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Florida says coach Billy Napier on solid ground despite 15-18 record after promising signs

Florida coach Billy Napier is getting a fourth season to try to get the Gators back to their winning ways.


Replica World War II plane makes emergency landing on Florida highway

A man flying a replica of a plane used by the U.S. Army Air Corps and British Royal Air Force in World War II had to make an emergency landing on U.S. Route 17 in Polk County, Florida, earlier this week.


Candidates who win are often the ones who most fear losing

"Deep inside, all candidates think about winning and losing -- but the latter is suppressed. This unleashes a lot of energy. It's also the time where candidates stop sleeping and campaign day and night. It's another way of dealing with the fear of losing that you don't want to leave any stone unturned," campaign consultant Louis Perron said in a written statement shared with Inside the Beltway.


In this Florida school district, some parents are pushing back against a cellphone ban

It's no surprise that students are pushing back on cellphone bans in classrooms. But school administrators in one South Florida county working to pull students' eyes away from their screens are facing some resistance from another group as well - parents.


Christmas, The Inclusive Holiday

It seems every year, around Christmas time, a debate begins between Christians and the rest of the World over whether Christmas symbols should be displayed and the traditional greeting "Merry Christmas" should be used as opposed to something more inclusive, like "Happy Holidays." This debate reveals that both sides suffer a deep ignorance of the whole celebration. All religions regard God as a distant, all-powerful being, whose presence and blessings we have to earn by certain religious practices. This, predictably, places a barrier between those practicing a specific religion and all others. Christmas celebrates just the inclusive God who loves us all so much and wants to be so close to us, He becomes human and lives with us.


Which presidential candidate would lessen your tax burden?

Many voters are wondering which of the presidential candidates would empty their pockets more.


Flight turns around as Auburn basketball players fight midair

The Auburn men's basketball team plane had to return to Auburn University Regional Airport Friday after two players scuffled midflight.


Terrapins roll to third-straight 30-point victory in romp over Florida A&M

Behind Julian Reese's 21 points and 9 rebounds, Maryland won its 11th-straight non conference home game Monday night, surviving a rock fight of a first half before taking control and rolling over Florida A&M 84-53.


Idaho challenges abortion 'airlift' claims

When opponents of Idaho's strict abortion law said it was forcing women to be emergency-airlifted out of state to have their pregnancies terminated, it shocked the Supreme Court. Now Idaho says the claim is not true.


IOC candidate Samaranch urges European lawmakers to invest in sport as a public health policy

IOC presidential candidate Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr. has urged European lawmakers to regard investing in sport as a public health policy in his first keynote speech of a six-month Olympic leadership campaign.


First meeting of WP 5 EU BON testing and validation of concepts, tools, and services held

The first meeting of Work Package 5 (EU BON testing and validation of concepts, tools, and services) was held between 2nd and 4th April, 2013 in the Doñana Biological Station, in Spain. 23 people from 10 different institutions (7 of the EU BON consortium) worked towards building a draft on Principles and Guidelines for establishing and operating EU BON test sites.

During the meeting the members agreed on starting documenting each of the sites, using a common format to be decided in May on the Informatics Task Force meeting of WP2 (Data integration and interoperability) in Norway. A data inventory will also be built in each of the sites, adding monitoring protocols in stepwise fashion.

In addition the meeting served to get a better view of the variety of Ecosystems in Doñana as well as the monitoring protocols that are being conducted in this area. 


First meeting of WP5 EU BON testing and validation of concepts, tools, and services

In 2013, Doñana Biological Reserve will host the first meeting of WP5 EU BON testing and validation of concepts, tools, and services, focusing on the organization and planning of the forthcoming WP5 tasks. The meeting will take place in Palacio de Doñana, Huelva, Spain, from 2 to 4 April 2013.
The aim of the meeting is to bring together the experts in charge of the implementation of the WP5 tasks with the people responsible for the data architecture (WP2), the tools developers (WP3, 4) and the policy and dialogue responsible partners (WP6, 7, 8). The meeting aims at providing a precise definition of the responsibilities of the partners involved and discussing the organization of the work process.


BiodiversityKnowledge at the EU parliament "Towards a consolidated Network of Knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe"

On the 1st of April, between 9:30 and 16:30, the BiodiversityKnowledge project organises a conference where outcomes will be presented and widely discussed with policy makers, science and other stakeholders at the European parliament in Brussels. As final result, BiodiversityKnowledge will present a stakeholder’s document outlining a recommended design on how such a Network of Knowledge could operate and produce added value.

EU BON will be also presented at the confernce as one of the knowledge providers of the Network of Knowledge.

To counteract biodiversity loss, efforts have considerably increased over the past years to strengthen the science-policy-society interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services. There is indeed an active landscape of projects, institutions, organisations and individuals in Europe involved in this interface, all aiming to improve the knowledge flow so that decisions at different policy levels (from European, to national and local levels) are based on the best available knowledge.

With the 7th Environmental Action Programme and the start of Horizon2020 and its focus on innovative solutions for society, the need for more concerted activities in this context become even more important.

In this context, BiodiversityKnowledge (FP7 KNEU), an EU-funded coordination action has been set up to help to map, mobilise and organise this landscape focusing on the knowledge holders’ community. For this the project has been developing and testing a prototype Network of Knowledge since 2011 with more than 300 active participations of representatives of the biodiversity and ecosystems services knowledge community. Stakeholders involved ranged from practitioners and researchers to policy-makers.

Please find the conference agenda attached below.



SciDataCon 2014: International conference on data sharing and integration for global sustainability

The SciDataCon 2014 will take place on 2–5 November 2014 in New Delhi, India and will be hosted by the Indian National Science Academy. With high-level keynotes, a mix of plenary and parallel sessions, and a stimulating poster session, SciDataCon is conceived as a focussed—yet inclusive—conference to address the issues most important to the global scientific and research community as they pertain to data and information. The International Scientific Programme Committee will play a key role in implementing the scientific programme with innovative online consultation and input from research and data science communities worldwide.

The sustainability challenges facing society today cannot be solved without multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research on global sustainability that requires the use, sharing and integration of data across scientific disciplines and domains and from international sources. The effectiveness and credibility of this research will rely on the availability to the scientific and research community of quality-assessed and interoperable datasets.

To facilitate the work of international research undertakings—including the Future Earth international research programme on global sustainability launched by ICSU and its partners in 2014—and amplify the message of like-minded global data initiatives promoting data sharing and interoperability—including the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and the recently established Research Data Alliance (RDA)—SciDataCon 2014 will highlight the theme of Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability.

Applications for expert members of the International Scientific Programme Committee are invited. Please submit applications no later than 14 February 2014 using the online form available here.



Establishing macroecological trait datasets: digitalization, extrapolation, and validation of diet preferences in terrestrial mammals worldwide


Streamlining the use of BOLD specimen data to record species distributions: a case study with ten Nearctic species of Microgastrinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)


Utilizing online resources for taxonomy: a cybercatalog of Afrotropical apiocerid flies (Insecta: Diptera: Apioceridae)


Fauna Europaea: Annelida – Hirudinea, incl. Acanthobdellea and Branchiobdellea


Fauna Europaea: Neuropterida (Raphidioptera, Megaloptera, Neuroptera)


Genetic diversity of Nephtys hombergii (Phyllodocida, Polychaeta) associated with environmental factors in a highly fluctuating ecosystem


Recommendation Friday - Bosch

Nothing in the genre beats David Simon's police shows (The Wire, Homicide: Life on the Street, We Own This City). That said - Bosch is as close as it gets - not only in realism and quality but vibe as well! Bosch - a high quality crime solving drama on Prime Video Also don't miss the spin-off Bosch: Legacy which is basically a continuation of the same show.


Vida Dura # 520

Hoy, Alejandro Amaya, estuvo a punto de perder a su familia, por las drogas, nos cuenta cómo logró superar sus adicciones. También, el famoso cantante mexicano Abelardo Ramírez narra el trágico asesinato de sus hijos, a manos de uno de ... ...


Vida Dura # 521

En el episodio de hoy conoceremos los tropiezos que tuvo en su vida de la famosa actriz mexicana Claudia Vega. Además. Pedro Gómez cuenta cómo se inició en el narcotráfico cuando era apenas un adolescente.


Vida Dura # 523

La Dominicana Silvia Pérez nos cuenta cómo se recuperó de un aparatoso accidente de tránsito en el que casi pierde la vida. También, Jaime Concha narra cómo volvió a caminar, luego de terminar preso y postrado en una silla de ruedas. ...


Vida Dura # 522

Mario Quiñones nos cuenta cómo sucumbió a las adicciones aún cuando se oponía a ellas por el daño que su padre le causó. También Kimberly Jaén nos cuenta como el abuso que sufrió de niña la llevó a buscar amor en relaciones ...


Vida Dura # 526

Hoy, en Vida Dura, conoceremos la historia de Maricruz Uzuriaga, quien logró superar el trauma causado por los horribles maltratos de su padre. Además, Luis Hernández, nos cuenta cómo logró superar sus ataques de ira desmedida.


Vida Dura # 525

Hoy en Vida Dura, conoceremos la historia de la empresaria y mujer de medios Marta Socarrás, quien terminó en la cárcel por un problema con el IRS. También, el actor Mexicano Germán Gutiérrez nos cuenta las consecuencias de no manejar ... ...


Vida Dura # 524

Hoy en Vida Dura, una joven pareja nos cuenta como lograron superar diferencias culturales. También, veremos la historia Marylin Naomi, quien fue abusada cuando niña y creció con profundas cicatrices que le llevaron a tomar muy malas decisiones.


Vida Dura # 527

En Vida Dura, Myriam Fonseca experimentó la dramática muerte de su joven esposo y nos cuenta cómo logró reponerse. También, conoceremos más del luchador profesional Joel Bernal, quien casi pierde su vida, familia y carrera por una terrible ...


Vida Dura # 528

En Vida Dura, Telma Solís escapó de su hogar siendo adolescente, huyendo de los maltratos causados por su padre. También, veremos la historia de Angelo Aguirre, quien nació en una prisión del Perú y se convirtió en un peligroso delincuente.


Vida Dura # 529

Veremos la historia de Maria Elena Sosa, una mujer mexicana que logró escapar del mundo de la prostitución y las drogas. También veremos las consecuencias de la sobreprotección en los jóvenes, al conocer la historia de Martín Maldonado, ...


Rethinking the Holidays

We’re in the holiday season of the worst pandemic of our lives. Canceling our gatherings is the safe thing to do. But, how can we still — creatively and safely — connect with the people we love? Maybe there are some opportunities for us this year, too.

Original Air Date: November 28, 2020


Priya Parker — Stanley Weintraub — Peter Reinhart — Helen Macdonald — Gregg Krech

Interviews In This Hour: 

A Pandemic Holiday Season Offers Opportunities For Community, Too — Stanley Weintraub on the World War I Christmas Truce — Peter Reinhart on the Spiritual Importance of Bread — Helen Macdonald On 'The Dark Is Rising' — How to Cultivate Gratitude

Never want to miss an episode? Subscribe to the podcast.

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The Consolidated Appropriations Act Explained

As 2020 drew to a close, the U.S. Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, a massive $900 million coronavirus relief bill combined with a $1.4 trillion omnibus spending bill.


What You Should Know about Florida’s New Property Insurance Law

How Florida lawmakers’ attempt to make property insurance more affordable could affect your business.


Welcome to the Holiday Hangover!

Tips to get customers to pay you on time.


Sika Corporation Expands Concrete Admixtures Production in Florida

Sika has broken ground on a 29,000-square-foot admixture production plant, which is expected to be in operation in late-2025.


GMS Expands Product Offerings in Florida and Announces Further Platform Expansion Activity

Florida acquisition expands complementary product offering in Southwest Florida; four new greenfield locations expand presence in key markets.


Architectural Profile of the Month: Irsida Bejo

Each month W&C interviews a new architect to hear their perspective.


Charity deletes social media posts after Tory leadership candidate says it is ‘peddling divisive statements’

The racial justice charity accepts the wording and statistics used in posts about the Chris Kaba case ‘were not as carefully expressed as they should have been’


Florida Wall & Ceiling Contractors Association Calls for Presentations

The FWCCA invites you to participate at its Jan. 30-31 Executive Conference, which is taking place at the OMNI Champion Gate Resort. The FWCCA is searching for individuals who have informative, educational, technical and/or business programming that are willing to share with FWCCA members.


GA Revises Code Referenced Fire and Sound Manual, Application and Finishing Guidance Document

In its continual endeavors to keep its industry documents up to date, the association reviews the latest.


Florida Drywall Company Cleared of Fraud One Year after Being Charged

The owners of Evolution Drywall Inc. in Palm Coast, Florida, were charged with insurance fraud and organized fraud in 2018 but were cleared a year later, reported Ray Boone of Palm Coast Observer. A judge ruled that no restitution needed to be made.


OSHA issues interim enforcement guidance on silica standard for construction

Washington – OSHA has released interim enforcement guidance for its Respirable Crystalline Silica in Construction Standard (1926.1153), which is set to be enforced in full on Oct. 23.


OSHA issues enforcement guidance on silica standard for general industry, maritime

Washington — OSHA has released initial enforcement guidelines for the Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard for general industry and maritime, a couple of weeks before many of the rule’s provisions are scheduled to go into effect.


VIDEO: Hurricane Recovery Efforts in Florida

In this video, W&C contributor Trent Cotney gives an update on Hurricanes Helene and Milton.


Gypsum Association’s Schmeida Receives Award from ASTM

The Gypsum Association announced that ASTM International has recognized GA director of codes, standards and research Michael Schmeida, MSc, LEED AP, with an ASTM Award of Merit and the title of Fellow.


SprayFoam 2025 Convention & Expo Returns to Daytona Beach, Florida, on Feb. 9-12

The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance has announced that the SprayFoam 2025 Convention and Expo, also known as “SPRAYTONA,” will be held Feb. 9-12 in Daytona Beach, Florida. The event will bring together professionals in spray foam insulation, roofing, specialty applications, concrete lifting, coatings and related equipment from the U.S. and abroad.


Buro Happold Etches Outdoor Heat Relief Guidance in Toronto — North America’s First

Known for global leadership in setting public climate and sustainability policies, Buro Happold has led a remarkable new effort to redefine how Toronto’s public places provide respite from extremely hot weather — and cold winters, too.