
The life story of Sir Charles Tilston Bright, civil engineer: with which is incorporated the story of the Atlantic cable, and the first telegraph to India and the colonies / by Charles Bright

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5611.B85 1910


Genealogy of some of the Vail family descended from Thomas Vail at Salem, Massachusetts, 1640: together with collateral lines / by Wm. Penn Vail

Archives, Room Use Only - CS71.V129 1937


Utility of wires: office superintendent of telegraph / Philadelphia, Pa., January 1, 1909

Archives, Room Use Only - TF627.P46 1909


The secret corresponding vocabulary: adapted for use to Morse's electro-magnetic telegraph, and also in conducting written correspondence, transmitted by the mails, or otherwise / by Francis O.J. Smith, Esq

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7673.S65 1845


Radio's 100 men of science: biographical narratives of pathfinders in electronics and television / Orrin E. Dunlap, Jr

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6545.A1 D86 1944


Regulations for United States military telegraph lines, Alaskan cables, and wireless telegraph stations, U.S. Signal Corps / prepared under the direction of Brigadier General James Allen, Chief Signal Officer of the Army, 1911

Archives, Room Use Only - UG603.A76 1912


The legacy of William R. Plum: Civil War telegrapher, lawyer, and horticulturist / by Gerry Rader Watts

Archives, Room Use Only - E608.P73 W38 1999


Constitution of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers: revised and amended at the twenty-fifth regular and second triennial session of the Grand Division, held at St. Louis, Mo., May, 1927.

Archives, Room Use Only - HD6515.T252 O73 1927


Autobiographical and other writings / by Alan A. Campbell Swinton

Archives, Room Use Only - Q171.S95 1930


Cyrus W. Field: his life and work (1819-1892) / edited by Isabella Field Judson

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5611.F5 J83 1896


James Bowman Lindsay and other pioneers of invention / by A.H. Millar ; with a foreword by Senatore Marconi

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6545.L4 M55 1925


The electrical educator: a comprehensive, practical and authoritative guide for all engaged in the electrical industry / edited by Sir Ambrose Fleming ... assisted by a large number of specialist contributors

Archives, Room Use Only - TK9.F54 1931


Buell's mercantile cypher for condensing telegrams: relating to foreign news, market reports, financial matters, contracts, commissions, shipping, purchase and sales: quotations of stocks and securities, personal matters, etc., etc. ... / by J.S. Buel

Archives, Room Use Only - Z104.B84 1860


The A.B.C. of wireless telegraphy: a plain treatise on Hertzian wave signaling, embracing theory, methods of operation, and how to build various pieces of the apparatus employed / by Edward Trevert [pseud.]

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5741.T74 1902


The first book of codes and ciphers / by Sam and Beryl Epstein ; pictures by Laszlo Roth

Archives, Room Use Only - Z103.3.E67 1956


Telecommunications: economics and regulation / by James M. Herring and Gerald C. Gross

Archives, Room Use Only - HE206.H47 1974


Electricity: the science of the nineteenth century, a sketch for general readers / by E.M. Caillard

Archives, Room Use Only - QC527.C13 1891b


La découverte de l'électromagnétisme faite en 1820 / par J.-C. Œrsted ; publication aux frais du Trésor pour le Comité J.-C. Œrsted, par Absalon Larsen

Archives, Room Use Only - QC517.O25 1920


Les buttes et la télégraphie optique / par le commandant de Rochas, correspondant du Ministère de l'instruction publique a Blois

Archives, Room Use Only - UG582.V5 R63 1886


Wireless telegraphy and telephony without wires: a popular account of the past and present of wireless telegraphy and telephony which assumes no previous knowledge of the subject on the part of the reader / by Charles R. Gibson

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5745.G53 1914


The first battalion: the story of the 406th telegraph battalion, Signal Corps, U.S. Army / by Peter Lambert Schauble

Archives, Room Use Only - D570.346 406th.S33 1921


Moses Vail of Huntington, L.I.: showing his descent from Joseph (2) Vail, son of Thomas Vail, at Salem, Massachusetts, 1640, together with collateral lines and with additions and corrections to both H.H. Vail's "Jeremiah Vail family" (pub. 1

Archives, Room Use Only - CS71.V129 1947


Les grands inventeurs modernes: télégraphie: Amontons, Chappe, Ampère, Morse, Babinet, Sudre / par Mme la Csse Drohojowska (née Symon de Latreiche)

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5241.D76 1880b


By telegraph / by J. Maclaren Cobban

Archives, Room Use Only - PR4461.C2 B98 1890z


Travel and adventure in the territory of Alaska, formerly Russian America--now ceded to the United States--and in various other parts of the north Pacific / by Frederick Whymper

Archives, Room Use Only - F908.W59 1869


Signalling: Morse, semaphore station work, despatch riding, telephone cables, map reading / written by an officer of the Regular Army and edited by Captain E.J. Solano

Archives, Room Use Only - UG580.S65 1916


La télégraphie sans fil: la télémécanique et la téléphonie sans fil à la portée de tout le monde / par E. Monier ; préface du Dr. E. Branly

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5745.M66 1918


The thorough cipher code for telegraphing and for written communications where secrecy is desirable: a carefully compiled arrangement of ciphers and commercial and general meanings: with easy methods for the largest possible use of condensed material and

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7669.B87 1891


La T.S.F. des amateurs: télégraphie, téléphonie: manuel pour la construction et l'utilisation des appareils récepteurs de télégraphie sans fil par ondes amorties et par ondes entretenues et des appareils de tél&

Archives, Room Use Only - TK9946.D87 1923


Kleine Telegraphen-Schule für jüngere Post- und Telegraphenbeamte: ein hilfsbuch zum Selbstunterricht behufs Erlangung der Befähigung zur selbständigen Wahrnehmung des technischen Telegraphendienstes und zur Vorbereitung auf die Postas

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.K54 1917


Le cable transatlantique / par E. Cézanne

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5611.C49 1867


Laird & Lee's vest-pocket practical compend of electricity: thorough instruction in theory and application / by Prof. James A. Beaton

Archives, Room Use Only - TK151.B43 1901


Chapman's principia, or, Nature's first principles: theory of universal electro-magnetism, simplified: explaining the elements of the important discovery of the laws of nature, which regulate the changes of the elements: exposing the numerous disc

Archives, Room Use Only - QC670.C43 1855


American telegraphy after 100 years: a compilation / by the Committee on Technical Publication

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5123.A44 1944


Extrait des règlements généraux applicable sur les réseaux Est, Êtat, P.L.M., P.O.: extract from general regulations in effect on the Est, Etat, P.L.M., P.O. railways: for the use of members of the Transportation Department engag

Archives, Room Use Only - TF559.E98 1918


La télégraphie sans fil / par A. Berget

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5745.B47 1921


Popular lectures and addresses / by Sir William Thomson

Archives, Room Use Only - Q171.K29 1891


Telegraphy and telephony with railroad applications / by Charles Stanley Rhoads ; a description of the fundamentals of telegraphy and telephony and of the organization, outside and inside plant, apparatus, circuits and methods of operation, engineering a

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.R46 1924


A history of inventions, discoveries, and origins / by John Beckmann ; translated from the German by William Johnston

Archives, Room Use Only - T15.B3813 1846


Rate book: legal reserve class / Mutual Benefit Department of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers

Archives, Room Use Only - HG8853.R38 1936


Handbuch der drahtlosen Telegraphie und Telephonie: ein Lehr- und Nachschlagebuch der drahtlosen Nachrichtenübermittlung / von Eugen Nesper

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5741.N47 1921


The Phillips code: a thoroughly tested method of shorthand arranged for telegraphic purposes, and contemplating the rapid transmission of press reports: also intended to be used as an easily acquired method for general newspaper and court reporting / by W

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7669.P55 1925


One hundred years: the story of Henley's / by Ernest Slater

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5157.S53 1937


Rules and regulations for the government of employees of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co.: to take effect January 1st, 1876: approved by the President.

Archives, Room Use Only - HE2791.P55 P55 1875


Télégraphie électrique: guide pratique pour l'emploi de l'appareil Morse: suivi du service de l'appareil a cadran et des indications relatives a l'entretien des piles (orné de soixante-huit dessins sur bois par l'au

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5263.H68 1878


Kleine Telegraphen-Schule für Postanwärter und Postgehülfen: ein Hülfsbuch zum Selbstunterricht behufs Erlangung des Befähigungs-Zeugnisses für den technischen Telegraphendienst bei vereinigten Verkehrsämtern: mit 100 er

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.K54 1897


Centenary of the Netherlands Telegraph Service: exhibition at The Hague, July 19th through September 28th, 1952: bulletin of the Organizing Committee.

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7045.C46 1952


Kabelabschluss- und Verzweigereinrichtungen.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5481.K33 1934


Handbook for wireless telegraph operators working installations licensed by His Majesty's Postmaster-General: revised in accordance with the Radiotelegraph Convention of London, 1912.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5743.G74 1915


Newly invented portable field telegraph: with an illustration of the principle of its construction and directions for use: also containing the vocabulary of the several characters formed / invented and arranged by A.W. Sleigh

Archives, Room Use Only - UG590.S54 1838