
HP Security Bulletin 2005-10.23

HP Security Bulletin - A potential vulnerability has been identified with Openview Network Node Manager (OV NNM). This vulnerability could be exploited remotely by an unauthorized user to gain privileged access. Affected versions: Openview Network Node Manager (OV NNM) 6.2, 6.4, 7.01, 7.50 running on HP-UX, Solaris, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Linux.


Debian Linux Security Advisory 830-1

Debian Security Advisory DSA 830-1 - Drew Parsons noticed that the post-installation script of ntlmaps, an NTLM authorization proxy server, changes the permissions of the configuration file to be world-readable. It contains the user name and password of the Windows NT system that ntlmaps connects to and, hence, leaks them to local users.



318 byte useradd shellcode for Russian Windows NT/2k/XP variants.


Cisco Security Advisory 20081022-asa

Cisco Security Advisory - Multiple vulnerabilities exist in the Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances and Cisco PIX Security Appliances. These include Windows NT domain authentication bypass, IPv6 denial of service, and a Crypto Accelerator memory leak.


Microsoft Server Service NetpwPathCanonicalize Overflow

This Metasploit module exploits a stack overflow in the NetApi32 CanonicalizePathName() function using the NetpwPathCanonicalize RPC call in the Server Service. It is likely that other RPC calls could be used to exploit this service. This exploit will result in a denial of service on on Windows XP SP2 or Windows 2003 SP1. A failed exploit attempt will likely result in a complete reboot on Windows 2000 and the termination of all SMB-related services on Windows XP. The default target for this exploit should succeed on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 SP0-SP4+, Windows XP SP0-SP1 and Windows 2003 SP0.


Terminal Server License Bypass

This registry code allows any terminal client access to a Terminal Server. It bypasses the Microsoft "Terminal Server License" and allows the client to create a session on the server without a CAL (Client Access License) or MS Open License. It works on WinNT, Win2000, Win2003 server and Win2008 server.


RegLookup Register Parser 0.12.0

RegLookup is a small command line utility for parsing and searching registry files from Windows NT and later.


RegLookup Registry Parser 0.99.0

RegLookup is a small command line utility for parsing and searching registry files from Windows NT and later.


RegLookup Registry Parser 1.0.0

RegLookup is a small command line utility for parsing and searching registry files from Windows NT and later.


Disk Pulse Enterprise 9.0.34 Login Buffer Overflow

This Metasploit module exploits a stack buffer overflow in Disk Pulse Enterprise 9.0.34. If a malicious user sends a malicious HTTP login request, it is possible to execute a payload that would run under the Windows NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM account. Due to size constraints, this module uses the Egghunter technique.


Disk Pulse Enterprise 9.9.16 GET Buffer Overflow

This Metasploit module exploits an SEH buffer overflow in Disk Pulse Enterprise version 9.9.16. If a malicious user sends a crafted HTTP GET request it is possible to execute a payload that would run under the Windows NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM account.


SyncBreeze 10.1.16 SEH GET Overflow

There exists an unauthenticated SEH based vulnerability in the HTTP server of Sync Breeze Enterprise version 10.1.16, when sending a GET request with an excessive length it is possible for a malicious user to overwrite the SEH record and execute a payload that would run under the Windows NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM account. The SEH record is overwritten with a "POP,POP,RET" pointer from the application library libspp.dll. This exploit has been successfully tested on Windows XP, 7 and 10 (x86->x64). It should work against all versions of Windows and service packs.


South Africa Seeks to Improve Process for Renewable Energy Deals

South African Energy Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson said her department wants to address weaknesses in the process of commissioning renewable-power projects.


Divesting from Fossil Fuels: Last One Out Loses

A new report written by Nathaniel Bullard at Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) highlights the difficulties large institutional investors would have divesting from fossil fuels. What it does not specifically discuss is that these difficulties could lead to large financial losses for investors who see the difficulty of divesting as a reason to delay.


Eco Wave to Raise $5 Million to Accelerate Ocean Energy Plans

Eco Wave Power, based in Israel, plans to raise $5 million by the end of the year to further develop its technology and projects that harness the power of the ocean to generate electricity.


Ten Clean Energy Stocks for 2014: September Update and Thoughts on the Finavera Deal

Clean energy stocks and the market in general rebounded strongly in August. My broad market benchmark of small cap stocks, IWM, rose 4.5 percent, returning to positive territory up 1.7 percent for the year. My clean energy benchmark PBW also jumped back into the black with an 11.1 percent gain for the month and 10.8 percent for the year to date.


US-China Rifts Put Aside for Clean Energy Research

The threat of climate change is driving China and the U.S. — frequent rivals and the world’s two largest greenhouse-gas emitters — to collaborate on dozens of potential clean-energy breakthroughs.


EU Seeks Faster Renewable Energy Integration Amid Crisis in Ukraine

The European Union is seeking to speed up the creation of a common energy market to help its shift to a low-carbon economy and boost security of energy supplies amid a natural-gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine.


Increased Study Requirements, Loss of DOE Backing End Admiralty Inlet Tidal Pilot Project

Snohomish County Public Utility District announced it is abandoning plans to develop the 600-kW Admiralty Inlet Pilot tidal project in Washington's Puget Sound.


UK Green Bank Set to Draw Offshore Wind Investors to $1.6 Billion Fund

The U.K. Green Investment Bank is set to tie up the first investments in a $1.6 billion fund by the end of March, part of Britain’s push to cement its dominance in offshore wind power.


Australia Seeks to Reduce Renewable Energy Target to ‘Real’ 20 Percent

Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s government will negotiate with the opposition to cut Australia’s renewable energy target and exempt industries such as aluminum and copper smelting.


UN Sees Irreversible Damage to Climate Caused by Fossil Fuels

Humans are causing irreversible damage to the planet from burning fossil fuels, the biggest ever study of the available science concluded in a report designed to spur the fight against climate change.


IEA World Forecast: Stresses on Energy System Must Not Be Ignored

The world’s decision-makers must not let current events distract them from recognizing and addressing the longer-term signs of stress that are emerging in the global energy system, the International Energy Agency (IEA) warned today at the launch of its annual World Energy Outlook 2014 report in London.


Siemens Announces Plan to Exit Marine Power Sector

Technology and equipment giant Siemens AG has decided to sell its tidal energy company, Marine Current Turbines Ltd., citing slow development in the marine and hydrokinetics sector.


Leaked Internal Presentation Details the Oil Industry's Campaign to Stop Clean Energy

The Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) — whose members include Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, ConocoPhillips, BP, and others — was caught red-handed late last month when a leaked internal presentation revealed a coordinated campaign to stomp out climate and clean energy progress in California, Oregon and Washington by propping up over 15 front groups that purport to represent the views of concerned citizens and the broader business community.


Serbia Seeks to Boost Renewable Energy Investment With New Law

Serbia seeks to unblock investment in renewable energy after adopting legislation that opens gas and power markets in line with European Union guidelines.


The Big Question: What Do the Proposed EPA Regulations Mean for the Energy Industry?

In June, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a rule to restrict the amount of carbon dioxide released from power plants. The rule calls for reducing carbon 30 percent by 2030 over 2005 levels. Many have praised the aggressive proposal, while others are less favorable.


California Governor Seeks to Increase Renewable Energy Mandate to 50 Percent

California Governor Jerry Brown proposed spending $59 billion to fix crumbling roads and raising the state’s renewable energy mandate to 50 percent.


India Clean Energy Investments Rose 13 Percent to $7.9 Billion in 2014

Clean energy investments in India increased to $7.9 billion last year and are expected to surpass $10 billion in 2015.


Climate Change: The Need for a More Consistent Baseline and Immediate Action

The UN climate conference in Lima set the stage for Paris in 2015. Next year’s accord is to provide a working, albeit not a final, answer to the question: Is it possible to keep global warming at or below the 2 degree Celsius limit? This limit is considered the boundary beyond which the negative climatic, economic and social consequences of climate change are thought to become intolerably severe and potentially irreversible.


Brazilian Bank Raises $408 Million for Renewable Energy and Water Projects

The Brazilian bank Itau Unibanco Holding SA raised 1.05 billion reais ($408 million) to finance renewable energy and water treatment projects.


Demand Response: A Valuable Tool that Can Help California Realize its Clean Energy Potential

A tool only has value if it’s used. For example, you could be the sort of person who’s set a goal of wanting to exercise more. If someone gives you a nifty little Fitbit to help you do that, and you never open the box, how useful, then, is this little device? The same is true about smart energy management solutions: good tools exist, but whether it’s calories or energy use that you want to cut, at some point those helpful devices need to be unpacked.


Want to Buy a Used German Power Plant? Shipping Is Included

Germany’s utilities, battered by the country’s shift to wind turbines and solar panels, would be glad to sell you a power plant on the cheap. They’ll even pack it up and ship it to another country.


Obama Proposes $4 Billion for States Beating Climate Goals

The Obama administration is proposing a $4 billion fund to reward states that exceed cuts in greenhouse-gas emissions, and wants Congress to back steeper royalty rates for oil, gas and coal extraction from public land.


The Promise of Clean Energy Student Entrepreneurs

Cleantech investing has taken quite a hit in recent years. Last year, CBS News highlighted the “cleantech crash” on U.S. primetime television, and Bloomberg New Energy Finance, a Bloomberg-owned energy data firm, has tracked the multi-year decline in cleantech investing. However, there are additional trends that tell another side of the cleantech story and suggest innovation and hope for a low-cost, low-carbon future are far from gone.


Former FERC Chief Jon Wellinghoff Speaks Out on Grid Security and Distributed Generation

In a previous article, I had a conversation with former-CIA chief Jim Woolsey to discuss one of America’s greatest national security vulnerabilities, its power grid. The issues that Woolsey has been concerned with for over a decade has been the ease in which a terrorist group or other actor (think North Korea for example) could attack the grid and plunge the country into darkness for months, if not years. And if that seems far-fetched, just recall how a tree limb fell in Ohio in 2003 and blacked out the entire Northeast and part of Canada for several days.


The Big Question: Where Do You See Renewable Energy Growth Potential in 2015?

The annual outlook issue of Renewable Energy World magazine is our attempt to predict what will happen within the renewable energy industry over the course of the year. To do this, we went straight to the top of major renewable energy companies, asking CEOs and presidents to tell us where they are devoting their company resources in order to capitalize on some of the market growth that they expect to see in 2015.


Sweden, Norway Increase Renewable Target Amid Power Glut Concern

Sweden and Norway agreed to boost their target for renewable energy production amid concerns the additional capacity will exacerbate a power glut and strain the region’s electricity grid.


Texas Senator Seeks to Dismantle What He Helped Create: The Renewable Portfolio Standard

Sen. Troy Fraser (R-Horseshoe Bay) has filed a bill that would eliminate Texas’ Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) – a policy that has catapulted Texas to world leadership in wind energy and strengthened Texas’ energy diversity. In addition to terminating the RPS at the end of the year, SB 931would make it more difficult to build renewable energy infrastructure. The argument behind the bill is that because Texas has achieved its RPS goals it’s time to move on. Sounds reasonable, right? Well…


Ex-Employees Accuse Ormat of Lying to Receive 1603 Cash Grant Awards

Ormat is a successful developer of geothermal energy projects. Two former employees have brought a lawsuit alleging that Ormat made inaccurate 1603 Cash Grant submissions to obtain grants for projects that should not have qualified for such grants.


Fix the EU Emissions Trading System, And Carbon Markets Can Be Serious Business

What do the following have in common: New Zealand, South Korea, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Quebec, Alberta, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, California, Beijing, Guangdong, Hubei, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Tianjin, Tokyo, Kyoto, Saitama and 28 countries in Europe?


Marine Energy Sector Continues Growing Worldwide, Despite Economic Setbacks

A report released recently by the International Energy Agency's Ocean Energy Systems shows that the marine and hydrokinetic sector moved closer to commercial viability through 2014.