
Free parking day to help late holiday shoppers

Weymouth Town Council says it has made 23 December a free parking day to help last-minute shoppers.


Will the first Microsoft Lumia come in time for the holidays?

When Microsoft announced it was rebranding its phone hardware as “Microsoft Lumia”, it hinted that there might be a new phone on the way, with the Nokia Conversations blog post quoting Senior VP Tuula Rytilä as saying “we are looking …


Cómo cuidar la salud financiera de tu negocio

¿Cuánto debo ganar en un negocio de traducción o interpretación? Esta es una pregunta esencial que nos tenemos que hacer todos los freelancers. No hay una sola respuesta, pero sí algunas pautas que debemos tener en cuenta. Te lo contamos en esta entrada. Hace poco...

La entrada Cómo cuidar la salud financiera de tu negocio aparece primero en Traducción Jurídica.

  • Cursos de traducción
  • cursos para traductores
  • finanzas
  • formación para traductores


La partida de Miguel Llorens, el traductor financiero

Cuando comencé este blog por el año 2008, me propuse encontrar y compartir información valiosa para nosotros, los traductores junior, y por eso siempre tomé como referencia a muchos profesionales con más experiencia en esta profesión.

Uno de ellos es Miguel Llorens, el traductor financiero, que con su inteligencia y sarcasmo me resonaba un poco al Dr. House de la traducción.

Miguel es, tiempo presente, porque las personas que dejan huellas profundas, en algunos o no tanto en otros, no se van. Su energía deambula en los pensamientos de aquellos que mascullando sobre algún tema traductoril percibe el roce ligero de su impresión.

Por eso nos encontraremos a la vuelta de la esquina o de algún término enrevesado.


Clásicos que cambian vidas

Los clásicos acumulan el saber y la emoción de las mentes más brillantes de la historia, de los corazones que han latido con más pasión. […]



Information Consolidation in Large Bodies of Information

Due to information technologies the problem we are facing today is not a lack of information but too much information. This phenomenon becomes very clear when we consider two figures that are often quoted: Knowledge is doubling in many fields (biology, medicine, computer science, ...) within some 6 years; yet information is doubling every 8 months! This implies that the same piece of information/knowledge is published a large number of times with small variations.

Just look at an arbitrary news item. If considered of some general interest reports of it will appear in all major newspapers, journals, electronic media, etc. This is also the problem with information portals that tie together a number of large databases.

It is our contention that we need methods to reduce the huge set of information concerning a particular topic to a number of pieces of information (let us call each such piece an "essay" in what follows) that present a good cross-section of potential points of view. We will explain why one essay is usually not enough, yet the problem of reducing a huge amount of contributions to a digestible number of essays is formidable, indeed is science fiction at the moment. We will argue in this paper that it is one of the important tasks of computer sciences to start tackling this problem, and we will show that in some special cases partial solutions are possible.


Black Friday, bloody Friday

On est enfin à ce jour qui magnifie la contradiction de nos sociétés. A lors qu’on nous met en garde tous les jours contre l’obsolescence programmée de notre unique planète, notre société de sur-consommation nous intime l’ordre de consommer jusqu’à plus...


Didactics of Information Technology (IT) in a Science Degree: Conceptual Issues and Practical Application


Delving into the Specificity of Instructional Guidance in Social Media-supported Learning Environments

Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the variations in student participation patterns across different types of instructional activities, learning modes, and with different instructional guidance approaches. In the current study, different variables, modes of learning (guided versus unguided), and types of guidance (social versus cognitive) were manipulated in a series of microblogging-supported collaborative learning tasks to examine to what extent and in which aspects instructional guidance affects the effectiveness and student perception of microblogging-supported learning. Background: Despite the overwhelming agreement on the importance of instructional guidance in microblogging-supported learning environments, very few studies have been done to examine the specificity of guidance, such as how to structure and support microblogging activities, as well as what types of guidance are appropriate in what learning contexts. Methodology: This semester-long study utilized a case-study research design via a multi-dimensional approach in a hybrid classroom with both face-to-face and online environments. Tweets were collected from four types of activities and coded based on content within their contextual setting. Twenty-four college students participated in the study. Contribution: In response to the call to improve social media learning environments under-scored in contemporary education, the current case study took an initial step aiming at deepening the understanding of the role of instructional guidance in microblogging-supported learning environments. Findings: This study showcases that with instructor facilitation, students succeeded in being engaged in a highly participatory and interactive learning experience across a variety of tasks and activities. This study indicates that students’ perspectives of social media tools rely heavily on what instructors do with the tool and how the instructional activities are structured and supported. Instructors’ scaffolding and support is instrumental in keeping students on task and engaging students with meaningful events, thus ensuring the success of microblogging-based learning activities. Meanwhile, students’ perception of usefulness of instructional guidance is closely related to their own pre-perception and experience. Recommendations for Practitioners: When incorporating social media tools, it is important to examine learner’s prior knowledge and comfort level with these tools and tailor the design of instructional activities to their attributes. It is also vital to monitor student progress, adjust the type and amount of guidance and scaffolding provided as they progress, and eventually remove the scaffolding until students can demonstrate that they can perform the task successfully without assistance. Recommendation for Researchers: Due to many other potential factors in place that could potentially influence student learning, no conclusive remarks can be made regarding the superiority of either one type of guidance approach. Future researchers should continue to develop robust research methodologies to seek ways to better operationalize this variable and strive to understand its effect. Future Research: Future replication studies in other settings, with a larger sample size, and different populations will certainly provide further insights on the effects of instructional guidance in microblogging-based learning. Alternative coding methods may also shed light on differences in student interaction in terms of content diversity and depth of learning when analyzing the tweets. Advanced data collection techniques may be explored to ascertain the completeness of data collection.


Development and validation of scale to measure minimalism - a study analysing psychometric assessment of minimalistic behaviour! Consumer perspective

This research aims to establish a valid and accurate measurement scale and identify consumer-driven characteristics for minimalism. The study has employed a hybrid approach to produce items for minimalism. Expert interviews were conducted to identify the items for minimalism in the first phase followed by consumer survey to obtain their response in second phase. A five-point Likert scale was used to collect the data. Further, data was subjected to reliability and validity check. Structural equation modelling was used to test the model. The findings demonstrated that there are five dimensions by which consumers perceive minimalism: decluttering, mindful consumption, aesthetic choices, financial freedom, and sustainable lifestyle. The outcome also revealed a high correlation between simplicity and well-being. This study is the first to provide a reliable and valid instrument for minimalism. The results will have several theoretical and practical ramifications for society and policymakers. It will support policymakers in gauging and encouraging minimalistic practices, which enhance environmental performance and lower carbon footprint.


A Data Model Validation Approach for Relational Database Design Courses


Action-Guidance: An Action Research Project for the Application of Informing Science in Educational and Vocational Guidance


Development and Validation of an Instrument for Assessing Users’ Views about the Usability of Digital Libraries


Modeling and Performance Analysis of Dynamic Random Early Detection (DRED) Gateway for Congestion Avoidance


Uniting Idaho:  A Small Newspaper Serves Hispanic Populations in Distributed Rural Areas


A Didactic Experience in Collaborative Learning Supported by Digital Media


Didactics of ICT in Secondary Education: Conceptual Issues and Practical Perspectives


Modeling, Training, and Mentoring Teacher Candidates to Use SMART Board Technology


Digital Learning Literacies – A Validation Study

This paper presents a validation research of seven Digital Learning Domains (DLDs) and sixty-five performance statements (PSs) as perceived by students with experience in learning via ICT. The preliminary findings suggest a statistical firmness of the inventory. The seven DLDs identified are Social Responsibility, Team-based Learning, Information Research and Retrieval, Information Management, Information Validation, Processing and Presentation of Information, and Digital Integrity. The 65 PSs will enable a teacher to identify the level of competency the learner has in each DLD, thus identifying students’ strengths and weaknesses that must be addressed in order to facilitate learning in the current era. As can be concluded from the findings, most of the participants evaluate themselves as digitally literate with regard to the basic information research and retrieval skills, validation and information management. But when it comes to PSs that require complex decision making or higher order thinking strategies, it seems that a large number of participants lack these skills. Also, social responsibility and digital integrity domains are perceived as known by the participants but not very well taken in terms of pro-active action to enforce appropriate digital behavior, or avoiding illegally obtained music or movies.


The Generalized Requirement Approach for Requirement Validation with Automatically Generated Program Code


Influential Factors of Collaborative Networks in Manufacturing: Validation of a Conceptual Model

The purpose of the study is to identify influential factors in the use of collaborative networks within the context of manufacturing. The study aims to investigate factors that influence employees’ learning, and to bridge the gap between theory and praxis in collaborative networks in manufacturing. The study further extends the boundary of a collaborative network beyond enterprises to include suppliers, customers, and external stakeholders. It provides a holistic perspective of collaborative networks within the complexity of the manufacturing environment, based on empirical evidence from a questionnaire survey of 246 respondents from diverse manufacturing industries. Drawing upon the socio-technical systems (STS) theory, the study presents the theoretical context and interpretations through the lens of manufacturing. The results show significant influences of organizational support, promotive interactions, positive interdependence, internal-external learning, perceived effectiveness, and perceived usefulness on the use of collaborative networks among manufacturing employees. The study offers a basis of empirical validity for measuring collaborative networks in organizational learning and knowledge/information sharing in manufacturing.


Validation of a Learning Object Review Instrument: Relationship between Ratings of Learning Objects and Actual Learning Outcomes


Development and Validation of a Model to Investigate the Impact of Individual Factors on Instructors’ Intention to Use E-learning Systems


A Chaperone: Using Twitter for Professional Guidance, Social Support and Personal Empowerment of Novice Teachers in Online Workshops


Empirical Validation Procedure for the Knowledge Management Technology Stage Model


Organizational Practices That Foster Knowledge Sharing: Validation across Distinct National Cultures


Genetic-linked Inattentiveness Protects Individuals from Internet Overuse: A Genetic Study of Internet Overuse Evaluating Hypotheses Based on Addiction, Inattention, Novelty-seeking and Harm-avoidance

The all-pervasive Internet has created serious problems, such as Internet overuse, which has triggered considerable debate over its relationship with addiction. To further explore its genetic susceptibilities and alternative explanations for Internet overuse, we proposed and evaluated four hypotheses, each based on existing knowledge of the biological bases of addiction, inattention, novelty-seeking, and harm-avoidance. Four genetic loci including DRD4 VNTR, DRD2 Taq1A, COMT Val158Met and 5-HTTLPR length polymorphisms were screened from seventy-three individuals. Our results showed that the DRD4 4R/4R individuals scored significantly higher than the 2R or 7R carriers in Internet Addiction Test (IAT). The 5-HTTLPR short/short males scored significantly higher in IAT than the long variant carriers. Bayesian analysis showed the most compatible hypothesis with the observed genetic results was based on attention (69.8%), whereas hypotheses based harm-avoidance (21.6%), novelty-seeking (7.8%) and addiction (0.9%) received little support. Our study suggests that carriers of alleles (DRD4 2R and 7R, 5-HTTLPR long) associated with inattentiveness are more likely to experience disrupted patterns and reduced durations of Internet use, protecting them from Internet overuse. Furthermore, our study suggests that Internet overuse should be categorized differently from addiction due to the lack of shared genetic contributions.


Development and Validation of a Noise in Decision Inventory for Organizational Settings

Aim/Purpose: The aim of the present paper is to present a Noise Decision (ND) scale. First, it reports the development and validation of the instrument aimed at examining organizational factors that have an influence on decision-making and the level of noise. Second, it validates this rating scale by testing its discriminant and convergent validity with other measures to assess decision-making qualities. Background: According to the literature, the concept of noise is the unwanted variability present in judgments. The notion of noise concerns the systematic influence to which individuals are exposed in their environment. The literature in the field has found that noise reduction improves the perception of work performance. Methodology: The first study involves the development of a scale (composed of 36 items) consisting of semi-structured interviews, item development, and principal component analysis. The second study involves validation and convergent validity of this scale. In the first study, there were 43 employees from three medium-sized Italian multinationals. For the second study, a sample of 867 subjects was analysed. Contribution: This paper introduces the first scale aimed at assessing noise within individuals and, in the organizational context, within employees and employers. Findings: Results show that the estimated internal reliability for each of the ND subscales and also the correlations between the subscales were relatively low, suggesting that ND correctly measures the analyzed components. Furthermore, the validation of the psychometric qualities of the ND allowed for the assertion that the influence of noise is present in the decision-making process within the context of work environments, validating the initial hypotheses. Recommendation for Researchers: This paper aims to improve theory and research on decision-making; for example, by providing a possible implementation for scales for evaluating decision-making skills. Furthermore, detecting and limiting noise with a systematic method could improve both the quality of decisions and the quality of thought processes. Future Research: Given the measurement of ND, the study can be a starting point for future research on this topic. Since there is no literature about this construct, it would be necessary to spend more time researching, so that the topic becomes clearer. System noise has been tested by some researchers with a “noise audit,” which means giving the same problem to different people and measuring the differences in their responses. Repeating this kind of audit in conjunction with the ND in a specific work environment could be helpful to detect but also measure the influence of noise.


A Method for Indoor Vehicle Obstacle Avoidance by Fusion of Image and LiDAR

Background and Objective: In response to the challenges of poor mapping outcomes and susceptibility to obstacles encountered by indoor mobile vehicles relying solely on pure cameras or pure LiDAR during their movements, this paper proposes an obstacle avoidance method for indoor mobile vehicles that integrates image and LiDAR data, thus achieving obstacle avoidance for mobile vehicles. Materials and Methods: This method combines data from a depth camera and LiDAR, employing the Gmapping SLAM algorithm for environmental mapping, along with the A* algorithm and TEB algorithm for local path planning. In addition, this approach incorporates gesture functionality, which can be used to control the vehicle in certain special scenarios where “pseudo-obstacles” exist. The method utilizes the YOLO V3 algorithm for gesture recognition. Results: This paper merges the maps generated by the depth camera and LiDAR, resulting in a three-dimensional map that is more enriched and better aligned with real-world conditions. Combined with the A* algorithm and TEB algorithm, an optimal route is planned, enabling the mobile vehicles to effectively obtain obstacle information and thus achieve obstacle avoidance. Additionally, the introduced gesture recognition feature, which has been validated, also effectively controls the forward and backward movements of the mobile vehicles, facilitating obstacle avoidance. Conclusion: The experimental platform for the mobile vehicles, which integrates depth camera and LiDAR, built in this study has been validated for real-time obstacle avoidance through path planning in indoor environments. The introduced gesture recognition also effectively enables obstacle avoidance for the mobile vehicles.


TALK: Automated Data Augmentation via Wikidata Relationships

Automated Data Augmentation via Wikidata Relationships Oyesh Singh, UMBC10:30-11:30 Monday, 21 October 2019, ITE 346 With the increase in complexity of machine learning models, there is more need for data than ever. In order to fill this gap of annotated data-scarce situation, we look towards the ocean of free data present in Wikipedia and other […]

The post TALK: Automated Data Augmentation via Wikidata Relationships appeared first on UMBC ebiquity.


An Approach/Avoidance Framework of Workplace Aggression

The number of constructs developed to assess workplace aggression has flourished in recent years, leading to confusion over what meaningful differences exist (if any) between the constructs. We argue that one way to frame the field of workplace aggression is via approach/avoidance principles, with various workplace aggression constructs (e.g., abusive supervision, supervisor undermining, and workplace ostracism) differentially predicting specific approach or avoidance emotions and behaviors. Using two multi-wave field sample of employees, we demonstrate the utility of approach/avoidance principles in conceptualizing workplace aggression constructs, as well as the processes and boundary conditions through which they uniquely influence outcomes. Implications for the workplace aggression literature are discussed.


Programming-based formal languages and automata theory: design, implement, validate, and prove

This rather difficult read introduces the programming language FSM and the programming platform DrRacket. The author asserts that it is a convenient platform to design and prove an automata-based software


Corel Kicks Off Black Friday Early with Savings of Up to $125 on Select Products



The Internet Card Declined Scam: Just in Time for Holiday Shopping!

Ah, the holidays—where buying gifts online should be about finding the perfect ugly sweater, not losing your credit card info to some sleazy scammer. But beware, the ''card declined'' scam that is on the rise and poised to play Grinch this season. ...


TeK UK kicks off Kashmir solidarity week with int'l confab

Kashmiris will not give up their demand of right to self-determination, say participants


Megan Thee Stallion and BTS' RM reveal 'Neva Play' collaboration set to drop this Friday



Three bridal looks: traditional, contemporary or minimalist, there's a look for everyone

From Iqra to Alia, brides are switching it up when it comes to their wedding day looks


No candidate running for mayor election in Canada's town

A representational image of a voter casting their ballot voter on June 30, 2024. — Reuters

A town in Saskatchewan, Canada is facing a issue in the run-up to its November mayor election and that is no one is running for the position.

Mayor of Kyle, George Williams is...


Florida airport encounters unusual 'ground traffic'

A representational image of an alligator. — AFP/file

A large alligator wandering among the planes on the tarmac at a Florida airport was captured on video by a passenger on a moving plane.

The animal, estimated by witnesses to be about 10-feet long, was seen making its way...


Ask the Experts: Standard vs. Specification and Guidance Documents

In this recent Ask the Experts question, learn the difference between a standard and a specification. For more answers, visit the Ask the Experts page.


Florida high school footballer dies after collapsing during game

Chance Gainer's death marks the 12th football player to have died this year


Vans Holiday 2018 - In stock!

We got the new Vans collection in stock, like for example the new Vans X Cult "Sk8-Hi Pro" Shoe, which is an updated and upgraded silhouette to withstand the enhanced performance requirements of today's BMXers. The suede and heavy-duty canvas upper materials keep the design durable, while the reflective sidestripe keeps it flashy. Featuring tonal tongue and heel embroideries as well as custom screened logos on the removable UltraCush HD sockliner, the Vans X Cult "Sk8-Hi Pro" Shoes - (CULT) Black/White also includes Pro Vulc Lite construction, DURACAP reinforcement rubber underlays in high wear areas, and Vans original waffle outsoles made of a rubber that offers grip and support. Join the CULT.

Also now in stock, the Vans "Fend Roll Top" Backpack in the colorway Classic Camo, which is a 100% polyester backpack with a large main compartment with a roll top closure, ergonomically-designed shoulder straps for comfort, and a front pocket with azip. Measuring 44.5cm x 29cm x 14cm, it has a 21-liter capacity.

Check our online-shop for more new Vans products!
Have fun!

All the best,

Your kunstform BMX Shop Team


Black Friday set to be announced later today

LEGO will announce an upcoming set in three livestreams later today, with a German language stream at 20:15 CET / 19:15 GMT / 14:15 EST and two English language streams at 00:00 CET / 23:00 GMT / 18:00 EST.

The set revealed will be released on Black Friday and we will be bringing you the images here, of course. The links to each stream are below:

A promotional set will also be announced and there will be LEGO Insiders sweepstakes taking place too, to win either a signed set or a $100 or €100 gift card.

Check back later for more information.

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Two new rewards set for release on Black Friday

Two nautical themed Insiders rewards were revealed during yesterday's 10335 The Endurance livestream.

6550800 Barracuda Seas and 5009045 Chronometer will be available from Black Friday, and the latter in particular is the perfect accompaniment to the sailing ship that will also be launched that day.

View a large picture of the pair after the break.

Continue reading »

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Holiday Hangover?

The dust has settled from the holidays, the bills have come in, and the damage has been done. How did you fare financially during the holidays? Did you overspend or did you stay on budget? After reviewing our holiday spending we actually came out almost exactly on target. That’s not to say we spent exactly […]

The post Holiday Hangover? first appeared on Getting Finances Done.