
Proceedings of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly

Proceedings of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly
The Proceedings contain Resolutions (Rules of Procedure of ITU-T; study group responsibility and mandates; publication of ITU-T Recommendations and WTSA proceedings, etc.), ITU-T A-series Recommendations (Organization of the work of ITU-T), study groups and other groups, the list of questions for the study period 2017-2020 and reports as approved by WTSA-2016.


Proceedings of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2020

Proceedings of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2020
The Proceedings contain Resolutions (Rules of Procedure of ITU-T; study group responsibility and mandates; publication of ITU-T Recommendations and WTSA proceedings, etc.), ITU-T A-series Recommendations (Organization of the work of ITU-T), study groups and other groups, the list of questions for the study period 2022-2024 and reports as approved by WTSA-2020.


[ C.2 (10/96) ] - Collection and dissemination of official service information

Collection and dissemination of official service information


Resolution 22 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Authorization for the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group to act between world telecommunication standardization assemblies

Resolution 22 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Authorization for the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group to act between world telecommunication standardization assemblies


Resolution 43 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Regional preparations for world telecommunication standardization assemblies

Resolution 43 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Regional preparations for world telecommunication standardization assemblies


Resolution 83 - (Hammamet, 2016) - Evaluation of the implementation of resolutions of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly

Resolution 83 - (Hammamet, 2016) - Evaluation of the implementation of resolutions of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly


YSTR-DG.SEM - oneM2M-Developer Guide of Implementing semantics

YSTR-DG.SEM - oneM2M-Developer Guide of Implementing semantics


TR.Reqts-SAN - Requirements of semantic-aware networking for future networks

TR.Reqts-SAN - Requirements of semantic-aware networking for future networks


[ Z.100 Annex F3 (10/19) ] - Specification and Description Language - Overview of SDL-2010 - SDL-2010 formal definition: Dynamic semantics

Specification and Description Language - Overview of SDL-2010 - SDL-2010 formal definition: Dynamic semantics


[ Z.100 Annex F2 (10/19) ] - Specification and Description Language - Overview of SDL-2010 - SDL-2010 formal definition: Static semantics

Specification and Description Language - Overview of SDL-2010 - SDL-2010 formal definition: Static semantics


[ Z.100 Annex F3 (06/21) ] - Specification and Description Language - Overview of SDL-2010 - SDL formal definition: Dynamic semantics

Specification and Description Language - Overview of SDL-2010 - SDL formal definition: Dynamic semantics


[ Z.100 Annex F2 (06/21) ] - Specification and Description Language - Overview of SDL-2010 - SDL formal definition: Static semantics

Specification and Description Language - Overview of SDL-2010 - SDL formal definition: Static semantics


FFmpeg Devs Boast of Up To 94x Performance Boost After Implementing Handwritten AVX-512 Assembly Code

Anton Shilov reports via Tom's Hardware: FFmpeg is an open-source video decoding project developed by volunteers who contribute to its codebase, fix bugs, and add new features. The project is led by a small group of core developers and maintainers who oversee its direction and ensure that contributions meet certain standards. They coordinate the project's development and release cycles, merging contributions from other developers. This group of developers tried to implement a handwritten AVX512 assembly code path, something that has rarely been done before, at least not in the video industry. The developers have created an optimized code path using the AVX-512 instruction set to accelerate specific functions within the FFmpeg multimedia processing library. By leveraging AVX-512, they were able to achieve significant performance improvements -- from three to 94 times faster -- compared to standard implementations. AVX-512 enables processing large chunks of data in parallel using 512-bit registers, which can handle up to 16 single-precision FLOPS or 8 double-precision FLOPS in one operation. This optimization is ideal for compute-heavy tasks in general, but in the case of video and image processing in particular. The benchmarking results show that the new handwritten AVX-512 code path performs considerably faster than other implementations, including baseline C code and lower SIMD instruction sets like AVX2 and SSSE3. In some cases, the revamped AVX-512 codepath achieves a speedup of nearly 94 times over the baseline, highlighting the efficiency of hand-optimized assembly code for AVX-512.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


IRE 2021 Virtual Event: On Demand Sessions and Seminars

Those who register for the International Roofing Expo's Virtual Event will gain access to a wealth of knowledge from its on-demand sessions and seminars.


American Hydrotech Gets FM Approvals for its Garden Roof Assemblies

Chicago's American Hydrotech, a Sika company, achieved FM Approvals for its Garden Roof Assemblies, ensuring reliability and eco-friendly benefits for urban spaces.


NRCA, Beacon Exit Planning Host Seminar

Take a deep dive into the world of exit planning with experts that have been helping roofing contractors build succession plans for years. 


Best of Success Seminar: How the Next Generation is Growing Their Business

When it comes to the next generation of successful roofing contractors, Josey Parks says they need to draw largely from the Silicon Valley playbook.


2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: Resemble AI Fights for Responsible Use of Voice Clones

Resemble AI, providers of a platform that uses generative AI to create realistic-sounding voices, in July released Resemble Detect, which can validate the authenticity of audio data to expose speech deepfakes in real time .


El pueblo de Málaga que es protagonista este fin de semana por su feria del vino y la castaña

El evento incluye degustaciones, la tradicional pisá de la uva y conciertos, entre otras actividades Leer


Valencia y Levante piden aplazar sus partidos de Liga de este fin de semana

Las consecuencias de la DANA que afectó a la provincia de Valencia han llevado a ambos clubes a solicitar el aplazamiento también de sus partidos de la próxima jornada como ya hicieron con sus encuentros de Copa del Rey. Leer


Barcelona, León, Madrid y Sevilla: 20.000 candidatos se presentan este fin de semana a las pruebas de Adif para contratar a 1.342 personas

Este sábado están convocados los aspirantes a los perfiles de cuadro técnico y el domingo se examinarán los candidatos para las categorías profesionales de personal operativo Leer


El Corte Inglés eleva un 11% su beneficio hasta los 203 millones en el primer semestre

La compañía que preside Marta Álvarez logra ingresos de más de 8.000 millones y reduce su deuda financiera neta hasta 1.933 millones de euros Leer

  • Artículos Gabriela Galarza


Massimo Dutti desembarca en Estados Unidos con su primera tienda en Miami

La marca de Inditex se estrena en el país americano en un espacio dentro de Aventura Mall Leer

  • Artículos Gabriela Galarza


La falta de trabajadores obliga al Gobierno a desembolsar 50 millones para subvencionar contratos a parados para las obras de reconstrucción por la DANA

Las constructoras piden un "plan de choque masivo" con carácter de "máxima urgencia" para agilizar las incorporaciones en la Comunidad Valenciana Leer


La consejera de Justicia recuerda en una breve nota a Máximo Casado cuando dos de los condenados por asesinarle ya están "en casa" en semilibertad

María Jesús San José se reúne con los directores de las tres prisiones cuando se cumplen 24 años del asesinato del funcionario y delegado sindical de Comisiones Obreras asesinado con un coche bomba. Iñigo Guridi y Juan Carlos Subijana 'cumplen' sus condenas en sus domicilios por terceros grados concedidos por el Gobierno vasco. Leer

  • ETA
  • País Vasco
  • Infonavit - MX
  • Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • Luis Donaldo Colosio - MX
  • Órganos
  • Paola Salcedo - MX
  • Kobe Bryant - MX
  • Mario Aburto Martínez - MX
  • Bildu
  • Fofo Márquez - MX
  • Dani Alves - MX
  • Wanda Nara - MX
  • Gisele Bündchen - MX
  • Mariana Rodríguez - MX
  • Kendall Jenner - MX
  • Irina Shayk - MX
  • Emily Ratajkowski - MX
  • Ivana Knoll - MX
  • Joana Sanz - MX
  • Felipe Calderón - MX
  • One Direction - MX
  • Grupo Frontera - MX
  • Genaro García Luna - MX
  • Jorge Álvarez Máynez - MX
  • Santiago Taboada - MX
  • Ricardo Anaya - MX
  • Vicente Fox - MX
  • Samuel García - MX
  • Paco Stanley - MX
  • Salomón Chertorivski - MX
  • CCOO
  • André Marín
  • Xavier López Chabelo
  • Antonio Rosique - MX
  • Mario Bezares - MX
  • doctrina parot
  • Justicia
  • Artículos Josean Izarra


El CDN despidió a un actor de su obra 'La Gaviota' hace una semana por un caso de abuso sexual

El organismo asegura que no informó de su expulsión por la "petición" y "el deseo expreso" del elenco de la obra Leer


Los 6 bosques y hayedos cerca de Madrid para una escapada de fin de semana en otoño

Grandes opciones para disfrutar de los colores de esta estación tan evocadora Leer


Los Reyes volverán a la 'zona cero' de la Dana a principios de la semana que viene

La visita se producirá una semana después de que Don Felipe acuda hoy a ver a los militares desplegados Leer


Los indignados de la vivienda disuelven su acampada en Valencia tras una semana: "Ya hemos cumplido nuestros objetivos"

Ponen fin a su protesta ante el Ayuntamiento de la ciudad en la que participaban desde el sábado 19 de octubre decenas de personas Leer


RCS MediaGroup, matriz de Unidad Editorial, alcanza un ebitda de 77,7 millones en el primer semestre

El Grupo ha presentado sus resultados de los seis primeros meses del año, en los que ha registrado un beneficio neto de 33,9 millones y unos ingresos de 434,1 millones. Consolida la fortaleza de sus marcas con 1,1 millones de suscripciones digitales Leer


Mar Flores y Elías Sacal se reconcilian tras una semana


Dimite el concejal del PP en Elche que acudió "bajo los efectos del alcohol" a una iglesia en Semana Santa, pero negó haber tenido relaciones sexuales

José Navarro pidió disculpas en un comunicado y se había dado de baja de la Hermandad de la Flagelación y Gloria Leer


Estos son todos los invitados de El Hormiguero en la semana del 11 al 14 de noviembre

Ilia Topuria volverá dos meses después al programa que presenta Pablo Motos en Antena 3 Leer


Avance semanal de Sueños de libertad del 11 al 15 de noviembre: Claudia se casa con Mateo y una muerte deja hundida a Fina

Antena 3 estrenará cinco nuevos episodios (del 181 al 185) de la exitosa serie de época Leer


Hora a hora, la semana del mayor drama y del caos político: imprevisión y partidismo, hasta que el Rey y Paiporta impusieron la paz

El repaso de la crisis de la DANA revela las disfunciones en la organización del Estado Leer


Diez detenidos y 16 registros en una redada en las Tres Mil Viviendas tras el tiroteo del fin de semana

La Policía dice que la operación estaba prevista desde hace tiempo pero se ha precipitado por los últimos incidentes Leer


El fin de semana de Johnny Depp en Sevilla: guardaespaldas, fans y tapas, muchas tapas

El actor presentó su segunda película como director en el Festival de Cine Europeo y cenó con su equipo en el restaurante Río Grande, al que acudió las dos noches que pasó en la ciudad. Leer


Kenya: Kenyan News Outlet Did Not Claim National Assembly Speaker Couldn't Be Minister Because of Travel Restrictions

[Africa Check] Kenyan news outlet did not claim national assembly speaker couldn't be minister because of travel restrictions


‘Dancing With the Stars’ Semi-Finalists Revealed After One Team Gets a Perfect Score During Milestone 500th Episode

“Dancing With the Stars” hit a new milestone on Nov. 12, and revealed who was heading to the semifinals for Season 33. The 500th episode opened with pros — including returning favorite Sharna Burgess — for the opening number, “Crazy in Love,” the same opening number from the 2005 series premiere. Many past competitors returned […]

  • News
  • Dancing With The Stars


First-of-its-kind research project stress tests quantum computing for optimised genome assembly

NTT DATA, the IT services provider and industry consultancy, has announced the end of a project that used quantum computing to optimise genome assembly processes. This is claimed to be a milestone in the use of this technology in the Healthcare and Life Sciences industries.


Union criticizes Justice Dept. sending anti-Semitic post to immigration judges

The Justice Department's immigration arm sent judges a morning news briefing that included a blog post from a virulently anti-immigration website

The post Union criticizes Justice Dept. sending anti-Semitic post to immigration judges first appeared on Federal News Network.


100 Sec Tech: How Intel CPUs are assembled and packaged

Ever wondered how Intel packages up its processor dies to form a complete CPU? Take a quick peek inside Intel's Assembly plant in Penang, Malaysia. For the full story, check out our factory tour.


Microwave and RF semiconductor control device modeling

Location: Engineering Library- TK7874.78.C38 2016


Study on the Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Systems and the Comprehensive Utilization of Water Resources in Arid-Semiarid Multiple Mining Areas

Location: Electronic Resource- 


California State Assembly recognizes the Assyrian Genocide

California State Assembly recognizes the Assyrian Genocide

  • United States Government Information


Caps defenseman Mike Green retaliates after attempted slew foot

The Capitals were upset with a lot of calls on Sunday in a 1-0 loss to the New York Rangers. Maybe a better way to say it – they were upset about non-calls. New York, the most disciplined team in the NHL this season, wasn’t whistled for a single penalty. Washington took five – two of them obvious, and dumb, retaliation penalties.


Caps defenseman Jeff Schultz asks for a trade

Capitals defenseman Jeff Schultz has requested a trade, according to his agent, Jarrett Bousquet.


Maryland teachers union representative suspended for antisemitic posts targeting local wealthy Jews

A Maryland teacher has reportedly been suspended after being accused of spreading antisemitic social media posts.