
Actress Samantha Underwent Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Myositis

bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points" liActress Samantha Ruth Prabhu open about her health struggles on social media in late 2022/li liShe


Investigating Echovirus 11: Twin Case Highlights Genetic Link

Recent case in Italy involving newly born twins infected with Echovirus 11 in France since the summer of 2022 reveals a close genetic relationship to


Nipah Virus Outbreak: 2 Fatalities Trigger Emergency Response in Kozhikode

Kerala's Health Minister, Veena George, arrived in Kozhikode, where two individuals have reportedly succumbed to medlinkNipah virus infection/medlink (!--ref1--).


Insights into a Malarial Parasite - Plasmodium Falciparum's Genetic Arsenal

New 'copy-paste' mechanism in genetics have been identified by researchers at EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) in a malaria parasite


Genetic Signals Predict BP and Risk for Hypertension- A New Study

More than 30% of adults globally suffer from hypertension, a major controllable risk factor for medlinkcardiovascular disease/medlink and mortality.


Does Gender Influence Comorbidity Rates in HIV-Positive Smokers

The correlation between medlinkhigh smoking rates/medlink among individuals with HIV and the prevalence of comorbid health issues is influenced by


Y Chromosome: A Genetic Factor in Autism Risk

Y chromosome plays a role in increasing the likelihood of autism, providing a potential explanation for the higher rates in males. (!--ref1--) h2What


Genetic Links Between Brain Volume, Parkinson's, and ADHD

A groundbreaking study has revealed hundreds of genetic variations that influence the development of critical brain structures. Researchers examined DNA


From Genes to Gut: How Zinc Pathways Bring Hope for Short Bowel Syndrome

A newly identified gene pathway involving zinc in mice brings us one step closer to using zinc-based supplements to treat people with the rare disorder


Genes as Weapons: How Gut Bacteria Disable Their Foes

Bacteria in the human gut evolve quickly by exchanging genetic elements among themselves. The order Bacteroidales, a highly abundant group of bacteria


Ketogenic Diet May Regulate Menstrual Cycles in Women

Increasing ketone levels in the blood through a medlinkketogenic diet/medlink or supplements may help regulate irregular medlinkmenstrual cycles/medlink


WHO Flags 17 Disease-Causing Pathogens for Urgent Vaccine Development

The World Health Organization (WHO) released a new study identifying 17 endemic pathogens in urgent need of vaccines (!--ref1--). The study published


FLVCR1 Mutation Linked to Developmental and Neurodegenerative Disorder

Thirty people whose disease went years without a diagnosis despite a great deal of clinical or genetic testing have received a genetic diagnosis from a global team of researchers.


Role of Genetic Testing in Personalized Disease Prevention and Treatment

Genetic testing industry is about to transform patient care with precision medicine providing a bunique opportunity to prevent disease, personalized treatment and healthy life /b.


Gentiva(R) Health Services Reports First Quarter 2010 Results

Gentiva(R) Health Services Reports First Quarter 2010 Results


Sandata Chosen to Implement Florida Agency for Health Care Administration Telephonic Home Health Project

Sandata Chosen to Implement Florida Agency for Health Care Administration Telephonic Home Health Project


The Caring Generation(TM) Celebrates One Year Anniversary by Honoring Women Nursing Home Residents On Mother's Day

The Caring Generation(TM) Celebrates One Year Anniversary by Honoring Women Nursing Home Residents On Mother's Day


ThermoGenesis Reports Fiscal 2010 Third Quarter Results

ThermoGenesis Reports Fiscal 2010 Third Quarter Results


ThermoGenesis Announces Global Res-Q Distribution Agreement With GE Healthcare

ThermoGenesis Announces Global Res-Q Distribution Agreement With GE Healthcare


OncoGenex Reports First Quarter Financial Results

OncoGenex Reports First Quarter Financial Results


GenVec Reports First Quarter 2010 Financial Results

GenVec Reports First Quarter 2010 Financial Results


Interleukin Genetics, Inc. Announces Conference Call to Discuss First Quarter 2010 Results

Interleukin Genetics, Inc. Announces Conference Call to Discuss First Quarter 2010 Results


Intact America Blasts American Academy of Pediatrics' Call To Weaken U.S. Ban on All Forms of Female Genital Cutting as Outrageous and Unethical

Intact America Blasts American Academy of Pediatrics' Call To Weaken U.S. Ban on All Forms of Female Genital Cutting as


ThermoGenesis Names Leading Healthcare Industry Executive David Carter to Board of Directors

ThermoGenesis Names Leading Healthcare Industry Executive David Carter to Board of Directors


Genoptix Reports Solid Results for the First Quarter 2010

Genoptix Reports Solid Results for the First Quarter 2010


Amgen Scientists Visit Biotechnology Classrooms Across the Country in Support of National Lab Day

Amgen Scientists Visit Biotechnology Classrooms Across the Country in Support of National Lab Day


New Campaign: Estrogen Therapy I.Q. (ETIQ) Kicks Off to Improve Access to Credible Facts About Menopause and Advances in Estrogen Therapy

New Campaign: Estrogen Therapy I.Q. (ETIQ) Kicks Off to Improve Access to Credible Facts About Menopause and Advances in


Bird Flu in Brazil: 6-month Health Emergency Declared

After the detection of several medlinkavian flu/medlink cases, a six-month health emergency has been declared by the Brazilian government. While


Genetic Change Boosts Bird Flu Severity

H5N1 avian influenza virus (medlinkbird flu/medlink) has gained new genes and increased virulence as it spread west, revealed scientists (!--ref1--).


Gene-Edited Chickens Hold the Key to Combat Bird Flu

British researchers have effectively employed gene editing methods to restrict the transmission of bird flu within chicken populations. Their findings,


South Korea Reports First 'Highly Pathogenic' Bird Flu Case

South Korea's Agriculture Ministry announced the confirmation of the first highly pathogenic medlinkavian influenza/medlink case (!--ref1--) in


Artificial Intelligence Helps Detect Dry Eye Disease

Dry Eye Disease (DED) is a prevalent ocular condition, impacting as many as 30% of individuals worldwide. Its onset can significantly impede the medlinkquality


Artificial Intelligence Help Prevent Superbugs

Researchers have crafted an medlinkartificial intelligence (AI)/medlink model capable of discerning the optimal drug combination and timing for treating a bacterial infection.


Role of Artificial Intelligence in Alleviating Mental Health Burdens

medlinkArtificial Intelligence (AI)/medlink holds the potential for providing psychological first aid to address India's growing mental health concerns,


Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizes the Future of Cancer Therapy

According to health experts, medlinkartificial intelligence/medlink (AI) is advancing cancer treatment, enhancing traditional methods like medlinkchemotherapy/medlink,


Artificial Intelligence Closes the Gap in Cardiovascular Risk Detection

By harnessing medlinkartificial intelligence/medlink (AI) to assess retinal images, an international team aims to enhance medlinkcardiovascular


Use of Artificial Intelligence in Public Health: Innovation or Stagnation?

As artificial intelligence (AI) tools become more integrated into health care, recent research by Lucia Vitale, a doctoral candidate in the Politics Department


Artificial Intelligence Predicts Diarrheal Outbreaks

Climate change-fueled extreme weather, like devastating floods and prolonged droughts, frequently triggers outbreaks of diarrheal diseases, especially


Link Between Childhood Inflammation and Chronic Fatigue in Neurodivergent Children

Neurodivergence refers to the concept that neurological differences, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others, are natural variations of the human brain.


UNICEF on MOX: Urgent Need to Prioritize Children's Needs

The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged nations to ramp up their vigilance against medlinkMonkeypox/medlink (Mpox). In response, UNICEF has


Gene Therapy Converts Omega-6 to Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Combat Arthritis

medlinkChildhood obesity/medlink, affecting nearly 20% of children and teens, has severe implications for their health, increasing the risk of medlinkarthritis/medlink,


New Genomic Technique Helps Track and Prevent Hospital Infections

Scientists have created an innovative genomic method capable of monitoring the spread of various medlinksuperbugs/medlink within a hospital setting, concurrently.


Neuromodulatory Implant Provides Relief from Urinary Urgency Incontinence

medlinkUrinary Urgency Incontinence/medlink (UUI) patients may find relief with a neuromodulation implant. The Revi neuromodulation device was implanted


Emergency Care Delay Linked to Higher Mortality in Hip Fracture Cases

Waiting more than 4 hours in emergency care for treatment is linked to increased risks of death and a longer hospital stay for hip fracture patients,


Soligenix's Drug Shows Potential to Treat Oral Mucositis in Phase 2 Trial

New Jersey-based biopharmaceutical company, Soligenix has revealed that its developing drug has showed positive results against oral mucositis in Phase 2 clinical trial.


Cipla Unveils Generic Version of Oral Hepatitis C Drug in India

Indian drug maker, Cipla has announced that it has released the generic version of Hepatitis C drug, Sofosbuvir in India.The drug will be marketed under


Genome Sequencing Company Plans to Develop Liquid Biopsy for Cancer Detection

As many companies are trying to develop liquid biopsy for diagnosing and preventing cancer development, the San Diego-based genome sequencing company Illumina has also joined this group.


FDA Offers Full Approval for Amgen's Blood Cancer Drug 'Krypolis'

The US food and Drug Administration has announced that it has approved Amgen's supplemental new drug application for Kyprolis in combination with dexamethasone


Indian Drug Maker Procures Two Patents for Neurodegenerative Drug

Indian biopharmaceutical company, Suven Life Sciences has secured two patents from two different countries on its new chemical entities (NCE's) for the treatment of several neurodegenerative diseases.


Practice This Form of Meditation to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence at Work Place

Practicing Transcendental meditation may boost your emotional intelligence and relieve stress levels when you are at work finds a new study. Finding