
Identifying What to Watch: 14 Key Performance Indicators That Matter

As a CEO, it is your responsibility to pay attention to every detail of the business. From employee satisfaction to growth indicators, you need to be on top of how your company is performing at every turn. While there is an extensive range of KPIs available to you, knowing where to focus your attention when it comes to evaluating your business can make you more effective and make the best use of your time.

complete article


Amazon Report Cites More Than 1 Million Small Business Sellers On Platform

Amazon is often blamed for the demise of the Mom and Pop store and other local and cultural icons of Main Street USA. There may be some truth to this, but it is also just as important to say that the company has helped many small and midsize businesses to grow and thrive.

complete article


A Harvard Study Found That 27 Top-Performing CEOs Use These 6 Strategies to Manage Their Time

Time is said to be spent or invested. But without time management, it can also be squandered.

Is your to-do list constantly growing? Do you feel like there are not enough hours in the day to meet your family, work and social obligations?

For a business leader, time management is especially problematic given their magnitude of responsibilities and limited hours in the day. Lost time is not only never found again, but not managing it strategically harms the executive's well-being, effectiveness and organizational performance.

My team and I had the opportunity to lead coaching sessions for executives of public and private companies worth billions. And one thing is clear-- how you manage your time leads to success or failure.

complete article


This Design Platform Is Great for Small Businesses

Graphic design is an essential aspect of any marketing campaign or emerging business. You can't brand a business without design tools. When you are starting a business, contracting designers for a website, marketing materials, flyers, a logo, and countless other business expenses can add up fast. At some point, you have to be willing to take on some of the creative challenges yourself.

complete article


A business owner who spent nearly $46 million on Facebook advertising says he has been booted from the platform without explanation

A business owner who spent nearly $46 million over the years on Facebook ads said he got booted from the platform without warning.

Jordan Nabigon, the CEO of the Ottawa, Ontario, content-curation site Shared, said Facebook deleted his companys main Facebook page without warning in October, and without providing an explanation. He shared a Medium post detailing his experience, which has received more than 400 claps from readers.

Nabigon spent $45,870,181 on Facebook advertising between 2006 and 2020 for Shared and his other company Freebies, according to expense reports reviewed by Business Insider. Shared employees three people full-time and 12 contract writers, Nabigon said.

Facebook increased its use of artificial intelligence to oversee advertising and other content during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Nabigon is among hundreds of business owners who said they suffered from Facebook's crackdown on ad policies.


How Covid-19 Is Transforming the Business World, According to Scott Galloway

The pandemic is accelerating existing trends.

Covid-19 has initiated some trends and altered the direction of others, but its most enduring impact will be as an accelerant. Take any trend--social, business, or personal--and fast-forward 10 years. Even if your company isn't living in the year 2030 yet, the pandemic has spurred changes in consumer behavior and markets. This is clear in the rapid increase in online shopping, in the shift toward remote delivery of health care, and in the spectacular increase in valuation among the biggest tech firms.

The more disruptive the crisis, the greater the opportunities--and the risks.


Is Dissociation a Form of Psychosis?

Title: Is Dissociation a Form of Psychosis?
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 5/3/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/3/2022 12:00:00 AM


Can You Go Back to Normal After Psychosis?

Title: Can You Go Back to Normal After Psychosis?
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 6/28/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 6/28/2022 12:00:00 AM


Can You Get Yourself Back to Normal After Psychosis?

Title: Can You Get Yourself Back to Normal After Psychosis?
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 7/5/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/5/2022 12:00:00 AM


The Cloud High Performance Computing Market Set for Rapid Growth as Demand Surges, as per Maximize Market Research.

(EMAILWIRE.COM, November 01, 2024 ) The global Cloud High Performance Computing (HPC) market is poised for significant expansion, driven by growing demands in industries such as healthcare, finance, and automotive. Cloud HPC enables businesses to perform complex computations and simulations faster...


AI in Fashion Market Grows as Industry Embraces Digital Transformation, as per Maximize Market Research

(EMAILWIRE.COM, November 05, 2024 ) The Global AI in Fashion Market is expanding rapidly, with brands leveraging AI to enhance design, personalization, and inventory management. From predictive analytics to virtual try-ons, AI is revolutionizing consumer engagement and operational efficiency. Fashion...


Military Platforms Market Size, Share, Trends and Growth Analysis 2030

(EMAILWIRE.COM, November 08, 2024 ) The Military Platforms Market will grow tremendously from 2020 through 2030, based on the increase in defense spending, escalations in geopolitical tensions, and needs for advanced border security and early warning systems The military platforms market is projected...


***** PRIME AVIATION LTD - Overview (free company information from ... (rank 2)

PRIME AVIATION LTD - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges ...


***** Prime Aviation Ltd - company information - registration ... (rank 19)

Company information for Prime Aviation Ltd, including company directors, annual reports, significant shareholders, registered office address, financial data and more. Registration number 08377549.


***** Storm Aviation (rank 21)

Storm Aviation is a leading international line maintenance and training provider, operating AOG 24-hour comprehensive support for commercial aircraft operators. Our engineers provide fully customised services in line maintenance, AOG support, Part M, cabin services, consultancy and training. As a truly independent MRO we are able to adapt our approach to respond to rapidly changing ...


Anette Röttger: Den Reformationstag als Mutmacher-Tag feiern


Marc Timmer: Günther muss diese verunglückte Reform sofort stoppen!


Kitagesetz: Unzufriedenheit zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch den Reformprozess


Heiner Garg: Schallende Ohrfeige für die Kita-Reformpläne von Schwarz-Grün


Serpil Midyatli: SPD-Fraktionsvorsitzende lehnen Gerichtsstrukturreform ab


Christopher Vogt: Für den A20-Weiterbau braucht es mehr als schwarz-grüne Formelkompromisse


The Coral Reefer Band to perform in Atlantic City

Keep the Party Going – A Tribute to Jimmy Buffett featuring The Coral Reefer Band. Thrilled to be able to announce that the The Coral Reefer Band will be playing at the Hard Rock Hotel’s …

The post The Coral Reefer Band to perform in Atlantic City first appeared on BuffettNews.com.


PassMark PerformanceTest 11.0.1024 (Trial)

PerformanceTest enables you to benchmark your computer and compare it to a variety of baseline systems that are included in the database. You can select one or more computer mod....


Change Normal Template in Libreoffice Writer

  1. Open a new file and set your font; Verdana; 18pt
  2. File > Templates > Save as Template
  3. Select > My Templates then tick the "Set as default template" box
  4. Enter a name at the top then save and close the file.

The next time you open Writer, the settings should be in place.


Revival Now Pt9: A New Revival And Reform Movement

In this concluding message of 'Revival Now' we see the need for 'A New Revival And Reform Movement', as David considers the difference between revival and reformation. From Matthew 9, he shares how revival is like the new wine God pours out from heaven, but the wineskins need to be fit for purpose to preserve and distribute the wine, otherwise the wine is spilled and wasted and the wineskins are ruined. God is wanting to reform the church again so that she is fit for purpose for the 'new thing' He wants to do among us. God is calling the church back to original New Testament Christianity, so therefore we must remove all obstacles in the way of this move of God. Perhaps that's part of what this current shaking in the church is all about? This message is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Transformación Gastronómica: Antiguo Convento de Las Terreras en Ciudad Real Recibe 1,5 Millones en Inversión

El emblemático convento de la Inmaculada Concepción de Ciudad Real, conocido como el convento de las Terreras, se prepara para una transformación significativa que lo convertirá en un centro de interpretación dedicado a la gastronomía manchega. Esta ambiciosa iniciativa, que busca revitalizar el patrimonio cultural de la ciudad, cuenta con una inversión de 1,5 millones […]

Artículo publicado en : Transformación Gastronómica: Antiguo Convento de Las Terreras en Ciudad Real Recibe 1,5 Millones en Inversión


Réforme de la "carte famille nombreuse"

Après le bouclier social, la fin des 35h qui permette de gagner moins (puisque non majorées à 25 %), les suppressions de postes de fonctionnaire (mais surtout pas dans les ministères !), la suppression de la pub sur France Télévision, qui ne gênait personne...


Crédit d'impôt Borloo : Assistance et cours informatique à domicile

Le gouvernement vient d'annoncer un crédit d'impôts sur les services à la personne . Celui ci est ouvert aux ménages non imposable. Il permettra à ceux ci de faire intervenir un prestataire d'aide à domicile comme par exemple, et c'est encore peu connu,...


Formal Measures of Intelligence!

Above 50?..IQs are important to observe your mental development!


Vijesti :: Servisne informacije: [13. studenog 2024.]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Servisne informacije: [13. studenog 2024.]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 7:00 (GMT 1) Svakog dana, od ponedjeljka do petka, portal Osijek031.com svojim čitateljima nudi servisne informacije isključivo za taj dan. U servisnim informacijama možete doznati tko će biti bez struje, plina, vode, kakva će biti prognoza, popis događanja za taj dan..

DHMZ prognoza: Pretežno oblačno. Jutarnja temperatura 2°C, a dnevna do 6°C.

Iz Hrvatske elektroprivrede obavještavaju građane da su za danas planirani radovi:

od 8:30 do 11:00 sati - Ulica javora 2-10 par, 1-9 nep, Ulica kestenova 75-89 nep
od 8:30 do 12:00 sati - Martina Divalta 56-58 par, 60/a, 64-68 par, 70/a, 72, 76-78 par, 78/a, Vatrogasna ulica 15
od 9:00 do 10:00 sati - Park kraljice Katarine Kosača 8, 9, Ulica Josipa Huttlera 6/b, 27/a
od 9:00 do 14:00 sati - Šokačka ulica 16-18 par, Žumberačka ulica 6-10 par, 14-22 par, 7-15 nep, 21-31 nep, 37-49 nep

od 8:30 do 11:00 sati - Kamešnice 11-13 nep, Osječka 66-70 par, 74-88 par, 92-102 par, 65-95 nep, 99-137 nep, 137/a, 139-145 nep, 145/a, 147, 151-155 nep, 161-165 nep, Pustara Ritić 19, Vratnička ulica 2, 2/a, 6, 6/a, 6/b, 6/c, 8-10 par, 10/a, 12-18 par, 18/a, 20-28 par,28/a,30-40 par
od 11:30 do 14:00 sati - Biokovska 2-42 par, Dinarska 1-35 nep, 39, Ulica Petrove gore 2-24 par, 1-23 nep, Ulica Požeške gore 11-19 nep

Aljmaš, Dalj, Dalj planina
od 8:30 do 9:30 sati - Dolica 4-6 par, 26, 30, 1-7 nep, 11-15 nep, 19, 23-25 nep, Dunavska obala 12/a, 16-20 par, 24, 28-30 par, 40, 11-15 nep, 19-21 nep, 27, 37-39 nep, Hrvatskih mučenika 12, 16, 18/a, 20, 30, 5-7 nep, 7/a, 9-11 nep, 19, 25, Ivana Kesmičkog 6-14par,3, Kalvarija 4, Lipin dol 2, 6-16 par, 20, 20/c, 22, 22/a, 24-26 par, 28/a, 30-32 par, 42-44 par, 76-78 par, 88, 146, 1-5 nep, 5/a, 7-9 nep, 13, 17, 37, 41-43 nep, 49/b, Matije Gupca 2-18 par, 18/b, 22-24 par, 28, 52, 1-25 nep, 25/a, 27, Mladena Palinkaša 2-6 par, 6/a, 8-16 par, 20-30 par, 34-38 par, 48, 92, 94/e, 100-102 par, 1, 1/a, 3-27 nep, 31, 35-39 nep, 47, 87, Podunavlje 8, 8/a, 10, 12/a, 14, 20, 20/c, 20/g, 22-26 par, 32, 46, 52, 1/a, 3-5 nep, 5/a, 7, 7/a, 9-13 nep, 17, 31/a, 33-35 nep, Puarov dol 20/a, Rudina Balinac 20, Rudina crkvina 2, 6-14 par, 22-30 par, 36-50 par, 58-64 par, 68-74 par, 120-124 par, 128, 132, 208, 400, 3-9 nep, 13-15 nep, 23, 27, 31, 39-51 nep, 67-69 nep, 75, 81, 101, 117-121 nep, 125-129 nep, 133, Rudina Dolečak1, Rudina kod Vilme 40, 83, Rudina provalija 2, 14, Rudina selišće 16-22 par, 3-9 nep, Rudina stepanićevac 26, 99, 107-109 nep, Slavka Frangeša 9, 15, 21, Trg braće Radića 6-30 par, 34, 44, 1-7 nep, 15, 19, 23-27 nep, 27/a, 33-35 nep, 39-43 nep,47-49nep, 51/a, ušće 2-22 par, 22/a, 22/c, 24-28 par, 32-38 par, 42, 42/b, 44-56 par, 60-66 par, 72-76 par, 76/a, 78, 78/b, 80-82 par, 82/a, 84, 88-96 par, 100-108 par, 112-118 par, 126, 1, 1/a, 3-21 nep, 21/a, 21/b, 21/e, 21/f, 21/g, 23-29 nep, 37, 41,41/a,43-49 nep, 53, 53/a, 61, 63/a, 67-69 nep, 73, 77, 79/c, 83, 87, 87/a, 89, 89/h, 91-93 nep, 101-109 nep, 113-117 nep, 117/a, 121-125 nep, Vrška 28-30 par, 52/a, 58, 86, 1-3 nep, 7-9 nep, 13, 19-21 nep, 25-27 nep, 37, 41-45 nep, 49, 55, zlatna 2, 2/a,4-16par, 20-24 par, 32, 44-52 par, 58-64 par, 66/a, 68-70 par, 74, 78, 104, 104/a, 106-110 par, 118/a, 122, 142, 142/a, 144, 1-3 nep, 9/a, 11-15 nep, 19-31 nep, 31/a, 33-45 nep, 61-63 nep, 63/a, 65-71 nep, 75, 75/a, 79/a, 79/b, 81, 81/a, 81/c, 95,

Napomena: U slučaju lošeg vremena radovi se odgađaju.

Bez plina
od 09:00 do 12:00 sati - Ulica Petra Svačića (kbr. 37A-43), Ulica Vatroslava Lisinskog

Program za kino i kazalište:
- Dječje kazalište [13.-16.11.2024.] [program]

- Kino Urania [7.-13.11.2024.] [program]
- CineStar Osijek [7.-13.11.2024.] [program]

- GISKO: Mjesec hrvatske knjige "Pričaj mi..." [program, 2024.]
- GISKO: Izložba slikarskih radova "Bojom kroz godinu"
- 14. Dani austrijske kulture u Osijeku [program, 2024.]
- GISKO: Književna večer s Goranom Srdarevićem "Hrvatski društveni roman na osječki način"
- Škola primijenjenih umjetnosti i dizajna Osijek: Otvorenje samostalne izložbe fotografa i snimatelja Filipa Kosa

- Obustavlja se sav tramvajski promet u gradu Osijeku

Tekst i foto: Osijek031.com


Performance Counters in Delphi, sample project and article

Implementing performance monitors in your app is very helpful for profiling, debugging and general satisfaction of the more qualified endusers. It's also a non-trivial excercise, to put it mildly. Microsoft have done their part in making it obscure and hard to use, so naturally, we can't leave it alone, can we? This particular implementation only implements raw and delta counters, but that covers almost anything you'll ever need. The basis is there for other types of counters, though, such as instance based counters and high-precision. Both precompiled and full project source is available.


Forellen Station Deluxe normaal €399,00 nu voor maar €320,00

Forellen Station deluxe Merk: TFT TFT heeft wederom een kwaliteitsproduct voor de forelvisser op de markt gebracht. De TFT forellen Station Deluxe. Een tas met vele mogelijkheden. Het station bestaat uit de volgende onderdelen: - 1 draagtas , hierin passen alle onderdelen - 1x een deegtablet hierin kunt u eenvoudig uw deegpotjes plaatsen, zo heeft ze bij de hand - 1 x een assdoosjes tablet ( op de afbeelding zijn ze verschillende kleuren, maar in het echt hebben ze allemaal een rode deksel) - 1 x een tackle tas :deze kleinere tas kunt u aan de voorzijde van het station plaatsen. - 1 x het staanderwerk, waarom heen ook een tas zit. In deze grote tas zitten een tweedeling. Genoeg ruimte dus om al uw hengelsportartikelen in op te bergen, en handig mee te nemen. Wilt u een filmpje over het forellen station bekijken? ( helaas alleen nog in het duits te vinden) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8JUzhcUtVc


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cormoran speciland feeder medium 13''/ 3.90cw 25-80 grincl. 3 tipsincl. tanager 2000 rd molen


Transform Your GMC Canyon’s Rear End with Spyder Tail Lights

Image: Want to upgrade the look of your 2015-2022 GMC Canyon? We've got just the thing. The new Spyder Chrome/Smoke Euro Tail Lights offer a stylish and modern touch that sets your truck apart....

  • Diesel Truck Resource Sponsors


Former KTBA DJ Stacy Richardson passes away

Photo of Stacy with other counterculture radio guys, his articles on TTM, and a link to his obituary at to Rose Hill.


TNP - Normal Cholesterol Levels

Provides background information on cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol and gives guidance on normal levels.


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Customize keyboard layout; Change key on key


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22 former NPA members reunite for peace efforts in Eastern Samar

The commitment of the 22 former NPAs to support peace efforts in the southern municipalities of Samar and Eastern Samar underscores their dedication to promoting harmony and facilitating the return of their former comrades to normal life.


LXer: AmpereOne CPPC CPUFreq Schedutil vs. Performance Governor Benchmarks

Published at LXer: Similar to the ACPI CPUFreq and AMD/Intel P-State CPU frequency scaling driver and scaling governor benchmarks and power efficiency comparisons I routinely do on Phoronix, when...

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LXer: NanoPi M6: High-Performance SBC with Gigabit Ethernet and M.2 SSD Expansion

Published at LXer: The NanoPi M6 is a compact and open-source single-board computer (SBC) designed for high-performance applications, powered by the RK3588S System-on-Chip. Key features include an...

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LXer: Amarok 3.1.1 Promises Smoother Performance and UI Fixes

Published at LXer: Amarok 3.1.1, a free and open-source music player, has been released with enhanced toolbars, track editor fixes, and more. Read More......

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LXer: CachyOS September Update: Performance Gains and New Features

Published at LXer: Arch-based CachyOS's Sept '24 update boosts performance with PGO optimizations, new zlib-ng, Wayland default for SDDM, and more. Read More......

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LXer: Linux 6.12 x86 Platform Drivers Brings Improvements For Laptops Plus Intel ELC

Published at LXer: The x86 platform driver changes that were merged last week for the Linux 6.12 kernel continue to be quite lively with changes for enhancing Linux laptop support along with other...

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LXer: Intel Xe2 Lunar Lake Graphics Performance Disappoints On Linux

Published at LXer: While I have been very eager to test out the Core Ultra 200V Lunar Lake series on Linux in part due to the new Xe2 integrated graphics, after several days of pushing a new Lunar...

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LXer: RISC-V-Based KVM Solution in PCIe Form Factor with Low/High Profile Compatibility

Published at LXer: The NanoKVM-PCIe is a recent solution from Sipeed, designed to simplify remote management of ATX PC cases and 2U servers. Built on the RISC-V architecture, it offers low power...

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LXer: Linux 6.13 To Bring Big/Super Pages For The Raspberry Pi Graphics Driver - Better Performance

Published at LXer: While the Linux 6.12 merge window only ended this weekend and won't be out until November, already code is beginning to accumulate for DRM-Next of graphics driver improvements...

  • Syndicated Linux News


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