
A rank-based Cramér–von-Mises-type test for two samples

Jamye Curry, Xin Dang, Hailin Sang.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 3, 425--454.

We study a rank based univariate two-sample distribution-free test. The test statistic is the difference between the average of between-group rank distances and the average of within-group rank distances. This test statistic is closely related to the two-sample Cramér–von Mises criterion. They are different empirical versions of a same quantity for testing the equality of two population distributions. Although they may be different for finite samples, they share the same expected value, variance and asymptotic properties. The advantage of the new rank based test over the classical one is its ease to generalize to the multivariate case. Rather than using the empirical process approach, we provide a different easier proof, bringing in a different perspective and insight. In particular, we apply the Hájek projection and orthogonal decomposition technique in deriving the asymptotics of the proposed rank based statistic. A numerical study compares power performance of the rank formulation test with other commonly-used nonparametric tests and recommendations on those tests are provided. Lastly, we propose a multivariate extension of the test based on the spatial rank.


The coreset variational Bayes (CVB) algorithm for mixture analysis

Qianying Liu, Clare A. McGrory, Peter W. J. Baxter.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 2, 267--279.

The pressing need for improved methods for analysing and coping with big data has opened up a new area of research for statisticians. Image analysis is an area where there is typically a very large number of data points to be processed per image, and often multiple images are captured over time. These issues make it challenging to design methodology that is reliable and yet still efficient enough to be of practical use. One promising emerging approach for this problem is to reduce the amount of data that actually has to be processed by extracting what we call coresets from the full dataset; analysis is then based on the coreset rather than the whole dataset. Coresets are representative subsamples of data that are carefully selected via an adaptive sampling approach. We propose a new approach called coreset variational Bayes (CVB) for mixture modelling; this is an algorithm which can perform a variational Bayes analysis of a dataset based on just an extracted coreset of the data. We apply our algorithm to weed image analysis.


Simple tail index estimation for dependent and heterogeneous data with missing values

Ivana Ilić, Vladica M. Veličković.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 1, 192--203.

Financial returns are known to be nonnormal and tend to have fat-tailed distribution. Also, the dependence of large values in a stochastic process is an important topic in risk, insurance and finance. In the presence of missing values, we deal with the asymptotic properties of a simple “median” estimator of the tail index based on random variables with the heavy-tailed distribution function and certain dependence among the extremes. Weak consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator are established. The estimator is a special case of a well-known estimator defined in Bacro and Brito [ Statistics & Decisions 3 (1993) 133–143]. The advantage of the estimator is its robustness against deviations and compared to Hill’s, it is less affected by the fluctuations related to the maximum of the sample or by the presence of outliers. Several examples are analyzed in order to support the proofs.


The equivalence of dynamic and static asset allocations under the uncertainty caused by Poisson processes

Yong-Chao Zhang, Na Zhang.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 1, 184--191.

We investigate the equivalence of dynamic and static asset allocations in the case where the price process of a risky asset is driven by a Poisson process. Under some mild conditions, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the equivalence of dynamic and static asset allocations. In addition, we provide a simple sufficient condition for the equivalence.


An estimation method for latent traits and population parameters in Nominal Response Model

Caio L. N. Azevedo, Dalton F. Andrade

Source: Braz. J. Probab. Stat., Volume 24, Number 3, 415--433.

The nominal response model (NRM) was proposed by Bock [ Psychometrika 37 (1972) 29–51] in order to improve the latent trait (ability) estimation in multiple choice tests with nominal items. When the item parameters are known, expectation a posteriori or maximum a posteriori methods are commonly employed to estimate the latent traits, considering a standard symmetric normal distribution as the latent traits prior density. However, when this item set is presented to a new group of examinees, it is not only necessary to estimate their latent traits but also the population parameters of this group. This article has two main purposes: first, to develop a Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm to estimate both latent traits and population parameters concurrently. This algorithm comprises the Metropolis–Hastings within Gibbs sampling algorithm (MHWGS) proposed by Patz and Junker [ Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 24 (1999b) 346–366]. Second, to compare, in the latent trait recovering, the performance of this method with three other methods: maximum likelihood, expectation a posteriori and maximum a posteriori. The comparisons were performed by varying the total number of items (NI), the number of categories and the values of the mean and the variance of the latent trait distribution. The results showed that MHWGS outperforms the other methods concerning the latent traits estimation as well as it recoveries properly the population parameters. Furthermore, we found that NI accounts for the highest percentage of the variability in the accuracy of latent trait estimation.


Reclaiming indigenous governance : reflections and insights from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States

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A review of dynamic network models with latent variables

Bomin Kim, Kevin H. Lee, Lingzhou Xue, Xiaoyue Niu.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 12, 105--135.

We present a selective review of statistical modeling of dynamic networks. We focus on models with latent variables, specifically, the latent space models and the latent class models (or stochastic blockmodels), which investigate both the observed features and the unobserved structure of networks. We begin with an overview of the static models, and then we introduce the dynamic extensions. For each dynamic model, we also discuss its applications that have been studied in the literature, with the data source listed in Appendix. Based on the review, we summarize a list of open problems and challenges in dynamic network modeling with latent variables.


A unified treatment for non-asymptotic and asymptotic approaches to minimax signal detection

Clément Marteau, Theofanis Sapatinas.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 9, 253--297.

We are concerned with minimax signal detection. In this setting, we discuss non-asymptotic and asymptotic approaches through a unified treatment. In particular, we consider a Gaussian sequence model that contains classical models as special cases, such as, direct, well-posed inverse and ill-posed inverse problems. Working with certain ellipsoids in the space of squared-summable sequences of real numbers, with a ball of positive radius removed, we compare the construction of lower and upper bounds for the minimax separation radius (non-asymptotic approach) and the minimax separation rate (asymptotic approach) that have been proposed in the literature. Some additional contributions, bringing to light links between non-asymptotic and asymptotic approaches to minimax signal, are also presented. An example of a mildly ill-posed inverse problem is used for illustrative purposes. In particular, it is shown that tools used to derive ‘asymptotic’ results can be exploited to draw ‘non-asymptotic’ conclusions, and vice-versa. In order to enhance our understanding of these two minimax signal detection paradigms, we bring into light hitherto unknown similarities and links between non-asymptotic and asymptotic approaches.


Statistical inference for dynamical systems: A review

Kevin McGoff, Sayan Mukherjee, Natesh Pillai.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 9, 209--252.

The topic of statistical inference for dynamical systems has been studied widely across several fields. In this survey we focus on methods related to parameter estimation for nonlinear dynamical systems. Our objective is to place results across distinct disciplines in a common setting and highlight opportunities for further research.


Semi-parametric estimation for conditional independence multivariate finite mixture models

Didier Chauveau, David R. Hunter, Michael Levine.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 9, 1--31.

The conditional independence assumption for nonparametric multivariate finite mixture models, a weaker form of the well-known conditional independence assumption for random effects models for longitudinal data, is the subject of an increasing number of theoretical and algorithmic developments in the statistical literature. After presenting a survey of this literature, including an in-depth discussion of the all-important identifiability results, this article describes and extends an algorithm for estimation of the parameters in these models. The algorithm works for any number of components in three or more dimensions. It possesses a descent property and can be easily adapted to situations where the data are grouped in blocks of conditionally independent variables. We discuss how to adapt this algorithm to various location-scale models that link component densities, and we even adapt it to a particular class of univariate mixture problems in which the components are assumed symmetric. We give a bandwidth selection procedure for our algorithm. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm using a simulation study and two psychometric datasets.


Data confidentiality: A review of methods for statistical disclosure limitation and methods for assessing privacy

Gregory J. Matthews, Ofer Harel

Source: Statist. Surv., Volume 5, 1--29.

There is an ever increasing demand from researchers for access to useful microdata files. However, there are also growing concerns regarding the privacy of the individuals contained in the microdata. Ideally, microdata could be released in such a way that a balance between usefulness of the data and privacy is struck. This paper presents a review of proposed methods of statistical disclosure control and techniques for assessing the privacy of such methods under different definitions of disclosure.

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Identifying the consequences of dynamic treatment strategies: A decision-theoretic overview

A. Philip Dawid, Vanessa Didelez

Source: Statist. Surv., Volume 4, 184--231.

We consider the problem of learning about and comparing the consequences of dynamic treatment strategies on the basis of observational data. We formulate this within a probabilistic decision-theoretic framework. Our approach is compared with related work by Robins and others: in particular, we show how Robins’s ‘ G -computation’ algorithm arises naturally from this decision-theoretic perspective. Careful attention is paid to the mathematical and substantive conditions required to justify the use of this formula. These conditions revolve around a property we term stability , which relates the probabilistic behaviours of observational and interventional regimes. We show how an assumption of ‘sequential randomization’ (or ‘no unmeasured confounders’), or an alternative assumption of ‘sequential irrelevance’, can be used to infer stability. Probabilistic influence diagrams are used to simplify manipulations, and their power and limitations are discussed. We compare our approach with alternative formulations based on causal DAGs or potential response models. We aim to show that formulating the problem of assessing dynamic treatment strategies as a problem of decision analysis brings clarity, simplicity and generality.

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Finite mixture models and model-based clustering

Volodymyr Melnykov, Ranjan Maitra

Source: Statist. Surv., Volume 4, 80--116.

Finite mixture models have a long history in statistics, having been used to model population heterogeneity, generalize distributional assumptions, and lately, for providing a convenient yet formal framework for clustering and classification. This paper provides a detailed review into mixture models and model-based clustering. Recent trends as well as open problems in the area are also discussed.


Start your Chinese Family Search at the State Library of...

Start your Chinese Family Search at the State Library of NSW   One in ten Sydneysiders claims Chinese ancestry


How many modes can a constrained Gaussian mixture have?. (arXiv:2005.01580v2 [math.ST] UPDATED)

We show, by an explicit construction, that a mixture of univariate Gaussians with variance 1 and means in $[-A,A]$ can have $Omega(A^2)$ modes. This disproves a recent conjecture of Dytso, Yagli, Poor and Shamai [IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Apr. 2020], who showed that such a mixture can have at most $O(A^2)$ modes and surmised that the upper bound could be improved to $O(A)$. Our result holds even if an additional variance constraint is imposed on the mixing distribution. Extending the result to higher dimensions, we exhibit a mixture of Gaussians in $mathbb{R}^d$, with identity covariances and means inside $[-A,A]^d$, that has $Omega(A^{2d})$ modes.


Excess registered deaths in England and Wales during the COVID-19 pandemic, March 2020 and April 2020. (arXiv:2004.11355v4 [stat.AP] UPDATED)

Official counts of COVID-19 deaths have been criticized for potentially including people who did not die of COVID-19 but merely died with COVID-19. I address that critique by fitting a generalized additive model to weekly counts of all registered deaths in England and Wales during the 2010s. The model produces baseline rates of death registrations expected in the absence of the COVID-19 pandemic, and comparing those baselines to recent counts of registered deaths exposes the emergence of excess deaths late in March 2020. Among adults aged 45+, about 38,700 excess deaths were registered in the 5 weeks comprising 21 March through 24 April (612 $pm$ 416 from 21$-$27 March, 5675 $pm$ 439 from 28 March through 3 April, then 9183 $pm$ 468, 12,712 $pm$ 589, and 10,511 $pm$ 567 in April's next 3 weeks). Both the Office for National Statistics's respective count of 26,891 death certificates which mention COVID-19, and the Department of Health and Social Care's hospital-focused count of 21,222 deaths, are appreciably less, implying that their counting methods have underestimated rather than overestimated the pandemic's true death toll. If underreporting rates have held steady, about 45,900 direct and indirect COVID-19 deaths might have been registered by April's end but not yet publicly reported in full.


Risk-Aware Energy Scheduling for Edge Computing with Microgrid: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. (arXiv:2003.02157v2 [physics.soc-ph] UPDATED)

In recent years, multi-access edge computing (MEC) is a key enabler for handling the massive expansion of Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services. However, energy consumption of a MEC network depends on volatile tasks that induces risk for energy demand estimations. As an energy supplier, a microgrid can facilitate seamless energy supply. However, the risk associated with energy supply is also increased due to unpredictable energy generation from renewable and non-renewable sources. Especially, the risk of energy shortfall is involved with uncertainties in both energy consumption and generation. In this paper, we study a risk-aware energy scheduling problem for a microgrid-powered MEC network. First, we formulate an optimization problem considering the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) measurement for both energy consumption and generation, where the objective is to minimize the loss of energy shortfall of the MEC networks and we show this problem is an NP-hard problem. Second, we analyze our formulated problem using a multi-agent stochastic game that ensures the joint policy Nash equilibrium, and show the convergence of the proposed model. Third, we derive the solution by applying a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL)-based asynchronous advantage actor-critic (A3C) algorithm with shared neural networks. This method mitigates the curse of dimensionality of the state space and chooses the best policy among the agents for the proposed problem. Finally, the experimental results establish a significant performance gain by considering CVaR for high accuracy energy scheduling of the proposed model than both the single and random agent models.


A Distributionally Robust Area Under Curve Maximization Model. (arXiv:2002.07345v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Area under ROC curve (AUC) is a widely used performance measure for classification models. We propose two new distributionally robust AUC maximization models (DR-AUC) that rely on the Kantorovich metric and approximate the AUC with the hinge loss function. We consider the two cases with respectively fixed and variable support for the worst-case distribution. We use duality theory to reformulate the DR-AUC models and derive tractable convex optimization problems. The numerical experiments show that the proposed DR-AUC models -- benchmarked with the standard deterministic AUC and the support vector machine models - perform better in general and in particular improve the worst-case out-of-sample performance over the majority of the considered datasets, thereby showing their robustness. The results are particularly encouraging since our numerical experiments are conducted with training sets of small size which have been known to be conducive to low out-of-sample performance.


A priori generalization error for two-layer ReLU neural network through minimum norm solution. (arXiv:1912.03011v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

We focus on estimating emph{a priori} generalization error of two-layer ReLU neural networks (NNs) trained by mean squared error, which only depends on initial parameters and the target function, through the following research line. We first estimate emph{a priori} generalization error of finite-width two-layer ReLU NN with constraint of minimal norm solution, which is proved by cite{zhang2019type} to be an equivalent solution of a linearized (w.r.t. parameter) finite-width two-layer NN. As the width goes to infinity, the linearized NN converges to the NN in Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) regime citep{jacot2018neural}. Thus, we can derive the emph{a priori} generalization error of two-layer ReLU NN in NTK regime. The distance between NN in a NTK regime and a finite-width NN with gradient training is estimated by cite{arora2019exact}. Based on the results in cite{arora2019exact}, our work proves an emph{a priori} generalization error bound of two-layer ReLU NNs. This estimate uses the intrinsic implicit bias of the minimum norm solution without requiring extra regularity in the loss function. This emph{a priori} estimate also implies that NN does not suffer from curse of dimensionality, and a small generalization error can be achieved without requiring exponentially large number of neurons. In addition the research line proposed in this paper can also be used to study other properties of the finite-width network, such as the posterior generalization error.


Covariance Matrix Adaptation for the Rapid Illumination of Behavior Space. (arXiv:1912.02400v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

We focus on the challenge of finding a diverse collection of quality solutions on complex continuous domains. While quality diver-sity (QD) algorithms like Novelty Search with Local Competition (NSLC) and MAP-Elites are designed to generate a diverse range of solutions, these algorithms require a large number of evaluations for exploration of continuous spaces. Meanwhile, variants of the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) are among the best-performing derivative-free optimizers in single-objective continuous domains. This paper proposes a new QD algorithm called Covariance Matrix Adaptation MAP-Elites (CMA-ME). Our new algorithm combines the self-adaptation techniques of CMA-ES with archiving and mapping techniques for maintaining diversity in QD. Results from experiments based on standard continuous optimization benchmarks show that CMA-ME finds better-quality solutions than MAP-Elites; similarly, results on the strategic game Hearthstone show that CMA-ME finds both a higher overall quality and broader diversity of strategies than both CMA-ES and MAP-Elites. Overall, CMA-ME more than doubles the performance of MAP-Elites using standard QD performance metrics. These results suggest that QD algorithms augmented by operators from state-of-the-art optimization algorithms can yield high-performing methods for simultaneously exploring and optimizing continuous search spaces, with significant applications to design, testing, and reinforcement learning among other domains.


Additive Bayesian variable selection under censoring and misspecification. (arXiv:1907.13563v3 [stat.ME] UPDATED)

We study the interplay of two important issues on Bayesian model selection (BMS): censoring and model misspecification. We consider additive accelerated failure time (AAFT), Cox proportional hazards and probit models, and a more general concave log-likelihood structure. A fundamental question is what solution can one hope BMS to provide, when (inevitably) models are misspecified. We show that asymptotically BMS keeps any covariate with predictive power for either the outcome or censoring times, and discards other covariates. Misspecification refers to assuming the wrong model or functional effect on the response, including using a finite basis for a truly non-parametric effect, or omitting truly relevant covariates. We argue for using simple models that are computationally practical yet attain good power to detect potentially complex effects, despite misspecification. Misspecification and censoring both have an asymptotically negligible effect on (suitably-defined) false positives, but their impact on power is exponential. We portray these issues via simple descriptions of early/late censoring and the drop in predictive accuracy due to misspecification. From a methods point of view, we consider local priors and a novel structure that combines local and non-local priors to enforce sparsity. We develop algorithms to capitalize on the AAFT tractability, approximations to AAFT and probit likelihoods giving significant computational gains, a simple augmented Gibbs sampler to hierarchically explore linear and non-linear effects, and an implementation in the R package mombf. We illustrate the proposed methods and others based on likelihood penalties via extensive simulations under misspecification and censoring. We present two applications concerning the effect of gene expression on colon and breast cancer.


Convergence rates for optimised adaptive importance samplers. (arXiv:1903.12044v4 [stat.CO] UPDATED)

Adaptive importance samplers are adaptive Monte Carlo algorithms to estimate expectations with respect to some target distribution which extit{adapt} themselves to obtain better estimators over a sequence of iterations. Although it is straightforward to show that they have the same $mathcal{O}(1/sqrt{N})$ convergence rate as standard importance samplers, where $N$ is the number of Monte Carlo samples, the behaviour of adaptive importance samplers over the number of iterations has been left relatively unexplored. In this work, we investigate an adaptation strategy based on convex optimisation which leads to a class of adaptive importance samplers termed extit{optimised adaptive importance samplers} (OAIS). These samplers rely on the iterative minimisation of the $chi^2$-divergence between an exponential-family proposal and the target. The analysed algorithms are closely related to the class of adaptive importance samplers which minimise the variance of the weight function. We first prove non-asymptotic error bounds for the mean squared errors (MSEs) of these algorithms, which explicitly depend on the number of iterations and the number of samples together. The non-asymptotic bounds derived in this paper imply that when the target belongs to the exponential family, the $L_2$ errors of the optimised samplers converge to the optimal rate of $mathcal{O}(1/sqrt{N})$ and the rate of convergence in the number of iterations are explicitly provided. When the target does not belong to the exponential family, the rate of convergence is the same but the asymptotic $L_2$ error increases by a factor $sqrt{ ho^star} > 1$, where $ ho^star - 1$ is the minimum $chi^2$-divergence between the target and an exponential-family proposal.


Semiparametric Optimal Estimation With Nonignorable Nonresponse Data. (arXiv:1612.09207v3 [stat.ME] UPDATED)

When the response mechanism is believed to be not missing at random (NMAR), a valid analysis requires stronger assumptions on the response mechanism than standard statistical methods would otherwise require. Semiparametric estimators have been developed under the model assumptions on the response mechanism. In this paper, a new statistical test is proposed to guarantee model identifiability without using any instrumental variable. Furthermore, we develop optimal semiparametric estimation for parameters such as the population mean. Specifically, we propose two semiparametric optimal estimators that do not require any model assumptions other than the response mechanism. Asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are discussed. An extensive simulation study is presented to compare with some existing methods. We present an application of our method using Korean Labor and Income Panel Survey data.


Alternating Maximization: Unifying Framework for 8 Sparse PCA Formulations and Efficient Parallel Codes. (arXiv:1212.4137v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Given a multivariate data set, sparse principal component analysis (SPCA) aims to extract several linear combinations of the variables that together explain the variance in the data as much as possible, while controlling the number of nonzero loadings in these combinations. In this paper we consider 8 different optimization formulations for computing a single sparse loading vector; these are obtained by combining the following factors: we employ two norms for measuring variance (L2, L1) and two sparsity-inducing norms (L0, L1), which are used in two different ways (constraint, penalty). Three of our formulations, notably the one with L0 constraint and L1 variance, have not been considered in the literature. We give a unifying reformulation which we propose to solve via a natural alternating maximization (AM) method. We show the the AM method is nontrivially equivalent to GPower (Journ'{e}e et al; JMLR 11:517--553, 2010) for all our formulations. Besides this, we provide 24 efficient parallel SPCA implementations: 3 codes (multi-core, GPU and cluster) for each of the 8 problems. Parallelism in the methods is aimed at i) speeding up computations (our GPU code can be 100 times faster than an efficient serial code written in C++), ii) obtaining solutions explaining more variance and iii) dealing with big data problems (our cluster code is able to solve a 357 GB problem in about a minute).


COVID-19 transmission risk factors. (arXiv:2005.03651v1 [q-bio.QM])

We analyze risk factors correlated with the initial transmission growth rate of the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of cases follows an early exponential expansion; we chose as a starting point in each country the first day with 30 cases and used 12 days. We looked for linear correlations of the exponents with other variables, using 126 countries. We find a positive correlation with high C.L. with the following variables, with respective $p$-value: low Temperature ($4cdot10^{-7}$), high ratio of old vs.~working-age people ($3cdot10^{-6}$), life expectancy ($8cdot10^{-6}$), number of international tourists ($1cdot10^{-5}$), earlier epidemic starting date ($2cdot10^{-5}$), high level of contact in greeting habits ($6 cdot 10^{-5}$), lung cancer ($6 cdot 10^{-5}$), obesity in males ($1 cdot 10^{-4}$), urbanization ($2cdot10^{-4}$), cancer prevalence ($3 cdot 10^{-4}$), alcohol consumption ($0.0019$), daily smoking prevalence ($0.0036$), UV index ($0.004$, smaller sample, 73 countries), low Vitamin D levels ($p$-value $0.002-0.006$, smaller sample, $sim 50$ countries). There is highly significant correlation also with blood type: positive correlation with RH- ($2cdot10^{-5}$) and A+ ($2cdot10^{-3}$), negative correlation with B+ ($2cdot10^{-4}$). We also find positive correlation with moderate C.L. ($p$-value of $0.02sim0.03$) with: CO$_2$ emissions, type-1 diabetes, low vaccination coverage for Tuberculosis (BCG). Several such variables are correlated with each other and so they likely have common interpretations. We also analyzed the possible existence of a bias: countries with low GDP-per capita, typically located in warm regions, might have less intense testing and we discuss correlation with the above variables.


Robust location estimators in regression models with covariates and responses missing at random. (arXiv:2005.03511v1 [stat.ME])

This paper deals with robust marginal estimation under a general regression model when missing data occur in the response and also in some of covariates. The target is a marginal location parameter which is given through an $M-$functional. To obtain robust Fisher--consistent estimators, properly defined marginal distribution function estimators are considered. These estimators avoid the bias due to missing values by assuming a missing at random condition. Three methods are considered to estimate the marginal distribution function which allows to obtain the $M-$location of interest: the well-known inverse probability weighting, a convolution--based method that makes use of the regression model and an augmented inverse probability weighting procedure that prevents against misspecification. The robust proposed estimators and the classical ones are compared through a numerical study under different missing models including clean and contaminated samples. We illustrate the estimators behaviour under a nonlinear model. A real data set is also analysed.


A stochastic user-operator assignment game for microtransit service evaluation: A case study of Kussbus in Luxembourg. (arXiv:2005.03465v1 [physics.soc-ph])

This paper proposes a stochastic variant of the stable matching model from Rasulkhani and Chow [1] which allows microtransit operators to evaluate their operation policy and resource allocations. The proposed model takes into account the stochastic nature of users' travel utility perception, resulting in a probabilistic stable operation cost allocation outcome to design ticket price and ridership forecasting. We applied the model for the operation policy evaluation of a microtransit service in Luxembourg and its border area. The methodology for the model parameters estimation and calibration is developed. The results provide useful insights for the operator and the government to improve the ridership of the service.


Learning on dynamic statistical manifolds. (arXiv:2005.03223v1 [math.ST])

Hyperbolic balance laws with uncertain (random) parameters and inputs are ubiquitous in science and engineering. Quantification of uncertainty in predictions derived from such laws, and reduction of predictive uncertainty via data assimilation, remain an open challenge. That is due to nonlinearity of governing equations, whose solutions are highly non-Gaussian and often discontinuous. To ameliorate these issues in a computationally efficient way, we use the method of distributions, which here takes the form of a deterministic equation for spatiotemporal evolution of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the random system state, as a means of forward uncertainty propagation. Uncertainty reduction is achieved by recasting the standard loss function, i.e., discrepancy between observations and model predictions, in distributional terms. This step exploits the equivalence between minimization of the square error discrepancy and the Kullback-Leibler divergence. The loss function is regularized by adding a Lagrangian constraint enforcing fulfillment of the CDF equation. Minimization is performed sequentially, progressively updating the parameters of the CDF equation as more measurements are assimilated.


Efficient Characterization of Dynamic Response Variation Using Multi-Fidelity Data Fusion through Composite Neural Network. (arXiv:2005.03213v1 [stat.ML])

Uncertainties in a structure is inevitable, which generally lead to variation in dynamic response predictions. For a complex structure, brute force Monte Carlo simulation for response variation analysis is infeasible since one single run may already be computationally costly. Data driven meta-modeling approaches have thus been explored to facilitate efficient emulation and statistical inference. The performance of a meta-model hinges upon both the quality and quantity of training dataset. In actual practice, however, high-fidelity data acquired from high-dimensional finite element simulation or experiment are generally scarce, which poses significant challenge to meta-model establishment. In this research, we take advantage of the multi-level response prediction opportunity in structural dynamic analysis, i.e., acquiring rapidly a large amount of low-fidelity data from reduced-order modeling, and acquiring accurately a small amount of high-fidelity data from full-scale finite element analysis. Specifically, we formulate a composite neural network fusion approach that can fully utilize the multi-level, heterogeneous datasets obtained. It implicitly identifies the correlation of the low- and high-fidelity datasets, which yields improved accuracy when compared with the state-of-the-art. Comprehensive investigations using frequency response variation characterization as case example are carried out to demonstrate the performance.


Convergence and inference for mixed Poisson random sums. (arXiv:2005.03187v1 [math.PR])

In this paper we obtain the limit distribution for partial sums with a random number of terms following a class of mixed Poisson distributions. The resulting weak limit is a mixing between a normal distribution and an exponential family, which we call by normal exponential family (NEF) laws. A new stability concept is introduced and a relationship between {alpha}-stable distributions and NEF laws is established. We propose estimation of the parameters of the NEF models through the method of moments and also by the maximum likelihood method, which is performed via an Expectation-Maximization algorithm. Monte Carlo simulation studies are addressed to check the performance of the proposed estimators and an empirical illustration on financial market is presented.


On the Optimality of Randomization in Experimental Design: How to Randomize for Minimax Variance and Design-Based Inference. (arXiv:2005.03151v1 [stat.ME])

I study the minimax-optimal design for a two-arm controlled experiment where conditional mean outcomes may vary in a given set. When this set is permutation symmetric, the optimal design is complete randomization, and using a single partition (i.e., the design that only randomizes the treatment labels for each side of the partition) has minimax risk larger by a factor of $n-1$. More generally, the optimal design is shown to be the mixed-strategy optimal design (MSOD) of Kallus (2018). Notably, even when the set of conditional mean outcomes has structure (i.e., is not permutation symmetric), being minimax-optimal for variance still requires randomization beyond a single partition. Nonetheless, since this targets precision, it may still not ensure sufficient uniformity in randomization to enable randomization (i.e., design-based) inference by Fisher's exact test to appropriately detect violations of null. I therefore propose the inference-constrained MSOD, which is minimax-optimal among all designs subject to such uniformity constraints. On the way, I discuss Johansson et al. (2020) who recently compared rerandomization of Morgan and Rubin (2012) and the pure-strategy optimal design (PSOD) of Kallus (2018). I point out some errors therein and set straight that randomization is minimax-optimal and that the "no free lunch" theorem and example in Kallus (2018) are correct.


Call for nominations: NSW Premier’s History Awards 2020

Wednesday 19 February 2020
The State Library announces the opening of nominations for the NSW Premier’s History Awards 2020.



Shortlists announced for 2020 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards

Friday 20 March 2020
Contemporary works by leading and emerging Australian writers have been shortlisted for the 2020 NSW Premier's Literary Awards, the State Library of NSW announced today.


2020 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards announced

Sunday 26 April 2020
A total of $295,000 awarded across 12 prize categories. 


Add your entry to the great pandemic diary of 2020

Monday 4 May 2020
The State Library wants to capture the thoughts and feelings of the State via a new diary sharing platform launched TODAY.


Flexible Imputation of Missing Data (2nd Edition)


mgm: Estimating Time-Varying Mixed Graphical Models in High-Dimensional Data

We present the R package mgm for the estimation of k-order mixed graphical models (MGMs) and mixed vector autoregressive (mVAR) models in high-dimensional data. These are a useful extensions of graphical models for only one variable type, since data sets consisting of mixed types of variables (continuous, count, categorical) are ubiquitous. In addition, we allow to relax the stationarity assumption of both models by introducing time-varying versions of MGMs and mVAR models based on a kernel weighting approach. Time-varying models offer a rich description of temporally evolving systems and allow to identify external influences on the model structure such as the impact of interventions. We provide the background of all implemented methods and provide fully reproducible examples that illustrate how to use the package.


lslx: Semi-Confirmatory Structural Equation Modeling via Penalized Likelihood

Sparse estimation via penalized likelihood (PL) is now a popular approach to learn the associations among a large set of variables. This paper describes an R package called lslx that implements PL methods for semi-confirmatory structural equation modeling (SEM). In this semi-confirmatory approach, each model parameter can be specified as free/fixed for theory testing, or penalized for exploration. By incorporating either a L1 or minimax concave penalty, the sparsity pattern of the parameter matrix can be efficiently explored. Package lslx minimizes the PL criterion through a quasi-Newton method. The algorithm conducts line search and checks the first-order condition in each iteration to ensure the optimality of the obtained solution. A numerical comparison between competing packages shows that lslx can reliably find PL estimates with the least time. The current package also supports other advanced functionalities, including a two-stage method with auxiliary variables for missing data handling and a reparameterized multi-group SEM to explore population heterogeneity.


Semi-Parametric Joint Modeling of Survival and Longitudinal Data: The R Package JSM

This paper is devoted to the R package JSM which performs joint statistical modeling of survival and longitudinal data. In biomedical studies it has been increasingly common to collect both baseline and longitudinal covariates along with a possibly censored survival time. Instead of analyzing the survival and longitudinal outcomes separately, joint modeling approaches have attracted substantive attention in the recent literature and have been shown to correct biases from separate modeling approaches and enhance information. Most existing approaches adopt a linear mixed effects model for the longitudinal component and the Cox proportional hazards model for the survival component. We extend the Cox model to a more general class of transformation models for the survival process, where the baseline hazard function is completely unspecified leading to semiparametric survival models. We also offer a non-parametric multiplicative random effects model for the longitudinal process in JSM in addition to the linear mixed effects model. In this paper, we present the joint modeling framework that is implemented in JSM, as well as the standard error estimation methods, and illustrate the package with two real data examples: a liver cirrhosis data and a Mayo Clinic primary biliary cirrhosis data.


ManifoldOptim: An R Interface to the ROPTLIB Library for Riemannian Manifold Optimization

Manifold optimization appears in a wide variety of computational problems in the applied sciences. In recent statistical methodologies such as sufficient dimension reduction and regression envelopes, estimation relies on the optimization of likelihood functions over spaces of matrices such as the Stiefel or Grassmann manifolds. Recently, Huang, Absil, Gallivan, and Hand (2016) have introduced the library ROPTLIB, which provides a framework and state of the art algorithms to optimize real-valued objective functions over commonly used matrix-valued Riemannian manifolds. This article presents ManifoldOptim, an R package that wraps the C++ library ROPTLIB. ManifoldOptim enables users to access functionality in ROPTLIB through R so that optimization problems can easily be constructed, solved, and integrated into larger R codes. Computationally intensive problems can be programmed with Rcpp and RcppArmadillo, and otherwise accessed through R. We illustrate the practical use of ManifoldOptim through several motivating examples involving dimension reduction and envelope methods in regression.


The archaeology of monastic healing: spirit, mind and body

The next seminar in the 2017–18 History of Pre-Modern Medicine seminar series takes place on Tuesday 21 November. Speaker: Professor Roberta Gilchrist (University of Reading), ‘The archaeology of monastic healing: spirit, mind and body’ This paper highlights the potential of archaeology to… Continue reading


History of Pre-Modern Medicine Seminar Series, Spring 2018

The History of Pre-Modern Medicine seminar series returns this month. The 2017–18 series – organised by a group of historians of medicine based at London universities and hosted by the Wellcome Library – will conclude with four seminars. The series… Continue reading


2020 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards announced

A total of $295,000 awarded across 12 prize categories.


Wood microbiology : decay and its prevention

Zabel, R. A. (Robert A.), author
9780128205730 (electronic bk.)


Upper extremity injuries in young athletes

9783319566511 (electronic bk.)


Tumor microenvironments in organs : from the brain to the skin.

9783030362140 (electronic bk.)


Tumor microenvironment : hematopoietic cells.

9783030357238 (electronic bk.)


Tumor microenvironment : signaling pathways.

9783030355821 (electronic bk.)


Tumor microenvironment : the main driver of metabolic adaptation

9783030340254 (electronic bk.)


Transgender and gender nonconforming health and aging

9783319950310 (electronic bk.)