
Holy Martyr Charitina of Amissos (304)

She was the handmaid (according to the Great Horologion) or adopted daughter (according to the Prologue) of an eminent Roman citizen named Claudius, during the reign of Diocletian. She was betrayed as a Christian to the governor Dometian, before whom she fearlessly confessed her faith. After she had endured many cruel tortures, the governor sent some dissolute youths to rape her. Having prayed to be spared this dishonor, she was permitted to give up her soul to God.


Our Father among the Saints Achillius, Bishop of Larissa (330)

He was born in Cappadocia, and was one of the 318 God-bearing Fathers who attended the First Ecumenical Council. At the council, Achillius took up a stone and said to the Arians, 'If Christ is a creature of God, as you say, tell oil to flow from this stone.' When the heretics kept silent, Achilleus went on, 'And if the Son of God is equal to the Father, as we believe, let oil flow from this stone,' at which oil flowed out. Returning to Larissa, the holy bishop cast down many pagan temples, built many churches, cast out many demons, and reposed in peace.


Holy Martyr Charitina of Amissos (304)

She was the handmaid (according to the Great Horologion) or adopted daughter (according to the Prologue) of an eminent Roman citizen named Claudius, during the reign of Diocletian. She was betrayed as a Christian to the governor Dometian, before whom she fearlessly confessed her faith. After she had endured many cruel tortures, the governor sent some dissolute youths to rape her. Having prayed to be spared this dishonor, she was permitted to give up her soul to God.


Holy Martyr Charitina of Amissos

She was the handmaid (according to the Great Horologion) or adopted daughter (according to the Prologue) of an eminent Roman citizen named Claudius, during the reign of Diocletian. She was betrayed as a Christian to the governor Dometian, before whom she fearlessly confessed her faith. After she had endured many cruel tortures, the governor sent some dissolute youths to rape her. Having prayed to be spared this dishonor, she was permitted to give up her soul to God.


Holy Martyr Charitina of Amissos

She was the handmaid (according to the Great Horologion) or adopted daughter (according to the Prologue) of an eminent Roman citizen named Claudius, during the reign of Diocletian. She was betrayed as a Christian to the governor Dometian, before whom she fearlessly confessed her faith. After she had endured many cruel tortures, the governor sent some dissolute youths to rape her. Having prayed to be spared this dishonor, she was permitted to give up her soul to God.


Missing the Feast of Faith (Sermon Dec. 14, 2014)

On this Sunday of the Forefathers of Christ, Fr. Andrew preaches on the parable of the banquet and those who made excuses not to come.


Taking the Light Ahead: Lessons from Missionary Saints of the Orthodox Church

A talk given at the Orthodox Homeschooling Conference (Apr. 23-26) at the Antiochian Village.


Our Mission is Not From Man But From God (Sermon Oct. 23, 2016)

With the feast of St. James the Brother of God, Fr. Andrew discusses what the mission of the parish church is based on Paul's emphasis on the source of revelation.


Our Mission is to the Person in Front of Us (Sermon Oct. 30, 2016)

Discussing the Gospel of the rich man and Lazarus, Fr. Andrew points out the rich man's sin—he ignored the person in front of him.


Our Mission is to Act with Faith (Sermon Nov. 6, 2016)

Fr. Andrew contrasts the healing of the woman with the flow of blood with the raising of the daughter of Jairus and discusses what that contrast means for us.


Our Mission is to Serve a Higher Order (Sermon Nov. 13, 2016)

Speaking on both the feast of St. John Chrysostom and also the Gospel of the Good Samaritan, Fr. Andrew discusses how Christians are outside and above the orders of this world.


Our Mission is to Be On a Mission (Sermon Nov. 20, 2016)

Wrapping up his five-week 'What is our Mission?' series, Fr. Andrew concludes with this message: 'Send me, Lord!'


Preparing for Nativity - Elissa Bjeletich

Fr. Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne Louh welcome special guest Elissa Bjeletich tonight to talk about Nativity and families.


Serving from the Depths of Bliss

Fr. John Oliver shares a remarkable story of service to inspire us to joyfully use our gifts in service of others.


Dem Babies, Dat Noise, Dis, Diss—Liturgy!

Ever tempted by those misbaving in church—you know, the parents? (Of course, kids can be quite the nuisance, too.) Fr. Joseph ventures where angels, at least priests—even parents, fear to tread!


Narcissism and the Priesthood

Fr. Anthony and Fr. Harry Linsinbigler (UOC-USA priest and Canonist) discuss the difference between run-of-the-mill pride and full-blown narcissism, how both respond (or don't respond) to Orthopraxis, and the way narcissism poisons the soul and the community. They also call for the Church to be more intentional in keeping narcissists out of seminary and the priesthood, and discuss how we can and should protect ourselves and one another from giving in to the temptation of both pride and narcissism.


Missions and Mission-Minded Priests

In this episode Fr. Anthony talks with long-time mission priest Fr. Gabriel Rochelle about baking bread (Fr. Gabriel has a book on it!), caring for lampadas, and the special skills needed to plant and nurture missions. Enjoy the show!


Talking Missions (and Horses) with Fr. Robert Holet

Fr. Robert Holet is the author of The First and Finest: Orthodox Christian Stewardship as Sacred Offering, one of the best practical guides to fostering a healthy parish culture that you can find. Fr. Robert is also one of Fr. Anthony's mentors, something that comes out clearly in this, their conversation on the role of leadership in fostering a healthy mission culture. What do horses have to do with that? Listen and find out!


Ritualizing Opportunities for Grace in Mission Work

Fr. Anthony continues his discussion with Fr. Robert Holet, author of "The First and Finest: Orthodox Christian Stewardship as Sacred Offering" about mission work, this time focusing on the need to organize and routinize the work of the parish intentionally and well (so that grace can grow). Enjoy the show!


Missions and Stewardship with Fr. Robert Holet

Fr. Anthony continues his discussion with Fr. Robert, author of "The First and Finest: Orthodox Christian Stewardship as Sacred Offering" about some of the necessities, joys, and struggles that come with starting and nurturing a mission. This time, they focus on how to pay for (and NOT to pay) the bills. The key is to make everything - to include financial stewardship - resonate with and in the Eucharist. Enjoy the show!


Why Do We Kiss the Cross?

When we celebrate the Cross, we are not so much remembering the Crucifixion of Christ, as much as we are remembering the salvation that Christ’s Crucifixion has brought us and all the ways that we too are crucified with Christ. You see Christ did not suffer so that we would not have to suffer. Rather, Christ suffered on the Cross to be with us in our suffering, to lead us to the Resurrection through our suffering.


The Woman with the Issue of Blood

The woman suffering from a physical ailment that made her ceremonially unclean is an example for us in how to approach Jesus in humility and faith.


The Origins of Christendom in the Cosmology of Christ's Great Commission

Fr. John discusses cosmology, a concept that was very important to the early Church.


Secular Humanism and the Disorientation of Western Art during the Italian Renaissance: Part I

In this special video episode (the first of two parts), Father John discusses the background to the revolution in art during the Italian Renaissance. Though it produced some of the most stunning and innovative works ever, secular humanism represented a radical departure from the heavenly orientation of traditional Christian art.


Secular Humanism and the Disorientation of Western Art during the Italian Renaissance: Part II

This is part 2 to last week's special video episode, on the revolution of art during the Italian Renaissance.


Beaufort Mission

Travel with Fr John as he heads to Beaufort, SC, for an organizational meeting of a new mission, and shares about the whole process.


Meet OCMC Missionary James Hargrave

On Forgiveness Sunday, Holy Ascension Orthodox Church was visited by missionary James Hargrave. James serves with the Orthodox Christian Mission Center in Tanzania. Fr. John Parker interviews James about his work there.


Meet OCMC Missionary Floyd Frantz in Romania

Fr. John Parker traveled to Romania and sat down with OCMC missionary Floyd Frantz who works with the Church to help people with addictions.


A Missionary Journey to Mexico

Fr John recently travelled to the OCA’s Exarchate of Mexico at the invitation of His Grace, the Rt Rev. Bp Alejo. In today’s podcast, he recounts his journey.


Preaching and the Great Commission, interview with Fr. Josiah Trenham

Fr. John interviews Fr. Josiah Trenham about the importance of preaching in fulfilling the Great Commission.


Missionary Labors in High Point, North Carolina

Fr. John interviews Fr. Christopher Foley of Holy Cross Orthodox Church, High Point, North Carolina.


“Success” for St. Basil's Mission, Wilmington, NC

Fr. John recently spoke at St. Basil's Mission in Wilmington, NC, on their parish feast and on the occasion of the blessing of land for the construction of a church. He discusses the definition of "success" for a mission and parish.


Great Commission and the Tomb

Fr. John shares about some of the Orthodox missionaries from North America and reflects on the beauty of the Holy Saturday services (including baptisms) and Pascha services.


Autobiography of Missions in their Lives

Fr. John Parker begins a short series showcasing the lives and impact of OCMC missionaries, especially the role of mission work in Africa.


Mediatrix of our Salvation: The Dismissal Theotokion in the Third Tone

Edith Humphrey begins a new series on the eight resurrectional (dismissal) hymns to the Theotokos, beginning with the one in tone three appointed for this week. Help is found in interpreting the mysteries of this hymn from the prophet Jeremiah, from the early chapters of Genesis, and from Isaiah’s vision of the heavenly throne-room.


All Beyond Thought! The Dismissal-Resurrectional Theotokion in Tone 2

This week’s Divine Liturgy for the Forerunner is accompanied by a simple yet profound thetokion, which we mine for treasure by reference to Psalm 44/45, the Psalter, Song of Solomon, and other helpful passages from the Old Testament.


Even to the Angels Unknown! The Resurrectional-Dismissal Theotokion in Tone Four

The resurrectional-dismissal Theotokion in tone four is replete with theological mystery, and itself calls attention to the Mystery of mysteries—the God-Man who died for our sake. We look to the entire sweep of the Old Testament, as well as the epistles, to clarify its words.


Jesus in First Place: The Dismissal-Resurrectional Theotokion in Tone 8

This week we consider an unusual Theotokion that addresses our Lord instead of holy Mary. We plumb its theological riches by means of revisiting Genesis 1-2; Hosea 8-13, and Daniel 13, as well as the Christ-hymn of Colossians 1:15-20.


Carrying Your Creator: The Dismissal-Resurrectional Theotokion in Tone 1

This joyful and profound hymn is understood more fully by contrasting Mary’s “yes” to Eve’s rebellion, by seeing the Incarnation as the beginning of the new creation, and by seeing the parallel between David’s joyful procession with the Ark to Bethlehem, and the Holy Virgin carrying our Lord into that same city for our salvation. (Genesis 1-3, 1 Chronicles 16:8-36, Genesis 22:18)


The Treasure of our Resurrection: The Resurrectional-Dismissal Theotokion in Tone 7

This week we consider a deceptively simple hymn to holy Mary, reading it in the light of Daniel, the Psalms, Proverbs, and Isaiah. We see her place in salvation history, and how she shows in her person our own living hope.


Fourfold Joy! The Resurrectional Dismissal Theotokion in Tone Five - Sts Athanasius and Cyril

On Jan 18, we sing the dismissal Theotokion in tone 5. Its deep theology may be unpacked by reference especially to the prophet Ezekiel and Psalm 130/131, as well as by the book of Revelation and some of the fathers of the Church.


Desiring to Recall Adam: The Resurrectional-Dismissal Theotokion in Tone 6

With this podcast, we complete our study of the eight resurrectional-dismissal hymns for the Theotokos, reading the Theotokion that we will sing for the feast of St. Gregory the Theologian on January 25th. We are helped in understanding this lyrical hymn by several passages in the NT, but also by returning to Genesis, Deuteronomy, Hosea, and Psalm 138/139. Here we see the wonder of the God who seeks and finds, and calls all of the cosmos to rejoice as He shows His glory.


Healing of the Woman with an Issue of Blood

"Healing of the Woman with an Issue of Blood," from Feasts of Christ and the Theotokos and Miracles of the Lord by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


Interview with Chrissi Hart

Chrissi reads her book as part of this interview and her new program is announced.


Missing the Mark

The whole point of the Christian life is to stay on course. Sin is deviating from that course.


136: Baptist Missionary Confronts Long-held Evangelical Tenets - Part 2

Listen to part 2 of Kevin's interview with Fr. James Early


135: Baptist Missionary Confronts Long-held Evangelical Tenets - Part 1

In this two-part interview, ex-Baptist seminary graduate and missionary to Bosnia, now Orthodox priest, Fr James Early, recounts with Illumined Heart host Kevin Allen the circumstances under which he had to face and eventually reject core Baptist-Evangelical tenets and come to accept the faith handed down once and for all to the Saints. His book is called From Baptist to Byzantium.


Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on Gender Issues in the Church

The Metropolitan is asked about women's ordination and same sex attraction in this section of the interview.


Fr. Peter Gillquist on Missions and Evangelism

Kevin Allen talks with Fr. Peter Gillquist about the status of Orthodox Evangelism and the Church in America.


131: The Nature and Mission of the Bishop in the Orthodox Church

In the opening program of a new series of interviews, Dr. Bradley Nassif, theologian, author and life-long member of the Antiochian Archdiocese in North America, speaks about the "The Nature and Mission of the Bishop in the Orthodox Church". You can also read Dr Nassif's one-page piece referred to in the interview from the Antiochian website.