Watson, une solution unique de prédiction d’audiences pour annonceurs.


Digital Alchemy turns to IBM Smarter Commerce Technology to Power Multi-Channel Marketing Campaigns

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that Digital Alchemy, a leading Australian database marketing service provider, has extended its commitment to IBM’s Enterprise Marketing Management (EMM) software to more quickly and easily enable cross-channel interactive campaigns for its clients.


The lingering and extreme impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the deep sea

From the darkness emerges a boot. An old leather, steel-toed, work boot. It shouldn’t be there resting on the seafloor nearly two kilometers deep. I’m…


Steps to Switch Car Insurance Companies

You may be ready to say goodbye to your car insurance company to find a new insurer that offers better rates or customer support, but you might be wondering how to switch car insurance. Switching insurance carriers isn’t difficult, but it takes some planning. Considerations such as coverage, claims experience, discounts and price play a crucial role in finding an insurer that can protect your car. Learn how to tell if you need to switch insurance companies and what to […]

The post Steps to Switch Car Insurance Companies appeared first on The Simple Dollar.


Reduce Your Impact With Our Car Emissions Guide and Calculator

What kind of impact do you have on the environment? According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a typical passenger vehicle emits 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. One ton is equivalent to a balloon that’s about 30 feet in diameter, so if you were to visualize the metric tons emitted per person per year, picture a balloon 138 feet in diameter. We created a car emissions calculator to help you understand how you’re directly impacting the […]

The post Reduce Your Impact With Our Car Emissions Guide and Calculator appeared first on The Simple Dollar.


Get into Care campaign

Get into Care is a recruitment campaign that supports less advantaged young people to work in the care sector. It is a partnership of Crossreach and the Prince's Trust Scotland.

Corrine Morrison-Gillies, Head of HR Operations and People Development at Crossreach spoke to Iriss about this award winning programme. Charlene, a young woman involved in the programme also shared the story of how she was supported into work by it.

Transcript of episode

Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.


Adult social care recruitment campaign

'There’s More to Care than Caring' is a Scottish Government-led adult social care recruitment campaign which was launched in January 2020. It aims to encourage people to take up a career in care.

Michelle from Iriss had a conversation with Lorraine Gray, Chief Executive of SSSC, about the purpose of the campaign, the importance of adult social care work and how people can get involved in promoting the campaign.

Campaign website:

Transcript of episode

Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.