
The Divine Liturgy Part 9: The Dismissal and Post Communion Prayers

In this final program of the series on the Divine Liturgy we discuss the dismissal prayers after communion. These are more than just a formality as they express the summation of all that we have experienced for the past hour or more: God is the lover of mankind. But the Christian's experience of the Eucharist does not end with the final doxology or the Liturgy. In many parishes there are "post communion prayers" that are read as the people come for the closing blessing and antidoron from the priest. These express in prayer the Orthodox experience of the Eucharist and its meaning to us as we commune and "go forth in peace."


Realities of Life in Orthodox Christian Mission Churches

Fr. John Parker, the new chairman of the OCA's Department of Evangelization, describes how his parish, Holy Ascension Orthodox Church in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, went from having a handful of believers to being a lively and growing body of Christ.


Mary, Mysteries, and Mission

At the annual Lenten Retreat for SVOTS Seminarians, Fr. Chad Hatfield, the Chancellor of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, discusses three assured paths to spiritual renewal as we participate in the Great Fast: Mary and the Incarnation, the Mysteries of Baptism and the Eucharist, and our vocation to Mission. This is part one of four forthcoming presentations.


Mary, Mysteries, and Mission: Part Two

At the annual Lenten Retreat for SVOTS Seminarians, Fr. Chad Hatfield, the Chancellor of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, discusses three assured paths to spiritual renewal as we participate in the Great Fast: Mary and the Incarnation, the Mysteries of Baptism and the Eucharist, and our vocation to Mission. This is part two of four presentations.


Mary, Mysteries, and Mission: Part Three

At the annual Lenten Retreat for SVOTS Seminarians, Fr. Chad Hatfield, the Chancellor of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, discusses three assured paths to spiritual renewal as we participate in the Great Fast: Mary and the Incarnation, the Mysteries of Baptism and the Eucharist, and our vocation to Mission. This is part three of four presentations.


Mary, Mysteries, and Mission: Part Four

At the annual Lenten Retreat for SVOTS Seminarians, Fr. Chad Hatfield, the Chancellor of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, discusses three assured paths to spiritual renewal as we participate in the Great Fast: Mary and the Incarnation, the Mysteries of Baptism and the Eucharist, and our vocation to Mission. This is part four of four presentations.


Missions Night 2014

On October 27, 2014, Fr. Nicholas Andruchow from Project Mexico was the Missions Night speaker at St. Vladimir's Seminary.


Bringing People to God: Mission in the Orthodox Church

This is one of three lectures that Fr. Chad Hatfield delivered at the Parish Life Conference of the Antiochian Diocese of Los Angeles and the West, held in Phoenix, Arizona, June 28-July 3, 2016.


Missions Week 2017

During Missions Weekend 2017, held at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary October 20–21, Metropolitan Ambrosios (Zographos) of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea, laid a patristic foundation for missionary work by Orthodox Christians, using 16 principles from the writings of St. John Chrysostom. His fascinating and uplifting talk was titled, “St. John Chrysostom’s Constitution for Christian Witness: Universal Principles and Their Relevance for Korean Orthodox Identity.”


The Legacy of St. Herman and the Alaskan Mission Today

Archpriest Michael Oleksa delivered a powerful, enlightening, and heart-felt message on the campus of St. Vladimir's Seminary Saturday, September 1, 2018, as part of the Seminary's celebration of the Ecclesiastical New Year. The distinguished alumnus and author beautifully weaved the history of the Alaskan Mission and the work of St. Herman and others into the present, as the Orthodox Church continues to defend the native peoples of Alaska and uphold the sanctity of the created world. Fr. Michael passionately implored Orthodox Christians everywhere to draw upon the past and modern-day experience of Orthodoxy in Alaska in witnessing Christ to all nations.


Mission and Evangelism today: An Orthodox Perspective

Saint Vladimir’s Seminary President Fr. Chad Hatfield discusses Orthodox evangelism, drawing from his experience as a missionary in South Africa and Orthodox mission planter in the United States, to an audience at NLA University College in Bergen, Norway. The talk, delivered on December 5, 2019, was organized in part by St. Vladimir's Alumnus Fr. Theodor Svane (’15) and the parish Fr. Theodore serves, Annunciation of the Holy Virgin Mary Orthodox Mission Parish, in Bergen.


A Different Kind of Mission

Dn. Theodore tells about the new ministry that the mission provides.


Words from a Mission in Pandemic Times

Listen to excerpts from this past Sunday's bulletin at St. John the Compassionate Mission, still open and serving the most vulnerable in Toronto. "This becomes a time when we get to experience what real life has been for others. We are receiving the good news of the Resurrection so we can witness and testify for the sake of those who do not know when the darkness is going to end, to those who have not seen the dawn just yet."


Diary of a Mission in Pandemic Times

Listen to excerpts from this past Sunday's bulletin at St. John the Compassionate Mission, still open and serving the most vulnerable in Toronto. "Never has the church worldwide celebrated Pascha in this way, as we will this year. Abstinence not only from sin but from things that are good in themselves creates an empty space where God can act and surprise us. Could this not be the unexpected grace that is waiting for us in the empty tomb this year? What if the church is called this year to risk living something new, unfamiliar, even surprising?"


This week's stories from the Mission, by Brother Luke

Brother Luke shares about an addict and a group of mourners he met at St. John the Compassionate Mission.


Christmas Morning at St. John the Compassionate Mission

Listen to reflections of Christmas morning at the mission, from volunteer Mary.


Stories from the Mission

Brother Luke shares stories from St. John the Compassionate Mission in Toronto, Ontario.


Stories from the Mission

Listen to stories about the people who frequent St. John the Compassionate Mission in Toronto, Ontario.


More Stories from the Mission

Listen to stories from Brother Luke about people who frequent St. John the Compassionate Mission in Toronto, Ontario.


Pascha at the Mission

Christ is risen! Listen to stories about people who frequent St. John the Compassionate Mission in Toronto, Ontario.


Mother's Day at the Mission

Listen to stories about Mothers who frequent St. John the Compassionate Mission in Toronto, Ontario.


Friday Afternoon at the Mission

Fr. Nicolaie writes about discussions and prayers from those gathered on a typical Friday afternoon at St. John the Compassionate Mission in Toronto.


Speaking in Tongues: the Friday before Pentecost at the Mission

Fr. Nicolaie writes about language and communication--reflections on the Friday before Pentecost at St. John the Compassionate Mission.


Joys of the Mission

Stories shared by Brother Luke of St. John the Compassionate Mission.


Scenes from Everyday Life at the Mission

Brother Luke reflects on some scenes from every day at the mission.


Some New Stories from the Mission

Brother Luke shares some new stories from the mission.


Missionary Dating

Fr. Apostolos shares from St. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, "We are the temple of the living God."


Metanoia, Mission, and Martyrdom

Sermon on the Feast of Sts Peter and Paul (2 Corinthians 11:21-12:9; Matthew 16:13-19)


Reclaiming the Mission of the North American Church (Matthew 4:18-23)

All Saints of North America - Second Sunday after Pentecost


Fulfilling Our Mission in North America (Mt 4:18-23)

On the second Sunday after Pentecost, every local Orthodox Church celebrates the saints who have been glorified by God in their own lands. Fr. Tom reminds us that the gospel reading reveals the calling for every disciple of Christ to fulfill the mission of the Gospel where they live.


Saintly Missions, Methods, and Matters (Mt 4:18-23)

On the second Sunday after Pentecost, the Orthodox Church celebrates local Saints of a particular land. Fr Thomas reminds us that Saints teach us in their way of life that they are devoted to accomplish a divine mission, that they have become holy through their practice of the Orthodox way of prayer, and most importantly, that they love God above all else. (Second Sunday after Pentecost - All Saints of North America)


Fulfilling Our Mission as Orthodox Christians

On the Feast of All Saints of North America, Fr Thomas reminds us of our Apostolic mission and how to meet the unprecedented challenges facing us in the 21st century.


Holiness is the Mission of the Church

At the celebration of the feast of All Saints of North America, Fr Thomas shows us the relationship between the holiness demonstrated in the lives of the Saints and our mission as Christians in the world.


Our Missionary Imperative

As we remember the saints of North America, we remember that what made them special wasn't ethnicity or cultural preservation . . . it was their desire to preach the Gospel!


The Mission of the Saints

Fr. Christopher is the homilist and he reminds us that the saints are wonderful examples for us. They gave up everything for God.


The Mission of Antioch

Fr. Emmanuel gives the sermon and reminds his listeners that the way that we as Antiochian Orthodox Christians live and study and reach out to bring Christ to others can become the standard for Orthodox Christianity. There is no need for power politics or wealth or prestige within any part of the Orthodox Church.


No Entry for Narcissus

In Greek mythology the young man Narcissus who pined away in love with his own image in a pool of water was turned into the flower that bears his name. Anyone can be a narcissist—young or old, male or female. However, Fr. Emmanuel Kahn says there are in fact two types of narcissists, extrovert and introvert.


Talk About Missing the Point


Narcissus the Narcissist


A Missing Ingredient


Cognitive Dissonance

What comes to mind when you hear the term "cognitive dissonance"? Today Dr. Rossi shows how this reality is active in our lives as Orthodox Christians.


Missions in Mongolia

Dr. Rossi interviews Christopher and Jennifer Moore, who spent eight months as missionaries in Mongolia. Christopher is a first year student at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Yonkers, NY.



Dr. Albert Rossi explains the narcissus myth and how the narcissistic tendency that is in all of us needs to be healed by the cross of Christ.


Facial Masks as a Spiritual Issue

Dr. Albert Rossi challenges us to consider how we are relating to one another over the issue of wearing facial masks.


A Zeal for Missions

Nelson and Carolyn Freve were SIM missionaries in Africa. Nelson was also a Conservative Baptist pastor. What would cause them to embrace the Orthodox faith and desire to return to the mission field as Orthodox missionaries? Their story is now available to hear at your convenience.


Join An OCMC Summer Mission Team!

Want to travel and serve the Church at the same time? Then consider joining one of the many OCMC Mission Teams this summer and serve in places like Alaska, Albania, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Romania, South Africa, Tanzania, or Uganda.


OCMC Mission Sunday 2008!

Sunday, March 9, not only marks the beginning of Great Lent but it is also designated as Mission Sunday for 2008. Listen to our interview with Fr. Martin Ritsi and be encouraged by the missionary endeavors of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center.


Orthodox Finnish Missions

Learn about Orthodox missions work in the country of Finland!


2009 Orthodox Conference on Missions and Evangelism

John talks with Howard Lange about the 2009 Orthodox Conference on Missions and Evangelism being held at Antiochian Village on Labor Day weekend September 4-7.


OCMC Missions Opportunities

On a new Ancient Faith Presents, Bobby Maddex interviews Andy Lekos, the Mission Teams Director of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), about some exciting new missions opportunities. Will you answer the call?