
Build PlatformIO on Windows Subsystem for Linux (Ubuntu)

I usually prefer running platformio from command line so I can stream the build process into my backup and recovery processes. With versioning, I can roll back to a know good working build. I am most often building Marlin firmware for my 3D print farm so there is a small example of the build commands […]

The post Build PlatformIO on Windows Subsystem for Linux (Ubuntu) first appeared on robotthoughts.


Spain remortgages information

Spanish bank fees vary but are typically around 1% of the mortgage amount. They also charge around €500 for the mortgage valuation; stamp duty of 1.8% of the mortgage amount; and notary and registration fees of around 0.5% of the...


Domain Name Information

Easy to understand information about domain names. Want your own domain name? Find out how to choose a good one here.


How to Track your Study Time with Google Forms and Sheets

Learn how to use Google Forms as a time tracking app for studies and analyze how much time you spend on each subject. You can also analyze the study pattern with charts inside Google Sheets.

The post How to Track your Study Time with Google Forms and Sheets appeared first on Digital Inspiration.


Honda CGR125 Storm Parts Manual 2005 Onwards.pdf

Professional Quality: Parts Manual, Parts List, Parts Catalog With Exploded Diagrams. *Contains manufactures part numbers and diagrams for EVERY ...


Malformation of Intellectual Capacity

That esteemed pseudo journalist, Bill O'Reilly, again expressed outrage over a judge ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act. O'Reilly, known primarily for a sexual harassment episode and draft avoidance, compared same sex marriage as "like being married to a duck."

The question to be asked is simple. Bill, what do you have against ducks? Duck eggs are tasty in baking recipes; the birds eat numerous insects and are good friends to humans. Methinks Bill has a bird fetish he is denying and will avoid as he does discussing the $15 million settlement with Andrea Macklin, the woman he sexually harassed. Obviously, O'Reilly is no fan of Donald Duck nor Daffy. Someone needs to pull Bill aside and besides checking his citizenship, request his sexual orientation. In the meantime, ducks beware.


Our lovable airhead, Sarah Palin, was a guest on the O'Reilly MisFactor, and Bill actually got upset with her lack of concrete answers. Palin really didn't possess any facsimile of knowledge concerning immigration, border problems, etc.; but was willing to discuss moose breeding habits along the Alaska-Canadian border. Sarah has considerable background of shopping with Republican party funds and could have filled Bulbous Bill in on many helpful points. Alas, she seemed intellectually departed and needs a recharge in her home probably built free by Bridge To NoWhere contractors. Sometimes, honor, credibility and knowledge are hard to obtain.


Our esteemed Arizona Guv, Jan Brewer, has made some wonderful statements befitting only the classier fear mongers. Arizona Senator Russell Pearce and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio have run fast and easy with the Arizona National Socialist Party (Nazi) attending rallies and extolling virtues. The Guv was confronted with this during a press conference and stated her father had died battling the Nazis.

Reality check: her father died in 1955; not during World War II, but its the thought that counts. Right, Jan.

Also, digging very deep to defend SB1070, the notorious immigration enforcement law, the Guv stated: a) most coming over the border were lugging drugs (mules); and later, border crossers were beheading many victims. Both were adamantly denied by the Border Patrol and even John McCain, back from a soma holiday, denied the mule fantasy. Fact is, and don't tell the Guv this, crime along the border is down considerably and JanBrew has to make up stories to justify the new Arizona law. Sighhhhhh, it becomes addictive...lets call it the Palin Syndrome....out of state Republican candidates are flocking to Brewer for endorsements, but she has to figure out where they are from first. Bring maps, candidates, and beware of the trip down to Fantasy Island...da plane, da plane, boss, da plane.


It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress which exceeds all expectations. One cannot imagine all the perks Congress possesses and would be shocked to the extent luxury replaces accountability. Personally, the idea of barracks housing for single members and government housing for married couples has an appeal. Yearly classes should be offered in ethics, the Road Kill book, interpersonal relationships, and psychological testing to detect the mentally challenged. Space, the final frontier, should not be allowed in Congress; only massive perks and pocket lining. Ask J.D. Hayworth; he knows and appreciates Abramoff as does Senator John Kyl.

News sources the media should squelch:
1. Britney Spears...still alive, dating her bodyguard, and wanting all the money

2. The Kardashians....wow, American culture has really advanced to the point where sex videos on the net makes one rich.

3. Speaking of which, Danielle Staub, the New Jersey Reality Housewife witch, has promised us her sex video will be even better. Introduce her to Bill O'Reilly's duck, pleaseeeeeeeeeee.

4. Lindsay Lohan......please, stop it. Cannot compute, Cannot Compute. Just let her go to jail, serve the time, come out, screw up, go back, come out, screw up, go back, come out, screw up. Repetitious, isn't it? Just like Lindsay's life....being accountable isn't a movie, but reality.

5. Snookie, the New Jersey shore item. Who, where, how, when, did she become an American icon. No more comment.

6. Mel Gibson....used to like him and his movies, but where has his head moved into? Mel, go to Alice Springs, absorb the Australian sun, relax, and rebuild your career. Don't take Snookie with you; she doesn't where Australia is.

7. Glenn Beck...this guy was a Phoenix disk jockey who got up tight around ratings time. In fact, he called the wife of a dj competitor on the air and chastised her for having a miscarriage. Hey, he needs serious psychiatric intervention and preferably a hot lead enema to straighten him out.

Enough....ranted and raved...got it out of my system...still haven't got over the Nixon deal, but that's another blog subject.

Over and Out....oh, support Dave Rabbit....Google that name.


Former US Bases and fortifications in Panama

This is a collection of locations of former US Bases in the Panama canal zone, some of them were built at the beginning of the Panama canal construction in 1904, then expanded during WWI, WWII, and Cold War era.


House plan could transform suburb

A Sheffield community could change dramatically if plans to build 91 homes on an industrial site are granted planning permission...


Storm over green belt homes plan

Thousands of homes could 'overwhelm' Stourport under new plans to change the status of green belt land, Wyre Forest councillors fear...


PathogenDx Applauded by Frost & Sullivan for Enabling Early and Precise UTI Diagnosis with its Microarray Detection Platform

PRZOOM - Newswire (press release) - Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500, San Antonio TX United States - PathogenDx’s Microarray Detection Platform is the fastest and most cost-effective test for UTI detection with higher throughput for efficient and accurate diagnosis - PathogenDx.com

  • Pharma / BioTech / Nutrition


Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Selects Motorola Solutions’ Control Room Solution to Transform Emergency Services Operations

PRZOOM - Newswire (press release) - Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500, Glasgow Scotland - £29.5 million investment in cloud-hosted solution to mobilise firefighters and help improve safety and security in Scotland - FireScotland.gov.uk

  • Telecom / Wireless / VoIP / IPTV


Littelfuse Unveils High-Performance Ultra Junction X4-Class 200V Power MOSFETs for Enhanced Efficiency and Reliability

PRZOOM - Newswire (press release) - Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500, Chicago IL United States - Delivers industry-leading low on-state resistance, enabling simplified design and enhanced performance in battery energy storage and power supply applications - Littelfuse.com

  • Electronics / Instrumentation / RFID


Cybereason and Trustwave Merge to Form Global MDR Powerhouse for Unparalleled Cybersecurity Value

PRZOOM - Newswire (press release) - Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500, Chicago IL United States - Strategic Consolidation Offers Expanded Cybersecurity Suite of Market-Leading MDR, EDR, Offensive Security, DFIR, and Threat Intelligence - Trustwave.com / Cybereason.com

  • IT Security / Anti-Spam / Cybersecurity


How To Format Flashbacks In A Screenplay

The purpose of flashbacks in a screenplay is to give the audience information that is needed to move the story forward and to clarify the actions of the characters. They should only be used when absolutely necessary. Read more...

  • Arts/Writers Resources/Screenwriting


Search Journal Open Access Policies: "Sherpa Services Combined Into New User-Friendly Platform: Open Policy Finder"

The new platform will allow users to: Check if compliance with funder open access policies can be achieved with a particular journal Get a summary of publishers’ open access archiving conditions for individual journals and books To see funders’ conditions for open access publication https://tinyurl.com/tzjpnu46 Search Polices | Artificial Intelligence | | Research Data Curation … Continue reading "Search Journal Open Access Policies: "Sherpa Services Combined Into New User-Friendly Platform: Open Policy Finder""


[Free Download] Boost Your Traffic Game With Traffic Success Formula!

If you’re using traffic exchanges but not seeing the results you want, I’ve got something you need to check out. Introducing Traffic Success Formula—the ultimate guide to mastering traffic exchanges. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this book shows you the step-by-step strategies to boost your traffic, build your list and get more […]


Processeur Arrow Lake-S : Intel promet de meilleures performances pour le mois de décembre

Ce n'est un secret pour personne, les performances des processeurs Arrow Lake-S ont été décevantes. Dans nos tests des 245K et 285K et même 265K, les mesures ont révélé que les performances n'étaient pas à la hauteur de nos espérances et d'autant plus en Gaming, ou le 14900K était souvent devant, tout comme pas mal de puces AMD d'ailleurs. Mais il semblerait qu'un grand nombre de facteurs puissent expliquer ces performances décevantes. […]

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Bienvenue sur GeForce NOW Performance : Les membres Priority bénéficient d'une mise à niveau instantanée

Découvrez l'adhésion Priority améliorée et renommée, désormais appelée Performance ; de plus, les Day Pass sont en vente pour une durée limitée et sept jeux rejoignent le cloud cette semaine. Il est temps de briller L'abonnement Performance conserve tous les mêmes avantages en matière de jeux et offre désormais aux membres une expérience de streaming améliorée sans frais supplémentaires. Dites bonjour à l'abonnement Performance. Les membres Performance peuvent streamer jusqu'à 1440p - une augmentation par rapport à la résolution précédente de 1080p - et découvrir les jeux dans des résolutions immersives et ultra-larges. Ils peuvent également sauvegarder leurs paramètres graphiques dans le jeu au fil des sessions de streaming, y compris pour les fonctionnalités NVIDIA RTX dans les titres pris en charge. Tous les membres actuels de Priority sont automatiquement mis à niveau vers Performance et peuvent profiter dès aujourd'hui de l'expérience de streaming améliorée. Les membres Performance se connecteront à des serveurs équipés de GeForce RTX pour une résolution allant jusqu'à 1440p. Les membres Ultimate continuent de bénéficier de la meilleure expérience de streaming : ils se connectent à des serveurs équipés de GeForce RTX 4080 avec une résolution allant jusqu'à 4K et 120 images par seconde, ou 1080p et 240 images par seconde en mode Compétitif pour les jeux prenant en charge la technologie NVIDIA Reflex. Les joueurs jouant sur le niveau gratuit verront désormais qu'ils diffusent en streaming à partir de plates-formes de base, avec des spécifications variables qui offrent un jeu en nuage d'entrée de gamme et sont optimisées pour la capacité. Il est temps de jouer. Au début de l'année prochaine, GeForce NOW proposera un temps de jeu mensuel de 100 heures pour continuer à offrir une qualité et une vitesse exceptionnelles, ainsi que des temps d'attente plus courts, aux membres Performance et Ultimate. Cette limite généreuse convient à 94 % des membres, qui profitent généralement du service dans ce laps de temps. Les membres peuvent vérifier le temps qu'ils ont passé dans le nuage via le portail de leur compte (voir l'exemple de capture d'écran ci-dessus). Jusqu'à 15 heures de jeu non utilisées seront automatiquement reportées sur le mois suivant pour les membres, et des heures supplémentaires peuvent être achetées au prix de 2,99 $ pour 15 heures supplémentaires de performance, ou de 5,99 $ pour 15 heures supplémentaires d'Ultimate. […]

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NVIDIA App est désormais officielle !

NVIDIA APP, ce nom ne vous parle peut-être pas encore et pourtant il s'agit du futur pour les cartes graphiques vertes, NVIDIA a, en effet, engagé une refonte de ses divers logiciels. Le but est de proposer une interface modernisée et d'unifier le panneau de configuration avec les applications GeForce Experience et RTX Experience. NVIDIA APP promet de devenir le centre névralgique de votre GPU, avec les profils de jeux, les nouveaux drivers… L'overlay (télémétrie de votre système de jeu) est toujours accessible grâce à la combinaison de touches ALT + Z, mais l'affichage est repensé avec une multitude d'informations (fréquences, tensions, latences, températures...) et le joueur pourra personnaliser pleinement les informations affichées : […]

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Blog Format

We apologize for our blog format. We're not sure what's going on but it's affecting all of our blogs. Blogger has been notified.

Johnetta Matthews


Mar 29, Submit Full Information Regarding any Consultancy Here!

Submit full information when you request any consultancy in politics, business, or love. The information about your problems should be in full details to helps us read your problems better.


Aaronde Entertainment Launches Digital Film Funding Platform to Support Independent Film

Production Company Introduces New Funding Model Through Frames for Films Initiative. [PR.com]


From Valencia, Spain, Emilio Modern Gypsy Unveils "Reborn" Music Video and Announces Global Performance Availability

Modern Spanish guitarist Emilio Modern Gypsy debuts his new music video, "Reborn," filmed in Tarragona, Spain, capturing his signature blend of flamenco fusion, modern and global rhythms. Now based in Valencia, Emilio is available for performances worldwide, bringing a renewed passion to his modern Spanish guitar. [PR.com]


Giovedi 7 Dicembre - L'evento che non vi farà dormire!

Giovedi 7 Dicembre - L'evento che non vi farà dormire!


Sencore Continues to Evolve the AFN Platform with New 12G-SDI Input Option

Sencore, a recognized leader in video delivery solutions for the broadcast industry, is pleased to announce the addition of a new 12G-SDI encoder input option to the Sencore AFN platform. This enhancement underscores Sencore’s ongoing commitment to advancing the AFN platform and delivering cutting-edge technology for professional video contribution and remote production applications. Sencore has focused on [PR.com]


Inrate Unveils New ESG Data Platform for Transparent and Traceable ESG Data Insights  

Inrate, a leading impact rating and ESG data company, is thrilled to announce the release of CLIF, its new ESG data platform, designed to provide transparent and traceable ESG data to simply investment analysis. With expanded features and seamless functionality, CLIF allows investors to gain enhanced visibility into the sustainability performance of over 10,000 companies and 190 sovereigns worldwide.   Empowering [PR.com]


BestFit™ PEO Solutions Launches BestFit Recruiting Powered by KOO Recruit: a Strategic Partnership to Transform Workforce Talent Acquisition for Business Leaders

BestFit PEO Solutions, a trusted name in Professional Employer Organization Solutions, is thrilled to announce the launch of BestFit Recruiting, a new recruiting arm powered by KOO Recruit. [PR.com]


Transformasi Digital dan Dampaknya pada IBCBET

Transformasi Digital dan Dampaknya pada IBCBET Dengan kemajuan teknologi digital, IBCBET telah mengalami transformasi yang signifikan dalam cara mereka mengoperasikan bisnis mereka. Perubahan ini tidak hanya mempengaruhi bagaimana mereka menyajikan layanan mereka, tetapi juga bagaimana mereka berinteraksi dengan pengguna. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, IBCBET telah berinvestasi besar dalam teknologi digital untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna secara keseluruhan. Ini termasuk pengembangan aplikasi mobile yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memasang taruhan dari mana saja dan kapan saja, serta fitur-fitur canggih seperti live betting yang memberikan kesempatan kepada pengguna untuk memasang taruhan secara real-time selama pertandingan berlangsung. Integrasi teknologi kecerdasan buatan daftar ibcbet (AI) dan analisis data besar (big data) juga telah menjadi bagian penting dari strategi IBCBET. Teknologi ini memungkinkan IBCBET untuk menganalisis data pengguna dengan lebih baik, memahami preferensi mereka, dan menawarkan pengalaman yang lebih personal. Misalnya, dengan menggunakan AI, IBCBET dapat memberikan rekomendasi taruhan yang dipersonalisasi berdasarkan […]

The post Transformasi Digital dan Dampaknya pada IBCBET appeared first on DOMINOQQ - DOMINO QQ ONLINE - DOMINO QIU QIU ONLINE.


Enormous Job Feed - Search For Job - Military Transition Jobs

This is one item I really wanted to post in a
hurry. The below link is a quick way to find
a job. See if this can be of some help:

New Job Search

This shows that modern technology really can
help speed up the job selection process.

Another Job Lead:

This is a lead that I would take seriously.

AAA is hiring! If you'd like to test the
waters, send your resume to Lori Duvall,
at duvall.lori@aaa-calif.com . Your resume
will be sent directly to Lori and she will
ensure that it gets to the right place.

Be sure to include your contact information.

Best Wishes and Merry Christmas!

Military Transition Coach


Therapy, AB Hormone

At AB Hormone Therapy, we are committed to helping individuals reclaim their health, energy, and vitality. | 200E24thSt


Open webOS портировали на планшет Transformer Prime


Corso di "Specializzazione per formatori" (Roma, 5 marzo - 3 aprile 2007)

S3 OPUS, società di ricerca, consulenza e comunicazione, organizza a Roma un "Corso di specializzazione per formatori". Il corso si terrà dal 5 marzo al 3 aprile 2007, in cinque sessioni di due giorni ciascuna, per un totale di 10 giorni e 80 ore d'aula. Esso affronta il tema della formazione arricchendola di nuovi contenuti e metodologie innovative, contestualizzandola al nuovo scenario europeo. Obiettivo del corso è sviluppare le competenze necessarie per progettare e gestire le iniziative formative finanziate attraverso gli strumenti comunitari.


Brother MFC-8480DN High-Performance Laser All-in-One with Networking and Duplex Printing

Brother MFC-8480DN High-Performance Laser All-in-One with Networking and Duplex Printing
The MFC-8480DN is a high-performance laser all-in-one with networking and duplex printing for your business or small workgroup


Best Running Form and Running Hills

Article explaining the best running form, tips for distance running and the proper way for running hills.


Pre and Post Race Performance

What you drink and eat before, during and after a race or intensive exercise workout affects your performance.


Beets to Boot Your Running Performance

How eating beets can boost your endurance and your performance while running marathons.


Focus On Form for the Shoulder Press Exercise

How to perform the shoulder press weight training exercise properly and safely for maximum benefit.


Weight Training Proper Form and Technique

Using correct form and techique during your weight training workouts or body weight workouts to get the most benefits out of your exercise workouts.


Does Colour Affect Athletic Performance?

The effects of the colour of a uniform on the success of an athlete or a sports team in winning.


Sleep Medication and Athletic Performance

Here is everything you need to know if you are an athlete looking for a good night's sleep.


Best Low Impact Fitness Equipment Megaformer

Get a high intensity and total body workout with low impact exercises and movements.


Ways Sleep Can Improve Athletic Performance

There are many variables that affect athletic performance and sleep is one of the most important.


Why Mobility Training Is Crucial for Fitness Performance

Mobility training improves performance or functional mobility in sports, during exercise workouts and in performing daily tasks by improving joint health, maximizing movement efficiency, helping to avoid injuries, and accelerating healing.


Lexapro Withdrawl & Information


Effexor Withdrawl & Information


Podcasting: The Global Audio Platform

Today, podcasting has exponential reach. In the US, for example, The latest Niesen release notes that the number of heavy podcast listeners—those listening every day— has grown by more than 3.6 million. The total podcast audience is growing at a compound average growth rate of 20%. (source: Nielsen)

Similarly, in the United Kingdom, at the end of 2019 around 7.1 million people were listening to podcasts each week. That’s one in eight people and is an increase of 24% over the past year – and more than double over the past five years. Ofcom research also found that half of listeners have joined the podcast wave in the last two years. (source: Ofcom)


Sinister sounds: podcasts are becoming the new medium of misinformation

The role of podcasts in the information ecosystem has gone largely unexamined. While alt-right figures have been increasingly chased off Facebook and Twitter, podcasting is shaping up as the next arena where the fight over questionable or dangerous content will play out. However, the problem of how to moderate audio content is proving thorny.

As podcasting grows in stature and revenue, its disinformation problem can’t be ignored.


KSI performs with Craig David and Anne-Marie at Wembley show


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Finally, obtain a great lawn almost instantly. Quick and easy download now available.

  • Home & Family -- Garden